Ejemplo n.º 1
void initialize(double* ortx, double* orty, double* velx, double* vely, int N, double L, double T_0){
    int Teilchenzahl = 0;//Variable zur "richtigen" Speicherung der Ortskoordinaten im Array analog zu den Geschwindigkeitskoordinaten
    for(int n = 0; n <= 3; ++n){
    	for (int m = 0; m <= 3; ++m){
    	ortx[Teilchenzahl] = 1.0/8.0 * (1.0 + 2.0*n) * L;//Plätze der x-Koordinate des Ortes
		orty[Teilchenzahl] = 1.0/8.0 * (1.0 + 2.0*m) * L;//Plätze der y-Koordinate des Ortes
    double sum_velx_vorher = 0;
    double sum_vely_vorher = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i){
		velx[i] = rand_gen(-1.0, 1.0);//Ziehe Zufallszahl für die x-Koordinate der Geschwindigkeit
		sum_velx_vorher += velx[i];//Summiere alle x-Koordinaten der Geschwindigkeit auf
		vely[i] = rand_gen(-1.0, 1.0);//Ziehe Zufallszahl für die y-Koordinate der Geschwindigkeit
		sum_vely_vorher += vely[i];//Summiere alle y-Koordinaten der Geschwindigkeit auf
    sum_velx_vorher = sum_velx_vorher/N;
    sum_vely_vorher = sum_vely_vorher/N;
	std::cout << "sum_velx_vorher: " << sum_velx_vorher << "\tsum_vely_vorher: " << sum_vely_vorher << std::endl;
	//Test, ob die Schwerpunktsgeschwindigkeit nach der Reskalierung weiterhin 0 ist
    double sum_velx_nachher = 0;
    double sum_vely_nachher = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 16; ++i){
		velx[i] -= sum_velx_vorher;//Reskalierung, damit die Schwerpunktsgeschwindigkeit 0 ist für die x-Koordinate
		sum_velx_nachher += velx[i];
		vely[i] -= sum_vely_vorher;//Reskalierung, damit die Schwerpunktsgeschwindigkeit 0 ist für die y-Koordinate
		sum_vely_nachher += vely[i];
	sum_velx_nachher = sum_velx_nachher/N;
    sum_vely_nachher = sum_vely_nachher/N;
    std::cout << "sum_velx_nachher: " << sum_velx_nachher << "\tsum_vely_nachher: " << sum_vely_nachher << std::endl;
    double N_f = (2.0 * N - 2.0);//Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade
    double T = 0.0;//Temperatur
    for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i){
        T += velx[i]*velx[i] + vely[i]*vely[i];
    T = T/N_f;
    double alpha = sqrt(T_0/T);//Skalierungsfaktor
    for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i){//Skaliere Geschwindigkeiten mit Skalierungsfaktor
        velx[i] = alpha * velx[i];
        vely[i] = alpha * vely[i];
    //Test, ob die Schwerpunktsgeschwindigkeit nach der Skalierung weiterhin 0 ist
    double sum_velx_nachher2 = 0;
    double sum_vely_nachher2 = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 16; ++i){
        sum_velx_nachher2 += velx[i];
        sum_vely_nachher2 += vely[i];
    sum_velx_nachher2 = sum_velx_nachher2/N;
    sum_vely_nachher2 = sum_vely_nachher2/N;
    std::cout << "sum_velx_nachher2: " << sum_velx_nachher2 << "\tsum_vely_nachher2: " << sum_vely_nachher2 << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
unsigned int tournament_selection(const std::vector<grid>& population)
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, population.size() - 1);

    unsigned int parent_a = dis(rand_gen());
    int parent_a_score = population[parent_a].score();

    unsigned int parent_b = dis(rand_gen());
    int parent_b_score = population[parent_b].score();

    return parent_a_score > parent_b_score ? parent_a : parent_b;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor
 random_edge(Graph& g, RandomNumGen& gen) {
   if (num_edges(g) > 1) {
     uniform_int<RandomNumGen> rand_gen(gen, 0, num_edges(g)-1);
     typename graph_traits<Graph>::edges_size_type 
       n = rand_gen();
     typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator
       i = edges(g).first;
     while (n-- > 0) ++i; // std::advance not VC++ portable
     return *i;
   } else
     return *edges(g).first;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor
 random_vertex(Graph& g, RandomNumGen& gen)
   if (num_vertices(g) > 1) {
     uniform_int<> distrib(0, num_vertices(g)-1);
     variate_generator<RandomNumGen&, uniform_int<> > rand_gen(gen, distrib);
     std::size_t n = rand_gen();
     typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator
       i = vertices(g).first;
     while (n-- > 0) ++i; // std::advance not VC++ portable
     return *i;
   } else
     return *vertices(g).first;
Ejemplo n.º 5
uint32_t* compute_cut(int start, int end) {
    //printf("%u %u\n", start, end);

