Ejemplo n.º 1

  Track the line in the image I.

  \param I : Image in which the line appears.
vpMeLine::track(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I)
  vpCDEBUG(1) <<"begin vpMeLine::track()"<<std::endl ;

  //  1. On fait ce qui concerne les droites (peut etre vide)
  //  2. On appelle ce qui n'est pas specifique
    vpMeTracker::track(I) ;

  // 3. On revient aux droites
    // supression des points rejetes par les ME
    suppressPoints() ;
    setExtremities() ;

    // Estimation des parametres de la droite aux moindres carre
      leastSquare() ;
      vpERROR_TRACE("Error caught") ;
      throw ;

    // recherche de point aux extremite de la droites
    // dans le cas d'un glissement
    seekExtremities(I) ;

    setExtremities() ;
      leastSquare() ;
      vpERROR_TRACE("Error caught") ;
      throw ;

    // suppression des points rejetes par la regression robuste
    suppressPoints() ;
    setExtremities() ;

    //reechantillonage si necessaire
    reSample(I) ;

    // remet a jour l'angle delta pour chaque  point de la liste

    updateDelta() ;

    // Remise a jour de delta dans la liste de site me
    if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(2))
      display(I,vpColor::red) ;
      vpMeTracker::display(I) ;
      vpDisplay::flush(I) ;


  computeRhoTheta(I) ;

  vpCDEBUG(1) <<"end vpMeLine::track()"<<std::endl ;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  Track the ellipse in the image I.

  \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears.
vpMeEllipse::track(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I)
  vpCDEBUG(1) <<"begin vpMeEllipse::track()"<<std::endl ;

  static int iter =0 ;
  //  1. On fait ce qui concerne les ellipse (peut etre vide)

  //vpDisplay::display(I) ;
  //  2. On appelle ce qui n'est pas specifique

       vpMeTracker::track(I) ;
    vpERROR_TRACE("Error caught") ;
    throw ;
    //    std::cout << "number of signals " << numberOfSignal() << std::endl ;

  // 3. On revient aux ellipses
    // Estimation des parametres de la droite aux moindres carre
    suppressPoints() ;
    setExtremities() ;

      leastSquare() ;  }
      vpERROR_TRACE("Error caught") ;
      throw ;

    seekExtremities(I) ;

    setExtremities() ;

      leastSquare() ;
      vpERROR_TRACE("Error caught") ;
	  throw ;

    // suppression des points rejetes par la regression robuste
    suppressPoints() ;
    setExtremities() ;

    //reechantillonage si necessaire
    reSample(I) ;

    // remet a jour l'angle delta pour chaque  point de la liste

    updateTheta() ;

    // Remise a jour de delta dans la liste de site me
    if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(2))
	display(I,vpColor::red) ;
	vpMeTracker::display(I) ;
	vpDisplay::flush(I) ;
//     computeAngle(iP1, iP2) ;
//     if (iter%5==0)
//     {
//       sample(I) ;
//       try{
// 	leastSquare() ;  }
//       catch(...)
//       {
// 	vpERROR_TRACE("Error caught") ;
// 	throw ;
//       }
//       computeAngle(iP1, iP2) ;
//     }
//     seekExtremities(I) ;
//     vpMeTracker::display(I) ;
//     // vpDisplay::flush(I) ;
//     // remet a jour l'angle theta pour chaque  point de la liste
//     updateTheta() ;


  iter++ ;

  vpCDEBUG(1) << "end vpMeEllipse::track()"<<std::endl ;

Ejemplo n.º 3
void writeImagerLine(LineDoc * lineDoc){ 

  int c; // channel
  int d; // logical detector

  c = lineDoc->channel();
  GetChanDet(lineDoc, d);

  if(lineDoc->valid() ){
    int abs_scan_count = lineDoc->rel_scan_count() + (imagerDoc.abs_scan_count-imagerDoc.rel_scan_count);  

    int i = imager;

