ScalePicker::ScalePicker(QwtPlot *plot) : QObject(plot), d_title_selected(false), d_labels_selected(false), d_selected_axis(NULL), d_current_axis(NULL) { refresh(); }
void print_stats(int stat_mask) { char buf[16]; boolean label; int row = DROWS - 1; label = (stat_mask & STAT_LABEL) ? 1 : 0; if (stat_mask & STAT_LEVEL) { if (label) { mvaddstr(row, 0, "Level: "); } /* max level taken care of in make_level() */ sprintf(buf, "%d", cur_level); mvaddstr(row, 7, buf); pad(buf, 2); } if (stat_mask & STAT_GOLD) { if (label) { if ( > MAX_GOLD) { = MAX_GOLD; } mvaddstr(row, 10, "Gold: "); } sprintf(buf, "%ld",; mvaddstr(row, 16, buf); pad(buf, 6); } if (stat_mask & STAT_HP) { if (label) { mvaddstr(row, 23, "Hp: "); if (rogue.hp_max > MAX_HP) { rogue.hp_current -= (rogue.hp_max - MAX_HP); rogue.hp_max = MAX_HP; } } sprintf(buf, "%d(%d)", rogue.hp_current, rogue.hp_max); mvaddstr(row, 27, buf); pad(buf, 8); } if (stat_mask & STAT_STRENGTH) { if (label) { mvaddstr(row, 36, "Str: "); } if (rogue.str_max > MAX_STRENGTH) { rogue.str_current -= (rogue.str_max - MAX_STRENGTH); rogue.str_max = MAX_STRENGTH; } sprintf(buf, "%d(%d)", (rogue.str_current + add_strength), rogue.str_max); mvaddstr(row, 41, buf); pad(buf, 6); } if (stat_mask & STAT_ARMOR) { if (label) { mvaddstr(row, 48, "Arm: "); } if (rogue.armor && (rogue.armor->d_enchant > MAX_ARMOR)) { rogue.armor->d_enchant = MAX_ARMOR; } sprintf(buf, "%d", get_armor_class(rogue.armor)); mvaddstr(row, 53, buf); pad(buf, 2); } if (stat_mask & STAT_EXP) { if (label) { mvaddstr(row, 56, "Exp: "); } /* Max exp taken care of in add_exp() */ sprintf(buf, "%d/%ld", rogue.exp, rogue.exp_points); mvaddstr(row, 61, buf); pad(buf, 11); } if (stat_mask & STAT_HUNGER) { mvaddstr(row, 73, hunger_str); clrtoeol(); } refresh(); }
short get_input_line(char *prompt, char *buf, char *insert, char *if_cancelled, boolean add_blank, boolean do_echo) { short ch; short i = 0, n; message(prompt, 0); n = strlen(prompt); if (insert[0]) { mvaddstr(0, n + 1, insert); (void) strcpy(buf, insert); i = strlen(insert); move(0, (n + i + 1)); refresh(); } while (((ch = rgetchar()) != '\r') && (ch != '\n') && (ch != ROGUE_KEY_CANCEL)) { if ((ch >= ' ') && (ch <= '~') && (i < MAX_TITLE_LENGTH-2)) { if ((ch != ' ') || (i > 0)) { buf[i++] = ch; if (do_echo) { addch(ch); } } } //TODO: Backspace key is not \b, need to determine correct value. if ((ch == '\b') && (i > 0)) { if (do_echo) { mvaddch(0, i + n, ' '); move(MIN_ROW-1, i+n); } i--; } refresh(); } check_message(); if (add_blank) { buf[i++] = ' '; } else { while ((i > 0) && (buf[i-1] == ' ')) { i--; } } buf[i] = 0; if ((ch == ROGUE_KEY_CANCEL) || (i == 0) || ((i == 1) && add_blank)) { if (if_cancelled) { message(if_cancelled, 0); } return(0); } return(i); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int right[4], guess[4], backup[4]; int halfrights,rights; int tmp,i; int tries = 3; int maxtries; int place,color; int x,y; char charbuffer[10]; char question[2]; int pplace[4]; pplace[0] = 13; pplace[1] = 15; pplace[2] = 17; pplace[3] = 19; halfrights=rights=0; srand(time(0)); printf("Can two places be the same color? (y/n) "); scanf("%s",charbuffer); strcpy(question,"n"); if (strcmp(charbuffer,question) == 0) { for (i=0;i<4;i++) { BACK: right[i] = (8.0*rand()/RAND_MAX+1.0); for (tmp=0;tmp<4;tmp++) { if (right[i] == right[tmp] && i != tmp) { goto BACK; } } guess[i] = 0; } } else { for (i=0;i<4;i++) { right[i] = (8.0*rand()/RAND_MAX+1.0); guess[i] = 0; } } for (i=0;i<4;i++) { backup[i] = right[i]; } printf("How many tries would you like? "); scanf("%i",&maxtries); printf("\n"); if (maxtries <= 0) { printf("Ok, fine.\n"); return 1; } printf("\nI have come up with a color combination. Press enter to start the game.\n"); getchar(); getchar(); initscr(); start_color(); getmaxyx(stdscr,y,x); if (y < 22) { endwin(); printf("Terminal too small\n"); return 1; } if (maxtries > (x/3-3)) { endwin(); printf("You have too many tries to be on the screen.