Ejemplo n.º 1
LRESULT CSkinWndHelper::OnSize(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

	LRESULT lResult = CallWindowProc(m_oldWndProc,m_hWnd, WM_SIZE,wParam,lParam);

	UINT nType = wParam;
	int cx = LOWORD(lParam);
	int cy = HIWORD(lParam);

	if (nType != SIZE_MINIMIZED && nType != SIZE_MAXHIDE )
		if (m_Rgn.m_hRgn)
			m_Rgn.m_hRgn = NULL;

		CRect rc;
		GetWindowRect(m_hWnd,&rc); //获得窗口矩形
		rc -= rc.TopLeft();
		m_Rgn.CreateRoundRectRgn(rc.left, rc.top,   rc.right+1, rc.bottom+1, 5, 5); //根据窗口矩形创建一个圆角矩形
		SetWindowRgn(m_hWnd,m_Rgn, TRUE); //根据圆角矩形指定的区域改变窗口的形状

	CRect rcWnd;
	rcWnd.OffsetRect( -rcWnd.left, -rcWnd.top);

	if (m_bHaveMaxBox||m_bHaveMinBox)
		CRect rMin(rcWnd.right - 74, 8, rcWnd.right-54, 30);
		CRect rMax(rcWnd.right - 52, 8, rcWnd.right-32, 30);

	CRect rClose(rcWnd.right - 30, 8, rcWnd.right - 10, 30);

	if (nType == SIZE_MAXIMIZED||

	return lResult;

Ejemplo n.º 2
/*! \brief Tests the **reduce_min** kernel.
 *  \details The kernel computes the minimum element of each row of an array. 
TEST (Reduce, reduce_min)
        const unsigned int rows = 1024;
        const unsigned int cols = 1024;
        const unsigned int bufferInSize = cols * rows * sizeof (cl_float);
        const unsigned int bufferOutSize = rows * sizeof (cl_float);

        // Setup the OpenCL environment
        clutils::CLEnv clEnv;
        clEnv.addContext (0);
        clEnv.addQueue (0, 0, CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE);
        clEnv.addProgram (0, kernel_filename_reduce);

        // Configure kernel execution parameters
        clutils::CLEnvInfo<1> info (0, 0, 0, { 0 }, 0);
        cl_algo::RBC::Reduce<cl_algo::RBC::ReduceConfig::MIN, cl_float> rMin (clEnv, info);
        rMin.init (cols, rows);

        // Initialize data (writes on staging buffer directly)
        std::generate (rMin.hPtrIn, rMin.hPtrIn + bufferInSize / sizeof (cl_float), RBC::rNum_R_0_1);
        // RBC::printBufferF ("Original:", rMin.hPtrIn, cols, rows, 3);

        rMin.write ();  // Copy data to device
        rMin.run ();  // Execute kernels (~ 45 us)
        cl_float *results = (cl_float *) rMin.read ();  // Copy results to host
        // RBC::printBufferF ("Received:", results, 1, rows, 3);

        // Produce reference array of distances
        cl_float *refMin = new cl_float[rows];
        auto func = [](cl_float a, cl_float b) -> bool { return a < b; };
        RBC::cpuReduce<cl_float> (rMin.hPtrIn, refMin, cols, rows, func);
        // RBC::printBufferF ("Expected:", refMin, 1, rows, 3);

        // Verify blurred output
        float eps = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon ();  // 1.19209e-07
        for (uint i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
            ASSERT_LT (std::abs (refMin[i] - results[i]), eps);

        // Profiling ===========================================================
        if (profiling)
            const int nRepeat = 1;  /* Number of times to perform the tests. */

            // CPU
            clutils::CPUTimer<double, std::milli> cTimer;
            clutils::ProfilingInfo<nRepeat> pCPU ("CPU");
            for (int i = 0; i < nRepeat; ++i)
                cTimer.start ();
                RBC::cpuReduce<cl_float> (rMin.hPtrIn, refMin, cols, rows, func);
                pCPU[i] = cTimer.stop ();
            // GPU
            clutils::GPUTimer<std::milli> gTimer (clEnv.devices[0][0]);
            clutils::ProfilingInfo<nRepeat> pGPU ("GPU");
            for (int i = 0; i < nRepeat; ++i)
                pGPU[i] = rMin.run (gTimer);

            // Benchmark
            pGPU.print (pCPU, "Reduce<MIN>");

