Ejemplo n.º 1
int doAllFeatures()
int cloop=0;
	/* Initial weight factors */
	int i, j, h, c, r;
    for (i=0; i < NMOVIES; i++) {
	    for (r=0; r<5; r++) {
	        for (c=0; c < NFACTORS; c++) {
				Aic[i][r][c] = 0.02 * randn() - 0.01; // Normal Distribution
    for (c=0; c < NFACTORS; c++) {
	    for (j=0; j < TOTAL_FEATURES; j++) {
			//vishid[j][0][i] = 0.02 * randn() - 0.01; // Normal Distribution
			//vishid[j][1][i] = 0.02 * randn() - 0.01; // Normal Distribution
			//vishid[j][2][i] = 0.02 * randn() - 0.01; // Normal Distribution
			//vishid[j][3][i] = 0.02 * randn() - 0.01; // Normal Distribution
			//vishid[j][4][i] = 0.02 * randn() - 0.01; // Normal Distribution
			Bcj[c][j] = 0.2/3.0 * randn() - 0.1/3.0; // Normal Distribution


	/* Initial biases */
	for(i=0;i<TOTAL_FEATURES;i++) {
    for (j=0; j<NMOVIES; j++) {
		unsigned int mtot = moviercount[j*5+0] + moviercount[j*5+1] + moviercount[j*5+2] + moviercount[j*5+3] + moviercount[j*5+4];
	    for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
		    visbiases[j][i] = log( ((double)moviercount[j*5+i]) / ((double) mtot) );
//printf("mrc: %d, mc %d, log:%f frac: %f\n", moviercount[j*5+i], moviecount[j] , log( moviercount[j*5+i] /(double) moviecount[j]), 
//(moviercount[j*5+i] /(double) moviecount[j]) );

	/* Optimize current feature */
	double nrmse=2., last_rmse=10.;
	double prmse = 0, last_prmse=0;
	double s;
	//double s2;
	int n;
	int loopcount=0;
	double EpsilonW  = epsilonw;
	double EpsilonVB = epsilonvb;
	double EpsilonHB = epsilonhb;
	double Momentum  = momentum;
	int tSteps = 1;

	//while ( ((nrmse < (last_rmse-E) && prmse<last_prmse) || loopcount < 14) && loopcount < 80  )  {
	while ( ((nrmse < (last_rmse-E) ) || loopcount < 14) && loopcount < 80  )  {

		//if ( loopcount >= 10 )
			//tSteps = 1 + loopcount / 5;

		clock_t t0=clock();
		int ntrain = 0;
		nrmse = 0.0;
		s  = 0.0;
		//s2 = 0.0;
		n = 0;

		if ( loopcount > 5 )
			Momentum = finalmomentum;

		//* CDpos =0, CDneg=0 (matrices)

		int u,m, f;
		for(u=0;u<NUSERS;u++) {

			//* CDpos =0, CDneg=0 (matrices)

		    //* perform steps 1 to 8

			int base0=useridx[u][0];
			int d0=UNTRAIN(u);
			int dall=UNALL(u);

			// For all rated movies, accumulate contributions to hidden units
			double sumW[TOTAL_FEATURES];
			for(j=0;j<d0;j++) {
				int m=userent[base0+j]&USER_MOVIEMASK;

   				// 1. get one data point from data set.
   				// 2. use values of this data point to set state of visible neurons Si
				int r=(userent[base0+j]>>USER_LMOVIEMASK)&7;

				// Add to the bias contribution for set visible units
				posvisact[m][r] += 1.0;
				// for all hidden units h:
				for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {
        			// sum_j(W[i][j] * v[0][j]))
			    	//sumW[h]  += vishid[m][r][h];
			    	sumW[h]  += Wij(m,r,h);

			// Sample the hidden units state after computing probabilities
			for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {

   			    // 3. compute Sj for each hidden neuron based on formula above and states of visible neurons Si
			    // poshidprobs[h] = 1./(1 + exp(-V*vishid - hidbiases);
				// compute Q(h[0][i] = 1 | v[0]) # for binomial units, sigmoid(b[i] + sum_j(W[i][j] * v[0][j]))
				poshidprobs[h]  = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-sumW[h] - hidbiases[h]));

				// sample h[0][i] from Q(h[0][i] = 1 | v[0])
				if  ( poshidprobs[h] >  (rand()/(double)(RAND_MAX)) ) {
					poshidact[h] += 1.0;
				} else {
				//poshidact[h] += poshidprobs[h];

