Ejemplo n.º 1
QcOsmPbfReader::read_file(bool read_nodes, bool read_ways, bool read_relations, bool read_metadatas)
  m_read_nodes = read_nodes;
  m_read_ways = read_ways;
  m_read_relations = read_relations;
  m_read_metadatas = read_metadatas;

  m_number_of_primitive_groups = 0;
  m_number_of_node_primitive_groups = 0;
  m_number_of_dense_node_primitive_groups = 0;
  m_number_of_way_primitive_groups = 0;
  m_number_of_relation_primitive_groups = 0;
  m_number_of_nodes = 0;
  m_number_of_ways = 0;
  m_number_of_relations = 0;

  m_buffer = new char[OSMPBF::max_uncompressed_blob_size];
  m_unpack_buffer = new char[OSMPBF::max_uncompressed_blob_size];

  QFile file(m_pbf_path);
  if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
    qCritical() << "can't open file" << m_pbf_path;
    return ;

  // Set network byte-order

  // read while the file has not reached its end
  while (!file.atEnd()) {
    /* A file contains a header followed by a sequence of fileblocks.
     * The design is intended to allow future random-access to the
     * contents of the file and skipping past not-understood or
     * unwanted data.
     * The format is a repeating sequence of:
     *  - int4: length of the BlobHeader message in network byte order
     *  - serialized BlobHeader message
     *  - serialized Blob message (size is given in the header)

  // clean up the protobuf lib

  qDebug() << "File Statistics\n"
           << "Primitive Groups" <<  m_number_of_primitive_groups << "\n"
           << " for Node" <<  m_number_of_node_primitive_groups << "\n"
           << " for Dense Node" <<  m_number_of_dense_node_primitive_groups << "\n"
           << " for Way" <<  m_number_of_way_primitive_groups << "\n"
           << " for Relation" <<  m_number_of_relation_primitive_groups << "\n"
           << "Number of nodes" <<  m_number_of_nodes << "\n"
           << "Number of ways" <<  m_number_of_ways << "\n"
           << "Number of relations" <<  m_number_of_relations;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Find position and size of all data blobs in the file
static VALUE find_all_blobs(VALUE obj)
  FILE *input = DATA_PTR(obj);
  long old_pos = ftell(input);

  if (0 != fseek(input, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
    rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "Unable to seek to beginning of file");

  OSMPBF__BlobHeader *header;

  VALUE blobs = rb_ary_new();
  rb_iv_set(obj, "@blobs", blobs);

  long pos = 0, data_pos = 0;
  int32_t datasize;

  while ((header = read_blob_header(input)) != NULL) {

    datasize = header->datasize;

    if (0 == strcmp(header->type, "OSMData")) {
      VALUE blob_info = rb_hash_new();
      data_pos = ftell(input);

      // This is designed to be user-friendly, so I have chosen
      // to make header_pos the position of the protobuf stream
      // itself, in line with data_pos. However, internally, we
      // subtract 4 when calling parse_osm_data().
      rb_hash_aset(blob_info, STR2SYM("header_pos"),
		   LONG2NUM(pos + 4));
      rb_hash_aset(blob_info, STR2SYM("header_size"),
		   LONG2NUM(data_pos - pos - 4));
      rb_hash_aset(blob_info, STR2SYM("data_pos"),
      rb_hash_aset(blob_info, STR2SYM("data_size"),

      rb_ary_push(blobs, blob_info);

    osmpbf__blob_header__free_unpacked(header, NULL);

    if (0 != fseek(input, datasize, SEEK_CUR)) {
      break; // cut losses
    pos = ftell(input);

  // restore old position
  if (0 != fseek(input, old_pos, SEEK_SET)) {
    rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "Unable to restore old file position");

  return blobs;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static VALUE parse_osm_data(VALUE obj)
  FILE *input = DATA_PTR(obj);
  OSMPBF__BlobHeader *header = read_blob_header(input);

  if(header == NULL)
    return Qfalse;

  if(strcmp("OSMData", header->type) != 0)
    rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "OSMData not found");

  void *blob = NULL;
  size_t blob_length = 0, datasize = header->datasize;
  OSMPBF__PrimitiveBlock *primitive_block = NULL;

  osmpbf__blob_header__free_unpacked(header, NULL);

  blob = read_blob(input, datasize, &blob_length);
  primitive_block = osmpbf__primitive_block__unpack(NULL, blob_length, blob);


  if(primitive_block == NULL)
    rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "Unable to unpack the PrimitiveBlock");

  int64_t lat_offset, lon_offset, granularity;
  int32_t ts_granularity;

  lat_offset     = primitive_block->lat_offset;
  lon_offset     = primitive_block->lon_offset;
  granularity    = primitive_block->granularity;
  ts_granularity = primitive_block->date_granularity;

