int main(unsigned long long id) { vector unsigned int x = get_vector_param_3(); vector unsigned int count = (vector unsigned int){0,0,0,0}; vector unsigned int result = (vector unsigned int){0,0,0,0}; spu_ready(); count = popc(x); result = reduce_word(count); spu_write_out_mbox(spu_extract(result, 0)); return SPU_SUCCESS; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int arg, i, ct, *inv, old_ndiff, maxneweqns, numeqns, ngens, maxwdiffs; fsa diff2, genmult; char gpname[100], cosgpname[100], inf1[100], inf2[100], inf3[100], outf[100], outfwg[100], outfec[100], fsaname[100]; fsa *wd_fsa; /* This is for doing word-reductions in the case that we * correct the diff2 machine */ fsa wa; /* The word-acceptor in the wtlex case */ int weight[MAXGEN+1]; /* The weights of the generators in the wtlex case */ gen testword[MAXREDUCELEN]; /* for word reduction */ char **names; /* generator names in case we need to output words */ reduction_equation *eqnptr; reduction_struct rs_wd; storage_type ip_store = DENSE; int dr = 0; boolean seengpname, seencosname; boolean cosets=FALSE; boolean wtlex=FALSE; rewriting_system rws; boolean outputwords = FALSE; int separator=0; setbuf(stdout,(char*)0); setbuf(stderr,(char*)0); rws.maxeqns = MAXRWSEQNS; maxneweqns = MAXNEWEQNS; maxwdiffs = MAXWDIFFS; inf1[0] = '\0'; inf2[0] = '\0'; outf[0] = '\0'; arg = 1; seengpname=seencosname=FALSE; while (argc > arg) { if (strcmp(argv[arg],"-ip")==0) { arg++; if (arg >= argc) badusage_gpcheckmult(); if (strcmp(argv[arg],"d")==0) ip_store = DENSE; else if (argv[arg][0] == 's') { ip_store = SPARSE; if (stringlen(argv[arg]) > 1) dr = atoi(argv[arg]+1); } else badusage_gpcheckmult(); } else if (strcmp(argv[arg],"-silent")==0) kbm_print_level = 0; else if (strcmp(argv[arg],"-v")==0) kbm_print_level = 2; else if (strcmp(argv[arg],"-vv")==0) kbm_print_level = 3; else if (strcmp(argv[arg],"-l")==0) kbm_large = TRUE; else if (strcmp(argv[arg],"-h")==0) kbm_huge = TRUE; else if (strcmp(argv[arg],"-ow")==0) outputwords = TRUE; else if (strncmp(argv[arg],"-cos",4)==0) cosets = TRUE; else if (strcmp(argv[arg],"-m")==0) { arg++; if (arg >= argc) badusage_gpcheckmult(); maxneweqns = atoi(argv[arg]); } else if (strcmp(argv[arg],"-mwd")==0) { arg++; if (arg >= argc) badusage_gpcheckmult(); maxwdiffs = atoi(argv[arg]); } else if (strcmp(argv[arg],"-wtlex")==0) wtlex = TRUE; else if (argv[arg][0] == '-') badusage_gpcheckmult(); else if (!seengpname) { seengpname=TRUE; strcpy(gpname,argv[arg]); } else if (!seencosname) { seencosname=TRUE; sprintf(cosgpname,"%s.%s",gpname,argv[arg]); } else badusage_gpcheckmult(); arg++; } if (!seengpname) badusage_gpcheckmult(); if (cosets && wtlex) { fprintf(stderr, "Sorry: -cos and -wtlex options cannot be used together.\n"); badusage_gpcheckmult(); } if (cosets && !seencosname) sprintf(cosgpname,"%s.cos",gpname); if (cosets) strcpy(inf1,cosgpname); else strcpy(inf1,gpname); strcpy(inf2,inf1); strcat(inf1,".gm"); if (cosets) sprintf(outfec,"",cosgpname); else sprintf(outfec,"",gpname); if ((rfile = fopen(inf1,"r")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open file %s.\n",inf1); exit(1); } fsa_read(rfile,&genmult,ip_store,dr,0,TRUE,fsaname); fclose(rfile); tmalloc(eqnptr,reduction_equation,maxneweqns) if (cosets) separator=rs_wd.separator=genmult.alphabet->base->size+1; if ((numeqns = fsa_checkmult(&genmult,eqnptr,maxneweqns,cosets,separator)) > 0) { /* A multiplier was not valid, so groupname.