Ejemplo n.º 1
  void setup_conserve_interp
  Setup the interpolation weight for conservative interpolation 
void setup_conserve_interp(int ntiles_in, const Grid_config *grid_in, int ntiles_out,
			   Grid_config *grid_out, Interp_config *interp, unsigned int opcode) 
  int    n, m, i, ii, jj, nx_in, ny_in, nx_out, ny_out, tile;
  size_t nxgrid, nxgrid2, nxgrid_prev;
  int    *i_in, *j_in, *i_out, *j_out;
  int   *tmp_t_in, *tmp_i_in, *tmp_j_in, *tmp_i_out, *tmp_j_out;
  double *tmp_di_in, *tmp_dj_in;
  double *xgrid_area, *tmp_area, *xgrid_clon, *xgrid_clat;
  double garea;
  typedef struct{
    double *area;
    double *clon;
    double *clat;
  } CellStruct;
  CellStruct *cell_in;
  i_in       = (int    *)malloc(MAXXGRID   * sizeof(int   ));
  j_in       = (int    *)malloc(MAXXGRID   * sizeof(int   ));
  i_out      = (int    *)malloc(MAXXGRID   * sizeof(int   ));
  j_out      = (int    *)malloc(MAXXGRID   * sizeof(int   ));
  xgrid_area = (double *)malloc(MAXXGRID   * sizeof(double));
  if(opcode & CONSERVE_ORDER2) {
    xgrid_clon = (double *)malloc(MAXXGRID   * sizeof(double));
    xgrid_clat = (double *)malloc(MAXXGRID   * sizeof(double));
  garea = 4*M_PI*RADIUS*RADIUS;
  if( opcode & READ) {
    for(n=0; n<ntiles_out; n++) {
      if( interp[n].file_exist ) { /* reading from file */
	int *t_in, *ind;
	int fid, vid;
	nxgrid     = read_mosaic_xgrid_size(interp[n].remap_file);
	t_in       = (int    *)malloc(nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	ind        = (int    *)malloc(nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	if(opcode & CONSERVE_ORDER1)
	  read_mosaic_xgrid_order1(interp[n].remap_file, i_in, j_in, i_out, j_out, xgrid_area);
	  read_mosaic_xgrid_order2(interp[n].remap_file, i_in, j_in, i_out, j_out, xgrid_area, xgrid_clon, xgrid_clat);
	/*--- rescale the xgrid area */
	for(i=0; i<nxgrid; i++) xgrid_area[i] *= garea;
	fid = mpp_open(interp[n].remap_file, MPP_READ);
	vid = mpp_get_varid(fid, "tile1");
      	mpp_get_var_value(fid, vid, t_in);
	/*distribute the exchange grid on each pe according to target grid index*/
	interp[n].nxgrid = 0;
	for(i=0; i<nxgrid; i++) {
	  if( i_out[i] <= grid_out[n].iec && i_out[i] >= grid_out[n].isc &&
	      j_out[i] <= grid_out[n].jec && j_out[i] >= grid_out[n].jsc )
	    ind[interp[n].nxgrid++] = i;
	interp[n].i_in   = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	interp[n].j_in   = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	interp[n].i_out  = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	interp[n].j_out  = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	interp[n].area   = (double *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(double));
	interp[n].t_in   = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));

	for(i=0; i< interp[n].nxgrid; i++) {
	  interp[n].i_in [i] = i_in [ind[i]];
	  interp[n].j_in [i] = j_in [ind[i]];
	  interp[n].t_in [i] = t_in [ind[i]] - 1;
	  interp[n].i_out[i] = i_out[ind[i]] - grid_out[n].isc;
	  interp[n].j_out[i] = j_out[ind[i]] - grid_out[n].jsc;
	  interp[n].area [i] = xgrid_area[ind[i]];
	if(opcode & CONSERVE_ORDER2) {
	  interp[n].di_in   = (double *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(double));
	  interp[n].dj_in   = (double *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(double));
	  for(i=0; i< interp[n].nxgrid; i++) {
	    interp[n].di_in[i] = xgrid_clon[ind[i]];
	    interp[n].dj_in[i] = xgrid_clat[ind[i]];
    if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe())printf("NOTE: Finish reading index and weight for conservative interpolation from file.\n");
  else {
    cell_in    = (CellStruct *)malloc(ntiles_in * sizeof(CellStruct));
    for(m=0; m<ntiles_in; m++) {
      nx_in = grid_in[m].nx;
      ny_in = grid_in[m].ny;
      cell_in[m].area = (double *)malloc(nx_in*ny_in*sizeof(double));
      cell_in[m].clon = (double *)malloc(nx_in*ny_in*sizeof(double));
      cell_in[m].clat = (double *)malloc(nx_in*ny_in*sizeof(double));
      for(n=0; n<nx_in*ny_in; n++) {
	cell_in[m].area[n] = 0;
	cell_in[m].clon[n] = 0;
        cell_in[m].clat[n] = 0;
    for(n=0; n<ntiles_out; n++) {
      nx_out    = grid_out[n].nxc;
      ny_out    = grid_out[n].nyc;      
      interp[n].nxgrid = 0;
      for(m=0; m<ntiles_in; m++) {
	double *mask;
        nx_in = grid_in[m].nx;
	ny_in = grid_in[m].ny;

