Ejemplo n.º 1
JobAf::JobAf( const std::string & i_store_dir, bool i_system):
	AfNodeSrv( this, i_store_dir)
	AFINFA("JobAf::JobAf: store dir = %s", i_store_dir.c_str())


	// We do not read store for system job
	// as some virtual functions from system job
	// will not work in a base class constructor
	if( i_system ) return;

Ejemplo n.º 2
JobAf::JobAf( const std::string & i_store_dir, bool i_system):
	AfNodeSrv( this, i_store_dir)
	AF_DEBUG << "store dir = " << i_store_dir;

	// We do not read store for system job
	// as some virtual functions from system job
	// will not work in a base class constructor
	if( i_system ) return;


	// Zero serial means that the job was created serials appeared in the project:
	// ( system job has zero serial )
	if( m_serial == 0 && ( false == i_system ))
		m_serial = AFCommon::getJobSerial();
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Test program 
 * created 23/09/2014
 * author Alex Bombrun
 * icc -O1  -o eigen.exe lapackReadStore.c mpiutil.c normals.c matrixBlockStore.c -mkl
 * ./eigen.exe 4 4
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    FILE* store;
    FILE* scaStore;
    int N , M;
    int i, j;
    int n_blocks;
    int scalapack_size;
    int NB, MB;
    int i_block, j_block;
    int dim[4];
    double * mat;  // local matrix block use for reading
    double * matK; // the kernel matrix ng x 6
    int t, t_block;
    const char* profileG_file_name= "./data/NormalsG/profile.txt";
    const char* store_location = "./data/ReducedNormals";
    const char* scaStore_location ="./data/CholeskyReducedNormals";
    const char* kernel_file_name ="./data/kernel.txt";
    int mp;	 // number of rows in the processor grid
    int mla;   // number of rows in the local array
    int mb;    // number of rows in a block
    int np;	 // number of columns in the processor grid
    int nla;   // number of columns in the local array
    int nb;    // number of columns in a block
    int mype,npe; // rank and total number of process
    int idescal[9]; // matrix descriptors
    double *la; // matrix values: al is the local array
    int idescaal[9];
    double *laa;
    int idescbl[9];
    double *lb;
    double normb;
    int idescxl[9];
    double *lx;
    double normx;

    int idesck1l[9];
    double *lk1;
    double normk1;
    int idesczl[9]; // matrix descriptors
    double *lz; // matrix values: al is the local array
    double *w;
    int ierr; // error output 
    int mp_ret, np_ret, myrow, mycol; // to store grid info
    int zero=0; // value used for the descriptor initialization
    int one=1; // value used for the descriptor initialization
    int  m,n; // matrix A dimensions
    double norm, cond;
    double *work = NULL;
    double * work2 = NULL;
    int *iwork = NULL;
    int lwork, liwork;

     float ll,mm,cr,cc;
      int ii,jj,pr,pc,h,g; // ii,jj coordinates of local array element
      int rsrc=0,csrc=0; // assume that 0,0 element should be stored in the 0,0 process
      int n_b = 1;
      int index;
    int icon; // scalapack cblacs context
    char normJob, jobz, uplo, trans, notrans, diag;
    double MPIt1, MPIt2, MPIelapsed;
    jobz= 'N'; uplo='U';
    Cblacs_pinfo( &mype, &npe );
     if (argc == 3) {
	//printf("%s %s %s\n", argv[0], argv[1], argv[2]);
	n_blocks= (int) strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);
	scalapack_size= (int) strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10);
     } else {
	printf("Usage: expect 2 integers \n");
	printf(" 1 : the number of diagonal blocks \n");
	printf(" 2 : scalapack number to define block size (assume n is divisible by sqrt(p) and that n/sqrt(p) is divisible by this number)\n");
	exit( -1);

