Ejemplo n.º 1
BookmarksDialog::BookmarksDialog( intf_thread_t *_p_intf ):QVLCFrame( _p_intf )
    setWindowFlags( Qt::Tool );
    setWindowOpacity( config_GetFloat( p_intf, "qt-opacity" ) );
    setWindowTitle( qtr( "Edit Bookmarks" ) );
    setWindowRole( "vlc-bookmarks" );

    QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout( this );

    QPushButton *addButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "Create" ) );
    addButton->setToolTip( qtr( "Create a new bookmark" ) );
    QPushButton *delButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "Delete" ) );
    delButton->setToolTip( qtr( "Delete the selected item" ) );
    QPushButton *clearButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "Clear" ) );
    clearButton->setToolTip( qtr( "Delete all the bookmarks" ) );
#if 0
    QPushButton *extractButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "Extract" ) );
    extractButton->setToolTip( qtr() );
    QPushButton *closeButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "&Close" ) );

    bookmarksList = new QTreeWidget( this );
    bookmarksList->setRootIsDecorated( false );
    bookmarksList->setAlternatingRowColors( true );
    bookmarksList->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection );
    bookmarksList->setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectRows );
    bookmarksList->setEditTriggers( QAbstractItemView::SelectedClicked );
    bookmarksList->setColumnCount( 3 );
    bookmarksList->resize( sizeHint() );

    QStringList headerLabels;
    headerLabels << qtr( "Description" );
    headerLabels << qtr( "Bytes" );
    headerLabels << qtr( "Time" );
    bookmarksList->setHeaderLabels( headerLabels );

    layout->addWidget( addButton, 0, 0 );
    layout->addWidget( delButton, 1, 0 );
    layout->addWidget( clearButton, 2, 0 );
    layout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding ), 4, 0 );
#if 0
    layout->addWidget( extractButton, 5, 0 );
    layout->addWidget( bookmarksList, 0, 1, 6, 2);
    layout->setColumnStretch( 1, 1 );
    layout->addWidget( closeButton, 7, 2 );

    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), bookmarksChanged(),
             this, update() );

    CONNECT( bookmarksList, activated( QModelIndex ), this,
             activateItem( QModelIndex ) );
    CONNECT( bookmarksList, itemChanged( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ),
             this, edit( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ) );

    BUTTONACT( addButton, add() );
    BUTTONACT( delButton, del() );
    BUTTONACT( clearButton, clear() );
#if 0
    BUTTONACT( extractButton, extract() );
    BUTTONACT( closeButton, close() );

    readSettings( "Bookmarks", QSize( 435, 280 ) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Fourth Panel - Stats
 * Displays the Statistics for reading/streaming/encoding/displaying in a tree
InputStatsPanel::InputStatsPanel( QWidget *parent ): QWidget( parent )
     QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);

     QLabel *topLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Current"
                 " media / stream " "statistics") );
     topLabel->setWordWrap( true );
     layout->addWidget( topLabel, 0, 0 );

     StatsTree = new QTreeWidget(this);
     StatsTree->setColumnCount( 3 );
     StatsTree->setHeaderHidden( true );

#define CREATE_TREE_ITEM( itemName, itemText, itemValue, unit ) {              \
    itemName =                                                                 \
      new QTreeWidgetItem((QStringList () << itemText << itemValue << unit )); \
    itemName->setTextAlignment( 1 , Qt::AlignRight ) ; }

#define CREATE_CATEGORY( catName, itemText ) {                           \
    CREATE_TREE_ITEM( catName, itemText , "", "" );                      \
    catName->setExpanded( true );                                        \
    StatsTree->addTopLevelItem( catName );    }

#define CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( itemName, itemText, itemValue, catName, unit ){ \
    CREATE_TREE_ITEM( itemName, itemText, itemValue, unit );                   \
    catName->addChild( itemName ); }

    /* Create the main categories */
    CREATE_CATEGORY( audio, qtr("Audio") );
    CREATE_CATEGORY( video, qtr("Video") );
    CREATE_CATEGORY( input, qtr("Input/Read") );
    CREATE_CATEGORY( streaming, qtr("Output/Written/Sent") );

