Ejemplo n.º 1
void sw_timeString(char *buf) {
  if(readDays()>0)sprintf(buf,"%d days ",readDays()); 
  if(readHours()>0)sprintf(buf,"%d hours ",readHours()); 
  if(readMinutes()>0)sprintf(buf,"%d min. ",readMinutes()); 
  if(readSeconds()>0)sprintf(buf,"%d seconds ",readSeconds()); 
  sprintf(buf,"%d ms ",readmSeconds()); 
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Read the registers from the Real Time Clock.
 * It reads the registers from the RTC and stores the data in the struct which
 * pointer it receives. It handles the different types of format in which the data
 * is stored in the RTC registers.
 * @param regs Pointer to struct where the data from RTC registers will be stored.
void readRTCRegisters(RTCRegisters *regs){
    int format;

    // Getting format register
    outB(RTCADDRESS, 11);
    format = inB(RTCDATA);

    // Getting seconds
    regs->seconds = readSeconds();

    // Getting minutes
    regs->minutes = readMinutes();

    // Getting hours (value may be 12hs o 24hs format)
    regs->hours = readHours();

    // Getting day of the month
    regs->day = readDay();

    // Getting month
    regs->month = readMonth();

    // Getting year
    regs->year = readYear();

    // Getting century
    regs->century = readCentury();

    // If in BCD mode, convert to binary
    if ((format & 0x02) ==  0x02 ) {
       regs->seconds = BCDTOBINARY(regs->seconds);
       regs->minutes = BCDTOBINARY( regs->minutes);
       regs->hours = BCDTOBINARY(regs->hours);
       regs->day = BCDTOBINARY(regs->day );
       regs->month = BCDTOBINARY(regs->month);
       regs->year = BCDTOBINARY(regs->year);
       regs->century = BCDTOBINARY(regs->century);

    // If in 12 hs mode, convert to 24 hs mode
    if ((format & 0x04) == 0x04) {
      // Masking off the pm/am bit
        if ( (regs->hours & 0x80) == 0x80 ) {
            regs->hours &= 0x7F;
            // Setting 12 pm as 0 regs->hours and adjusting the rest
            regs->hours = (regs->hours == 12)? 0 : regs->hours + 12;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void convertMonotonic(struct timespec *result,
                             const AndroidLogEntry *entry)
    struct listnode *node;
    struct conversionList {
        struct listnode node; /* first */
        struct timespec time;
        struct timespec convert;
    } *list, *next;
    struct timespec time, convert;

    /* If we do not have a conversion list, build one up */
    if (list_empty(&convertHead)) {
        bool suspended_pending = false;
        struct timespec suspended_monotonic = { 0, 0 };
        struct timespec suspended_diff = { 0, 0 };

         * Read dmesg for _some_ synchronization markers and insert
         * Anything in the Android Logger before the dmesg logging span will
         * be highly suspect regarding the monotonic time calculations.
        FILE *p = popen("/system/bin/dmesg", "re");
        if (p) {
            char *line = NULL;
            size_t len = 0;
            while (getline(&line, &len, p) > 0) {
                static const char suspend[] = "PM: suspend entry ";
                static const char resume[] = "PM: suspend exit ";
                static const char healthd[] = "healthd";
                static const char battery[] = ": battery ";
                static const char suspended[] = "Suspended for ";
                struct timespec monotonic;
                struct tm tm;
                char *cp, *e = line;
                bool add_entry = true;

                if (*e == '<') {
                    while (*e && (*e != '>')) {
                    if (*e != '>') {
                if (*e != '[') {
                while (*++e == ' ') {
                e = readSeconds(e, &monotonic);
                if (!e || (*e != ']')) {

                if ((e = strstr(e, suspend))) {
                    e += sizeof(suspend) - 1;
                } else if ((e = strstr(line, resume))) {
                    e += sizeof(resume) - 1;
                } else if (((e = strstr(line, healthd)))
                        && ((e = strstr(e + sizeof(healthd) - 1, battery)))) {
                    /* NB: healthd is roughly 150us late, worth the price to
                     * deal with ntp-induced or hardware clock drift. */
                    e += sizeof(battery) - 1;
                } else if ((e = strstr(line, suspended))) {
                    e += sizeof(suspended) - 1;
                    e = readSeconds(e, &time);
                    if (!e) {
                    add_entry = false;
                    suspended_pending = true;
                    suspended_monotonic = monotonic;
                    suspended_diff = time;
                } else {
                if (add_entry) {
                    /* look for "????-??-?? ??:??:??.????????? UTC" */
                    cp = strstr(e, " UTC");
                    if (!cp || ((cp - e) < 29) || (cp[-10] != '.')) {
                    e = cp - 29;
                    cp = readSeconds(cp - 10, &time);
                    if (!cp) {
                    cp = strptime(e, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.", &tm);
                    if (!cp) {
                    cp = getenv(tz);
                    if (cp) {
                        cp = strdup(cp);
                    setenv(tz, utc, 1);
                    time.tv_sec = mktime(&tm);
                    if (cp) {
                        setenv(tz, cp, 1);
                    } else {
                    list = calloc(1, sizeof(struct conversionList));
                    list->time = time;
                    subTimespec(&list->convert, &time, &monotonic);
                    list_add_tail(&convertHead, &list->node);
                if (suspended_pending && !list_empty(&convertHead)) {
                    list = node_to_item(list_tail(&convertHead),
                                        struct conversionList, node);
                    if (subTimespec(&time,
                                    &suspended_monotonic)->tv_sec > 0) {
                        /* resume, what is convert factor before? */
                        subTimespec(&convert, &list->convert, &suspended_diff);
                    } else {
                        /* suspend */
                        convert = list->convert;
                    time = suspended_monotonic;
                    sumTimespec(&time, &convert);
                    /* breakpoint just before sleep */
                    list = calloc(1, sizeof(struct conversionList));
                    list->time = time;
                    list->convert = convert;
                    list_add_tail(&convertHead, &list->node);
                    /* breakpoint just after sleep */
                    list = calloc(1, sizeof(struct conversionList));
                    list->time = time;
                    sumTimespec(&list->time, &suspended_diff);
                    list->convert = convert;
                    sumTimespec(&list->convert, &suspended_diff);
                    list_add_tail(&convertHead, &list->node);
                    suspended_pending = false;