    /*double line= (8.0/VIS_LINES_PER_LINE[i][c])*abs_scan_count+d; */
    /* 8 is number of vis lines per scan */
    double line= (8.0/VIS_LINES_PER_LINE[i][c])*(abs_scan_count-2)+d+1;
    line = lineDoc->vis_line(imagerDoc) / VIS_LINES_PER_LINE[i][c] ;

    int line_in_frame = (lineDoc->vis_line(imagerDoc) - imagerDoc.N_line_of_frame) / VIS_LINES_PER_LINE[i][c] ;

    if (Opt.debug()==Dframe)

      DebugFile  <<"\t line,line_in_frame\t"<<line <<"\t"<<line_in_frame ;

    int side          = lineDoc->side(); 
    int pixels        = lineDoc->n_pixels(); 
    int VisFirstPixel = imagerDoc.W_pix_of_frame;
    int xoffset;
    void * converted  = NULL;

    for(int f=0; f<Opt.sectors(i); f++){
    converted = NULL ;

      if(  (OutFile[f][i] )              && 
           Runits[f][i][c][side][d]      && 
           Opt.wordType(f,i,c) != Undef  &&  
           skipIt(f,i,c) == FALSE           ){
	xoffset= (int)(Opt.xscale(f,i,c) * VisFirstPixel / VIS_PIX_PER_PIX[i][c]);
	pixels = (int)(Opt.xscale(f,i,c) * lineDoc->n_pixels() ); 
	double yscale = Opt.yscale(f,i,c); 
        double wstart, wstop;

        wstart = line*yscale;
        wstop  = (line+1.0)*yscale - 1;

      DebugFile  <<"\tws\t"<<wstart<<"\txoff\t"<<xoffset<<"\tpix\t"<<pixels<<"\txst\t"<<OutFile[f][i]->xStart(c)<<"\tyst\t"<<OutFile[f][i]->yStart(c)<<"\txsz\t"<<OutFile[f][i]->xSize(c)<<"\tysz\t"<<OutFile[f][i]->ySize(c) ;

	for(double wline=wstart;  wline<=wstop; wline+=1.0){ 

	  if(OutFile[f][i]->lineClean(c, (int)wline, xoffset, pixels) ){

	    DebugFile  <<"\t"<<"will write";

	      converted = reSample(lineDoc->data(), pixels, Opt.xscale(f,i,c), BufSpace);
	      if(Opt.map(f,i,c) ){ 
		int d0 = (unsigned)(d-(int)(0.5/yscale)*VIS_LINES_PER_LINE[i][c]) +1;

		int d1 = MIN(IDETECTORS,
			     (d + 1 + (int)(0.5/yscale)) * VIS_LINES_PER_LINE[i][c] ) ;
		converted = Gridburn(&imagerDoc, (unsigned short*)converted,
		                     d0, d1,
	      converted = Runits[f][i][c][side][d]->convert((unsigned short*) converted



  else gvar.trash(lineDoc->bytes()); 

Ejemplo n.º 4
// Thread entry point
int StreamWAVFormatDecoder::run(void* pArgs)
   int iSamplesInOutBuffer = 0;
   Sample        partialFrame[80] ;
   int   nSamplesPartialFrame = 0;
   int numOutSamples = 0;
   ssize_t iDataLength ;
   int nQueuedFrames = 0;

   //used if the files are aLaw or uLaw encodec

   StreamDataSource* pSrc = getDataSource() ;
   if (pSrc != NULL)
      ssize_t iRead = 0;
      char buf[16];