	mask = (double *)malloc(nx_in*ny_in*sizeof(double));
	for(i=0; i<nx_in*ny_in; i++) mask[i] = 1.0; 
	if(opcode & CONSERVE_ORDER1) {
	  nxgrid = create_xgrid_2dx2d_order1(&nx_in, &ny_in, &nx_out, &ny_out, grid_in[m].lonc,
					     grid_in[m].latc,  grid_out[n].lonc,  grid_out[n].latc,
					     mask, i_in, j_in, i_out, j_out, xgrid_area);
	else if(opcode & CONSERVE_ORDER2) {
	  int g_nxgrid;
	  int    *g_i_in, *g_j_in;
	  double *g_area, *g_clon, *g_clat;
	  nxgrid = create_xgrid_2dx2d_order2(&nx_in, &ny_in, &nx_out, &ny_out, grid_in[m].lonc,
					     grid_in[m].latc,  grid_out[n].lonc,  grid_out[n].latc,
					     mask, i_in, j_in, i_out, j_out, xgrid_area, xgrid_clon, xgrid_clat);
	  /* For the purpose of bitiwise reproducing, the following operation is needed. */
      	  g_nxgrid = nxgrid;
	  mpp_sum_int(1, &g_nxgrid);
	  if(g_nxgrid > 0) {
	    g_i_in = (int    *)malloc(g_nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	    g_j_in = (int    *)malloc(g_nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));			   
	    g_area = (double *)malloc(g_nxgrid*sizeof(double));
	    g_clon = (double *)malloc(g_nxgrid*sizeof(double));
	    g_clat = (double *)malloc(g_nxgrid*sizeof(double));
	    mpp_gather_field_int   (nxgrid, i_in,       g_i_in);
	    mpp_gather_field_int   (nxgrid, j_in,       g_j_in);
	    mpp_gather_field_double(nxgrid, xgrid_area, g_area);
	    mpp_gather_field_double(nxgrid, xgrid_clon, g_clon);
	    mpp_gather_field_double(nxgrid, xgrid_clat, g_clat);
	    for(i=0; i<g_nxgrid; i++) {
	      ii = g_j_in[i]*nx_in+g_i_in[i];
	      cell_in[m].area[ii] += g_area[i];
	      cell_in[m].clon[ii] += g_clon[i];
	      cell_in[m].clat[ii] += g_clat[i];
	  mpp_error("conserve_interp: interp_method should be CONSERVE_ORDER1 or CONSERVE_ORDER2");

