int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct reader_t rout; struct reader_t rsol; const char *pts; if (argc != 4) return 1; reader_init(&rsol, argv[2]); reader_init(&rout, argv[3]); if (rsol.f == NULL) return 1; if (rout.f == NULL) { reader_free(&rsol); printf("%s\n", pts_zero); return 0; } pts = get_answer(&rsol, &rout); printf("%s\n", pts); reader_free(&rsol); reader_free(&rout); return 0; }
void dispatchKernel_cnets_osblinnikov_github_com_init(struct dispatchKernel_cnets_osblinnikov_github_com *that, runnablesContainer_cnets_osblinnikov_github_com* _parent, uint32_t _maxNumberOfKernels, uint32_t _threadId, uint32_t _countOfThreads){ that->parent = _parent; that->maxNumberOfKernels = _maxNumberOfKernels; that->threadId = _threadId; that->countOfThreads = _countOfThreads; that->readers = arrayObject_init_dynamic(sizeof(reader), 1); int readers_i_ = 0; for(readers_i_=0;readers_i_<1;readers_i_++){ reader_init(&((reader*)that->readers.array)[readers_i_]); } reader_init(&that->readerSelector); that->kernels = arrayObject_init_dynamic(sizeof(runnables_dispatchKernel_cnets_osblinnikov_github_com), 1); int kernels_i_ = 0; for(kernels_i_=0;kernels_i_<1;kernels_i_++){ runnables_dispatchKernel_cnets_osblinnikov_github_com_init(&((runnables_dispatchKernel_cnets_osblinnikov_github_com*)that->kernels.array)[kernels_i_]); } dispatchKernel_cnets_osblinnikov_github_com_onKernels(that); that->getRunnables = dispatchKernel_cnets_osblinnikov_github_com_getRunnables; runnablesContainer_cnets_osblinnikov_github_com_init(&that->_runnables); RunnableStoppable_create(runnableStoppableObj,that, dispatchKernel_cnets_osblinnikov_github_com) that->_runnables.setCore(&that->_runnables,runnableStoppableObj, 1); dispatchKernel_cnets_osblinnikov_github_com_onCreate(that); }
/* ** rd = buffer:reader(rd = nil, offset=0, length=all) */ static int lbuffer_reader(lua_State *L) { int top = lua_gettop(L); if (top > 0) { Buffer *buffer = buffer_lcheck(L, 1); Reader *reader = NULL; size_t offset = 0; size_t length = buffer->datasiz; if (top >= 2 && lua_type(L, 2) == LUA_TUSERDATA) { reader = (Reader*)luaL_checkudata(L, 2, READER_META); lua_pushvalue(L, 2); } if (reader == NULL) { lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, BUFFER_READERS); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, buffer); lua_gettable(L, -2); if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) { lua_pop(L, 1); reader = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(Reader)); /* [readers, ud] */ l_setmetatable(L, -1, READER_META); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, buffer); /* [readers, rd, buf] */ lua_pushvalue(L, -2); /* [readers, rd, buf, rd] */ lua_rawset(L, -4); buffer->rd = true; } else { reader = (Reader*)lua_touserdata(L, -1); } } if (top >= 3) { offset = (size_t)luaL_checkinteger(L, 3); if (offset >= buffer->datasiz) offset = 0; } if (top >= 4) { length = (size_t)luaL_checkinteger(L, 4); } if (offset + length > buffer->datasiz) length = buffer->datasiz - offset; reader_init(reader, buffer->data + offset, length); } else { Reader *reader = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(Reader)); /* [readers, ud] */ l_setmetatable(L, -1, READER_META); reader_init(reader, NULL, 0); } return 1; }
void conn_info_init(struct conn_info *info) { info->refcount = 0; info->authenticated = false; memset(&info->addr, 0, sizeof(info->addr)); memset(info->dsn, 0, sizeof(info->dsn)); reader_init(&info->reader); info->last_active = -1; info->current_buf = NULL; STAILQ_INIT(&info->cmd_queue); STAILQ_INIT(&info->ready_queue); STAILQ_INIT(&info->waiting_queue); STAILQ_INIT(&info->buf_times); TAILQ_INIT(&info->data); TAILQ_INIT(&info->local_data); ATOMIC_SET(info->send_bytes, 0); ATOMIC_SET(info->recv_bytes, 0); ATOMIC_SET(info->completed_commands, 0); info->status = DISCONNECTED; }
