Ejemplo n.º 1
void Node_Value_Parser::give_input(const std::string& i, Node_Value& nv, Moldable* bc)
    input = i;
    if (input.empty())

    /* As long as we have input that is reducable, keep reducing it.*/
	while (Mogu_Syntax::TOKEN_DELIM == tm.current_token()
	    && (!tm.fetch_string().empty())
	    && (tm.fetch_string().at(0)!='"')
	    && (tm.fetch_string().find_first_of(" ") != std::string::npos))
	    std::string new_input = tm.fetch_string();

	    if (input!=new_input)
	        input = new_input;
	    else break;

	//if we have more than one token in numTokens at this point (or
	//two if the first token is TOKEN DELIM), something has gone wrong

	if(tm.current_token() == Mogu_Syntax::TOKEN_DELIM)
	tm.reset(); // Clear the TokenManager to prepare for the next input

Ejemplo n.º 2
int process_edgesetdelay_waveform(int actablelines, char *GCTNAME, char *cyclebuff, long *tell, 
		int which, int *forward, char *pin, int DSET, int CNT, int *modcode, 
		char name[][FINDME_SIZE + 1], int en[], int enable_edge[]) {
	int edgecnt, splitcell = 0, found;
	int i, j, ne, neST = 0, wtlookup;
	int holdlen, ret, delay[MAX_EDGES + 1], formatpick[MAX_EDGES + 1],
	int D0L, D0H, D1L, D1H, DbL, DbH, cxL, cxH, A0, A1, Z0, Z1;
	int lcode0[MAX_EDGES + 1], lcode1[MAX_EDGES + 1];
	int cellisdrv, cellisNOTstrb, eloc, laststart;
	char findme[FINDME_SIZE + 1], ALIASSTR[MAX_EDGES + 1], tpin[PINSIZE];
	char org[MAX_EDGES + 1][WF_EXPR_LEN];
	char field[MAX_EDGES + 1][100][WF_EXPR_LEN], dupwarn[WF_EXPR_LEN];
	static int WINLEFTPEND = 0;

/* FIXME: APS since pinlist is last we can ignore it... for now */
/* EdgeSet         (wave,edge,edgetype,time) */
/* EdgeSetDelay    (wave,edge,edgetype,time,delay) */
/* EdgeSetDelayData(wave,edge,chan,edgetype0,vth0,time0,delay0,edgetype1,vth1,time1,delay1) */
/* EdgeSetPinList(wave,edge,edgetype,time,pinlist) */
/* EdgeSetDelayPinList(wave,edge,edgetype,time,delay,pinlist) */
/* EdgeSetDelayDataPinList(wave,edge,chan,edgetype0,vth0,time0,delay0,edgetype1,vth1,time1,delay1,pinlist) */
	strcpy(findme, acwaves[which + 0].w);
	eloc = acwaves[which + 0].loc;
	laststart = acwaves[which + 0].laststart;

	if (MUXFLAG && NOMUX == 0) sprintf(tpin, "%s-MUXSECONDARYPINS", pin);
	else strcpy(tpin, pin);

/*   This is now done in process_waveforms() */
//   for (i=0;i<=MAX_EDGES;i++) { en[i]=enable_edge[i]=0; name[i][0]='\0'; }

	ne = break_up_edges(actablelines, en, enable_edge, name, findme, which, forward);

	for (splitcell = i = 0; i <= ne; i++) {
		if (strstr(name[i], "EdgeSetDelayData") != NULL) {
			formatpick[i] = 3;
			nDELAYDATA[i] = 0;
			splitcell = 1;
		else {					/* This is for EdgeSet() with No delay, or just EdgeSetDelay() */
			formatpick[i] = 2;
			nDELAYDATA[i] = 1;
		delay[i] = 0;
		if (strstr(name[i], "Delay") != NULL) delay[i] = 1;
		if (strstr(name[i], "DelayData") != NULL) delay[i] = 2;
		ALIASSTR[i] = 'n';
		for (j = 0; j < MF_EDGESETDATA; j++) field[en[i]][j][0] = '\0';
		lcode1[i] = lcode0[i] = FC_NULLEDGE;
	ALIASSTR[i] = '\0';