      // "pre-read" 4 bytes, to see if this is a 0 length file and should
      // be skipped.  Alas, apparently one cannot just call getLength()
      // as an  http fetch might not have returned any info yet.
      if (pSrc->peek(buf, 4, iRead) != OS_SUCCESS) // empty file
         // If one doesn't queue at least one frame, then it seems things stall
         // Queue one frame of a "click" to give some audible indication
         // a file was played (even if it was empty)
         Sample Click[80] = {0} ;  // one frame of "click" to give audible
                                   // indication of some problem.
         Click[39] = -200 ;
         Click[40] = 20000 ;       // An impulse should do nicely
         Click[41] = -200 ;

         queueFrame((const uint16_t*)Click);
         mbEnd = TRUE ;
      while (!mbEnd && nextDataChunk(iDataLength))
         //we really want 80 SAMPLES not 80 bytes
         unsigned char  InBuffer[NUM_SAMPLES*2] ;
         Sample OutBuffer[4000] = {0} ;  //make room for lots of decompression

         iSamplesInOutBuffer = 0;

         while ((iDataLength > 0) && !mbEnd)
            ssize_t iRead = 0;

            UtlBoolean retval = OS_INVALID;

            if (mFormatChunk.formatTag == 1 && mFormatChunk.nBitsPerSample == 8) //8bit unsigned
                //we need to read 80 samples
                iRead = __min(iDataLength, NUM_SAMPLES);

                retval = pSrc->read((char *)InBuffer, iRead, iRead);

                //now convert to 16bit unsigned, which is what we use internally
                numOutSamples = iRead;
            if (mFormatChunk.formatTag == 1 && mFormatChunk.nBitsPerSample == 16) //16 bit signed
                iRead = __min(iDataLength, NUM_SAMPLES*2);

                //just read in the data, because it's the format we need
                retval = pSrc->read((char *)OutBuffer, iRead, iRead);
                numOutSamples = iRead/2;
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
                if (retval == OS_SUCCESS)
                    //We are running on a big endian processor - 16-bit samples are
                    //in the little endian byte order - convert them to big endian.
                    unsigned short *pData = (unsigned short *)OutBuffer;
                    for ( int index = 0; index < numOutSamples; index++, pData++ )
                        *pData = letohs(*pData);
            if (mFormatChunk.formatTag == 6 || mFormatChunk.formatTag == 7) //16 bit signed
                //we need to read 80 samples
                iRead = __min(iDataLength, NUM_SAMPLES);

                retval = pSrc->read((char *)OutBuffer, iRead, iRead);
                //no conversion to 16bit will take place because we need to decompress this
                syslog(FAC_STREAMING, PRI_ERR, "StreamWAVFormatDecoder::run Unsupport bit per sample rate!");

            iDataLength -= iRead;

            if (retval == OS_SUCCESS)
               ssize_t bytes;
               switch (mFormatChunk.formatTag)
                  case 1:     // PCM
                      //NO CONVERSION NEEDED
                        break ;
                  case 6:     // G711 alaw
                     bytes = DecompressG711ALaw(OutBuffer, iRead);
                     numOutSamples = iRead;
                     break ;
                  case 7:     // G711 ulaw
                     bytes = DecompressG711MuLaw(OutBuffer,iRead);
                     numOutSamples = iRead;
                     break ;

                //we now should have a buffer filled with Samples, not bytes

                int numBytes = numOutSamples * sizeof(Sample);

                //next we check if the sound file is stereo...at this point in our lives
                //we only want to support mono
                //takes bytes in and gets bytes out.  NOT samples
                if (mFormatChunk.nChannels > 1)
                    numBytes = mergeChannels((char *)OutBuffer, numBytes, mFormatChunk.nChannels);

                    //now calculate how many sample we have
                    numOutSamples = numBytes/sizeof(Sample);

                //in the next fucntion we must pass bytes, NOT samples as second param
                numBytes = reSample((char *)OutBuffer, numBytes, mFormatChunk.nSamplesPerSec, DESIRED_SAMPLE_RATE);

                //now calculate how many sample we have
                numOutSamples = numBytes/sizeof(Sample);

                //this next part will buffer the samples if under 80 samples
                if (numOutSamples > 0)
                    int iCount = 0 ;
                    while ((iCount < numOutSamples) && !mbEnd)
                        int iToCopy = numOutSamples - iCount ;
                        if (iToCopy > 80)
                            iToCopy = 80 ;