	if(nxgrid > 0) {
	  nxgrid_prev = interp[n].nxgrid;
	  interp[n].nxgrid += nxgrid;
	  if(nxgrid_prev == 0 ) {
	    interp[n].i_in   = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	    interp[n].j_in   = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	    interp[n].i_out  = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	    interp[n].j_out  = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	    interp[n].area   = (double *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(double));
	    interp[n].t_in   = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	    for(i=0; i<interp[n].nxgrid; i++) {
	      interp[n].t_in [i] = m;
	      interp[n].i_in [i] = i_in [i];
	      interp[n].j_in [i] = j_in [i];
	      interp[n].i_out[i] = i_out[i];
	      interp[n].j_out[i] = j_out[i];
	      interp[n].area[i]  = xgrid_area[i];
	    if(opcode & CONSERVE_ORDER2) {
	      interp[n].di_in   = (double *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(double));
	      interp[n].dj_in   = (double *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(double));
	      for(i=0; i<interp[n].nxgrid; i++) {
		jj = j_in [i]*nx_in+i_in [i];
		interp[n].di_in [i] = xgrid_clon[i]/xgrid_area[i];
		interp[n].dj_in [i] = xgrid_clat[i]/xgrid_area[i];
	  else {
	    tmp_i_in  = interp[n].i_in;
	    tmp_j_in  = interp[n].j_in;
	    tmp_i_out = interp[n].i_out;
	    tmp_j_out = interp[n].j_out;
	    tmp_area  = interp[n].area;
	    tmp_t_in  = interp[n].t_in;
	    interp[n].i_in   = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	    interp[n].j_in   = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	    interp[n].i_out  = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	    interp[n].j_out  = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	    interp[n].area   = (double *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(double));
	    interp[n].t_in   = (int    *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int   ));
	    for(i=0; i<nxgrid_prev; i++) {
	      interp[n].t_in [i] = tmp_t_in [i];
	      interp[n].i_in [i] = tmp_i_in [i];
	      interp[n].j_in [i] = tmp_j_in [i];
	      interp[n].i_out[i] = tmp_i_out[i];
	      interp[n].j_out[i] = tmp_j_out[i];
	      interp[n].area [i] = tmp_area [i];
	    for(i=0; i<nxgrid; i++) {
	      ii = i + nxgrid_prev;
	      interp[n].t_in [ii] = m;
	      interp[n].i_in [ii] = i_in [i];
	      interp[n].j_in [ii] = j_in [i];
	      interp[n].i_out[ii] = i_out[i];
	      interp[n].j_out[ii] = j_out[i];
	      interp[n].area [ii] = xgrid_area[i];
	    if(opcode & CONSERVE_ORDER2) {
	      tmp_di_in  = interp[n].di_in;
	      tmp_dj_in  = interp[n].dj_in;
	      interp[n].di_in   = (double *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(double));
	      interp[n].dj_in   = (double *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(double));
	      for(i=0; i<nxgrid_prev; i++) { 
		interp[n].di_in [i] = tmp_di_in [i];
		interp[n].dj_in [i] = tmp_dj_in [i];
	      for(i=0; i<nxgrid; i++) {
		ii = i + nxgrid_prev;
		jj = j_in [i]*nx_in+i_in [i];
		interp[n].di_in [ii] = xgrid_clon[i]/xgrid_area[i];
		interp[n].dj_in [ii] = xgrid_clat[i]/xgrid_area[i];
	}  /* if(nxgrid>0) */
    if(opcode & CONSERVE_ORDER2) {
      /* subtrack the grid_in clon and clat to get the distance between xgrid and grid_in */
      for(n=0; n<ntiles_in; n++) {
	double *area_in;
	double x1_in[50], y1_in[50], lon_in_avg, clon, clat;
	int    j, n0, n1, n2, n3, n1_in;
	/* calcualte cell area */
     	nx_in = grid_in[n].nx;
	ny_in = grid_in[n].ny;
	area_in = (double *)malloc(nx_in*ny_in*sizeof(double));
	get_grid_area(&nx_in, &ny_in, grid_in[n].lonc, grid_in[n].latc, area_in);	
	for(j=0; j<ny_in; j++) for(i=0; i<nx_in; i++) {
	  ii = j*nx_in + i;
	  if(cell_in[n].area[ii] > 0) {
	    if( fabs(cell_in[n].area[ii]-area_in[ii])/area_in[ii] < AREA_RATIO ) {
	      cell_in[n].clon[ii] /= cell_in[n].area[ii];
	      cell_in[n].clat[ii] /= cell_in[n].area[ii];
	    else {
	      n0 = j*(nx_in+1)+i;       n1 = j*(nx_in+1)+i+1;
	      n2 = (j+1)*(nx_in+1)+i+1; n3 = (j+1)*(nx_in+1)+i;
	      x1_in[0] = grid_in[n].lonc[n0]; y1_in[0] = grid_in[n].latc[n0];
	      x1_in[1] = grid_in[n].lonc[n1]; y1_in[1] = grid_in[n].latc[n1];
	      x1_in[2] = grid_in[n].lonc[n2]; y1_in[2] = grid_in[n].latc[n2];
	      x1_in[3] = grid_in[n].lonc[n3]; y1_in[3] = grid_in[n].latc[n3];
	      n1_in = fix_lon(x1_in, y1_in, 4, M_PI);
	      lon_in_avg = avgval_double(n1_in, x1_in);
              clon = poly_ctrlon(x1_in, y1_in, n1_in, lon_in_avg);
	      clat = poly_ctrlat (x1_in, y1_in, n1_in );
	      cell_in[n].clon[ii] = clon/area_in[ii];
	      cell_in[n].clat[ii] = clat/area_in[ii];
      for(n=0; n<ntiles_out; n++) {
	for(i=0; i<interp[n].nxgrid; i++) {
	  tile = interp[n].t_in[i];
	  ii   = interp[n].j_in[i] * grid_in[tile].nx + interp[n].i_in[i];
          interp[n].di_in[i] -= cell_in[tile].clon[ii];
	  interp[n].dj_in[i] -= cell_in[tile].clat[ii];

