Ejemplo n.º 1
int WinGetPicStringWidth (char *string, OSPictContext context)
	SIZE sz;
	if (!GetTextExtentPoint32 (context->hDC, string, strlen(string), &sz))
		rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"WinGetPicStringWidth","GetTextExtentPoint32 failed");
	return sz.cx;
}	/* WinGetPicStringWidth */
Ejemplo n.º 2
/*	PA: new routine to scroll part of the content of a window.
		It is assumed that scrolling happens in one direction only (dx<>0 && dy==0 || dx==0 && dy<>0).
		The result rect (oleft,otop,oright,obottom) is the bounding box of the update area that
		remains to be updated. If all are zero, then nothing needs to be updated.
void WinScrollRectangle (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int dx, int dy, OSPictContext context,
						 int * oleft, int * otop, int * oright, int * obottom
	RECT scrollRect;
	HRGN hrgnUpdate, hrgnRect;

	scrollRect.left   = left;
	scrollRect.top    = top;
	scrollRect.right  = right;
	scrollRect.bottom = bottom;

	if (dx<0)
		hrgnRect   = CreateRectRgn (right+dx-1,top-1,right+1,bottom+1);
	else if (dx>0)
		hrgnRect   = CreateRectRgn (left-1,top-1,left+dx+1,bottom+1);
	else if (dy<0)
		hrgnRect   = CreateRectRgn (left-1,bottom+dy-1,right+1,bottom+1);
	else if (dy>0)
		hrgnRect   = CreateRectRgn (left-1,top-1,right+1,top+dy+1);
		hrgnRect   = CreateRectRgn (0,0,0,0);
	hrgnUpdate = CreateRectRgn (0,0,1,1);

	if (!ScrollDC (context->hDC, dx,dy, &scrollRect, &scrollRect, hrgnUpdate, NULL))
		rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"WinScrollRectangle","ScrollDC failed");
		if (CombineRgn (hrgnUpdate, hrgnUpdate, hrgnRect, RGN_DIFF) == NULLREGION)
			*oleft   = 0;
			*otop    = 0;
			*oright  = 0;
			*obottom = 0;
			RECT box;
			GetRgnBox (hrgnUpdate,&box);
			*oleft   = box.left;
			*otop    = box.top;
			*oright  = box.right;
			*obottom = box.bottom;
	DeleteObject (hrgnUpdate);
	DeleteObject (hrgnRect);
}	/* WinScrollRectangle */
Ejemplo n.º 3
/*	WinDrawBitmap must be used for drawing bitmaps on screen.
	For reasons of efficiency it uses memory device context, BitBlt, and bitmap handle.
void WinDrawBitmap (int w, int h, int destx, int desty,
					HBITMAP hbmp, OSPictContext context
	HDC compatibleDC;
	POINT size, origin, dest;
	HGDIOBJ prevObj;

	size.x   = w;
	size.y   = h;
	origin.x = 0;
	origin.y = 0;
	dest.x   = destx;
	dest.y   = desty;

	//	Create a compatible device context
	compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC (context->hDC);
	if (compatibleDC == NULL)
		rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"WinDrawBitmap","CreateCompatibleDC failed");

	//	Select bitmap into compatible device context
	prevObj = SelectObject (compatibleDC, hbmp);
	SetMapMode (compatibleDC, GetMapMode (context->hDC));
	DPtoLP (context->hDC, &size, 1);
	DPtoLP (context->hDC, &dest, 1);
	DPtoLP (compatibleDC, &origin, 1);

	BitBlt (context->hDC, dest.x, dest.y, size.x, size.y, compatibleDC, origin.x, origin.y, SRCCOPY);

	SelectObject (compatibleDC, prevObj);
	DeleteDC (compatibleDC);
}	/* WinDrawBitmap */
Ejemplo n.º 4
int cellGameContentErrorDialog(s32 type, s32 errNeedSizeKB, vm::ptr<const char> dirName)
	cellGame->Warning("cellGameContentErrorDialog(type=%d, errNeedSizeKB=%d, dirName_addr=0x%x)", type, errNeedSizeKB, dirName.addr());

	std::string errorName;
	switch (type)
	case CELL_GAME_ERRDIALOG_BROKEN_GAMEDATA:      errorName = "Game data is corrupted (can be continued).";          break;
	case CELL_GAME_ERRDIALOG_BROKEN_HDDGAME:       errorName = "HDD boot game is corrupted (can be continued).";      break;
	case CELL_GAME_ERRDIALOG_NOSPACE:              errorName = "Not enough available space (can be continued).";      break;
	case CELL_GAME_ERRDIALOG_BROKEN_EXIT_GAMEDATA: errorName = "Game data is corrupted (terminate application).";     break;
	case CELL_GAME_ERRDIALOG_BROKEN_EXIT_HDDGAME:  errorName = "HDD boot game is corrupted (terminate application)."; break;
	case CELL_GAME_ERRDIALOG_NOSPACE_EXIT:         errorName = "Not enough available space (terminate application)."; break;
	default: return CELL_GAME_ERROR_PARAM;