  OSMPBF__StringTable *string_table = primitive_block->stringtable;

  VALUE data      = init_data_arr();
  VALUE nodes     = rb_hash_aref(data, STR2SYM("nodes"));
  VALUE ways      = rb_hash_aref(data, STR2SYM("ways"));
  VALUE relations = rb_hash_aref(data, STR2SYM("relations"));

  size_t i = 0;

  for(i = 0; i < primitive_block->n_primitivegroup; i++)
    OSMPBF__PrimitiveGroup *primitive_group = primitive_block->primitivegroup[i];

      process_nodes(nodes, primitive_group, string_table, lat_offset, lon_offset, granularity, ts_granularity);

      process_dense_nodes(nodes, primitive_group->dense, string_table, lat_offset, lon_offset, granularity, ts_granularity);

      process_ways(ways, primitive_group, string_table, ts_granularity);

      process_relations(relations, primitive_group, string_table, ts_granularity);

  rb_iv_set(obj, "@data", data);

  osmpbf__primitive_block__free_unpacked(primitive_block, NULL);

  // Increment position
  rb_iv_set(obj, "@pos", INT2NUM(NUM2INT(rb_iv_get(obj, "@pos")) + 1));

  return Qtrue;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int parse_osm_header(VALUE obj, FILE *input)
  OSMPBF__BlobHeader *header = read_blob_header(input);

  // EOF reached
  if(header == NULL)
    rb_raise(rb_eEOFError, "EOF reached without finding data");

  if(strcmp("OSMHeader", header->type) != 0)
    rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "OSMHeader not found, probably the file is corrupt or invalid");

  void *blob = NULL;
  size_t blob_length = 0, datasize = header->datasize;
  OSMPBF__HeaderBlock *header_block = NULL;

  osmpbf__blob_header__free_unpacked(header, NULL);

  blob = read_blob(input, datasize, &blob_length);
  header_block = osmpbf__header_block__unpack(NULL, blob_length, blob);


  if(header_block == NULL)
    rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "Unable to unpack the HeaderBlock");

  VALUE header_hash = rb_hash_new();
  VALUE bbox_hash   = rb_hash_new();

  VALUE required_features = Qnil;
  VALUE optional_features = Qnil;
  VALUE writingprogram    = Qnil;
  VALUE source            = Qnil;

  VALUE osmosis_replication_timestamp       = Qnil;
  VALUE osmosis_replication_sequence_number = Qnil;
  VALUE osmosis_replication_base_url        = Qnil;

  int i = 0;

  if(header_block->n_required_features > 0)
    required_features = rb_ary_new();

    for(i = 0; i < (int)header_block->n_required_features; i++)
      rb_ary_push(required_features, str_new(header_block->required_features[i]));

  if(header_block->n_optional_features > 0)
    optional_features = rb_ary_new();

    for(i = 0; i < (int)header_block->n_optional_features; i++)
      rb_ary_push(optional_features, str_new(header_block->optional_features[i]));

    writingprogram = str_new(header_block->writingprogram);

    source = str_new(header_block->source);

    rb_hash_aset(bbox_hash, STR2SYM("top"),    rb_float_new(header_block->bbox->top * NANO_DEGREE));
    rb_hash_aset(bbox_hash, STR2SYM("right"),  rb_float_new(header_block->bbox->right * NANO_DEGREE));
    rb_hash_aset(bbox_hash, STR2SYM("bottom"), rb_float_new(header_block->bbox->bottom * NANO_DEGREE));
    rb_hash_aset(bbox_hash, STR2SYM("left"),   rb_float_new(header_block->bbox->left * NANO_DEGREE));

    osmosis_replication_timestamp = ULL2NUM(header_block->osmosis_replication_timestamp);

    osmosis_replication_sequence_number = ULL2NUM(header_block->osmosis_replication_sequence_number);

    osmosis_replication_base_url = str_new(header_block->osmosis_replication_base_url);

  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("bbox"), bbox_hash);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("required_features"), required_features);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("optional_features"), optional_features);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("writing_program"), writingprogram);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("source"), source);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("osmosis_replication_timestamp"), osmosis_replication_timestamp);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("osmosis_replication_sequence_number"), osmosis_replication_sequence_number);
  rb_hash_aset(header_hash, str_new("osmosis_replication_base_url"), osmosis_replication_base_url);

  rb_iv_set(obj, "@header", header_hash);

  osmpbf__header_block__free_unpacked(header_block, NULL);

  return 1;