cv::Mat sg::padKernelFFT( cv::Mat const & input, cv::Size const & paddedSize )
  cv::Mat result = cv::Mat::zeros( paddedSize, input.type() );

  // Get the 4 quadrants of the input kernel
  int hwx = input.cols / 2;
  int hwy = input.rows / 2;
  int px = hwx;
  int py = hwy;

  int fftW = paddedSize.width;
  int fftH = paddedSize.height;

  if( input.cols %2 != 0 )

  if( input.rows % 2 != 0 )

  cv::Mat  q0( input, cv::Rect( 0, 0, px, py ) );
  cv::Mat q02( result, cv::Rect( fftW - px, fftH - py, px, py ) );

  cv::Mat  q1( input, cv::Rect( px, 0, hwx, py ) );
  cv::Mat q12( result, cv::Rect( 0, fftH - py, hwx, py ) );

  cv::Mat  q2( input, cv::Rect( 0, py, px, hwy ) );
  cv::Mat q22( result, cv::Rect( fftW - px, 0, px, hwy ) );

  cv::Mat  q3( input, cv::Rect( px, py, hwx, hwy ) );
  cv::Mat q32( result, cv::Rect( 0, 0, hwx, hwy ) );

  q0.copyTo( q02 );
  q1.copyTo( q12 );
  q2.copyTo( q22 );
  q3.copyTo( q32 );

  // if our filter doesn't have real and complex components, make the complex part zeros
  if( result.channels() < 2 )
    cv::Mat planes[] = { result, cv::Mat::zeros( result.size(), CV_32F ) };
    cv::merge( planes, 2, result );

  return result;
void sg::fftshift( cv::Mat & src )
  // If even we can just pivot around the center pixel
  // if odd, we pivot around center + (1,1)
  // quadrants arranged q0 q1
  //                    q2 q3
  // q0 is located at (0, 0) with width px, height py
  // q1 is located at (px, 0) with width hw, height py
  // q2 is located at (0, py) with width px, height hw
  // q3 is located at (px, py) with width hw, height hw
  int hwx = src.cols / 2;
  int hwy = src.rows / 2;
  int px = hwx;
  int py = hwy;

  if( src.cols %2 != 0 )

  if( src.rows % 2 != 0 )

  cv::Mat  q0( src, cv::Rect( 0, 0, px, py ) );
  cv::Mat q02( src, cv::Rect( hwx, hwy, px, py ) );

  cv::Mat  q1( src, cv::Rect( px, 0, hwx, py ) );
  cv::Mat q12( src, cv::Rect( 0, hwy, hwx, py ) );

  cv::Mat  q2( src, cv::Rect( 0, py, px, hwy ) );
  cv::Mat q22( src, cv::Rect( hwx, 0, px, hwy ) );

  cv::Mat  q3( src, cv::Rect( px, py, hwx, hwy ) );
  cv::Mat q32( src, cv::Rect( 0, 0, hwx, hwy ) );

  // q0 is the biggest segment and might overlap with
  // everything else so it gets done last, we hold it in tmp
  cv::Mat tmpq0, tmpq2;
  q0.copyTo( tmpq0 );
  q2.copyTo( tmpq2 );

  q3.copyTo( q32 );
  q1.copyTo( q12 );
  tmpq2.copyTo( q22 );
  tmpq0.copyTo( q02 );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void solveIK(const AwPoint &startJointPos,
			 const AwPoint &midJointPos,
			 const AwPoint &effectorPos,
			 const AwPoint &handlePos,
			 const AwVector &poleVector,
			 double twistValue,
			 AwQuaternion &qStart,
			 AwQuaternion &qMid)
// This is method that actually computes the IK solution.
	// vector from startJoint to midJoint
	AwVector vector1 = midJointPos - startJointPos;
	// vector from midJoint to effector
	AwVector vector2 = effectorPos - midJointPos;
	// vector from startJoint to handle
	AwVector vectorH = handlePos - startJointPos;
	// vector from startJoint to effector
	AwVector vectorE = effectorPos - startJointPos;
	// lengths of those vectors
	double length1 = vector1.length();
	double length2 = vector2.length();
	double lengthH = vectorH.length();
	// component of the vector1 orthogonal to the vectorE
	AwVector vectorO =
		vector1 - vectorE*((vector1*vectorE)/(vectorE*vectorE));

	// calculate q12 which solves for the midJoint rotation
	// angle between vector1 and vector2
	double vectorAngle12 = vector1.angle(vector2);
	// vector orthogonal to vector1 and 2
	AwVector vectorCross12 = vector1^vector2;
	double lengthHsquared = lengthH*lengthH;
	// angle for arm extension 
	double cos_theta = 
		(lengthHsquared - length1*length1 - length2*length2)
	if (cos_theta > 1) 
		cos_theta = 1;
	else if (cos_theta < -1) 
		cos_theta = -1;
	double theta = acos(cos_theta);
	// quaternion for arm extension
	AwQuaternion q12(theta - vectorAngle12, vectorCross12);
	// calculate qEH which solves for effector rotating onto the handle
	// vector2 with quaternion q12 applied
	vector2 = vector2.rotateBy(q12);
	// vectorE with quaternion q12 applied
	vectorE = vector1 + vector2;
	// quaternion for rotating the effector onto the handle
	AwQuaternion qEH(vectorE, vectorH);

