Ejemplo n.º 1
** Generate code to implement the "ALTER TABLE xxx RENAME TO yyy" 
** command. 
void sqlite3AlterRenameTable(
  Parse *pParse,            /* Parser context. */
  SrcList *pSrc,            /* The table to rename. */
  Token *pName              /* The new table name. */
  int iDb;                  /* Database that contains the table */
  char *zDb;                /* Name of database iDb */
  Table *pTab;              /* Table being renamed */
  char *zName = 0;          /* NULL-terminated version of pName */ 
  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; /* Database connection */
  int nTabName;             /* Number of UTF-8 characters in zTabName */
  const char *zTabName;     /* Original name of the table */
  Vdbe *v;
  char *zWhere = 0;         /* Where clause to locate temp triggers */
  int isVirtualRename = 0;  /* True if this is a v-table with an xRename() */
  if( sqlite3MallocFailed() ) goto exit_rename_table;
  assert( pSrc->nSrc==1 );

  pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, pSrc->a[0].zName, pSrc->a[0].zDatabase);
  if( !pTab ) goto exit_rename_table;
  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
  zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;

  /* Get a NULL terminated version of the new table name. */
  zName = sqlite3NameFromToken(pName);
  if( !zName ) goto exit_rename_table;

  /* Check that a table or index named 'zName' does not already exist
  ** in database iDb. If so, this is an error.
  if( sqlite3FindTable(db, zName, zDb) || sqlite3FindIndex(db, zName, zDb) ){
        "there is already another table or index with this name: %s", zName);
    goto exit_rename_table;

  /* Make sure it is not a system table being altered, or a reserved name
  ** that the table is being renamed to.
  if( strlen(pTab->zName)>6 && 0==sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7) ){
    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %s may not be altered", pTab->zName);
    goto exit_rename_table;
  if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3CheckObjectName(pParse, zName) ){
    goto exit_rename_table;

  /* Invoke the authorization callback. */
  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE, zDb, pTab->zName, 0) ){
    goto exit_rename_table;

  if( sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(pParse, pTab) ){
    goto exit_rename_table;
  if( IsVirtual(pTab) && pTab->pMod->pModule->xRename ){
    isVirtualRename = 1;

  /* Begin a transaction and code the VerifyCookie for database iDb. 
  ** Then modify the schema cookie (since the ALTER TABLE modifies the
  ** schema). Open a statement transaction if the table is a virtual
  ** table.
  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
  if( v==0 ){
    goto exit_rename_table;
  sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, isVirtualRename, iDb);
  sqlite3ChangeCookie(db, v, iDb);

  /* If this is a virtual table, invoke the xRename() function if
  ** one is defined. The xRename() callback will modify the names
  ** of any resources used by the v-table implementation (including other
  ** SQLite tables) that are identified by the name of the virtual table.
  if( isVirtualRename ){
    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_String8, 0, 0, zName, 0);
    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_VRename, 0, 0, (const char*)pTab->pVtab, P3_VTAB);

  /* figure out how many UTF-8 characters are in zName */
  zTabName = pTab->zName;
  nTabName = sqlite3Utf8CharLen(zTabName, -1);

  /* Modify the sqlite_master table to use the new table name. */
      "UPDATE %Q.%s SET "
          "sql = sqlite_rename_table(sql, %Q), "
          "sql = CASE "
            "WHEN type = 'trigger' THEN sqlite_rename_trigger(sql, %Q)"
            "ELSE sqlite_rename_table(sql, %Q) END, "
          "tbl_name = %Q, "
          "name = CASE "
            "WHEN type='table' THEN %Q "
            "WHEN name LIKE 'sqlite_autoindex%%' AND type='index' THEN "
             "'sqlite_autoindex_' || %Q || substr(name,%d+18,10) "
            "ELSE name END "
      "WHERE tbl_name=%Q AND "
          "(type='table' OR type='index' OR type='trigger');", 
      zDb, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), zName, zName, zName, 
      zName, nTabName, zTabName

  /* If the sqlite_sequence table exists in this database, then update 
  ** it with the new table name.
  if( sqlite3FindTable(db, "sqlite_sequence", zDb) ){
        "UPDATE %Q.sqlite_sequence set name = %Q WHERE name = %Q",
        zDb, zName, pTab->zName);

