Ejemplo n.º 1
void rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles(rcContext* ctx, const int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield& solid)


	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;

	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			rcSpan* ps = 0;
			bool previousWalkable = false;

			for (rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s; ps = s, s = s->next)
				const bool walkable = s->area != RC_NULL_AREA;
				// If current span is not walkable, but there is walkable
				// span just below it, mark the span above it walkable too.
				if (!walkable && previousWalkable)
					if (rcAbs((int)s->smax - (int)ps->smax) <= walkableClimb)
						s->area = RC_NULL_AREA;
				// Copy walkable flag so that it cannot propagate
				// past multiple non-walkable objects.
				previousWalkable = walkable;

Ejemplo n.º 2
void	rcMergeSpans( rcContext* ctx, rcHeightfield& solid )
	rcAssert( ctx );

	ctx->startTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );

	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;

	for( int y = 0; y < h; ++y ) {
		for( int x = 0; x < w; ++x ) {
			for( rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s != NULL && s->next != NULL; s = s->next ) {
				if( !rcIsSimilarTypeArea( s->area, s->next->area ) && rcAbs( static_cast<int>( s->next->smin ) - static_cast<int>( s->smax ) ) <= 2 ) {
					// merge
					rcSpan* next = s->next;
					s->smax = next->smax;
					const bool walkable = rcIsWalkableArea( s->area ) || rcIsWalkableArea( next->area );
					s->area = next->area;
					s->area &= walkable ? ~RC_UNWALKABLE_AREA : ~RC_WALKABLE_AREA;
					s->area |= walkable ? RC_WALKABLE_AREA : RC_UNWALKABLE_AREA;
					s->next = next->next;
					freeSpan( solid, next );

	ctx->stopTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );
/// @par
/// Spans will only be added for triangles that overlap the heightfield grid.
/// @see rcHeightfield
bool rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* ctx, const float* verts, const unsigned char* areas, const int nt,
						  rcHeightfield& solid, const int flagMergeThr)
	rcScopedTimer timer(ctx, RC_TIMER_RASTERIZE_TRIANGLES);
	const float ics = 1.0f/solid.cs;
	const float ich = 1.0f/solid.ch;
	// Rasterize triangles.
	for (int i = 0; i < nt; ++i)
		const float* v0 = &verts[(i*3+0)*3];
		const float* v1 = &verts[(i*3+1)*3];
		const float* v2 = &verts[(i*3+2)*3];
		// Rasterize.
		if (!rasterizeTri(v0, v1, v2, areas[i], solid, solid.bmin, solid.bmax, solid.cs, ics, ich, flagMergeThr))
			ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcRasterizeTriangles: Out of memory.");
			return false;

	return true;
/// @par
/// The span addition can be set to favor flags. If the span is merged to
/// another span and the new @p smax is within @p flagMergeThr units
/// from the existing span, the span flags are merged.
/// @see rcHeightfield, rcSpan.
void rcAddSpan(rcContext* ctx, rcHeightfield& hf, const int x, const int y,
			   const unsigned short smin, const unsigned short smax,
			   const navAreaMask areaMask, const int flagMergeThr )
	addSpan(hf, x,y, smin, smax, areaMask, flagMergeThr);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void	rcMarkWalkableLowHangingObstacles( rcContext* ctx, const int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield& solid )
	rcAssert( ctx );

	ctx->startTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );

	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;

	for( int y = 0; y < h; ++y ) {
		for( int x = 0; x < w; ++x ) {
			rcSpan* ps = 0;
			bool previousWalkable = false;

			for( rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s != NULL; ps = s, s = s->next ) {
				const bool walkable = rcIsWalkableArea( s->area );
				if( !walkable && previousWalkable ) {
					if( rcAbs((int)s->smax - (int)ps->smax) <= walkableClimb ) {
						s->area &= ~RC_UNWALKABLE_AREA;
						s->area |= RC_WALKABLE_AREA;
				previousWalkable = walkable;

	ctx->stopTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans(rcContext* ctx, int walkableHeight, rcHeightfield& solid)


	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;
	const int MAX_HEIGHT = 0xffff;

	// Remove walkable flag from spans which do not have enough
	// space above them for the agent to stand there.
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			for (rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s; s = s->next)
				const int bot = (int)(s->smax);
				const int top = s->next ? (int)(s->next->smin) : MAX_HEIGHT;
				if ((top - bot) <= walkableHeight)
					s->area = RC_NULL_AREA;

Ejemplo n.º 7
void	rcMarkTerrainWalkableUnderFloorSpans( rcContext* ctx, const int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield& solid )
	rcAssert( ctx );

	ctx->startTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );

	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;

	for( int y = 0; y < h; ++y ) {
		for( int x = 0; x < w; ++x ) {
			rcMarkWalkableLowerFloorSpan( x, y, walkableClimb, solid );
	for( int x = 0; x < w; ++x ) {
		for( int y = 0; y < h; ++y ) {
			rcMarkWalkableLowerFloorSpan( x, y, walkableClimb, solid );
	for( int y = h-1; 0 <= y; --y ) {
		for( int x = w-1; 0 <= x; --x ) {
			rcMarkWalkableLowerFloorSpan( x, y, walkableClimb, solid );
	for( int x = w-1; 0 <= x; --x ) {
		for( int y = h-1; 0 <= y; --y ) {
			rcMarkWalkableLowerFloorSpan( x, y, walkableClimb, solid );

	for( int y = 0; y < h; ++y ) {
		for( int x = 0; x < w; ++x ) {
			rcMarkLedgeJumpableLowerFloorSpan( x, y, walkableClimb, solid );
	for( int x = 0; x < w; ++x ) {
		for( int y = 0; y < h; ++y ) {
			rcMarkLedgeJumpableLowerFloorSpan( x, y, walkableClimb, solid );
	for( int y = h-1; 0 <= y; --y ) {
		for( int x = w-1; 0 <= x; --x ) {
			rcMarkLedgeJumpableLowerFloorSpan( x, y, walkableClimb, solid );
	for( int x = w-1; 0 <= x; --x ) {
		for( int y = h-1; 0 <= y; --y ) {
			rcMarkLedgeJumpableLowerFloorSpan( x, y, walkableClimb, solid );