    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( read_media_stat, qtr("Media data size"),
                           "0", input , "KiB" );
    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( input_bitrate_stat, qtr("Input bitrate"),
                           "0", input, "kb/s" );
    input_bitrate_graph = new QTreeWidgetItem();
    input_bitrate_stat->addChild( input_bitrate_graph );
    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( demuxed_stat, qtr("Demuxed data size"), "0", input, "KiB") ;
    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( stream_bitrate_stat, qtr("Content bitrate"),
                           "0", input, "kb/s" );
    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( corrupted_stat, qtr("Discarded (corrupted)"),
                           "0", input, "" );
    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( discontinuity_stat, qtr("Dropped (discontinued)"),
                           "0", input, "" );

    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( vdecoded_stat, qtr("Decoded"),
                           "0", video, qtr("blocks") );
    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( vdisplayed_stat, qtr("Displayed"),
                           "0", video, qtr("frames") );
    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( vlost_frames_stat, qtr("Lost"),
                           "0", video, qtr("frames") );

    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( send_stat, qtr("Sent"), "0", streaming, qtr("packets") );
    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( send_bytes_stat, qtr("Sent"),
                           "0", streaming, "KiB" );
    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( send_bitrate_stat, qtr("Upstream rate"),
                           "0", streaming, "kb/s" );

    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( adecoded_stat, qtr("Decoded"),
                           "0", audio, qtr("blocks") );
    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( aplayed_stat, qtr("Played"),
                           "0", audio, qtr("buffers") );
    CREATE_AND_ADD_TO_CAT( alost_stat, qtr("Lost"), "0", audio, qtr("buffers") );


    input->setExpanded( true );
    video->setExpanded( true );
    streaming->setExpanded( true );
    audio->setExpanded( true );

    StatsTree->resizeColumnToContents( 0 );
    StatsTree->setColumnWidth( 1 , 200 );

    layout->addWidget(StatsTree, 4, 0 );

    statsView = new VLCStatsView( this );
    statsView->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
    statsView->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
    input_bitrate_graph->setSizeHint( 1, QSize(0, 100) );
    QString graphlabel =
            QString( "<font style=\"color:#ff8c00\">%1</font><br/>%2" )
            .arg( qtr("Last 60 seconds") )
            .arg( qtr("Overall") );
    StatsTree->setItemWidget( input_bitrate_graph, 0, new QLabel( graphlabel ) );
    StatsTree->setItemWidget( input_bitrate_graph, 1, statsView );
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Play Button
void PlayButton::updateButtonIcons( bool b_playing )
    setIcon( b_playing ? QIcon( ":/toolbar/pause_b" ) : QIcon( ":/toolbar/play_b" ) );
    setToolTip( b_playing ? qtr( "Pause the playback" )
                          : qtr( I_PLAY_TOOLTIP ) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
VLMDialog::VLMDialog( intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) : QVLCDialog( (QWidget*)_p_intf->p_sys->p_mi, _p_intf )
    p_vlm = vlm_New( p_intf );

    if( !p_vlm )
        msg_Warn( p_intf, "Couldn't build VLM object ");
    vlmWrapper = new VLMWrapper( p_vlm );

    // UI stuff
    ui.setupUi( this );

#define ADDMEDIATYPES( str, type ) ui.mediaType->addItem( qtr( str ), QVariant( type ) );
    ADDMEDIATYPES( N_("Broadcast"), QVLM_Broadcast );
    ADDMEDIATYPES( N_("Schedule"), QVLM_Schedule );
    ADDMEDIATYPES( N_("Video On Demand ( VOD )"), QVLM_VOD );