      /* free the memory */
      for(n=0; n<ntiles_in; n++) {
    if( opcode & WRITE) { /* write out remapping information */
      for(n=0; n<ntiles_out; n++) {
	int nxgrid;
	nxgrid = interp[n].nxgrid;
	mpp_sum_int(1, &nxgrid);
	if(nxgrid > 0) {
	  size_t start[4], nwrite[4];
	  int    fid, dim_string, dim_ncells, dim_two, dims[4];
	  int    id_xgrid_area, id_tile1_dist;
	  int    id_tile1_cell, id_tile2_cell, id_tile1;
	  int    *gdata_int, *ldata_int;	  
	  double *gdata_dbl;
	  fid = mpp_open( interp[n].remap_file, MPP_WRITE);
	  dim_string = mpp_def_dim(fid, "string", STRING);
	  dim_ncells = mpp_def_dim(fid, "ncells", nxgrid);
	  dim_two    = mpp_def_dim(fid, "two", 2);
	  dims[0] = dim_ncells; dims[1] = dim_two;
	  id_tile1      = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile1",      NC_INT, 1, &dim_ncells, 1,
				      "standard_name", "tile_number_in_mosaic1");
	  id_tile1_cell = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile1_cell", NC_INT, 2, dims, 1,
				      "standard_name", "parent_cell_indices_in_mosaic1");
	  id_tile2_cell = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile2_cell", NC_INT, 2, dims, 1,
				      "standard_name", "parent_cell_indices_in_mosaic2");
	  id_xgrid_area = mpp_def_var(fid, "xgrid_area", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dim_ncells, 2,
				      "standard_name", "exchange_grid_area", "units", "m2");
	  if(opcode & CONSERVE_ORDER2) id_tile1_dist = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile1_distance", NC_DOUBLE, 2, dims, 1,
								   "standard_name", "distance_from_parent1_cell_centroid");
	  for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
	    start[i] = 0; nwrite[i] = 1;
	  nwrite[0] = nxgrid;
	  gdata_int = (int *)malloc(nxgrid*sizeof(int));
	  if(interp[n].nxgrid>0) ldata_int = (int *)malloc(interp[n].nxgrid*sizeof(int));
	  gdata_dbl = (double *)malloc(nxgrid*sizeof(double));
	  mpp_gather_field_double(interp[n].nxgrid, interp[n].area, gdata_dbl);
	  mpp_put_var_value(fid, id_xgrid_area, gdata_dbl);
	  mpp_gather_field_int(interp[n].nxgrid, interp[n].t_in, gdata_int);
	  for(i=0; i<nxgrid; i++) gdata_int[i]++;
	  mpp_put_var_value(fid, id_tile1, gdata_int);
	  mpp_gather_field_int(interp[n].nxgrid, interp[n].i_in, gdata_int);
	  for(i=0; i<nxgrid; i++) gdata_int[i]++;
	  mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_cell, start, nwrite, gdata_int);
	  if(opcode & CONSERVE_ORDER2) {
	    mpp_gather_field_double(interp[n].nxgrid, interp[n].di_in, gdata_dbl);
	    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_dist, start, nwrite, gdata_dbl);
	  for(i=0; i<interp[n].nxgrid; i++) ldata_int[i] = interp[n].i_out[i] + grid_out[n].isc + 1; 
	  mpp_gather_field_int(interp[n].nxgrid, ldata_int, gdata_int);
	  mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_cell, start, nwrite, gdata_int);
	  mpp_gather_field_int(interp[n].nxgrid, interp[n].j_in, gdata_int);
	  for(i=0; i<nxgrid; i++) gdata_int[i]++;
	  start[1] = 1;
	  mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_cell, start, nwrite, gdata_int);
	  if(opcode & CONSERVE_ORDER2) {
	    mpp_gather_field_double(interp[n].nxgrid, interp[n].dj_in, gdata_dbl);
	    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_dist, start, nwrite, gdata_dbl);
	  for(i=0; i<interp[n].nxgrid; i++) ldata_int[i] = interp[n].j_out[i] + grid_out[n].jsc + 1; 	  
	  mpp_gather_field_int(interp[n].nxgrid, ldata_int, gdata_int);
	  mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_cell, start, nwrite, gdata_int);
    if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe())printf("NOTE: done calculating index and weight for conservative interpolation\n");
  /* get target grid area if needed */
  if( opcode & TARGET ) {
    for(n=0; n<ntiles_out; n++) {
      nx_out    = grid_out[n].nxc;
      ny_out    = grid_out[n].nyc; 
      grid_out[n].area = (double *)malloc(nx_out*ny_out*sizeof(double));
      get_grid_area(&nx_out,&ny_out, grid_out[n].lonc,  grid_out[n].latc, grid_out[n].area);
  if(opcode & CONSERVE_ORDER2) {
}; /* setup_conserve_interp */
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int c, n, i;
  int errflg = (argc == 1);
  int    option_index = 0;
  int fid, vid, nfile_aXl, ntiles;

  int *nx, *ny;
  double **lonb, **latb, **land_area, **ocean_area, **cell_area;
  char **axl_file = NULL, **axo_file=NULL, **lxo_file=NULL;
  char **ocn_topog_file = NULL;
  char *input_mosaic = NULL;
  char mosaic_name[STRING] = "mosaic", mosaic_file[STRING];
  char griddir[STRING], lnd_mosaic[STRING], filepath[STRING];
  char history[512];
  static struct option long_options[] = {
    {"input_mosaic",       required_argument, NULL, 'i'},
    {"mosaic_name",        required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
    {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}

   * process command line

  while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "i:", long_options, &option_index) ) != -1)
    switch (c) {
    case 'i': 
      input_mosaic = optarg;
    case 'm':
        case '?':
  if (errflg || !input_mosaic)  {
    char **u = usage;
    while (*u) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", *u); u++; }


  for(i=1;i<argc;i++) {
    strcat(history, " ");
    strcat(history, argv[i]);
  /* First get land grid information */
  mpp_init(&argc, &argv);
  sprintf(mosaic_file, "%s.nc", mosaic_name);
  get_file_path(input_mosaic, griddir);  
  fid = mpp_open(input_mosaic, MPP_READ);
  vid = mpp_get_varid(fid, "lnd_mosaic_file");
  mpp_get_var_value(fid, vid, lnd_mosaic);
  nfile_aXl = mpp_get_dimlen( fid, "nfile_aXl");

  /*make sure the directory that stores the mosaic_file is not current directory */
    char cur_path[STRING];
    if(getcwd(cur_path, STRING) != cur_path ) mpp_error("make_quick_mosaic: The size of cur_path maybe is not big enough");
    printf("The current directory is %s\n", cur_path);
    printf("The mosaic file location is %s\n", griddir);
    if(strcmp(griddir, cur_path)==0 || strcmp( griddir, ".")==0)
      mpp_error("make_quick_mosaic: The input mosaic file location should not be current directory");
  sprintf(filepath, "%s/%s", griddir, lnd_mosaic);
  ntiles = read_mosaic_ntiles(filepath);
  /* copy the lnd_mosaic file and grid file */
    int fid2, vid2;
    char cmd[STRING], gridfile[STRING];
    size_t start[4], nread[4];
    sprintf(cmd, "cp %s %s", filepath, lnd_mosaic);

    fid2 = mpp_open(filepath, MPP_READ);
    vid2 = mpp_get_varid(fid2, "gridfiles");
    for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
      start[i] = 0; nread[i] = 1;
    for(n=0; n<ntiles; n++) {  
      start[0] = n; nread[1] = STRING;
      mpp_get_var_value_block(fid2, vid2, start, nread, gridfile);
      sprintf(cmd, "cp %s/%s %s", griddir, gridfile, gridfile);
      printf("%s \n", cmd);