    if ( end == start ) {
        return rand_gen(seed[end-1], Z[end-1], Z[end]);

    if ( end - start == 1 ) {
        return multiply(rand_gen(seed[start-1], Z[start-1], Z[start]),
                        rand_gen(seed[end-1], Z[end-1], Z[end]), Z[start-1], Z[start], Z[end]);

    int cut = s[start][end];
    return multiply(compute_cut(start, cut), compute_cut(cut+1, end), Z[start-1], Z[cut], Z[end]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
double cMathUtil::RandDoubleSeed(double seed)
	unsigned int int_seed = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(&seed);
	std::default_random_engine rand_gen(int_seed);
	std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist;
	return dist(rand_gen);
 * A method that samples uniformly from the given graph without replacement.
 * This sampling scheme is used as a baseline to measure the performance of 
 * other sampling schemes --- they have to perform at least as well as this.
 * \param[in] graph The graph that we are sampling from.
 * \param[in] num_samples The number of samples to take.
 * \param[in] rand_seed The seed for the random number generator.
 * \param[in] sample A vector containing the edges that were sampled.
static void uniform_sample
  (const GraphType& graph,
   const int& num_samples,
   const int& rand_seed,
   const bool& symmetrize,
   std::vector<bool>& samples) { 

  /* The range for the random number generator is [0..num_edges) */
  const int lower = 0;
  const int upper = graph.get_num_edges ();

  /* Keep a record of all the edges that have been sampled */
  samples.resize (upper);
  for (int i=0; i<upper; ++i) samples [i] = false;

  /* Generate 'num_samples' random numbers and pick an edge each time */
  prng rand_gen (rand_seed);

  for (int i=0; i<num_samples; ++i) {
    int current_edge_index;
    do { 
      current_edge_index = floor (rand_gen.next (lower, upper));
    } while (samples [current_edge_index]);

    samples [current_edge_index] = true;
    if (symmetrize) {
      const int reverse_edge_index = 
                graph.get_reverse_target_index (current_edge_index);
      samples[reverse_edge_index] = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor
 random_vertex(Graph& g, RandomNumGen& gen)
   if (num_vertices(g) > 1) {
     std::size_t n = std::random( num_vertices(g) );
     uniform_int<> distrib(0, num_vertices(g)-1);
     variate_generator<RandomNumGen&, uniform_int<> > rand_gen(gen, distrib);
     std::size_t n = rand_gen();
     typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator
       i = vertices(g).first;
     return *(boost::next(i, n));
   } else
     return *vertices(g).first;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int main(const int argc, const char* const argv[]) {
  if (argc > 3) {
    std::cerr << err << "\n At most two arguments are allowed "
      "(the seed for the random-number generator and the number of elements).\n";
    return errcode_parameter;

  const int seed = (argc == 1) ? default_seed : boost::lexical_cast<int>(argv[1]);
  const unsigned int N = (argc < 3) ? default_N :  boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[2]);

  vec_t V(N);

  typedef boost::uniform_int<> uniform_distribution_type;
  uniform_distribution_type uniform_distribution(0,std::numeric_limits<int>::max()); // is this correct???
  typedef boost::variate_generator<base_generator_type&, uniform_distribution_type> generator_type;
  generator_type rand_gen(base_rand_gen, uniform_distribution);
  typedef boost::random_number_generator<generator_type> RandomNumberGenerator;
  RandomNumberGenerator rg(rand_gen);

  std::cout << "Underlying random sequence:\n";
  for (long n = V.size(); n > 1; --n) std::cout << rg(n) << " ";
  std::cout << "\n\n";

  typedef boost::random_number_generator<base_generator_type> RandomNumberGeneratorWOVariate;
  RandomNumberGeneratorWOVariate rg_wo_variate(base_rand_gen);

  std::cout << "Underlying random sequence (boost::random_number_generator using just boost::mt19937):\n";
  for (long n = V.size(); n > 1; --n) std::cout << rg_wo_variate(n) << " ";
  std::cout << "\n\n";

  std::cout << "Underlying random sequence (randn):\n";
  for (long n = V.size(); n > 1; --n) std::cout << ::randn(n) << " ";
  std::cout << "\n\n";

  std::random_shuffle(V.begin(), V.end(), rg);
  std::cout << "std::random_shuffle:\n";

  ::random_shuffle_libcpp(V.begin(), V.end(), rg);
  std::cout << "std::random_shuffle_libcpp:\n";

  ::random_shuffle(V.begin(), V.end(), rg);
  std::cout << "::random_shuffle:\n";

Ejemplo n.º 10
void mutation(std::vector<direction>& child_a_actions)
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, 99);