	*modcode = FC_NULLEDGE;

	if (CNT != 0) sprintf(dupwarn, "_MULTIPLE_DEF%03d", CNT);
	else dupwarn[0] = '\0';

	reduce_expressions(ne, en, name, field);
	neST = 0;
	if (ne >= 4) {				/* we can only deal with four */
		if (strstr(field[en[0]][formatpick[0]], "DriveOff") != NULL) {
			/* move everything forward. FIXME: APS Not sure if this is valid in all cases. */
			fprintf(fpstatus,"AdvisoryC0[%04d]:Warning we have more than four edges on wfm[%s]\n", WARNING, field[en[0]][0]);
			fprintf(fpstatus,"AdvisoryC1[%04d]:Since the first is a DriveOff we'll ignore it and move everything forward.\n", WARNING);
			fprintf(fpstatus,"AdvisoryC2[%04d]:This assumption needs to be validated!\n", WARNING);
			fprintf(fpstatus, "AdvisoryC3[%04d]:Sourced from %s,%d,%s\n",
					WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
			neST = 1;
		else {
			fprintf(fpstatus,"AdvisoryD0[%04d]:Can't represent a 5+ edge waveform [%s]\n", WARNING, field[en[0]][0]);
			fprintf(fpstatus,"AdvisoryD1[%04d]:You'll need to look at this one...\n", WARNING);
			fprintf(fpstatus, "AdvisoryD2[%04d]:Sourced from %s,%d,%s\n",
					WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);

	for (i = neST; i <= ne; i++) {
		if (nDELAYDATA[i] == 1) sprintf(SCATcycle, "//ES[%d]:%s\n", ne, name[en[i]]);
		else if (nDELAYDATA[i] == 0) sprintf(SCATcycle, "//ESD[%d]:%s\n", ne, name[en[i]]);
		strcat(cyclebuff, SCATcycle);
		if (NULL != strstr(field[i][2], "ChanSecond")) CHANSECOND[i] = 1;
		else CHANSECOND[i] = 0;

/* need to search origin array also!!!!! */
	for (i = 0; i <= MAX_EDGES; i++) org[i][0] = '\0';
	for (i = neST; i <= ne; i++) {
		ret = find_origin(&field[en[i]][0][0], org, laststart, __FILE__);
		if (ret == -1) {
			fprintf(stderr,"element=%d,GCT=%s,Cellname=%s,cellname[elem]=%s,PIN=[%s],  from source[%s,%d,%s]\n",
					en[i], GCTNAME, field[0][0], field[en[i]][0], pin,
					__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);

	D0L = AM_driveoffLOD0;
	D0H = AM_driveoffHID0;		/* Default */
	D1L = AM_driveoffLOD1;
	D1H = AM_driveoffHID1;		/* this is DriveOff DSET0 should be z/Z */
	lcode0[0] = lcode0[1] = lcode0[2] = lcode0[3] = lcode0[4] = FC_DUMMY;
	lcode1[0] = lcode1[1] = lcode1[2] = lcode1[3] = lcode1[4] = FC_DUMMY;

/* Process the "Offs" first so drives and strobes later can change the settings. */

	for (i = neST; i <= ne; i++) {	/* was: (i=ne-1;i>=0;i--) */

		if (0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "DriveOff")) {
			D0L = AM_driveoffLOD0;
			D0H = AM_driveoffHID0;
			DbL = D1L = AM_driveoffLOD1;
			DbH = D1H = AM_driveoffHID1;
			if (*modcode == FC_NULLEDGE) *modcode = FC_DRIVEOFF;
			if (DSET == 0) lcode0[i] = FC_DRIVEOFF;
			if (DSET == 1) lcode1[i] = FC_DRIVEOFF;
		else if (0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "StrobeOff")) {
			D0L = AM_strobeoffLOD0;
			D0H = AM_strobeoffHID0;
			DbL = D1L = AM_strobeoffLOD1;
			DbH = D1H = AM_strobeoffHID1;
			if (*modcode == FC_NULLEDGE) *modcode = FC_STROBEOFF;
			if (DSET == 0) lcode0[i] = FC_STROBEOFF;
			if (DSET == 1) lcode1[i] = FC_STROBEOFF;

	cellisNOTstrb = 1;
	cellisdrv = 0;

	for (i = neST; i <= ne; i++) {	/* was: (i=ne-1;i>=0;i--) */
		/* assume that first edges dominate!!! same drives dominate to DSET1 */