  /* ntiles should be either 1 or ntiles = nfile_aXl */
  if(ntiles != nfile_aXl && ntiles != 1)
    mpp_error("make_quick_mosaic: only support ntiles = 1 or ntiles = nfile_aXl, contact developer");

  nx = (int *)malloc(ntiles*sizeof(int));
  ny = (int *)malloc(ntiles*sizeof(int));
  read_mosaic_grid_sizes(filepath, nx, ny);
  lonb = (double **)malloc(ntiles*sizeof(double *));
  latb = (double **)malloc(ntiles*sizeof(double *));
  for(n=0; n<ntiles; n++) {
     lonb[n] = (double *)malloc((nx[n]+1)*(ny[n]+1)*sizeof(double));
     latb[n] = (double *)malloc((nx[n]+1)*(ny[n]+1)*sizeof(double));     
     read_mosaic_grid_data(filepath, "x", nx[n], ny[n], lonb[n], n, 0, 0); 
     read_mosaic_grid_data(filepath, "y", nx[n], ny[n], latb[n], n, 0, 0);
     for(i=0; i<(nx[n]+1)*(ny[n]+1); i++) {
       lonb[n][i] *= (M_PI/180.0);
       latb[n][i] *= (M_PI/180.0);

  /* read the exchange grid information and get the land/sea mask of land model*/
  land_area = (double **)malloc(ntiles*sizeof(double *));
  for(n=0; n<ntiles; n++) {
    land_area[n] = (double *)malloc(nx[n]*ny[n]*sizeof(double));
    for(i=0; i<nx[n]*ny[n]; i++) land_area[n][i] = 0;

  vid = mpp_get_varid(fid, "aXl_file");
  for(n=0; n<nfile_aXl; n++) {
    size_t start[4], nread[4];
    int nxgrid;
    char aXl_file[STRING];
    start[0] = n;
    start[1] = 0;
    nread[0] = 1;
    nread[1] = STRING;
    mpp_get_var_value_block(fid, vid, start, nread, aXl_file);
    sprintf(filepath, "%s/%s", griddir, aXl_file);
    nxgrid = read_mosaic_xgrid_size(filepath);
    if(nxgrid>0) {
      int l;
      int *i1, *j1, *i2, *j2;
      double *area;

      i1 = (int *)malloc(nxgrid*sizeof(int));
      j1 = (int *)malloc(nxgrid*sizeof(int));
      i2 = (int *)malloc(nxgrid*sizeof(int));
      j2 = (int *)malloc(nxgrid*sizeof(int));
      area = (double *)malloc(nxgrid*sizeof(double));
      read_mosaic_xgrid_order1(filepath, i1, j1, i2, j2, area);
      if(ntiles == 1) {
	for(l=0; l<nxgrid; l++) land_area[0][j2[l]*nx[0]+i2[l]] += (area[l]*4*M_PI*RADIUS*RADIUS);
      else {
	for(l=0; l<nxgrid; l++) land_area[n][j2[l]*nx[n]+i2[l]] += (area[l]*4*M_PI*RADIUS*RADIUS);

  /* calculate ocean area */
  ocean_area = (double **)malloc(ntiles*sizeof(double *));
  cell_area = (double **)malloc(ntiles*sizeof(double *));
  for(n=0; n<ntiles; n++) {
    ocean_area[n] = (double *)malloc(nx[n]*ny[n]*sizeof(double));
    cell_area[n] = (double *)malloc(nx[n]*ny[n]*sizeof(double));
    get_grid_area(&nx[n], &ny[n], lonb[n], latb[n], cell_area[n]);
    for(i=0; i<nx[n]*ny[n]; i++) {
      ocean_area[n][i] = cell_area[n][i];
      if( fabs(ocean_area[n][i]-land_area[n][i])/ocean_area[n][i] < AREA_RATIO_THRESH )
	ocean_area[n][i] = 0;
	ocean_area[n][i] -= land_area[n][i];
      if(ocean_area[n][i] < 0) {
	printf("at i = %d, ocean_area = %g, land_area = %g, cell_area=%g\n", i, ocean_area[n][i], land_area[n][i], cell_area[n][i]);
	mpp_error("make_quick_mosaic: ocean area is negative at some points");

