Ejemplo n.º 1
static INT buffRdbkVerify(struct bcm_mini_adapter *Adapter, PUCHAR mappedbuffer, UINT u32FirmwareLength, ULONG u32StartingAddress)
	UINT len = u32FirmwareLength;
	int bytes;

	if (NULL == readbackbuff) {
		return -ENOMEM;

	while (u32FirmwareLength && !retval) {
		len = MIN_VAL(u32FirmwareLength, MAX_TRANSFER_CTRL_BYTE_USB);
		bytes = rdm(Adapter, u32StartingAddress, readbackbuff, len);

		if (bytes < 0) {
			retval = bytes;
			BCM_DEBUG_PRINT(Adapter, DBG_TYPE_INITEXIT, MP_INIT, DBG_LVL_ALL, "rdm failed with status %d", retval);

		retval = bcm_compare_buff_contents(readbackbuff, mappedbuffer, len);
		if (STATUS_SUCCESS != retval)

		u32StartingAddress += len;
		u32FirmwareLength -= len;
		mappedbuffer += len;

	} /* end of while (u32FirmwareLength && !retval) */
	return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static INT buffRdbkVerify(struct bcm_mini_adapter *Adapter,
			PUCHAR mappedbuffer, UINT u32FirmwareLength,
			ULONG u32StartingAddress)
	UINT len = u32FirmwareLength;
	int bytes;

	if (NULL == readbackbuff)
		return -ENOMEM;

	while (u32FirmwareLength && !retval) {
		len = MIN_VAL(u32FirmwareLength, MAX_TRANSFER_CTRL_BYTE_USB);
		bytes = rdm(Adapter, u32StartingAddress, readbackbuff, len);

		if (bytes < 0) {
			retval = bytes;

		if (memcmp(readbackbuff, mappedbuffer, len) != 0) {
			pr_err("%s() failed.  The firmware doesn't match what was written",
			retval = -EIO;

		u32StartingAddress += len;
		u32FirmwareLength -= len;
		mappedbuffer += len;

	} /* end of while (u32FirmwareLength && !retval) */
	return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void initStar(struct Wtype *field, struct PART *star, struct RUNPARAMS *param, int level, REAL xc, REAL yc, REAL zc,int idx, REAL aexp, int is, REAL dt,REAL dx, REAL mstar) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------//
/// compute the initial state of star particle
// ----------------------------------------------------------//

  // some parameters
	star->next = NULL;
	star->idx = idx;
	star->level = level;
	star->is = is;
	star->isStar = 6;
	star->rhocell = field->d;

  // random position
	star->x = xc + rdm(-0.5,0.5) * dx;
	star->y = yc + rdm(-0.5,0.5) * dx;
	star->z = zc + rdm(-0.5,0.5) * dx;

  // set star velocity to fluid velocity
 	star->vx = field->u;
	star->vy = field->v;
	star->vz = field->w;

	if(isnan(star->vx)) printf("HOHO\n");

  // compute random component
	REAL r = rdm(0,1) * field->a ;
	REAL theta  = acos(rdm(-1,1));
	REAL phi = rdm(0,2*M_PI);

  // add random component
	star->vx += r * sin(theta) * cos(phi);
	star->vy += r * sin(theta) * sin(phi);
	star->vz += r * cos(theta) ;

	  printf("HOHO %e %e %e %e\n",r,theta,phi,field->a);

	star->mass = mstar;

	star->epot = 0.0;
	star->ekin = 0.5 * star->mass * (POW(star->vx,2) + POW(star->vy,2) + POW(star->vz,2));

  // age
	star->age = param->cosmo->tphy;
/// TODO fix age of star ifndef TESTCOSMO
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main()
    // Part One:

    // FIXME: Declare variables
    // Declare two variables: an integer named "age", and a string named "name" with corresponding values (your name and age)
    int age = 19;
    char name[] = "Stan";

    // FIXME: Print
    // Print the following sentence in the console "You are NAME and you are AGE years old !". Don't forget to add a newline at the end
    printf("You are %s and you are %d years old !\n", name, age);

    // FiXME: Concatenation
    // Create a new string variable called "hello" which value is "Hello ". Add "name" at the end of "hello" (Concatenation) then print it
    char hello[] = "Hello ";
    strcat(hello, name);
    printf("%s\n", hello);

    // FIXME: Array
    // create a new string array called "shoppingList", with three elements of your choice. Create an int variable containing the number of
    // elements in "shoppingList" (using a function of the array/using the array)
    char *shoppingList[3] = {"milk", "a Chevy Camaro", "a life"};
    const int nbOfElements = numberOfElements(shoppingList);

    // FIXME: For-loop - Integer
    // Create a simple for-loop for an integer "i" going from 1 to 10 that print the value of "i"
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        printf("%d ", i);

    // FIXME: For-loop - shoppingList
    // Create a for loop that iterate through "shoppingList" and prints each element with "You have to buy (elemt)".
    for (int j = 0; j <nbOfElements; j++)
        printf("You have to buy %s\n", shoppingList[j]);

    // FIXME: Foreach-loop
    // Do the same with a foreach-loop.
    // The C programming language doesn't have a foreach, but you can look for macros if you are
    // curious.