			// Load up a copy of poshidstates for use in loop
			for ( h=0; h < TOTAL_FEATURES; h++ ) 
				curposhidstates[h] = poshidstates[h];

			// Make T Contrastive Divergence steps
			int stepT = 0;
			do {
				// Determine if this is the last pass through this loop
				int finalTStep = (stepT+1 >= tSteps);
				// 5. on visible neurons compute Si using the Sj computed in step3. This is known as reconstruction
				// for all visible units j:
				int r;
				int count = d0;
				count += useridx[u][1];  // too compute probe errors
				for(j=0;j<count;j++) {
					int m=userent[base0+j]&USER_MOVIEMASK;
					for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {
						if ( curposhidstates[h] == 1 ) {
							for(r=0;r<5;r++) {
								//negvisprobs[m][r]  += vishid[m][r][h];
								negvisprobs[m][r]  += Wij(m,r,h);
							//negvisprobs[m][r]  += poshidprobs[h] * vishid[m][r][h];
						if ( loopcount >= 10 ) {
								//nvp2[m][r] += poshidprobs[h] * vishid[m][r][h];
								nvp2[m][r] += poshidprobs[h] * Wij(m,r,h);

					// compute P(v[1][j] = 1 | h[0]) # for binomial units, sigmoid(c[j] + sum_i(W[i][j] * h[0][i]))
					negvisprobs[m][0]  = 1./(1 + exp(-negvisprobs[m][0] - visbiases[m][0]));
					negvisprobs[m][1]  = 1./(1 + exp(-negvisprobs[m][1] - visbiases[m][1]));
					negvisprobs[m][2]  = 1./(1 + exp(-negvisprobs[m][2] - visbiases[m][2]));
					negvisprobs[m][3]  = 1./(1 + exp(-negvisprobs[m][3] - visbiases[m][3]));
					negvisprobs[m][4]  = 1./(1 + exp(-negvisprobs[m][4] - visbiases[m][4]));

					// Normalize probabilities
					double tsum  = 
					  negvisprobs[m][0] +
					  negvisprobs[m][1] +
					  negvisprobs[m][2] +
					  negvisprobs[m][3] +
					if ( tsum != 0 ) {
						negvisprobs[m][0]  /= tsum;
						negvisprobs[m][1]  /= tsum;
						negvisprobs[m][2]  /= tsum;
						negvisprobs[m][3]  /= tsum;
						negvisprobs[m][4]  /= tsum;
					if ( loopcount >= 10 ) {
						nvp2[m][0]  = 1./(1 + exp(-nvp2[m][0] - visbiases[m][0]));
						nvp2[m][1]  = 1./(1 + exp(-nvp2[m][1] - visbiases[m][1]));
						nvp2[m][2]  = 1./(1 + exp(-nvp2[m][2] - visbiases[m][2]));
						nvp2[m][3]  = 1./(1 + exp(-nvp2[m][3] - visbiases[m][3]));
						nvp2[m][4]  = 1./(1 + exp(-nvp2[m][4] - visbiases[m][4]));
						double tsum2  = 
						  nvp2[m][0] +
						  nvp2[m][1] +
						  nvp2[m][2] +
						  nvp2[m][3] +
						if ( tsum2 != 0 ) {
							nvp2[m][0]  /= tsum2;
							nvp2[m][1]  /= tsum2;
							nvp2[m][2]  /= tsum2;
							nvp2[m][3]  /= tsum2;
							nvp2[m][4]  /= tsum2;

					// sample v[1][j] from P(v[1][j] = 1 | h[0])
					double randval = (rand()/(double)(RAND_MAX));
					if ( (randval -= negvisprobs[m][0]) <= 0.0 )
						negvissoftmax[m] = 0;
					else if ( (randval -= negvisprobs[m][1]) <= 0.0 )
						negvissoftmax[m] = 1;
					else if ( (randval -= negvisprobs[m][2]) <= 0.0 )
						negvissoftmax[m] = 2;
					else if ( (randval -= negvisprobs[m][3]) <= 0.0 )
						negvissoftmax[m] = 3;
					else //if ( (randval -= negvisprobs[m][4]) <= 0.0 )
						negvissoftmax[m] = 4;
					//negvisact[m*5+0] += negvisprobs[m*5+0];
					//negvisact[m*5+1] += negvisprobs[m*5+1];
					//negvisact[m*5+2] += negvisprobs[m*5+2];
					//negvisact[m*5+3] += negvisprobs[m*5+3];
					//negvisact[m*5+4] += negvisprobs[m*5+4];

					// if in training data then train on it
					if ( j < d0 && finalTStep )  
						negvisact[m][negvissoftmax[m]] += 1.0;