    /* Schedule Stuffs */
    QGridLayout *schetimelayout = new QGridLayout( ui.schedBox );
    QLabel *schetimelabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Hours / Minutes / Seconds:" ) );
    schetimelayout->addWidget( schetimelabel, 0, 0 );
    QLabel *schedatelabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Day / Month / Year:" ) );
    schetimelayout->addWidget( schedatelabel, 1, 0 );
    QLabel *scherepeatLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Repeat:" ) );
    schetimelayout->addWidget( scherepeatLabel, 2, 0 );
    QLabel *scherepeatTimeLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Repeat delay:" ) );
    schetimelayout->addWidget( scherepeatTimeLabel, 3, 0 );

    time = new QDateTimeEdit( QTime::currentTime() );
    time->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
    time->setDisplayFormat( "hh:mm:ss" );
    schetimelayout->addWidget( time, 0, 1, 1, 3 );

    date = new QDateTimeEdit( QDate::currentDate() );
    date->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
    date->setCalendarPopup( true );
#ifdef WIN32
    date->setDisplayFormat( "dd MM yyyy" );
    date->setDisplayFormat( "dd MMMM yyyy" );
    schetimelayout->addWidget( date, 1, 1, 1, 3 );

    scherepeatnumber = new QSpinBox;
    scherepeatnumber->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
    schetimelayout->addWidget( scherepeatnumber, 2, 1, 1, 3 );

    repeatDays = new QSpinBox;
    repeatDays->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
    schetimelayout->addWidget( repeatDays, 3, 1, 1, 1 );
    repeatDays->setSuffix( qtr(" days") );

    repeatTime = new QDateTimeEdit;
    repeatTime->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
    schetimelayout->addWidget( repeatTime, 3, 2, 1, 2 );
    repeatTime->setDisplayFormat( "hh:mm:ss" );

    /* scrollArea */
    ui.vlmItemScroll->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
    ui.vlmItemScroll->setWidgetResizable( true );
    vlmItemWidget = new QWidget;
    vlmItemLayout = new QVBoxLayout( vlmItemWidget );
    vlmItemWidget->setLayout( vlmItemLayout );
    ui.vlmItemScroll->setWidget( vlmItemWidget );

    QSpacerItem *spacer =
        new QSpacerItem( 10, 10, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
    vlmItemLayout->addItem( spacer );

    QPushButton *importButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "I&mport" ) );
    ui.buttonBox->addButton( importButton, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole );

    QPushButton *exportButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "E&xport" ) );
    ui.buttonBox->addButton( exportButton, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole );

    QPushButton *closeButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "&Close" ) );
    ui.buttonBox->addButton( closeButton, QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole );

    showScheduleWidget( QVLM_Broadcast );

    /* Connect the comboBox to show the right Widgets */
    CONNECT( ui.mediaType, currentIndexChanged( int ),
             this, showScheduleWidget( int ) );

    /* Connect the leftList to show the good VLMItem */
    CONNECT( ui.vlmListItem, currentRowChanged( int ),
             this, selectVLMItem( int ) );

    BUTTONACT( closeButton, close() );
    BUTTONACT( exportButton, exportVLMConf() );
    BUTTONACT( importButton, importVLMConf() );
    BUTTONACT( ui.addButton, addVLMItem() );
    BUTTONACT( ui.clearButton, clearWidgets() );
    BUTTONACT( ui.saveButton, saveModifications() );
    BUTTONACT( ui.inputButton, selectInput() );
    BUTTONACT( ui.outputButton, selectOutput() );

    if( !restoreGeometry( getSettings()->value("VLM/geometry").toByteArray() ) )
        resize( QSize( 700, 500 ) );
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Speed control widget
SpeedControlWidget::SpeedControlWidget( intf_thread_t *_p_i, QWidget *_parent )
                    : QFrame( _parent ), p_intf( _p_i )
    QSizePolicy sizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Maximum );
    sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch( 0 );
    sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch( 0 );

    speedSlider = new QSlider( this );
    speedSlider->setSizePolicy( sizePolicy );
    speedSlider->setMinimumSize( QSize( 140, 20 ) );
    speedSlider->setOrientation( Qt::Horizontal );
    speedSlider->setTickPosition( QSlider::TicksBelow );

    speedSlider->setRange( -34, 34 );
    speedSlider->setSingleStep( 1 );
    speedSlider->setPageStep( 1 );
    speedSlider->setTickInterval( 17 );

    CONNECT( speedSlider, valueChanged( int ), this, updateRate( int ) );

    QToolButton *normalSpeedButton = new QToolButton( this );
    normalSpeedButton->setMaximumSize( QSize( 26, 16 ) );
    normalSpeedButton->setAutoRaise( true );
    normalSpeedButton->setText( "1x" );
    normalSpeedButton->setToolTip( qtr( "Revert to normal play speed" ) );