\n"); return 1; } /* Color definations: */ init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED); init_pair(2, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_GREEN); init_pair(3, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(4, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(5, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_MAGENTA); init_pair(6, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); init_pair(7, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(8, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_YELLOW); mvprintw(5,0,"Colors: 1: Red, 2: Green, 3: Blue, 4: Black"); mvprintw(6,0,"Colors: 5: Magenta, 6: White, 7: Cyan, 8: Yellow"); mvprintw(8,0,"Right colors on right places:"); mvprintw(10,0,"Right colors on wrong places:"); mvprintw(pplace[0],0,"1:"); mvprintw(pplace[1],0,"2:"); mvprintw(pplace[2],0,"3:"); mvprintw(pplace[3],0,"4:"); mvprintw(0,x/2-10,"Tries left: %i ",maxtries); GETPLACE: mvprintw(0,0,"Place:"); mvprintw(1,2," "); mvprintw(1,0,"? "); scanw("%i",&place); if (place < 1 || place > 4) { /* if the user types too many */ for (i=2;i<=x;i++) { /* cifers, we want to clean it up */ mvprintw(1,i," "); } goto GETPLACE; } GETCOLOR: mvprintw(0,0,"Color:"); mvprintw(1,2," "); move(1,2); scanw("%i",&color); if (color < 1 || color > 8) { /* same here */ for (i=2;i<=x;i++) { mvprintw(1,i," "); } goto GETCOLOR; } attrset(COLOR_PAIR(color)); mvprintw(pplace[place-1],tries,"%i",color); attrset(A_NORMAL); guess[place-1] = color; tmp = 1; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { if (guess[i] == 0) { tmp = 0; } } if (tmp) { /* All fields are filled */ mvprintw(pplace[3]+2,4,"Is that a guess? (y/n) "); refresh(); scanw("%s",charbuffer); strcpy(question,"y"); for (i=4;i<=x;i++) { mvprintw(pplace[3]+2,i," "); } if (strcmp(charbuffer,question) == 0) { for (i=0;i<4;i++) { if (right[i] == guess[i]) { /* Finds out how many right colors on right places */ rights++; /* the user has placed. */ right[i] = guess[i] = 0; /* This line makes sure this guess is not counted again */ } } for (i=0;i<4;i++) { for (tmp=0;tmp<4;tmp++) { if (guess[tmp] == right[i] && right[i] != 0) { halfrights++; guess[tmp] = right[i] = 0; /* This line makes sure this guess is not counted again */ } } } if (rights == 4) { endwin(); printf("CONGRATULATIONS!\n"); printf("You guessed the right combination!\n"); printf("You used %i tries\n", tries/3); return 0; } for (i=0;i<4;i++) { right[i] = backup[i]; /* We deleted the right[] array, we have to get it back for next check */ } mvprintw(9,tries,"%i",rights); mvprintw(11,tries,"%i",halfrights); halfrights=rights=0; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { guess[i] = 0; } tries = tries+3; maxtries--; mvprintw(0,x/2-10,"Tries left: %i ",maxtries); if (maxtries == 0) { for (i=0;i<4;i++) { attrset(COLOR_PAIR(right[i])); mvprintw(pplace[i],0,"%i",right[i]); attrset(A_NORMAL); } mvprintw(y-2,0,"Wrong, and you are out of tries..\n"); printw("Press enter to end program"); refresh(); getchar(); endwin(); return 1; } } } goto GETPLACE; endwin(); return 0; }
int main(void) { //extern variables char *help_topic=NULL,*fname=NULL,buff[5000]={'\0'},file[50]={}; int logc,logr,ch,i,j,k,flag; FILE *fp; // initialise curses mode and colors initCurses(); noecho(); cbreak(); keypad(stdscr,TRUE); mousemask(ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS,NULL); curs_set(0); //displays starting blue screen Screen(); while(1) { int ch; ch=getResponse(); switch(ch) { //file menu case 1: //pop up menu file (WINDOW**)draw_menu(fmenu,SIZE(fmenu),1,0); break; //new item case 2: refresh(); //draws black screen new_file(); noecho(); //displays filename and line number on black screen New(); break; //Return To Shell case 5: clear(); refresh(); endwin(); system("sh"); clear(); refresh(); Screen(); break; //exit menu case 6: clear(); refresh(); endwin(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; /*compile menu case 7: //pop up menu compile (WINDOW**)draw_menu(cmenu,SIZE(cmenu),1,12); break; */ /*compile item case 8: compile(); break;*/ //help menu case 11: //pop up help menu (WINDOW**)draw_menu(hmenu,SIZE(hmenu),1,27); break; //help index case KEY_F(1): case 12: Help(); break; //help topic case 13: help_topic=(char*)calloc(30,sizeof(char)); help_topic=dialog("| Help |"," Find "," Cancel "); break; //open file case KEY_F(3): case 3: k=0; for(i=2;i<22;++i) { for(j=0;j<78;++j) buff[k++]=(mvinch(i,j)&A_CHARTEXT); buff[k++]='\n'; } new_file(); //pops up open dialogbox fname=(char*)calloc(30,sizeof(char)); fname=dialog("| Open |"," Open "," Cancel "); //if user press cancel display screen contents if((strlen(fname)==0)) { logc=1;logr=2; for(k=0;buff[k]!