				// 6. compute state of hidden neurons Sj again using Si from 5 step.
				// For all rated movies accumulate contributions to hidden units from sampled visible units
				for(j=0;j<d0;j++) {
					int m=userent[base0+j]&USER_MOVIEMASK;
					// for all hidden units h:
					for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {
						//sumW[h]  += vishid[m][negvissoftmax[m]][h];
						sumW[h]  += Wij(m,negvissoftmax[m],h);
						//sumW[h]  += vishid[m][0][h] * negvisprobs[m*5+0];
						//sumW[h]  += vishid[m][1][h] * negvisprobs[m*5+1];
						//sumW[h]  += vishid[m][2][h] * negvisprobs[m*5+2];
						//sumW[h]  += vishid[m][3][h] * negvisprobs[m*5+3];
						//sumW[h]  += vishid[m][4][h] * negvisprobs[m*5+4];
				// for all hidden units h:
				for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {
					// compute Q(h[1][i] = 1 | v[1]) # for binomial units, sigmoid(b[i] + sum_j(W[i][j] * v[1][j]))
					neghidprobs[h]  = 1./(1 + exp(-sumW[h] - hidbiases[h]));

					// Experimentally sample the hidden units state again TODO: What is best?
					if  ( neghidprobs[h] >  (rand()/(double)(RAND_MAX)) ) {
						if ( finalTStep )
							neghidact[h] += 1.0;
					} else {
					//if ( finalTStep )
						//neghidact[h] += neghidprobs[h];

				// Compute error rmse and prmse before we start iterating on T
				if ( stepT == 0 ) {

					// Compute rmse on training data
					for(j=0;j<d0;j++) {
						int m=userent[base0+j]&USER_MOVIEMASK;
						int r=(userent[base0+j]>>USER_LMOVIEMASK)&7;
						//# Compute some error function like sum of squared difference between Si in 1) and Si in 5)
						if ( loopcount < 10 ) {
						    double expectedV = negvisprobs[m][1] + 2.0 * negvisprobs[m][2] + 3.0 * negvisprobs[m][3] + 4.0 * negvisprobs[m][4];
						    double vdelta = (((double)r)-expectedV);
						    nrmse += (vdelta * vdelta);
						} else {
						    double expectedV = nvp2[m][1] + 2.0 * nvp2[m][2] + 3.0 * nvp2[m][3] + 4.0 * nvp2[m][4];
						    double vdelta = (((double)r)-expectedV);
						    nrmse += (vdelta * vdelta);

					// Sum up probe rmse
					int base=useridx[u][0];
					for(i=1;i<2;i++) base+=useridx[u][i];
					int d=useridx[u][2];
					for(i=0; i<d;i++) {
						int m=userent[base+i]&USER_MOVIEMASK;
						int r=(userent[base+i]>>USER_LMOVIEMASK)&7;
						//# Compute some error function like sum of squared difference between Si in 1) and Si in 5)
						if ( loopcount < 10 ) {
							double expectedV = negvisprobs[m][1] + 2.0 * negvisprobs[m][2] + 3.0 * negvisprobs[m][3] + 4.0 * negvisprobs[m][4];
							double vdelta = (((double)r)-expectedV);
						} else {
							double expectedV = nvp2[m][1] + 2.0 * nvp2[m][2] + 3.0 * nvp2[m][3] + 4.0 * nvp2[m][4];
							double vdelta = (((double)r)-expectedV);

				// If looping again, load the curposvisstates
				if ( !finalTStep ) {
					for ( h=0; h < TOTAL_FEATURES; h++ ) 
						curposhidstates[h] = neghidstates[h];

			  // 8. repeating multiple times steps 5,6 and 7 compute (Si.Sj)n. Where n is small number and can 
			  //    increase with learning steps to achieve better accuracy.

			} while ( ++stepT < tSteps );

			// Accumulate contrastive divergence contributions for (Si.Sj)0 and (Si.Sj)T
			for(j=0;j<d0;j++) {
				int m=userent[base0+j]&USER_MOVIEMASK;
				int r=(userent[base0+j]>>USER_LMOVIEMASK)&7;
				// for all hidden units h:
				for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {
					if ( poshidstates[h] == 1 ) {
						// 4. now Si and Sj values can be used to compute (Si.Sj)0  here () means just values not average
						//* accumulate CDpos = CDpos + (Si.Sj)0
						//CDpos[m][r][h] += 1.0;
						for (c=0; c < NFACTORS; c++) {
							Apos[m][r][c] += Bcj[c][h];
							Bpos[c][h]    += Aic[m][r][c];
					//CDpos[m][r][h] += poshidprobs[h];