    CONNECT( normalSpeedButton, clicked(), this, resetRate() );

    QToolButton *slowerButton = new QToolButton( this );
    slowerButton->setMaximumSize( QSize( 26, 16 ) );
    slowerButton->setAutoRaise( true );
    slowerButton->setToolTip( tooltipL[SLOWER_BUTTON] );
    slowerButton->setIcon( QIcon( iconL[SLOWER_BUTTON] ) );
    CONNECT( slowerButton, clicked(), THEMIM->getIM(), slower() );

    QToolButton *fasterButton = new QToolButton( this );
    fasterButton->setMaximumSize( QSize( 26, 16 ) );
    fasterButton->setAutoRaise( true );
    fasterButton->setToolTip( tooltipL[FASTER_BUTTON] );
    fasterButton->setIcon( QIcon( iconL[FASTER_BUTTON] ) );
    CONNECT( fasterButton, clicked(), THEMIM->getIM(), faster() );

/*    spinBox = new QDoubleSpinBox();
    spinBox->setDecimals( 2 );
    spinBox->setMaximum( 32 );
    spinBox->setMinimum( 0.03F );
    spinBox->setSingleStep( 0.10F );
    spinBox->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );

    CONNECT( spinBox, valueChanged( double ), this, updateSpinBoxRate( double ) ); */

    QGridLayout* speedControlLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
    speedControlLayout->addWidget( speedSlider, 0, 0, 1, 3 );
    speedControlLayout->addWidget( slowerButton, 1, 0 );
    speedControlLayout->addWidget( normalSpeedButton, 1, 1, 1, 1, Qt::AlignRight );
    speedControlLayout->addWidget( fasterButton, 1, 2, 1, 1, Qt::AlignRight );
    //speedControlLayout->addWidget( spinBox );
    speedControlLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    speedControlLayout->setSpacing( 0 );

    lastValue = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 6
 * The Panels
SPrefsPanel::SPrefsPanel( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, QWidget *_parent,
                          int _number, bool small ) : QWidget( _parent ), p_intf( _p_intf )
    module_config_t *p_config;
    ConfigControl *control;
    number = _number;

#define CONFIG_GENERIC( option, type, label, qcontrol )                   \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new type ## ConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), \
                           p_config, label, ui.qcontrol, false );         \
                controls.append( control );                               \
            }                                                             \
            else {                                                        \
                ui.qcontrol->setEnabled( false );                         \
                if( label ) label->setEnabled( false );                   \

#define CONFIG_BOOL( option, qcontrol )                           \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new BoolConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf),     \
                           p_config, NULL, ui.qcontrol, false );          \
                controls.append( control );                               \
            }                                                             \
            else { ui.qcontrol->setEnabled( false ); }

#define CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_UI( option, type, label, qcontrol )             \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new type ## ConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), \
                           p_config, label, qcontrol, false );            \
                controls.append( control );                               \
            }                                                             \
            else {                                                        \
                QWidget *widget = label;                                  \
                qcontrol->setVisible( false );                            \
                if( widget ) widget->setEnabled( false );                 \

#define CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_BOOL( option, type, label, qcontrol )           \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new type ## ConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), \
                           p_config, label, ui.qcontrol );                \
                controls.append( control );                               \

#define CONFIG_GENERIC_FILE( option, type, label, qcontrol, qbutton )     \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new type ## ConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), \
                           p_config, label, qcontrol, qbutton );          \
                controls.append( control );                               \

#define START_SPREFS_CAT( name , label )    \
        case SPrefs ## name:                \
        {                                   \
            Ui::SPrefs ## name ui;      \
            ui.setupUi( panel );            \
            panel_label->setText( label );

#define END_SPREFS_CAT      \
            break;          \

    QVBoxLayout *panel_layout = new QVBoxLayout();
    QWidget *panel = new QWidget();
    panel_layout->setMargin( 3 );

    // Title Label
    QLabel *panel_label = new QLabel;
    QFont labelFont = QApplication::font( static_cast<QWidget*>(0) );
    labelFont.setPointSize( labelFont.pointSize() + 6 );
    labelFont.setFamily( "Verdana" );
    panel_label->setFont( labelFont );