='\0';++k) { refresh(); if(buff[k]=='\n') { logr+=1; logc=1; move(logr+1,logc); } else { mvaddch(logr,logc,buff[k]); logc+=1; } } } //othewise open a file and display it's contents else { //redraws new screen new_file(); if(!(fp=fopen(fname,"r"))) { warning("| Warning |"," No such file ","Press a key to return !!!"); getch(); //new_file(); logc=1;logr=2; for(k=0;buff[k]!='\0';++k) { refresh(); if(buff[k]=='\n') { logr+=1; logc=1; move(logr+1,logc); } else { mvaddch(logr,logc,buff[k]); logc+=1; } } } //if file is exist display contents else { new_file(); logc=1;logr=2; while((ch=fgetc(fp))!=EOF) { if(ch=='\n') { logr+=1; logc=1; move(logr+1,logc); } else { mvaddch(logr,logc,ch); logc+=1; } } fclose(fp); move(2,2); refresh(); //displays file name move(1,2); hline(ACS_HLINE,75); strcat(file,"| "); strcat(file,fname); strcat(file," |"); //move(1,2); //hline(ACS_HLINE,60); writeString(stdscr,1,35,file,white_black); } } break; } } }
void ccHistogramWindow::clear() { clearInternal(); refresh(); }
void pintar(struct TMovil movil){ mvprintw(20 - movil.posicion.y, movil.posicion.x, "O"); refresh(); }
void domove(int okay) { int i; /* index */ int l = 0; /* last man */ bestmove = -9999999.; if (okay) { /* see if comp should double */ if (dflag && gvalue < 64 && dlast != cturn && dblgood()) { addstr(*Colorptr); dble(); /* double */ /* return if declined */ if (cturn != 1 && cturn != -1) return; } roll(); } race = 0; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if (board[i] < 0) l = i; } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (board[i] > 0) break; } if (i == l) race = 1; /* print roll */ move(cturn == -1 ? 18 : 19, 0); printw("%s rolls %d %d", *Colorptr, D0, D1); clrtoeol(); /* find out how many moves */ mvlim = movallow(); if (mvlim == 0) { addstr(" but cannot use it.\n"); nexturn(); return; } /* initialize */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) cp[i] = cg[i] = 0; /* strategize */ trymove(0, 0); pickmove(); /* print move */ addstr(" and moves "); for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) { if (i > 0) addch(','); printw("%d-%d", p[i] = cp[i], g[i] = cg[i]); makmove(i); } addch('.'); /* print blots hit */ move(20, 0); for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) if (h[i]) wrhit(g[i]); /* get ready for next move */ nexturn(); if (!okay) { refresh(); sleep(3); } }
void ccHistogramWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { if (m_sfInteractionMode) { QPoint mousePos = event->pos(); if (m_histogram) { QRect rect = m_histogram->rect(); mousePos.setX(std::min(rect.x()+rect.width(),std::max(rect.x(),mousePos.x()))); } switch(m_selectedItem) { case NONE: //nothing to do break; case LEFT_AREA: if (m_areaLeft) { double newValue = m_areaLeft->pixelToKey(mousePos.x()); if (m_areaRight) newValue = std::min(newValue,m_areaRight->currentVal()); setMinDispValue(newValue); } break; case RIGHT_AREA: if (m_areaRight) { double newValue = m_areaRight->pixelToKey(mousePos.x()); if (m_areaLeft) newValue = std::max(newValue,m_areaLeft->currentVal()); setMaxDispValue(newValue); } break; case BOTH_AREAS: { int dx = m_lastMouseClick.x() - mousePos.x(); if (dx < -2) { //going to the right m_selectedItem = RIGHT_AREA; //call the same method again mouseMoveEvent(event); return; } else if (dx > 2) { //going to the left m_selectedItem = LEFT_AREA; //call the same method again mouseMoveEvent(event); return; } //else: nothing we can do right now! } break; case LEFT_ARROW: if (m_arrowLeft) { double newValue = m_arrowLeft->pixelToKey(mousePos.x()); if (m_arrowRight) newValue = std::min(newValue,m_arrowRight->currentVal()); setMinSatValue(newValue); } break; case RIGHT_ARROW: if (m_arrowRight) { double