  /* If there are TEMP triggers on this table, modify the sqlite_temp_master
  ** table. Don't do this if the table being ALTERed is itself located in
  ** the temp database.
  if( (zWhere=whereTempTriggers(pParse, pTab))!=0 ){
        "UPDATE sqlite_temp_master SET "
            "sql = sqlite_rename_trigger(sql, %Q), "
            "tbl_name = %Q "
            "WHERE %s;", zName, zName, zWhere);

  /* Drop and reload the internal table schema. */
  reloadTableSchema(pParse, pTab, zName);

Ejemplo n.º 2
** This function is called after an "ALTER TABLE ... ADD" statement
** has been parsed. Argument pColDef contains the text of the new
** column definition.
** The Table structure pParse->pNewTable was extended to include
** the new column during parsing.
void sqlite3AlterFinishAddColumn(Parse *pParse, Token *pColDef){
  Table *pNew;              /* Copy of pParse->pNewTable */
  Table *pTab;              /* Table being altered */
  int iDb;                  /* Database number */
  const char *zDb;          /* Database name */
  const char *zTab;         /* Table name */
  char *zCol;               /* Null-terminated column definition */
  Column *pCol;             /* The new column */
  Expr *pDflt;              /* Default value for the new column */

  if( pParse->nErr ) return;
  pNew = pParse->pNewTable;
  assert( pNew );

  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pNew->pSchema);
  zDb = pParse->db->aDb[iDb].zName;
  zTab = pNew->zName;
  pCol = &pNew->aCol[pNew->nCol-1];
  pDflt = pCol->pDflt;
  pTab = sqlite3FindTable(pParse->db, zTab, zDb);
  assert( pTab );

  /* Invoke the authorization callback. */
  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE, zDb, pTab->zName, 0) ){

  /* If the default value for the new column was specified with a 
  ** literal NULL, then set pDflt to 0. This simplifies checking
  ** for an SQL NULL default below.
  if( pDflt && pDflt->op==TK_NULL ){
    pDflt = 0;

  /* Check that the new column is not specified as PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE.
  ** If there is a NOT NULL constraint, then the default value for the
  ** column must not be NULL.
  if( pCol->isPrimKey ){
    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a PRIMARY KEY column");
  if( pNew->pIndex ){
    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a UNIQUE column");
  if( pCol->notNull && !pDflt ){
        "Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL");

  /* Ensure the default expression is something that sqlite3ValueFromExpr()
  ** can handle (i.e. not CURRENT_TIME etc.)
  if( pDflt ){
    sqlite3_value *pVal;
    if( sqlite3ValueFromExpr(pDflt, SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_AFF_NONE, &pVal) ){
      /* malloc() has failed */
    if( !pVal ){
      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a column with non-constant default");

  /* Modify the CREATE TABLE statement. */
  zCol = sqliteStrNDup((char*)pColDef->z, pColDef->n);
  if( zCol ){
    char *zEnd = &zCol[pColDef->n-1];
    while( (zEnd>zCol && *zEnd==';') || isspace(*(unsigned char *)zEnd) ){
      *zEnd-- = '\0';
        "UPDATE %Q.%s SET "
          "sql = substr(sql,1,%d) || ', ' || %Q || substr(sql,%d,length(sql)) "
        "WHERE type = 'table' AND name = %Q", 
      zDb, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), pNew->addColOffset, zCol, pNew->addColOffset+1,

  /* If the default value of the new column is NULL, then set the file
  ** format to 2. If the default value of the new column is not NULL,
  ** the file format becomes 3.
  sqlite3MinimumFileFormat(pParse, iDb, pDflt ? 3 : 2);