    // Title <hr>
    QFrame *title_line = new QFrame;

    QFont italicFont = QApplication::font( static_cast<QWidget*>(0) );
    italicFont.setItalic( true );

    switch( number )
         * VIDEO Panel Implementation *
        START_SPREFS_CAT( Video , qtr("Video Settings") );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "video", enableVideo );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "fullscreen", fullscreen );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "overlay", overlay );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "video-on-top", alwaysOnTop );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "video-deco", windowDecorations );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "skip-frames", skipFrames );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "vout", Module, ui.voutLabel, outputModule );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "video-wallpaper", wallpaperMode );
#ifdef WIN32
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "directx-device", StringList, ui.dxDeviceLabel,
                            dXdisplayDevice );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "directx-hw-yuv", hwYUVBox );
            ui.directXBox->setVisible( false );
            ui.hwYUVBox->setVisible( false );

            CONFIG_GENERIC( "deinterlace", IntegerList, ui.deinterLabel, deinterlaceBox );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "deinterlace-mode", StringList, ui.deinterModeLabel, deinterlaceModeBox );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "aspect-ratio", String, ui.arLabel, arLine );

            CONFIG_GENERIC_FILE( "snapshot-path", Directory, ui.dirLabel,
                                 ui.snapshotsDirectory, ui.snapshotsDirectoryBrowse );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "snapshot-prefix", String, ui.prefixLabel, snapshotsPrefix );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "snapshot-sequential",
                            snapshotsSequentialNumbering );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "snapshot-format", StringList, ui.arLabel,
                            snapshotsFormat );

         * AUDIO Panel Implementation *
        START_SPREFS_CAT( Audio, qtr("Audio Settings") );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "audio", enableAudio );
            ui.SPrefsAudio_zone->setEnabled( ui.enableAudio->isChecked() );
            CONNECT( ui.enableAudio, toggled( bool ),
                     ui.SPrefsAudio_zone, setEnabled( bool ) );

#define audioCommon( name ) \
            QWidget * name ## Control = new QWidget( ui.outputAudioBox ); \
            QHBoxLayout * name ## Layout = new QHBoxLayout( name ## Control); \
            name ## Layout->setMargin( 0 ); \
            name ## Layout->setSpacing( 0 ); \
            QLabel * name ## Label = new QLabel( qtr( "Device:" ), name ## Control ); \
            name ## Label->setMinimumSize(QSize(250, 0)); \
            name ## Layout->addWidget( name ## Label ); \

#define audioControl( name) \
            audioCommon( name ) \
            QComboBox * name ## Device = new QComboBox( name ## Control ); \
            name ## Layout->addWidget( name ## Device ); \
            name ## Label->setBuddy( name ## Device ); \
            outputAudioLayout->addWidget( name ## Control, outputAudioLayout->rowCount(), 0, 1, -1 );

#define audioControl2( name) \
            audioCommon( name ) \
            QLineEdit * name ## Device = new QLineEdit( name ## Control ); \
            name ## Layout->addWidget( name ## Device ); \
            name ## Label->setBuddy( name ## Device ); \
            QPushButton * name ## Browse = new QPushButton( qtr( "Browse..." ), name ## Control); \
            name ## Layout->addWidget( name ## Browse ); \
            outputAudioLayout->addWidget( name ## Control, outputAudioLayout->rowCount(), 0, 1, -1 );

            /* Build if necessary */
            QGridLayout * outputAudioLayout = qobject_cast<QGridLayout *>(ui.outputAudioBox->layout());
#ifdef WIN32
            audioControl( DirectX );
            optionWidgets.append( DirectXControl );
            CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_UI( "directx-audio-device-name", StringList,
                    DirectXLabel, DirectXDevice );
            if( module_exists( "alsa" ) )
                audioControl( alsa );
                optionWidgets.append( alsaControl );

                CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_UI( "alsa-audio-device" , StringList, alsaLabel,
                                alsaDevice );
                optionWidgets.append( NULL );
            if( module_exists( "oss" ) )
                audioControl2( OSS );
                optionWidgets.append( OSSControl );
                CONFIG_GENERIC_FILE( "oss-audio-device" , File, NULL, OSSDevice,
                                 OSSBrowse );
                optionWidgets.append( NULL );