		if (strstr(name[i], "EdgeSetDelayData") != NULL) {
			formatpick[i] = 3;
			nDELAYDATA[i] = 0;
		else {
			formatpick[i] = 2;
			nDELAYDATA[i] = 1;
		}						/* this is for EdgeSet with No delay, or just EdgeSetDelay()  */

		if (0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "DriveHigh") ||
			0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "DriveLow") ||
			0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "DriveData") ||
			0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "DriveComplement")) {
			D0L = AM_driveLOD0;
			D0H = AM_driveHID0;
			DbL = D1L = AM_driveLOD1;
			DbH = D1H = AM_driveHID1;
			*modcode = FC_DRIVEDATA;
			if (DSET == 0) lcode0[i] = FC_DRIVEDATA;	/* these will overwrite offs */
			if (DSET == 1) lcode1[i] = FC_DRIVEDATA;
			cellisdrv = 1;
		else if (0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "NullEdge")) {
			DbL = D0L = D1L = AM_continueLO;
			DbH = D0H = D1H = AM_continue;
			if (*modcode == FC_NULLEDGE) *modcode = FC_NULLEDGE;
			lcode0[i] = lcode1[i] = FC_NULLEDGE;
//       else if (0==strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]],"StrobeLatch")) {
//          DbL=D0L=DbH=D0H=D1L=D1H=AM_continue;
//          if (*modcode==FC_NULLEDGE)  *modcode=FC_NULLEDGE;
//          lcode0[i]=lcode1[i]=FC_NULLEDGE;
//          }
		else if (0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "EdgeStrobeLow")
				 || 0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "EdgeStrobeHigh")
				 || 0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "EdgeStrobeData")
				 || 0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "EdgeStrobeComplement")) {
			DbL = D0L = AM_edgestbLOD0;
			DbH = D0H = AM_edgestbHID0;
			D1L = AM_edgestbLOD1;
			D1H = AM_edgestbHID1;
			*modcode = FC_EDGEDATA;
			if (DSET == 0) lcode0[i] = FC_EDGEDATA;	/* these will overwrite offs */
			if (DSET == 1) lcode1[i] = FC_EDGEDATA;
			cellisNOTstrb = 0;
		else if (0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "EdgeStrobeZ")) {	/* but this should have one value..., but we'll give it two */
			D0L = AM_edgefloatD0;
			D0H = AM_edgefloatD0;
			D1L = AM_edgefloatD1;
			D1H = AM_edgefloatD1;
			*modcode = lcode0[i] = FC_EDGEFLOAT;
			if (DSET == 0) lcode0[i] = FC_EDGEFLOAT;	/* these will overwrite offs */
			if (DSET == 1) lcode1[i] = FC_EDGEFLOAT;
			cellisNOTstrb = 0;
		else if (0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "StrobeLow") ||
				 0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "StrobeHigh") ||
				 0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "StrobeData") ||
				 0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "StrobeComplement")) {
			DbL = D0L = AM_windowLOD0;
			DbH = D0H = AM_windowHID0;
			D1L = AM_windowLOD1;
			D1H = AM_windowHID1;
			*modcode = FC_WINDOWOPEN; /* initially leave this pending for close by strobeoffs */
			if (DSET == 0) lcode0[i] = FC_WINDOWDATA;
			if (DSET == 1) lcode1[i] = FC_WINDOWDATA;
			cellisNOTstrb = 0;
		else if (0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "StrobeZ")) {	/* but this should have one value..., but we'll give it two */
			DbL = D0L = AM_windowfloatD0;
			DbH = D0H = AM_windowfloatD0;
			D1L = AM_windowfloatD1;
			D1H = AM_windowfloatD1;
			*modcode = FC_WINDOWOPENZ; /* initially leave this pending for close by strobeoffs */
			if (DSET == 0) {
				lcode0[i] = FC_WINDOWFLOAT;
			if (DSET == 1) {
				lcode1[i] = FC_WINDOWFLOAT;
			cellisNOTstrb = 0;
		else if ((0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "StrobeOffLow")
				  || 0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "StrobeOffHigh")
				  || 0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "StrobeOffData")
				  || 0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "StrobeOffComplement")
				  || 0 == strcmp(field[en[i]][formatpick[i]], "StrobeOff"))) {
			if (DSET == 0) lcode0[i] = FC_STROBEOFF;
			if (DSET == 1) lcode1[i] = FC_STROBEOFF;
			if (*modcode == FC_WINDOWOPEN) *modcode = FC_WINDOWDATA; /* close the window! */
			else if (*modcode == FC_WINDOWOPENZ) *modcode = FC_WINDOWFLOAT; /* close the window! */
			if (DbL != AM_windowLOD0 && DbL != AM_windowfloatD0) {	/* if its already a window strobe then don't erase it ! */
				DbL = D0L = AM_strobeoffLOD0;
				DbH = D0H = AM_strobeoffHID0;
				D1L = AM_strobeoffLOD1;
				D1H = AM_strobeoffHID1;
				if (*modcode == FC_NULLEDGE) *modcode = FC_STROBEOFF;
//				else {
//					fprintf(stdout,"FC_STROBEOFF=%c SET to STROBEOFF\n",*modcode);
//					*modcode = FC_STROBEOFF;
//					}
			}					/* this is for strobeoff as compare which could be masked */
			cellisNOTstrb = 0;
			//cellisNOTstrb=1;/* assume if its !ONLY! strobe off then it has been preset before entering */
	}							/* drives dominate to DSET1 if same, strobes and offs to DSET0 */