	std::string errorMsg;
		errorMsg = fmt::Format("ERROR: %s\nSpace needed: %d KB", errorName.c_str(), errNeedSizeKB, dirName);
		errorMsg = fmt::Format("ERROR: %s", errorName.c_str());

	if (dirName)
		errorMsg += fmt::Format("\nDirectory name: %s", dirName.get_ptr());

	rMessageBox(errorMsg, "Error", rICON_ERROR | rOK);

	return CELL_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 5
	if (!m_logfile.Open(_PRGNAME_ ".log", rFile::write))
		rMessageBox("Can't create log file! (" _PRGNAME_ ".log)", rMessageBoxCaptionStr, rICON_ERROR);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static int GetMessageQuickly (BOOL gIdleTimerOn, int gSleeptime, MSG * pmsg)
	if (gSleeptime==0 && !PeekMessage (pmsg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE))
		POINT p;
		GetCursorPos (&p);
		pmsg->hwnd    = ghMainWindow;
		pmsg->message = WM_ENTERIDLE;
		pmsg->wParam  = MSGF_USER;
		pmsg->lParam  = (LPARAM) ghMainWindow;
		pmsg->time    = GetTickCount ();
		pmsg->pt      = p;
		return TRUE;
	if (!gIdleTimerOn)
		return GetMessage (pmsg, NULL, 0, 0);
		if (PeekMessage (pmsg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
			return (pmsg->message != WM_QUIT);
			POINT p;

			/*	The following code has been inserted to reduce the crosscall traffic.
				A timer is set to suspend this thread until atleast the timer interval
				has elapsed.
			if (SetTimer (ghMainWindow, (UINT) -2, (UINT)gSleeptime, &EndSuspendTimerProc))
				WaitMessage ();
				rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"GetMessageQuickly","SetTimer failed to create timer");
			/*	End of insertion.

			GetCursorPos (&p);

			pmsg->hwnd    = ghMainWindow;
			pmsg->message = WM_ENTERIDLE;
			pmsg->wParam  = MSGF_USER;
			pmsg->lParam  = (LPARAM) ghMainWindow;
			pmsg->time    = GetTickCount ();
			pmsg->pt      = p;
			return TRUE;
}	/* GetMessageQuickly */
Ejemplo n.º 7
void WinCopyRectangle (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int dx, int dy, OSPictContext context)
	RECT scrollRect;

	scrollRect.left   = left;
	scrollRect.top    = top;
	scrollRect.right  = right;
	scrollRect.bottom = bottom;

	if (!ScrollDC (context->hDC, dx,dy, &scrollRect, &scrollRect, NULL, NULL))
		rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"WinCopyRectangle","ScrollDC failed");
}	/* WinCopyRectangle */
Ejemplo n.º 8
int WinGetStringWidth (char *string, char *fontName, int style, int size, OSPictContext context)
	HDC screen;
	HFONT of,hf;
	int pixSize;
	SIZE sz;

	if (context != NULL)
		screen = context->hDC;
		screen = CreateDC ("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL);

	pixSize = PointsToPix(screen,size);
	// end MW

	SetLogFontData (&lf, "", style, pixSize);

	strcpy (lf.lfFaceName, fontName);

	hf = CreateFontIndirect (&lf);	// PA+++: hf added to test for NULL
	if (hf==NULL)
		rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"WinGetStringWidth","CreateFontIndirect returned NULL");
	of = SelectObject (screen, hf);	//CreateFontIndirect (&lf));
	if (of==NULL)
		rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"WinGetStringWidth","SelectObject of HFONT returned NULL");

	if (!GetTextExtentPoint32 (screen, string, strlen(string), &sz))
		rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"WinGetPicStringWidth","GetTextExtentPoint32 failed");

	DeleteObject (SelectObject (screen, of));

	if (context == NULL)

	return sz.cx;
}	/* WinGetStringWidth */
Ejemplo n.º 9
int WinGetVertResolution (void)
	static int res = 0;

	if (res == 0)
		HDC screen;
		screen = CreateDC ("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL);
		if (screen==NULL)
			rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"WinGetVertResolution","CreateDC returned NULL.");
		res = GetDeviceCaps (screen, LOGPIXELSY);
		DeleteDC (screen);

	return res;
}	/* WinGetVertResolution */
Ejemplo n.º 10
void WinUndrawString (int x, int y, char *string, OSPictContext context)
	int oldmode;


	oldmode = GetBkMode (context->hDC);
	if (context->penMode==iModeXor)					/* Check if currently in XOR mode */
		SetBkMode (context->hDC, OPAQUE);			/* in that case background should be OPAQUE. */
		SetBkMode (context->hDC, TRANSPARENT);		/* otherwise it should be TRANSPARENT. */
	if (!TextOut (context->hDC, x, y, string, strlen(string)))
		rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"WinDrawString","TextOut failed.");
	SetBkMode (context->hDC, oldmode);
}	/* WinEraseString */
Ejemplo n.º 11
int cellMsgDialogOpenErrorCode(u32 errorCode, vm::ptr<CellMsgDialogCallback> callback, u32 userData, u32 extParam)
	cellSysutil->Warning("cellMsgDialogOpenErrorCode(errorCode=0x%x, callback_addr=0x%x, userData=0x%x, extParam=%d)",
		errorCode, callback.addr(), userData, extParam);