void *run_read(void *args){ unsigned int k,j; unsigned int *ll; struct reader_slot *rd_slt; unsigned int id; rd_slt= reader_init(reg); id = get_id(rd_slt); printf("[%u]RD: START\n", id); //sleep(1); while(!start); while(!end || (end_read!=0 && count_read[id] >= end_read)){ //read ll=reg_read(rd_slt); //busy loops k = busy_loop(busy_read); count_read[id]++; //if((count_read[id]%(end_read/5)) == 0) printf("[%u]RD: Iteration %10u\n",id,count_read[id]); } printf("[%u]RD: %u read operations performed\n", id,count_read[id]); pthread_exit(NULL); }
void conn_free(struct connection *conn) { if (conn == NULL) return; if (conn->fd != -1) { close(conn->fd); conn->fd = -1; } conn->registered = false; if (conn->ev != NULL) { conn->ev->info = NULL; conn_free(conn->ev); conn_recycle(conn->ctx, conn->ev); conn->ev = NULL; } if (conn->info == NULL) return; struct conn_info *info = conn->info; info->status = DISCONNECTED; reader_free(&info->reader); reader_init(&info->reader); EMPTY_CMD_QUEUE(&info->cmd_queue, cmd_next); EMPTY_CMD_QUEUE(&info->ready_queue, ready_next); EMPTY_CMD_QUEUE(&info->waiting_queue, waiting_next); }
bool checkConfig(const char *urlWithOptions) { if (!urlWithOptions) { return false; } GPReader *reader = reader_init(urlWithOptions); if (!reader) { return false; } ListBucketResult result = reader->getKeyList(); if (result.contents.empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "\nYour configuration works well, however there is no file matching your " "prefix.\n"); } else { printBucketContents(result); fprintf(stderr, "\nYour configuration works well.\n"); } reader_cleanup(&reader); return true; }
/** * @param readers Probably should be an empty list. */ list *find_all_readers(struct list *readers) { int rc; struct ftdi_device_list *devlist; struct ftdi_context ftdi; ftdi_init(&ftdi); rc = ftdi_usb_find_all(&ftdi, &devlist, RFID1_VID, RFID1_PID); ftdi_deinit(&ftdi); if(rc < 0) return NULL; struct ftdi_device_list *dp = devlist; while(dp){ struct ftdi_context *c = malloc(sizeof(struct ftdi_context)); if(c == NULL){ // Out of memory !! // TODO: Clean up return NULL; } ftdi_init(c); struct reader *r = reader_create(); reader_init(r, c, dp->dev); list_push(readers, r); dp = dp->next; } ftdi_list_free(&dp); return readers; }
/// Setup our environment (e.g., tty modes), process key strokes, then reset the environment. static void setup_and_process_keys(bool continuous_mode) { is_interactive_session = 1; // by definition this program is interactive set_main_thread(); setup_fork_guards(); proc_push_interactive(1); env_init(); reader_init(); // We need to set the shell-modes for ICRNL, // in fish-proper this is done once a command is run. tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &shell_modes); install_our_signal_handlers(); if (continuous_mode) { std::fwprintf(stderr, L"\n"); std::fwprintf(stderr, L"To terminate this program type \"exit\" or \"quit\" in this window,\n"); std::fwprintf(stderr, L"or press [ctrl-%c] or [ctrl-%c] twice in a row.\n", shell_modes.c_cc[VINTR] + 0x40, shell_modes.c_cc[VEOF] + 0x40); std::fwprintf(stderr, L"\n"); } process_input(continuous_mode); restore_term_mode(); restore_term_foreground_process_group(); }
/// Setup our environment (e.g., tty modes), process key strokes, then reset the environment. static void setup_and_process_keys(bool continuous_mode) { is_interactive_session = 1; // by definition this program is interactive setenv("LC_ALL", "POSIX", 1); // ensure we're in a single-byte locale set_main_thread(); setup_fork_guards(); env_init(); reader_init(); input_init(); proc_push_interactive(1); signal_set_handlers(); install_our_signal_handlers(); if (continuous_mode) { printf("\n"); printf("To terminate this program type \"exit\" or \"quit\" in this window,\n"); printf("or press [ctrl-C] or [ctrl-D] twice in a row.\n"); printf("\n"); } process_input(continuous_mode); restore_term_mode(); restore_term_foreground_process_group(); input_destroy(); reader_destroy(); }