	ctx->stopTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );
Ejemplo n.º 8
/// @par
/// Using this method ensures the array is at least large enough to hold
/// the specified number of elements.  This can improve performance by
/// avoiding auto-resizing during use.
void rcIntArray::doResize(int n)
	if (!m_cap) m_cap = n;
	while (m_cap < n) m_cap *= 2;
	int* newData = (int*)rcAlloc(m_cap*sizeof(int), RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (m_size && newData) memcpy(newData, m_data, m_size*sizeof(int));
	m_data = newData;
Ejemplo n.º 9
/// @par
/// This is usually the second to the last step in creating a fully built
/// compact heightfield.  This step is required before regions are built
/// using #rcBuildRegions or #rcBuildRegionsMonotone.
/// After this step, the distance data is available via the rcCompactHeightfield::maxDistance
/// and rcCompactHeightfield::dist fields.
/// @see rcCompactHeightfield, rcBuildRegions, rcBuildRegionsMonotone
bool rcBuildDistanceField(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf)
    if (chf.dist)
        chf.dist = 0;
    unsigned short* src = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
    if (!src)
        ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildDistanceField: Out of memory 'src' (%d).", chf.spanCount);
        return false;
    unsigned short* dst = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
    if (!dst)
        ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildDistanceField: Out of memory 'dst' (%d).", chf.spanCount);
        return false;
    unsigned short maxDist = 0;

    calculateDistanceField(chf, src, maxDist);
    chf.maxDistance = maxDist;
    // Blur
    if (boxBlur(chf, 1, src, dst) != src)
        rcSwap(src, dst);
    // Store distance.
    chf.dist = src;

    return true;
/// @par
/// The span addition can be set to favor flags. If the span is merged to
/// another span and the new @p smax is within @p flagMergeThr units
/// from the existing span, the span flags are merged.
/// @see rcHeightfield, rcSpan.
bool rcAddSpan(rcContext* ctx, rcHeightfield& hf, const int x, const int y,
			   const unsigned short smin, const unsigned short smax,
			   const unsigned char area, const int flagMergeThr)

	if (!addSpan(hf, x, y, smin, smax, area, flagMergeThr))
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcAddSpan: Out of memory.");
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
/// @par
/// No spans will be added if the triangle does not overlap the heightfield grid.
/// @see rcHeightfield
void rcRasterizeTriangle(rcContext* ctx, const float* v0, const float* v1, const float* v2,
						 const unsigned char area, rcHeightfield& solid,
						 const int flagMergeThr)


	const float ics = 1.0f/solid.cs;
	const float ich = 1.0f/solid.ch;
	rasterizeTri(v0, v1, v2, area, solid, solid.bmin, solid.bmax, solid.cs, ics, ich, flagMergeThr);

Ejemplo n.º 12
void rcMarkBoxArea(rcContext* ctx, const float* bmin, const float* bmax, unsigned char areaId, rcCompactHeightfield& chf)


    int minx = (int)((bmin[0]-chf.bmin[0])/chf.cs);
    int miny = (int)((bmin[1]-chf.bmin[1])/chf.ch);
    int minz = (int)((bmin[2]-chf.bmin[2])/chf.cs);
    int maxx = (int)((bmax[0]-chf.bmin[0])/chf.cs);
    int maxy = (int)((bmax[1]-chf.bmin[1])/chf.ch);
    int maxz = (int)((bmax[2]-chf.bmin[2])/chf.cs);

    if (maxx < 0)

    if (minx >= chf.width)

    if (maxz < 0)

    if (minz >= chf.height)

    if (minx < 0) minx = 0;
    if (maxx >= chf.width) maxx = chf.width-1;
    if (minz < 0) minz = 0;
    if (maxz >= chf.height) maxz = chf.height-1;

    for (int z = minz; z <= maxz; ++z)
        for (int x = minx; x <= maxx; ++x)
            const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+z*chf.width];
            for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
                if ((int)s.y >= miny && (int)s.y <= maxy)
                    chf.areas[i] = areaId;
/// @par
/// No spans will be added if the triangle does not overlap the heightfield grid.
/// @see rcHeightfield
bool rcRasterizeTriangle(rcContext* ctx, const float* v0, const float* v1, const float* v2,
						 const unsigned char area, rcHeightfield& solid,
						 const int flagMergeThr)

	rcScopedTimer timer(ctx, RC_TIMER_RASTERIZE_TRIANGLES);

	const float ics = 1.0f/solid.cs;
	const float ich = 1.0f/solid.ch;
	if (!rasterizeTri(v0, v1, v2, area, solid, solid.bmin, solid.bmax, solid.cs, ics, ich, flagMergeThr))
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcRasterizeTriangle: Out of memory.");
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void	rcFilterUnwalkableLedgeSpans( rcContext* ctx, const int /*walkableHeight*/, const int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield& solid )
	rcAssert( ctx );

	ctx->startTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );

	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;

	for( int y = 0; y < h; ++y ) {
		for( int x = 0; x < w; ++x ) {
			for( rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s != NULL; s = s->next ) {
				if( !rcCanMovableArea( s->area ) || !rcIsObjectArea( s->area ) ) {

				const int smax = static_cast<int>( s->smax );
				int connectedEdgeCount = 0;

				for( int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir ) {
					int dx = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
					int dy = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
					if( dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dx >= w || dy >= h ) {

					for( rcSpan* ns = solid.spans[dx + dy*w]; ns != NULL; ns = ns->next ) {
						const int nsmax = static_cast<int>( ns->smax );
						if( rcAbs( smax - nsmax ) <= walkableClimb*0.25f ) {

				if( connectedEdgeCount < 2 ) {
					s->area = RC_NULL_AREA;

	ctx->stopTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );
Ejemplo n.º 15
void	rcMarkLevelSpans( rcContext* ctx, rcHeightfield& solid )
	rcAssert( ctx );

	ctx->startTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );

	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;

	for( int y = 0; y < h; ++y ) {
		for( int x = 0; x < w; ++x ) {
			int level = 0;
			for( rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s != NULL; s = s->next ) {
				s->level = level++;

	ctx->stopTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );
Ejemplo n.º 16
void	rcFilterUnderFloorObjectSpans( rcContext* ctx, rcHeightfield& solid )
	rcAssert( ctx );

	ctx->startTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );

	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;

	for( int y = 0; y < h; ++y ) {
		for( int x = 0; x < w; ++x ) {
			for( rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s != NULL && s->next != NULL; s = s->next ) {
				if( rcCanMovableArea( s->area ) /*&& rcCanMovableArea( s->next->area )*/ ) {
					s->area |= RC_UNDER_FLOOR_AREA;

	ctx->stopTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );
Ejemplo n.º 17
void	rcFilterUnwalkableAreaSpans( rcContext* ctx, const unsigned char area, rcHeightfield& solid )
	rcAssert( ctx );

	ctx->startTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );

	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;

	for( int y = 0; y < h; ++y ) {
		for( int x = 0; x < w; ++x ) {
			for( rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s; s = s->next ) {
				if( s->area & area ) {
					s->area = RC_NULL_AREA;

	ctx->stopTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );
Ejemplo n.º 18
/// @par
/// Spans will only be added for triangles that overlap the heightfield grid.
/// @see rcHeightfield
void rcRasterizeTriangles(rcContext* ctx, const float* verts, const unsigned char* areas, const int nt,
						  rcHeightfield& solid, const int flagMergeThr)
	const float ics = 1.0f/solid.cs;
	const float ich = 1.0f/solid.ch;
	// Rasterize triangles.
	for (int i = 0; i < nt; ++i)
		const float* v0 = &verts[(i*3+0)*3];
		const float* v1 = &verts[(i*3+1)*3];
		const float* v2 = &verts[(i*3+2)*3];
		// Rasterize.
		rasterizeTri(v0, v1, v2, areas[i], solid, solid.bmin, solid.bmax, solid.cs, ics, ich, flagMergeThr);
Ejemplo n.º 19
bool rcBuildHeightfieldLayersChunky(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
									const int borderSize, const int walkableHeight,
									const int chunkSize,
									rcHeightfieldLayerSet& lset)


	rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> srcReg = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!srcReg)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'srcReg' (%d).", chf.spanCount);
		return false;
	memset(srcReg,0xff,sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount);

	rcLayerRegionMonotone* regs = NULL;
	int nregs = 0;

	const bool bHasRegions = CollectLayerRegionsChunky(ctx, chf, borderSize, chunkSize, srcReg, regs, nregs);
	if (!bHasRegions)
		return false;

	const bool bHasSaved = SplitAndStoreLayerRegions(ctx, chf, borderSize, walkableHeight, srcReg, regs, nregs, lset);

	if (!bHasSaved)
		return false;


	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 20
/// @par
/// Non-null regions will consist of connected, non-overlapping walkable spans that form a single contour.
/// Contours will form simple polygons.
/// If multiple regions form an area that is smaller than @p minRegionArea, then all spans will be
/// re-assigned to the zero (null) region.
/// Watershed partitioning can result in smaller than necessary regions, especially in diagonal corridors. 
/// @p mergeRegionArea helps reduce unecessarily small regions.
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// The region data will be available via the rcCompactHeightfield::maxRegions
/// and rcCompactSpan::reg fields.
/// @warning The distance field must be created using #rcBuildDistanceField before attempting to build regions.
/// @see rcCompactHeightfield, rcCompactSpan, rcBuildDistanceField, rcBuildRegionsMonotone, rcConfig
bool rcBuildRegions(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
					const int borderSize, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea)
	rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> spanBuf4 = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount*4, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!spanBuf4)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildRegions: Out of memory 'spanBuf4' (%d).", chf.spanCount*4);
		return false;


	unsigned short* srcReg = spanBuf4;
	if (!rcGatherRegionsNoFilter(ctx, chf, borderSize, spanBuf4))
		return false;

	// Filter out small regions.
	const int chunkSize = rcMax(chf.width, chf.height);
	if (!filterSmallRegions(ctx, minRegionArea, mergeRegionArea, chunkSize, chf.maxRegions, chf, srcReg))
		return false;
	// Write the result out.
	for (int i = 0; i < chf.spanCount; ++i)
		chf.spans[i].reg = srcReg[i];
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
void	rcFilterUnwalkableLowHeightSpans( rcContext* ctx, const int walkableHeight, rcHeightfield& solid )
	rcAssert( ctx );

	ctx->startTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );

	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;

	for( int y = 0; y < h; ++y ) {
		for( int x = 0; x < w; ++x ) {
			for( rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s != NULL && s->next != NULL; s = s->next ) {
				const int bot = static_cast<int>( s->smax );
				const int top = static_cast<int>( s->next->smin );
				if( ( top - bot ) <= walkableHeight ) {
					s->area = RC_NULL_AREA;

	ctx->stopTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );
Ejemplo n.º 22
void	rcMarkSideLedgeSpans( rcContext* ctx, const int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield& solid )
	rcAssert( ctx );

	ctx->startTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );

	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;

	for( int y = 0; y < h; ++y ) {
		for( int x = 0; x < w; ++x ) {
			for( rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s != NULL; s = s->next ) {
				if( !rcIsObjectArea( s->area ) || !rcIsWalkableObjectArea( s->area ) ) {
				for( int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir ) {
					const int dx = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
					const int dy = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
					if( dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dx >= w || dy >= h ) {
					for( rcSpan* ns = solid.spans[dx + dy*w]; ns != NULL; ns = ns->next ) {
						if( (ns->area & RC_UNWALKABLE_AREA) == RC_UNWALKABLE_AREA ) {
							const int gap = rcAbs( static_cast<int>(s->smax) - static_cast<int>(ns->smax) );
							if( gap <= walkableClimb ) {
								s->area |= RC_CLIMBABLE_AREA;

	ctx->stopTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );
Ejemplo n.º 23
void	rcFilterSpans( rcContext* ctx, const int /*walkableHeight*/, const int /*walkableClimb*/, rcHeightfield& solid )
	rcAssert( ctx );

	ctx->startTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );

	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;

	for( int y = 0; y < h; ++y ) {
		for( int x = 0; x < w; ++x ) {
			for( rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s != NULL; s = s->next ) {
				if( (s->area & RC_UNWALKABLE_AREA) == RC_UNWALKABLE_AREA ) {
					s->area = RC_NULL_AREA;

				if( s->next != NULL && rcIsTerrainArea( s->next->area ) ) {
					s->area = RC_NULL_AREA;

				// temporary
				if( !rcIsObjectArea( s->area ) && (s->area & RC_UNDER_FLOOR_AREA) == RC_UNDER_FLOOR_AREA ) {
					s->area = RC_NULL_AREA;

				if( rcCanMovableArea( s->area ) ) {
					s->area |= RC_TERRAIN_AREA;

	ctx->stopTimer( RC_TIMER_TEMPORARY );
Ejemplo n.º 24
bool rcBuildPolyMesh(rcContext* ctx, rcContourSet& cset, int nvp, rcPolyMesh& mesh)

	rcVcopy(mesh.bmin, cset.bmin);
	rcVcopy(mesh.bmax, cset.bmax);
	mesh.cs = cset.cs;
	mesh.ch = cset.ch;
	int maxVertices = 0;
	int maxTris = 0;
	int maxVertsPerCont = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < cset.nconts; ++i)
		// Skip null contours.
		if (cset.conts[i].nverts < 3) continue;
		maxVertices += cset.conts[i].nverts;
		maxTris += cset.conts[i].nverts - 2;
		maxVertsPerCont = rcMax(maxVertsPerCont, cset.conts[i].nverts);
	if (maxVertices >= 0xfffe)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Too many vertices %d.", maxVertices);
		return false;
	rcScopedDelete<unsigned char> vflags = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*maxVertices, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!vflags)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.verts' (%d).", maxVertices);
		return false;
	memset(vflags, 0, maxVertices);
	mesh.verts = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxVertices*3, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.verts)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.verts' (%d).", maxVertices);
		return false;
	mesh.polys = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxTris*nvp*2*2, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.polys)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.polys' (%d).", maxTris*nvp*2);
		return false;
	mesh.regs = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxTris, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.regs)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.regs' (%d).", maxTris);
		return false;
	mesh.areas = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*maxTris, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.areas)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.areas' (%d).", maxTris);
		return false;
	mesh.nverts = 0;
	mesh.npolys = 0;
	mesh.nvp = nvp;
	mesh.maxpolys = maxTris;
	memset(mesh.verts, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxVertices*3);
	memset(mesh.polys, 0xff, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxTris*nvp*2);
	memset(mesh.regs, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxTris);
	memset(mesh.areas, 0, sizeof(unsigned char)*maxTris);
	rcScopedDelete<int> nextVert = (int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*maxVertices, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!nextVert)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'nextVert' (%d).", maxVertices);
		return false;
	memset(nextVert, 0, sizeof(int)*maxVertices);
	rcScopedDelete<int> firstVert = (int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!firstVert)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'firstVert' (%d).", VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT);
		return false;
	for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT; ++i)
		firstVert[i] = -1;
	rcScopedDelete<int> indices = (int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*maxVertsPerCont, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!indices)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'indices' (%d).", maxVertsPerCont);
		return false;
	rcScopedDelete<int> tris = (int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*maxVertsPerCont*3, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!tris)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'tris' (%d).", maxVertsPerCont*3);
		return false;
	rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> polys = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*(maxVertsPerCont+1)*nvp, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!polys)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'polys' (%d).", maxVertsPerCont*nvp);
		return false;
	unsigned short* tmpPoly = &polys[maxVertsPerCont*nvp];

	for (int i = 0; i < cset.nconts; ++i)
		rcContour& cont = cset.conts[i];
		// Skip null contours.
		if (cont.nverts < 3)
		// Triangulate contour
		for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; ++j)
			indices[j] = j;
		int ntris = triangulate(cont.nverts, cont.verts, &indices[0], &tris[0]);
		if (ntris <= 0)
			// Bad triangulation, should not happen.
/*			printf("\tconst float bmin[3] = {%ff,%ff,%ff};\n", cset.bmin[0], cset.bmin[1], cset.bmin[2]);
			printf("\tconst float cs = %ff;\n", cset.cs);
			printf("\tconst float ch = %ff;\n", cset.ch);
			printf("\tconst int verts[] = {\n");
			for (int k = 0; k < cont.nverts; ++k)
				const int* v = &cont.verts[k*4];
				printf("\t\t%d,%d,%d,%d,\n", v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
			printf("\t};\n\tconst int nverts = sizeof(verts)/(sizeof(int)*4);\n");*/
			ctx->log(RC_LOG_WARNING, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Bad triangulation Contour %d.", i);
			ntris = -ntris;
		// Add and merge vertices.
		for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; ++j)
			const int* v = &cont.verts[j*4];
			indices[j] = addVertex((unsigned short)v[0], (unsigned short)v[1], (unsigned short)v[2],
								   mesh.verts, firstVert, nextVert, mesh.nverts);
			if (v[3] & RC_BORDER_VERTEX)
				// This vertex should be removed.
				vflags[indices[j]] = 1;
		// Build initial polygons.
		int npolys = 0;
		memset(polys, 0xff, maxVertsPerCont*nvp*sizeof(unsigned short));
		for (int j = 0; j < ntris; ++j)
			int* t = &tris[j*3];
			if (t[0] != t[1] && t[0] != t[2] && t[1] != t[2])
				polys[npolys*nvp+0] = (unsigned short)indices[t[0]];
				polys[npolys*nvp+1] = (unsigned short)indices[t[1]];
				polys[npolys*nvp+2] = (unsigned short)indices[t[2]];
		if (!npolys)
		// Merge polygons.
		if (nvp > 3)
				// Find best polygons to merge.
				int bestMergeVal = 0;
				int bestPa = 0, bestPb = 0, bestEa = 0, bestEb = 0;
				for (int j = 0; j < npolys-1; ++j)
					unsigned short* pj = &polys[j*nvp];
					for (int k = j+1; k < npolys; ++k)
						unsigned short* pk = &polys[k*nvp];
						int ea, eb;
						int v = getPolyMergeValue(pj, pk, mesh.verts, ea, eb, nvp);
						if (v > bestMergeVal)
							bestMergeVal = v;
							bestPa = j;
							bestPb = k;
							bestEa = ea;
							bestEb = eb;
				if (bestMergeVal > 0)
					// Found best, merge.
					unsigned short* pa = &polys[bestPa*nvp];
					unsigned short* pb = &polys[bestPb*nvp];
					mergePolys(pa, pb, bestEa, bestEb, tmpPoly, nvp);
					memcpy(pb, &polys[(npolys-1)*nvp], sizeof(unsigned short)*nvp);
					// Could not merge any polygons, stop.
		// Store polygons.
		for (int j = 0; j < npolys; ++j)
			unsigned short* p = &mesh.polys[mesh.npolys*nvp*2];
			unsigned short* q = &polys[j*nvp];
			for (int k = 0; k < nvp; ++k)
				p[k] = q[k];
			mesh.regs[mesh.npolys] = cont.reg;
			mesh.areas[mesh.npolys] = cont.area;
			if (mesh.npolys > maxTris)
				ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Too many polygons %d (max:%d).", mesh.npolys, maxTris);
				return false;
	// Remove edge vertices.
	for (int i = 0; i < mesh.nverts; ++i)
		if (vflags[i])
			if (!canRemoveVertex(ctx, mesh, (unsigned short)i))
			if (!removeVertex(ctx, mesh, (unsigned short)i, maxTris))
				// Failed to remove vertex
				ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Failed to remove edge vertex %d.", i);
				return false;
			// Remove vertex
			// Note: mesh.nverts is already decremented inside removeVertex()!
			for (int j = i; j < mesh.nverts; ++j)
				vflags[j] = vflags[j+1];
	// Calculate adjacency.
	if (!buildMeshAdjacency(mesh.polys, mesh.npolys, mesh.nverts, nvp))
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Adjacency failed.");
		return false;