(mi)diff2 will need updating. */ if (outputwords) { /* We do not update gpname.diff2, but output the offending words. */ if (cosets) strcpy(outfwg,cosgpname); else strcpy(outfwg,gpname); strcat(outfwg,".wg"); wfile=fopen(outfwg,"w"); base_prefix(fsaname); fprintf(wfile,"%s.wg := [\n",fsaname); names=genmult.alphabet->base->names; for (i=0;i<numeqns;i++) { strcpy(kbm_buffer," ["); if (cosets) add_word_to_buffer(wfile,eqnptr[i].lhs+1,names); else add_word_to_buffer(wfile,eqnptr[i].lhs,names); strcat(kbm_buffer,","); add_word_to_buffer(wfile,eqnptr[i].rhs,names); if (i<numeqns-1) strcat(kbm_buffer,"],"); else strcat(kbm_buffer,"]"); fprintf(wfile,"%s\n",kbm_buffer); } fprintf(wfile,"];\n"); fclose(wfile); fsa_clear(&genmult); for (i=0;i<numeqns;i++) { tfree(eqnptr[i].lhs); tfree(eqnptr[i].rhs); } tfree(eqnptr); wfile=fopen(outfec,"w"); fprintf(wfile,"_ExitCode := 2;\n"); fclose(wfile); exit(2); } fsa_clear(&genmult); if (cosets) strcat(inf2,".midiff2"); else strcat(inf2,".diff2"); strcpy(outf,inf2); if (kbm_print_level>1) printf(" #Altering wd-machine to make it accept new equations.\n"); if ((rfile = fopen(inf2,"r")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open file %s.\n",inf2); exit(1); } /* We read groupname.(mi)diff2 into diff2, and then copy it into * wd_fsa. The copy is used for reducing words - Not surprisingly, * we get problems if we try to alter it while using it at * the same time! */ fsa_read(rfile,&diff2,DENSE,0,maxwdiffs,TRUE,fsaname); fclose(rfile); tmalloc(wd_fsa,fsa,1); fsa_copy(wd_fsa,&diff2); if (wtlex) { /* we have to read in the weights from the group file */ if ((rfile = fopen(gpname,"r")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open file %s.\n",gpname); exit(1); } read_kbinput_simple(rfile,TRUE,&rws); fclose(rfile); /* we only need the weights, which we can simply copy */ for (i=1;i<=rws.num_gens;i++) weight[i] = rws.weight[i]; weight[rws.num_gens+1]=0; /* padding symbol */ rws_clear(&rws); strcpy(inf3,gpname); strcat(inf3,".wa"); if ((rfile = fopen(inf3,"r")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open file %s.\n",inf3); exit(1); } fsa_read(rfile,&wa,DENSE,0,0,TRUE,fsaname); fclose(rfile); } rs_wd.wd_fsa = wd_fsa; reduce_word = cosets ? diff_reduce_cos : wtlex ? diff_reduce_wl : diff_reduce; if (fsa_table_dptr_init(wd_fsa)==-1) return -1; if (fsa_table_dptr_init(&diff2)== -1) return -1; if (cosets){ tmalloc(diff2.is_initial,boolean,maxwdiffs+1); for (i=1;i<=maxwdiffs;i++) diff2.is_initial[i]=FALSE; for (i=1;i<=diff2.num_initial;i++) diff2.is_initial[diff2.initial[i]]=TRUE; } else if (wtlex){ rs_wd.wa = &wa; rs_wd.weight = weight; rs_wd.maxreducelen = MAXREDUCELEN; } /* We need to know the inverses of generators - let's just work them out! */ ngens = diff2.alphabet->base->size; if (calculate_inverses(&inv,ngens,&rs_wd)==-1) return -1; old_ndiff = diff2.states->size; /* Now add the new equations * The right hand side of the equation to be added will be the reduction of * the lhs times the generator which is currently in the rhs. */ for (i=0;i<numeqns;i++) { genstrcat(eqnptr[i].lhs,eqnptr[i].rhs); tfree(eqnptr[i].rhs); genstrcpy(testword,eqnptr[i].lhs); reduce_word(testword,&rs_wd); tmalloc(eqnptr[i].rhs,gen,genstrlen(testword)+1); genstrcpy(eqnptr[i].rhs,testword); if (cosets) { if (add_wd_fsa_cos(&diff2,eqnptr+i,inv,TRUE,&rs_wd)== -1) exit(1); } else if (add_wd_fsa(&diff2,eqnptr+i,inv,TRUE,&rs_wd)== -1) exit(1); } if (cosets) { tfree(diff2.initial); tmalloc(diff2.initial,int,diff2.num_initial+1); ct=0; for (i=1;i<=diff2.states->size;i++) if (diff2.is_initial[i]) diff2.initial[++ct]=i; tfree(diff2.is_initial); make_full_wd_fsa_cos(&diff2,inv,old_ndiff+1,&rs_wd); } else make_full_wd_fsa(&diff2,inv,old_ndiff+1,&rs_wd); if (kbm_print_level>1) printf(" #Word-difference machine now has %d states.\n", diff2.states->size); wfile = fopen(inf2,"w"); fsa_print(wfile,&diff2,fsaname); fclose(wfile); tfree(inv); fsa_clear(wd_fsa); fsa_clear(&diff2); tfree(wd_fsa); if (wtlex) fsa_clear(&wa); for (i=0;i<numeqns;i++) { tfree(eqnptr[i].lhs); tfree(eqnptr[i].rhs); } tfree(eqnptr); wfile=fopen(outfec,"w"); fprintf(wfile,"_ExitCode := 2;\n"); fclose(wfile); exit(2); }