  /* Reload the schema of the modified table. */
  reloadTableSchema(pParse, pTab, pTab->zName);
Ejemplo n.º 3
** This function is called after an "ALTER TABLE ... ADD" statement
** has been parsed. Argument pColDef contains the text of the new
** column definition.
** The Table structure pParse->pNewTable was extended to include
** the new column during parsing.
void sqlite3AlterFinishAddColumn(Parse *pParse, Token *pColDef){
  Table *pNew;              /* Copy of pParse->pNewTable */
  Table *pTab;              /* Table being altered */
  int iDb;                  /* Database number */
  const char *zDb;          /* Database name */
  const char *zTab;         /* Table name */
  char *zCol;               /* Null-terminated column definition */
  Column *pCol;             /* The new column */
  Expr *pDflt;              /* Default value for the new column */
  sqlite3 *db;              /* The database connection; */
  Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;  /* The prepared statement under construction */

  db = pParse->db;
  if( pParse->nErr || db->mallocFailed ) return;
  assert( v!=0 );
  pNew = pParse->pNewTable;
  assert( pNew );

  assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(db) );
  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pNew->pSchema);
  zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
  zTab = &pNew->zName[16];  /* Skip the "sqlite_altertab_" prefix on the name */
  pCol = &pNew->aCol[pNew->nCol-1];
  pDflt = pCol->pDflt;
  pTab = sqlite3FindTable(db, zTab, zDb);
  assert( pTab );

  /* Invoke the authorization callback. */
  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE, zDb, pTab->zName, 0) ){

  /* If the default value for the new column was specified with a
  ** literal NULL, then set pDflt to 0. This simplifies checking
  ** for an SQL NULL default below.
  if( pDflt && pDflt->op==TK_NULL ){
    pDflt = 0;

  /* Check that the new column is not specified as PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE.
  ** If there is a NOT NULL constraint, then the default value for the
  ** column must not be NULL.
  if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_PRIMKEY ){
    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a PRIMARY KEY column");
  if( pNew->pIndex ){
    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a UNIQUE column");
  if( (db->flags&SQLITE_ForeignKeys) && pNew->pFKey && pDflt ){
        "Cannot add a REFERENCES column with non-NULL default value");
  if( pCol->notNull && !pDflt ){
        "Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL");

  /* Ensure the default expression is something that sqlite3ValueFromExpr()
  ** can handle (i.e. not CURRENT_TIME etc.)
  if( pDflt ){
    sqlite3_value *pVal = 0;
    int rc;
    rc = sqlite3ValueFromExpr(db, pDflt, SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_AFF_BLOB, &pVal);
    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_NOMEM );
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      assert( db->mallocFailed == 1 );
    if( !pVal ){
      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a column with non-constant default");

  /* Modify the CREATE TABLE statement. */
  zCol = sqlite3DbStrNDup(db, (char*)pColDef->z, pColDef->n);
  if( zCol ){
    char *zEnd = &zCol[pColDef->n-1];
    int savedDbFlags = db->flags;
    while( zEnd>zCol && (*zEnd==';' || sqlite3Isspace(*zEnd)) ){
      *zEnd-- = '\0';
    db->flags |= SQLITE_PreferBuiltin;
        "UPDATE \"%w\".%s SET "
          "sql = substr(sql,1,%d) || ', ' || %Q || substr(sql,%d) "
        "WHERE type = 'table' AND name = %Q",
      zDb, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), pNew->addColOffset, zCol, pNew->addColOffset+1,
    sqlite3DbFree(db, zCol);
    db->flags = savedDbFlags;

  /* If the default value of the new column is NULL, then the file
  ** format to 2. If the default value of the new column is not NULL,
  ** the file format be 3.  Back when this feature was first added
  ** in 2006, we went to the trouble to upgrade the file format to the
  ** minimum support values.  But 10-years on, we can assume that all
  ** extent versions of SQLite support file-format 4, so we always and
  ** unconditionally upgrade to 4.
  sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_SetCookie, iDb, BTREE_FILE_FORMAT,