    printf("%d/%d: read store\n",mype,npe);
    N = getNumberOfLine(profileG_file_name); // the dimension of the matrix;
    M = N; // square matrix
    m=M; //mla*mp;
    n=N; //nla*np;
    np = isqrt(npe); // assume that the number of process is a square
    mp = np; // square grid
    mla = m/mp; // assume that the matrix dimension if a multiple of the process grid dimension
    nla = n/np;
    mb = mla/scalapack_size; // assume that the dimension of the matrix is a multiple of the number of the number of diagonal blocks
    nb = nla/scalapack_size;
    // init CBLACS
    Cblacs_get( -1, 0, &icon );
    Cblacs_gridinit( &icon,"c", mp, np ); 
    Cblacs_gridinfo( icon, &mp_ret, &np_ret, &myrow, &mycol);
    // read blocks and set the reduced normal matrix in scalapack grid
    // allocate local matrix
    printf("%d/%d: full matrix (%d,%d), local matrix (%d,%d), processor grid (%d,%d), block (%d,%d) \n", mype, npe, m, n, mla, nla, np, mp, mb, nb);
      printf("%d/%d: process store block %d \n", mype, npe, i_block);
      t_block = 0;
      while(readNextBlockDimension(dim,store)!=-1) { // loop B over all block tasks
	j_block = mpi_get_diag_block_id(i_block, t_block, n_blocks);
	mat = malloc((dim[1]-dim[0])*(dim[3]-dim[2]) * sizeof(double));         
//	printf("%d/%d: read block (%d,%d) with global indices (%d,%d,%d,%d) \n",mype, npe, i_block,j_block,dim[0],dim[1],dim[2],dim[3]);
	NB = dim[1]-dim[0];
	MB = dim[3]-dim[2];
	for(i = dim[0];i<dim[1];i++){
	  for(j = dim[2];j<dim[3];j++){
	      //matA[i*M+j] = mat[(i-dim[0])*MB+(j-dim[2])];
	     // finding out which pe gets this i,j element
              cr = (float)( i/mb );
              h = rsrc+(int)(cr);
              pr = h%np;
              cc = (float)( j/mb );
              g = csrc+(int)(cc);
              pc = g%mp;
	      // check if process should get this element
              if (myrow == pr && mycol==pc){
		  // ii = x + l*mb
		  // jj = y + m*nb
                  ll = (float)( ( i/(np*mb) ) );  // thinks seems to be mixed up does not matter as long as the matrix, the block and the grid is symmetric
                  mm = (float)( ( j/(mp*nb) ) );
                  ii = i%mb + (int)(ll)*mb;
                  jj = j%nb + (int)(mm)*nb;
                  index=jj*mla+ii;   // seems to be the transpose !?
		  //if(index<0) printf("%d/%d: negative index (%d,%d) \n",mype,npe,i,j);
		  //if(index>=mla*nla) printf("%d/%d: too large index (%d,%d) \n",mype,npe,i,j);
                  la[index] = mat[(i-dim[0])*MB+(j-dim[2])];
	// transpose
	if(j_block != i_block){
	  for(i = dim[0];i<dim[1];i++){
	    for(j = dim[2];j<dim[3];j++){
	      //matA[j*M+i] = mat[(i-dim[0])*MB+(j-dim[2])];
	       // finding out which pe gets this j,i element
              cr = (float)( j/mb );
              h = rsrc+(int)(cr);
              pr = h%np;
              cc = (float)( i/mb );
              g = csrc+(int)(cc);
              pc = g%mp;
	      // check if process should get this element
              if (myrow == pr && mycol==pc){
		  // ii = x + l*mb
		  // jj = y + m*nb
                  ll = (float)( ( j/(np*mb) ) );  // thinks seems to be mixed up does not matter as long as the matrix, the block and the grid is symmetric
                  mm = (float)( ( i/(mp*nb) ) );
                  ii = j%mb + (int)(ll)*mb;
                  jj = i%nb + (int)(mm)*nb;
                  index=jj*mla+ii;   // seems to be the transpose !?
		  //if(index<0) printf("%d/%d: negative index (%d,%d) \n",mype,npe,i,j);
		  //if(index>=mla*nla) printf("%d/%d: too large index (%d,%d) \n",mype,npe,i,j);

