PassOwnPtr<DragImage> DragImage::create(const KURL& url, const String& inLabel, const FontDescription& systemFont, float deviceScaleFactor) { const Font labelFont = deriveDragLabelFont(kDragLinkLabelFontSize, FontWeightBold, systemFont); const Font urlFont = deriveDragLabelFont(kDragLinkUrlFontSize, FontWeightNormal, systemFont); FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer; bool drawURLString = true; bool clipURLString = false; bool clipLabelString = false; String urlString = url.string(); String label = inLabel.stripWhiteSpace(); if (label.isEmpty()) { drawURLString = false; label = urlString; } // First step is drawing the link drag image width. TextRun labelRun(label.impl()); TextRun urlRun(urlString.impl()); IntSize labelSize(labelFont.width(labelRun), labelFont.fontMetrics().ascent() + labelFont.fontMetrics().descent()); if (labelSize.width() > kMaxDragLabelStringWidth) { labelSize.setWidth(kMaxDragLabelStringWidth); clipLabelString = true; } IntSize urlStringSize; IntSize imageSize(labelSize.width() + kDragLabelBorderX * 2, labelSize.height() + kDragLabelBorderY * 2); if (drawURLString) { urlStringSize.setWidth(urlFont.width(urlRun)); urlStringSize.setHeight(urlFont.fontMetrics().ascent() + urlFont.fontMetrics().descent()); imageSize.setHeight(imageSize.height() + urlStringSize.height()); if (urlStringSize.width() > kMaxDragLabelStringWidth) { imageSize.setWidth(kMaxDragLabelWidth); clipURLString = true; } else imageSize.setWidth(std::max(labelSize.width(), urlStringSize.width()) + kDragLabelBorderX * 2); } // We now know how big the image needs to be, so we create and // fill the background IntSize scaledImageSize = imageSize; scaledImageSize.scale(deviceScaleFactor); OwnPtr<ImageBuffer> buffer(ImageBuffer::create(scaledImageSize)); if (!buffer) return nullptr; buffer->canvas()->scale(deviceScaleFactor, deviceScaleFactor); const float DragLabelRadius = 5; IntRect rect(IntPoint(), imageSize); SkPaint backgroundPaint; backgroundPaint.setColor(SkColorSetRGB(140, 140, 140)); SkRRect rrect; rrect.setRectXY(SkRect::MakeWH(imageSize.width(), imageSize.height()), DragLabelRadius, DragLabelRadius); buffer->canvas()->drawRRect(rrect, backgroundPaint); // Draw the text SkPaint textPaint; if (drawURLString) { if (clipURLString) urlString = StringTruncator::centerTruncate(urlString, imageSize.width() - (kDragLabelBorderX * 2.0f), urlFont); IntPoint textPos(kDragLabelBorderX, imageSize.height() - (kLabelBorderYOffset + urlFont.fontMetrics().descent())); TextRun textRun(urlString); urlFont.drawText(buffer->canvas(), TextRunPaintInfo(textRun), textPos, deviceScaleFactor, textPaint); } if (clipLabelString) label = StringTruncator::rightTruncate(label, imageSize.width() - (kDragLabelBorderX * 2.0f), labelFont); bool hasStrongDirectionality; TextRun textRun = textRunWithDirectionality(label, &hasStrongDirectionality); IntPoint textPos(kDragLabelBorderX, kDragLabelBorderY + labelFont.fontDescription().computedPixelSize()); if (hasStrongDirectionality && textRun.direction() == RTL) { float textWidth = labelFont.width(textRun); int availableWidth = imageSize.width() - kDragLabelBorderX * 2; textPos.setX(availableWidth - ceilf(textWidth)); } labelFont.drawBidiText(buffer->canvas(), TextRunPaintInfo(textRun), FloatPoint(textPos), Font::DoNotPaintIfFontNotReady, deviceScaleFactor, textPaint); RefPtr<Image> image = buffer->newImageSnapshot(); return DragImage::create(image.get(), DoNotRespectImageOrientation, deviceScaleFactor); }
LRESULT CALLBACK NotificationWnd::WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)\ { NotificationWnd *wnd = (NotificationWnd *)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA); if (WM_ERASEBKGND == message) { // do nothing, helps to avoid flicker return TRUE; } if (WM_TIMER == message && TIMEOUT_TIMER_ID == wParam) { if (wnd->notificationCb) wnd->notificationCb->RemoveNotification(wnd); else delete wnd; return 0; } if (WM_PAINT == message && wnd) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdcWnd = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); ClientRect rect(hwnd); DoubleBuffer buffer(hwnd, rect); HDC hdc = buffer.GetDC(); HFONT oldfnt = SelectFont(hdc, wnd->font); RECT rTmp = rect.ToRECT(); DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rTmp, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH); if (wnd->highlight) { SetBkMode(hdc, OPAQUE); SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)); SetBkColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); } else { SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); } rect.Inflate(-PADDING, -PADDING); RectI rectMsg = rect; if (wnd->hasProgress) rectMsg.dy -= PROGRESS_HEIGHT + PADDING / 2; if (wnd->hasCancel) rectMsg.dx -= 20; ScopedMem<WCHAR> text(win::GetText(hwnd)); rTmp = rectMsg.ToRECT(); DrawText(hdc, text, -1, &rTmp, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX); if (wnd->hasCancel) { rTmp = GetCancelRect(hwnd).ToRECT(); DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rTmp, DFC_CAPTION, DFCS_CAPTIONCLOSE | DFCS_FLAT); } if (wnd->hasProgress) { rect.dx = wnd->progressWidth; rect.y += rectMsg.dy + PADDING / 2; rect.dy = PROGRESS_HEIGHT; PaintRect(hdc, rect); rect.x += 2; rect.dx = (wnd->progressWidth - 3) * wnd->progress / 100; rect.y += 2; rect.dy -= 3; HBRUSH brush = GetStockBrush(BLACK_BRUSH); rTmp = rect.ToRECT(); FillRect(hdc, &rTmp, brush); DeleteObject(brush); } SelectFont(hdc, oldfnt); buffer.Flush(hdcWnd); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); return 0; } if (WM_SETCURSOR == message && wnd->hasCancel) { PointI pt; if (GetCursorPosInHwnd(hwnd, pt) && GetCancelRect(hwnd).Contains(pt)) { SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND)); return TRUE; } } if (WM_LBUTTONUP == message && wnd->hasCancel) { if (GetCancelRect(hwnd).Contains(PointI(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)))) { if (wnd->notificationCb) wnd->notificationCb->RemoveNotification(wnd); else delete wnd; return 0; } } return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
void CDrawRectOutline::MoveField(int w, CDPoint r) { Display(); CDRect rect( m_point_a.x, m_point_a.y, m_point_b.x, m_point_b.y ); rect.NormalizeRect(); switch (w) { case CRectTracker::hitTopLeft: rect.left += r.x; += r.y; break; case CRectTracker::hitTopRight: rect.right += r.x; += r.y; break; case CRectTracker::hitBottomRight: rect.right += r.x; rect.bottom += r.y; break; case CRectTracker::hitBottomLeft: rect.left += r.x; rect.bottom += r.y; break; case CRectTracker::hitTop: += r.y; break; case CRectTracker::hitRight: rect.right += r.x; break; case CRectTracker::hitBottom: rect.bottom += r.y; break; case CRectTracker::hitLeft: rect.left += r.x; break; case 11: case CRectTracker::hitMiddle: rect += r; break; } if (m_point_a.x < m_point_b.x) { m_point_a.x = rect.left; m_point_b.x = rect.right; } else { m_point_b.x = rect.left; m_point_a.x = rect.right; } if (m_point_a.y < m_point_b.y) { m_point_a.y =; m_point_b.y = rect.bottom; } else { m_point_b.y =; m_point_a.y = rect.bottom; } Display(); }
int StructureManager::placeStructureFromDeed(CreatureObject* creature, StructureDeed* deed, float x, float y, int angle) { ManagedReference<Zone*> zone = creature->getZone(); //Already placing a structure? if (zone == NULL || creature->containsActiveSession(SessionFacadeType::PLACESTRUCTURE)) return 1; ManagedReference<PlanetManager*> planetManager = zone->getPlanetManager(); String serverTemplatePath = deed->getGeneratedObjectTemplate(); if (deed->getFaction() != 0 && creature->getFaction() != deed->getFaction()) { creature->sendSystemMessage("You are not the correct faction"); return 1; } Reference<SharedStructureObjectTemplate*> serverTemplate = dynamic_cast<SharedStructureObjectTemplate*>(templateManager->getTemplate(serverTemplatePath.hashCode())); //Check to see if this zone allows this structure. if (serverTemplate == NULL || !serverTemplate->isAllowedZone(zone->getZoneName())) { creature->sendSystemMessage("@player_structure:wrong_planet"); //That deed cannot be used on this planet. return 1; } if (!planetManager->isBuildingPermittedAt(x, y, creature)) { creature->sendSystemMessage("@player_structure:not_permitted"); //Building is not permitted here. return 1; } SortedVector<ManagedReference<ActiveArea*> > objects; zone->getInRangeActiveAreas(x, y, &objects, true); ManagedReference<CityRegion*> city; for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i) { ActiveArea* area = objects.get(i).get(); if (!area->isRegion()) continue; city = dynamic_cast<Region*>(area)->getCityRegion(); if (city != NULL) break; } SortedVector<ManagedReference<QuadTreeEntry*> > inRangeObjects; zone->getInRangeObjects(x, y, 128, &inRangeObjects, true); float placingFootprintLength0, placingFootprintWidth0, placingFootprintLength1, placingFootprintWidth1; if (!getStructureFootprint(serverTemplate, angle, placingFootprintLength0, placingFootprintWidth0, placingFootprintLength1, placingFootprintWidth1)) { float x0 = x + placingFootprintWidth0; float y0 = y + placingFootprintLength0; float x1 = x + placingFootprintWidth1; float y1 = y + placingFootprintLength1; BoundaryRectangle placingFootprint(x0, y0, x1, y1); //info("placing center x:" + String::valueOf(x) + " y:" + String::valueOf(y), true); //info("placingFootprint