Ejemplo n.º 1
void ESPHB::read_configs(configs *_cf,defaults *_df){
	firststart = read1byte_EEPROM(__first_start);
	isdebug = read1byte_EEPROM(__debug);
	char *_a = read_EEPROM(__serial_adrr); serial=_a;  free(_a);  // Read serial of device
	char *_c = read_EEPROM(__ssid_adrr); ssid = _c;  free(_c);  // Read ssid of wifi
	char *_d = read_EEPROM(__password_adrr); password = _d;  free(_d);  // Read password of wifi
	if (!firststart) { // write serial
		update_EEPROM(__serial_adrr, __serial_max, _df->serial);
		update_EEPROM(__key_adrr, __key_max, _df->key);
		update_EEPROM(__admin_adrr, __admin_max, _df->admin);
		debug("\nUpdated: serial - " + _df->serial + "key: " + _df->key +"Admin key: "+_df->admin);
		update1byte_EEPROM(__first_start, 1);
	char *_b = read_EEPROM(__key_adrr);  _cf->key = _b;  free(_b);  // Read key to connect to device
	char *_e = read_EEPROM(__admin_adrr);  _cf->admin = _e;  free(_e);  // Read admin key of device
	_cf->serial = serial;
	_cf->ssid = ssid;
	_cf->password = password;
	for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
	ip[i] = read1byte_EEPROM(i + __IP_adrr + 1);
    _cf->ip[i] = ip[i];  // Read byte to byte, start from second byte of block content in EEPROM
	for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
	gateway[i] = read1byte_EEPROM(i + __gateway_adrr + 1); 
    _cf->gateway[i] = gateway[i];  // Read byte to byte, start from second byte of block content in EEPROM
	for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
	mask[i] = read1byte_EEPROM(i + __mask_adrr + 1);
    _cf->mask[i] = mask[i];  // Read byte to byte, start from second byte of block content in EEPROM
Ejemplo n.º 2
boolean ESPHB::save_EEPROM(unsigned char _content,String _value){
	char len = _value.length() + 1;  // leghth of array (=leghth of string +1) will be write to EEPROM; +1 because: end of array is "\0"
	char arr[len];  // Init an array
	_value.toCharArray(arr, len);  // Convert string to array
	if(MAX_LEN_EEPROM(_content)>=len)	{	// Write array to EEPROM when leghth of array <= max leghth in EEPROM
		EEPROM.write(_content, len);  // Write leghth of array in fisrt byte of block content in EEPROM
		for (unsigned char i = 0; i < len; i++) {
			EEPROM.write(i + _content + 2, arr[i]);  // Write byte by byte, start from second byte of block content in EEPROM
		update_EEPROM(_address, _maxlen, _value);
		char *_a = read_EEPROM(__serial_adrr);  *_return = _a;  free(_a);  // Read serial of device
		return true;
	else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	char filename[20];	// device to open
	int uInput;		// user input
	int pageRWS;		// num of pages to read, write
	char inp[64];		// input from user
	char *buf;
	// or set
	//create the file name according to adapter num
	snprintf(filename, 19, "/dev/i2c-%d", ADAPT_NUMB); 
	//first we open the device and verify that it was
	//opened correctly
	fd = open(filename, O_RDWR);
	if (fd < 0) {
		printf("\n%s could not be opened, or was not found\n", filename);
	//set slave address, check for errors
	if (ioctl(fd, I2C_SLAVE, SLAVE_ADDR) < 0) {
		printf("\n%d address not found.\n");

	//do some reading or writing
	do {
		scanf("%d", &uInput);

		switch(uInput) {
			case 1 	:
				printf("\nRead Statement\n");
				printf("\nHow many pages to read?\n");
				scanf("%d", &pageRWS);
				buf = malloc(sizeof(char) * PAGE_BYTES * pageRWS);
				memset(buf, 0, sizeof(char) * 64 * pageRWS);
				read_EEPROM(buf, pageRWS);
				printBuf(buf, PAGE_BYTES * pageRWS, PAGE_BYTES);
			case 2	:
				printf("\nWrite Statement\n");
				printf("\nHow many pages to write?\n");
				scanf("%d", &pageRWS);
				buf = malloc((sizeof(char) * PAGE_BYTES * pageRWS));
				memset(buf, 0, sizeof(char) * 64 * pageRWS);
				printf("\nData to write:\n");
				scanf("%s", buf);
				write_EEPROM(buf, pageRWS);
			case 3	:
				printf("\nSet Statement\n");
				printf("\nNew device offset?\n");
				scanf("%d", &pageRWS);
			case 4 	:
				printf("\nUnknown Command\n");
	} while (uInput != 4);

	return 0;