/// Setup our environment (e.g., tty modes), process key strokes, then reset the environment. void setup_and_process_keys(bool continuous_mode) { is_interactive_session = 1; // by definition this is interactive set_main_thread(); setup_fork_guards(); wsetlocale(LC_ALL, L"POSIX"); program_name = L"fish_key_reader"; env_init(); reader_init(); input_init(); // Installing our handler for every signal (e.g., SIGSEGV) is dubious because it means that // signals that might generate a core dump will not do so. On the other hand this allows us // to restore the tty modes so the terminal is still usable when we die. for (int signo = 1; signo < 32; signo++) { signal(signo, signal_handler); } if (continuous_mode) { printf("\n"); printf("Type 'exit' or 'quit' to terminate this program.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Characters such as [ctrl-D] (EOF) and [ctrl-C] (interrupt)\n"); printf("have no special meaning and will not terminate this program.\n"); printf("\n"); } else { set_wait_on_escape_ms(500); } // TODO: We really should enable keypad mode but see issue #838. process_input(continuous_mode); restore_term_mode(); }
bool downloadS3(const char *urlWithOptions) { if (!urlWithOptions) { return false; } int data_len = BUF_SIZE; char data_buf[BUF_SIZE]; bool ret = true; thread_setup(); GPReader *reader = reader_init(urlWithOptions); if (!reader) { return false; } do { data_len = BUF_SIZE; if (!reader_transfer_data(reader, data_buf, data_len)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read data from Amazon S3\n"); ret = false; break; } fwrite(data_buf, (size_t)data_len, 1, stdout); } while (data_len && !S3QueryIsAbortInProgress()); reader_cleanup(&reader); thread_cleanup(); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { reader_init(); /* connect to USB dongle */ accs_init(); /* init accelerometers */ printf("Scanning devices...\n"); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { printf("Address %d, type %s\n", i, reader_get_name(reader_get_byte(i, 0x0F))); } /*while (1) { for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) { unsigned char buffer[128]; int bytes = usb_control_msg( h, // handle obtained with usb_open() USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_IN, // bRequestType i, // bRequest -> index of acc channel 0, // wValue 0, // wIndex buffer, // pointer to destination buffer 128, // wLength 6000 ); if (bytes != 7) { printf("Strange report... %d\n", bytes); } else { static int flag_first = 1; struct acc_data data, calmans; calmans = data; data.whoami = (unsigned int) buffer[0]; data.x = (short) (buffer[1] | (buffer[2] << 8)); data.y = (short) (buffer[3] | (buffer[4] << 8)); data.z = (short) (buffer[5] | (buffer[6] << 8)); if (flag_first) { data.x += calmans.x; data.x /= 2; data.y += calmans.y; data.y /= 2; data.z += calmans.z; data.z /= 2; flag_first = 0; } if (data.whoami != 0xff) { printf("Stats for %d: name %x, data (%.10g, %.10g, %.10g), total %.10g\n", i, data.whoami, (double) (data.x * 9.8 / 162 / 100), (double) (data.y * 9.8 / 162 / 100), (double) ((data.z / 100 + 23) * 9.8 / 162), (double) (sqrt((data.x / 100)*(data.x / 100) + (data.y/100)*(data.y/100) + (data.z/100 + 23)*(data.z/100 + 23)) * 9.8 / 162)); } } } usleep(4000); }*/ return 0; }
avro_reader_t avro_reader_file(FILE * fp) { struct _avro_reader_file_t *file_reader = malloc(sizeof(struct _avro_reader_file_t)); if (!file_reader) { return NULL; } memset(file_reader, 0, sizeof(struct _avro_reader_file_t)); file_reader->fp = fp; reader_init(&file_reader->reader, AVRO_FILE_IO); return &file_reader->reader; }
avro_reader_t avro_reader_memory(const char *buf, int64_t len) { struct _avro_reader_memory_t *mem_reader = malloc(sizeof(struct _avro_reader_memory_t)); if (!mem_reader) { return NULL; } mem_reader->buf = buf; mem_reader->len = len; mem_reader->read = 0; reader_init(&mem_reader->reader, AVRO_MEMORY_IO); return &mem_reader->reader; }
avro_reader_t avro_reader_memory(const char *buf, int64_t len) { struct _avro_reader_memory_t *mem_reader = (struct _avro_reader_memory_t *) avro_new(struct _avro_reader_memory_t); if (!mem_reader) { avro_set_error("Cannot allocate new memory reader"); return NULL; } mem_reader->buf = buf; mem_reader->len = len; mem_reader->read = 0; reader_init(&mem_reader->reader, AVRO_MEMORY_IO); return &mem_reader->reader; }