x0:" + String::valueOf(x0) + " y0:" + String::valueOf(y0) + " x1:" + String::valueOf(x1) + " y1:" + String::valueOf(y1), true); for (int i = 0; i < inRangeObjects.size(); ++i) { SceneObject* scene = inRangeObjects.get(i).castTo<SceneObject*>(); if (scene == NULL) continue; float l0 = -5; //Along the x axis. float w0 = -5; //Along the y axis. float l1 = 5; float w1 = 5; if (getStructureFootprint(scene->getObjectTemplate(), scene->getDirectionAngle(), l0, w0, l1, w1)) continue; float xx0 = scene->getPositionX() + (w0 + 0.1); float yy0 = scene->getPositionY() + (l0 + 0.1); float xx1 = scene->getPositionX() + (w1 - 0.1); float yy1 = scene->getPositionY() + (l1 - 0.1); BoundaryRectangle rect(xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1); //info("existing footprint xx0:" + String::valueOf(xx0) + " yy0:" + String::valueOf(yy0) + " xx1:" + String::valueOf(xx1) + " yy1:" + String::valueOf(yy1), true); // check 4 points of the current rect if (rect.containsPoint(x0, y0) || rect.containsPoint(x0, y1) || rect.containsPoint(x1, y0) || rect.containsPoint(x1, y1) ) { //info("existing footprint contains placing point", true); creature->sendSystemMessage("@player_structure:no_room"); //there is no room to place the structure here.. return 1; } if (placingFootprint.containsPoint(xx0, yy0) || placingFootprint.containsPoint(xx0, yy1) || placingFootprint.containsPoint(xx1, yy0) || placingFootprint.containsPoint(xx1, yy1) || (xx0 == x0 && yy0 == y0 && xx1 == x1 && yy1 == y1)) { //info("placing footprint contains existing point", true); creature->sendSystemMessage("@player_structure:no_room"); //there is no room to place the structure here. return 1; } } } int rankRequired = serverTemplate->getCityRankRequired(); if (city == NULL && rankRequired > 0) { creature->sendSystemMessage("@city/city:build_no_city"); // You must be in a city to place that structure. return 1; } if (city != NULL) { if (city->isZoningEnabled() && !city->hasZoningRights(creature->getObjectID())) { creature->sendSystemMessage("@player_structure:no_rights"); //You don't have the right to place that structure in this city. The mayor or one of the city milita must grant you zoning rights first. return 1; } if (rankRequired != 0 && city->getCityRank() < rankRequired) { StringIdChatParameter param("city/city", "rank_req"); // The city must be at least rank %DI (%TO) in order for you to place this structure. param.setDI(rankRequired); param.setTO("city/city", "rank" + String::valueOf(rankRequired)); creature->sendSystemMessage(param); return 1; } if (serverTemplate->isCivicStructure() && !city->isMayor(creature->getObjectID()) ) { creature->sendSystemMessage("@player_structure:cant_place_civic");//"This structure must be placed within the borders of the city in which you are mayor." return 1; } if (serverTemplate->isUniqueStructure() && city->hasUniqueStructure(serverTemplate->getServerObjectCRC())) { creature->sendSystemMessage("@player_structure:cant_place_unique"); //This city can only support a single structure of this type. return 1; } } Locker _lock(deed, creature); //Ensure that it is the correct deed, and that it is in a container in the creature's inventory. if (!deed->isASubChildOf(creature)) { creature->sendSystemMessage("@player_structure:no_possession"); //You no longer are in possession of the deed for this structure. Aborting construction. return 1; } TemplateManager* templateManager = TemplateManager::instance(); ManagedReference<PlayerObject*> ghost = creature->getPlayerObject(); if (ghost != NULL) { String abilityRequired = serverTemplate->getAbilityRequired(); if (!abilityRequired.isEmpty() && !ghost->hasAbility(abilityRequired)) { creature->sendSystemMessage("@player_structure:" + abilityRequired); return 1; } int lots = serverTemplate->getLotSize(); if (!ghost->hasLotsRemaining(lots)) { StringIdChatParameter param("@player_structure:not_enough_lots"); param.setDI(lots); creature->sendSystemMessage(param); return 1; } } //Validate that the structure can be placed at the given coordinates: //Ensure that no other objects impede on this structures footprint, or overlap any city regions or no build areas. //Make sure that the player has zoning rights in the area. ManagedReference<PlaceStructureSession*> session = new PlaceStructureSession(creature, deed); creature->addActiveSession(SessionFacadeType::PLACESTRUCTURE, session); //Construct the structure. session->constructStructure(x, y, angle); //Remove the deed from it's container. deed->destroyObjectFromWorld(true); return 0; }
void CloudView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { resizer_->move(rect().bottomRight() - resizer_->rect().bottomRight()); resizer_->raise(); }
QSEqualsResult QSRectClass::isEqual(const QSObject &a, const QSObject &b) const { if (!b.isA(this)) return EqualsNotEqual; return (QSEqualsResult)(*rect(&a) == *rect(&b)); }
void CDuiEdit::DrawControl(CDC &dc, CRect rcUpdate) { Graphics graphics(dc); DrawImageFrame(graphics, m_pImage, m_rc, m_EditState *, 0,,, 4); if(m_pLeftImage) { CRect rc; rc.left = m_rc.left + 2; = + (m_rc.Height() - / 2; rc.right = rc.left +; rc.bottom = +; if(m_nLeftImageCount > m_buttonState) { graphics.DrawImage(m_pLeftImage, RectF((Gdiplus::REAL)rc.left , (Gdiplus::REAL), (Gdiplus::REAL)rc.Width(), (Gdiplus::REAL)rc.Height()), (Gdiplus::REAL)(m_buttonState *, 0, (Gdiplus::REAL), (Gdiplus::REAL), UnitPixel); }else { graphics.DrawImage(m_pLeftImage, RectF((Gdiplus::REAL)rc.left , (Gdiplus::REAL), (Gdiplus::REAL)rc.Width(), (Gdiplus::REAL)rc.Height()), 0, 0, (Gdiplus::REAL), (Gdiplus::REAL), UnitPixel); } } if(m_pSmallImage) { CRect rc; rc.left = m_rc.right - - 2; = + (m_rc.Height() - / 2; rc.right = rc.left +; rc.bottom = +; if(m_nSmallImageCount > m_buttonState) { graphics.DrawImage(m_pSmallImage, RectF((Gdiplus::REAL)rc.left , (Gdiplus::REAL), (Gdiplus::REAL)rc.Width(), (Gdiplus::REAL)rc.Height()), (Gdiplus::REAL)(m_buttonState *, 0, (Gdiplus::REAL), (Gdiplus::REAL), UnitPixel); }else { graphics.DrawImage(m_pSmallImage, RectF((Gdiplus::REAL)rc.left , (Gdiplus::REAL), (Gdiplus::REAL)rc.Width(), (Gdiplus::REAL)rc.Height()), 0, 0, (Gdiplus::REAL), (Gdiplus::REAL), UnitPixel); } } BSTR bsFont = m_strFont.AllocSysString(); FontFamily fontFamily(bsFont); Font font(&fontFamily, (REAL)m_nFontWidth, m_fontStyle, UnitPixel); SolidBrush solidBrush(m_clrText); SolidBrush solidBrushTip(m_clrTooltip); graphics.SetTextRenderingHint( TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit ); ::SysFreeString(bsFont); StringFormat strFormat; strFormat.SetAlignment(StringAlignmentNear); // 水平方向左对齐 if(!m_bMultiLine) { // 单行文字 strFormat.SetLineAlignment(StringAlignmentCenter); // 垂直方向中间对齐 strFormat.SetFormatFlags( StringFormatFlagsNoWrap | StringFormatFlagsMeasureTrailingSpaces); }else { strFormat.SetLineAlignment(StringAlignmentNear); // 垂直方向上对齐 } RectF rect((Gdiplus::REAL)m_rcText.left, (Gdiplus::REAL)(, (Gdiplus::REAL)m_rcText.Width(), (Gdiplus::REAL)(m_rcText.Height()-2)); if(!m_strTitle.IsEmpty()) { // 文字非空 CString strTitle = m_strTitle; if(m_bPassWord) { int nlen = strTitle.GetLength(); strTitle = ""; for(int i = 0; i < nlen; i++) { strTitle += '*'; } } BSTR bsTitle = strTitle.AllocSysString(); graphics.DrawString(bsTitle, (INT)wcslen(bsTitle), &font, rect, &strFormat, &solidBrush); ::SysFreeString(bsTitle); }else if(!m_strTooltip.IsEmpty()) { // 如果没有文字,但设置了tooltip,则显示tooltip BSTR bsTooltip = m_strTooltip.AllocSysString(); graphics.DrawString(bsTooltip, (INT)wcslen(bsTooltip), &font, rect, &strFormat, &solidBrushTip); ::SysFreeString(bsTooltip); } }
void rect_empty() { rect(buffer,cursor_x,cursor_y,cursor_x+20,cursor_y+20,makecol(0,0,255)); draw_sprite(screen,buffer,0,0); }
void AreaDialog::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { mMouseMagnifier = false; if (mMouseDown) { mMousePos = e->pos(); if (mNewSelection) { QRect r = rect(); mSelection = QRect(mDragStartPoint, limitPointToRect(mMousePos, r)).normalized(); } else if (mMouseOverHandle == 0) { // moving the whole selection QRect r = rect().normalized(), s = mSelectionBeforeDrag.normalized(); QPoint p = s.topLeft() + e->pos() - mDragStartPoint; r.setBottomRight(r.bottomRight() - QPoint(s.width(), s.height())); if (!r.isNull() && r.isValid()) mSelection.moveTo(limitPointToRect(p, r)); } else {// dragging a handle QRect r = mSelectionBeforeDrag; QPoint offset = e->pos() - mDragStartPoint; if (mMouseOverHandle == &mTLHandle || mMouseOverHandle == &mTHandle || mMouseOverHandle == &mTRHandle) // dragging one of the top handles { r.setTop( + offset.y()); } if (mMouseOverHandle == &mTLHandle || mMouseOverHandle == &mLHandle || mMouseOverHandle == &mBLHandle) // dragging one of the left handles { r.setLeft(r.left() + offset.x()); } if (mMouseOverHandle == &mBLHandle || mMouseOverHandle == &mBHandle || mMouseOverHandle == &mBRHandle) // dragging one of the bottom handles { r.setBottom(r.bottom() + offset.y()); } if (mMouseOverHandle == &mTRHandle || mMouseOverHandle == &mRHandle || mMouseOverHandle == &mBRHandle) // dragging one of the right handles { r.setRight(r.right() + offset.x()); } r = r.normalized(); r.setTopLeft(limitPointToRect(r.topLeft(), rect())); r.setBottomRight(limitPointToRect(r.bottomRight(), rect())); mSelection = r; } if (qApp->keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { // The lazy 1:1 aspect ratio approach! mSelection.setHeight(mSelection.width()); } if (mAcceptWidget) { QPoint acceptPos = e->pos(); QRect acceptRect = QRect(acceptPos, QSize(120, 70)); // Prevent the widget from overlapping the handles if (acceptRect.intersects(mTLHandle)) { acceptPos = mTLHandle.bottomRight() + QPoint(2, 2); // Corner case } if (acceptRect.intersects(mBRHandle)) { acceptPos = mBRHandle.bottomRight(); } if (acceptRect.intersects(mBHandle)) { acceptPos = mBHandle.bottomRight(); } if (acceptRect.intersects(mRHandle)) { acceptPos = mRHandle.topRight(); } if (acceptRect.intersects(mTHandle)) { acceptPos = mTHandle.bottomRight(); } if ((acceptPos.x()+120) > mScreenshot->pixmap().rect().width()) acceptPos.setX(acceptPos.x()-120); if ((acceptPos.y()+70) > mScreenshot->pixmap().rect().height()) acceptPos.setY(acceptPos.y()-70); mAcceptWidget->move(acceptPos); } update(); } else { if (mSelection.isNull()) { mMouseMagnifier = true; update(); return; } bool found = false; foreach(QRect* r, mHandles) { if (r->contains(e->pos())) { mMouseOverHandle = r; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { mMouseOverHandle = 0; if (mSelection.contains(e->pos())) setCursor(Qt::OpenHandCursor); else if (mAcceptWidget && QRect(mAcceptWidget->mapToParent(mAcceptWidget->pos()), QSize(100, 60)).contains(e->pos())) setCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor); else setCursor(Qt::CrossCursor); } else { if (mMouseOverHandle == &mTLHandle || mMouseOverHandle == &mBRHandle) setCursor(Qt::SizeFDiagCursor); if (mMouseOverHandle == &mTRHandle || mMouseOverHandle == &mBLHandle) setCursor(Qt::SizeBDiagCursor); if (mMouseOverHandle == &mLHandle || mMouseOverHandle == &mRHandle) setCursor(Qt::SizeHorCursor); if (mMouseOverHandle == &mTHandle || mMouseOverHandle == &mBHandle) setCursor(Qt::SizeVerCursor); } } }
void surface_manager::invalidate_surfaces() { for (auto& s : iSurfaces) s->invalidate_surface(rect(point{}, s->surface_size()), false); }
/** * Parse command line arguments * * @param argc Number of arguments in array argv * @param argv Arguments array * * @return true to continue with application launch; otherwise false */ bool parseArgs() { QStringListIterator it(QCoreApplication::arguments()); while (it.hasNext() == true) { QString arg(; if ((arg == "-c" || arg == "--closebutton") && it.hasNext() == true) { QString str(; QStringList parts = str.split(","); if (parts.size() == 4) { QRect rect(parts[0].toInt(), parts[1].toInt(), parts[2].toInt(), parts[3].toInt()); if (rect.isValid() == true) QLCArgs::closeButtonRect = rect; } } else if (arg == "-d" || arg == "--debug") { if (it.hasNext() == true) QLCArgs::debugLevel = QtMsgType(it.peekNext().toInt()); else QLCArgs::debugLevel = QtMsgType(0); } else if (arg == "-f" || arg == "--fullscreen") { QLCArgs::fullScreen = true; if (it.hasNext() == true && it.peekNext() == "resize") QLCArgs::fullScreenResize = true; } else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") { printUsage(); return false; } else if (arg == "-k" || arg == "--kiosk") { QLCArgs::kioskMode = true; } else if (arg == "-l" || arg == "--locale") { if (it.hasNext() == true) QLCi18n::setDefaultLocale(; } else if (arg == "-o" || arg == "--open") { if (it.hasNext() == true) QLCArgs::workspace =; } else if (arg == "-p" || arg == "--operate") { QLCArgs::operate = true; } else if (arg == "-v" || arg == "--version") { /* Don't print anything, since version is always printed before anything else. Just make the app exit by returning false. */ return false; } } return true; }
void ContentHostBase::Composite(EffectChain& aEffectChain, float aOpacity, const gfx::Matrix4x4& aTransform, const Filter& aFilter, const Rect& aClipRect, const nsIntRegion* aVisibleRegion, TiledLayerProperties* aLayerProperties) { NS_ASSERTION(aVisibleRegion, "Requires a visible region"); AutoLockContentHost lock(this); if (lock.Failed()) { return; } RefPtr<NewTextureSource> source = GetTextureSource(); RefPtr<NewTextureSource> sourceOnWhite = GetTextureSourceOnWhite(); if (!source) { return; } RefPtr<TexturedEffect> effect = CreateTexturedEffect(source, sourceOnWhite, aFilter); if (!effect) { return; } aEffectChain.mPrimaryEffect = effect; nsIntRegion tmpRegion; const nsIntRegion* renderRegion; if (PaintWillResample()) { // If we're resampling, then the texture image will contain exactly the // entire visible region's bounds, and we should draw it all in one quad // to avoid unexpected aliasing. tmpRegion = aVisibleRegion->GetBounds(); renderRegion = &tmpRegion; } else { renderRegion = aVisibleRegion; } nsIntRegion region(*renderRegion); nsIntPoint origin = GetOriginOffset(); // translate into TexImage space, buffer origin might not be at texture (0,0) region.MoveBy(-origin); // Figure out the intersecting draw region gfx::IntSize texSize = source->GetSize(); nsIntRect textureRect = nsIntRect(0, 0, texSize.width, texSize.height); textureRect.MoveBy(region.GetBounds().TopLeft()); nsIntRegion subregion; subregion.And(region, textureRect); if (subregion.IsEmpty()) { // Region is empty, nothing to draw return; } nsIntRegion screenRects; nsIntRegion regionRects; // Collect texture/screen coordinates for drawing nsIntRegionRectIterator iter(subregion); while (const nsIntRect* iterRect = iter.Next()) { nsIntRect regionRect = *iterRect; nsIntRect screenRect = regionRect; screenRect.MoveBy(origin); screenRects.Or(screenRects, screenRect); regionRects.Or(regionRects, regionRect); } BigImageIterator* bigImgIter = source->AsBigImageIterator(); BigImageIterator* iterOnWhite = nullptr; if (bigImgIter) { bigImgIter->BeginBigImageIteration(); } if (sourceOnWhite) { iterOnWhite = sourceOnWhite->AsBigImageIterator(); MOZ_ASSERT(!bigImgIter || bigImgIter->GetTileCount() == iterOnWhite->GetTileCount(), "Tile count mismatch on component alpha texture"); if (iterOnWhite) { iterOnWhite->BeginBigImageIteration(); } } bool usingTiles = (bigImgIter && bigImgIter->GetTileCount() > 1); do { if (iterOnWhite) { MOZ_ASSERT(iterOnWhite->GetTileRect() == bigImgIter->GetTileRect(), "component alpha textures should be the same size."); } nsIntRect texRect = bigImgIter ? bigImgIter->GetTileRect() : nsIntRect(0, 0, texSize.width, texSize.height); // Draw texture. If we're using tiles, we do repeating manually, as texture // repeat would cause each individual tile to repeat instead of the // compound texture as a whole. This involves drawing at most 4 sections, // 2 for each axis that has texture repeat. for (int y = 0; y < (usingTiles ? 2 : 1); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < (usingTiles ? 2 : 1); x++) { nsIntRect currentTileRect(texRect); currentTileRect.MoveBy(x * texSize.width, y * texSize.height); nsIntRegionRectIterator screenIter(screenRects); nsIntRegionRectIterator regionIter(regionRects); const nsIntRect* screenRect; const nsIntRect* regionRect; while ((screenRect = screenIter.Next()) && (regionRect = regionIter.Next())) { nsIntRect tileScreenRect(*screenRect); nsIntRect tileRegionRect(*regionRect); // When we're using tiles, find the intersection between the tile // rect and this region rect. Tiling is then handled by the // outer for-loops and modifying the tile rect. if (usingTiles) { tileScreenRect.MoveBy(-origin); tileScreenRect = tileScreenRect.Intersect(currentTileRect); tileScreenRect.MoveBy(origin); if (tileScreenRect.IsEmpty()) continue; tileRegionRect = regionRect->Intersect(currentTileRect); tileRegionRect.MoveBy(-currentTileRect.TopLeft()); } gfx::Rect rect(tileScreenRect.x, tileScreenRect.y, tileScreenRect.width, tileScreenRect.height); effect->mTextureCoords = Rect(Float(tileRegionRect.x) / texRect.width, Float(tileRegionRect.y) / texRect.height, Float(tileRegionRect.width) / texRect.width, Float(tileRegionRect.height) / texRect.height); GetCompositor()->DrawQuad(rect, aClipRect, aEffectChain, aOpacity, aTransform); if (usingTiles) { DiagnosticFlags diagnostics = DiagnosticFlags::CONTENT | DiagnosticFlags::BIGIMAGE; if (iterOnWhite) { diagnostics |= DiagnosticFlags::COMPONENT_ALPHA; } GetCompositor()->DrawDiagnostics(diagnostics, rect, aClipRect, aTransform, mFlashCounter); } } } } if (iterOnWhite) { iterOnWhite->NextTile(); } } while (usingTiles && bigImgIter->NextTile()); if (bigImgIter) { bigImgIter->EndBigImageIteration(); } if (iterOnWhite) { iterOnWhite->EndBigImageIteration(); } DiagnosticFlags diagnostics = DiagnosticFlags::CONTENT; if (iterOnWhite) { diagnostics |= DiagnosticFlags::COMPONENT_ALPHA; } GetCompositor()->DrawDiagnostics(diagnostics, *aVisibleRegion, aClipRect, aTransform, mFlashCounter); }