					// 7. now use Si and Sj to compute (Si.Sj)1 (fig.3)
					//TODO - This is experimental!!!!!!!
					//CDneg[m][negvissoftmax[m]][h] += neghidprobs[h];
					//CDneg[m][negvissoftmax[m]][h] += (double)neghidstates[h];
					if ( neghidstates[h] == 1 ) {
						for (c=0; c < NFACTORS; c++) {
							Aneg[m][negvissoftmax[m]][c] += Bcj[c][h];
							Bneg[c][h]                   += Aic[m][negvissoftmax[m]][c];

			// Update weights and biases after batch
			//int bsize = 1000;
			int bsize = 100;
			if ( ((u+1) % bsize) == 0 || (u+1) == NUSERS ) {
				int numcases = u % bsize;
				//if ( numcases != bsize ) printf("u: %d, numcases: %d\n", u, numcases);

				// Update A factors
				for(m=0;m < NMOVIES;m++) {
					if ( moviecount[m] == 0 ) continue;

					// for all c factors
					for(c=0;c < NFACTORS; c++) {
						// for all softmax
						int rr;
						for(rr=0;rr<5;rr++) {
							//# At the end compute average of CDpos and CDneg by dividing them by number of data points.
							//# Compute CD = < Si.Sj >0  < Si.Sj >n = CDpos  CDneg
							double Ap = Apos[m][rr][c];
							double An = Aneg[m][rr][c];
							if ( Ap != 0.0 || An != 0.0 ) {
								Ap /= ((double)moviecount[m]);
								An /= ((double)moviecount[m]);

								// W += epsilon * (h[0] * v[0]' - Q(h[1][.] = 1 | v[1]) * v[1]')
								//# Update weights and biases W = W + alpha*CD (biases are just weights to neurons that stay always 1.0)
								//e.g between data and reconstruction.
//double preW = vishid[m][rr][h];
								Ainc[m][rr][c] = Momentum * Ainc[m][rr][c] + EpsilonW * ((Ap - An) - weightcost * Aic[m][rr][c]);
								Aic[m][rr][c] += Ainc[m][rr][c];
//if ( cloop % 50 == 0 && c == 7 )
//printf("Aic: %f\t m: %d\t r: %d\t c: %d\n", Aic[m][rr][c], m, rr, c);
//printf("W: %f preW: %f, CDp: %f, CDn: %f, m: %d, r: %d, h: %d, nhp: %f, nvp: %f\n", vishid[m][rr][h], preW, CDp, CDn, m, rr, h,

					// Update visible softmax biases
					// c += epsilon * (v[0] - v[1])$
					// for all softmax
					int rr;
					for(rr=0;rr<5;rr++) {
						if ( posvisact[m][rr] != 0.0 || negvisact[m][rr] != 0.0 ) {
							posvisact[m][rr] /= ((double)moviecount[m]);
							negvisact[m][rr] /= ((double)moviecount[m]);
							visbiasinc[m][rr] = Momentum * visbiasinc[m][rr] + EpsilonVB * ((posvisact[m][rr] - negvisact[m][rr]));
							//visbiasinc[m][rr] = Momentum * visbiasinc[m][rr] + EpsilonVB * ((posvisact[m][rr] - negvisact[m][rr]) - weightcost * visbiases[m][rr]);
							visbiases[m][rr]  += visbiasinc[m][rr];
//printf("vb: %f, pa: %f, na: %f\n", visbiases[(m*5+rr)], posvisact[(m*5+rr)], negvisact[(m*5+rr)]);

				// Update B factors
				for(c=0;c<NFACTORS;c++) {

					// for all hidden units h:
					for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {

						//# At the end compute average of CDpos and CDneg by dividing them by number of data points.
						//# Compute CD = < Si.Sj >0  < Si.Sj >n = CDpos  CDneg
						double Bp = Bpos[c][h];
						double Bn = Bneg[c][h];
						if ( Bp != 0.0 || Bn != 0.0 ) {
							Bp /= ((double)numcases);
							Bn /= ((double)numcases);