#undef audioControl2
#undef audioControl
#undef audioCommon

            /* Audio Options */
            CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_BOOL( "volume" , IntegerRangeSlider, NULL,
                                     defaultVolume );
            CONNECT( ui.defaultVolume, valueChanged( int ),
                     this, updateAudioVolume( int ) );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "qt-autosave-volume", keepVolumeRadio );
            ui.defaultVolume_zone->setEnabled( ui.resetVolumeRadio->isChecked() );
            CONNECT( ui.resetVolumeRadio, toggled( bool ),
                     ui.defaultVolume_zone, setEnabled( bool ) );

            CONFIG_GENERIC( "audio-language" , String , ui.langLabel,
                            preferredAudioLanguage );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "spdif", spdifBox );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "force-dolby-surround", IntegerList, ui.dolbyLabel,
                            detectionDolby );

            CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_BOOL( "norm-max-level" , Float, NULL,
                                    volNormSpin );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "audio-replay-gain-mode", StringList, ui.replayLabel,
                            replayCombo );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "audio-visual" , Module , ui.visuLabel,
            CONFIG_BOOL( "audio-time-stretch", autoscaleBox );

            /* Audio Output Specifics */
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "aout", Module, ui.outputLabel, outputModule );

            CONNECT( ui.outputModule, currentIndexChanged( int ),
                     this, updateAudioOptions( int ) );

            /* File output exists on all platforms */
            CONFIG_GENERIC_FILE( "audiofile-file", File, ui.fileLabel,
                                 ui.fileName, ui.fileBrowseButton );

            optionWidgets.append( ui.fileControl );
            optionWidgets.append( ui.outputModule );
            optionWidgets.append( ui.volNormBox );
            /*Little mofification of ui.volumeValue to compile with Qt < 4.3 */
            optionWidgets.append( ui.volumeValue );
            optionWidgets.append( ui.headphoneEffect );
            optionWidgets.append( ui.spdifBox );
            updateAudioOptions( ui.outputModule->currentIndex() );

            /* LastFM */
            if( module_exists( "audioscrobbler" ) )
                CONFIG_GENERIC( "lastfm-username", String, ui.lastfm_user_label,
                        lastfm_user_edit );
                CONFIG_GENERIC( "lastfm-password", String, ui.lastfm_pass_label,
                        lastfm_pass_edit );

                if( config_ExistIntf( VLC_OBJECT( p_intf ), "audioscrobbler" ) )
                    ui.lastfm->setChecked( true );
                    ui.lastfm->setChecked( false );

                ui.lastfm_zone->setVisible( ui.lastfm->isChecked() );

                CONNECT( ui.lastfm, toggled( bool ),
                         ui.lastfm_zone, setVisible( bool ) );
                CONNECT( ui.lastfm, stateChanged( int ),
                         this, lastfm_Changed( int ) );
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Media ( File ) Menu
 * Opening, streaming and quit
QMenu *QVLCMenu::FileMenu( intf_thread_t *p_intf, QWidget *parent, MainInterface *mi )
    QMenu *menu = new QMenu( parent );
    QAction *action;

    addDPStaticEntry( menu, qtr( "Open &File..." ),
        ":/type/file-asym", SLOT( simpleOpenDialog() ), "Ctrl+O" );
    addDPStaticEntry( menu, qtr( I_OP_OPDIR ),
        ":/type/folder-grey", SLOT( PLOpenDir() ), "Ctrl+F" );
    addDPStaticEntry( menu, qtr( "Open &Disc..." ),
        ":/type/disc", SLOT( openDiscDialog() ), "Ctrl+D" );
    addDPStaticEntry( menu, qtr( "Open &Network Stream..." ),
        ":/type/network", SLOT( openNetDialog() ), "Ctrl+N" );
    addDPStaticEntry( menu, qtr( "Open &Capture Device..." ),
        ":/type/capture-card", SLOT( openCaptureDialog() ), "Ctrl+C" );


    addDPStaticEntry( menu, qtr( "&Open (advanced)..." ),
        ":/type/file-asym", SLOT( openFileDialog() ), "Ctrl+Shift+O" );

