Ejemplo n.º 1
void Arcball::init()
    center.set( 0.0, 0.0 );
    radius         = 1.0;
    q_now          = quat_identity();
    *rot_ptr       = identity3D();
    q_increment    = quat_identity();
    rot_increment  = identity3D();
    is_mouse_down  = false;
    is_spinning    = false;
    damp_factor    = 0.0;
    zero_increment = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void quat_from_axis_angle(const Vec3f axis, const float angle, Quat q) {
    if( ( fabs(axis[0]) < CUTE_EPSILON && fabs(axis[1]) < CUTE_EPSILON && fabs(axis[2]) < CUTE_EPSILON ) ||
        fabs(angle) < CUTE_EPSILON )

    double normed_axis[3] = {0};
    double norm = sqrt( axis[0]*axis[0] + axis[1]*axis[1] + axis[2]*axis[2] );

    normed_axis[0] = axis[0] / norm;
    normed_axis[1] = axis[1] / norm;
    normed_axis[2] = axis[2] / norm;

#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4244)
    q[0] = normed_axis[0] * sin(angle/2.0);
    q[1] = normed_axis[1] * sin(angle/2.0);
    q[2] = normed_axis[2] * sin(angle/2.0);
    q[3] = cos(angle/2.0);
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void simulate_trackball(quat *q, GLfloat p1x, GLfloat p1y, GLfloat p2x, GLfloat p2y) {
  if (p1x == p2x && p1y == p2y) { 
  else {
    quat p1, p2, a, d;
    float p1z, p2z;
    float s, t;
    p1z = project_to_sphere(p1x, p1y);
    quat_assign(&p1, 0.0, p1x, p1y, p1z);
    p2z = project_to_sphere(p2x, p2y);
    quat_assign(&p2, 0.0, p2x, p2y, p2z);
    quat_mul(&a, &p1, &p2);
    a.w = 0.0;
    s = quat_norm(&a);
    quat_div_real(&a, &a, s);
    quat_sub(&d, &p1, &p2);
    t = quat_norm(&d) / (2.0 * R * ROOT_2_INV);
    if (t > 1.0) t = 1.0;
    quat_assign(q, cos(asin(t)), a.x * t, a.y * t, a.z * t);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Arcball::mouse_down(int x, int y)
    down_pt.set( (float)x, (float) y );
    is_mouse_down = true;

    q_increment   = quat_identity();
    rot_increment = identity3D();
    zero_increment = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void quat_from_vec_pair(const Vec3f a, const Vec3f b, Quat q) {
    Vec4f axis;

    float angle;

    if( (fabs(axis[0]) < CUTE_EPSILON && fabs(axis[1]) < CUTE_EPSILON && fabs(axis[2]) < CUTE_EPSILON) ||
        fabs(angle) < CUTE_EPSILON )

    quat_from_axis_angle(axis, angle, q);
Ejemplo n.º 6
quat_t anm_get_node_rotation(struct anm_node *node, anm_time_t tm)
    quat_t q;
    anm_time_t tm0 = animation_time(node, tm, 0);
    struct anm_animation *anim0 = anm_get_active_animation(node, 0);
    struct anm_animation *anim1 = anm_get_active_animation(node, 1);

    if(!anim0) {
        return quat_identity();

    q = get_node_rotation(node, tm0, anim0);

    if(anim1) {
        anm_time_t tm1 = animation_time(node, tm, 1);
        quat_t q1 = get_node_rotation(node, tm1, anim1);