newValue = m_arrowRight->pixelToKey(mousePos.x()); if (m_arrowLeft) newValue = std::max(newValue,m_arrowLeft->currentVal()); setMaxSatValue(newValue); } break; case BOTH_ARROWS: { int dx = m_lastMouseClick.x() - mousePos.x(); if (dx < -2) { //going to the right m_selectedItem = RIGHT_ARROW; //call the same method again mouseMoveEvent(event); return; } else if (dx > 2) { //going to the left m_selectedItem = LEFT_ARROW; //call the same method again mouseMoveEvent(event); return; } //else: nothing we can do right now! } break; default: assert(false); break; } } else { if (m_histogram && !m_histoValues.empty()) { QRect roi = m_histogram->rect(); if (roi.contains(event->pos(),false)) { m_drawVerticalIndicator = true; int verticalIndicatorPosition = (static_cast<int>(m_histoValues.size()) * (event->x() - roi.x())) / roi.width(); m_verticalIndicatorPositionPercent = static_cast<double>(verticalIndicatorPosition) / m_histoValues.size(); refresh(); } } } } else { event->ignore(); } }
static void jana_gtk_recurrence_init (JanaGtkRecurrence *self) { GtkWidget *label, *hbox, *sub_hbox, *arrow, *button; GtkSizeGroup *size_group; JanaGtkRecurrencePrivate *priv = RECURRENCE_PRIVATE (self); gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (self), 6); /* Create preview text-view */ priv->preview_frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); priv->preview_textview = gtk_text_view_new (); gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW ( priv->preview_textview), FALSE); gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible ( GTK_TEXT_VIEW (priv->preview_textview), FALSE); gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (priv->preview_textview), GTK_WRAP_WORD_CHAR); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->preview_frame), priv->preview_textview); gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (self), priv->preview_frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_frame_set_shadow_type ( GTK_FRAME (priv->preview_frame), GTK_SHADOW_NONE); gtk_widget_show_all (priv->preview_frame); priv->edit_vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6); size_group = gtk_size_group_new (GTK_SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL); /* 'Repeats' (recurrence type) combo box */ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6); label = gtk_label_new ("Repeats:"); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5); gtk_size_group_add_widget (size_group, label); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, FALSE, TRUE, 0); priv->type_combo = gtk_combo_box_new_text (); gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (priv->type_combo), "None"); gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (priv->type_combo), "Every day"); gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (priv->type_combo), "Every week"); gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (priv->type_combo), "Every year"); gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (priv->type_combo), 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), priv->type_combo, TRUE, TRUE, 0); g_signal_connect (priv->type_combo, "changed", G_CALLBACK (type_combo_changed_cb), self); /* Interval buttons */ sub_hbox = gtk_hbox_new (TRUE, 0); priv->interval_dec_button = gtk_button_new (); arrow = gtk_arrow_new (GTK_ARROW_LEFT, GTK_SHADOW_IN); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->interval_dec_button), arrow); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (sub_hbox), priv->interval_dec_button, FALSE, TRUE, 0); priv->interval_inc_button = gtk_button_new (); arrow = gtk_arrow_new (GTK_ARROW_RIGHT, GTK_SHADOW_IN); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->interval_inc_button), arrow); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (sub_hbox), priv->interval_inc_button, FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), sub_hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); g_signal_connect (priv->interval_inc_button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (interval_inc_clicked_cb), self); g_signal_connect (priv->interval_dec_button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (interval_dec_clicked_cb), self); gtk_widget_show_all (hbox); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->edit_vbox), hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); /* Weekly recurrence day-chooser */ priv->week_hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6); label = gtk_label_new ("On:"); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5); gtk_size_group_add_widget (size_group, label); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->week_hbox), label, FALSE, TRUE, 0); sub_hbox = gtk_hbox_new (TRUE, 0); /* Weekday toggle widgets */ #define day_toggle_widget(x) \ button = gtk_toggle_button_new_with_label (jana_utils_ab_day (x)); \ gtk_toggle_button_set_mode (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button), FALSE); \ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (sub_hbox), button, TRUE, TRUE, 0); \ priv->week_buttons[x] = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button); \ g_signal_connect (button, "toggled", \ G_CALLBACK (day##x##_toggled_cb), self) day_toggle_widget(0); day_toggle_widget(1); day_toggle_widget(2); day_toggle_widget(3); day_toggle_widget(4); day_toggle_widget(5); day_toggle_widget(6); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->week_hbox), sub_hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show_all (priv->week_hbox); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->edit_vbox), priv->week_hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); /* Monthly recurrence by date/day chooser */ priv->month_hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6); label = gtk_label_new ("By:"); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5); gtk_size_group_add_widget (size_group, label); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->month_hbox), label, FALSE, TRUE, 0); sub_hbox = gtk_hbox_new (TRUE, 0); /* By day */ priv->byday_button = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON ( gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (NULL, "Day")); gtk_toggle_button_set_mode (priv->byday_button, FALSE); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (sub_hbox), GTK_WIDGET ( priv->byday_button), FALSE, TRUE, 0); /* By date */ priv->bydate_button = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON ( gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget ( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (priv->byday_button), "Date")); gtk_toggle_button_set_mode (priv->bydate_button, FALSE); g_signal_connect (priv->bydate_button, "toggled", G_CALLBACK (bydate_toggled_cb), self); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (sub_hbox), GTK_WIDGET ( priv->bydate_button), FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->month_hbox), sub_hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show_all (priv->month_hbox); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->edit_vbox), priv->month_hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); /* Until time editor */ priv->end_hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6); label = gtk_label_new ("Until:"); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5); gtk_size_group_add_widget (size_group, label); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->end_hbox), label, FALSE, TRUE, 0); priv->end_button = gtk_button_new (); hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6); priv->end_label = gtk_label_new (NULL); arrow = gtk_arrow_new (GTK_ARROW_DOWN, GTK_SHADOW_IN); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), priv->end_label, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (hbox), arrow, FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->end_button), hbox); g_signal_connect (priv->end_button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (end_clicked_cb), self); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->end_hbox), priv->end_button, FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show_all (priv->end_hbox); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->edit_vbox), priv->end_hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (self), priv->edit_vbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (priv->edit_vbox, TRUE); gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (priv->preview_frame, TRUE); refresh (self); }
