Ejemplo n.º 1
float readTemperature(bit mode)
	byte tempH, tempL;
	float returnData;
	writeOneByte( 0xCC ); // 跳过读序号列号的操作
	writeOneByte( 0x44 ); // 启动温度转换
	if( mode )
		delayMS(800); //12位分辨率,需要750ms测温

	writeOneByte( 0xCC ); //跳过读序号列号的操作 
	writeOneByte( 0xBE ); //读取温度寄存器等(共可读9个寄存器) 前两个就是温度
	tempL = readOneByte();   //低位
	tempH = readOneByte();   //高位

	if( tempH & 0x80 )
		returnData=(~( tempH * 256 + tempL) + 1) * (-0.0625);  //零度以下, 温度转换,把高位低位做相应的运算转换为实际的温度 
		returnData=( tempH * 256 + tempL ) * 0.0625;   //零度以上
	return( returnData );
Ejemplo n.º 2
uint8_t TwoWire::requestFrom(uint8_t address, int num_bytes) {
    if (num_bytes > WIRE_BUFSIZ) num_bytes = WIRE_BUFSIZ;

    rx_buf_idx = 0;
    rx_buf_len = 0;
    while (rx_buf_len < num_bytes) {
        if(!readOneByte(address, rx_buf + rx_buf_len)) rx_buf_len++;
        else break;
    return rx_buf_len;
Ejemplo n.º 3
uint8 TwoWire::requestFromOld(uint8 address, int num_bytes) {
	if (num_bytes > WIRE_BUFSIZ) num_bytes = WIRE_BUFSIZ;

	rx_buf_idx = 0;
	rx_buf_len = 0;
	while (rx_buf_len < num_bytes) {
		if(!readOneByte(address, rx_buf + rx_buf_len))
		else {
			Serial1.print("requestFrom failed at byte ");
	return rx_buf_len;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// CompressedFilter::ReadFromFile():
//      Reads the compressed filter from the specified open file.
CompressedFilter::ReadFromFile (FILE * fp)
    ASSERT (fp != NULL);
    if (CompressedData) { delete[] CompressedData; }

    CFilterSize = readFourBytes (fp);
    CFilterCount = readFourBytes (fp);
    CompressedLength = readFourBytes (fp);
    CompressedData = NULL;
    if(CompressedLength > 0)
        CompressedData = new byte [CompressedLength];
        byte * pb = CompressedData;
        for (uint i=0; i < CompressedLength; i++, pb++) {
            *pb = readOneByte(fp);
    return OK;
CryptoKey* V8ScriptValueDeserializerForModules::readCryptoKey() {
  // Read params.
  uint8_t rawKeyType;
  if (!readOneByte(&rawKeyType))
    return nullptr;
  WebCryptoKeyAlgorithm algorithm;
  WebCryptoKeyType keyType = WebCryptoKeyTypeSecret;
  switch (rawKeyType) {
    case AesKeyTag: {
      uint32_t rawId;
      WebCryptoAlgorithmId id;
      uint32_t lengthBytes;
      if (!readUint32(&rawId) || !algorithmIdFromWireFormat(rawId, &id) ||
          !readUint32(&lengthBytes) ||
          lengthBytes > std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max() / 8u)
        return nullptr;
      algorithm = WebCryptoKeyAlgorithm::createAes(id, lengthBytes * 8);
      keyType = WebCryptoKeyTypeSecret;
    case HmacKeyTag: {
      uint32_t lengthBytes;
      uint32_t rawHash;
      WebCryptoAlgorithmId hash;
      if (!readUint32(&lengthBytes) ||
          lengthBytes > std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() / 8 ||
          !readUint32(&rawHash) || !algorithmIdFromWireFormat(rawHash, &hash))
        return nullptr;
      algorithm = WebCryptoKeyAlgorithm::createHmac(hash, lengthBytes * 8);
      keyType = WebCryptoKeyTypeSecret;
    case RsaHashedKeyTag: {
      uint32_t rawId;
      WebCryptoAlgorithmId id;
      uint32_t rawKeyType;
      uint32_t modulusLengthBits;
      uint32_t publicExponentSize;
      const void* publicExponentBytes;
      uint32_t rawHash;
      WebCryptoAlgorithmId hash;
      if (!readUint32(&rawId) || !algorithmIdFromWireFormat(rawId, &id) ||
          !readUint32(&rawKeyType) ||
          !asymmetricKeyTypeFromWireFormat(rawKeyType, &keyType) ||
          !readUint32(&modulusLengthBits) || !readUint32(&publicExponentSize) ||
          !readRawBytes(publicExponentSize, &publicExponentBytes) ||
          !readUint32(&rawHash) || !algorithmIdFromWireFormat(rawHash, &hash))
        return nullptr;
      algorithm = WebCryptoKeyAlgorithm::createRsaHashed(
          id, modulusLengthBits,
          reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(publicExponentBytes),
          publicExponentSize, hash);
    case EcKeyTag: {
      uint32_t rawId;
      WebCryptoAlgorithmId id;
      uint32_t rawKeyType;
      uint32_t rawNamedCurve;
      WebCryptoNamedCurve namedCurve;
      if (!readUint32(&rawId) || !algorithmIdFromWireFormat(rawId, &id) ||
          !readUint32(&rawKeyType) ||
          !asymmetricKeyTypeFromWireFormat(rawKeyType, &keyType) ||
          !readUint32(&rawNamedCurve) ||
          !namedCurveFromWireFormat(rawNamedCurve, &namedCurve))
        return nullptr;
      algorithm = WebCryptoKeyAlgorithm::createEc(id, namedCurve);
    case NoParamsKeyTag: {
      uint32_t rawId;
      WebCryptoAlgorithmId id;
      if (!readUint32(&rawId) || !algorithmIdFromWireFormat(rawId, &id))
        return nullptr;
      algorithm = WebCryptoKeyAlgorithm::createWithoutParams(id);
  if (algorithm.isNull())
    return nullptr;