	// Just allocate the mesh flags array. The user is resposible to fill it.
	mesh.flags = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*mesh.npolys, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.flags)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.flags' (%d).", mesh.npolys);
		return false;
	memset(mesh.flags, 0, sizeof(unsigned short) * mesh.npolys);
	if (mesh.nverts > 0xffff)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: The resulting mesh has too many vertices %d (max %d). Data can be corrupted.", mesh.nverts, 0xffff);
	if (mesh.npolys > 0xffff)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: The resulting mesh has too many polygons %d (max %d). Data can be corrupted.", mesh.npolys, 0xffff);
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
bool rcMergePolyMeshes(rcContext* ctx, rcPolyMesh** meshes, const int nmeshes, rcPolyMesh& mesh)
	if (!nmeshes || !meshes)
		return true;


	mesh.nvp = meshes[0]->nvp;
	mesh.cs = meshes[0]->cs;
	mesh.ch = meshes[0]->ch;
	rcVcopy(mesh.bmin, meshes[0]->bmin);
	rcVcopy(mesh.bmax, meshes[0]->bmax);

	int maxVerts = 0;
	int maxPolys = 0;
	int maxVertsPerMesh = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < nmeshes; ++i)
		rcVmin(mesh.bmin, meshes[i]->bmin);
		rcVmax(mesh.bmax, meshes[i]->bmax);
		maxVertsPerMesh = rcMax(maxVertsPerMesh, meshes[i]->nverts);
		maxVerts += meshes[i]->nverts;
		maxPolys += meshes[i]->npolys;
	mesh.nverts = 0;
	mesh.verts = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxVerts*3, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.verts)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'mesh.verts' (%d).", maxVerts*3);
		return false;

	mesh.npolys = 0;
	mesh.polys = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys*2*mesh.nvp, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.polys)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'mesh.polys' (%d).", maxPolys*2*mesh.nvp);
		return false;
	memset(mesh.polys, 0xff, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys*2*mesh.nvp);

	mesh.regs = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.regs)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'mesh.regs' (%d).", maxPolys);
		return false;
	memset(mesh.regs, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys);

	mesh.areas = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*maxPolys, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.areas)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'mesh.areas' (%d).", maxPolys);
		return false;
	memset(mesh.areas, 0, sizeof(unsigned char)*maxPolys);

	mesh.flags = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.flags)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'mesh.flags' (%d).", maxPolys);
		return false;
	memset(mesh.flags, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys);
	rcScopedDelete<int> nextVert = (int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*maxVerts, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!nextVert)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'nextVert' (%d).", maxVerts);
		return false;
	memset(nextVert, 0, sizeof(int)*maxVerts);
	rcScopedDelete<int> firstVert = (int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!firstVert)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'firstVert' (%d).", VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT);
		return false;
	for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT; ++i)
		firstVert[i] = -1;

	rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> vremap = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxVertsPerMesh, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!vremap)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'vremap' (%d).", maxVertsPerMesh);
		return false;
	memset(nextVert, 0, sizeof(int)*maxVerts);
	for (int i = 0; i < nmeshes; ++i)
		const rcPolyMesh* pmesh = meshes[i];
		const unsigned short ox = (unsigned short)floorf((pmesh->bmin[0]-mesh.bmin[0])/mesh.cs+0.5f);
		const unsigned short oz = (unsigned short)floorf((pmesh->bmin[2]-mesh.bmin[2])/mesh.cs+0.5f);
		for (int j = 0; j < pmesh->nverts; ++j)
			unsigned short* v = &pmesh->verts[j*3];
			vremap[j] = addVertex(v[0]+ox, v[1], v[2]+oz,
								  mesh.verts, firstVert, nextVert, mesh.nverts);
		for (int j = 0; j < pmesh->npolys; ++j)
			unsigned short* tgt = &mesh.polys[mesh.npolys*2*mesh.nvp];
			unsigned short* src = &pmesh->polys[j*2*mesh.nvp];
			mesh.regs[mesh.npolys] = pmesh->regs[j];
			mesh.areas[mesh.npolys] = pmesh->areas[j];
			mesh.flags[mesh.npolys] = pmesh->flags[j];
			for (int k = 0; k < mesh.nvp; ++k)
				if (src[k] == RC_MESH_NULL_IDX) break;
				tgt[k] = vremap[src[k]];