        q = quat_slerp(q, q1, node->cur_mix);
    return q;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void ARX_INTERFACE_ManageOpenedBook_Finish(const Vec2f & mousePos, Rectf rect, float scale)
	RenderState baseState = render3D().depthTest(false).fog(false);
	Vec3f pos = Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 2100.f);
	EERIE_LIGHT * light = lightHandleGet(torchLightHandle);
	EERIE_LIGHT tl = *light;
	light->pos = Vec3f(500.f, -1960.f, 1590.f);
	light->m_exists = true;
	light->rgb = Color3f(0.6f, 0.7f, 0.9f);
	light->intensity = 1.8f;
	light->fallstart = 4520.f;
	light->fallend = light->fallstart + 600.f;
	Camera * oldcam = g_camera;
	g_culledDynamicLights[0] = light;
	g_culledDynamicLightsCount = 1;
	Vec2i tmpPos(0);
	float wave = timeWaveSin(g_platformTime.frameStart(), PlatformDurationMsf(1256.6370614f));
	float ptDelta = toMs(g_platformTime.lastFrameDuration());
	Camera bookcam;
	bookcam.angle = Anglef();
	bookcam.m_pos = Vec3f(0.f);
	bookcam.focal = 500.f;
	bookcam.cdepth = 2200.f;
	for(size_t i = 0; i < RUNE_COUNT; i++) {
		EERIE_3DOBJ * rune = gui::necklace.runes[i];
		Vec2i projectionCenter = Vec2i(rect.topLeft() + (Vec2f(285, 36) + Vec2f(tmpPos) * Vec2f(45, 64)) * scale);
		PrepareCamera(&bookcam, Rect(rect), projectionCenter);
		if(player.hasRune((Rune)i)) {
			Anglef angle;
			if(rune->angle.getYaw() != 0.f) {
				if(rune->angle.getYaw() > 300.f) {
				angle.setYaw(wave * rune->angle.getYaw() * (1.0f / 40));
			rune->angle.setYaw(rune->angle.getYaw() - ptDelta * 0.2f);
			if(rune->angle.getYaw() < 0.f)
			// Now draw the rune
			TransformInfo t2(pos, glm::quat_cast(toRotationMatrix(angle)));
			DrawEERIEInter(rune, t2, NULL, false, 0.f);
			Rectf runeBox = UpdateBbox2d(*rune).toRect();
			if(tmpPos.x > 4) {
				tmpPos.x = 0;
			// TODO this is a workaround for vertexClipPositions being relative to viewport
			Vec2f mousePosInViewport = mousePos - rect.topLeft();
			// Checks for Mouse floating over a rune...
			if(runeBox.contains(mousePosInViewport)) {
				bool r = false;
				for(size_t j = 0; j < rune->facelist.size(); j++) {
					float n = PtIn2DPolyProj(rune->vertexClipPositions, &rune->facelist[j], mousePosInViewport.x, mousePosInViewport.y);
					if(n != 0.f) {
						r = true;
				if(r) {
					TransformInfo t(pos, glm::quat_cast(toRotationMatrix(angle)));
					DrawEERIEInter(rune, t, NULL, false, 0.f);
					rune->angle.setYaw(rune->angle.getYaw() + ptDelta * 2.f);
					if(eeMouseDown1()) {
			TransformInfo t1(pos, quat_identity());
			DrawEERIEInter(gui::necklace.lacet, t1, NULL, false, 0.f);
	*light = tl;
	PrepareCamera(oldcam, g_size);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    *this = quat_identity();
quat::quat( void )
  *this = quat_identity();
Ejemplo n.º 10
int32_t pivot_lookat(struct Pivot* pivot, const Vec3f target) {
    int32_t result = -1;

    Vec4f right_axis = RIGHT_AXIS;
    Vec4f up_axis = UP_AXIS;
    Vec4f forward_axis = FORWARD_AXIS;

    struct Pivot world_pivot;
    pivot_combine(pivot->parent, pivot, &world_pivot);

    Vec4f target_direction;
    vec_sub(target, world_pivot.position, target_direction);

    float dot_yaw = vec_dot(target_direction, forward_axis);

    Quat rotation = {0};
    if( fabs(dot_yaw + 1.0f) < CUTE_EPSILON ) {
        // vector a and b point exactly in the opposite direction,
        // so it is a 180 degrees turn around the up-axis
        Quat rotation = {0};
        quat_from_axis_angle(up_axis, PI, rotation);
        quat_mul(world_pivot.orientation, rotation, rotation);
    } else if( fabs(dot_yaw - (1.0f)) < CUTE_EPSILON ) {
        // vector a and b point exactly in the same direction
        // so we return the identity quaternion
        quat_copy(world_pivot.orientation, rotation);
    } else {
        // - I look at the target by turning the pivot orientation using only
        // yaw and pitch movement
        // - I always rotate the pivot from its initial orientation (up and forward
        // basis vectors like initialized above), so this does not incrementally
        // advance the orientation

        // - to find the amount of yaw I project the target_direction into the
        //   up_axis plane, resulting in up_projection which is a vector that
        //   points from the up_axis plane to the tip of the target_direction
        Vec4f up_projection = {0};
        vec_mul1f(up_axis, vec_dot(target_direction, up_axis), up_projection);