	std::string errorMessage;
	switch (errorCode)
		// Generic errors
	case 0x80010001: errorMessage = "The resource is temporarily unavailable."; break;
	case 0x80010002: errorMessage = "Invalid argument or flag."; break;
	case 0x80010003: errorMessage = "The feature is not yet implemented."; break;
	case 0x80010004: errorMessage = "Memory allocation failed."; break;
	case 0x80010005: errorMessage = "The resource with the specified identifier does not exist."; break;
	case 0x80010006: errorMessage = "The file does not exist."; break;
	case 0x80010007: errorMessage = "The file is in unrecognized format / The file is not a valid ELF file."; break;
	case 0x80010008: errorMessage = "Resource deadlock is avoided."; break;
	case 0x80010009: errorMessage = "Operation not permitted."; break;
	case 0x8001000A: errorMessage = "The device or resource is bus."; break;
	case 0x8001000B: errorMessage = "The operation is timed ou."; break;
	case 0x8001000C: errorMessage = "The operation is aborte."; break;
	case 0x8001000D: errorMessage = "Invalid memory access."; break;
	case 0x8001000F: errorMessage = "State of the target thread is invalid."; break;
	case 0x80010010: errorMessage = "Alignment is invalid."; break;
	case 0x80010011: errorMessage = "Shortage of the kernel resources."; break;
	case 0x80010012: errorMessage = "The file is a directory."; break;
	case 0x80010013: errorMessage = "Operation canceled."; break;
	case 0x80010014: errorMessage = "Entry already exists."; break;
	case 0x80010015: errorMessage = "Port is already connected."; break;
	case 0x80010016: errorMessage = "Port is not connected."; break;
	case 0x80010017: errorMessage = "Failure in authorizing SELF. Program authentication fail."; break;
	case 0x80010018: errorMessage = "The file is not MSELF."; break;
	case 0x80010019: errorMessage = "System version error."; break;
	case 0x8001001A: errorMessage = "Fatal system error occurred while authorizing SELF. SELF auth failure."; break;
	case 0x8001001B: errorMessage = "Math domain violation."; break;
	case 0x8001001C: errorMessage = "Math range violation."; break;
	case 0x8001001D: errorMessage = "Illegal multi-byte sequence in input."; break;
	case 0x8001001E: errorMessage = "File position error."; break;
	case 0x8001001F: errorMessage = "Syscall was interrupted."; break;
	case 0x80010020: errorMessage = "File too large."; break;
	case 0x80010021: errorMessage = "Too many links."; break;
	case 0x80010022: errorMessage = "File table overflow."; break;
	case 0x80010023: errorMessage = "No space left on device."; break;
	case 0x80010024: errorMessage = "Not a TTY."; break;
	case 0x80010025: errorMessage = "Broken pipe."; break;
	case 0x80010026: errorMessage = "Read-only filesystem."; break;
	case 0x80010027: errorMessage = "Illegal seek."; break;
	case 0x80010028: errorMessage = "Arg list too long."; break;
	case 0x80010029: errorMessage = "Access violation."; break;
	case 0x8001002A: errorMessage = "Invalid file descriptor."; break;
	case 0x8001002B: errorMessage = "Filesystem mounting failed."; break;
	case 0x8001002C: errorMessage = "Too many files open."; break;
	case 0x8001002D: errorMessage = "No device."; break;
	case 0x8001002E: errorMessage = "Not a directory."; break;
	case 0x8001002F: errorMessage = "No such device or IO."; break;
	case 0x80010030: errorMessage = "Cross-device link error."; break;
	case 0x80010031: errorMessage = "Bad Message."; break;
	case 0x80010032: errorMessage = "In progress."; break;
	case 0x80010033: errorMessage = "Message size error."; break;
	case 0x80010034: errorMessage = "Name too long."; break;
	case 0x80010035: errorMessage = "No lock."; break;
	case 0x80010036: errorMessage = "Not empty."; break;
	case 0x80010037: errorMessage = "Not supported."; break;
	case 0x80010038: errorMessage = "File-system specific error."; break;
	case 0x80010039: errorMessage = "Overflow occured."; break;
	case 0x8001003A: errorMessage = "Filesystem not mounted."; break;
	case 0x8001003B: errorMessage = "Not SData."; break;
	case 0x8001003C: errorMessage = "Incorrect version in sys_load_param."; break;
	case 0x8001003D: errorMessage = "Pointer is null."; break;
	case 0x8001003E: errorMessage = "Pointer is null."; break;
	default: errorMessage = "An error has occurred."; break;

	char errorCodeHex[12];
	sprintf(errorCodeHex, "\n(%08x)", errorCode);

	u64 status;
	int res = rMessageBox(errorMessage, "Error", rICON_ERROR | rOK);
	switch (res)
	case rOK: status = CELL_MSGDIALOG_BUTTON_OK; break;
		if (res)


	if (callback)
		callback((s32)status, userData);

	return CELL_OK;