  /* Reload the schema of the modified table. */
  reloadTableSchema(pParse, pTab, pTab->zName);
Ejemplo n.º 4
** Generate code to implement the "ALTER TABLE xxx RENAME TO yyy"
** command.
void sqlite3AlterRenameTable(
  Parse *pParse,            /* Parser context. */
  SrcList *pSrc,            /* The table to rename. */
  Token *pName              /* The new table name. */
  int iDb;                  /* Database that contains the table */
  char *zDb;                /* Name of database iDb */
  Table *pTab;              /* Table being renamed */
  char *zName = 0;          /* NULL-terminated version of pName */
  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; /* Database connection */
  int nTabName;             /* Number of UTF-8 characters in zTabName */
  const char *zTabName;     /* Original name of the table */
  Vdbe *v;
  char *zWhere = 0;         /* Where clause to locate temp triggers */
  VTable *pVTab = 0;        /* Non-zero if this is a v-tab with an xRename() */
  int savedDbFlags;         /* Saved value of db->flags */

  savedDbFlags = db->flags;
  if( NEVER(db->mallocFailed) ) goto exit_rename_table;
  assert( pSrc->nSrc==1 );
  assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(pParse->db) );

  pTab = sqlite3LocateTableItem(pParse, 0, &pSrc->a[0]);
  if( !pTab ) goto exit_rename_table;
  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
  zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
  db->flags |= SQLITE_PreferBuiltin;

  /* Get a NULL terminated version of the new table name. */
  zName = sqlite3NameFromToken(db, pName);
  if( !zName ) goto exit_rename_table;

  /* Check that a table or index named 'zName' does not already exist
  ** in database iDb. If so, this is an error.
  if( sqlite3FindTable(db, zName, zDb) || sqlite3FindIndex(db, zName, zDb) ){
        "there is already another table or index with this name: %s", zName);
    goto exit_rename_table;

  /* Make sure it is not a system table being altered, or a reserved name
  ** that the table is being renamed to.
  if( SQLITE_OK!=isSystemTable(pParse, pTab->zName) ){
    goto exit_rename_table;
  if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3CheckObjectName(pParse, zName) ){ goto

  if( pTab->pSelect ){
    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "view %s may not be altered", pTab->zName);
    goto exit_rename_table;

  /* Invoke the authorization callback. */
  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE, zDb, pTab->zName, 0) ){
    goto exit_rename_table;

  if( sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(pParse, pTab) ){
    goto exit_rename_table;
  if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
    pVTab = sqlite3GetVTable(db, pTab);
    if( pVTab->pVtab->pModule->xRename==0 ){
      pVTab = 0;

  /* Begin a transaction for database iDb.
  ** Then modify the schema cookie (since the ALTER TABLE modifies the
  ** schema). Open a statement transaction if the table is a virtual
  ** table.
  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
  if( v==0 ){
    goto exit_rename_table;
  sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, pVTab!=0, iDb);
  sqlite3ChangeCookie(pParse, iDb);

  /* If this is a virtual table, invoke the xRename() function if
  ** one is defined. The xRename() callback will modify the names
  ** of any resources used by the v-table implementation (including other
  ** SQLite tables) that are identified by the name of the virtual table.
  if( pVTab ){
    int i = ++pParse->nMem;
    sqlite3VdbeLoadString(v, i, zName);
    sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_VRename, i, 0, 0,(const char*)pVTab, P4_VTAB);

  /* figure out how many UTF-8 characters are in zName */
  zTabName = pTab->zName;
  nTabName = sqlite3Utf8CharLen(zTabName, -1);

  if( db->flags&SQLITE_ForeignKeys ){
    /* If foreign-key support is enabled, rewrite the CREATE TABLE
    ** statements corresponding to all child tables of foreign key constraints
    ** for which the renamed table is the parent table.  */
    if( (zWhere=whereForeignKeys(pParse, pTab))!=0 ){
          "UPDATE \"%w\".%s SET "
              "sql = sqlite_rename_parent(sql, %Q, %Q) "
              "WHERE %s;", zDb, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), zTabName, zName, zWhere);
      sqlite3DbFree(db, zWhere);

  /* Modify the sqlite_master table to use the new table name. */
      "UPDATE %Q.%s SET "
          "sql = sqlite_rename_table(sql, %Q), "
          "sql = CASE "
            "WHEN type = 'trigger' THEN sqlite_rename_trigger(sql, %Q)"
            "ELSE sqlite_rename_table(sql, %Q) END, "
          "tbl_name = %Q, "
          "name = CASE "
            "WHEN type='table' THEN %Q "
            "WHEN name LIKE 'sqlite_autoindex%%' AND type='index' THEN "
             "'sqlite_autoindex_' || %Q || substr(name,%d+18) "
            "ELSE name END "
      "WHERE tbl_name=%Q COLLATE nocase AND "
          "(type='table' OR type='index' OR type='trigger');",
      zDb, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), zName, zName, zName,
      zName, nTabName, zTabName