        // - so then by subtracting the up_projection from the target_direction,
        //   I get a vector lying in the up_axis plane, pointing towards the target
        Vec4f yaw_direction = {0};
        vec_sub(target_direction, up_projection, yaw_direction);

        // - angle between yaw_direction and forward_axis is the amount of yaw we
        //   need to point the forward_axis toward the target
        float yaw = 0.0f;
        vec_angle(yaw_direction, forward_axis, &yaw);
        log_assert( ! isnan(yaw),
                    "vec_angle(%f %f %f, %f %f %f, %f);\n",
                    yaw_direction[0], yaw_direction[1], yaw_direction[2],
                    forward_axis[0], forward_axis[1], forward_axis[2],
                    yaw );

        // - I have to compute the cross product between yaw_direction and
        //   forward_axis and use the resulting yaw_axis
        Vec4f yaw_axis = {0};
        vec_cross(yaw_direction, forward_axis, yaw_axis);
        if( vec_nullp(yaw_axis) ) {
            vec_copy4f(up_axis, yaw_axis);

        // - compute the yaw rotation
        Quat yaw_rotation = {0};
        quat_from_axis_angle(yaw_axis, yaw, yaw_rotation);

        // - to compute, just as with the yaw, I want an axis that lies on the plane that
        //   is spanned in this case by the right_axis, when the camera points toward the
        //   target
        // - I could compute an axis, but I already have a direction vector that points
        //   toward the target, the yaw_direction, I just have to normalize it to make it
        //   an axis (and put the result in forward_axis, since it now is the forward_axis
        //   of the yaw turned camera)
        Vec4f yaw_forward_axis = {0};
        vec_normalize(yaw_direction, yaw_forward_axis);

        // - then use the new forward axis with the old target_direction to compute the angle
        //   between those
        float pitch = 0.0f;
        vec_angle(target_direction, yaw_forward_axis, &pitch);
        log_assert( ! isnan(pitch),
                    "vec_angle(%f %f %f, %f %f %f, %f);\n",
                    target_direction[0], target_direction[1], target_direction[2],
                    yaw_forward_axis[0], yaw_forward_axis[1], yaw_forward_axis[2],
                    pitch );

        // - and just as in the yaw case we compute an rotation pitch_axis
        Vec4f pitch_axis = {0};
        vec_cross(target_direction, yaw_forward_axis, pitch_axis);
        if( vec_nullp(pitch_axis) ) {
            vec_copy4f(right_axis, pitch_axis);

        // - and finally compute the pitch rotation and combine it with the yaw_rotation
        //   in the same step
        Quat pitch_rotation;
        quat_from_axis_angle(pitch_axis, pitch, pitch_rotation);
        Quat yaw_pitch_rotation;
        quat_mul(yaw_rotation, pitch_rotation, yaw_pitch_rotation);

        Quat inverted_orientation = {0};
        quat_invert(world_pivot.orientation, inverted_orientation);

        // - the int32_t I want to return indicates the cameras 'flip' status, that is, it is
        //   one when the camera angle was pitched so much that it flipped over and its
        //   up axis is now pointing downwards
        // - to find out if I am flipped over, I compute the flipped up_axis called
        //   flip_axis and then use the dot product between the flip_axis and up_axis
        //   to decide if I am flipped
        Vec4f flip_axis = {0};
        vec_rotate(up_axis, inverted_orientation, flip_axis);
        vec_rotate(flip_axis, yaw_pitch_rotation, flip_axis);

        float dot_pitch = vec_dot(up_axis, flip_axis);

        Vec4f target_axis = {0};
        vec_normalize(target_direction, target_axis);

        // - check if we are flipped and if we are, set result to 1 meaning we are flipped
        // - turn the camera around PI so that we can continue pitching, otherwise we just get
        //   stuck when trying to flip the camera over
        if( dot_pitch < 0.0f ) {
            result = 1;
            quat_from_axis_angle(target_axis, PI, rotation);
            quat_mul(yaw_pitch_rotation, rotation, yaw_pitch_rotation);

        quat_copy(yaw_pitch_rotation, rotation);

    if( ! isnan(rotation[0]) &&
        ! isnan(rotation[1]) &&
        ! isnan(rotation[2]) &&
        ! isnan(rotation[3]) )
        quat_copy(rotation, pivot->orientation);

    pivot->eye_distance = vec_length(target_direction);

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
QuatP* qidentity(Quat q) {
    return q;