void CSelectBox::DrawControl(CDC &dc, CRect rcUpdate) { int nWidth = m_rc.Width(); int nHeight = m_rc.Height(); int nItemWidth = nWidth / m_nXCount; int nItemHeight = nHeight / m_nYCount; int nXPos = (nWidth - nItemWidth * m_nXCount) / 2; int nYPos = (nHeight - nItemHeight * m_nYCount) / 2; if(!m_bUpdate) { UpdateMemDC(dc, nWidth, nHeight * 3); m_memDC.BitBlt(0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, &dc, m_rc.left ,, SRCCOPY); int nXPosTemp = nXPos; int nYPosTemp = nYPos; Graphics graphics(m_memDC); Pen pen(m_clrFrame, 1); for(int i = 0; i <= m_nYCount; i++) { graphics.DrawLine(&pen, nXPos, nYPosTemp, nXPos + nItemWidth * m_nXCount, nYPosTemp); nYPosTemp += nItemHeight; } for(int i = 0; i <= m_nXCount; i++) { graphics.DrawLine(&pen, nXPosTemp, nYPos, nXPosTemp, nYPos + nItemHeight * m_nYCount); nXPosTemp += nItemWidth; } if(m_bImage) { for(size_t i = 0; i < m_vecpImage.size(); i++) { if(m_vecpImage[i] != NULL) { graphics.DrawImage(m_vecpImage[i], Rect(nXPos + nItemWidth * (i % m_nXCount) + 1, nYPos + nItemHeight * (i / m_nXCount) + 1, nItemWidth - 1, nItemHeight - 1), 0, 0, m_vecsizeImage[i].cx, m_vecsizeImage[i].cy, UnitPixel); } } } else { for(size_t i = 0; i < m_vecclr.size(); i++) { SolidBrush brush(m_vecclr[i]); graphics.FillRectangle(&brush, nXPos + nItemWidth * (i % m_nXCount) + 1, nYPos + nItemHeight * (i / m_nXCount) + 1, nItemWidth - 1, nItemHeight - 1); } } m_memDC.BitBlt(0, nHeight, nWidth, nHeight, &m_memDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); m_memDC.BitBlt(0, nHeight * 2, nWidth, nHeight, &m_memDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); //选择 SolidBrush brush(m_clrHover); nYPosTemp = nYPos + nHeight; if(m_bImage) { for(size_t i = 0; i < m_vecpImage.size(); i++) { graphics.FillRectangle(&brush, nXPos + nItemWidth * (i % m_nXCount) + 1, nYPosTemp + nItemHeight * (i / m_nXCount) + 1, nItemWidth - 1, nItemHeight - 1); } } else { for(size_t i = 0; i < m_vecclr.size(); i++) { graphics.FillRectangle(&brush, nXPos + nItemWidth * (i % m_nXCount) + 1, nYPosTemp + nItemHeight * (i / m_nXCount) + 1, nItemWidth - 1, nItemHeight - 1); } } int nLineWidth = m_bImage ? 2 : 1; //选中 pen.SetColor(m_clrSelect); pen.SetWidth((Gdiplus::REAL)nLineWidth); nYPosTemp = nYPos + nHeight * 2; for(int i = 0; i < m_nYCount; i++) { nXPosTemp = nXPos; for(int j = 0; j < m_nXCount; j++) { Rect rect(nXPosTemp + nLineWidth, nYPosTemp + nLineWidth, nItemWidth - 1 - nLineWidth, nItemHeight - 1 - nLineWidth); //绘制矩形 graphics.DrawRectangles(&pen, &rect, 1); nXPosTemp += nItemWidth; } nYPosTemp += nItemHeight; } } dc.BitBlt(m_rc.left,, m_rc.Width()+1, m_rc.Height()+1, &m_memDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); if(m_nXSelect != -1 && m_nYSelect != -1) { dc.BitBlt(m_rc.left + nXPos + m_nXSelect * nItemWidth, + nYPos + m_nYSelect * nItemHeight, nItemWidth, nItemHeight, &m_memDC, m_nXSelect * nItemWidth, nHeight * 2 + m_nYSelect * nItemHeight, SRCCOPY); } if(m_nXHover != -1 && m_nYHover != -1) { dc.BitBlt(m_rc.left + nXPos + m_nXHover * nItemWidth, + nYPos + m_nYHover * nItemHeight, nItemWidth, nItemHeight, &m_memDC, m_nXHover * nItemWidth, nHeight + m_nYHover * nItemHeight, SRCCOPY); } }
IntRect Font::findGlyphRect(Page& page, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) const { // Find the line that fits well the glyph Row* row = NULL; float bestRatio = 0; for (std::vector<Row>::iterator it = page.rows.begin(); it != page.rows.end() && !row; ++it) { float ratio = static_cast<float>(height) / it->height; // Ignore rows that are either too small or too high if ((ratio < 0.7f) || (ratio > 1.f)) continue; // Check if there's enough horizontal space left in the row if (width > page.texture.getSize().x - it->width) continue; // Make sure that this new row is the best found so far if (ratio < bestRatio) continue; // The current row passed all the tests: we can select it row = &*it; bestRatio = ratio; } // If we didn't find a matching row, create a new one (10% taller than the glyph) if (!row) { int rowHeight = height + height / 10; while ((page.nextRow + rowHeight >= page.texture.getSize().y) || (width >= page.texture.getSize().x)) { // Not enough space: resize the texture if possible unsigned int textureWidth = page.texture.getSize().x; unsigned int textureHeight = page.texture.getSize().y; if ((textureWidth * 2 <= Texture::getMaximumSize()) && (textureHeight * 2 <= Texture::getMaximumSize())) { // Make the texture 2 times bigger Image newImage; newImage.create(textureWidth * 2, textureHeight * 2, Color(255, 255, 255, 0)); newImage.copy(page.texture.copyToImage(), 0, 0); page.texture.loadFromImage(newImage); } else { // Oops, we've reached the maximum texture size... err() << "Failed to add a new character to the font: the maximum texture size has been reached" << std::endl; return IntRect(0, 0, 2, 2); } } // We can now create the new row page.rows.push_back(Row(page.nextRow, rowHeight)); page.nextRow += rowHeight; row = &page.rows.back(); } // Find the glyph's rectangle on the selected row IntRect rect(row->width, row->top, width, height); // Update the row informations row->width += width; return rect; }
QVariant QSRectClass::toVariant(const QSObject *obj, QVariant::Type) const { return *rect(obj); }
void AreaDialog::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e) { Q_UNUSED(e); if (mGrabbing) // grabWindow() should just get the background return; QPainter painter(this); QPalette pal = palette(); QFont font = QToolTip::font(); QColor handleColor(85, 160, 188, 220); QColor overlayColor(0, 0, 0, mOverlayAlpha); QColor textColor = pal.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text); QColor textBackgroundColor = pal.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base); painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, mScreenshot->pixmap()); painter.setFont(font); QRect r = mSelection.normalized().adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1); QRegion grey(rect()); grey = grey.subtracted(r); painter.setPen(handleColor); painter.setBrush(overlayColor); painter.setClipRegion(grey); painter.drawRect(-1, -1, rect().width() + 1, rect().height() + 1); painter.setClipRect(rect()); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter.drawRect(r); if (mShowHelp) { //Drawing the explanatory text. QRect helpRect = qApp->desktop()->screenGeometry(qApp->desktop()->primaryScreen()); QString helpTxt = tr("Lightscreen area mode:\nUse your mouse to draw a rectangle to capture.\nPress any key or right click to exit."); helpRect.setHeight(qRound((float)(helpRect.height() / 10))); // We get a decently sized rect where the text should be drawn (centered) // We draw the white contrasting background for the text, using the same text and options to get the boundingRect that the text will have. painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::white)); painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255, 180), Qt::SolidPattern)); QRectF bRect = painter.boundingRect(helpRect, Qt::AlignCenter, helpTxt); // These four calls provide padding for the rect bRect.setWidth(bRect.width() + 12); bRect.setHeight(bRect.height() + 10); bRect.setX(bRect.x() - 12); bRect.setY(bRect.y() - 10); painter.drawRoundedRect(bRect, 8, 8); // Draw the text: painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black)); painter.drawText(helpRect, Qt::AlignCenter, helpTxt); } if (!mSelection.isNull()) { // The grabbed region is everything which is covered by the drawn // rectangles (border included). This means that there is no 0px // selection, since a 0px wide rectangle will always be drawn as a line. QString txt = QString("%1x%2").arg(mSelection.width() == 0 ? 2 : mSelection.width()) .arg(mSelection.height() == 0 ? 2 : mSelection.height()); QRect textRect = painter.boundingRect(rect(), Qt::AlignLeft, txt); QRect boundingRect = textRect.adjusted(-4, 0, 0, 0); if (textRect.width() < r.width() - 2*mHandleSize && textRect.height() < r.height() - 2*mHandleSize && (r.width() > 100 && r.height() > 100)) // center, unsuitable for small selections { boundingRect.moveCenter(; textRect.moveCenter(; } else if (r.y() - 3 > textRect.height() && r.x() + textRect.width() < rect().right()) // on top, left aligned { boundingRect.moveBottomLeft(QPoint(r.x(), r.y() - 3)); textRect.moveBottomLeft(QPoint(r.x() + 2, r.y() - 3)); } else if (r.x() - 3 > textRect.width()) // left, top aligned { boundingRect.moveTopRight(QPoint(r.x() - 3, r.y())); textRect.moveTopRight(QPoint(r.x() - 5, r.y())); } else if (r.bottom() + 3 + textRect.height() < rect().bottom() && r.right() > textRect.width()) // at bottom, right aligned { boundingRect.moveTopRight(QPoint(r.right(), r.bottom() + 3)); textRect.moveTopRight(QPoint(r.right() - 2, r.bottom() + 3)); } else if (r.right() + textRect.width() + 3 < rect().width()) // right, bottom aligned { boundingRect.moveBottomLeft(QPoint(r.right() + 3, r.bottom())); textRect.moveBottomLeft(QPoint(r.right() + 5, r.bottom())); } // if the above didn't catch it, you are running on a very tiny screen... painter.setPen(textColor); painter.setBrush(textBackgroundColor); painter.drawRect(boundingRect); painter.drawText(textRect, txt); if ((r.height() > mHandleSize*2 && r.width() > mHandleSize*2) || !mMouseDown) { updateHandles(); painter.setPen(handleColor); handleColor.setAlpha(80); painter.setBrush(handleColor); painter.drawRects(handleMask().rects()); } } if (!mScreenshot->options().magnify) return; // Drawing the magnified version QPoint magStart, magEnd, drawPosition; QRect newRect; QRect pixmapRect = mScreenshot->pixmap().rect(); if (mMouseMagnifier) { drawPosition = mMousePos - QPoint(100, 100); magStart = mMousePos - QPoint(50, 50); magEnd = mMousePos + QPoint(50, 50); newRect = QRect(magStart, magEnd); } else { // So pretty.. oh so pretty. if (mMouseOverHandle == &mTLHandle) magStart = mSelection.topLeft(); else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mTRHandle) magStart = mSelection.topRight(); else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mBLHandle) magStart = mSelection.bottomLeft(); else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mBRHandle) magStart = mSelection.bottomRight(); else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mLHandle) magStart = QPoint(mSelection.left(),; else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mTHandle) magStart = QPoint(,; else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mRHandle) magStart = QPoint(mSelection.right(),; else if (mMouseOverHandle == &mBHandle) magStart = QPoint(, mSelection.bottom()); else if (mMouseOverHandle == 0) magStart = mMousePos; magEnd = magStart; drawPosition = mSelection.bottomRight(); magStart -= QPoint(50, 50); magEnd += QPoint(50, 50); newRect = QRect(magStart, magEnd); if ((drawPosition.x()+newRect.width()*2) > pixmapRect.width()) drawPosition.setX(drawPosition.x()-newRect.width()*2); if ((drawPosition.y()+newRect.height()*2) > pixmapRect.height()) drawPosition.setY(drawPosition.y()-newRect.height()*2); if (drawPosition.y() == mSelection.bottomRight().y()-newRect.height()*2 && drawPosition.x() == mSelection.bottomRight().x()-newRect.width()*2) painter.setOpacity(0.7); } if (!pixmapRect.contains(newRect, true) || drawPosition.x() <= 0 || drawPosition.y() <= 0) { return; } QPixmap magnified = mScreenshot->pixmap().copy(newRect).scaled(QSize(newRect.width()*2, newRect.height()*2)); QPainter magPainter(&magnified); magPainter.setPen(QPen(QBrush(QColor(35, 35, 35)), 2)); // Same border pen magPainter.drawRect(magnified.rect()); if (!mMouseMagnifier) { magPainter.drawText(magnified.rect().center()-QPoint(4, -4), "+"); //Center minus the 4 pixels wide and across of the "+" -- TODO: Test alternative DPI settings. } painter.drawPixmap(drawPosition, magnified); }
QString QSRectClass::debugString(const QSObject *obj) const { QRect *r = rect(obj); return QString::fromLatin1("{x=%1:Number,y=%2:Number,width=%3,height=%3}") .arg(r->x()).arg(r->y()).arg(r->width()).arg(r->height()); }
void HgGridContainer::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { HgContainer::paint(painter, option, widget); // Draw these only while pinching if(mPinchingOngoing) { const QPen& oldPen = painter->pen(); // dim the background, i.e. draw trasparent black screen-sized rect (alpha is 100 of 255) painter->fillRect(rect(), QColor(0, 0, 0, 100)); QPen pen = painter->pen(); pen.setColor(Qt::white); pen.setWidth(4); painter->setPen(pen); int imageXCount; int imageYCount; int widthSpacingPlusImage; int heightSpacingPlusImage; // Use temp values that are updated during pinching QSize imageSize(mTempImageHeightForLineGrid, mTempImageHeightForLineGrid); if (scrollDirection() == Qt::Horizontal ) //landscape mode { imageXCount = rect().width() / imageSize.width(); imageYCount = mTempRowCount; widthSpacingPlusImage = mRenderer->getSpacing().height() + imageSize.height(); heightSpacingPlusImage = mRenderer->getSpacing().width() + imageSize.width(); } else //portrait mode { imageXCount = mTempRowCount; imageYCount = rect().height() / imageSize.height(); widthSpacingPlusImage = mRenderer->getSpacing().width() + imageSize.width(); heightSpacingPlusImage = mRenderer->getSpacing().height() + imageSize.height(); } int yOffset(0); if (scrollDirection() == Qt::Horizontal ) { yOffset = (rect().height() - (mUserItemSize.height()*mHorizontalRowCount))/2; } for (int xCounter = 0; xCounter < (imageXCount+1); ++xCounter) { for (int yCounter = 0; yCounter < (imageYCount+1); ++yCounter) { painter->drawLine(QPoint(0, yOffset + yCounter * heightSpacingPlusImage), QPoint(rect().width(), yOffset + yCounter * heightSpacingPlusImage)); } painter->drawLine(QPoint(xCounter * widthSpacingPlusImage, yOffset), QPoint(xCounter * widthSpacingPlusImage, rect().height()-yOffset)); } painter->setPen(oldPen); } updateSelectedItem(); }
QSObject QSRectClass::isEmpty(QSEnv *env) { QRect *r = rect(env); return env->createBoolean(r->isEmpty()); }
void PushButton::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { if (!styleSheet().isNull() || Theme::defaultTheme()->useNativeWidgetStyle()) { QGraphicsProxyWidget::paint(painter, option, widget); return; } QPixmap bufferPixmap; //Normal button, pressed or not if (isEnabled()) { if (nativeWidget()->isDown() || nativeWidget()->isChecked()) { d->background->setElementPrefix("pressed"); } else { d->background->setElementPrefix("normal"); } //flat or disabled } else if (!isEnabled() || nativeWidget()->isFlat()) { bufferPixmap = QPixmap(rect().size().toSize()); bufferPixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter buffPainter(&bufferPixmap); d->background->paintFrame(&buffPainter); buffPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); buffPainter.fillRect(bufferPixmap.rect(), QColor(0, 0, 0, 128)); painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, bufferPixmap); } //if is under mouse draw the animated glow overlay if (!nativeWidget()->isDown() && !nativeWidget()->isChecked() && isEnabled() && acceptHoverEvents() && d->background->hasElementPrefix("active")) { if (d->hoverAnimation->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running && !isUnderMouse() && !nativeWidget()->isDefault()) { d->background->setElementPrefix("active"); d->background->paintFrame(painter, d->activeRect.topLeft()); } else { painter->drawPixmap( d->activeRect.topLeft(), d->hoverAnimation->property("currentPixmap").value<QPixmap>()); } } else if (isEnabled()) { d->background->paintFrame(painter); } painter->setPen(Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->color(Theme::ButtonTextColor)); if (nativeWidget()->isDown()) { painter->translate(QPoint(1, 1)); } QRectF rect = contentsRect(); if (!nativeWidget()->icon().isNull()) { const qreal iconSize = qMin(rect.width(), rect.height()); QPixmap iconPix = nativeWidget()->icon().pixmap(iconSize); if (!isEnabled()) { KIconEffect *effect = KIconLoader::global()->iconEffect(); iconPix = effect->apply(iconPix, KIconLoader::Toolbar, KIconLoader::DisabledState); } QRect pixmapRect; if (nativeWidget()->text().isEmpty()) { pixmapRect = nativeWidget()->style()->alignedRect(option->direction, Qt::AlignCenter, iconPix.size(), rect.toRect()); } else { pixmapRect = nativeWidget()->style()->alignedRect(option->direction, Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter, iconPix.size(), rect.toRect()); } painter->drawPixmap(pixmapRect.topLeft(), iconPix); if (option->direction == Qt::LeftToRight) { rect.adjust(rect.height(), 0, 0, 0); } else { rect.adjust(0, 0, -rect.height(), 0); } } QFontMetricsF fm(font()); // If the height is too small increase the Height of the button to shall the whole text #192988 if (rect.height() < fm.height()) { rect.setHeight(fm.height()); rect.moveTop(boundingRect().center().y() - rect.height() / 2); } // If there is not enough room for the text make it to fade out if (rect.width() < fm.width(nativeWidget()->text())) { if (bufferPixmap.isNull()) { bufferPixmap = QPixmap(rect.size().toSize()); } bufferPixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&bufferPixmap); p.setPen(painter->pen()); p.setFont(font()); // Create the alpha gradient for the fade out effect QLinearGradient alphaGradient(0, 0, 1, 0); alphaGradient.setCoordinateMode(QGradient::ObjectBoundingMode); if (option->direction == Qt::LeftToRight) { alphaGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(0, 0, 0, 255)); alphaGradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); p.drawText(bufferPixmap.rect(), Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::TextShowMnemonic, nativeWidget()->text()); } else { alphaGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); alphaGradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(0, 0, 0, 255)); p.drawText(bufferPixmap.rect(), Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::TextShowMnemonic, nativeWidget()->text()); } p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); p.fillRect(bufferPixmap.rect(), alphaGradient); painter->drawPixmap(rect.topLeft(), bufferPixmap); } else { painter->setFont(font()); painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter|Qt::TextShowMnemonic, nativeWidget()->text()); } }
