Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: q.c Proyecto: vabc3/EOJ
int main()
	int i=0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void tm_rect_generate_nextto( tm_rect_t* r, tm_rect_t* nextto_r, tm_vect_t* sz, tm_vect_t* map_sz )
	tm_rect_t aux_r;
	int i, d, start_dir = rand_n(N_DIRS);

	for( i = 0, d = start_dir; i < N_DIRS; i++, d = (d + 1) % N_DIRS )
		if( d == DIR_UP )
			tm_rect_init4( &aux_r, nextto_r->v1.x - sz->x + 1, nextto_r->v2.y, nextto_r->v2.x + sz->x - 1,
					nextto_r->v2.y + sz->y );
		if( d == DIR_DOWN )
			tm_rect_init4( &aux_r, nextto_r->v1.x - sz->x + 1, nextto_r->v1.y - sz->y, nextto_r->v2.x + sz->x - 1,
					nextto_r->v1.y );
		if( d == DIR_RIGHT )
			tm_rect_init4( &aux_r, nextto_r->v2.x, nextto_r->v1.y - sz->y + 1, nextto_r->v2.x + sz->x, nextto_r->v2.y
					+ sz->y - 1 );
		if( d == DIR_LEFT )
			tm_rect_init4( &aux_r, nextto_r->v1.x - sz->x, nextto_r->v1.y - sz->y + 1, nextto_r->v1.x, nextto_r->v2.y
					+ sz->y - 1 );

		if( (int) aux_r.v1.x < 0 )
			aux_r.v1.x = 0;
		if( (int) aux_r.v1.y < 0 )
			aux_r.v1.y = 0;
		if( (int) aux_r.v2.x > map_sz->x )
			aux_r.v2.x = map_sz->x;
		if( (int) aux_r.v2.y > map_sz->y )
			aux_r.v2.y = map_sz->y;

		if( (int) aux_r.v2.x - (int) aux_r.v1.x < (int) sz->x )
		if( (int) aux_r.v2.y - (int) aux_r.v1.y < (int) sz->y )

		tm_vect_substract( &aux_r.v2, sz, &aux_r.v2 );
		tm_vect_init( &r->v1, rand_range((int)aux_r.v1.x, (int)aux_r.v2.x),
				rand_range((int)aux_r.v1.y, (int)aux_r.v2.y) );
		tm_vect_add( &r->v1, sz, &r->v2 );
Ejemplo n.º 3
int heads( void )
    return rand_n( 2 );
double StochasticFunctionMinimization::StochasticSubgradientMethodMinimize(
	StochasticFunctionMinimizationProblem& prob, std::vector<double>& x_opt,
	double conv_tol, unsigned int max_epochs, bool verbose) {
	unsigned int dim = prob.Dimensions();
	std::vector<double> grad(dim, 0.0);

	// Initialize x
	std::vector<double> x(dim);

	// Random instance generator
	size_t N = prob.NumberOfElements();
	assert(N > 0);
	boost::mt19937 rgen(static_cast<const boost::uint32_t>(std::time(0))+1);
	boost::uniform_int<unsigned int> rdestd(0, static_cast<unsigned int>(N-1));
		boost::uniform_int<unsigned int> > rand_n(rgen, rdestd);

	// Optimize a given number of epochs
	boost::timer total_timer;
	std::vector<double> avg_grad(dim, 0.0);
	double lambda = 1.0;	// (should be lambda=1/C)
	double avg_obj = 0.0;
	for (unsigned int epoch = 0; max_epochs == 0 || epoch < max_epochs;
		++epoch) {
		avg_obj = 0.0;
		std::fill(avg_grad.begin(), avg_grad.end(), 0.0);

		// Choose epoch-wide step size
		double alpha = 1.0 / (static_cast<double>(epoch + 1) * lambda);

		// Optimize by sampling instances
		for (size_t n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
			unsigned int id = rand_n();
			// Update average objective and averaged gradient of this epoch
			avg_obj += prob.Eval(id, x, grad);
			std::transform(grad.begin(), grad.end(), avg_grad.begin(),
				avg_grad.begin(), std::plus<double>());

			// Perform incremental subgradient update
			for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
				x[d] -= alpha * grad[d];
		// Compute mean gradient and estimated objective
		double avg_grad_norm = 0.0;
		for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
			avg_grad_norm += avg_grad[d]*avg_grad[d];
		avg_grad_norm = std::sqrt(avg_grad_norm);