	wtlookup = -2;
	holdlen = *tell + strlen(cyclebuff);

/* WAS: (APS 0/4/27/2009) */
//   for (i=0;i<maxstartstop;i++) { /* if we don't find it then it gets left at the multidef from above */
//      if (startstop[i].type==SSSTART && startstop[i].loc<acwaves[which+0].loc) {
//         dupwarn[0]=startstop[i].cdtcode;
//         dupwarn[1]='\0';
//         }
//      }
/* NEW:  this exists in process_edgesets too! */
	found = 0;
/* find which start/stop pair it lies between */
	for (i = 0; i < maxstartstop; i++) {	/* if we don't find it then it gets left at the multidef from above */
		if (startstop[i].type == SSSTART
			&& startstop[i].loc <= acwaves[which + 0].loc
			&& startstop[startstop[i].startpt2stop].loc >= acwaves[which + 0].loc) {
			dupwarn[0] = cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtcode = startstop[i].cdtcode;
			cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[0] = startstop[i].cdtcode;
//         fprintf(stdout,"FOUND[%s,%s,%c,%d], source[%s,%d,%s]\n",GCTNAME,field[0][0],
//             cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[0],acwaves[which+0].loc,__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
			cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[1] = '\0';
			dupwarn[1] = '\0';
	if (found == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "NOT FOUND![%s,%s,%c,%d], source[%s,%d,%s]\n",
				GCTNAME, field[0][0], cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[0],
				acwaves[which + 0].loc, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);

	edgecnt = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_EDGES; i++) {
		cellinfo[cellcnt].formats[i] = -1;

	if (DSET == 0) chk_problem_type(0, lcode0, field, GCTNAME, dupwarn);
	if (DSET == 1) chk_problem_type(1, lcode1, field, GCTNAME, dupwarn);

