Ejemplo n.º 1
// check and send to the remote server the specified stub
// do it only if its crc does not match the specified crc
// this function runs on the local machine with ida interface
static uchar *sync_stub(const char *fname, uint32 crc, size_t *psize)
  char path[QMAXPATH];
  bool told = false;
  if ( getsysfile(path, sizeof(path), fname, NULL) != NULL )
    linput_t *li = open_linput(path, false);
    if ( li != NULL )
      int32 size = qlsize(li);
      if ( size > 0 )
        uchar *buf = qnewarray(uchar, size);
        if ( buf != NULL )
          if ( qlread(li, buf, size) == size )
            if ( calc_crc32(0, buf, size) != crc )
              *psize = size;
              return buf;
              msg("Kernel debugger stub is up to date...\n");
              told = true;
              *psize = 1;       // signal ok
  if ( !told )
    warning("AUTOHIDE NONE\nCould not find/read debugger stub %s", fname);
  return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void read_fixup(linput_t *li)
  fixup fix;
  const int size = offsetof(fixup, fixups);
  lread(li, &fix, size);
  uint32 fptr = qltell(li);
  ea_t sea = getsea(fix.where_IN);
  if ( sea != BADADDR )
    uchar *b = qnewarray(uchar, fix.length);
    if ( b == NULL ) nomem("read_fixup");
    lread(li, b, fix.length);

//    show_hex(b, fix.length, "\nFIXUP SEG %04X, %04X BYTES, KIND %02X\n",
//                  fix.where_IN,
//                  fix.length,
//                  b[0]);

    const uchar *ptr = b;
    const uchar *end = b + fix.length;
    while ( ptr < end )
      fixup_data_t fd;
      uint32 where_offset = 0;
      uint32 what_offset = 0;
      ushort what_in = 9;
      bool selfrel = false;
      bool isfar = false;
      fd.type = FIXUP_OFF32;
      switch ( *ptr++ )
        case 0x2C:      // GEN
          isfar = true;
          ask_for_feedback("Untested relocation type");
        case 0x24:      // GEN
          where_offset = readdw(ptr, false);
          what_offset = readdw(ptr, false);
          what_in = (ushort)readdw(ptr, false);
        case 0x2D:
          isfar = true;
        case 0x25:      // INTRA
          where_offset = readdw(ptr, false);
          what_offset = readdw(ptr, false);
          what_in = fix.where_IN;
        case 0x2A:      // CALL
          where_offset = readdw(ptr, false);
          what_offset = 0;
          what_in = (ushort)readdw(ptr, false);
          selfrel = true;
        case 0x2E:      // OFF32?
          isfar = true;
        case 0x26:
          where_offset = readdw(ptr, false);
          what_offset = 0;
          what_in = (ushort)readdw(ptr, false);
          ask_for_feedback("Unknown relocation type %02X", ptr[-1]);
          add_pgm_cmt("!!! Unknown relocation type %02X", ptr[-1]);
      ea_t source = sea + where_offset;
      ea_t target = BADADDR;
      switch ( what_in >> 12 )
        case 0x02:      // segments
          target = getsea(what_in);
        case 0x06:      // externs
          target = xea + 4 * ((what_in & 0xFFF) - 1);
          fd.type |= FIXUP_EXTDEF;
          ask_for_feedback("Unknown relocation target %04X", what_in);
          add_pgm_cmt("!!! Unknown relocation target %04X", what_in);
      segment_t *ts = getseg(target);
      fd.sel = ts ? (ushort)ts->sel : 0;
      if ( (fd.type & FIXUP_EXTDEF) == 0 )
        target += what_offset;
        what_offset = 0;
      fd.off = target;
      fd.displacement = what_offset;
      target += what_offset;
      if ( selfrel )
        fd.type |= FIXUP_SELFREL;
        target -= source + 4;
      set_fixup(source, &fd);
      put_long(source, target);
      if ( isfar )
        fd.type = FIXUP_SEG16;
        set_fixup(source+4, &fd);
        put_word(source+4, fd.sel);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
  int i;
  fprintf(stderr,"ARM Library unpacker. Copyright 1997 by Ilfak Guilfanov. Version 1.00\n");
  if ( argc < 2 ) fatal("Usage: unlib libfile");
  FILE *fp = qfopen(infile,"rb");
  if ( fp == NULL ) fatal("Can't open library %s",infile);
  chunk_header_t hd;
  if ( qfread(fp, &hd, sizeof(hd)) != sizeof(hd)
        || (hd.ChunkFileId != AOF_MAGIC && hd.ChunkFileId != AOF_MAGIC_B) )
    fatal("Bad library format");
  if ( hd.ChunkFileId == AOF_MAGIC_B ) {            // BIG ENDIAN
    mf = 1;
    hd.max_chunks = swap(hd.max_chunks);
    hd.num_chunks = swap(hd.num_chunks);

  chunk_entry_t *ce = qnewarray(chunk_entry_t,size_t(hd.max_chunks));
  if ( ce == NULL ) nomem("chunk entries (%d)",size_t(hd.max_chunks));
  qfread(fp, ce, sizeof(chunk_entry_t)*size_t(hd.max_chunks));
  if ( mf ) for ( i=0; i < hd.max_chunks; i++ ) swap_chunk_entry(ce+i);

  int vrsn = -1;
  int diry = -1;
  int data = 0;
  for ( i=0; i < hd.max_chunks; i++ ) {
    if ( ce[i].file_offset == 0 ) continue;
    if ( strncmp(ce[i].chunkId,LIB_DIRY,sizeof(ce[i].chunkId)) == 0 ) diry = i;
    if ( strncmp(ce[i].chunkId,LIB_VRSN,sizeof(ce[i].chunkId)) == 0 ) vrsn = i;
    if ( strncmp(ce[i].chunkId,LIB_DATA,sizeof(ce[i].chunkId)) == 0 ) data++;
  if ( diry == -1 ) fatal("Can't find library directory!");
  if ( data == 0  ) fatal("No modules in the library!");
  if ( vrsn == -1 ) fatal("Can't determine library version!");
  ulong *version = (ulong *)read_chunk(fp,ce,vrsn);
  if ( mf ) *version = swap(*version);
  if ( *version != 1 ) fatal("Wrong library version (%ld)",*version);

  ulong *dir = (ulong *)read_chunk(fp,ce,diry);
  ulong *end = dir + size_t(ce[diry].size/4);
  while ( dir < end ) {
    ulong idx  = *dir++;
    /* ulong elen = */ *dir++;
    ulong dlen = *dir++;
    if ( mf ) {
      idx = swap(idx);
      dlen = swap(dlen);
    if ( idx != 0 ) {
      printf("%ld. %s\n",idx,dir);
      strncpy(modname,(char *)dir,sizeof(modname));
      modname[sizeof(modname)-1] = '\0';
      void *core = read_chunk(fp,ce,idx);
      outfp = qfopen(modname,"wb");
      if ( outfp == NULL ) {
        warning("Can't open output file %s",modname);
      } else {
    dir += size_t(dlen/4);

  return 0;