avro_reader_t avro_reader_file_fp(FILE * fp, int should_close) { struct _avro_reader_file_t *file_reader = (struct _avro_reader_file_t *) avro_new(struct _avro_reader_file_t); if (!file_reader) { avro_set_error("Cannot allocate new file reader"); return NULL; } memset(file_reader, 0, sizeof(struct _avro_reader_file_t)); file_reader->fp = fp; file_reader->should_close = should_close; reader_init(&file_reader->reader, AVRO_FILE_IO); return &file_reader->reader; }
/* * Import data into GPDB. * invoked by GPDB, be careful with C++ exceptions. */ Datum s3_import(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { /* Must be called via the external table format manager */ if (!CALLED_AS_EXTPROTOCOL(fcinfo)) elog(ERROR, "extprotocol_import: not called by external protocol manager"); /* Get our internal description of the protocol */ GPReader *gpreader = (GPReader *)EXTPROTOCOL_GET_USER_CTX(fcinfo); /* last call. destroy reader */ if (EXTPROTOCOL_IS_LAST_CALL(fcinfo)) { thread_cleanup(); if (!reader_cleanup(&gpreader)) { ereport(ERROR, (0, errmsg("Failed to cleanup S3 extension: %s", gpReaderErrorMessage.c_str()))); } EXTPROTOCOL_SET_USER_CTX(fcinfo, NULL); PG_RETURN_INT32(0); } /* first call. do any desired init */ if (gpreader == NULL) { const char *url_with_options = EXTPROTOCOL_GET_URL(fcinfo); thread_setup(); gpreader = reader_init(url_with_options); if (!gpreader) { ereport(ERROR, (0, errmsg("Failed to init S3 extension, segid = %d, " "segnum = %d, please check your " "configurations and net connection: %s", s3ext_segid, s3ext_segnum, gpReaderErrorMessage.c_str()))); } check_essential_config(); EXTPROTOCOL_SET_USER_CTX(fcinfo, gpreader); } char *data_buf = EXTPROTOCOL_GET_DATABUF(fcinfo); int32 data_len = EXTPROTOCOL_GET_DATALEN(fcinfo); if (!reader_transfer_data(gpreader, data_buf, data_len)) { ereport(ERROR, (0, errmsg("s3_import: could not read data: %s", gpReaderErrorMessage.c_str()))); } PG_RETURN_INT32(data_len); }
/** Main test */ int main( int argc, char **argv ) { setlocale( LC_ALL, "" ); srand( time( 0 ) ); program_name=L"(ignore)"; say( L"Testing low-level functionality"); say( L"Lines beginning with '(ignore):' are not errors, they are warning messages\ngenerated by the fish parser library when given broken input, and can be\nignored. All actual errors begin with 'Error:'." ); proc_init(); halloc_util_init(); event_init(); parser_init(); function_init(); builtin_init(); reader_init(); env_init(); test_util(); test_escape(); test_convert(); test_tok(); test_parser(); test_expand(); test_path(); say( L"Encountered %d errors in low-level tests", err_count ); /* Skip performance tests for now, since they seem to hang when running from inside make (?) */ // say( L"Testing performance" ); // perf_complete(); env_destroy(); reader_destroy(); parser_destroy(); function_destroy(); builtin_destroy(); wutil_destroy(); event_destroy(); proc_destroy(); halloc_util_destroy(); }
int net_device_platform_init() { config_section_t * sect = NULL; net_device_t * net_device = NULL; char type[16]; config_cnf_t * cnf = config_get(); if(cnf == NULL) return 1; for(sect = (config_section_t *)list_head(cnf->sections); sect != NULL; sect = (config_section_t *)list_item_next((void*)sect)) { config_section_get_str(sect, "type", NULL, type, strlen(type)); if (type == NULL) return 2; if (strcmp(type, "led") == 0) { if(led_init(sect) != 0) return 3; net_device = (net_device_t *)malloc(sizeof(net_device_t)); if(net_device == NULL) return 4; net_device_construct(net_device, sect, led_net_callback); } else if (strcmp(type, "button") == 0) { if(button_init(sect) != 0) return 3; net_device = (net_device_t *)malloc(sizeof(net_device_t)); if(net_device == NULL) return 4; net_device_construct(net_device, sect, NULL); } else if (strcmp(type, "reader") == 0) { if(reader_init(sect) != 0) return 3; net_device = (net_device_t *)malloc(sizeof(net_device_t)); if(net_device == NULL) return 4; net_device_construct(net_device, sect, reader_net_callback); } // etc. new drivers } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Event event; Reader reader; /* Init struct */ clear_event(&event); reader_init(&reader, argv[1]); evh_register_handler(&reader, &lostRecordsHandler); /* evh_register_handler(&reader, &backInflightQueueBlockedHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &backInflightQueueUnblockedHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &frontSharedRingQueueBlockedHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &frontSharedRingQueueUnblockedHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &frontGrantQueueBlockedHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &frontGrantQueueUnblockedHandler); */ evh_register_handler(&reader, &frontRequestQueueBlockedHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &frontRequestQueueUnblockedHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &backRequestQueueBlockedHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &backRequestQueueUnblockedHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &frontSharedRingRespQueueBlockedHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &frontSharedRingRespQueueUnblockedHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &backRequestInterruptSendHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &backRequestInterruptReceiveHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &backResponseInterruptSendHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &backResponseInterruptReceiveHandler); reader_loop(&reader); reader_exit(&reader); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Event event; Reader reader; /* Init struct */ clear_event(&event); reader_init(&reader, argv[1]); evh_register_handler(&reader, &lostRecordsHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &exitToXenHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &exitToGuestHandler); reader_loop(&reader); reader_exit(&reader); return 0; }
/* ** line1, ... = buffer:getline(num) ** ** content will be shifted */ static int lbuffer_getline(lua_State *L) { Buffer *buffer = buffer_lcheck(L, 1); size_t num = (size_t)luaL_optint(L, 2, 1); Reader rd; reader_init(&rd, buffer->data, buffer->datasiz); for (size_t i = 0; i < num ; i++) { size_t len; const char *str = reader_getline(&rd, &len); if (str != NULL) lua_pushlstring(L, str, len); else lua_pushnil(L); } buffer_shift(buffer, (size_t)( - rd.mem)); return (int)num; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Event event; Reader reader; /* Init struct */ clear_event(&event); reader_init(&reader, argv[1]); evh_register_handler(&reader, &switchInfprevHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &switchInfnextHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &switchSchedHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &domainWakeHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &lostRecordsHandler); reader_loop(&reader); reader_exit(&reader); return 0; }
main() { int ret; long a = 0xffffffffffffffff; if (ret = kp_init()) { printf("ret %d\n", ret); } reader_init(); printf("a 0x%lx \n& 0x%lx\n s 0x%lx\n", a, TIME_STAMP_BYTES(a), TIME_STAMP_BYTES(a)<<TIME_SHIFT_ORDER); test_reader(); // work dd_work(); // read // exit dd_exit(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Event event; Reader reader; /* Init struct */ clear_event(&event); reader_init(&reader, argv[1]); evh_register_handler(&reader, &numEventsHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &numExceptionsHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &numExceptionsInXenHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &numInterruptsHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &numInterruptsInXenHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &numHypercallsHandler); evh_register_handler(&reader, &lostRecordsHandler); reader_loop(&reader); reader_exit(&reader); return 0; }