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < child_a_actions.size(); ++i)
        if(dis(rand_gen()) < 10)
            child_a_actions[i] = rand_action();
Ejemplo n.º 11
test_base_slist(const char* param) {
    struct slist_t* sl = slist_create();
    if (!sl) {
        fprintf(stderr, "slist create fail\n");
        return -1;

    int loop = param ? atoi(param) : 32;
    int data[loop];
    for (int i = 0; i < loop; ++ i) {
        data[i] = (int)(rand_gen()) % loop;
        int res = slist_push_front(sl, &data[i]);
        CHECK(sl, res == 0, "slist push front fail");

        res = slist_push_back(sl, &data[i]);
        CHECK(sl, res == 0, "slist push back fail");

    CHECK(sl, slist_size(sl) == 2 * loop, "slist size fail");

    for (int i = loop - 1; i >= 0; -- i) {
        int res = slist_find(sl, &data[i]);
        CHECK(sl, res == 0, "slist find fail");

        void* p = slist_pop_front(sl);
        CHECK(sl, p == &data[i], "slist pop front fail");

        p = slist_pop_back(sl);
        CHECK(sl, p == &data[i], "slist pop back fail");

        res = slist_find(sl, &data[i]);
        CHECK(sl, res < 0, "slist find fail");

    CHECK(sl, slist_size(sl) == 0, "slist size fail");

    return 0;
 * A method that samples with replacement using an interval tree. The steps
 * takes are as follows:
 * (1) From the adjacency list representation of the graph, we create a new
 *     array that lists the running sum of probabilities for each edge.
 * (2) Generate 'num_samples' random numbers and pick the interval that this
 *     random number lies in. Increment the count of the picked edge.
 * \param[in] graph The graph that we are sampling from.
 * \param[in] probabilities A map of edges and their probabilities.
 * \param[in] num_samples The number of samples to take.
 * \param[in] rand_seed The seed for the random number generator.
 * \param[out] sample_counts An array containing the number of times each 
 *                           edge was sampled.
static void sample_edges 
  (const GraphType& graph,
   const std::vector<double>& probabilities,
   const int& num_samples,
   const int& rand_seed,
   const bool& symmetrize,
   std::vector<int>& sample_counts) {

  /* Resize the sample counts to be as large as the number of edges */
  sample_counts.resize (probabilities.size(), 0);

  /* Create an array containing the running sum of probabilities */
  std::vector<double> probability_intervals((1+probabilities.size()));
  probability_intervals [0] = 0.0;
  for (int i=1; i<probability_intervals.size(); ++i) {
    probability_intervals[i] = probability_intervals[(i-1)] + 

  /* Generate 'num_samples' random numbers and pick an edge each time */
  prng rand_gen (rand_seed);
  for (int i=0; i<num_samples; ++i) {
    const double current_rand = rand_gen.next (0.0, 1.0);
    const int interval_index = 
    std::lower_bound (probability_intervals.begin(),
                      current_rand) - probability_intervals.begin() - 1;

    if (interval_index >= probability_intervals.size()) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Could not find interval for %lg\n", current_rand);
      exit (1);

    ++(sample_counts [interval_index]);
    if (symmetrize) {
      const int reverse_edge_index = 
                graph.get_reverse_target_index (interval_index);
Ejemplo n.º 13
void rand_bytes(uint8_t *buf, int size) {
	uint8_t hash[MD_LEN];
	int carry, len  = (RAND_SIZE - 1)/2;
	ctx_t *ctx = core_get();

	if (sizeof(int) > 2 && size > (1 << 16)) {

	/* buf = hash_gen(size) */
	rand_gen(buf, size);
	/* H = hash(03 || V) */
	ctx->rand[0] = 0x3;
	md_map(hash, ctx->rand, 1 + len);
	/* V = V + H + C  + reseed_counter. */
	rand_add(ctx->rand + 1, ctx->rand + 1 + len, len);
	carry = rand_add(ctx->rand + 1 + (len - MD_LEN), hash, MD_LEN);
	rand_inc(ctx->rand, len - MD_LEN + 1, carry);
	rand_inc(ctx->rand, len + 1, ctx->counter);
	ctx->counter = ctx->counter + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 14
	void Best::localSearch(
		const std::vector<Graph> &graphs,
		Solution &solution
	) {
		size_t m = solution.alignment.size1();
		size_t n = solution.alignment.size2();

		// Create reverse alignment mapping
		std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> map;
		create_map(graphs, solution, map);

		// Count number of graphs each edge is covered in
		edge_count_matrix edges;
		count_edges(graphs, map, solution, edges);

		// Build neighbor lists
		std::vector<neighbor_list> neighbors;
		create_neighbor_lists(graphs, map, solution, neighbors);