	if (DSET == 0) {
		for (i = 0; i <= ne; i++) ALIASSTR[i] = (lcode0[i] == FC_DUMMY) ? FC_ASCII : lcode0[i];
		ALIASSTR[i] = '\0';
	else {						/* (DSET==1) */
		for (i = 0; i <= ne; i++) ALIASSTR[i] = (lcode1[i] == FC_DUMMY) ? FC_ASCII : lcode1[i];
		ALIASSTR[i] = '\0';
	if (*modcode == FC_WINDOWOPEN || *modcode == FC_WINDOWOPENZ) {
		fprintf(fpstatus,"CELL[%s]%c window left pending\n",field[0][0],*modcode);
		if (WINLEFTPEND == 0) {
			fprintf(stdout,"CELL[%s]%c window left pending\n",field[0][0],*modcode);
			fprintf(stdout,"*********\nSupressing future wintype prints to stdout (remainder logged to %s)\n**********\n",TRANSLATION_STATUS);
	if (cellisdrv) cellisNOTstrb = 1;
	if (D0H == AM_continue || D0L == AM_continueLO) {
		cellinfo[cellcnt].filepos = holdlen;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[0] = cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtcode = startstop[i].cdtcode;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[1] = '\0';
		cellinfo[cellcnt].actline = which;
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].wftname, GCTNAME);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].cellname, field[0][0]);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].pin, tpin);
		cellinfo[cellcnt].multidefnum = CNT;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].formatnum = wtlookup;
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_EDGES; i++) {
			cellinfo[cellcnt].formats[i] = (DSET == 0) ? lcode0[i] : lcode1[i];
		cellinfo[cellcnt].problemtype = PT_NOPROBLEM;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].alias0 = A0 = AM_continueLO;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].alias1 = A1 = AM_BOGUS;
		sprintf(SCATcycle,"Cell \"%s\" %c %s_ADSET%01d%s_cat_%s {\n   Data %c;\n", pin,
				A0,field[0][0], DSET, ALIASSTR, dupwarn,'0');
		strcat(cyclebuff, SCATcycle);
		sprintf(SCATcycle,"   Compare {   \n       EntryState CompareLow;\n      }\n");
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].cellexpr,"   Compare {   \n       EntryState CompareOpenLow;\n      }\n");
		strcat(cyclebuff, SCATcycle);
//		edgeset_make_wfms(cyclebuff, field, en, ne, neST, org, 0, delay, nDELAYDATA);
		strcat(cyclebuff, "}\n");
/* --- */
		cellinfo[cellcnt].filepos = holdlen;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[0] = cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtcode = startstop[i].cdtcode;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[1] = '\0';
		cellinfo[cellcnt].actline = which;
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].wftname, GCTNAME);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].cellname, field[0][0]);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].pin, tpin);
		cellinfo[cellcnt].multidefnum = CNT;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].formatnum = wtlookup;
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_EDGES; i++) {
			cellinfo[cellcnt].formats[i] = (DSET == 0) ? lcode0[i] : lcode1[i];
		cellinfo[cellcnt].problemtype = PT_NOPROBLEM;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].alias0 = A0 = AM_continue;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].alias1 = A1 = AM_BOGUS;
		sprintf(SCATcycle,"Cell \"%s\" %c %s_BDSET%01d%s_cat_%s {\n   Data %c;\n", pin,
				A0,field[0][0], DSET, ALIASSTR, dupwarn,'1');
		strcat(cyclebuff, SCATcycle);
		sprintf(SCATcycle,"   Compare {   \n       EntryState CompareOpenHigh;\n      }\n");
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].cellexpr,"   Compare {   \n       EntryState CompareOpenHigh;\n      }\n");
		strcat(cyclebuff, SCATcycle);
//		edgeset_make_wfms(cyclebuff, field, en, ne, neST, org, 0, delay,
//						  nDELAYDATA);
		strcat(cyclebuff, "}\n");
/* --- */
	/* continue Drive is dealt with in the generic/COMMON_WFT table */
	else if (cellisNOTstrb) {	/* drive */

		/* ok, here we've decided for code simplicity to update the primary cell and */
		/* the splitHi cell but increment by one if combined, and increment by two if */
		/* split. control variable is splitcell. */
		cellinfo[cellcnt].filepos = cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].filepos = holdlen;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[0] = cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtcode = startstop[i].cdtcode;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[1] = '\0';
		cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].cdtstr[0] = cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].cdtcode = startstop[i].cdtcode;
		cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].cdtstr[1] = '\0';
		cellinfo[cellcnt].actline = cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].actline = which;
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].wftname, GCTNAME);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].wftname, GCTNAME);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].cellname, field[0][0]);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].cellname, field[0][0]);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].pin, tpin);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].pin, tpin);
		cellinfo[cellcnt].multidefnum = cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].multidefnum = CNT;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].formatnum = cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].formatnum = wtlookup;
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_EDGES; i++) {
			cellinfo[cellcnt].formats[i] = (DSET == 0) ? lcode0[i] : lcode1[i];
			cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].formats[i] = (DSET == 0) ? lcode0[i] : lcode1[i];
		cellinfo[cellcnt].problemtype = cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].problemtype = PT_NOPROBLEM;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].alias0 = A0 = (DSET == 0) ? D0L : (DSET == 1) ? D1L : DbL;
		cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].alias0 = A1 = (DSET == 0) ? D0H : (DSET == 1) ? D1H : DbH;

