Ejemplo n.º 1
static int getCommonAllocatedNamedMatrixOfPoly(void* _pvCtx, const char* _pstName, int _iComplex, int* _piRows, int* _piCols, int** _piNbCoef, double*** _pdblReal, double*** _pdblImg)
    SciErr sciErr;
    sciErr.iErr = 0;
    sciErr.iMsgCount = 0;

    sciErr = readCommonNamedMatrixOfPoly(_pvCtx, _pstName, _iComplex, _piRows, _piCols, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_GET_ALLOC_NAMED_MATRIX_POLY, _("%s: Unable to get argument \"%s\""), _iComplex ? "getAllocatedNamedMatrixOfComplexPoly" : "getAllocatedNamedMatrixOfPoly", _pstName);
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return sciErr.iErr;

    *_piNbCoef = (int*)MALLOC(sizeof(int) * *_piRows * *_piCols);

    sciErr = readCommonNamedMatrixOfPoly(_pvCtx, _pstName, _iComplex, _piRows, _piCols, *_piNbCoef, NULL, NULL);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_GET_ALLOC_NAMED_MATRIX_POLY, _("%s: Unable to get argument \"%s\""), _iComplex ? "getAllocatedNamedMatrixOfComplexPoly" : "getAllocatedNamedMatrixOfPoly", _pstName);
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return sciErr.iErr;

    *_pdblReal = (double**)MALLOC(sizeof(double*) * *_piRows * *_piCols);
    for (int i = 0 ; i < *_piRows * *_piCols ; i++)
        (*_pdblReal)[i] = (double*)MALLOC(sizeof(double) * (*_piNbCoef)[i]);

    if (_iComplex)
        *_pdblImg	= (double**)MALLOC(sizeof(double*) * *_piRows * *_piCols);
        for (int i = 0 ; i < *_piRows * *_piCols ; i++)
            (*_pdblImg)[i] = (double*)MALLOC(sizeof(double) * (*_piNbCoef)[i]);

    sciErr = readCommonNamedMatrixOfPoly(_pvCtx, _pstName, _iComplex, _piRows, _piCols, *_piNbCoef, *_pdblReal, _pdblImg == NULL ? NULL : *_pdblImg);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_GET_ALLOC_NAMED_MATRIX_POLY, _("%s: Unable to get argument \"%s\""), _iComplex ? "getAllocatedNamedMatrixOfComplexPoly" : "getAllocatedNamedMatrixOfPoly", _pstName);
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return sciErr.iErr;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int getCommonAllocatedNamedSinglePoly(void* _pvCtx, const char* _pstName, int _iComplex, int* _piNbCoef, double** _pdblReal, double** _pdblImg)
	SciErr sciErr;
	int iRows	= 0;
	int iCols	= 0;

	double* pdblReal = NULL;
	double* pdblImg	 = NULL;

	if(isNamedScalar(_pvCtx, _pstName) == 0)
		addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_GET_ALLOC_NAMED_SINGLE_POLY, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument \"%s\": A scalar expected.\n"), _iComplex ? "getAllocatedNamedSingleComplexPoly" : "getAllocatedNamedSinglePoly", _pstName);
		printError(&sciErr, 0);
		return sciErr.iErr;

	sciErr = readCommonNamedMatrixOfPoly(_pvCtx, _pstName, _iComplex, &iRows, &iCols, _piNbCoef, &pdblReal, &pdblImg);
		addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_GET_ALLOC_NAMED_SINGLE_POLY, _("%s: Unable to get argument \"%s\""), _iComplex ? "getAllocatedNamedSingleComplexPoly" : "getAllocatedNamedSinglePoly", _pstName);
		printError(&sciErr, 0);
		return sciErr.iErr;

	*_pdblReal = (double*)MALLOC(sizeof(double) * *_piNbCoef);
	memcpy(*_pdblReal, pdblReal, sizeof(double) * *_piNbCoef);

		*_pdblImg	= (double*)MALLOC(sizeof(double) * *_piNbCoef);
		memcpy(*_pdblImg, pdblImg, sizeof(double) * *_piNbCoef);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
SciErr readNamedComplexMatrixOfPoly(void* _pvCtx, const char* _pstName, int* _piRows, int* _piCols, int* _piNbCoef, double** _pdblReal, double** _pdblImg)
    return readCommonNamedMatrixOfPoly(_pvCtx, _pstName, 1, _piRows, _piCols, _piNbCoef, _pdblReal, _pdblImg);