void ossimPlanetLandCullCallback::applyOrthoCull(ossimPlanetPagedLandLod* n, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) { //OpenThreads::ScopedLock<OpenThreads::Mutex> lock(n->theMutex); osgUtil::CullVisitor* cullVisitor = dynamic_cast<osgUtil::CullVisitor*>(nv); if(n->theRefreshType == ossimPlanetLandRefreshType_PRUNE) { if(n->getNumChildren() > 0) { if(n->getChild(0)) { n->getChild(0)->accept(*nv); } } cullVisitor->getDatabaseRequestHandler()->requestNodeFile(n->theRequestNameList[0]+"_GEOM", n, 99999999, nv->getFrameStamp()); return; } if(!cullVisitor) return; n->theCulledFlag = false; bool addChildrenFlag = false; n->theRemoveChildrenFlag = false; double distance=0.0; osg::Matrix wm = cullVisitor->getWindowMatrix(); const osg::RefMatrix& m = *(cullVisitor->getMVPW()); double x = cullVisitor->getViewport()->x(); double y = cullVisitor->getViewport()->y(); double w = cullVisitor->getViewport()->width(); double h = cullVisitor->getViewport()->height(); if(w < 1) w = 1; if(h < 1) h = 1; ossimDrect viewportRect(x, y, x + (w-1), y + (h-1)); wm = osg::Matrixd::inverse(*cullVisitor->getProjectionMatrix()); osg::Vec3d center = (osg::Vec3d(0.0,0.0, 1.0)*wm); osg::Vec3d projectedCenter = (n->theCenterPoint*m); distance = (center-n->getBound().center()).length(); // distance = (center-n->getBound().center()).length()/(sqrt(180.0*180.0 + 90.0*90.0)); // // distance = (osg::Vec2d(projectedCenter[0], // projectedCenter[1]) - // osg::Vec2d(w/2.0, // h/2.0)).length(); osg::Vec3d ulView = n->theUlPoint*m; osg::Vec3d urView = n->theUrPoint*m; osg::Vec3d lrView = n->theLrPoint*m; osg::Vec3d llView = n->theLlPoint*m; ossimDpt ulViewDpt(ulView[0], ulView[1]); ossimDpt urViewDpt(urView[0], urView[1]); ossimDpt lrViewDpt(lrView[0], lrView[1]); ossimDpt llViewDpt(llView[0], llView[1]); ossimDrect rect(ulViewDpt, urViewDpt, lrViewDpt, llViewDpt); n->theCulledFlag = !rect.intersects(viewportRect); float pixelSize = ossim::max(rect.width(), rect.height()); if(pixelSize >= 512) { if(n->isLeaf()) { addChildrenFlag = true; } } else if(pixelSize < 256) { // if(!n->isLeaf()) { n->theRemoveChildrenFlag = true; } } distance *= 1<<n->theLevel; double priority = 0.0; if(distance > 0.0) { priority = 1.0/distance; } else { priority = 1.0/FLT_EPSILON; } if((n->theRefreshType == ossimPlanetLandRefreshType_GEOM)&&(!n->theCulledFlag)) { cullVisitor->getDatabaseRequestHandler()->requestNodeFile(n->theRequestNameList[0]+"_GEOM", n, priority, nv->getFrameStamp()); } else if((n->theRefreshType == ossimPlanetLandRefreshType_TEXTURE)&&(!n->theCulledFlag)) { cullVisitor->getDatabaseRequestHandler()->requestNodeFile(n->theRequestNameList[0]+"_TEXTURE", n, priority, nv->getFrameStamp()); } std::string requestString = ((n->getNumChildren() < 5)&&(n->thePagedLodList.size()<4))?n->theRequestNameList[n->thePagedLodList.size()+1]:""; // std::string requestString = (n->getNumChildren() < 5)?n->getRequestName(n->getNumChildren()):""; if((requestString!= "")&& cullVisitor->getDatabaseRequestHandler()) { if((n->theRefreshType == ossimPlanetLandRefreshType_GEOM)&&(!n->theCulledFlag)) { cullVisitor->getDatabaseRequestHandler()->requestNodeFile(n->theRequestNameList[0]+"_GEOM", n, priority, nv->getFrameStamp()); } else if((n->theRefreshType == ossimPlanetLandRefreshType_TEXTURE)&&(!n->theCulledFlag)) { cullVisitor->getDatabaseRequestHandler()->requestNodeFile(n->theRequestNameList[0]+"_TEXTURE", n, priority, nv->getFrameStamp()); } if(!n->theRemoveChildrenFlag && addChildrenFlag&& !n->theCulledFlag&& (n->getNumChildren() < 5)) { cullVisitor->getDatabaseRequestHandler()->requestNodeFile(requestString, n, priority, nv->getFrameStamp()); } else if((n->theCulledFlag)&& (n->isLeaf())&& (n->getNumChildren()>1)) { ossimPlanetDatabasePager* pager = dynamic_cast<ossimPlanetDatabasePager*>(cullVisitor->getDatabaseRequestHandler()); if(pager) { pager->invalidateRequest(requestString); } } } if(!n->theCulledFlag) { if(n->getNumChildren() >4) { ossim_uint32 idx = 0; for(idx = 1; idx < n->getNumChildren(); ++idx) { if(n->getChild(idx)) { n->getChild(idx)->accept(*nv); } } } else { if(n->getNumChildren() > 0) { if(n->getChild(0)) { n->getChild(0)->accept(*nv); } } } } }
void InputDataDialog::setDesktopCenter() { move(QApplication::desktop()->screen()->rect().center() - rect().center()); }
void GUIFormSpecMenu::regenerateGui(v2u32 screensize) { // Remove children removeChildren(); v2s32 size(100,100); s32 helptext_h = 15; core::rect<s32> rect; // Base position of contents of form v2s32 basepos = getBasePos(); // State of basepos, 0 = not set, 1= set by formspec, 2 = set by size[] element // Used to adjust form size automatically if needed // A proceed button is added if there is no size[] element int bp_set = 0; /* Convert m_init_draw_spec to m_inventorylists */ m_inventorylists.clear(); m_images.clear(); m_fields.clear(); Strfnd f(m_formspec_string); while(f.atend() == false) { std::string type = trim("[")); if(type == "invsize" || type == "size") { v2f invsize; invsize.X = stof(",")); if(type == "size") { invsize.Y = stof("]")); } else{ invsize.Y = stof(";"));"]"); } infostream<<"Form size ("<<invsize.X<<","<<invsize.Y<<")"<<std::endl; padding = v2s32(screensize.Y/40, screensize.Y/40); spacing = v2s32(screensize.Y/12, screensize.Y/13); imgsize = v2s32(screensize.Y/15, screensize.Y/15); size = v2s32( padding.X*2+spacing.X*(invsize.X-1.0)+imgsize.X, padding.Y*2+spacing.Y*(invsize.Y-1.0)+imgsize.Y + (helptext_h-5) ); rect = core::rect<s32>( screensize.X/2 - size.X/2, screensize.Y/2 - size.Y/2, screensize.X/2 + size.X/2, screensize.Y/2 + size.Y/2 ); DesiredRect = rect; recalculateAbsolutePosition(false); basepos = getBasePos(); bp_set = 2; } else if(type == "list") { std::string name =";"); InventoryLocation loc; if(name == "context" || name == "current_name") loc = m_current_inventory_location; else loc.deSerialize(name); std::string listname =";"); v2s32 pos = basepos; pos.X += stof(",")) * (float)spacing.X; pos.Y += stof(";")) * (float)spacing.Y; v2s32 geom; geom.X = stoi(",")); geom.Y = stoi(";")); infostream<<"list inv="<<name<<", listname="<<listname <<", pos=("<<pos.X<<","<<pos.Y<<")" <<", geom=("<<geom.X<<","<<geom.Y<<")" <<std::endl; std::string start_i_s ="]"); s32 start_i = 0; if(start_i_s != "") start_i = stoi(start_i_s); if(bp_set != 2) errorstream<<"WARNING: invalid use of list without a size[] element"<<std::endl; m_inventorylists.push_back(ListDrawSpec(loc, listname, pos, geom, start_i)); } else if(type == "image") { v2s32 pos = basepos; pos.X += stof(",")) * (float)spacing.X; pos.Y += stof(";")) * (float)spacing.Y; v2s32 geom; geom.X = stof(",")) * (float)imgsize.X; geom.Y = stof(";")) * (float)imgsize.Y; std::string name ="]"); infostream<<"image name="<<name <<", pos=("<<pos.X<<","<<pos.Y<<")" <<", geom=("<<geom.X<<","<<geom.Y<<")" <<std::endl; if(bp_set != 2) errorstream<<"WARNING: invalid use of button without a size[] element"<<std::endl; m_images.push_back(ImageDrawSpec(name, pos, geom)); } else if(type == "field") { std::string fname =";"); std::string flabel =";"); if(fname.find(",") == std::string::npos && flabel.find(",") == std::string::npos) { if(!bp_set) { rect = core::rect<s32>( screensize.X/2 - 580/2, screensize.Y/2 - 300/2, screensize.X/2 + 580/2, screensize.Y/2 + 300/2 ); DesiredRect = rect; recalculateAbsolutePosition(false); basepos = getBasePos(); bp_set = 1; } else if(bp_set == 2) errorstream<<"WARNING: invalid use of unpositioned field in inventory"<<std::endl; v2s32 pos = basepos; pos.Y = ((m_fields.size()+2)*60); v2s32 size = DesiredRect.getSize(); rect = core::rect<s32>(size.X/2-150, pos.Y, (size.X/2-150)+300, pos.Y+30); } else { v2s32 pos; pos.X = stof(fname.substr(0,fname.find(","))) * (float)spacing.X; pos.Y = stof(fname.substr(fname.find(",")+1)) * (float)spacing.Y; v2s32 geom; geom.X = (stof(flabel.substr(0,flabel.find(","))) * (float)spacing.X)-(spacing.X-imgsize.X); pos.Y += (stof(flabel.substr(flabel.find(",")+1)) * (float)imgsize.Y)/2; rect = core::rect<s32>(pos.X, pos.Y-15, pos.X+geom.X, pos.Y+15); fname =";"); flabel =";"); if(bp_set != 2) errorstream<<"WARNING: invalid use of positioned field without a size[] element"<<std::endl; } std::string odefault ="]"); std::string fdefault; // fdefault may contain a variable reference, which // needs to be resolved from the node metadata if(m_form_src) fdefault = m_form_src->resolveText(odefault); else fdefault = odefault; FieldSpec spec = FieldSpec( narrow_to_wide(fname.c_str()), narrow_to_wide(flabel.c_str()), narrow_to_wide(fdefault.c_str()), 258+m_fields.size() ); // three cases: field and no label, label and no field, label and field if (flabel == "") { spec.send = true; gui::IGUIElement *e = Environment->addEditBox(spec.fdefault.c_str(), rect, true, this, spec.fid); Environment->setFocus(e); irr::SEvent evt; evt.EventType = EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT; evt.KeyInput.Key = KEY_END; evt.KeyInput.PressedDown = true; e->OnEvent(evt); } else if (fname == "") { // set spec field id to 0, this stops submit searching for a value that isn't there Environment->addStaticText(spec.flabel.c_str(), rect, false, true, this, spec.fid); } else { spec.send = true; gui::IGUIElement *e = Environment->addEditBox(spec.fdefault.c_str(), rect, true, this, spec.fid); Environment->setFocus(e); rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y -= 15; rect.LowerRightCorner.Y -= 15; Environment->addStaticText(spec.flabel.c_str(), rect, false, true, this, 0); irr::SEvent evt; evt.EventType = EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT; evt.KeyInput.Key = KEY_END; evt.KeyInput.PressedDown = true; e->OnEvent(evt); } m_fields.push_back(spec); } else if(type == "label") { v2s32 pos = padding; pos.X += stof(",")) * (float)spacing.X; pos.Y += stof(";")) * (float)spacing.Y; rect = core::rect<s32>(pos.X, pos.Y+((imgsize.Y/2)-15), pos.X+300, pos.Y+((imgsize.Y/2)+15)); std::string flabel ="]"); if(bp_set != 2) errorstream<<"WARNING: invalid use of label without a size[] element"<<std::endl; FieldSpec spec = FieldSpec( narrow_to_wide(""), narrow_to_wide(flabel.c_str()), narrow_to_wide(""), 258+m_fields.size() ); Environment->addStaticText(spec.flabel.c_str(), rect, false, true, this, spec.fid); m_fields.push_back(spec); } else if(type == "button" || type == "button_exit") { v2s32 pos = padding; pos.X += stof(",")) * (float)spacing.X; pos.Y += stof(";")) * (float)spacing.Y; v2s32 geom; geom.X = (stof(",")) * (float)spacing.X)-(spacing.X-imgsize.X); pos.Y += (stof(";")) * (float)imgsize.Y)/2; rect = core::rect<s32>(pos.X, pos.Y-15, pos.X+geom.X, pos.Y+15); std::string fname =";"); std::string flabel ="]"); if(bp_set != 2) errorstream<<"WARNING: invalid use of button without a size[] element"<<std::endl; FieldSpec spec = FieldSpec( narrow_to_wide(fname.c_str()), narrow_to_wide(flabel.c_str()), narrow_to_wide(""), 258+m_fields.size() ); spec.is_button = true; if(type == "button_exit") spec.is_exit = true; Environment->addButton(rect, this, spec.fid, spec.flabel.c_str()); m_fields.push_back(spec); } else if(type == "image_button" || type == "image_button_exit") { v2s32 pos = padding; pos.X += stof(",")) * (float)spacing.X; pos.Y += stof(";")) * (float)spacing.Y; v2s32 geom; geom.X = (stof(",")) * (float)spacing.X)-(spacing.X-imgsize.X); geom.Y = (stof(";")) * (float)spacing.Y)-(spacing.Y-imgsize.Y); rect = core::rect<s32>(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.X+geom.X, pos.Y+geom.Y); std::string fimage =";"); std::string fname =";"); std::string flabel ="]"); if(bp_set != 2) errorstream<<"WARNING: invalid use of image_button without a size[] element"<<std::endl; FieldSpec spec = FieldSpec( narrow_to_wide(fname.c_str()), narrow_to_wide(flabel.c_str()), narrow_to_wide(fimage.c_str()), 258+m_fields.size() ); spec.is_button = true; if(type == "image_button_exit") spec.is_exit = true; video::ITexture *texture = m_gamedef->tsrc()->getTextureRaw(fimage); gui::IGUIButton *e = Environment->addButton(rect, this, spec.fid, spec.flabel.c_str()); e->setImage(texture); e->setPressedImage(texture); e->setScaleImage(true); m_fields.push_back(spec); } else { // Ignore others std::string ts ="]"); infostream<<"Unknown DrawSpec: type="<<type<<", data=\""<<ts<<"\"" <<std::endl; } } // If there's inventory, put the usage string at the bottom if (m_inventorylists.size()) { changeCtype(""); core::rect<s32> rect(0, 0, size.X-padding.X*2, helptext_h); rect = rect + v2s32(size.X/2 - rect.getWidth()/2, size.Y-rect.getHeight()-5); const wchar_t *text = wgettext("Left click: Move all items, Right click: Move single item"); Environment->addStaticText(text, rect, false, true, this, 256); changeCtype("C"); } // If there's fields, add a Proceed button if (m_fields.size() && bp_set != 2) { // if the size wasn't set by an invsize[] or size[] adjust it now to fit all the fields rect = core::rect<s32>( screensize.X/2 - 580/2, screensize.Y/2 - 300/2, screensize.X/2 + 580/2, screensize.Y/2 + 240/2+(m_fields.size()*60) ); DesiredRect = rect; recalculateAbsolutePosition(false); basepos = getBasePos(); changeCtype(""); { v2s32 pos = basepos; pos.Y = ((m_fields.size()+2)*60); v2s32 size = DesiredRect.getSize(); rect = core::rect<s32>(size.X/2-70, pos.Y, (size.X/2-70)+140, pos.Y+30); Environment->addButton(rect, this, 257, wgettext("Proceed")); } changeCtype("C"); } // Add tooltip { // Note: parent != this so that the tooltip isn't clipped by the menu rectangle m_tooltip_element = Environment->addStaticText(L"",core::rect<s32>(0,0,110,18)); m_tooltip_element->enableOverrideColor(true); m_tooltip_element->setBackgroundColor(video::SColor(255,110,130,60)); m_tooltip_element->setDrawBackground(true); m_tooltip_element->setDrawBorder(true); m_tooltip_element->setOverrideColor(video::SColor(255,255,255,255)); m_tooltip_element->setTextAlignment(gui::EGUIA_CENTER, gui::EGUIA_CENTER); m_tooltip_element->setWordWrap(false); } }
void wxNotebook::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event) { if ( GetPageCount() == 0 ) { // Prevents droppings on resize, but does cause some flicker // when there are no pages. Refresh(); event.Skip(); return; } #ifndef __WXWINCE__ else { // Without this, we can sometimes get droppings at the edges // of a notebook, for example a notebook in a splitter window. // This needs to be reconciled with the RefreshRect calls // at the end of this function, which weren't enough to prevent // the droppings. wxSize sz = GetClientSize(); // Refresh right side wxRect rect(sz.x-4, 0, 4, sz.y); RefreshRect(rect); // Refresh bottom side rect = wxRect(0, sz.y-4, sz.x, 4); RefreshRect(rect); // Refresh left side rect = wxRect(0, 0, 4, sz.y); RefreshRect(rect); } #endif // !__WXWINCE__ // fit all the notebook pages to the tab control's display area RECT rc; rc.left = = 0; GetSize((int *)&rc.right, (int *)&rc.bottom); // save the total size, we'll use it below int widthNbook = rc.right - rc.left, heightNbook = rc.bottom -; // there seems to be a bug in the implementation of TabCtrl_AdjustRect(): it // returns completely false values for multiline tab controls after the tabs // are added but before getting the first WM_SIZE (off by ~50 pixels, see // // // // and the only work around I could find was this ugly hack... without it // simply toggling the "multiline" checkbox in the notebook sample resulted // in a noticeable page displacement if ( HasFlag(wxNB_MULTILINE) ) { // avoid an infinite recursion: we get another notification too! static bool s_isInOnSize = false; if ( !s_isInOnSize ) { s_isInOnSize = true; SendMessage(GetHwnd(), WM_SIZE, SIZE_RESTORED, MAKELPARAM(rc.right, rc.bottom)); s_isInOnSize = false; } // The best size depends on the number of rows of tabs, which can // change when the notepad is resized. InvalidateBestSize(); } #if wxUSE_UXTHEME // background bitmap size has changed, update the brush using it too UpdateBgBrush(); #endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME TabCtrl_AdjustRect(GetHwnd(), false, &rc); int width = rc.right - rc.left, height = rc.bottom -; size_t nCount = m_pages.Count(); for ( size_t nPage = 0; nPage < nCount; nPage++ ) { wxNotebookPage *pPage = m_pages[nPage]; pPage->SetSize(rc.left,, width, height); } // unless we had already repainted everything, we now need to refresh if ( !HasFlag(wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) ) { // invalidate areas not covered by pages RefreshRect(wxRect(0, 0, widthNbook,, false); RefreshRect(wxRect(0,, rc.left, height), false); RefreshRect(wxRect(0, rc.bottom, widthNbook, heightNbook - rc.bottom), false); RefreshRect(wxRect(rc.right,, widthNbook - rc.right, height), false); } #if USE_NOTEBOOK_ANTIFLICKER // subclass the spin control used by the notebook to scroll pages to // prevent it from flickering on resize if ( !m_hasSubclassedUpdown ) { // iterate over all child windows to find spin button for ( HWND child = ::GetWindow(GetHwnd(), GW_CHILD); child; child = ::GetWindow(child, GW_HWNDNEXT) ) { wxWindow *childWindow = wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND)child); // see if it exists, if no wxWindow found then assume it's the spin // btn if ( !childWindow ) { // subclass the spin button to override WM_ERASEBKGND if ( !gs_wndprocNotebookSpinBtn ) gs_wndprocNotebookSpinBtn = (WXFARPROC)wxGetWindowProc(child); wxSetWindowProc(child, wxNotebookSpinBtnWndProc); m_hasSubclassedUpdown = true; break; } } } // Probably because of the games we play above to avoid flicker sometimes // the text controls inside notebook pages are not shown correctly (they // don't have their borders) when the notebook is shown for the first time. // It's not really clear why does this happen and maybe the bug is in // wxTextCtrl itself and not here but updating the page when it's about to // be shown doesn't cost much and works around the problem so do it here // for now. if ( !m_doneUpdateHack && IsShownOnScreen() ) { m_doneUpdateHack = true; wxWindow* const page = GetCurrentPage(); if ( page ) page->Update(); } #endif // USE_NOTEBOOK_ANTIFLICKER event.Skip(); }
/*! Recalculate the slider's geometry and layout based on the current rect and fonts. \param update_geometry notify the layout system and call update to redraw the scale */ void QwtSlider::layoutSlider( bool update_geometry ) { int sliderWidth = d_thumbWidth; int sld1 = d_thumbLength / 2 - 1; int sld2 = d_thumbLength / 2 + d_thumbLength % 2; if ( d_bgStyle & BgTrough ) { sliderWidth += 2 * d_borderWidth; sld1 += d_borderWidth; sld2 += d_borderWidth; } int scd = 0; if ( d_scalePos != None ) { int d1, d2; scaleDraw()->minBorderDist(fontMetrics(), d1, d2); scd = QMAX(d1, d2); } int slo = scd - sld1; if ( slo < 0 ) slo = 0; const QRect r = rect(); if (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) { switch (d_scalePos) { case Top: d_sliderRect.setRect( r.x() + d_xMargin + slo, r.y() + r.height() - d_yMargin - sliderWidth, r.width() - 2 * d_xMargin - 2 * slo, sliderWidth); scaleDraw()->setGeometry( d_sliderRect.x() + sld1, d_sliderRect.y() - d_scaleDist, d_sliderRect.width() - sld1 - sld2, QwtScaleDraw::Top); break; case Bottom: d_sliderRect.setRect( r.x() + d_xMargin + slo, r.y() + d_yMargin, r.width() - 2 * d_xMargin - 2 * slo, sliderWidth); scaleDraw()->setGeometry( d_sliderRect.x() + sld1, d_sliderRect.y() + d_sliderRect.height() + d_scaleDist, d_sliderRect.width() - sld1 - sld2, QwtScaleDraw::Bottom); break; case None: // like Bottom, but no scale. See QwtSlider(). default: // inconsistent orientation and scale position // QwtScaleDraw is derived from QwtDiMap. // The map serves to transform between coordinates and doubles. d_sliderRect.setRect( r.x() + d_xMargin + slo, r.y() + d_yMargin, r.width() - 2 * d_xMargin - 2 * slo, sliderWidth); scaleDraw()->setIntRange( d_sliderRect.x() + sld1, d_sliderRect.x() + d_sliderRect.width() - sld2 - 1); break; } } else // if (orientation() == Qt::Vertical { switch (d_scalePos) { case Right: d_sliderRect.setRect( r.x() + d_xMargin, r.y() + d_yMargin + slo, sliderWidth, r.height() - 2 * d_yMargin - 2 * slo); scaleDraw()->setGeometry( d_sliderRect.x() + d_sliderRect.width() + d_scaleDist, d_sliderRect.y() + sld1, d_sliderRect.height() - sld1 - sld2, QwtScaleDraw::Right); break; case Left: d_sliderRect.setRect( r.x() + r.width() - sliderWidth - d_xMargin, r.y() + d_yMargin + slo, sliderWidth, r.height() - 2 * d_yMargin - 2 * slo); scaleDraw()->setGeometry( d_sliderRect.x() - d_scaleDist, d_sliderRect.y() + sld1, d_sliderRect.height() - sld1 - sld2, QwtScaleDraw::Left); break; case None: // like Left, but no scale. See QwtSlider(). default: // inconsistent orientation and scale position // QwtScaleDraw is derived from QwtDiMap. // The map serves to transform between coordinates and doubles. d_sliderRect.setRect( r.x() + r.width() - sliderWidth - d_xMargin, r.y() + d_yMargin + slo, sliderWidth, r.height() - 2 * d_yMargin - 2 * slo); scaleDraw()->setIntRange( d_sliderRect.y() + d_sliderRect.height() - sld2 - 1, d_sliderRect.y() + sld1); break; } } if ( update_geometry ) { updateGeometry(); update(); } }