							// W += epsilon * (h[0] * v[0]' - Q(h[1][.] = 1 | v[1]) * v[1]')
							//# Update weights and biases W = W + alpha*CD (biases are just weights to neurons that stay always 1.0)
							//e.g between data and reconstruction.
//double preW = vishid[m][rr][h];
							Binc[c][h] = Momentum * Binc[c][h] + EpsilonW * ((Bp - Bn) - weightcost * Bcj[c][h]);
							Bcj[c][h] += Binc[c][h];
//if ( cloop % 50 == 0 && h == 7 )
//printf("Bcj: %f\t c: %d\t h: %d\n", Bcj[c][h], c, h);
//printf("W: %f preW: %f, CDp: %f, CDn: %f, m: %d, r: %d, h: %d, nhp: %f, nvp: %f\n", vishid[m][rr][h], preW, CDp, CDn, m, rr, h,

				// Update hidden biases
				// b += epsilon * (h[0] - Q(h[1][.] = 1 | v[1]))
				for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {
					if ( poshidact[h]  != 0.0 || neghidact[h]  != 0.0 ) {
						//poshidact[h]  /= ((double)(numcases*ntrain*5));
						//neghidact[h]  /= ((double)(numcases*ntrain*5));
						poshidact[h]  /= ((double)(numcases));
						neghidact[h]  /= ((double)(numcases));
						//poshidact[h]  /= ((double)(mcount));
						//neghidact[h]  /= ((double)(mcount));
						hidbiasinc[h] = Momentum * hidbiasinc[h] + EpsilonHB * ((poshidact[h] - neghidact[h]));
						//hidbiasinc[h] = Momentum * hidbiasinc[h] + EpsilonHB * ((poshidact[h] - neghidact[h]) - weightcost * hidbiases[h]);
						hidbiases[h]  += hidbiasinc[h];
		//printf("hb: %f, pa: %f, na: %f, d0:%d\n", hidbiases[h], poshidact[h], neghidact[h], d0);

				//mcount = 0;

		prmse = sqrt(s/n);
		//double prmse2 = sqrt(s2/n);
		if ( loopcount > 6 ) {
			EpsilonW  *= 0.90;
			EpsilonVB *= 0.90;
			EpsilonHB *= 0.90;
		} //else if ( loopcount > 5 ) {
			//EpsilonW  *= 0.82;
			//EpsilonVB *= 0.82;
			//EpsilonHB *= 0.82;
		//printf("dd: %d %d %d %d %d\n", dd[0], dd[1], dd[2], dd[3], dd[4]);
	/* Perform a final iteration in which the errors are clipped and stored */
	//if(save_model) {
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: rbm.c Proyecto: dunghand/msrds
int doAllFeatures() {
    /* Initial weights */
    int i, j, h;
    for (j=0; j<NMOVIES; j++) {
        for (i=0; i<TOTAL_FEATURES; i++) {
            vishid[j][0][i] = 0.02 * randn() - 0.01; // Normal Distribution
            vishid[j][1][i] = 0.02 * randn() - 0.01; // Normal Distribution
            vishid[j][2][i] = 0.02 * randn() - 0.01; // Normal Distribution
            vishid[j][3][i] = 0.02 * randn() - 0.01; // Normal Distribution
            vishid[j][4][i] = 0.02 * randn() - 0.01; // Normal Distribution

    /* Initial biases */
    for(i=0;i<TOTAL_FEATURES;i++) {
    for (j=0; j<NMOVIES; j++) {
        unsigned int mtot = moviercount[j*SOFTMAX+0] + moviercount[j*SOFTMAX+1] + moviercount[j*SOFTMAX+2] + moviercount[j*SOFTMAX+3] + moviercount[j*SOFTMAX+4];
        for (i=0; i<SOFTMAX; i++) {
            visbiases[j][i] = log( ((double)moviercount[j*SOFTMAX+i]) / ((double) mtot) );

    /* Optimize current feature */
    double nrmse=2., last_rmse=10.;
    double prmse = 0, last_prmse=0;
    double s;
    int n;
    int loopcount=0;
    double EpsilonW  = epsilonw;
    double EpsilonVB = epsilonvb;
    double EpsilonHB = epsilonhb;
    double Momentum  = momentum;
    int tSteps = 1;

    // Iterate through the model while the RMSE is decreasing 
    //while ( ((nrmse < (last_rmse-E) && prmse<last_prmse) || loopcount < 14) && loopcount < 80  )  {
    while ( ((nrmse < (last_rmse-E) ) || loopcount < 14) && loopcount < 80  )  {

        if ( loopcount >= 10 )
            tSteps = 3 + (loopcount - 10)/5;

        clock_t t0=clock();
        int ntrain = 0;
        nrmse = 0.0;
        s  = 0.0;
        n = 0;

        if ( loopcount > 5 )
            Momentum = finalmomentum;