		// Active index map
		std::vector<int> active(m, 0);

		std::random_device rd;
		std::minstd_rand rand_gen(rd());

		int iteration = 0;
		bool repeat;

		do {
			repeat = false;

			for(size_t g = 0; g < n-1; ++g) {
				int best_delta = 0;
				size_t best_i = 0;
				size_t best_j = 0;

				#pragma omp parallel
					int prv_best_delta = 0;
					size_t prv_best_i = 0;
					size_t prv_best_j = 0;

					#pragma omp for schedule(static, 1)
					for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
						for(size_t j = i+1; j < m; ++j) {
							if(active[i] < iteration && active[j] < iteration) continue;

							int delta = get_delta(i, j, g, neighbors, edges);

							if(delta > 0) {
								active[i] = iteration+1;
								active[j] = iteration+1;

							if(delta > prv_best_delta) {
								prv_best_delta = delta;
								prv_best_i = i;
								prv_best_j = j;

					#pragma omp critical
						if(prv_best_delta > best_delta) {
							best_delta = prv_best_delta;
							best_i = prv_best_i;
							best_j = prv_best_j;

				if(best_delta > 0) {
					repeat = true;
					swap(best_i, best_j, g, iteration, neighbors, edges, solution, active);

		} while(repeat);

		// Extract LCS and solution quality
		finalize(edges, solution);
Ejemplo n.º 15
int rand_pos()
    static std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, grid_size - 1);

    return dis(rand_gen());
Ejemplo n.º 16
direction rand_action()
    static std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, action_count - 1);

    return static_cast<direction>(dis(rand_gen()));
Ejemplo n.º 17
bool double_initial_value()
    static std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, 99);

    return dis(rand_gen()) < initial_double_value_percent;
Ejemplo n.º 18
void sort_population_random(std::vector<grid>& population)
    std::shuffle(population.begin(), population.end(), rand_gen());
static jboolean JNICALL runRand(JNIEnv *env, jclass clasz, jint bytes)
    LOGI("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    return rand_gen(bytes, 0) == 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
void one_point_crossover(const std::vector<direction>& parent_a,
                         const std::vector<direction>& parent_b,
                         grid& child_a,
                         grid& child_b)
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, parent_a.size());

    std::vector<direction> child_a_actions;
    std::vector<direction> child_b_actions;

    unsigned int split_a = dis(rand_gen());
    unsigned int smaller_parent = std::min(parent_a.size(), parent_b.size());
    unsigned int larger_parent = std::max(parent_a.size(), parent_b.size());
    unsigned int split = std::min(split_a, smaller_parent);

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < smaller_parent; ++i)
        if(i < split)

    // TODO: Refactor, doing this now since each
    // child can be of different lengths
    // and the split can be in the larger parent
    for(unsigned int i = smaller_parent; i < larger_parent; ++i)
        if(i < split)
            if(larger_parent == parent_b.size())
            if(larger_parent == parent_b.size())


Ejemplo n.º 21
void custom_map(char* mapz)
	int i, rez;
	int br, phase = 1, lastKey = 5;
	long int random_element_gen = 0;
	unsigned long int random_pup_gen = 0;
	unsigned short mm = 0, pp = 0;
	clock_t start_lvl_time = clock(), pw_shield_start, pw_clock_start, pw_shovel_start;
	Levels tank_struct;
	br = 0;
	lst->first = NULL;
	lst->curr = NULL;
	lst->last = NULL;
	lst->n = 0;
	Plst->first = NULL;
	Plst->last = NULL;
	create_map(mapz, 2);
	tank_struct.kind = -1;
	tank_struct.smart = 0;
	LVL = 0;
	print_border_side_menu(2, x1m, 25, x2m, 3); // bots left.
	print_bots_left(); // saljes tezinu izabranu u podesavanjima( Easy-0 medium-1 hard-2) LVL(koji je nivo).  NOVO!
	print_border_side_menu(47, x1m + 20, 56, x2m, 4);// high score counter. // changed coordinates-Andrija // sve spusteno za 21
	print_border_side_menu(58, x1m, 67, x2m, 4); // pw disclaimer.
	alloc_tank(0, tank_struct);
	mvaddstr(68,40,"ESC TO PAUSE");
	while (1){
		if (random_element_gen == 280000) random_element_gen = 0, rand_gen();
		execute_powerups(&pw_shield_start, &pw_clock_start, &pw_shovel_start, &random_pup_gen);
		should_spawn_bot(&start_lvl_time, &rez, &br, LVL);
		if (_kbhit())
			execute_our_tank(&mm, &pp, &phase, &lastKey, start_lvl_time, br, 0);
		if (lst->n == 1 && br >= botsInLevel[BOT_DIF][LVL]) { 
		if ((!powerup.life) || (!strcmp(map_name, "gameover.map")) || (!strcmp(map_name, "gohardorgohome.map")) )