Ejemplo n.º 1
static sql_exp * 
rel_psm_if_then_else( mvc *sql, sql_subtype *res, dnode *elseif, int is_func)
	if (!elseif)
		return NULL;
	if (elseif->next && elseif->type == type_symbol) { /* if or elseif */
		sql_exp *cond;
		list *ifstmts, *elsestmts;
		dnode *n = elseif;
		sql_rel *rel = NULL;

		cond = rel_logical_value_exp(sql, &rel, n->data.sym, sql_sel); 
		n = n->next;
		ifstmts = sequential_block(sql, res, NULL, n->data.lval, NULL, is_func);
		n = n->next;
		elsestmts = psm_if_then_else( sql, res, n, is_func);
		if (sql->session->status || !cond || !ifstmts || rel) {
			if (rel)
				return sql_error(sql, 02, "IF THEN ELSE: No SELECT statements allowed within the IF condition");
			return NULL;
		return exp_if( sql->sa, cond, ifstmts, elsestmts);
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static sql_exp * 
rel_psm_if_then_else( mvc *sql, sql_subtype *res, list *restypelist, dnode *elseif, int is_func)
	if (!elseif)
		return NULL;
	if (elseif->next && elseif->type == type_symbol) { /* if or elseif */
		sql_exp *cond;
		list *ifstmts, *elsestmts;
		dnode *n = elseif;
		sql_rel *rel = NULL;

		cond = rel_logical_value_exp(sql, &rel, n->data.sym, sql_sel); 
		n = n->next;
		ifstmts = sequential_block(sql, res, restypelist, n->data.lval, NULL, is_func);
		n = n->next;
		elsestmts = psm_if_then_else( sql, res, restypelist, n, is_func);
		if (sql->session->status || !cond || !ifstmts) 
			return NULL;
		if (rel) {
			sql_exp *er = exp_rel(sql, rel);
			list *b = sa_list(sql->sa);

			append(b, er);
			append(b, exp_if(sql->sa, cond, ifstmts, elsestmts));
			return exp_rel(sql, rel_psm_block(sql->sa, b));
		return exp_if( sql->sa, cond, ifstmts, elsestmts);
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* [ label: ]
   while (cond) do 
   end [ label ]
   currently we only parse the labels, they cannot be used as there is no

   support for LEAVE and ITERATE (sql multi-level break and continue)
static sql_exp * 
rel_psm_while_do( mvc *sql, sql_subtype *res, list *restypelist, dnode *w, int is_func )
	if (!w)
		return NULL;
	if (w->type == type_symbol) { 
		sql_exp *cond;
		list *whilestmts;
		dnode *n = w;
		sql_rel *rel = NULL;

		cond = rel_logical_value_exp(sql, &rel, n->data.sym, sql_sel); 
		n = n->next;
		whilestmts = sequential_block(sql, res, restypelist, n->data.lval, n->next->data.sval, is_func);

		if (sql->session->status || !cond || !whilestmts) 
			return NULL;
		if (rel) {
			sql_exp *er = exp_rel(sql, rel);
			list *b = sa_list(sql->sa);

			append(b, er);
			append(b, exp_while( sql->sa, cond, whilestmts ));
			return exp_rel(sql, rel_psm_block(sql->sa, b));
		return exp_while( sql->sa, cond, whilestmts );
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* if (cond) then statement_list
   [ elseif (cond) then statement_list ]*
   [ else statement_list ]
   end if
static list * 
psm_if_then_else( mvc *sql, sql_subtype *res, list *restypelist, dnode *elseif, int is_func)
	if (!elseif)
		return NULL;
	assert(elseif->type == type_symbol); 
	if (elseif->data.sym && elseif->data.sym->token == SQL_IF) {
		sql_exp *cond;
		list *ifstmts, *elsestmts;
		dnode *n = elseif->data.sym->data.lval->h;
		sql_rel *rel = NULL;

		cond = rel_logical_value_exp(sql, &rel, n->data.sym, sql_sel); 
		n = n->next;
		ifstmts = sequential_block(sql, res, restypelist, n->data.lval, NULL, is_func);
		n = n->next;
		elsestmts = psm_if_then_else( sql, res, restypelist, n, is_func);