        //* CDpos =0, CDneg=0 (matrices)

        int u,m, f;
        for(u=0;u<NUSERS;u++) {

            //* Clear summations for probabilities

            //* perform steps 1 to 8
            int base0=useridx[u][0];
            int d0=UNTRAIN(u);
            int dall=UNALL(u);

            // For all rated movies, accumulate contributions to hidden units
            double sumW[TOTAL_FEATURES];
            for(j=0;j<d0;j++) {
                int m=userent[base0+j]&USER_MOVIEMASK;

                // 1. get one data point from data set.
                // 2. use values of this data point to set state of visible neurons Si
                int r=(userent[base0+j]>>USER_LMOVIEMASK)&7;

                // Add to the bias contribution for set visible units
                posvisact[m][r] += 1.0;
                // for all hidden units h:
                for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {
                    // sum_j(W[i][j] * v[0][j]))
                    sumW[h]  += vishid[m][r][h];

            // Sample the hidden units state after computing probabilities
            for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {

                // 3. compute Sj for each hidden neuron based on formula above and states of visible neurons Si
                // poshidprobs[h] = 1./(1 + exp(-V*vishid - hidbiases);
                // compute Q(h[0][i] = 1 | v[0]) # for binomial units, sigmoid(b[i] + sum_j(W[i][j] * v[0][j]))
                poshidprobs[h]  = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-sumW[h] - hidbiases[h]));

                // sample h[0][i] from Q(h[0][i] = 1 | v[0])
                if  ( poshidprobs[h] >  (rand()/(double)(RAND_MAX)) ) {
                    poshidact[h] += 1.0;
                } else {

            // Load up a copy of poshidstates for use in loop
            for ( h=0; h < TOTAL_FEATURES; h++ ) 
                curposhidstates[h] = poshidstates[h];

            // Make T Contrastive Divergence steps
            int stepT = 0;
            do {
                // Determine if this is the last pass through this loop
                int finalTStep = (stepT+1 >= tSteps);
                // 5. on visible neurons compute Si using the Sj computed in step3. This is known as reconstruction
                // for all visible units j:
                int r;
                int count = d0;
                count += useridx[u][2];  // too compute probe errors
                for(j=0;j<count;j++) {
                    int m=userent[base0+j]&USER_MOVIEMASK;
                    for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {
                        // Accumulate Weight values for sampled hidden states == 1
                        if ( curposhidstates[h] == 1 ) {
                            for(r=0;r<SOFTMAX;r++) {
                                negvisprobs[m][r]  += vishid[m][r][h];

                        // Compute more accurate probabilites for RMSE reporting
                        if ( stepT == 0 ) {  
                                nvp2[m][r] += poshidprobs[h] * vishid[m][r][h];

                    // compute P(v[1][j] = 1 | h[0]) # for binomial units, sigmoid(c[j] + sum_i(W[i][j] * h[0][i]))
                    // Softmax elements are handled individually here
                    negvisprobs[m][0]  = 1./(1 + exp(-negvisprobs[m][0] - visbiases[m][0]));
                    negvisprobs[m][1]  = 1./(1 + exp(-negvisprobs[m][1] - visbiases[m][1]));
                    negvisprobs[m][2]  = 1./(1 + exp(-negvisprobs[m][2] - visbiases[m][2]));
                    negvisprobs[m][3]  = 1./(1 + exp(-negvisprobs[m][3] - visbiases[m][3]));
                    negvisprobs[m][4]  = 1./(1 + exp(-negvisprobs[m][4] - visbiases[m][4]));

                    // Normalize probabilities
                    double tsum  = 
                      negvisprobs[m][0] +
                      negvisprobs[m][1] +
                      negvisprobs[m][2] +
                      negvisprobs[m][3] +
                    if ( tsum != 0 ) {
                        negvisprobs[m][0]  /= tsum;
                        negvisprobs[m][1]  /= tsum;
                        negvisprobs[m][2]  /= tsum;
                        negvisprobs[m][3]  /= tsum;
                        negvisprobs[m][4]  /= tsum;
                    // Compute and Normalize more accurate RMSE reporting probabilities
                    if ( stepT == 0) {
                        nvp2[m][0]  = 1./(1 + exp(-nvp2[m][0] - visbiases[m][0]));
                        nvp2[m][1]  = 1./(1 + exp(-nvp2[m][1] - visbiases[m][1]));
                        nvp2[m][2]  = 1./(1 + exp(-nvp2[m][2] - visbiases[m][2]));
                        nvp2[m][3]  = 1./(1 + exp(-nvp2[m][3] - visbiases[m][3]));
                        nvp2[m][4]  = 1./(1 + exp(-nvp2[m][4] - visbiases[m][4]));
                        double tsum2  = 
                          nvp2[m][0] +
                          nvp2[m][1] +
                          nvp2[m][2] +
                          nvp2[m][3] +
                        if ( tsum2 != 0 ) {
                            nvp2[m][0]  /= tsum2;
                            nvp2[m][1]  /= tsum2;
                            nvp2[m][2]  /= tsum2;
                            nvp2[m][3]  /= tsum2;
                            nvp2[m][4]  /= tsum2;