		if (splitcell) cellinfo[cellcnt].alias1 = cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].alias1 = AM_BOGUS;	/* bogus value */
		else cellinfo[cellcnt].alias1 = A1 = (DSET == 0) ? D0H : (DSET == 1) ? D1H : DbH;

		if (splitcell)
			sprintf(SCATcycle,"Cell \"%s\" %c %s_ADSET%01d%s_cat_%s {\n   Data %c;\n",
					tpin, A0, field[0][0], DSET, ALIASSTR, dupwarn,
					cellisdrv * 4 + 2 + '0');
			sprintf(SCATcycle,"Cell \"%s\" %c/%c %s_DSET%01d%s_cat_%s {\n   Data %c/%c;\n",
					tpin, A0, A1, field[0][0], DSET, ALIASSTR, dupwarn,
					cellisdrv * 4 + 2 + '0', cellisdrv * 4 + 2 + '1');

		strcat(cyclebuff, SCATcycle);
		edgeset_make_wfms(cyclebuff, field, en, ne, neST, org, 0, delay, nDELAYDATA);
		strcat(cyclebuff, "}\n");

		if (splitcell) {
			sprintf(SCATcycle,"Cell \"%s\" %c %s_BDSET%01d%s_cat_%s {\n   Data %c;\n",
					tpin, A1, field[0][0], DSET, ALIASSTR, dupwarn, cellisdrv * 4 + 2 + '1');
			strcat(cyclebuff, SCATcycle);
			edgeset_make_wfms(cyclebuff, field, en, ne, neST, org, 1, delay, nDELAYDATA);
			strcat(cyclebuff, "}\n");

	else {						/* strobe */

		cxL = (DSET == 0) ? AM_maskD0 : AM_maskD1;
		cxH = (DSET == 0) ? AM_maskHID0 : AM_maskHID1;

		cellinfo[cellcnt].filepos = cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].filepos = holdlen;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[0] = cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtcode = startstop[i].cdtcode;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[1] = '\0';
		cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].cdtstr[0] = cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].cdtcode = startstop[i].cdtcode;
		cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].cdtstr[1] = '\0';
		cellinfo[cellcnt].actline = cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].actline = which;
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].wftname, GCTNAME);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].wftname, GCTNAME);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].cellname, field[0][0]);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].cellname, field[0][0]);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].pin, tpin);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].pin, tpin);
		cellinfo[cellcnt].multidefnum = cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].multidefnum = CNT;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].formatnum = cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].formatnum = wtlookup;
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_EDGES; i++) {
			cellinfo[cellcnt].formats[i] = (DSET == 0) ? lcode0[i] : lcode1[i];
			cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].formats[i] = (DSET == 0) ? lcode0[i] : lcode1[i];
		cellinfo[cellcnt].problemtype = cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].problemtype = PT_NOPROBLEM;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].alias0 = A0 = (DSET == 0) ? D0L : (DSET == 1) ? D1L : DbL;
		cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].alias0 = A1 = (DSET == 0) ? D0H : (DSET == 1) ? D1H : DbH;
		Z0 = (DSET == 0) ? AM_driveoffLOD0:AM_driveoffLOD1;
		Z1 = (DSET == 0) ? AM_driveoffHID0:AM_driveoffHID1;
		if (splitcell) {
			cellinfo[cellcnt].alias1 = cxL;
			cellinfo[cellcnt + 1].alias1 = cxH;
			if (A0 == AM_strobeoffLOD0 || A0 == AM_strobeoffLOD1) {
				sprintf(SCATcycle,"Cell \"%s\" %c/%c/%c %s_ADSET%01d%s_cat_%s {\n   Data %c/%c/%c;\n",
						tpin, A0, cxL, Z0,  field[0][0], DSET, ALIASSTR, dupwarn, '0', '2', '6');
			else {
				sprintf(SCATcycle,"Cell \"%s\" %c/%c %s_ADSET%01d%s_cat_%s {\n   Data %c/%c;\n",
						tpin, A0, cxL, field[0][0], DSET, ALIASSTR, dupwarn, '0', '2');