    addDPStaticEntry( menu, qtr( "Open &Location from clipboard" ),
                      NULL, SLOT( openUrlDialog() ), "Ctrl+V" );

    if( var_InheritBool( p_intf, "qt-recentplay" ) )
        recentsMenu = new QMenu( qtr( "Open &Recent Media" ), menu );
        updateRecents( p_intf );
        menu->addMenu( recentsMenu );

    addDPStaticEntry( menu, qtr( I_PL_SAVE ), "", SLOT( saveAPlaylist() ),
        "Ctrl+Y" );

    addDPStaticEntry( menu, qtr( "Conve&rt / Save..." ), "",
        SLOT( openAndTranscodingDialogs() ), "Ctrl+R" );
    addDPStaticEntry( menu, qtr( "&Stream..." ),
        ":/menu/stream", SLOT( openAndStreamingDialogs() ), "Ctrl+S" );

    action = addMIMStaticEntry( p_intf, menu, qtr( "Quit at the end of playlist" ), "",
                               SLOT( activatePlayQuit( bool ) ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( THEMIM->getPlayExitState() );

    if( mi->getSysTray() )
        action = menu->addAction( qtr( "Close to systray"), mi,
                                 SLOT( toggleUpdateSystrayMenu() ) );

    addDPStaticEntry( menu, qtr( "&Quit" ) ,
        ":/menu/quit", SLOT( quit() ), "Ctrl+Q" );
    return menu;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        //HACK menu->clear() does not delete submenus
        QList<QAction*> actions = menu->actions();
        foreach( QAction *a, actions )
            QMenu *m = a->menu();
            if( a->parent() == menu ) delete a;
            else menu->removeAction( a );
            if( m && m->parent() == menu ) delete m;

#ifndef __APPLE__
            QIcon( ":/menu/playlist_menu" ),
            qtr( "Play&list" ), mi,
            SLOT( togglePlaylist() ), qtr( "Ctrl+L" ) );


    /* Minimal View */
    action = menu->addAction( qtr( "Mi&nimal Interface" ) );
    action->setShortcut( qtr( "Ctrl+H" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( (mi->getControlsVisibilityStatus() & CONTROLS_HIDDEN ) );

    CONNECT( action, triggered( bool ), mi, toggleMinimalView( bool ) );
    CONNECT( mi, minimalViewToggled( bool ), action, setChecked( bool ) );

    /* FullScreen View */
    action = menu->addAction( qtr( "&Fullscreen Interface" ), mi,
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * First Panel - Meta Info
 * All the usual MetaData are displayed and can be changed.
MetaPanel::MetaPanel( QWidget *parent,
                      intf_thread_t *_p_intf )
                      : QWidget( parent ), p_intf( _p_intf )
    QGridLayout *metaLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
    metaLayout->setVerticalSpacing( 0 );

    QFont smallFont = QApplication::font();
    smallFont.setPointSize( smallFont.pointSize() - 1 );
    smallFont.setBold( true );

    int line = 0; /* Counter for GridLayout */
    p_input = NULL;
    QLabel *label;

#define ADD_META( string, widget, col, colspan ) {                        \
    label = new QLabel( qtr( string ) ); label->setFont( smallFont );     \
    label->setContentsMargins( 3, 2, 0, 0 );                              \
    metaLayout->addWidget( label, line++, col, 1, colspan );              \
    widget = new QLineEdit;                                               \
    metaLayout->addWidget( widget, line, col, 1, colspan );               \
    CONNECT( widget, textEdited( QString ), this, enterEditMode() );      \

    /* Title, artist and album*/
    ADD_META( VLC_META_TITLE, title_text, 0, 10 ); line++;
    ADD_META( VLC_META_ARTIST, artist_text, 0, 10 ); line++;
    ADD_META( VLC_META_ALBUM, collection_text, 0, 7 );

    /* Date */
    label = new QLabel( qtr( VLC_META_DATE ) );
    label->setFont( smallFont ); label->setContentsMargins( 3, 2, 0, 0 );
    metaLayout->addWidget( label, line - 1, 7, 1, 2 );