		if (sql->session->status || !cond || !ifstmts) 
			return NULL;
		if (rel) {
			sql_exp *er = exp_rel(sql, rel);
			list *b = sa_list(sql->sa);

			append(b, er);
			append(b, exp_if(sql->sa, cond, ifstmts, elsestmts));
			return b;
		return append(sa_list(sql->sa), exp_if( sql->sa, cond, ifstmts, elsestmts));
	} else { /* else */
		symbol *e = elseif->data.sym;

		if (e==NULL || (e->token != SQL_ELSE))
			return NULL;
		return sequential_block( sql, res, restypelist, e->data.lval, NULL, is_func);
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* 	1
	WHEN search_condition THEN statements
	[ WHEN search_condition THEN statements ]
	[ ELSE statements ]

	CASE case_value
	WHEN when_value THEN statements
	[ WHEN when_value THEN statements ]
	[ ELSE statements ]
static list * 
rel_psm_case( mvc *sql, sql_subtype *res, dnode *case_when, int is_func )
	list *case_stmts = sa_list(sql->sa);

	if (!case_when)
		return NULL;

	/* case 1 */
	if (case_when->type == type_symbol) {
		dnode *n = case_when;
		symbol *case_value = n->data.sym;
		dlist *when_statements = n->next->data.lval;
		dlist *else_statements = n->next->next->data.lval;
		list *else_stmt = NULL;
		sql_rel *rel = NULL;
		exp_kind ek = {type_value, card_value, FALSE};
		sql_exp *v = rel_value_exp(sql, &rel, case_value, sql_sel, ek);

		if (!v)
			return NULL;
		if (rel)
			return sql_error(sql, 02, "CASE: No SELECT statements allowed within the CASE condition");
		if (else_statements) {
			else_stmt = sequential_block( sql, res, NULL, else_statements, NULL, is_func);
			if (!else_stmt) 
				return NULL;
		n = when_statements->h;
		while(n) {
			dnode *m = n->data.sym->data.lval->h;
			sql_exp *cond=0, *when_value = rel_value_exp(sql, &rel, m->data.sym, sql_sel, ek);
			list *if_stmts = NULL;
			sql_exp *case_stmt = NULL;

			if (!when_value || rel ||
			   (cond = rel_binop_(sql, v, when_value, NULL, "=", card_value)) == NULL || 
			   (if_stmts = sequential_block( sql, res, NULL, m->next->data.lval, NULL, is_func)) == NULL ) {
				if (rel)
					return sql_error(sql, 02, "CASE: No SELECT statements allowed within the CASE condition");
				return NULL;
			case_stmt = exp_if(sql->sa, cond, if_stmts, NULL);
			list_append(case_stmts, case_stmt);
			n = n->next;
		if (else_stmt)
			list_merge(case_stmts, else_stmt, NULL);
		return case_stmts;
	} else { 
		/* case 2 */
		dnode *n = case_when;
		dlist *whenlist = n->data.lval;
		dlist *else_statements = n->next->data.lval;
		list *else_stmt = NULL;

		if (else_statements) {
			else_stmt = sequential_block( sql, res, NULL, else_statements, NULL, is_func);
			if (!else_stmt) 
				return NULL;
		n = whenlist->h;
		while(n) {
			dnode *m = n->data.sym->data.lval->h;
			sql_rel *rel = NULL;
			sql_exp *cond = rel_logical_value_exp(sql, &rel, m->data.sym, sql_sel);
			list *if_stmts = NULL;
			sql_exp *case_stmt = NULL;

			if (!cond || rel ||
			   (if_stmts = sequential_block( sql, res, NULL, m->next->data.lval, NULL, is_func)) == NULL ) {
				if (rel)
					return sql_error(sql, 02, "CASE: No SELECT statements allowed within the CASE condition");
				return NULL;
			case_stmt = exp_if(sql->sa, cond, if_stmts, NULL);
			list_append(case_stmts, case_stmt);
			n = n->next;
		if (else_stmt)
			list_merge(case_stmts, else_stmt, NULL);
		return case_stmts;