	// Calculate adjacency.
	if (!buildMeshAdjacency(mesh.polys, mesh.npolys, mesh.nverts, mesh.nvp))
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Adjacency failed.");
		return false;

	if (mesh.nverts > 0xffff)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: The resulting mesh has too many vertices %d (max %d). Data can be corrupted.", mesh.nverts, 0xffff);
	if (mesh.npolys > 0xffff)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: The resulting mesh has too many polygons %d (max %d). Data can be corrupted.", mesh.npolys, 0xffff);
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 26
/// @par
/// Non-null regions will consist of connected, non-overlapping walkable spans that form a single contour.
/// Contours will form simple polygons.
/// If multiple regions form an area that is smaller than @p minRegionArea, then all spans will be
/// re-assigned to the zero (null) region.
/// Watershed partitioning can result in smaller than necessary regions, especially in diagonal corridors. 
/// @p mergeRegionArea helps reduce unecessarily small regions.
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// The region data will be available via the rcCompactHeightfield::maxRegions
/// and rcCompactSpan::reg fields.
/// @warning The distance field must be created using #rcBuildDistanceField before attempting to build regions.
/// @see rcCompactHeightfield, rcCompactSpan, rcBuildDistanceField, rcBuildRegionsMonotone, rcConfig
bool rcBuildRegions(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
                    const int borderSize, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea)
    const int w = chf.width;
    const int h = chf.height;
    rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> buf = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount*4, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
    if (!buf)
        ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildRegions: Out of memory 'tmp' (%d).", chf.spanCount*4);
        return false;
    rcIntArray stack(1024);
    rcIntArray visited(1024);
    unsigned short* srcReg = buf;
    unsigned short* srcDist = buf+chf.spanCount;
    unsigned short* dstReg = buf+chf.spanCount*2;
    unsigned short* dstDist = buf+chf.spanCount*3;
    memset(srcReg, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount);
    memset(srcDist, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount);
    unsigned short regionId = 1;
    unsigned short level = (chf.maxDistance+1) & ~1;

    // TODO: Figure better formula, expandIters defines how much the 
    // watershed "overflows" and simplifies the regions. Tying it to
    // agent radius was usually good indication how greedy it could be.
//    const int expandIters = 4 + walkableRadius * 2;
    const int expandIters = 8;

    if (borderSize > 0)
        // Make sure border will not overflow.
        const int bw = rcMin(w, borderSize);
        const int bh = rcMin(h, borderSize);
        // Paint regions
        paintRectRegion(0, bw, 0, h, regionId|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); regionId++;
        paintRectRegion(w-bw, w, 0, h, regionId|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); regionId++;
        paintRectRegion(0, w, 0, bh, regionId|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); regionId++;
        paintRectRegion(0, w, h-bh, h, regionId|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); regionId++;

        chf.borderSize = borderSize;
    while (level > 0)
        level = level >= 2 ? level-2 : 0;
        // Expand current regions until no empty connected cells found.
        if (expandRegions(expandIters, level, chf, srcReg, srcDist, dstReg, dstDist, stack) != srcReg)
            rcSwap(srcReg, dstReg);
            rcSwap(srcDist, dstDist);
        // Mark new regions with IDs.
        for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
            for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
                const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
                for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                    if (chf.dist[i] < level || srcReg[i] != 0 || chf.areas[i] == RC_NULL_AREA)
                    if (floodRegion(x, y, i, level, regionId, chf, srcReg, srcDist, stack))
    // Expand current regions until no empty connected cells found.
    if (expandRegions(expandIters*8, 0, chf, srcReg, srcDist, dstReg, dstDist, stack) != srcReg)
        rcSwap(srcReg, dstReg);
        rcSwap(srcDist, dstDist);
    // Filter out small regions.
    chf.maxRegions = regionId;
    if (!filterSmallRegions(ctx, minRegionArea, mergeRegionArea, chf.maxRegions, chf, srcReg))
        return false;
    // Write the result out.
    for (int i = 0; i < chf.spanCount; ++i)
        chf.spans[i].reg = srcReg[i];
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 27
/// @par
/// Non-null regions will consist of connected, non-overlapping walkable spans that form a single contour.
/// Contours will form simple polygons.
/// If multiple regions form an area that is smaller than @p minRegionArea, then all spans will be
/// re-assigned to the zero (null) region.
/// Partitioning can result in smaller than necessary regions. @p mergeRegionArea helps 
/// reduce unecessarily small regions.
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// The region data will be available via the rcCompactHeightfield::maxRegions
/// and rcCompactSpan::reg fields.
/// @warning The distance field must be created using #rcBuildDistanceField before attempting to build regions.
/// @see rcCompactHeightfield, rcCompactSpan, rcBuildDistanceField, rcBuildRegionsMonotone, rcConfig
bool rcBuildRegionsMonotone(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
                            const int borderSize, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea)
    const int w = chf.width;
    const int h = chf.height;
    unsigned short id = 1;
    rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> srcReg = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
    if (!srcReg)
        ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildRegionsMonotone: Out of memory 'src' (%d).", chf.spanCount);
        return false;
    memset(srcReg,0,sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount);

    const int nsweeps = rcMax(chf.width,chf.height);
    rcScopedDelete<rcSweepSpan> sweeps = (rcSweepSpan*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcSweepSpan)*nsweeps, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
    if (!sweeps)
        ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildRegionsMonotone: Out of memory 'sweeps' (%d).", nsweeps);
        return false;
    // Mark border regions.
    if (borderSize > 0)
        // Make sure border will not overflow.
        const int bw = rcMin(w, borderSize);
        const int bh = rcMin(h, borderSize);
        // Paint regions
        paintRectRegion(0, bw, 0, h, id|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); id++;
        paintRectRegion(w-bw, w, 0, h, id|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); id++;
        paintRectRegion(0, w, 0, bh, id|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); id++;
        paintRectRegion(0, w, h-bh, h, id|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); id++;
        chf.borderSize = borderSize;
    rcIntArray prev(256);

