Ejemplo n.º 1
void ompl::base::SO3StateSampler::sampleGaussian(State *state, const State * mean, const double stdDev)
    // CDF of N(0, 1.17) at -pi/4 is approx. .25, so there's .25 probability
    // weight in each tail. Since the maximum distance in SO(3) is pi/2, we're
    // essentially as likely to sample a state within distance [0, pi/4] as
    // within distance [pi/4, pi/2]. With most weight in the tails (that wrap
    // around in case of quaternions) we might as well sample uniformly.
    if (stdDev > 1.17)
    double x = rng_.gaussian(0, stdDev), y = rng_.gaussian(0, stdDev), z = rng_.gaussian(0, stdDev),
        theta = std::sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
    if (theta < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
        space_->copyState(state, mean);
        SO3StateSpace::StateType q,
            *qs = static_cast<SO3StateSpace::StateType*>(state);
        const SO3StateSpace::StateType *qmu = static_cast<const SO3StateSpace::StateType*>(mean);
        double s = sin(theta / 2) / theta;
        q.w = cos(theta / 2);
        q.x = s * x;
        q.y = s * y;
        q.z = s * z;
        quaternionProduct(*qs, *qmu, q);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ompl::base::SO3StateSampler::sampleUniformNear(State *state, const State *near, const double distance)
    if (distance >= .25 * boost::math::constants::pi<double>())
    double d = rng_.uniform01();
    SO3StateSpace::StateType q,
        *qs = static_cast<SO3StateSpace::StateType*>(state);
    const SO3StateSpace::StateType *qnear = static_cast<const SO3StateSpace::StateType*>(near);
    computeAxisAngle(q, rng_.gaussian01(), rng_.gaussian01(), rng_.gaussian01(), 2.*pow(d,1./3.)*distance);
    quaternionProduct(*qs, *qnear, q);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ompl::base::SO3StateSampler::sampleGaussian(State *state, const State * mean, const double stdDev)
    // The standard deviation of the individual components of the tangent
    // perturbation needs to be scaled so that the expected quaternion distance
    // between the sampled state and the mean state is stdDev. The factor 2 is
    // due to the way we define distance (see also Matt Mason's lecture notes
    // on quaternions at
    // http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/academic/class/16741-s07/www/lecture7.pdf).
    // The 1/sqrt(3) factor is necessary because the distribution in the tangent
    // space is a 3-dimensional Gaussian, so that the *length* of a tangent
    // vector needs to be scaled by 1/sqrt(3).
    double rotDev = (2. * stdDev) / boost::math::constants::root_three<double>();

    // CDF of N(0, 1.17) at -pi/4 is approx. .25, so there's .25 probability
    // weight in each tail. Since the maximum distance in SO(3) is pi/2, we're
    // essentially as likely to sample a state within distance [0, pi/4] as
    // within distance [pi/4, pi/2]. With most weight in the tails (that wrap
    // around in case of quaternions) we might as well sample uniformly.
    if (rotDev > 1.17)

    double x = rng_.gaussian(0, rotDev), y = rng_.gaussian(0, rotDev), z = rng_.gaussian(0, rotDev),
        theta = std::sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
    if (theta < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
        space_->copyState(state, mean);
        SO3StateSpace::StateType q,
            *qs = static_cast<SO3StateSpace::StateType*>(state);
        const SO3StateSpace::StateType *qmu = static_cast<const SO3StateSpace::StateType*>(mean);
	double half_theta = theta / 2.0;
        double s = sin(half_theta) / theta;
        q.w = cos(half_theta);
        q.x = s * x;
        q.y = s * y;
        q.z = s * z;
        quaternionProduct(*qs, *qmu, q);