// // Affiche le tableau des high-scores dans une fenêtre modale. // void displayLeaderboard() { int i, c; const int menuWidth = 10; const int winHeight = MAX_SAVED_SCORES_COUNT + 6; const int winWidth = POPUP_WINDOW_WIDTH + 20; const int colRank = 2; const int colScore = 20; const int colName = 35; const int colBoard = 55; ITEM* menuItems[2]; MENU* menu; Score scores[MAX_SAVED_SCORES_COUNT]; int n = loadScoreBoard(scores); while (true) { clear(); refresh(); WINDOW* win = newwin(winHeight, winWidth, (LINES - winHeight) / 2, (COLS - winWidth) / 2); box(win, 0, 0); mvwaddch(win, 2, 0, ACS_LTEE); mvwhline(win, 2, 1, ACS_HLINE, winWidth - 1); mvwaddch(win, 2, winWidth - 1, ACS_RTEE); mvwprintw(win, 1, colRank, "CLASSEMENT"); mvwprintw(win, 1, colScore, "SCORE"); mvwprintw(win, 1, colName, "PSEUDO"); mvwprintw(win, 1, colBoard, "PLATEAU"); mvwaddch(win, 0, colScore - 2, ACS_TTEE); mvwvline(win, 1, colScore - 2, ACS_VLINE, winHeight - 2); mvwaddch(win, winHeight - 1, colScore - 2, ACS_BTEE); mvwaddch(win, 0, colName - 2, ACS_TTEE); mvwvline(win, 1, colName - 2, ACS_VLINE, winHeight - 2); mvwaddch(win, winHeight - 1, colName - 2, ACS_BTEE); mvwaddch(win, 0, colBoard - 2, ACS_TTEE); mvwvline(win, 1, colBoard - 2, ACS_VLINE, winHeight - 2); mvwaddch(win, winHeight - 1, colBoard - 2, ACS_BTEE); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { mvwprintw(win, i + 3, colRank, "#%d", i+1); mvwprintw(win, i + 3, colScore, "%d", scores[i].score); mvwprintw(win, i + 3, colName, "%s", scores[i].username); mvwprintw(win, i + 3, colBoard, "%s", scores[i].boardName); } menuItems[0] = new_item("<Retour>", NULL); menuItems[1] = (ITEM *) NULL; //on initialise le menu menu = new_menu((ITEM **) menuItems); //on lui précise bien que le menu fait 1 ligne et 1 colonne set_menu_format(menu, 1, 1); //on associe le menu à une fenêtre et une sous-fenêtre set_menu_win(menu, win); //fenêtre hauteur largeur x y set_menu_sub(menu, derwin(win, 1, menuWidth, winHeight - 2, (winWidth - menuWidth) / 2)); set_menu_mark(menu, ""); noecho(); curs_set(0); //et hop, on affiche le menu et on rafraîchit. post_menu(menu); wrefresh(win); refresh(); //boucle pour le menu while((c = getch())) { bool resized = false; switch(c) { case KEY_RESIZE: //si le terminal a été redimensionné, on ré-exécute la boucle d'affichage resized = true; break; case KEY_MENU_ENTER: { unpost_menu(menu); free_menu(menu); for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) free_item(menuItems[i]); clear(); refresh(); delwin(win); curs_set(1); echo(); return; } } if(resized) break; wrefresh(win); } } }
// // Affiche une fenêtre de menu. // int displayMenu(char **choices, int nbChoices, char title[], bool logo) { if(choices == NULL || nbChoices < 1) return -1; //variables pour l'affichage du menu ITEM **menuItems = NULL; MENU *menu = NULL; WINDOW *menuWin = NULL; int i = 0, c; int winWidth = POPUP_WINDOW_WIDTH; //largeur du menu = longueur du plus grand des choix possibles int menuWidth = max_strlen(choices, nbChoices) + 2; //on alloue de la mémoire pour initialiser les éléments du menu menuItems = (ITEM **) calloc(nbChoices + 1, sizeof(ITEM *)); //on créé de nouveaux éléments à partir des choix fournis for(i = 0; i < nbChoices; i++) { menuItems[i] = new_item(choices[i], NULL); } //on met un élément nul à la fin du tableau menuItems[nbChoices] = (ITEM *) NULL; while(true) { clear(); menuWin = (logo) ? getMenuWindow(nbChoices, title) : getMenuWindowNoLogo(nbChoices, title, -1, -1); //on initialise le menu menu = new_menu((ITEM **) menuItems); //on lui précise bien que le menu fait N lignes et 1 colonne set_menu_format(menu, nbChoices, 1); menu_opts_off(menu, O_NONCYCLIC); set_menu_mark(menu, "> "); //on associe le menu à une fenêtre et une sous-fenêtre set_menu_win(menu, menuWin); //fenêtre hauteur largeur x y set_menu_sub(menu, derwin(menuWin, nbChoices, menuWidth, (logo) ? 