    // Sweep one line at a time.
    for (int y = borderSize; y < h-borderSize; ++y)
        // Collect spans from this row.
        unsigned short rid = 1;
        for (int x = borderSize; x < w-borderSize; ++x)
            const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
            for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
                if (chf.areas[i] == RC_NULL_AREA) continue;
                // -x
                unsigned short previd = 0;
                if (rcGetCon(s, 0) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(0);
                    const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(0);
                    const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 0);
                    if ((srcReg[ai] & RC_BORDER_REG) == 0 && chf.areas[i] == chf.areas[ai])
                        previd = srcReg[ai];
                if (!previd)
                    previd = rid++;
                    sweeps[previd].rid = previd;
                    sweeps[previd].ns = 0;
                    sweeps[previd].nei = 0;

                // -y
                if (rcGetCon(s,3) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(3);
                    const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(3);
                    const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 3);
                    if (srcReg[ai] && (srcReg[ai] & RC_BORDER_REG) == 0 && chf.areas[i] == chf.areas[ai])
                        unsigned short nr = srcReg[ai];
                        if (!sweeps[previd].nei || sweeps[previd].nei == nr)
                            sweeps[previd].nei = nr;
                            sweeps[previd].nei = RC_NULL_NEI;

                srcReg[i] = previd;
        // Create unique ID.
        for (int i = 1; i < rid; ++i)
            if (sweeps[i].nei != RC_NULL_NEI && sweeps[i].nei != 0 &&
                prev[sweeps[i].nei] == (int)sweeps[i].ns)
                sweeps[i].id = sweeps[i].nei;
                sweeps[i].id = id++;
        // Remap IDs
        for (int x = borderSize; x < w-borderSize; ++x)
            const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
            for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                if (srcReg[i] > 0 && srcReg[i] < rid)
                    srcReg[i] = sweeps[srcReg[i]].id;


    // Filter out small regions.
    chf.maxRegions = id;
    if (!filterSmallRegions(ctx, minRegionArea, mergeRegionArea, chf.maxRegions, chf, srcReg))
        return false;

    // Store the result out.
    for (int i = 0; i < chf.spanCount; ++i)
        chf.spans[i].reg = srcReg[i];

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 28
void rcMarkConvexPolyArea(rcContext* ctx, const float* verts, const int nverts,
                          const float hmin, const float hmax, unsigned char areaId,
                          rcCompactHeightfield& chf)

    float bmin[3], bmax[3];
    rcVcopy(bmin, verts);
    rcVcopy(bmax, verts);
    for (int i = 1; i < nverts; ++i)
        rcVmin(bmin, &verts[i*3]);
        rcVmax(bmax, &verts[i*3]);
    bmin[1] = hmin;
    bmax[1] = hmax;

    int minx = (int)((bmin[0]-chf.bmin[0])/chf.cs);
    int miny = (int)((bmin[1]-chf.bmin[1])/chf.ch);
    int minz = (int)((bmin[2]-chf.bmin[2])/chf.cs);
    int maxx = (int)((bmax[0]-chf.bmin[0])/chf.cs);
    int maxy = (int)((bmax[1]-chf.bmin[1])/chf.ch);
    int maxz = (int)((bmax[2]-chf.bmin[2])/chf.cs);
    if (maxx < 0) return;
    if (minx >= chf.width) return;
    if (maxz < 0) return;
    if (minz >= chf.height) return;
    if (minx < 0) minx = 0;
    if (maxx >= chf.width) maxx = chf.width-1;
    if (minz < 0) minz = 0;
    if (maxz >= chf.height) maxz = chf.height-1;    
    // TODO: Optimize.
    for (int z = minz; z <= maxz; ++z)
        for (int x = minx; x <= maxx; ++x)
            const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+z*chf.width];
            for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
                if (chf.areas[i] == RC_NULL_AREA)
                if ((int)s.y >= miny && (int)s.y <= maxy)
                    float p[3];
                    p[0] = chf.bmin[0] + (x+0.5f)*chf.cs; 
                    p[1] = 0;
                    p[2] = chf.bmin[2] + (z+0.5f)*chf.cs; 

                    if (pointInPoly(nverts, verts, p))
                        chf.areas[i] = areaId;

Ejemplo n.º 29
bool rcBuildCompactHeightfield(rcContext* ctx, const int walkableHeight, const int walkableClimb,
	rcHeightfield& hf, rcCompactHeightfield& chf)


	const int w = hf.width;
	const int h = hf.height;
	const int spanCount = rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount(ctx, hf);

	// Fill in header.
	chf.width = w;
	chf.height = h;
	chf.spanCount = spanCount;
	chf.walkableHeight = walkableHeight;
	chf.walkableClimb = walkableClimb;
	chf.maxRegions = 0;
	rcVcopy(chf.bmin, hf.bmin);
	rcVcopy(chf.bmax, hf.bmax);
	chf.bmax[1] += walkableHeight*hf.ch;
	chf.cs = hf.cs;
	chf.ch = hf.ch;
	chf.cells = (rcCompactCell*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcCompactCell)*w*h, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!chf.cells)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Out of memory 'chf.cells' (%d)", w*h);
		return false;
	memset(chf.cells, 0, sizeof(rcCompactCell)*w*h);
	chf.spans = (rcCompactSpan*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcCompactSpan)*spanCount, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!chf.spans)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Out of memory 'chf.spans' (%d)", spanCount);
		return false;
	memset(chf.spans, 0, sizeof(rcCompactSpan)*spanCount);
	chf.areas = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*spanCount, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!chf.areas)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Out of memory 'chf.areas' (%d)", spanCount);
		return false;
	memset(chf.areas, RC_NULL_AREA, sizeof(unsigned char)*spanCount);

	const int MAX_HEIGHT = 0xffff;