  /* If the sqlite_sequence table exists in this database, then update
  ** it with the new table name.
  if( sqlite3FindTable(db, "sqlite_sequence", zDb) ){
        "UPDATE \"%w\".sqlite_sequence set name = %Q WHERE name = %Q",
        zDb, zName, pTab->zName);

  /* If there are TEMP triggers on this table, modify the sqlite_temp_master
  ** table. Don't do this if the table being ALTERed is itself located in
  ** the temp database.
  if( (zWhere=whereTempTriggers(pParse, pTab))!=0 ){
        "UPDATE sqlite_temp_master SET "
            "sql = sqlite_rename_trigger(sql, %Q), "
            "tbl_name = %Q "
            "WHERE %s;", zName, zName, zWhere);
    sqlite3DbFree(db, zWhere);

  if( db->flags&SQLITE_ForeignKeys ){
    FKey *p;
    for(p=sqlite3FkReferences(pTab); p; p=p->pNextTo){
      Table *pFrom = p->pFrom;
      if( pFrom!=pTab ){
        reloadTableSchema(pParse, p->pFrom, pFrom->zName);

  /* Drop and reload the internal table schema. */
  reloadTableSchema(pParse, pTab, zName);

  sqlite3SrcListDelete(db, pSrc);
  sqlite3DbFree(db, zName);
  db->flags = savedDbFlags;
Ejemplo n.º 5
** Generate code to implement the "ALTER TABLE xxx RENAME TO yyy" 
** command. 
void sqlite3AlterRenameTable(
  Parse *pParse,            /* Parser context. */
  SrcList *pSrc,            /* The table to rename. */
  Token *pName              /* The new table name. */
  int iDb;                  /* Database that contains the table */
  char *zDb;                /* Name of database iDb */
  Table *pTab;              /* Table being renamed */
  char *zName = 0;          /* NULL-terminated version of pName */ 
  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; /* Database connection */
  Vdbe *v;
  char *zWhere = 0;         /* Where clause to locate temp triggers */
  if( sqlite3_malloc_failed ) goto exit_rename_table;
  assert( pSrc->nSrc==1 );

  pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, pSrc->a[0].zName, pSrc->a[0].zDatabase);
  if( !pTab ) goto exit_rename_table;
  iDb = pTab->iDb;
  zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;

  /* Get a NULL terminated version of the new table name. */
  zName = sqlite3NameFromToken(pName);
  if( !zName ) goto exit_rename_table;

  /* Check that a table or index named 'zName' does not already exist
  ** in database iDb. If so, this is an error.
  if( sqlite3FindTable(db, zName, zDb) || sqlite3FindIndex(db, zName, zDb) ){
        "there is already another table or index with this name: %s", zName);
    goto exit_rename_table;

  /* Make sure it is not a system table being altered, or a reserved name
  ** that the table is being renamed to.
  if( strlen(pTab->zName)>6 && 0==sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7) ){
    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %s may not be altered", pTab->zName);
    goto exit_rename_table;
  if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3CheckObjectName(pParse, zName) ){
    goto exit_rename_table;

  /* Invoke the authorization callback. */
  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE, zDb, pTab->zName, 0) ){
    goto exit_rename_table;

  /* Begin a transaction and code the VerifyCookie for database iDb. 
  ** Then modify the schema cookie (since the ALTER TABLE modifies the
  ** schema).
  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
  if( v==0 ){
    goto exit_rename_table;
  sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb);
  sqlite3ChangeCookie(db, v, iDb);

  /* Modify the sqlite_master table to use the new table name. */
      "UPDATE %Q.%s SET "
          "sql = sqlite_rename_table(sql, %Q), "
          "sql = CASE "
            "WHEN type = 'trigger' THEN sqlite_rename_trigger(sql, %Q)"
            "ELSE sqlite_rename_table(sql, %Q) END, "
          "tbl_name = %Q, "
          "name = CASE "
            "WHEN type='table' THEN %Q "
            "WHEN name LIKE 'sqlite_autoindex%%' AND type='index' THEN "
              "'sqlite_autoindex_' || %Q || substr(name, %d+18,10) "
            "ELSE name END "
      "WHERE tbl_name=%Q AND "
          "(type='table' OR type='index' OR type='trigger');", 
      zDb, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), zName, zName, zName, 
      zName, strlen(pTab->zName), pTab->zName