    /* Date (Should be in years) */
    date_text = new QLineEdit;
    date_text->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
    date_text->setMaximumWidth( 140 );
    metaLayout->addWidget( date_text, line, 7, 1, -1 );

    /* Genre Name */
    /* TODO List id3genres.h is not includable yet ? */
    ADD_META( VLC_META_GENRE, genre_text, 0, 7 );

    /* Number - on the same line */
    label = new QLabel( qtr( VLC_META_TRACK_NUMBER ) );
    label->setFont( smallFont ); label->setContentsMargins( 3, 2, 0, 0 );
    metaLayout->addWidget( label, line - 1, 7, 1, 3  );

    seqnum_text = new QLineEdit;
    seqnum_text->setMaximumWidth( 64 );
    seqnum_text->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
    metaLayout->addWidget( seqnum_text, line, 7, 1, 1 );

    label = new QLabel( "/" ); label->setFont( smallFont );
    metaLayout->addWidget( label, line, 8, 1, 1 );

    seqtot_text = new QLineEdit;
    seqtot_text->setMaximumWidth( 64 );
    seqtot_text->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
    metaLayout->addWidget( seqtot_text, line, 9, 1, 1 );

    /* Rating - on the same line */
    metaLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( qtr( VLC_META_RATING ) ), line, 4, 1, 2 );
    rating_text = new QSpinBox; setSpinBounds( rating_text );
    metaLayout->addWidget( rating_text, line, 6, 1, 1 );

    /* Now Playing - Useful for live feeds (HTTP, DVB, ETC...) */
    ADD_META( VLC_META_NOW_PLAYING, nowplaying_text, 0, 7 );
    nowplaying_text->setReadOnly( true ); line--;

    /* Language on the same line */
    ADD_META( VLC_META_LANGUAGE, language_text, 7, -1 ); line++;
    ADD_META( VLC_META_PUBLISHER, publisher_text, 0, 7 );

    fingerprintButton = new QPushButton( qtr("&Fingerprint") );
    fingerprintButton->setToolTip( qtr( "Find meta data using audio fingerprinting" ) );
    fingerprintButton->setVisible( false );
    metaLayout->addWidget( fingerprintButton, line, 7 , 3, -1 );
    CONNECT( fingerprintButton, clicked(), this, fingerprint() );


    lblURL = new QLabel;
    lblURL->setOpenExternalLinks( true );
    lblURL->setTextFormat( Qt::RichText );
    lblURL->setMaximumWidth( 128 );
    metaLayout->addWidget( lblURL, line -1, 7, 1, -1 );

    ADD_META( VLC_META_COPYRIGHT, copyright_text, 0,  7 ); line++;

    /* ART_URL */
    art_cover = new CoverArtLabel( this, p_intf );
    metaLayout->addWidget( art_cover, line, 7, 6, 3, Qt::AlignLeft );

    ADD_META( VLC_META_ENCODED_BY, encodedby_text, 0, 7 ); line++;

    label = new QLabel( qtr( N_("Comments") ) ); label->setFont( smallFont );
    label->setContentsMargins( 3, 2, 0, 0 );
    metaLayout->addWidget( label, line++, 0, 1, 7 );
    description_text = new QTextEdit;
    description_text->setAcceptRichText( false );
    metaLayout->addWidget( description_text, line, 0, 1, 7 );
    CONNECT( description_text, textChanged(), this, enterEditMode() );

    /* VLC_META_SETTING: Useless */
    /* ADD_META( TRACKID )  Useless ? */
    /* ADD_URI - Do not show it, done outside */

    metaLayout->setColumnStretch( 1, 20 );
    metaLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth ( 1, 80 );
    metaLayout->setRowStretch( line, 10 );
#undef ADD_META

    CONNECT( seqnum_text, textEdited( QString ), this, enterEditMode() );
    CONNECT( seqtot_text, textEdited( QString ), this, enterEditMode() );

    CONNECT( date_text, textEdited( QString ), this, enterEditMode() );
//    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), artChanged( QString ), this, enterEditMode() );
/*    CONNECT( rating_text, valueChanged( QString ), this, enterEditMode( QString ) );*/

    /* We are not yet in Edit Mode */
    b_inEditMode = false;