Ejemplo n.º 1
void display_scene(int argc, char* argv[])
  typedef mms::Mms_path_planner_example<>   Planner;

  //loading files from configuration file
  Time_manager tm;
  Environment<> env(argc,argv);
  tm.write_time_log(std::string("set environment"));

  //loading scene from environment
  Planner::Polygon_vec&       workspace(env.get_workspace());
  Planner::Extended_polygon   my_robot(env.get_robot_a());	

  //load query
  Planner::Reference_point q_s (env.get_source_configuration_a());
  Planner::Reference_point q_t (env.get_target_configurations().front());

  global_graphics->draw_polygons<Planner::K> (workspace, BLUE);
  global_graphics->draw_polygon<Planner::K> (my_robot.get_absolute_polygon(), GREEN);
  global_graphics->draw_polygon<Planner::K> (my_robot.get_absolute_polygon(), RED);
 * This method gets the markers information and it detects if the desire market is inside the list of markets detected.
 * If the marker is detected, then it is calculate the position respect the frame of reference.
bool NodeLandmarkGlobalLocalization::getRobotPosition(ar_track_alvar_msgs::AlvarMarker marker, tf::TransformListener *listener, float *counter,float *positions_x,float *positions_y,float *positions_yaw_x,float *positions_yaw_y){
	if(marker.id == 3){
			geometry_msgs::PoseStamped temp_pose;
			geometry_msgs::PoseStamped base_pose;
			temp_pose.header = marker.header;
			temp_pose.pose = marker.pose.pose;
			tf::Quaternion q_t(base_pose.pose.orientation.x,base_pose.pose.orientation.y,base_pose.pose.orientation.z,base_pose.pose.orientation.w);
			tf::Matrix3x3 m(q_t);
			double roll, pitch, yaw;
			m.getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
			*positions_x = base_pose.pose.position.x;
			*positions_y = base_pose.pose.position.y;
			//Decomposition of the angle in two components x and y
			*positions_yaw_x = cosf(yaw);
			*positions_yaw_y = sinf(yaw);
			return true;
			//std::cout<<"Info camera x \n"<<position_robot<<std::endl;
		}catch(tf::TransformException& ex){
			ROS_ERROR("Received an exception trying to transform a point from \"base_laser\" to \"base_link\": %s", ex.what());
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void single_robot_planner_example(int argc, char* argv[])
  typedef mms::Mms_path_planner_example<>             Planner;
  typedef Motion_sequence_gui_converter<Planner::K>   Converter;

  //loading files from configuration file
  Time_manager tm;
  Environment<> env(argc,argv);
  tm.write_time_log(std::string("set environment"));

  //loading scene from environment
  Planner::Polygon_vec&       workspace(env.get_workspace());
  Planner::Extended_polygon   my_robot(env.get_robot_a());	
  //initialize the planner and preprocess 
  Planner planner(workspace, my_robot);    
  //load query
  Planner::Reference_point q_s (env.get_source_configuration_a());
  Planner::Reference_point q_t (env.get_target_configurations().front());

  //perform query
  Motion_sequence<Planner::K> motion_sequence;
  bool found_path = planner.query(q_s, q_t, motion_sequence);

  if (!found_path)
    std::cout<<"no path found :-("<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"path found :-)"<<std::endl;

  //example of how to create a path that can be loaded by the GUI
  if (found_path)
    Converter::Path_3d path;
    Converter converter;
    converter(motion_sequence, std::back_inserter(path));

    ofstream os("path.txt");
    os <<path.size()<<std::endl;
    for (unsigned int i(0); i < path.size(); ++i)
      if (i == 0)

        os  << path[i].x <<" " << path[i].y <<" " << path[i].t <<" "
            << CGAL::to_double(q_t.get_location().x()) <<" " //we place the second robot at the target for ease of visualization
            << CGAL::to_double(q_t.get_location().y()) <<" " //we place the second robot at the target for ease of visualization
            << q_t.get_rotation().to_angle()                 //we place the second robot at the target for ease of visualization
      else //i >0
        os  << path[i].x <<" " << path[i].y <<" " << path[i].t <<" "  //first robot location
            << 0 <<" " << 0 <<" " << 0 <<" "                          //second robot is static
            << 2                                                      //speed is arbitrarily chosen to be 2