  /* If the sqlite_sequence table exists in this database, then update 
  ** it with the new table name.
  if( sqlite3FindTable(db, "sqlite_sequence", zDb) ){
        "UPDATE %Q.sqlite_sequence set name = %Q WHERE name = %Q",
        zDb, zName, pTab->zName);

  /* If there are TEMP triggers on this table, modify the sqlite_temp_master
  ** table. Don't do this if the table being ALTERed is itself located in
  ** the temp database.
  if( (zWhere=whereTempTriggers(pParse, pTab)) ){
        "UPDATE sqlite_temp_master SET "
            "sql = sqlite_rename_trigger(sql, %Q), "
            "tbl_name = %Q "
            "WHERE %s;", zName, zName, zWhere);

  /* Drop and reload the internal table schema. */
  reloadTableSchema(pParse, pTab, zName);

Ejemplo n.º 6
** This function is called after an "ALTER TABLE ... ADD" statement
** has been parsed. Argument pColDef contains the text of the new
** column definition.
** The Table structure pParse->pNewTable was extended to include
** the new column during parsing.
在“ALTER TABLE…添加“声明解析后这个函数被调用。
表结构pParse - > pNewTable扩大到包括在解析新列。
void sqlite3AlterFinishAddColumn(Parse *pParse, Token *pColDef){
  Table *pNew;              /* Copy of pParse->pNewTable pParse->pNew表的副本*/
  Table *pTab;              /* Table being altered 被修改的表*/
  int iDb;                  /* Database number 数据库数*/
  const char *zDb;          /* Database name 数据库名*/
  const char *zTab;         /* Table name 表名*/
  char *zCol;               /* Null-terminated column definition 空值终止列定义*/
  Column *pCol;             /* The new column 新列*/
  Expr *pDflt;              /* Default value for the new column 为新列默认数值*/
  sqlite3 *db;              /* The database connection; 数据库的连接*/

  db = pParse->db;
  if( pParse->nErr || db->mallocFailed ) return;
  pNew = pParse->pNewTable;
  assert( pNew );

  assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(db) );
  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pNew->pSchema);
  zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
  zTab = &pNew->zName[16];  /* Skip the "sqlite_altertab_" prefix on the name 跳过“sqlite_altertab_”前缀的名称*/
  pCol = &pNew->aCol[pNew->nCol-1];
  pDflt = pCol->pDflt;
  pTab = sqlite3FindTable(db, zTab, zDb);
  assert( pTab );

  /* Invoke the authorization callback. 调用授权回调*/
  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE, zDb, pTab->zName, 0) ){

  /* If the default value for the new column was specified with a 
  ** literal NULL, then set pDflt to 0. This simplifies checking
  ** for an SQL NULL default below.
  if( pDflt && pDflt->op==TK_NULL ){
    pDflt = 0;

  /* Check that the new column is not specified as PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE.
  ** If there is a NOT NULL constraint, then the default value for the
  ** column must not be NULL.
  if( pCol->isPrimKey ){
    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a PRIMARY KEY column");
  if( pNew->pIndex ){
    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a UNIQUE column");
  if( (db->flags&SQLITE_ForeignKeys) && pNew->pFKey && pDflt ){
        "Cannot add a REFERENCES column with non-NULL default value");
  if( pCol->notNull && !pDflt ){
        "Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL");

  /* Ensure the default expression is something that sqlite3ValueFromExpr()
  ** can handle (i.e. not CURRENT_TIME etc.)
  if( pDflt ){
    sqlite3_value *pVal;
    if( sqlite3ValueFromExpr(db, pDflt, SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_AFF_NONE, &pVal) ){
      db->mallocFailed = 1;
    if( !pVal ){
      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a column with non-constant default");