	// Fill in cells and spans.
	int idx = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			const rcSpan* s = hf.spans[x + y*w];
			// If there are no spans at this cell, just leave the data to index=0, count=0.
			if (!s) continue;
			rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x + y*w];
			c.index = idx;
			c.count = 0;
			while (s)
				if (s->area != RC_NULL_AREA)
					const int bot = (int)s->smax;
					const int top = s->next ? (int)s->next->smin : MAX_HEIGHT;
					chf.spans[idx].y = (unsigned short)rcClamp(bot, 0, 0xffff);
					chf.spans[idx].h = (unsigned char)rcClamp(top - bot, 0, 0xff);
					chf.areas[idx] = s->area;
				s = s->next;

	// Find neighbour connections.
	int tooHighNeighbour = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x + y*w];
			for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index + c.count); i < ni; ++i)
				rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];

				for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
					rcSetCon(s, dir, RC_NOT_CONNECTED);
					const int nx = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
					const int ny = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
					// First check that the neighbour cell is in bounds.
					if (nx < 0 || ny < 0 || nx >= w || ny >= h)

					// Iterate over all neighbour spans and check if any of the is
					// accessible from current cell.
					const rcCompactCell& nc = chf.cells[nx + ny*w];
					for (int k = (int)nc.index, nk = (int)(nc.index + nc.count); k < nk; ++k)
						const rcCompactSpan& ns = chf.spans[k];
						const int bot = rcMax(s.y, ns.y);
						const int top = rcMin(s.y + s.h, ns.y + ns.h);

						// Check that the gap between the spans is walkable,
						// and that the climb height between the gaps is not too high.
						if ((top - bot) >= walkableHeight && rcAbs((int)ns.y - (int)s.y) <= walkableClimb)
							// Mark direction as walkable.
							const int b = k - (int)nc.index;
							if (b < 0 || b > MAX_LAYERS)
								tooHighNeighbour = rcMax(tooHighNeighbour, b);
							rcSetCon(s, dir, b);

	if (tooHighNeighbour > MAX_LAYERS)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Heightfield has too many layers %d (max: %d)",
			tooHighNeighbour, MAX_LAYERS);


	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 30
bool rcErodeWalkableArea(rcContext* ctx, int radius, rcCompactHeightfield& chf)
    const int w = chf.width;
    const int h = chf.height;
    unsigned char* dist = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*chf.spanCount, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
    if (!dist)
        ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "erodeWalkableArea: Out of memory 'dist' (%d).", chf.spanCount);
        return false;
    // Init distance.
    memset(dist, 0xff, sizeof(unsigned char)*chf.spanCount);
    // Mark boundary cells.
    for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
        for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
            const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
            for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                if (chf.areas[i] != RC_NULL_AREA)
                    const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
                    int nc = 0;
                    for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
                        if (rcGetCon(s, dir) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    // At least one missing neighbour.
                    if (nc != 4)
                        dist[i] = 0;
    unsigned char nd;
    // Pass 1
    for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
        for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
            const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
            for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
                if (rcGetCon(s, 0) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    // (-1,0)
                    const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(0);
                    const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(0);
                    const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 0);
                    const rcCompactSpan& as = chf.spans[ai];
                    nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[ai]+2, 255);
                    if (nd < dist[i])
                        dist[i] = nd;
                    // (-1,-1)
                    if (rcGetCon(as, 3) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                        const int aax = ax + rcGetDirOffsetX(3);
                        const int aay = ay + rcGetDirOffsetY(3);
                        const int aai = (int)chf.cells[aax+aay*w].index + rcGetCon(as, 3);
                        nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[aai]+3, 255);
                        if (nd < dist[i])
                            dist[i] = nd;
                if (rcGetCon(s, 3) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    // (0,-1)
                    const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(3);
                    const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(3);
                    const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 3);
                    const rcCompactSpan& as = chf.spans[ai];
                    nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[ai]+2, 255);
                    if (nd < dist[i])
                        dist[i] = nd;
                    // (1,-1)
                    if (rcGetCon(as, 2) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                        const int aax = ax + rcGetDirOffsetX(2);
                        const int aay = ay + rcGetDirOffsetY(2);
                        const int aai = (int)chf.cells[aax+aay*w].index + rcGetCon(as, 2);
                        nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[aai]+3, 255);
                        if (nd < dist[i])
                            dist[i] = nd;
    // Pass 2
    for (int y = h-1; y >= 0; --y)
        for (int x = w-1; x >= 0; --x)
            const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
            for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
                if (rcGetCon(s, 2) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    // (1,0)
                    const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(2);
                    const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(2);
                    const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 2);
                    const rcCompactSpan& as = chf.spans[ai];
                    nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[ai]+2, 255);
                    if (nd < dist[i])
                        dist[i] = nd;
                    // (1,1)
                    if (rcGetCon(as, 1) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                        const int aax = ax + rcGetDirOffsetX(1);
                        const int aay = ay + rcGetDirOffsetY(1);
                        const int aai = (int)chf.cells[aax+aay*w].index + rcGetCon(as, 1);
                        nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[aai]+3, 255);
                        if (nd < dist[i])
                            dist[i] = nd;
                if (rcGetCon(s, 1) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    // (0,1)
                    const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(1);
                    const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(1);
                    const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 1);
                    const rcCompactSpan& as = chf.spans[ai];
                    nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[ai]+2, 255);
                    if (nd < dist[i])
                        dist[i] = nd;
                    // (-1,1)
                    if (rcGetCon(as, 0) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                        const int aax = ax + rcGetDirOffsetX(0);
                        const int aay = ay + rcGetDirOffsetY(0);
                        const int aai = (int)chf.cells[aax+aay*w].index + rcGetCon(as, 0);
                        nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[aai]+3, 255);
                        if (nd < dist[i])
                            dist[i] = nd;
    const unsigned char thr = (unsigned char)(radius*2);
    for (int i = 0; i < chf.spanCount; ++i)
        if (dist[i] < thr)
            chf.areas[i] = RC_NULL_AREA;
    return true;