                    // sample v[1][j] from P(v[1][j] = 1 | h[0])
                    double randval = (rand()/(double)(RAND_MAX));
                    if ( (randval -= negvisprobs[m][0]) <= 0.0 )
                        negvissoftmax[m] = 0;
                    else if ( (randval -= negvisprobs[m][1]) <= 0.0 )
                        negvissoftmax[m] = 1;
                    else if ( (randval -= negvisprobs[m][2]) <= 0.0 )
                        negvissoftmax[m] = 2;
                    else if ( (randval -= negvisprobs[m][3]) <= 0.0 )
                        negvissoftmax[m] = 3;
                    else //if ( (randval -= negvisprobs[m][4]) <= 0.0 )
                        negvissoftmax[m] = 4;

                    // if in training data then train on it
                    if ( j < d0 && finalTStep )  
                        negvisact[m][negvissoftmax[m]] += 1.0;

                // 6. compute state of hidden neurons Sj again using Si from 5 step.
                // For all rated movies accumulate contributions to hidden units from sampled visible units
                for(j=0;j<d0;j++) {
                    int m=userent[base0+j]&USER_MOVIEMASK;
                    // for all hidden units h:
                    for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {
                        sumW[h]  += vishid[m][negvissoftmax[m]][h];
                // for all hidden units h:
                for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {
                    // compute Q(h[1][i] = 1 | v[1]) # for binomial units, sigmoid(b[i] + sum_j(W[i][j] * v[1][j]))
                    neghidprobs[h]  = 1./(1 + exp(-sumW[h] - hidbiases[h]));

                    // Sample the hidden units state again.
                    if  ( neghidprobs[h] >  (rand()/(double)(RAND_MAX)) ) {
                        if ( finalTStep )
                            neghidact[h] += 1.0;
                    } else {

                // Compute error rmse and prmse before we start iterating on T
                if ( stepT == 0 ) {

                    // Compute rmse on training data
                    for(j=0;j<d0;j++) {
                        int m=userent[base0+j]&USER_MOVIEMASK;
                        int r=(userent[base0+j]>>USER_LMOVIEMASK)&7;
                        //# Compute some error function like sum of squared difference between Si in 1) and Si in 5)
                        double expectedV = nvp2[m][1] + 2.0 * nvp2[m][2] + 3.0 * nvp2[m][3] + 4.0 * nvp2[m][4];
                        double vdelta = (((double)r)-expectedV);
                        nrmse += (vdelta * vdelta);

                    // Sum up probe rmse
                    int base=useridx[u][0];
                    for(i=1;i<2;i++) base+=useridx[u][i];
                    int d=useridx[u][2];
                    for(i=0; i<d;i++) {
                        int m=userent[base+i]&USER_MOVIEMASK;
                        int r=(userent[base+i]>>USER_LMOVIEMASK)&7;
                        //# Compute some error function like sum of squared difference between Si in 1) and Si in 5)
                        double expectedV = nvp2[m][1] + 2.0 * nvp2[m][2] + 3.0 * nvp2[m][3] + 4.0 * nvp2[m][4];
                        double vdelta = (((double)r)-expectedV);

                // If looping again, load the curposvisstates
                if ( !finalTStep ) {
                    for ( h=0; h < TOTAL_FEATURES; h++ ) 
                        curposhidstates[h] = neghidstates[h];

              // 8. repeating multiple times steps 5,6 and 7 compute (Si.Sj)n. Where n is small number and can 
              //    increase with learning steps to achieve better accuracy.