  // Read key usages.
  uint32_t rawUsages;
  WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usages;
  bool extractable;
  if (!readUint32(&rawUsages) ||
      !keyUsagesFromWireFormat(rawUsages, &usages, &extractable))
    return nullptr;

  // Read key data.
  uint32_t keyDataLength;
  const void* keyData;
  if (!readUint32(&keyDataLength) || !readRawBytes(keyDataLength, &keyData))
    return nullptr;

  WebCryptoKey key = WebCryptoKey::createNull();
  if (!Platform::current()->crypto()->deserializeKeyForClone(
          algorithm, keyType, extractable, usages,
          reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(keyData), keyDataLength, key))
    return nullptr;

  return CryptoKey::create(key);
Ejemplo n.º 6
TreeCache::ReadFile (const char * fname)
    // Only read the file if the cache is empty:
    if (NumInUse > 0) { return OK; }
#ifdef WINCE
    /*FILE * */Tcl_Channel fp;
    fileNameT fullname;
    strCopy (fullname, fname);
    strAppend (fullname, TREEFILE_SUFFIX);

    //fp = fopen (fullname, "rb");
    fp = mySilent_Tcl_OpenFileChannel(NULL, fullname, "r", 0666);
    if (fp == NULL) {
        return ERROR_FileOpen;
 my_Tcl_SetChannelOption(NULL, fp, "-encoding", "binary");
 my_Tcl_SetChannelOption(NULL, fp, "-translation", "binary");

    uint magic = readFourBytes (fp);
    if (magic != TREEFILE_MAGIC) {
        //fclose (fp);
        my_Tcl_Close(NULL, fp);

    FILE * fp;
    fileNameT fullname;
    strCopy (fullname, fname);
    strAppend (fullname, TREEFILE_SUFFIX);

    fp = fopen (fullname, "rb");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        return ERROR_FileOpen;

    uint magic = readFourBytes (fp);
    if (magic != TREEFILE_MAGIC) {
        fclose (fp);
        return ERROR_Corrupt;
    readTwoBytes (fp);  // Scid Version; unused
    uint cacheSize = readFourBytes (fp);
    SetCacheSize (cacheSize);
    NumInUse = readFourBytes (fp);
    LowestTotal = readFourBytes (fp);
    LowestTotalIndex = readFourBytes(fp);

    for (uint count=0; count < NumInUse; count++) {
        cachedTreeT * ctree = &(Cache[count]);
        ctree->toMove = readOneByte (fp);
        for (squareT sq=0; sq < 64; sq++) {
            ctree->board[sq] = readOneByte (fp);

        // Read the moves:
        ctree->tree.moveCount = readFourBytes (fp);
        ctree->tree.totalCount = readFourBytes (fp);

        uint numMoves = ctree->tree.moveCount;
        for (uint i=0; i < numMoves; i++) {
            // Read this move node:

            treeNodeT * tnode = &(ctree->tree.node[i]);
            readSimpleMove (fp, &(tnode->sm));
            readString (fp, tnode->san, 8);
            for (uint res = 0; res < 4; res++) {
                tnode->freq[res] = readFourBytes (fp);
            tnode->total = readFourBytes (fp);
            tnode->score = readFourBytes (fp);
            tnode->ecoCode = readTwoBytes (fp);
            tnode->eloCount = readFourBytes (fp);
            tnode->eloSum = readFourBytes (fp);
            tnode->perfCount = readFourBytes (fp);
            tnode->perfSum = readFourBytes (fp);
            tnode->yearCount = readFourBytes (fp);
            tnode->yearSum = readFourBytes (fp);

        // Read the compressed filter:
        ctree->cfilter = new CompressedFilter;
        ctree->cfilter->ReadFromFile (fp);
#ifdef WINCE
     my_Tcl_Close(NULL, fp);
    fclose (fp);
    return OK;