void Polygon2DEditor::_uv_draw() { Ref<Texture> base_tex = node->get_texture(); if (base_tex.is_null()) return; Transform2D mtx; mtx.elements[2] = -uv_draw_ofs; mtx.scale_basis(Vector2(uv_draw_zoom, uv_draw_zoom)); VS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_set_transform(uv_edit_draw->get_canvas_item(), mtx); uv_edit_draw->draw_texture(base_tex, Point2()); VS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_set_transform(uv_edit_draw->get_canvas_item(), Transform2D()); if (snap_show_grid) { Size2 s = uv_edit_draw->get_size(); int last_cell = 0; if (snap_step.x != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < s.width; i++) { int cell = Math::fast_ftoi(Math::floor((mtx.affine_inverse().xform(Vector2(i, 0)).x - snap_offset.x) / snap_step.x)); if (i == 0) last_cell = cell; if (last_cell != cell) uv_edit_draw->draw_line(Point2(i, 0), Point2(i, s.height), Color(0.3, 0.7, 1, 0.3)); last_cell = cell; } } if (snap_step.y != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < s.height; i++) { int cell = Math::fast_ftoi(Math::floor((mtx.affine_inverse().xform(Vector2(0, i)).y - snap_offset.y) / snap_step.y)); if (i == 0) last_cell = cell; if (last_cell != cell) uv_edit_draw->draw_line(Point2(0, i), Point2(s.width, i), Color(0.3, 0.7, 1, 0.3)); last_cell = cell; } } } PoolVector<Vector2> uvs = node->get_uv(); Ref<Texture> handle = get_icon("EditorHandle", "EditorIcons"); Rect2 rect(Point2(), mtx.basis_xform(base_tex->get_size())); rect.expand_to(mtx.basis_xform(uv_edit_draw->get_size())); for (int i = 0; i < uvs.size(); i++) { int next = (i + 1) % uvs.size(); uv_edit_draw->draw_line(mtx.xform(uvs[i]), mtx.xform(uvs[next]), Color(0.9, 0.5, 0.5), 2); uv_edit_draw->draw_texture(handle, mtx.xform(uvs[i]) - handle->get_size() * 0.5); rect.expand_to(mtx.basis_xform(uvs[i])); } rect = rect.grow(200); updating_uv_scroll = true; uv_hscroll->set_min(rect.position.x); uv_hscroll->set_max(rect.position.x + rect.size.x); uv_hscroll->set_page(uv_edit_draw->get_size().x); uv_hscroll->set_value(uv_draw_ofs.x); uv_hscroll->set_step(0.001); uv_vscroll->set_min(rect.position.y); uv_vscroll->set_max(rect.position.y + rect.size.y); uv_vscroll->set_page(uv_edit_draw->get_size().y); uv_vscroll->set_value(uv_draw_ofs.y); uv_vscroll->set_step(0.001); updating_uv_scroll = false; }
QgsOracleFeatureIterator::QgsOracleFeatureIterator( QgsOracleFeatureSource* source, bool ownSource, const QgsFeatureRequest &request ) : QgsAbstractFeatureIteratorFromSource<QgsOracleFeatureSource>( source, ownSource, request ) , mRewind( false ) { mConnection = QgsOracleConn::connectDb( mSource->mUri.connectionInfo() ); if ( !mConnection ) { close(); return; } mQry = QSqlQuery( *mConnection ); if ( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::SubsetOfAttributes ) { mAttributeList = mRequest.subsetOfAttributes(); if ( mAttributeList.isEmpty() ) mAttributeList = mSource->mFields.allAttributesList(); } else mAttributeList = mSource->mFields.allAttributesList(); QString whereClause; switch ( request.filterType() ) { case QgsFeatureRequest::FilterExpression: break; case QgsFeatureRequest::FilterRect: if ( !mSource->mGeometryColumn.isNull() && mSource->mHasSpatialIndex ) { QgsRectangle rect( mRequest.filterRect() ); QString bbox = QString( "mdsys.sdo_geometry(2003,%1,NULL," "mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,3)," "mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(%2,%3,%4,%5)" ")" ) .arg( mSource->mSrid < 1 ? "NULL" : QString::number( mSource->mSrid ) ) .arg( qgsDoubleToString( rect.xMinimum() ) ) .arg( qgsDoubleToString( rect.yMinimum() ) ) .arg( qgsDoubleToString( rect.xMaximum() ) ) .arg( qgsDoubleToString( rect.yMaximum() ) ); whereClause = QString( "sdo_filter(%1,%2)='TRUE'" ).arg( QgsOracleProvider::quotedIdentifier( mSource->mGeometryColumn ) ).arg( bbox ); if ( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect && mConnection->hasSpatial() ) { whereClause += QString( " AND sdo_relate(%1,%2,'mask=ANYINTERACT')='TRUE'" ) .arg( QgsOracleProvider::quotedIdentifier( mSource->mGeometryColumn ) ) .arg( bbox ); } } break; case QgsFeatureRequest::FilterFid: whereClause = QgsOracleUtils::whereClause( request.filterFid(), mSource->mFields, mSource->mPrimaryKeyType, mSource->mPrimaryKeyAttrs, mSource->mShared ); break; case QgsFeatureRequest::FilterFids: whereClause = QgsOracleUtils::whereClause( request.filterFids(), mSource->mFields, mSource->mPrimaryKeyType, mSource->mPrimaryKeyAttrs, mSource->mShared ); break; case QgsFeatureRequest::FilterNone: break; } if ( mSource->mRequestedGeomType != QGis::WKBUnknown && mSource->mRequestedGeomType != mSource->mDetectedGeomType ) { if ( !whereClause.isEmpty() ) whereClause += " AND "; whereClause += QgsOracleConn::databaseTypeFilter( "featureRequest", mSource->mGeometryColumn, mSource->mRequestedGeomType ); } if ( !mSource->mSqlWhereClause.isEmpty() ) { if ( !whereClause.isEmpty() ) whereClause += " AND "; whereClause += "(" + mSource->mSqlWhereClause + ")"; } openQuery( whereClause ); }
QString QSRectClass::toString(const QSObject *obj) const { QRect *r = rect(obj); return QString::fromLatin1("(%1, %2, %3, %4)").arg(r->x()).arg(r->y()) .arg(r->width()).arg(r->height()); }
void KeyBoardPreview::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event) { QPainter p(this); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); p.setBrush(QColor(0xd6, 0xd6, 0xd6)); p.drawRect(rect()); QPen pen; pen.setWidth(1); pen.setColor(QColor(0x58, 0x58, 0x58)); p.setPen(pen); p.setBrush(QColor(0x58, 0x58, 0x58)); p.setBackgroundMode(Qt::TransparentMode); p.translate(0.5, 0.5); int rx = 3; int x=6; int y=6; int first_key_w = 0; int remaining_x[] = {0,0,0,0}; int remaining_widths[] = {0,0,0,0}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (first_key_w > 0) { first_key_w = first_key_w*1.375; if (kb == &kbList[KB_105] && i == 3) first_key_w = key_w * 1.275; p.drawRoundedRect(QRectF(6, y, first_key_w, key_w), rx, rx); x = 6 + first_key_w + space; } else { first_key_w = key_w; } bool last_end = (i==1 && ! kb->kb_extended_return); int rw=usable_width-x; int ii=0; foreach (int k, kb-> { QRectF rect = QRectF(x, y, key_w, key_w); if (ii == kb-> && last_end) rect.setWidth(rw); p.drawRoundedRect(rect, rx, rx); rect.adjust(5, 1, 0, 0); p.setPen(QColor(0x9e, 0xde, 0x00)); p.setFont(upperFont); p.drawText(rect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, shift_text(k)); rect.setBottom(rect.bottom() - 2.5); p.setPen(QColor(0xff, 0xff, 0xff)); p.setFont(lowerFont); p.drawText(rect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, regular_text(k)); rw = rw - space - key_w; x = x + space + key_w; ii = ii+1; p.setPen(pen); } remaining_x[i] = x; remaining_widths[i] = rw; if (i != 1 && i != 2) p.drawRoundedRect(QRectF(x, y, rw, key_w), rx, rx); y = y + space + key_w; } if (kb->kb_extended_return) { rx=rx*2; int x1 = remaining_x[1]; int y1 = 6 + key_w*1 + space*1; int w1 = remaining_widths[1]; int x2 = remaining_x[2]; int y2 = 6 + key_w*2 + space*2; // this is some serious crap... but it has to be so // maybe one day keyboards won't look like this... // one can only hope QPainterPath pp; pp.moveTo(x1, y1+rx); pp.arcTo(x1, y1, rx, rx, 180, -90); pp.lineTo(x1+w1-rx, y1); pp.arcTo(x1+w1-rx, y1, rx, rx, 90, -90); pp.lineTo(x1+w1, y2+key_w-rx); pp.arcTo(x1+w1-rx, y2+key_w-rx, rx, rx, 0, -90); pp.lineTo(x2+rx, y2+key_w); pp.arcTo(x2, y2+key_w-rx, rx, rx, -90, -90); pp.lineTo(x2, y1+key_w); pp.lineTo(x1+rx, y1+key_w); pp.arcTo(x1, y1+key_w-rx, rx, rx, -90, -90); pp.closeSubpath(); p.drawPath(pp); } else { x= remaining_x[2]; y = 6 + key_w*2 + space*2; p.drawRoundedRect(QRectF(x, y, remaining_widths[2], key_w), rx, rx); } QWidget::paintEvent(event); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: setBottomCoordinate() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AddressSpaceVisualizationItem::setBottomCoordinate(qreal yCoordinate) { qreal width = rect().width(); qreal height = yCoordinate - y(); setRect(0, 0, width, height); VisualizerItem::reorganizeChildren(); }