  /* write out land mask */
    for(n=0; n<ntiles; n++) {
      int fid, id_mask, dims[2];
      char lnd_mask_file[STRING];
      double *mask;
      mask = (double *)malloc(nx[n]*ny[n]*sizeof(double));
      for(i=0; i<nx[n]*ny[n]; i++) mask[i] = land_area[n][i]/cell_area[n][i];
      if(ntiles > 1)
	sprintf(lnd_mask_file, "land_mask_tile%d.nc", n+1);
	strcpy(lnd_mask_file, "land_mask.nc");
      fid = mpp_open(lnd_mask_file, MPP_WRITE);
      mpp_def_global_att(fid, "grid_version", grid_version);
      mpp_def_global_att(fid, "code_version", tagname);
      mpp_def_global_att(fid, "history", history);
      dims[1] = mpp_def_dim(fid, "nx", nx[n]); 
      dims[0] = mpp_def_dim(fid, "ny", ny[n]);
      id_mask = mpp_def_var(fid, "mask", MPP_DOUBLE, 2, dims,  2, "standard_name",
			    "land fraction at T-cell centers", "units", "none");
      mpp_put_var_value(fid, id_mask, mask);
  /* write out ocean mask */
    for(n=0; n<ntiles; n++) {
      int fid, id_mask, dims[2];
      char ocn_mask_file[STRING];
      double *mask;
      mask = (double *)malloc(nx[n]*ny[n]*sizeof(double));
      for(i=0; i<nx[n]*ny[n]; i++) mask[i] = ocean_area[n][i]/cell_area[n][i];
      if(ntiles > 1)
	sprintf(ocn_mask_file, "ocean_mask_tile%d.nc", n+1);
	strcpy(ocn_mask_file, "ocean_mask.nc");
      fid = mpp_open(ocn_mask_file, MPP_WRITE);
      mpp_def_global_att(fid, "grid_version", grid_version);
      mpp_def_global_att(fid, "code_version", tagname);
      mpp_def_global_att(fid, "history", history);
      dims[1] = mpp_def_dim(fid, "nx", nx[n]); 
      dims[0] = mpp_def_dim(fid, "ny", ny[n]);
      id_mask = mpp_def_var(fid, "mask", MPP_DOUBLE, 2, dims,  2, "standard_name",
			    "ocean fraction at T-cell centers", "units", "none");
      mpp_put_var_value(fid, id_mask, mask);
  ocn_topog_file = (char **)malloc(ntiles*sizeof(char *));
  axl_file = (char **)malloc(ntiles*sizeof(char *));
  axo_file = (char **)malloc(ntiles*sizeof(char *));
  lxo_file = (char **)malloc(ntiles*sizeof(char *));
  for(n=0; n<ntiles; n++) {
    axl_file[n] = (char *)malloc(STRING*sizeof(char));
    axo_file[n] = (char *)malloc(STRING*sizeof(char));
    lxo_file[n] = (char *)malloc(STRING*sizeof(char));
    ocn_topog_file[n] = (char *)malloc(STRING*sizeof(char));
    sprintf(ocn_topog_file[n], "ocean_topog_tile%d.nc", n+1);
    sprintf(axl_file[n], "atmos_mosaic_tile%dXland_mosaic_tile%d.nc", n+1, n+1);
    sprintf(axo_file[n], "atmos_mosaic_tile%dXocean_mosaic_tile%d.nc", n+1, n+1);
    sprintf(lxo_file[n], "land_mosaic_tile%dXocean_mosaic_tile%d.nc", n+1, n+1);
  for(n=0; n<ntiles; n++) {
    int *i1, *j1, *i2, *j2;
    double *area, *di, *dj;
    int nxgrid, i, j;
    int fid, dim_string, dim_ncells, dim_two, dims[2];
    int id_contact, id_tile1_cell, id_tile2_cell;
    int id_xgrid_area, id_tile1_dist, id_tile2_dist;
    size_t start[4], nwrite[4];
    char contact[STRING];

    for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
      start[i] = 0; nwrite[i] = 1;
    /* first calculate the atmXlnd exchange grid */
    i1 = (int *)malloc(nx[n]*ny[n]*sizeof(int));
    j1 = (int *)malloc(nx[n]*ny[n]*sizeof(int));
    i2 = (int *)malloc(nx[n]*ny[n]*sizeof(int));
    j2 = (int *)malloc(nx[n]*ny[n]*sizeof(int));
    area = (double *)malloc(nx[n]*ny[n]*sizeof(double));
    di   = (double *)malloc(nx[n]*ny[n]*sizeof(double));
    dj   = (double *)malloc(nx[n]*ny[n]*sizeof(double));