		// Output statistics
		if (verbose && (epoch % 20 == 0)) {
			std::cout << std::endl;
			std::cout << "  iter     time        avg_obj  |avg_grad|" << std::endl;
		if (verbose) {
			std::ios_base::fmtflags original_format = std::cout.flags();
			std::streamsize original_prec = std::cout.precision();

			// Iteration
			std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::left)
				<< std::setiosflags(std::ios::adjustfield)
				<< std::setw(6) << epoch << "  ";
			// Total runtime
			std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::left)
				<< std::resetiosflags(std::ios::scientific)
				<< std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)
				<< std::setiosflags(std::ios::adjustfield)
				<< std::setprecision(1)
				<< std::setw(6) << total_timer.elapsed() << "s  ";
			std::cout << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::fixed);

			// Objective function
			std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::scientific)
				<< std::setprecision(5)
				<< std::setiosflags(std::ios::left)
				<< std::setiosflags(std::ios::showpos)
				<< std::setw(7) << avg_obj << "   ";
			// Gradient norm
			std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::scientific)
				<< std::setprecision(2)
				<< std::resetiosflags(std::ios::showpos)
				<< std::setiosflags(std::ios::left) << avg_grad_norm;
			std::cout << std::endl;


		// Convergence check
		if (avg_grad_norm < conv_tol)

	x_opt = x;
	return (avg_obj);	// This is not exact, but stochastic anyway
Ejemplo n.º 5
void server_thread_generate_moves( server_thread_t* svt, int cycle )
	int i, j;
	tm_sv_client_t* cl;

        //change quest_times to have quests on/off
	int is_quest = ( sv.wl_quest_count &&
				cycle >= sv.quest_times[sv.quest_id] &&
				cycle  < sv.quest_times[sv.quest_id] + sv.wl_quest_duration

	for( i = 0; i < sv.n_clients; i++ )
		cl = sv.clients[i];
		if( cl->tid != svt->tid )	continue;

		tm_entity_movable_t* pl = cl->player;
		rect_t pl_r;
		rect_init4( &pl_r, pl->r.v1.x, pl->r.v1.y, pl->r.v2.x, pl->r.v2.y );
		value_t first_pl_dir = -1;
		for( j = 0; j < sv.n_multiple_actions; j++ )
			if( !sv.randomized_actions )	cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_ID] = sv.m_actions[j];
				int k, aux = rand_n( 100 );
				for( k = 0; k < n_actions; k++ )
					if( aux < sv.m_actions_ratios[k] )	break;
				assert( k < n_actions );
				cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_ID] = k;

			if( cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_ID] == AC_MOVE )
			        //burceam: so, if I understand this correctly, we give random direction and speed
			        //to players; then a bit below, (if( is_quest && ( (act_index % 2) != 0 ) )
			        //we generate a quest move, which will supersede the randomly-establised direction.
				cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD] = attribute_type_rand( &entity_types[ET_PLAYER]->attr_types[PL_SPEED] );
				cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_DIR] = attribute_type_rand( &entity_types[ET_PLAYER]->attr_types[PL_DIR] );

				int act_index = cycle * sv.n_multiple_actions + j;
				if( is_quest && ( (act_index % 2) == 0 ) )
					cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD] = cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD] / 4;
					if( entity_types[ET_PLAYER]->attr_types[PL_SPEED].min > cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD] )
						cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD] = entity_types[ET_PLAYER]->attr_types[PL_SPEED].min;
				if( is_quest && ( (act_index % 2) != 0 ) )
					cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_DIR] = server_thread_generate_quest_move( &pl_r, pl->ent_id );

				if( sv.straight_move )
					if( first_pl_dir == -1 )	
					   first_pl_dir = cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_DIR];
					   cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_DIR] = first_pl_dir;

				vect_t move_v;
				vect_scale( &dirs[cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_DIR]], cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD], &move_v );
				vect_add( &pl_r.v1, &move_v, &pl_r.v1 );
				vect_add( &pl_r.v2, &move_v, &pl_r.v2 );
				// TO DO: change to allow multiple move records in file
				//server_register_player_move( pl, i );

				#ifdef PRINT_MOVES
				printf( "cl:%3d cycle:%3d j: %d ;   ", cl->cl_id, cycle, j );
				printf( "pos: %3d,%3d - last_dist %d ;  ", (coord_t)pl->r.v1.x, (coord_t)pl->r.v1.y, cl->last_dist );
				printf( "act: %5s spd: %d dir: %5s\n", action_names[ cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_ID] ],
					cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD], dir_names[ cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_DIR] ] );