                  la[index] = mat[(i-dim[0])*MB+(j-dim[2])];
    printf("%d/%d: finished scaterring the matrix \n",mype,npe);
    // read the kernel matrix
    printf("%d/%d: set kernel \n",mype,npe);
    matK = malloc(N * 6*  sizeof(double));
    // set k1
    lk1 = calloc(sizeof(double),mla);
    for(i = 0; i<N; i++) {
        // finding out which pe gets i element
        cr = (float)( i/mb );
        h = rsrc+(int)(cr);
        pr = h%np;
        // check if process should get this element
        if (myrow == pr) {
            // ii = x + l*mb
            ll = (float)( ( i/(np*mb) ) );  // thinks seems to be mixed up does not matter as long as the matrix, the block and the grid is symmetric
            ii = i%mb + (int)(ll)*mb;
            lk1[ii] = matK[N*0+i];
    printf("%d/%d: finished scaterring the kernel vector \n",mype,npe);
    printf("%d/%d: start computing \n",mype,npe);
       // set the matrix descriptor
    descinit_(idescal, &m, &n  , &mb, &nb , &zero, &zero, &icon, &mla, &ierr); // processor grip id start at 0
    if (mype==0) saveMatrixDescriptor(idescal, scaStore_location);
    descinit_(idescaal, &m, &n  , &mb, &nb , &zero, &zero, &icon, &mla, &ierr); // processor grip id start at 0
    descinit_(idescbl, &m, &one  , &mb, &nb , &zero, &zero, &icon, &nla, &ierr); // processor grip id start at 0
    lb = calloc(sizeof(double),mla);
    // set x
    descinit_(idescxl, &n, &one  , &mb, &nb , &zero, &zero, &icon, &nla, &ierr); // processor grip id start at 0
    lx = calloc(sizeof(double),mla);
      lx[i] = 1.0/m;
    pddot_(&n,&normx,lx,&one,&one,idescxl,&one,lx,&one,&one,idescxl,&one); // normx <- x'x
    if (mype==0) printf("%d/%d: normx2 %E \n",mype,npe,normx);  
    // set k1
    descinit_(idesck1l, &n, &one  , &mb, &nb , &zero, &zero, &icon, &nla, &ierr); // processor grip id start at 0
    pddot_(&n,&normk1,lk1,&one,&one,idesck1l,&one,lk1,&one,&one,idesck1l,&one); // normx <- x'x
    if (mype==0) printf("%d/%d: normk1 square %E \n",mype,npe,normk1);  
    // set b
    double alpha =1.0;
    double beta =0.0;
    notrans = 'N';
    pdgemv_(&notrans,&m,&n,&alpha,la,&one,&one,idescal,lk1,&one,&one,idesck1l,&one,&beta,lb,&one,&one,idescbl,&one); // b <- A k1
    pddot_(&n,&normb,lb,&one,&one,idescbl,&one,lb,&one,&one,idescbl,&one); // norm <- b'b
    if (mype==0) printf("%d/%d: is kernel, normb square %E \n",mype,npe,normb); 