            } while ( ++stepT < tSteps );

            // Accumulate contrastive divergence contributions for (Si.Sj)0 and (Si.Sj)T
            for(j=0;j<d0;j++) {
                int m=userent[base0+j]&USER_MOVIEMASK;
                int r=(userent[base0+j]>>USER_LMOVIEMASK)&7;
                // for all hidden units h:
                for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {
                    if ( poshidstates[h] == 1 ) {
                        // 4. now Si and Sj values can be used to compute (Si.Sj)0  here () means just values not average
                        //* accumulate CDpos = CDpos + (Si.Sj)0
                        CDpos[m][r][h] += 1.0;

                    // 7. now use Si and Sj to compute (Si.Sj)1 (fig.3)
                    CDneg[m][negvissoftmax[m]][h] += (double)neghidstates[h];

            // Update weights and biases after batch
            int bsize = 100;
            if ( ((u+1) % bsize) == 0 || (u+1) == NUSERS ) {
                int numcases = u % bsize;

                // Update weights
                for(m=0;m<NMOVIES;m++) {
                    if ( moviecount[m] == 0 ) continue;

                    // for all hidden units h:
                    for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {
                        // for all softmax
                        int rr;
                        for(rr=0;rr<SOFTMAX;rr++) {
                            //# At the end compute average of CDpos and CDneg by dividing them by number of data points.
                            //# Compute CD = < Si.Sj >0  < Si.Sj >n = CDpos  CDneg
                            double CDp = CDpos[m][rr][h];
                            double CDn = CDneg[m][rr][h];
                            if ( CDp != 0.0 || CDn != 0.0 ) {
                                CDp /= ((double)moviecount[m]);
                                CDn /= ((double)moviecount[m]);

                                // W += epsilon * (h[0] * v[0]' - Q(h[1][.] = 1 | v[1]) * v[1]')
                                //# Update weights and biases W = W + alpha*CD (biases are just weights to neurons that stay always 1.0)
                                //e.g between data and reconstruction.
                                CDinc[m][rr][h] = Momentum * CDinc[m][rr][h] + EpsilonW * ((CDp - CDn) - weightcost * vishid[m][rr][h]);
                                vishid[m][rr][h] += CDinc[m][rr][h];

                    // Update visible softmax biases
                    // c += epsilon * (v[0] - v[1])$
                    // for all softmax
                    int rr;
                    for(rr=0;rr<SOFTMAX;rr++) {
                        if ( posvisact[m][rr] != 0.0 || negvisact[m][rr] != 0.0 ) {
                            posvisact[m][rr] /= ((double)moviecount[m]);
                            negvisact[m][rr] /= ((double)moviecount[m]);
                            visbiasinc[m][rr] = Momentum * visbiasinc[m][rr] + EpsilonVB * ((posvisact[m][rr] - negvisact[m][rr]));
                            //visbiasinc[m][rr] = Momentum * visbiasinc[m][rr] + EpsilonVB * ((posvisact[m][rr] - negvisact[m][rr]) - weightcost * visbiases[m][rr]);
                            visbiases[m][rr]  += visbiasinc[m][rr];

                // Update hidden biases
                // b += epsilon * (h[0] - Q(h[1][.] = 1 | v[1]))
                for(h=0;h<TOTAL_FEATURES;h++) {
                    if ( poshidact[h]  != 0.0 || neghidact[h]  != 0.0 ) {
                        poshidact[h]  /= ((double)(numcases));
                        neghidact[h]  /= ((double)(numcases));
                        hidbiasinc[h] = Momentum * hidbiasinc[h] + EpsilonHB * ((poshidact[h] - neghidact[h]));
                        //hidbiasinc[h] = Momentum * hidbiasinc[h] + EpsilonHB * ((poshidact[h] - neghidact[h]) - weightcost * hidbiases[h]);
                        hidbiases[h]  += hidbiasinc[h];

        prmse = sqrt(s/n);

        if ( TOTAL_FEATURES == 200 ) {
            if ( loopcount > 6 ) {
                EpsilonW  *= 0.90;
                EpsilonVB *= 0.90;
                EpsilonHB *= 0.90;
            } else if ( loopcount > 5 ) {  // With 200 hidden variables, you need to slow things down a little more
                EpsilonW  *= 0.50;         // This could probably use some more optimization
                EpsilonVB *= 0.50;
                EpsilonHB *= 0.50;
            } else if ( loopcount > 2 ) {
                EpsilonW  *= 0.70;
                EpsilonVB *= 0.70;
                EpsilonHB *= 0.70;
        } else {  // The 100 hidden variable case
            if ( loopcount > 8 ) {
                EpsilonW  *= 0.92;
                EpsilonVB *= 0.92;
                EpsilonHB *= 0.92;
            } else if ( loopcount > 6 ) {
                EpsilonW  *= 0.90;
                EpsilonVB *= 0.90;
                EpsilonHB *= 0.90;
            } else if ( loopcount > 2 ) {
                EpsilonW  *= 0.78;
                EpsilonVB *= 0.78;
                EpsilonHB *= 0.78;
    /* Perform a final iteration in which the errors are clipped and stored */
    //if(save_model) {
    return 1;