  /* Modify the CREATE TABLE statement. 修改CREATE TABLE语句。*/
  zCol = sqlite3DbStrNDup(db, (char*)pColDef->z, pColDef->n);
  if( zCol ){
    char *zEnd = &zCol[pColDef->n-1];
    int savedDbFlags = db->flags;
    while( zEnd>zCol && (*zEnd==';' || sqlite3Isspace(*zEnd)) ){
      *zEnd-- = '\0';
    db->flags |= SQLITE_PreferBuiltin;
        "UPDATE \"%w\".%s SET "
          "sql = substr(sql,1,%d) || ', ' || %Q || substr(sql,%d) "
        "WHERE type = 'table' AND name = %Q", 
      zDb, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), pNew->addColOffset, zCol, pNew->addColOffset+1,
    sqlite3DbFree(db, zCol);
    db->flags = savedDbFlags;

  /* If the default value of the new column is NULL, then set the file
  ** format to 2. If the default value of the new column is not NULL,
  ** the file format becomes 3.
  sqlite3MinimumFileFormat(pParse, iDb, pDflt ? 3 : 2);

  /* Reload the schema of the modified table. 重新加载修改后的表的模式。*/
  reloadTableSchema(pParse, pTab, pTab->zName);
Ejemplo n.º 7
** Generate code to implement the "ALTER TABLE xxx RENAME TO yyy" 
** command. 生成代码来实现“ALTER TABLE xxx重命名yyy”命令。
void sqlite3AlterRenameTable(
  Parse *pParse,            /* Parser context. 语法分析器上下文*/
  SrcList *pSrc,            /* The table to rename. 重命名的表*/
  Token *pName              /* The new table name. 新表名*/
  int iDb;                  /* Database that contains the table 包含表的数据库*/
  char *zDb;                /* Name of database iDb 数据库iDb 的名称*/
  Table *pTab;              /* Table being renamed 正在重命名的表*/
  char *zName = 0;          /* NULL-terminated version of pName  pName的空值终止版本*/ 
  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; /* Database connection 数据库的连接*/
  int nTabName;             /* Number of UTF-8 characters in zTabName 在 zTabName里的UTF-8类型的数目*/
  const char *zTabName;     /* Original name of the table 最初的数据库名称*/
  Vdbe *v;
  char *zWhere = 0;         /* Where clause to locate temp triggers Where 子句位于temp触发器*/
  VTable *pVTab = 0;        /* Non-zero if this is a v-tab with an xRename() 如果是 一个v-tab 和一个xRename() ,则为零*/
  int savedDbFlags;         /* Saved value of db->flags db->flags的保留值*/

  savedDbFlags = db->flags;  
  if( NEVER(db->mallocFailed) ) goto exit_rename_table;
  assert( pSrc->nSrc==1 );
  assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(pParse->db) );

  pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, pSrc->a[0].zName, pSrc->a[0].zDatabase);
  if( !pTab ) goto exit_rename_table;
  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
  zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
  db->flags |= SQLITE_PreferBuiltin;

  /* Get a NULL terminated version of the new table name. 得到一个空终止版本的新表的名称。*/
  zName = sqlite3NameFromToken(db, pName);
  if( !zName ) goto exit_rename_table;

  /* Check that a table or index named 'zName' does not already exist
  ** in database iDb. If so, this is an error.检查一个表或索引名叫“zName”不存在数据库iDb。
  if( sqlite3FindTable(db, zName, zDb) || sqlite3FindIndex(db, zName, zDb) ){
        "there is already another table or index with this name: %s", zName);
    goto exit_rename_table;

  /* Make sure it is not a system table being altered, or a reserved name
  ** that the table is being renamed to.
  if( SQLITE_OK!=isSystemTable(pParse, pTab->zName) ){
    goto exit_rename_table;
  if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3CheckObjectName(pParse, zName) ){ goto

  if( pTab->pSelect ){
    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "view %s may not be altered", pTab->zName);
    goto exit_rename_table;

  /* Invoke the authorization callback. 调用授权回调。*/
  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE, zDb, pTab->zName, 0) ){
    goto exit_rename_table;

  if( sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(pParse, pTab) ){
    goto exit_rename_table;
  if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
    pVTab = sqlite3GetVTable(db, pTab);
    if( pVTab->pVtab->pModule->xRename==0 ){
      pVTab = 0;