                          if (nSamplesPartialFrame == 0)
                             if (iToCopy >= 80)
                                queueFrame((const uint16_t*)OutBuffer+iCount);
                                nQueuedFrames++ ;
                                nSamplesPartialFrame = iToCopy ;
                                memcpy(partialFrame, (const unsigned short *)OutBuffer+iCount,iToCopy*sizeof(Sample)) ;
                             if (iToCopy > (80-nSamplesPartialFrame))
                                iToCopy = 80-nSamplesPartialFrame ;

                             memcpy(&partialFrame[nSamplesPartialFrame],(const unsigned short *)OutBuffer+iCount, iToCopy*sizeof(Sample)) ;
                             nSamplesPartialFrame += iToCopy ;

                             if (nSamplesPartialFrame == 80)
                                queueFrame((const uint16_t*) partialFrame);
                                nSamplesPartialFrame = 0 ;
                                nQueuedFrames++ ;
                          iCount += iToCopy ;
               // Truncated data source?
               syslog(FAC_STREAMING, PRI_ERR, "StreamWAVFormatDecoder::run (FireEvent DecodingErrorEvent)");
               fireEvent(DecodingErrorEvent) ;
               break ;
      pSrc->close() ;

   queueEndOfFrames() ;
   syslog(FAC_STREAMING, PRI_DEBUG, "StreamWAVFormatDecoder::run queued %d frames", nQueuedFrames);
   fireEvent(DecodingCompletedEvent) ;

   mSemExited.release() ;

   return 0 ;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int EncoderFfmpegCore::initEncoder(int bitrate, int samplerate) {

#ifndef avformat_alloc_output_context2
    qDebug() << "EncoderFfmpegCore::initEncoder: Old Style initialization";
    m_pEncodeFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context();

    m_lBitrate = bitrate * 1000;
    m_lSampleRate = samplerate;

    if (m_SCcodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_MP3) {
    if (m_SCcodecId == CODEC_ID_MP3) {
#endif // LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT > 3544932
        qDebug() << "EncoderFfmpegCore::initEncoder: Codec MP3";
#ifdef avformat_alloc_output_context2
        avformat_alloc_output_context2(&m_pEncodeFormatCtx, NULL, NULL, "output.mp3");
        m_pEncoderFormat = av_guess_format(NULL, "output.mp3", NULL);
#endif // avformat_alloc_output_context2

    } else if (m_SCcodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_AAC) {
    } else if (m_SCcodecId == CODEC_ID_AAC) {
#endif // LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT > 3544932
        qDebug() << "EncoderFfmpegCore::initEncoder: Codec M4A";
#ifdef avformat_alloc_output_context2
        avformat_alloc_output_context2(&m_pEncodeFormatCtx, NULL, NULL, "output.m4a");
        m_pEncoderFormat = av_guess_format(NULL, "output.m4a", NULL);
#endif // avformat_alloc_output_context2

    } else {
        qDebug() << "EncoderFfmpegCore::initEncoder: Codec OGG/Vorbis";
#ifdef avformat_alloc_output_context2
        avformat_alloc_output_context2(&m_pEncodeFormatCtx, NULL, NULL, "output.ogg");
        m_pEncoderFormat = av_guess_format(NULL, "output.ogg", NULL);
#endif // LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT > 3544932
#endif // avformat_alloc_output_context2

#ifdef avformat_alloc_output_context2
    m_pEncoderFormat = m_pEncodeFormatCtx->oformat;
    m_pEncodeFormatCtx->oformat = m_pEncoderFormat;
#endif // avformat_alloc_output_context2

    m_pEncoderAudioStream = addStream(m_pEncodeFormatCtx, &m_pEncoderAudioCodec,

    openAudio(m_pEncoderAudioCodec, m_pEncoderAudioStream);

    // qDebug() << "jepusti";

    return 0;