    /* write out the atmosXland exchange grid file, The file name will be atmos_mosaic_tile#Xland_mosaic_tile#.nc */   
    nxgrid = 0;
    for(j=0; j<ny[n]; j++) for(i=0; i<nx[n]; i++) {
      if(land_area[n][j*nx[n]+i] >0) {
	i1[nxgrid] = i+1;
	j1[nxgrid] = j+1;
	i2[nxgrid] = i+1;
	j2[nxgrid] = j+1;
	area[nxgrid] = land_area[n][j*nx[n]+i];
	di[nxgrid] = 0;
	dj[nxgrid] = 0;
    fid = mpp_open(axl_file[n], MPP_WRITE);
    sprintf(contact, "atmos_mosaic:tile%d::land_mosaic:tile%d", n+1, n+1);
    mpp_def_global_att(fid, "grid_version", grid_version);
    mpp_def_global_att(fid, "code_version", tagname);
    mpp_def_global_att(fid, "history", history);
    dim_string = mpp_def_dim(fid, "string", STRING);
    dim_ncells = mpp_def_dim(fid, "ncells", nxgrid);
    dim_two    = mpp_def_dim(fid, "two", 2);
    id_contact = mpp_def_var(fid, "contact", MPP_CHAR, 1, &dim_string, 7, "standard_name", "grid_contact_spec",
			     "contact_type", "exchange", "parent1_cell",
			     "tile1_cell", "parent2_cell", "tile2_cell", "xgrid_area_field", "xgrid_area", 
			     "distant_to_parent1_centroid", "tile1_distance", "distant_to_parent2_centroid", "tile2_distance");
    dims[0] = dim_ncells; dims[1] = dim_two;
    id_tile1_cell = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile1_cell", MPP_INT, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "parent_cell_indices_in_mosaic1");
    id_tile2_cell = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile2_cell", MPP_INT, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "parent_cell_indices_in_mosaic2");
    id_xgrid_area = mpp_def_var(fid, "xgrid_area", MPP_DOUBLE, 1, &dim_ncells, 2, "standard_name",
				"exchange_grid_area", "units", "m2");
    id_tile1_dist = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile1_distance", MPP_DOUBLE, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "distance_from_parent1_cell_centroid");
    id_tile2_dist = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile2_distance", MPP_DOUBLE, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "distance_from_parent2_cell_centroid");
    nwrite[0] = strlen(contact);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_contact, start, nwrite, contact);
    nwrite[0] = nxgrid;
    mpp_put_var_value(fid, id_xgrid_area, area);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_cell, start, nwrite, i1);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_cell, start, nwrite, i2);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_dist, start, nwrite, di);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_dist, start, nwrite, di);    
    start[1] = 1;
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_cell, start, nwrite, j1);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_cell, start, nwrite, j2);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_dist, start, nwrite, dj);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_dist, start, nwrite, dj);   
    /* write out the atmosXocean exchange grid file, The file name will be atmos_mosaic_tile#Xocean_mosaic_tile#.nc */
    nxgrid = 0;
    for(j=0; j<ny[n]; j++) for(i=0; i<nx[n]; i++) {
      if(ocean_area[n][j*nx[n]+i] >0) {
	i1[nxgrid] = i+1;
	j1[nxgrid] = j+1;
	i2[nxgrid] = i+1;
	j2[nxgrid] = j+1;
	area[nxgrid] = ocean_area[n][j*nx[n]+i];
	di[nxgrid] = 0;
	dj[nxgrid] = 0;
    fid = mpp_open(axo_file[n], MPP_WRITE);
    sprintf(contact, "atmos_mosaic:tile%d::ocean_mosaic:tile%d", n+1, n+1);
    mpp_def_global_att(fid, "grid_version", grid_version);
    mpp_def_global_att(fid, "code_version", tagname);
    mpp_def_global_att(fid, "history", history);
    dim_string = mpp_def_dim(fid, "string", STRING);
    dim_ncells = mpp_def_dim(fid, "ncells", nxgrid);
    dim_two    = mpp_def_dim(fid, "two", 2);
    id_contact = mpp_def_var(fid, "contact", MPP_CHAR, 1, &dim_string, 7, "standard_name", "grid_contact_spec",
			     "contact_type", "exchange", "parent1_cell",
			     "tile1_cell", "parent2_cell", "tile2_cell", "xgrid_area_field", "xgrid_area", 
			     "distant_to_parent1_centroid", "tile1_distance", "distant_to_parent2_centroid", "tile2_distance");
    dims[0] = dim_ncells; dims[1] = dim_two;
    id_tile1_cell = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile1_cell", MPP_INT, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "parent_cell_indices_in_mosaic1");
    id_tile2_cell = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile2_cell", MPP_INT, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "parent_cell_indices_in_mosaic2");
    id_xgrid_area = mpp_def_var(fid, "xgrid_area", MPP_DOUBLE, 1, &dim_ncells, 2, "standard_name",
				"exchange_grid_area", "units", "m2");
    id_tile1_dist = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile1_distance", MPP_DOUBLE, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "distance_from_parent1_cell_centroid");
    id_tile2_dist = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile2_distance", MPP_DOUBLE, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "distance_from_parent2_cell_centroid");
    start[1] = 0;
    nwrite[0] = strlen(contact);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_contact, start, nwrite, contact);
    nwrite[0] = nxgrid;
    mpp_put_var_value(fid, id_xgrid_area, area);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_cell, start, nwrite, i1);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_cell, start, nwrite, i2);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_dist, start, nwrite, di);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_dist, start, nwrite, di);    
    start[1] = 1;
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_cell, start, nwrite, j1);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_cell, start, nwrite, j2);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_dist, start, nwrite, dj);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_dist, start, nwrite, dj);   
    /* write out landXocean exchange grid information */
    fid = mpp_open(lxo_file[n], MPP_WRITE);
    sprintf(contact, "land_mosaic:tile%d::ocean_mosaic:tile%d", n+1, n+1);
    mpp_def_global_att(fid, "grid_version", grid_version);
    mpp_def_global_att(fid, "code_version", tagname);
    mpp_def_global_att(fid, "history", history);
    dim_string = mpp_def_dim(fid, "string", STRING);
    dim_ncells = mpp_def_dim(fid, "ncells", nxgrid);
    dim_two    = mpp_def_dim(fid, "two", 2);
    id_contact = mpp_def_var(fid, "contact", MPP_CHAR, 1, &dim_string, 7, "standard_name", "grid_contact_spec",
			     "contact_type", "exchange", "parent1_cell",
			     "tile1_cell", "parent2_cell", "tile2_cell", "xgrid_area_field", "xgrid_area", 
			     "distant_to_parent1_centroid", "tile1_distance", "distant_to_parent2_centroid", "tile2_distance");
    dims[0] = dim_ncells; dims[1] = dim_two;
    id_tile1_cell = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile1_cell", MPP_INT, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "parent_cell_indices_in_mosaic1");
    id_tile2_cell = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile2_cell", MPP_INT, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "parent_cell_indices_in_mosaic2");
    id_xgrid_area = mpp_def_var(fid, "xgrid_area", MPP_DOUBLE, 1, &dim_ncells, 2, "standard_name",
				"exchange_grid_area", "units", "m2");
    id_tile1_dist = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile1_distance", MPP_DOUBLE, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "distance_from_parent1_cell_centroid");
    id_tile2_dist = mpp_def_var(fid, "tile2_distance", MPP_DOUBLE, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "distance_from_parent2_cell_centroid");
    start[1] = 0;
    nwrite[0] = strlen(contact);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_contact, start, nwrite, contact);
    nwrite[0] = nxgrid;
    mpp_put_var_value(fid, id_xgrid_area, area);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_cell, start, nwrite, i1);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_cell, start, nwrite, i2);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_dist, start, nwrite, di);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_dist, start, nwrite, di);    
    start[1] = 1;
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_cell, start, nwrite, j1);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_cell, start, nwrite, j2);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile1_dist, start, nwrite, dj);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_tile2_dist, start, nwrite, dj);   
  /*Fianlly create the coupler mosaic file mosaic_name.nc */
    int dim_string, dim_axo, dim_axl, dim_lxo, dims[2];
    int id_amosaic_file, id_lmosaic_file, id_omosaic_file, id_otopog_file;
    int id_axo_file, id_axl_file, id_lxo_file;
    size_t start[4], nwrite[4];