		else {
			cellinfo[cellcnt].alias1 = A1 = (DSET == 0) ? D0H : (DSET == 1) ? D1H : DbH;
			if (A0 == AM_strobeoffLOD0 || A0 == AM_strobeoffLOD1) {
				sprintf(SCATcycle,"Cell \"%s\" %c/%c/%c/%c/%c/%c %s_DSET%01d%s_cat_%s {\n   Data %c/%c/%c/%c/%c/%c;\n",
						tpin, A0, A1, cxL, cxH, Z0, Z1, field[0][0], DSET, ALIASSTR, dupwarn, '0', '1', '2', '3', '6', '7');
			else {
				sprintf(SCATcycle,"Cell \"%s\" %c/%c/%c/%c %s_DSET%01d%s_cat_%s {\n   Data %c/%c/%c/%c;\n",
						tpin, A0, A1, cxL, cxH, field[0][0], DSET, ALIASSTR, dupwarn, '0', '1', '2', '3');

		strcat(cyclebuff, SCATcycle);

		/* Now modify the waveforms if necessary */

		edgeset_make_wfms(cyclebuff, field, en, ne, neST, org, 0, delay, nDELAYDATA);
		strcat(cyclebuff, "}\n");

		if (splitcell) {
			if (A0 == AM_strobeoffLOD0 || A0 == AM_strobeoffLOD1) {
				sprintf(SCATcycle,"Cell \"%s\" %c/%c/%c %s_BDSET%01d%s_cat_%s {\n   Data %c/%c/%c;\n",
						tpin, A1, cxH, Z1, field[0][0], DSET, ALIASSTR, dupwarn, '1', '3', '7');
			else {
				sprintf(SCATcycle,"Cell \"%s\" %c/%c %s_BDSET%01d%s_cat_%s {\n   Data %c/%c;\n",
						tpin, A1, cxH, field[0][0], DSET, ALIASSTR, dupwarn, '1', '3');
			strcat(cyclebuff, SCATcycle);

			/* Now modify the waveforms if necessary */

			edgeset_make_wfms(cyclebuff, field, en, ne, neST, org, 1, delay, nDELAYDATA);
			strcat(cyclebuff, "}\n");

	if (cellcnt > MAXCELLS) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Too many cells., source[%s,%d,%s]\n", __FILE__,__LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
		fprintf(fperrors, "Too many cells., source[%s,%d,%s]\n", __FILE__,__LINE__, __FUNCTION__);

	if (MUXFLAG && NOMUX == 0) {				/* FIXME: APS need more checks here, specifically ChanFirst,ChanSecond... */
		/* all wavesets will assume normal edges from only channel '0' */
		/* this means the muxpin should produce null edges */
		cellinfo[cellcnt].filepos = holdlen;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[0] = cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtcode = startstop[i].cdtcode;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].cdtstr[1] = '\0';
		cellinfo[cellcnt].actline = which;
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].wftname, GCTNAME);
		strcpy(cellinfo[cellcnt].cellname, field[0][0]);
		sprintf(cellinfo[cellcnt].pin, "%s-MUXPRIMARYPINS", pin);
		cellinfo[cellcnt].multidefnum = CNT;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].formatnum = wtlookup;
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_EDGES; i++) {
			cellinfo[cellcnt].formats[i] = FC_NULLEDGE;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].problemtype = PT_NOPROBLEM;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].alias0 = A0;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].alias1 = A1;
		cellinfo[cellcnt].cellexpr[0] = '\0';	/* either use edgeset_make_wfms or '\0' */

		if (cellisNOTstrb) {
			sprintf(SCATcycle,"Cell \"%s-MUXPRIMARYPINS\" %c/%c %s_DSETMUX%01d%s_cat_%s {\n   Data %c/%c;\n",
					pin, A0, A1, field[0][0], DSET, ALIASSTR, dupwarn, '6', '7');
		else {
			sprintf(SCATcycle,"Cell \"%s-MUXPRIMARYPINS\" %c/%c/%c/%c %s_DSETMUX%01d%s_cat_%s {\n   Data %c/%c/%c/%c;\n",
					pin, A0, A1, cxL, cxH, field[0][0], DSET, ALIASSTR,
					dupwarn, '0', '1', '2', '3');
		strcat(cyclebuff, SCATcycle);
		strcat(cyclebuff, "   Drive {\n      EntryState DriveOn;}\n");
		strcat(cyclebuff, "}\n");

		if (cellcnt > MAXCELLS) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Too many Cells for buffer, source[%s,%d,%s]\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
			fprintf(fperrors,"Too many Cells for buffer, source[%s,%d,%s]\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);

	return (ne);