// Private methods

int EncoderFfmpegCore::writeAudioFrame(AVFormatContext *formatctx,
                                       AVStream *stream) {
    AVCodecContext *l_SCodecCtx = NULL;;
    AVPacket l_SPacket;
    AVFrame *l_SFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame();
    int l_iGotPacket;
    int l_iRet;
#ifdef av_make_error_string
    char l_strErrorBuff[256];
#endif // av_make_error_string

    l_SPacket.size = 0;
    l_SPacket.data = NULL;

    // Calculate correct DTS for FFMPEG
    m_lDts = round(((double)m_lRecordedBytes / (double)44100 / (double)2. *
    m_lPts = m_lDts;

    l_SCodecCtx = stream->codec;
#ifdef av_make_error_string
    memset(l_strErrorBuff, 0x00, 256);
#endif // av_make_error_string

    l_SFrame->nb_samples = m_iAudioInputFrameSize;
    // Mixxx uses float (32 bit) samples..
    l_SFrame->format = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT;
#ifndef __FFMPEGOLDAPI__
    l_SFrame->channel_layout = l_SCodecCtx->channel_layout;
#endif // __FFMPEGOLDAPI__

    l_iRet = avcodec_fill_audio_frame(l_SFrame,
                                      (const uint8_t *)m_pFltSamples,

    if (l_iRet != 0) {
#ifdef av_make_error_string
        qDebug() << "Can't fill FFMPEG frame: error " << l_iRet << "String '" <<
                 av_make_error_string(l_strErrorBuff, 256, l_iRet) << "'" <<
#endif // av_make_error_string
        qDebug() << "Can't refill 1st FFMPEG frame!";
        return -1;

    // If we have something else than AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT we have to convert it
    // to something that fits..
    if (l_SCodecCtx->sample_fmt != AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT) {

        // After we have turned our samples to destination
        // Format we must re-alloc l_SFrame.. it easier like this..
#endif // LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT > 3544932
        l_SFrame = NULL;
        l_SFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame();
        l_SFrame->nb_samples = m_iAudioInputFrameSize;
        l_SFrame->format = l_SCodecCtx->sample_fmt;
#ifndef __FFMPEGOLDAPI__
        l_SFrame->channel_layout = m_pEncoderAudioStream->codec->channel_layout;
#endif // __FFMPEGOLDAPI__

        l_iRet = avcodec_fill_audio_frame(l_SFrame, l_SCodecCtx->channels,
                                          (const uint8_t *)m_pResample->getBuffer(),

        if (l_iRet != 0) {
#ifdef av_make_error_string
            qDebug() << "Can't refill FFMPEG frame: error " << l_iRet << "String '" <<
                     av_make_error_string(l_strErrorBuff, 256,
                                          l_iRet) << "'" <<  m_iAudioCpyLen <<
                     " " <<  av_samples_get_buffer_size(
                         NULL, 2,
                         1) << " " << m_pOutSize;
#endif // av_make_error_string
            qDebug() << "Can't refill 2nd FFMPEG frame!";
            return -1;

    //qDebug() << "!!" << l_iRet;
    l_iRet = avcodec_encode_audio2(l_SCodecCtx, &l_SPacket, l_SFrame,

    if (l_iRet < 0) {
        qDebug() << "Error encoding audio frame";
        return -1;

    if (!l_iGotPacket) {
        // qDebug() << "No packet! Can't encode audio!!";
        return -1;

    l_SPacket.stream_index = stream->index;

    // Let's calculate DTS/PTS and give it to FFMPEG..
    // THEN codecs like OGG/Voris works ok!!
    l_SPacket.dts = m_lDts;
    l_SPacket.pts = m_lDts;

    // Some times den is zero.. so 0 dived by 0 is
    // Something?
    if (m_pEncoderAudioStream->pts.den == 0) {
        qDebug() << "Time hack!";
        m_pEncoderAudioStream->pts.den = 1;

    // Write the compressed frame to the media file. */
    l_iRet = av_interleaved_write_frame(formatctx, &l_SPacket);

    if (l_iRet != 0) {
        qDebug() << "Error while writing audio frame";
        return -1;


    return 0;