    for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
      start[i] = 0; nwrite[i] = 1;
    printf("mosaic_file is %s\n", mosaic_file);   
    fid = mpp_open(mosaic_file, MPP_WRITE);
    mpp_def_global_att(fid, "grid_version", grid_version);
    mpp_def_global_att(fid, "code_version", tagname);
    mpp_def_global_att(fid, "history", history);
    dim_string = mpp_def_dim(fid, "string", STRING);
    dim_axo = mpp_def_dim(fid, "nfile_aXo", ntiles);
    dim_axl = mpp_def_dim(fid, "nfile_aXl", ntiles);
    dim_lxo = mpp_def_dim(fid, "nfile_lXo", ntiles);    
    id_amosaic_file = mpp_def_var(fid, "atm_mosaic_file", MPP_CHAR, 1, &dim_string,
				  1, "standard_name", "atmosphere_mosaic_file_name");
    id_lmosaic_file = mpp_def_var(fid, "lnd_mosaic_file", MPP_CHAR, 1, &dim_string,
				  1, "standard_name", "land_mosaic_file_name");
    id_omosaic_file = mpp_def_var(fid, "ocn_mosaic_file", MPP_CHAR, 1, &dim_string,
				  1, "standard_name", "ocean_mosaic_file_name");
    id_otopog_file  = mpp_def_var(fid, "ocn_topog_file", MPP_CHAR, 1, &dim_string,
				  1, "standard_name", "ocean_topog_file_name");    
    dims[0] = dim_axo; dims[1] = dim_string;
    id_axo_file = mpp_def_var(fid, "aXo_file", MPP_CHAR, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "atmXocn_exchange_grid_file");
    dims[0] = dim_axl; dims[1] = dim_string;
    id_axl_file = mpp_def_var(fid, "aXl_file", MPP_CHAR, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "atmXlnd_exchange_grid_file");
    dims[0] = dim_lxo; dims[1] = dim_string;
    id_lxo_file = mpp_def_var(fid, "lXo_file", MPP_CHAR, 2, dims, 1, "standard_name", "lndXocn_exchange_grid_file");
    nwrite[0] = strlen(lnd_mosaic);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_lmosaic_file, start, nwrite, lnd_mosaic);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_amosaic_file, start, nwrite, lnd_mosaic);
    mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_omosaic_file, start, nwrite, lnd_mosaic);
    for(n=0; n<ntiles; n++) {
      start[0] = n; nwrite[0] =1;
      nwrite[1] = strlen(ocn_topog_file[n]);
      mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_otopog_file, start, nwrite, ocn_topog_file[n]);
      nwrite[1] = strlen(axl_file[n]);
      mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_axl_file, start, nwrite, axl_file[n]);
      nwrite[1] = strlen(axo_file[n]);
      mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_axo_file, start, nwrite, axo_file[n]);
      nwrite[1] = strlen(lxo_file[n]);
      mpp_put_var_value_block(fid, id_lxo_file, start, nwrite, lxo_file[n]);
  for(n=0; n<ntiles; n++) {
  printf("\n***** Congratulation! You have successfully run make_quick_mosaic\n");

  return 0;

} /* main */  
Ejemplo n.º 3
void read_mosaic_xgrid_order1_(const char *xgrid_file, int *i1, int *j1, int *i2, int *j2, double *area )
  read_mosaic_xgrid_order1(xgrid_file, i1, j1, i2, j2, area);