    // set b
    alpha =1.0;
    beta =0.0;
    notrans = 'N';
    pdgemv_(&notrans,&m,&n,&alpha,la,&one,&one,idescal,lx,&one,&one,idescxl,&one,&beta,lb,&one,&one,idescbl,&one); // b <- A x
    pddot_(&n,&normb,lb,&one,&one,idescbl,&one,lb,&one,&one,idescbl,&one); // norm <- b'b
    if (mype==0) printf("%d/%d: normb2 %E \n",mype,npe,normb);  
    // set aa
    printf("%d/%d: start setting aa with k1 x k1\' \n",mype,npe);
    alpha = 1.0;
    beta = 1.0;
    trans = 'T';
    notrans = 'N';
    // laa=malloc(sizeof(double)*mla*nla); // for debugging
    //pdgemm(transa, transb, 
    //		m, n, k, 
    //		alpha, a, ia , ja , desca, 
    //		b, ib , jb ,descb, 
    //		beta, c, ic , jc , descc)
    // A = k1 (Nx1)
    // B = k1 (Nx1)
    // C = aa (MxN)  ... M=N
    // C <- C + A x B'    
    pdgemm_(&notrans, &trans,
                   &N, &N, &one,
                   &alpha, lk1, &one, &one, idesck1l,
		   lk1, &one, &one, idesck1l,
                   &beta,  la, &one, &one, idescal );
    for(j = 1; j<6; j++) {
        for(i = 0; i<N; i++) {
            // finding out which pe gets i element
            cr = (float)( i/mb );
            h = rsrc+(int)(cr);
            pr = h%np;
            // check if process should get this element
            if (myrow == pr) {
                // ii = x + l*mb
                ll = (float)( ( i/(np*mb) ) );  // thinks seems to be mixed up does not matter as long as the matrix, the block and the grid is symmetric
                ii = i%mb + (int)(ll)*mb;
                lk1[ii] = matK[N*j+i];
         pdgemm_(&notrans, &trans,
                   &N, &N, &one,
                   &alpha, lk1, &one, &one, idesck1l,
		   lk1, &one, &one, idesck1l,
                   &beta,  la, &one, &one, idescal );
    ierr = 0;
    // compute norm 1 of the reduced normal matrix
    /* DO NOT WORK
    lwork = 2*mla+2*nla;
    work = malloc(sizeof(double)*lwork);
    normJob = '1';
    norm = pdlansy_(&normJob, &uplo, &n, la, &one, &one, idescal, work);  // matrix index start at one 
    printf("%d/%d: norm %f \n",mype,npe,norm);
    ierr = 0;
    // compute the cholesky decomposition 
    printf("%d/%d: start computing cholesky factor\n",mype,npe);  
    printf("%d/%d: finish computing cholesky factor\n",mype,npe);
    double test=0.0;
	test += la[i]*la[i];
    printf("%d/%d: finished computing cholesky, test=%f \n",mype,npe,test);
    ierr =0;
    // assume x and b set
    // assume cholesky decomposition
    // compute the soluation A x = b
    diag = 'N';
    printf("%d/%d: start solving\n",mype,npe);  
    //pdpptrs_(&uplo, &trans , &diag , &n , &one , la , &one , &one , idescal , lb , &one , &one , idescbl , &ierr); // solve triangular system
    //pdtrtrs (&uplo, &trans , &diag , &n , &n , la , &one , &one , idescal , lb , &one , &one , idescbl , &ierr);
    pdpotrs_(&uplo, &n , &one , la , &one , &one , idescal , lb , &one , &one , idescbl , &ierr); // b<- A-1 b
    alpha = -1.0;
    pdaxpy_(&n,&alpha,lx,&one,&one,idescxl,&one,lb,&one,&one,idescbl,&one); // b<-b-x
    pddot_(&n,&normb,lb,&one,&one,idescbl,&one,lb,&one,&one,idescbl,&one); // norm <- b'b
    if (mype==0) printf("%d/%d: finish solving, norm2(sol-true) %E \n",mype,npe,normb);  

    ierr = 0;
    // compute the eigen values
    jobz= 'N'; uplo='U'; // with N z is ignored
    descinit_(idesczl, &m, &n  , &mb, &nb , &zero, &zero, &icon, &mla, &ierr);
    lz = malloc(sizeof(double)*mla*nla);
    w = malloc(sizeof(double)*m);
    lwork = -1;
    work = malloc(sizeof(double)*2);
    pdsyev_( &jobz, &uplo, &n, la, &one, &one, idescal, w, lz, &one, &one, idesczl, work, &lwork, &ierr);   // only compute lwork
    //pdsyev_( &jobz, &uplo, &n, A, &ione, &ione, descA, W, Z, &ione, &ione, descZ, work, &lwork, &info );
    lwork= (int) work[0];
    work = (double *)calloc(lwork,sizeof(double)) ;
    //MPIt1 = MPI_Wtime();
    pdsyev_( &jobz, &uplo, &n, la, &one, &one, idescal, w, lz, &one, &one, idesczl, work, &lwork, &ierr);   // compute the eigen values
    //MPIt2 = MPI_Wtime();
    if (mype == 0) {
	//printf("%d/%d: finished job in %8.2fs\n",mype,npe,MPIelapsed); // not working
    ierr = 0;
    // compute the conditioner number assume that the norm and the cholesky decomposition have been computed
    /* DO NOT WORK
    lwork = 2*mla+3*nla;
    printf("%d/%d: lwork=%d @%p\n",mype,npe,lwork,&lwork);
    work2 = malloc(sizeof(double)*lwork);
    liwork = 2*mla+3*nla;
    iwork = malloc(sizeof(int)*liwork);
    printf("%d/%d: condition number %f \n",mype,npe,cond);
    Cblacs_exit( 0 );
    return 0;