  /* Begin a transaction and code the VerifyCookie for database iDb. 
  ** Then modify the schema cookie (since the ALTER TABLE modifies the
  ** schema). Open a statement transaction if the table is a virtual
  ** table.
然后修改模式cookie(因为ALTER TABLE修改模式)。
  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
  if( v==0 ){
    goto exit_rename_table;
  sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, pVTab!=0, iDb);
  sqlite3ChangeCookie(pParse, iDb);

  /* If this is a virtual table, invoke the xRename() function if
  ** one is defined. The xRename() callback will modify the names
  ** of any resources used by the v-table implementation (including other
  ** SQLite tables) that are identified by the name of the virtual table.、
  if( pVTab ){
    int i = ++pParse->nMem;
    sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, i, 0, zName, 0);
    sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_VRename, i, 0, 0,(const char*)pVTab, P4_VTAB);

  /* figure out how many UTF-8 characters are in zName 算出在zName里有多少utf - 8字符*/
  zTabName = pTab->zName;
  nTabName = sqlite3Utf8CharLen(zTabName, -1);

  if( db->flags&SQLITE_ForeignKeys ){
    /* If foreign-key support is enabled, rewrite the CREATE TABLE 
    ** statements corresponding to all child tables of foreign key constraints
    ** for which the renamed table is the parent table. 
    如果启用了外键的支持,重写CREATE TABLE语句对应的所有子表的外键约束重命名表的父表。*/
    if( (zWhere=whereForeignKeys(pParse, pTab))!=0 ){
          "UPDATE \"%w\".%s SET "
              "sql = sqlite_rename_parent(sql, %Q, %Q) "
              "WHERE %s;", zDb, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), zTabName, zName, zWhere);
      sqlite3DbFree(db, zWhere);

  /* Modify the sqlite_master table to use the new table name. 修改sqlite_master表来使用新的表名。*/
      "UPDATE %Q.%s SET "
          "sql = sqlite_rename_table(sql, %Q), "
          "sql = CASE "
            "WHEN type = 'trigger' THEN sqlite_rename_trigger(sql, %Q)"
            "ELSE sqlite_rename_table(sql, %Q) END, "
          "tbl_name = %Q, "
          "name = CASE "
            "WHEN type='table' THEN %Q "
            "WHEN name LIKE 'sqlite_autoindex%%' AND type='index' THEN "
             "'sqlite_autoindex_' || %Q || substr(name,%d+18) "
            "ELSE name END "
      "WHERE tbl_name=%Q COLLATE nocase AND "
          "(type='table' OR type='index' OR type='trigger');", 
      zDb, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), zName, zName, zName, 
      zName, nTabName, zTabName

  /* If the sqlite_sequence table exists in this database, then update 
  ** it with the new table name.
  if( sqlite3FindTable(db, "sqlite_sequence", zDb) ){
        "UPDATE \"%w\".sqlite_sequence set name = %Q WHERE name = %Q",
        zDb, zName, pTab->zName);

  /* If there are TEMP triggers on this table, modify the sqlite_temp_master
  ** table. Don't do this if the table being ALTERed is itself located in
  ** the temp database.
  if( (zWhere=whereTempTriggers(pParse, pTab))!=0 ){
        "UPDATE sqlite_temp_master SET "
            "sql = sqlite_rename_trigger(sql, %Q), "
            "tbl_name = %Q "
            "WHERE %s;", zName, zName, zWhere);
    sqlite3DbFree(db, zWhere);

  if( db->flags&SQLITE_ForeignKeys ){
    FKey *p;
    for(p=sqlite3FkReferences(pTab); p; p=p->pNextTo){
      Table *pFrom = p->pFrom;
      if( pFrom!=pTab ){
        reloadTableSchema(pParse, p->pFrom, pFrom->zName);

  /* Drop and reload the internal table schema. 删除和重新加载内部表模式。*/
  reloadTableSchema(pParse, pTab, zName);

  sqlite3SrcListDelete(db, pSrc);
  sqlite3DbFree(db, zName);
  db->flags = savedDbFlags;