15 : 4, (winWidth - menuWidth) / 2)); //et hop, on affiche le menu et on rafraîchit. post_menu(menu); refresh(); wrefresh(menuWin); curs_set(0); noecho(); //boucle pour le menu while((c = getch())) { bool resized = false; switch(c) { case KEY_DOWN: menu_driver(menu, REQ_DOWN_ITEM); break; case KEY_UP: menu_driver(menu, REQ_UP_ITEM); break; case KEY_ESC_ALT: return -1; case KEY_RESIZE: //si on a redimensionné le terminal, on ré-exécute la boucle d'affichage resized = true; break; case KEY_MENU_ENTER: { int choice = item_index(current_item(menu)); //on libère la mémoire pour le menu, les choix, la fenêtre unpost_menu(menu); free_menu(menu); for(i = 0; i < nbChoices; ++i) free_item(menuItems[i]); clear(); refresh(); delwin(menuWin); //on réactive l'affichage des caractères tapés et du curseur echo(); curs_set(1); return choice; } } if(resized) break; wrefresh(menuWin); } } return 0; }
// // Affiche le plateau de jeu. // void displayGameBoard(GameState *state) { if(state == NULL) return; int i, j; int width = 4 * BOARD_SIZE + 1; int height = 2 * BOARD_SIZE + 1; WINDOW *boardWin = newwin(height, width, (LINES - height) / 2, (FIRST_COL_WIDTH - width) / 2); box(boardWin, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; i++) { //début de ligne for (j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; j++) { int charLine = i * 2 + 1; int charCol = j * 4; //on affiche les murs verticaux //si il y a quelque-chose dans la case actuelle int k; bool hasContent = false; //cases contenant des robots for (k = 0; k < ROBOTS_COUNT; k++) { //si la case courante contient un robot if(state->robots[k].position.y == i && state->robots[k].position.x == j) { int l; bool hasObjective = false; hasContent = true; COL_ON_BOT_BG(boardWin, state->robots[k].robotColor); for (l = 0; l < ROBOTS_COUNT; l++) { //si on a un objectif dans la même case que le robot if(state->gameBoard->objectivesPos[l].y == i && state->gameBoard->objectivesPos[l].x == j) { hasObjective = true; break; } } //on affiche [X] s'il y a un objectif, et simplement trois espaces s'il y a juste un robot if(hasObjective) { mvwprintw(boardWin, charLine, charCol + 1, "[X]"); } else { mvwprintw(boardWin, charLine, charCol + 1, " "); } COL_OFF_BOT_BG(boardWin, state->robots[k].robotColor); } } //si la case n'a pas encore de contenu (et donc pas de robot) et que c'est une case objectif for (k = 0; k < ROBOTS_COUNT; k++) { if(!hasContent && state->gameBoard->objectivesPos[k].y == i && state->gameBoard->objectivesPos[k].x == j) { hasContent = true; COL_ON_BOT(boardWin, k); mvwprintw(boardWin, charLine, charCol + 1, "[X]"); COL_OFF_BOT(boardWin, k); break; } } //si on doit afficher un mur à droite : si il y a un mur à droite dans la case actuelle ou un mur à gauche dans la case directement à droite //on n'oublie pas de prendre en compte les murs en L if(state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_RIGHT || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_BOTTOM_RIGHT || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_TOP_RIGHT || (j < BOARD_SIZE && state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j+1] == CELL_WALL_LEFT) || (j < BOARD_SIZE && state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j+1] == CELL_WALL_BOTTOM_LEFT) || (j < BOARD_SIZE && state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j+1] == CELL_WALL_TOP_LEFT) || j == BOARD_SIZE - 1) { mvwaddch(boardWin, charLine, charCol + 4, ACS_VLINE); } //affichage des T spéciaux pour relier les traits verticaux aux traits horizontaux if(j < BOARD_SIZE - 1 && (i == 0 || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i-1][j] == CELL_WALL_BOTTOM) && (state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j+1] == CELL_WALL_LEFT || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_RIGHT)) { mvwaddch(boardWin, charLine - 1, charCol + 4, ACS_TTEE); } else if(j < BOARD_SIZE - 1 && (i == BOARD_SIZE - 1 || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i+1][j] == CELL_WALL_TOP) && (state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j+1] == CELL_WALL_LEFT || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_RIGHT)) { mvwaddch(boardWin, charLine + 1, charCol + 4, ACS_BTEE); } charLine = i * 2 + 2; //on affiche les murs horizontaux, d'une façon analogue aux murs verticaux if(i < BOARD_SIZE - 1 && (state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_BOTTOM || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_BOTTOM_LEFT || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_BOTTOM_RIGHT || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i+1][j] == CELL_WALL_TOP || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i+1][j] == CELL_WALL_TOP_LEFT || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i+1][j] == CELL_WALL_TOP_RIGHT)) { mvwaddch(boardWin, charLine, charCol + 1, ACS_HLINE); mvwaddch(boardWin, charLine, charCol + 2, ACS_HLINE); mvwaddch(boardWin, charLine, charCol + 3, ACS_HLINE); } //affichage d'un point à chaque intersection de cases if(i < BOARD_SIZE - 1 && j < BOARD_SIZE - 1 && (i != BOARD_SIZE/2-1 || j != BOARD_SIZE/2-1)) { mvwaddch(boardWin, charLine, charCol + 4, ACS_BULLET); } //affichage des coins en L spéciaux entre les traits if(state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_TOP_LEFT) { mvwaddch(boardWin, charLine - 2, charCol, ACS_ULCORNER); } else if(state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_TOP_RIGHT) { mvwaddch(boardWin, charLine - 2, charCol + 4, ACS_URCORNER); } else if(state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_BOTTOM_RIGHT) { mvwaddch(boardWin, charLine, charCol + 4, ACS_LRCORNER); } else if(state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_BOTTOM_LEFT) { mvwaddch(boardWin, charLine, charCol, ACS_LLCORNER); } //affichage des T spéciaux pour relier les traits verticaux aux traits horizontaux if(i < BOARD_SIZE - 1 && (j == 0 || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j-1] == CELL_WALL_RIGHT) && (state->gameBoard->obstacles[i+1][j] == CELL_WALL_TOP || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_BOTTOM)) { mvwaddch(boardWin, charLine, charCol, ACS_LTEE); } else if(i < BOARD_SIZE - 1 && (j == BOARD_SIZE - 1 || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j+1] == CELL_WALL_LEFT) && (state->gameBoard->obstacles[i+1][j] == CELL_WALL_TOP || state->gameBoard->obstacles[i][j] == CELL_WALL_BOTTOM)) { mvwaddch(boardWin, charLine, charCol + 4, ACS_RTEE); } } } refresh(); wrefresh(boardWin); delwin(boardWin); }
// // Demande à l'utilisateur s'il souhaite rejouer. // bool wantsToReplay(WINDOW *win, int top) { if(win == NULL || top < 0) return false; //variables pour l'affichage du menu ITEM **menuItems = NULL; MENU *menu = NULL; int i = 0, c; int nbChoices = 2; char *choices[] = { "Menu Principal", "Quitter" }; int winWidth = POPUP_WINDOW_WIDTH; //largeur du menu = longueur du plus grand des choix possibles int menuWidth = 22; //on alloue de la mémoire pour initialiser les éléments du menu menuItems = (ITEM **) calloc(nbChoices + 1, sizeof(ITEM *)); //on créé de nouveaux éléments à partir des choix fournis for(i = 0; i < nbChoices; i++) { menuItems[i] = new_item(choices[i], NULL); } //on met un élément nul à la fin du tableau menuItems[nbChoices] = (ITEM *) NULL; //on initialise le menu menu = new_menu((ITEM **) menuItems); //on lui précise bien que le menu fait 1 ligne et 2 colonnes set_menu_format(menu, 1, 2); //on associe le menu à une fenêtre et une sous-fenêtre set_menu_win(menu, win); //fenêtre hauteur largeur x y set_menu_sub(menu, derwin(win, nbChoices, menuWidth, top, (winWidth - menuWidth) / 2)); menu_opts_off(menu, O_NONCYCLIC); set_menu_mark(menu, ""); //et hop, on affiche le menu et on rafraîchit. post_menu(menu); refresh(); wrefresh(win); curs_set(0); noecho(); //boucle pour le menu while((c = getch())) { switch(c) { case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_UP: menu_driver(menu, REQ_LEFT_ITEM); break; case KEY_RIGHT: case KEY_DOWN: menu_driver(menu, REQ_RIGHT_ITEM); break; case KEY_MENU_ENTER: { int choice = item_index(current_item(menu)); unpost_menu(menu); free_menu(menu); for(i = 0; i < nbChoices; ++i) free_item(menuItems[i]); //si l'indice est 1 on renvoie 0 et vice-versa return !choice; } } wrefresh(win); } return false; }