Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: intersect.c Proyecto: gaibo/C
hit_test intersect(ray r, object obj) {
    v3 ro = r.origin;
    v3 rd = r.direction;
    double t;
    hit_test ht_out;
    switch (obj.tag) {
        case SPHERE: {
            v3 sc = obj.o.s.center;
            double sr = obj.o.s.radius;
            v3 A = v3_sub(ro, sc);
            double B = v3_dot(A, rd);
            double C = v3_dot(A, A) - sr*sr;
            double D = B*B - C;
            t = -B - sqrt(D);
            if (D > 0 && t > 0) {
                v3 ray_pos = ray_position(r, t);
                ht_out.miss = HIT;
                ht_out.t = t;
                ht_out.hit_point = ray_pos;
                ht_out.surf = \
                    (*(obj.o.s.surface_color))(obj.o.s.center, ray_pos);
                ht_out.shine = obj.o.s.shine;
                ht_out.surf_norm = v3_norm(v3_sub(ray_pos, obj.o.s.center));
            } else {
                ht_out.miss = MISS;
        case POSTER: {
            v3 n = v3_expr(0, 0, -1);
            double d = obj.o.p.upper_left.z;
            t = -(v3_dot(ro, n) + d) / v3_dot(rd, n);
            v3 ray_pos = ray_position(r, t);
            if (t > 0 && is_on_poster(ray_pos, obj.o.p)) {
                ht_out.miss = HIT;
                ht_out.t = t;
                ht_out.hit_point = ray_pos;
                ht_out.surf = \
                    (*(obj.o.p.surface_color))(obj.o.p.upper_left, ray_pos);
                ht_out.shine = obj.o.p.shine;
                ht_out.surf_norm = n;
            } else {
                ht_out.miss = MISS;
            fprintf(stderr, "error in intersect: unrecognized tag\n");
    return ht_out;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* intersect_sphere : intersect func for spheres */
hit_test intersect_sphere(ray r, object obj)
  sphere s = obj.o.s;
  hit_test result;
  xyz A = xyz_sub(r.origin, s.center);
  double B = xyz_dot(A, xyz_norm(r.dir));
  double C = xyz_dot(A, A) - s.radius*s.radius;
  double D = B*B - C;
  double t = -B - sqrt(D);
  ray newr = {r.origin, xyz_norm(r.dir)};
  xyz loc = ray_position(newr,t);
  xyz v = xyz_sub(loc, s.center);
  xyz norm = xyz_norm(v);

  if(D<=0 || t<=0) 
    result.miss = MISS;
  else {
    result.miss = HIT;
    result.t = t;
    result.hit_point = loc;
    result.surf = s.surface_color(&obj, loc);
    result.shine = s.shine;
    result.surf_norm = norm;
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* intersect_poster : intersect func for posters */
hit_test intersect_poster(ray r, object obj)
  poster p = obj.o.p;
  hit_test result;
  xyz n = xyz_expr(0, 0, -1);
  double d = p.upper_left.z;
  xyz rd = xyz_norm(r.dir);
  double t = -(xyz_dot(r.origin, n) + d)/xyz_dot(rd, n);
  ray newr = {r.origin, rd};
  xyz loc = ray_position(newr,t);
  xyz ul = p.upper_left;