	// calculate qNP which solves for the rotate plane
	// vector1 with quaternion qEH applied
	vector1 = vector1.rotateBy(qEH);
	if (vector1.isParallel(vectorH))
		// singular case, use orthogonal component instead
		vector1 = vectorO.rotateBy(qEH);
	// quaternion for rotate plane
	AwQuaternion qNP;
	if (!poleVector.isParallel(vectorH) && (lengthHsquared != 0)) {
		// component of vector1 orthogonal to vectorH
		AwVector vectorN = 
			vector1 - vectorH*((vector1*vectorH)/lengthHsquared);
		// component of pole vector orthogonal to vectorH
		AwVector vectorP = 
			poleVector - vectorH*((poleVector*vectorH)/lengthHsquared);
		double dotNP = (vectorN*vectorP)/(vectorN.length()*vectorP.length());
		if (absoluteValue(dotNP + 1.0) < kEpsilon) {
			// singular case, rotate halfway around vectorH
			AwQuaternion qNP1(kPi, vectorH);
			qNP = qNP1;
		else {
			AwQuaternion qNP2(vectorN, vectorP);
			qNP = qNP2;

	// calculate qTwist which adds the twist
	AwQuaternion qTwist(twistValue, vectorH);

	// quaternion for the mid joint
	qMid = q12;	
	// concatenate the quaternions for the start joint
	qStart = qEH*qNP*qTwist;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ik2Bsolver::solveIK(const MPoint &startJointPos,
                         const MPoint &midJointPos,
                         const MPoint &effectorPos,
                         const MPoint &handlePos,
                         const MVector &poleVector,
                         double twistValue,
                         MQuaternion &qStart,
                         MQuaternion &qMid,
                         const double & softDistance,
						 const double & restLength1,
						 const double & restLength2,
						 double & stretching)
// This is method that actually computes the IK solution.
        // vector from startJoint to midJoint
        MVector vector1 = midJointPos - startJointPos; vector1 = vector1.normal() * restLength1;
        // vector from midJoint to effector
        MVector vector2 = effectorPos - midJointPos; vector2 = vector2.normal() * restLength2;
        // vector from startJoint to handle
        MVector vectorH = handlePos - startJointPos;
        // vector from startJoint to effector
        MVector vectorE = effectorPos - startJointPos;
        // lengths of those vectors
        const double length1 = restLength1;
        const double length2 = restLength2;
        const double lengthH = vectorH.length();
        // component of the vector1 orthogonal to the vectorE
        const MVector vectorO =
                vector1 - vectorE*((vector1*vectorE)/(vectorE*vectorE));
        // calculate q12 which solves for the midJoint rotation
        // angle between vector1 and vector2
        const double vectorAngle12 = vector1.angle(vector2);
        // vector orthogonal to vector1 and 2
        const MVector vectorCross12 = vector1^vector2;
        const double lengthHsquared = lengthH * lengthH;
		double weight = 0.0;
		double slowLH = lengthH;// / (1.0 + (6.8 - softDistance) / (restLength1 + restLength2));
		const double da = restLength1 + restLength2 - softDistance;

		if(slowLH > da) {
		    float s = (slowLH - da) / softDistance;
		    if(s> 1.f) s= 1.f;
		    Vector3F pt = m_herm.interpolate(s);
		    // MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("herm ")+ pt.y);
// approading l1+l2 slower 
			weight = 1.0 - exp(-(slowLH - da) / softDistance * 6.98);
			weight = pt.y * weight + (1.f - pt.y) * s;
			slowLH = da + softDistance * weight;

			// MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("wei ")+weight);

//           1
//        /    \
//  l1  /        \ l2
//    /            \	     ---l1---1 ---l2---
//  0 ------ l ------ 2     0 ------ l ------- 2
// angle for arm extension		
		double cos_theta = (slowLH * slowLH - length1*length1 - length2*length2) / (2*length1*length2);
		if (cos_theta > 1) 
                cos_theta = 1;
        else if (cos_theta < -1) 
                cos_theta = -1;
        const double theta = acos(cos_theta);

        // quaternion for arm extension
        MQuaternion q12(theta - vectorAngle12, vectorCross12);
        // calculate qEH which solves for effector rotating onto the handle
        // vector2 with quaternion q12 applied
        vector2 = vector2.rotateBy(q12);
        // vectorE with quaternion q12 applied
        vectorE = vector1 + vector2;
        // quaternion for rotating the effector onto the handle
        MQuaternion qEH(vectorE, vectorH);
		if(lengthH > vectorE.length()) {
			// MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("vle ")+(lengthH-vectorE.length()));
			stretching = (lengthH-vectorE.length()) * weight;
        // calculate qNP which solves for the rotate plane
        // vector1 with quaternion qEH applied
        vector1 = vector1.rotateBy(qEH);
        if (vector1.isParallel(vectorH))
                // singular case, use orthogonal component instead
                vector1 = vectorO.rotateBy(qEH);
        // quaternion for rotate plane
        MQuaternion qNP;
        if (!poleVector.isParallel(vectorH) && (lengthHsquared != 0)) {
                // component of vector1 orthogonal to vectorH
                MVector vectorN = 
                        vector1 - vectorH*((vector1*vectorH)/lengthHsquared);
                // component of pole vector orthogonal to vectorH
                MVector vectorP = 
                        poleVector - vectorH*((poleVector*vectorH)/lengthHsquared);
                double dotNP = (vectorN*vectorP)/(vectorN.length()*vectorP.length());
                if (absoluteValue(dotNP + 1.0) < kEpsilon) {
                        // singular case, rotate halfway around vectorH
                        MQuaternion qNP1(kPi, vectorH);
                        qNP = qNP1;
                else {
                        MQuaternion qNP2(vectorN, vectorP);
                        qNP = qNP2;

        // calculate qTwist which adds the twist
        MQuaternion qTwist(twistValue, vectorH);
		// quaternion for the mid joint
        qMid = q12;     
        // concatenate the quaternions for the start joint
        qStart = qEH*qNP*qTwist;