    catch (const cl::Error &error)
        std::cerr << error.what ()
                  << " (" << clutils::getOpenCLErrorCodeString (error.err ()) 
                  << ")"  << std::endl;
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void LocalMaxStatUtil::descendingLadderEpochRepeat (
size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)          
const Int4 *score_, // values 
const double *prob_, // probability of corresponding value 
double *eSumAlpha_, // expectation (sum [alpha])
double *eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_, // expectation [1.0 - exp (sum [alpha])]
bool isStrict_, // ? is this a strict descending ladder epoch
double lambda_, // lambda for repeats : default is lambda0_ below
size_t endW_, // maximum w plus 1
double *pAlphaW_, // probability {alpha = w} : pAlphaW_ [0, wEnd)
double *eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_, // expectation [1.0 - exp (sum [alpha]); alpha = w] : eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_ [0, wEnd)
double lambda0_, // lambda for flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
double mu0_, // mean of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
double muAssoc0_, // mean of associated flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
double thetaMin0_, // thetaMin of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
double rMin0_, // rMin of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
double time_, // get time for the dynamic programming computation
bool *terminated_) // ? Was the dynamic programming computation terminated prematurely ?
// assumes logarithmic regime
    // Start dynamic programming probability calculation using notation in
    // Mott R. and Tribe R. (1999)
    // J. Computational Biology 6(1):91-112
    // Karlin S. and Taylor H.M.(1981)
    // A Second Course in Stochastic Processes, p. 480
    // Note there is an error in Eq (6.19) there, which is corrected in Eq (6.20)
    // This program uses departure into (-Inf, 0] not (-Inf, 0)

    // avoid recomputation
    double mu0 = 0.0 == mu0_ ? mu (dimension_, score_, prob_) : mu0_;
    assert (mu0 < 0.0);
    double lambda0 = 0.0 == lambda0_ ? lambda (dimension_, score_, prob_) : lambda0_;
    assert (0.0 < lambda0);
    if (lambda_ == 0.0) lambda_ = lambda0;
    assert (0.0 < lambda_);
    double muAssoc0 = 0.0 == muAssoc0_ ? muAssoc (dimension_, score_, prob_, lambda0) : muAssoc0_;
    assert (0.0 < muAssoc0);
    double thetaMin0 = 0.0 == thetaMin0_ ? thetaMin (dimension_, score_, prob_, lambda0) : thetaMin0_;
    assert (0.0 < thetaMin0);
    double rMin0 = 0.0 == rMin0_ ? rMin (dimension_, score_, prob_, lambda0, thetaMin0) : rMin0_;
    assert (0.0 < rMin0 && rMin0 < 1.0);

    const Int4 ITER_MIN = static_cast <Int4> ((log (REL_TOL * (1.0 - rMin0)) / log (rMin0)));
    assert (0 < ITER_MIN);
    const Int4 ITER = static_cast <Int4> (endW_) < ITER_MIN ? ITER_MIN : static_cast <Int4> (endW_);
    assert (0 < ITER);
    const Int4 Y_MAX = static_cast <Int4> (-log (REL_TOL) / lambda0);

    Int4 entry = isStrict_ ? -1 : 0;
    n_setParameters (dimension_, score_, prob_, entry);

    double time0 = 0.0;
    double time1 = 0.0;
        if (time_ > 0.0) Sls::alp_data::get_current_time (time0);

    DynProgProbLim dynProgProb (n_step, dimension_, prob_, score_ [0] - 1, Y_MAX);

    if (pAlphaW_) pAlphaW_ [0] = 0.0;
    if (eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_) eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_ [0] = 0.0;

    dynProgProb.update (); // iterate random walk

    Int4 value = 0;

    if (eSumAlpha_) *eSumAlpha_ = 0.0;
    if (eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_) *eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_ = 0.0;

    for (size_t w = 1; w < static_cast <size_t> (ITER); w++) {

        if (w < endW_) { // sum pAlphaW_ [w] and eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_ [w]

             if (pAlphaW_) pAlphaW_ [w] = 0.0;
             if (eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_) eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_ [w] = 0.0;

             for (value = score_ [0]; value <= entry; value++) {
                if (pAlphaW_) pAlphaW_ [w] += dynProgProb.getProb (value);
                if (eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_) eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_ [w] += 
                                               dynProgProb.getProb (value) * 
                                               (1.0 - exp (lambda_ * static_cast <double> (value)));

        for (value = score_ [0]; value <= entry; value++) {
         if (eSumAlpha_) *eSumAlpha_ += dynProgProb.getProb (value) * static_cast <double> (value);
         if (eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_) *eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_ += dynProgProb.getProb (value) * 
                                        (1.0 - exp (lambda_ * static_cast <double> (value)));

        dynProgProb.setValueFct (n_bury); 
        dynProgProb.update (); // put probability into the morgue

        dynProgProb.setValueFct (n_step); 
        dynProgProb.update (); // iterate random walk

        if (time_ > 0.0)
                        Sls::alp_data::get_current_time (time1);
            if (time1 - time0 > time_) 
                *terminated_ = true;


    for (value = score_ [0]; value <= entry; value++) {
      if (eSumAlpha_) *eSumAlpha_ += dynProgProb.getProb (value) * static_cast <double> (value);
      if (eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_) *eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_ += dynProgProb.getProb (value) * 
                                     (1.0 - exp (lambda_ * static_cast <double> (value)));

    // check that not too much probability has been omitted
    double prob = 0.0;
    for (value = entry + 1; value < dynProgProb.getValueUpper (); value++) {
      prob += dynProgProb.getProb (value);
    prob += dynProgProb.getProbLost ();

    const double FUDGE = 2.0;
    assert (prob <= FUDGE * static_cast <double> (dimension_) * REL_TOL);