    // FIXME: If-statement
    // Modify the first for-loop (with i from 1 to 10) such that it prints "(value of i) is even" when "i" is divisible
    // by 2 (You may want to learn more about "modulo" (%)). Else, print "(value of i) is odd".
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        if (i % 2)
            printf("%d is odd\n", i);
            printf("%d is even\n", i);

    // FIXME: Sum Up
    // Create a string variable called "element" with the value of your choice. Then create a for-loop/foreach-loop that checks if "shoppingList"
    // contains "element". If yes, print "You have to buy (value of element) !", and stop the loop (search how to stop a loop).
    // If not, print "Nope, you don't need (value of "element")".
    char element[] = "a life";
    for (int k = 0; k < nbOfElements; k++)
        if (strcmp(element, shoppingList[k]) == 0)
            printf("You have to buy %s !\n", shoppingList[k]);
            printf("Nope, you don't need %s !\n", shoppingList[k]);

    // Part Two:

    // FIXME: Functions - Ascii
    // Create a function that returns nothing and which doesn't takes any parameter. It should just be named "TriForce"
    // and print the TriForce symbol (one triangle over two other ones, can be found on internet) with "TRIFORCE"
    // Don't forget to call the function !
    TriForce(); //Calling the functions in main()

    // FIXME: Functions - One parameter
    // Create a function that takes a string as parameter and returns "Hello (value of string) !"
    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1745726/how-to-store-printf-into-a-variable
    printf("%s", Hello("Stan"));

    // FIXME: Functions - Multiple parameters
    // Create a function that takes two integers as parameters and returns the addition of these two.
    // You can do the same with multiplication, subtraction and division.
    printf("%d\n", Addition(5, 12));
    printf("%d\n", Subtraction(5, 12));
    printf("%d\n", Multiplication(5, 12));
    printf("%d\n", Division(5, 12)); // returns 0 because "a" and "b" are Integers
    printf("%d\n", Division(10, 2));

    // FIXME: User entry
    // Create a string variable that takes what the user enter in the console as value. Then print "You entered (value of string)"
    char userInput[100]; // 100 will be the max length of the input
    printf("Enter a word:");
    scanf("%s", userInput);
    printf("You entered %s\n", userInput);

    // FIXME: While loop
    // Create a while loop that takes a number and divides it by 2 until it is less than 3
    int number = 52;
    while (number > 3)
        number /= 2; //or number = number / 2;
        printf("%d ", number);

    // FIXME: do-While loop
    // Do the same with a do-while loop
    int number2 = 84;
        number2 = number2 / 2;
        printf("%d ", number2);
    } while (number2 > 3);

    // FIXME: Random generator
    // Create a function that returns a random number
    srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); // time used for seeding
    printf("%d\n", rdm());

    // FIXME: Random generator with bounds
    // Create another function that returns a random number between two bounds given as parameters.
    printf("%d\n", rdmBounds(10, 20));

    // FIXME: Multi-dimensionnal array
    // Create a two dimensionnal int array of 3 columns and 3 rows. Use 2 for-loops to add a random number
    // between 1 and 9 in each of the 9 rooms.
    // You may use one of the two previously created function.
    // Then print them such that they appear like this (with [x1, x9] being the 9 random integers):
    // {x1, x2, x3, }
    // {x4, x5, x6, }
    // {x7, x8, x9, }
    int multiArray[3][3];
    for (int l = 0; l < numberOfElements(multiArray); l++)
        for (int m = 0; m < numberOfElements(multiArray[l]); m++)
            multiArray[l][m] = rdmBounds(1, 9);

    for (int n = 0; n < numberOfElements(multiArray); n++)

        for (int o = 0; o < numberOfElements(multiArray[n]); o++)
            printf("%d, ", multiArray[n][o]);


    // FIXME: Switch
    // Create a Switch that takes an integer "a" and return a sentence regarding the value of a
    // (Create 3 statements for 3 specific values and a default one)

    int a = 2;

    case 0:
        printf("a is 0\n");

    case 2:
        printf("a is 2\n");

    case 37:
        printf("Who cares about a anyway ?");

        printf("I don't know what \"a\" is... :'(\n");

    // FIXME: logic Gates
    // Create 7 functions for each logic gates (And (0), Or (1), No (2), Nand (3), Nor (4), Xnor (5), Xor (6)).
    // Each function takes two booleans as parameters and returns the result of the logic gate.
    // (or You can do it with a switch and only one function)

    logic_gates(1, 0, 1);
    logic_gates(1, 1, 1);
    logic_gates(1, 2, 1);

    // FIXME - Reverse
    // Create a function that reverse a string

    reverse("Hello world");
    return 0;