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; reader_init(); /* Get arguments, set up defaults */ parseargs(argc, argv); if (!aFiles.size) { if (add_expfile(&aFiles, "*.c")) exit_nomem(" (main: add_expfile)"); } if (!sObjExt) sObjExt = ".o"; if (!aSrcExt.size) { if (array_addfile(&aSrcExt, ".c") || array_addfile(&aObjExt, NULL)) exit_nomem(" (main: add suffix)"); if (array_addfile(&aSrcExt, ".cc") || array_addfile(&aObjExt, NULL)) exit_nomem(" (main: add suffix)"); if (array_addfile(&aSrcExt, ".cp") || array_addfile(&aObjExt, NULL)) exit_nomem(" (main: add suffix)"); if (array_addfile(&aSrcExt, ".cpp") || array_addfile(&aObjExt, NULL)) exit_nomem(" (main: add suffix)"); if (array_addfile(&aSrcExt, ".cxx") || array_addfile(&aObjExt, NULL)) exit_nomem(" (main: add suffix)"); if (array_addfile(&aSrcExt, ".C") || array_addfile(&aObjExt, NULL)) exit_nomem(" (main: add suffix)"); if (array_addfile(&aSrcExt, ".CC") || array_addfile(&aObjExt, NULL)) exit_nomem(" (main: add suffix)"); if (array_addfile(&aSrcExt, ".CP") || array_addfile(&aObjExt, NULL)) exit_nomem(" (main: add suffix)"); if (array_addfile(&aSrcExt, ".CPP") || array_addfile(&aObjExt, NULL)) exit_nomem(" (main: add suffix)"); if (array_addfile(&aSrcExt, ".CXX") || array_addfile(&aObjExt, NULL)) exit_nomem(" (main: add suffix)"); } if (bVerbose) { printf("MkDepend %s -- Make Dependency Generator\n", VERSION); putchar('\n'); } /* Look for the Makefile to modify */ if (sMake) { bMakeExists = !stat(sMake, &aMakeStat); } else if (!sDepfile) { sMake = "Makefile"; bMakeExists = !stat(sMake, &aMakeStat); if (!bMakeExists) { sMake = "makefile"; bMakeExists = !stat(sMake, &aMakeStat); } if (!bMakeExists) { sMake = ""; bMakeExists = !stat(sMake, &aMakeStat); } if (!bMakeExists) { sMake = ""; bMakeExists = !stat(sMake, &aMakeStat); } if (!bMakeExists) { sMake = "GNUMakefile"; bMakeExists = !stat(sMake, &aMakeStat); } if (!bMakeExists) sMake = "Makefile"; } /* Add the source files to the tree */ if (!aFiles.size) { printf("%s: No files given.\n", aPgmName); set_rc(RETURN_WARN, TRUE); } else { struct stat aStat; /* buffer for stat() */ for (i = 0; i < aFiles.size; i++) { if (stat(aFiles.strs[i], &aStat)) { printf("%s: Warning: Can't find source '%s'.\n", aPgmName , aFiles.strs[i]); set_rc(RETURN_WARN, FALSE); } else if (nodes_addsource(aFiles.strs[i], FALSE)) exit_nomem(" (main: add source)"); } /* If this leaves us with no source files at all, readfiles() * will complain. */ } /* Mark the exceptional files */ for (i = 0; i < aAvoid.size; i++) { if (nodes_addsource(aAvoid.strs[i], TRUE)) exit_nomem(" (main: add avoided source)"); } /* Read and analyse all those files */ set_rc(readfiles(), 0); /* Handle the selection of files */ if (IS_SELECT_MODE) { Node * pNode; /* First, mark all nodes with selected files */ for (i = 0; i < aSelect.size; i++) { pNode = nodes_find(aSelect.strs[i]); if (pNode) pNode->flags |= NODE_SELECT; } /* Now walk the tree and propagate the select information */ nodes_initwalk(); while (NULL != (pNode = nodes_inorder()) ) { if (!(pNode->flags & (NODE_IGNORE)) && (pNode->flags & (NODE_SOURCE|NODE_AVOID)) == NODE_SOURCE) { NODES_UNMARK(pNode); nodes_mark_select(pNode); } } } if (returncode < RETURN_ERROR && sMake) set_rc(output(TRUE), 0); if (returncode < RETURN_ERROR && sMake && bVerbose) printf("%s '%s'.\n", bMakeExists ? "Updated" : "Created", sMake); if (returncode < RETURN_ERROR && sDepfile) set_rc(bFlat ? output(FALSE) : output_tree(), 0); if (returncode < RETURN_ERROR && sDepfile && bVerbose) printf("Created '%s'.\n", sDepfile); return (returncode == RETURN_WARN && bNoWarnExit) ? RETURN_OK : returncode; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { struct stat tmp; int res=1; const char *cmd=0; int my_optind=0; set_main_thread(); setup_fork_guards(); wsetlocale( LC_ALL, L"" ); is_interactive_session=1; program_name=L"fish"; stat("----------FISH_HIT_MAIN----------", &tmp); my_optind = fish_parse_opt( argc, argv, &cmd ); /* No-exec is prohibited when in interactive mode */ if( is_interactive_session && no_exec) { debug( 1, _(L"Can not use the no-execute mode when running an interactive session") ); no_exec = 0; } const struct config_paths_t paths = determine_config_directory_paths(argv[0]); proc_init(); event_init(); wutil_init(); //parser_init(); builtin_init(); function_init(); env_init(&paths); reader_init(); history_init(); parser_t &parser = parser_t::principal_parser(); if (g_log_forks) printf("%d: g_fork_count: %d\n", __LINE__, g_fork_count); if( read_init(paths) ) { if( cmd != 0 ) { wchar_t *cmd_wcs = str2wcs( cmd ); res = parser.eval( cmd_wcs, 0, TOP ); free(cmd_wcs); reader_exit(0, 0); } else { if( my_optind == argc ) { res = reader_read( STDIN_FILENO, 0 ); } else { char **ptr; char *file = *(argv+(my_optind++)); int i; int fd; wchar_t *rel_filename, *abs_filename; if( ( fd = open(file, O_RDONLY) ) == -1 ) { wperror( L"open" ); return 1; } // OK to not do this atomically since we cannot have gone multithreaded yet set_cloexec(fd); if( *(argv+my_optind)) { wcstring sb; for( i=1,ptr = argv+my_optind; *ptr; i++, ptr++ ) { if( i != 1 ) sb.append( ARRAY_SEP_STR ); sb.append( str2wcstring( *ptr )); } env_set( L"argv", sb.c_str(), 0 ); } rel_filename = str2wcs( file ); abs_filename = wrealpath( rel_filename, 0 ); if( !abs_filename ) { abs_filename = wcsdup(rel_filename); } reader_push_current_filename( intern( abs_filename ) ); free( rel_filename ); free( abs_filename ); res = reader_read( fd, 0 ); if( res ) { debug( 1, _(L"Error while reading file %ls\n"), reader_current_filename()?reader_current_filename(): _(L"Standard input") ); } reader_pop_current_filename(); } } } proc_fire_event( L"PROCESS_EXIT", EVENT_EXIT, getpid(), res ); history_destroy(); proc_destroy(); builtin_destroy(); reader_destroy(); parser.destroy(); wutil_destroy(); event_destroy(); env_destroy(); if (g_log_forks) printf("%d: g_fork_count: %d\n", __LINE__, g_fork_count); return res?STATUS_UNKNOWN_COMMAND:proc_get_last_status(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int res = 1; int my_optind = 0; program_name = L"fish"; set_main_thread(); setup_fork_guards(); signal_unblock_all(); setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); fish_setlocale(); // struct stat tmp; // stat("----------FISH_HIT_MAIN----------", &tmp); if (!argv[0]) { static const char *dummy_argv[2] = {"fish", NULL}; argv = (char **)dummy_argv; //!OCLINT(parameter reassignment) argc = 1; //!OCLINT(parameter reassignment) } fish_cmd_opts_t opts; my_optind = fish_parse_opt(argc, argv, &opts); // No-exec is prohibited when in interactive mode. if (is_interactive_session && no_exec) { debug(1, _(L"Can not use the no-execute mode when running an interactive session")); no_exec = 0; } // Only save (and therefore restore) the fg process group if we are interactive. See issues // #197 and #1002. if (is_interactive_session) { save_term_foreground_process_group(); } const struct config_paths_t paths = determine_config_directory_paths(argv[0]); env_init(&paths); // Set features early in case other initialization depends on them. // Start with the ones set in the environment, then those set on the command line (so the // command line takes precedence). if (auto features_var = env_get(L"fish_features")) { for (const wcstring &s : features_var->as_list()) { mutable_fish_features().set_from_string(s); } } mutable_fish_features().set_from_string(opts.features); proc_init(); builtin_init(); misc_init(); reader_init(); parser_t &parser = parser_t::principal_parser(); const io_chain_t empty_ios; if (read_init(paths)) { // Stomp the exit status of any initialization commands (issue #635). proc_set_last_status(STATUS_CMD_OK); // Run post-config commands specified as arguments, if any. if (!opts.postconfig_cmds.empty()) { res = run_command_list(&opts.postconfig_cmds, empty_ios); } if (!opts.batch_cmds.empty()) { // Run the commands specified as arguments, if any. if (is_login) { // Do something nasty to support OpenSUSE assuming we're bash. This may modify cmds. fish_xdm_login_hack_hack_hack_hack(&opts.batch_cmds, argc - my_optind, argv + my_optind); } res = run_command_list(&opts.batch_cmds, empty_ios); reader_exit(0, 0); } else if (my_optind == argc) { // Implicitly interactive mode. res = reader_read(STDIN_FILENO, empty_ios); } else { char *file = *(argv + (my_optind++)); int fd = open(file, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { perror(file); } else { // OK to not do this atomically since we cannot have gone multithreaded yet. set_cloexec(fd); wcstring_list_t list; for (char **ptr = argv + my_optind; *ptr; ptr++) { list.push_back(str2wcstring(*ptr)); } env_set(L"argv", ENV_DEFAULT, list); const wcstring rel_filename = str2wcstring(file); reader_push_current_filename(rel_filename.c_str()); res = reader_read(fd, empty_ios); if (res) { debug(1, _(L"Error while reading file %ls\n"), reader_current_filename() ? reader_current_filename() : _(L"Standard input")); } reader_pop_current_filename(); } } } int exit_status = res ? STATUS_CMD_UNKNOWN : proc_get_last_status(); // TODO: The generic process-exit event is useless and unused. // Remove this in future. proc_fire_event(L"PROCESS_EXIT", EVENT_EXIT, getpid(), exit_status); event_fire_generic(L"fish_exit"); restore_term_mode(); restore_term_foreground_process_group(); if (g_profiling_active) { parser.emit_profiling(s_profiling_output_filename); } history_save_all(); proc_destroy(); exit_without_destructors(exit_status); return EXIT_FAILURE; // above line should always exit }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int res=1; int my_optind=0; set_main_thread(); setup_fork_guards(); wsetlocale(LC_ALL, L""); is_interactive_session=1; program_name=L"fish"; //struct stat tmp; //stat("----------FISH_HIT_MAIN----------", &tmp); std::vector<std::string> cmds; my_optind = fish_parse_opt(argc, argv, &cmds); /* No-exec is prohibited when in interactive mode */ if (is_interactive_session && no_exec) { debug(1, _(L"Can not use the no-execute mode when running an interactive session")); no_exec = 0; } /* Only save (and therefore restore) the fg process group if we are interactive. See #197, #1002 */ if (is_interactive_session) { save_term_foreground_process_group(); } const struct config_paths_t paths = determine_config_directory_paths(argv[0]); proc_init(); event_init(); wutil_init(); builtin_init(); function_init(); env_init(&paths); reader_init(); history_init(); /* For setcolor to support term256 in (#1022) */ update_fish_term256(); parser_t &parser = parser_t::principal_parser(); if (g_log_forks) printf("%d: g_fork_count: %d\n", __LINE__, g_fork_count); const io_chain_t empty_ios; if (read_init(paths)) { /* Stop the exit status of any initialization commands (#635) */ proc_set_last_status(STATUS_BUILTIN_OK); /* Run the commands specified as arguments, if any */ if (! cmds.empty()) { /* Do something nasty to support OpenSUSE assuming we're bash. This may modify cmds. */ if (is_login) { fish_xdm_login_hack_hack_hack_hack(&cmds, argc - my_optind, argv + my_optind); } for (size_t i=0; i < cmds.size(); i++) { const wcstring cmd_wcs = str2wcstring(; res = parser.eval(cmd_wcs, empty_ios, TOP); } reader_exit(0, 0); } else { if (my_optind == argc) { res = reader_read(STDIN_FILENO, empty_ios); } else { char **ptr; char *file = *(argv+(my_optind++)); int i; int fd; if ((fd = open(file, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { wperror(L"open"); return 1; } // OK to not do this atomically since we cannot have gone multithreaded yet set_cloexec(fd); if (*(argv+my_optind)) { wcstring sb; for (i=1,ptr = argv+my_optind; *ptr; i++, ptr++) { if (i != 1) sb.append(ARRAY_SEP_STR); sb.append(str2wcstring(*ptr)); } env_set(L"argv", sb.c_str(), 0); } const wcstring rel_filename = str2wcstring(file); const wchar_t *abs_filename = wrealpath(rel_filename, NULL); if (!abs_filename) { abs_filename = wcsdup(rel_filename.c_str()); } reader_push_current_filename(intern(abs_filename)); free((void *)abs_filename); res = reader_read(fd, empty_ios); if (res) { debug(1, _(L"Error while reading file %ls\n"), reader_current_filename()?reader_current_filename(): _(L"Standard input")); } reader_pop_current_filename(); } } } proc_fire_event(L"PROCESS_EXIT", EVENT_EXIT, getpid(), res); restore_term_mode(); restore_term_foreground_process_group(); history_destroy(); proc_destroy(); builtin_destroy(); reader_destroy(); parser.destroy(); wutil_destroy(); event_destroy(); env_destroy(); if (g_log_forks) printf("%d: g_fork_count: %d\n", __LINE__, g_fork_count); exit_without_destructors(res ? STATUS_UNKNOWN_COMMAND : proc_get_last_status()); return EXIT_FAILURE; //above line should always exit }