Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Function Name: myTestAssign1
 * Description: Additional tests for Storage Manager.
 * Parameter: void
 * Return: void
 * Author: Dhruvit Modi ([email protected])
 *         Monika Priyadarshani ([email protected])
  SM_FileHandle fh;
  SM_PageHandle ph;
  int i;
  ph = (SM_PageHandle) malloc(PAGE_SIZE);

  // create a new page file
  TEST_CHECK(createPageFile (TESTPF));
  TEST_CHECK(openPageFile (TESTPF, &fh));
  printf("created and opened file\n");
  for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
    ph[i] = (i % 10) + '0';
  // write on the first block  
  TEST_CHECK(writeCurrentBlock (&fh, ph));
  printf("writing first block\n");
  // append empty block
  printf("append Empty block\n");
   // write on the second block 
  TEST_CHECK(writeBlock (1, &fh, ph));
  printf("writing second block\n");
  printf("append Empty block\n");
    // write to the third block
  TEST_CHECK(writeBlock (2, &fh, ph));
  printf("writing third block\n");
  // read back the page containing the string and check that it is correct
  printf("reading first block\n");
  TEST_CHECK(readFirstBlock (&fh, ph));
  for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
    ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == (i % 10) + '0'), "character in page read from disk is the one we expected.");
  // read back the page containing the string and check that it is correct
  printf("reading last block\n");
  TEST_CHECK(readLastBlock (&fh, ph));
  for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
    ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == (i % 10) + '0'), "character in page read from disk is the one we expected.");
  // read back the page containing the string and check that it is correct
  printf("reading previous block\n");
  TEST_CHECK(readPreviousBlock (&fh, ph));
  for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
    ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == (i % 10) + '0'), "character in page read from disk is the one we expected.");
  // read back the page containing the string and check that it is correct
  printf("reading current block\n");
  TEST_CHECK(readCurrentBlock (&fh, ph));
  for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
    ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == (i % 10) + '0'), "character in page read from disk is the one we expected.");
  // read back the page containing the string and check that it is correct
  printf("reading next block\n");
  TEST_CHECK(readNextBlock (&fh, ph));
  for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
    ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == (i % 10) + '0'), "character in page read from disk is the one we expected.");
  // append empty block
  printf("append Empty block\n");
  // ensure capacity
  TEST_CHECK(ensureCapacity(6, &fh));
  printf("ensure capacity\n");
    // destroy new page file
  TEST_CHECK(destroyPageFile (TESTPF));  
void testReadWrite(void) {
	SM_FileHandle fh;
	SM_PageHandle ph;

	int i;

	ph = (SM_PageHandle) malloc(PAGE_SIZE);

	testName = "test read and write methods";

	TEST_CHECK(createPageFile (TESTPF));

	TEST_CHECK(openPageFile (TESTPF, &fh));
	ASSERT_TRUE(strcmp(fh.fileName, TESTPF) == 0, "filename correct");
	ASSERT_TRUE((fh.totalNumPages == 1), "expect 1 page in new file");
	ASSERT_TRUE((fh.curPagePos == 0), "freshly opened file's page position should be 0");

	//Writes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H from 0th page to 7th page
	for(i = 0; i < 8; i ++) {
		memset(ph, 'A' + i, PAGE_SIZE);
		TEST_CHECK(writeBlock (i, &fh, ph));
		printf("writing %d th block\n", fh.curPagePos);

	// read first page into handle  i.e. A
	TEST_CHECK(readFirstBlock (&fh, ph));
	for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
		ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == 'A'), "expected A");
	printf("first block contains A\n");

	// read last page into handle   i.e. H
	TEST_CHECK(readLastBlock (&fh, ph));
	for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
		ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == 'H'), "expected H");
	printf("last block contains H\n");

	// read first page into handle  i.e. A
	readFirstBlock (&fh, ph);

	// read next page into handle   i.e. B
	TEST_CHECK(readNextBlock (&fh, ph));
	for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
		ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == 'B'), "expected B");
	printf("block contains B\n");

	readNextBlock (&fh, ph);        //C
	readNextBlock (&fh, ph);        //D

	// read previous page into handle	i.e. C
	TEST_CHECK(readPreviousBlock (&fh, ph));
	for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
		ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == 'C'), "expected C");
	printf("block contains C\n");

	readNextBlock (&fh, ph);        //D
	readNextBlock (&fh, ph);        //E

	// read current page into handle       i.e. E
	TEST_CHECK(readCurrentBlock (&fh, ph));
	for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
		ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == 'E'), "expected E");
	printf("block contains E\n");

	readPreviousBlock (&fh, ph);        //D

	//Replace D with Z
	memset(ph, 'Z', PAGE_SIZE);
	TEST_CHECK(writeCurrentBlock (&fh, ph));
	printf("writing D with Z\n");

	// read current page into handle        i.e. Z
	TEST_CHECK(readCurrentBlock (&fh, ph));
	for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++){
		ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == 'Z'), "expected Z");
	printf("block contains Z\n");

	TEST_CHECK(closePageFile (&fh));
	TEST_CHECK(destroyPageFile (TESTPF));