  if (t>0 && 
      loc.x>=ul.x && 
      loc.x<=(ul.x+p.w) &&
      loc.y<=ul.y &&
      loc.y>=(ul.y-p.h)) {
    result.miss = HIT;
    result.t = t;
    result.hit_point = loc;
    result.surf = p.surface_color(&obj, loc);
    result.shine = p.shine;
    result.surf_norm = n;
  } else {
    result.miss = MISS;
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
rgb lighting(scene s, ray r, hit_test h)
  rgb result;
  if (h.miss)
    return s.bg;
  vec hit_position = ray_position(r, h.dist);
  if (shadow(hit_position, s.light, s.spheres)) {
    result = rgb_modulate(h.surf, s.amb);
  else {  
    double dot = vec_dot(h.surf_norm, s.light.direction);
    double d = double_max(0, dot);
    rgb diffuse_light = rgb_scale(d, s.light.color);
    rgb lsum = rgb_add(s.amb, diffuse_light);
    result = rgb_modulate(h.surf, lsum);
  /**** === implement specular reflection here === ****/
  if (rgb_nonzero(h.shine)) {
    rgb ss;
    vec N = h.surf_norm;
    vec L = s.light.direction;
    rgb S = h.shine;
    vec R = vec_sub( vec_scale(2* vec_dot(N,L),N),L);
    vec V = vec_neg(r.direction);
    if (vec_dot(N,L)>0){
      ss = rgb_scale( pow( double_max( vec_dot(R,V),0), 6), S);
      ss = rgb_expr(0,0,0);
    return rgb_add(result,ss);
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* color of the intersecting fsphere (if there is one)  */
hit_test fintersect(ray r, fsphere s, timestamp ts)
  hit_test result = {0}; /* {0} to quiet the compiler */
  vec sc = s.center;
  double sr = s.radius;
  vec A = vec_sub(r.origin, sc);
  double B = vec_dot(A, r.direction);
  double C = vec_dot(A, A) - (sr * sr);
  double D = (B * B) - C;
  double t = (-B - sqrt(D));
  result.miss = 1;
  if (D > 0 && t > 0) {
    result.miss = 0;
    result.dist = t;
    result.surf = s.compute_surf(s.center, ray_position(r,t), ts);
    result.shine = s.compute_shine(ts);
    result.surf_norm = vec_norm(vec_sub(ray_position(r,t),sc));
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
hit_test intersect_cylinder (ray r, cylinder c) {
  hit_test result;
  v3 rp = v3_expr(r.direction.x,0,r.direction.z);
  double mp = v3_mag(rp);
  v3 np = v3_norm(rp);
  double xbar = r.origin.x - c.center.x;
  double zbar = r.origin.z - c.center.z;
  double a = pow(np.x,2) + pow(np.z,2);
  double b = 2 * ( (xbar*np.x) + (zbar*np.z) );
  double c1 = pow(xbar,2) + pow(zbar,2) - pow(c.radius,2);
  double d = pow(b,2) - (4*a*c1);
  result.miss = MISS;
  if(d >= 0) {
    double t_front = (-b - sqrt(d)) / (2*a);
    double t_back = (-b + sqrt(d)) / (2*a);
    v3 p_front = ray_position(r, t_front/mp);
    v3 p_back = ray_position(r, t_back/mp);
    if( (t_front < t_back) &&
	(t_front > 0) &&
	(p_front.y >= c.center.y) && (on_cylinder(p_front, c))) {
      result.miss = HIT;
      result.t = (t_front/mp);
      result.hit_point = p_front;
      result.surf = c.surface_color(c.center, p_front);
      result.shine = c.shine;
      v3 c2 = v3_expr(c.center.x, p_front.y, c.center.z);
      result.surf_norm = v3_norm(v3_sub(p_front,c2));
    } else if( (t_back > 0) &&
	       (p_back.y >= c.center.y) &&
	       (on_cylinder(p_back, c)) ) {
      result.miss = HIT;
      result.t = (t_back/mp);
      result.hit_point = p_back;
      result.surf = c.surface_color(c.center, p_back);
      result.shine = c.shine;
      v3 c3 = v3_expr(c.center.x, p_back.y, c.center.z);
      result.surf_norm = v3_norm(v3_sub(c3,p_back));
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
hit_test intersect_poster (ray r, poster p)
  hit_test result = {0};
  v3 ro = r.origin;
  v3 rd = r.direction;
  v3 n = v3_expr(0, 0, -1);
  double d = p.upper_left.z;
  double t = -(v3_dot(ro, n) + d) / v3_dot(rd, n);
  result.miss = MISS;
  v3 intersection = ray_position(r, t);
  if (t>0 && within_poster(intersection, p)) {
    result.miss = HIT;
    result.t = t;
    result.hit_point = intersection;
    result.surf = p.surface_color(p.upper_left, intersection);
    result.shine = p.shine;
    result.surf_norm = n;
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 8
hit_test intersect_sphere (ray r, sphere s)
  hit_test result = {0};
  v3 sc = s.center;
  double sr = s.radius;
  v3 a = v3_sub(r.origin, sc);
  double b = v3_dot(a, r.direction);
  double c = v3_dot(a, a) - (sr * sr);
  double d = (b * b) - c;
  double t = -b - sqrt(d);
  result.miss = MISS;
  if (d > 0 && t > 0) {
    v3 intersection = ray_position(r, t);  
    result.miss = HIT;
    result.t = t;
    result.hit_point = intersection;
    result.surf = s.surface_color(sc, intersection);
    result.shine = s.shine;
    result.surf_norm = v3_norm(v3_sub(intersection, sc));
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  color bg = color_expr(0,0,0.25);
  poster p = poster_expr(xyz_expr(-1.5,1.5,4.5), 3, 3,
      tex_green, color_expr(0,0,0));
  object o1 = {POSTER, {.p = p}, NULL};
  obj_list *os = ol_singleton(o1);
  scene scn;
  scn.bg = bg;
  scn.objects = os;
  stage stg = {cam, scn};
  camera tcam = {xyz_expr(0,0,-1), 120, 120};
  xyz loc1 = logical_loc(tcam,60,51);
  xyz loc2 = logical_loc(tcam,1,0);
  xyz loc3 = logical_loc(tcam,60,80);
   ray orgray = {cam.loc, xyz_sub(loc1,cam.loc)};
  hit_test ht = intersect(orgray, o1);
  xyz htpt = ray_position(orgray,ht.t);
    double d1 =  dist(xyz_expr(-1.5,1.5,4.5),htpt);
  double d2 = sqrt(p.w*p.w+p.h*p.h);

  printf("\n\n *** testing intersect ***\n");
  printf("\n\n *** testing dist ***\n");
  printf("%.2lf %2.lf %.2lf\n",d1,d2,d1/d2);
  color c = color_expr(d1/d2,0,0);

  printf("\n\n *** testing logica_loc *** \n");