Ejemplo n.º 1
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
float find_disk_space(double *total_size, double *total_free)
   FILE *mounts;
   char procline[1024];
   char *mount, *device, *type, *mode, *other;
   /* We report in GB = 1e9 bytes. */
   double reported_units = 1e9;
   /* Track the most full disk partition, report with a percentage. */
   float thispct, max=0.0;

   /* Read all currently mounted filesystems. */
   if (!mounts) {
      debug_msg("Df Error: could not open mounts file %s. Are we on the right OS?\n", MOUNTS);
      return max;
   while ( fgets(procline, sizeof(procline), mounts) ) {
     device = procline;
     mount = index(procline, ' ');
     if (mount == NULL) continue;
     *mount++ = '\0';
     type = index(mount, ' ');
     if (type == NULL) continue;
     *type++ = '\0';
     mode = index(type, ' ');
     if (mode == NULL) continue;
     *mode++ = '\0';
     other = index(mode, ' ');
     if (other != NULL) *other = '\0';
      if (!strncmp(mode, "ro", 2)) continue;
      if (remote_mount(device, type)) continue;
      if (strncmp(device, "/dev/", 5) != 0 &&
          strncmp(device, "/dev2/", 6) != 0 &&
          strncmp(type, "zfs", 3) != 0) continue;
      thispct = device_space(mount, device, total_size, total_free);
      debug_msg("Counting device %s (%.2f %%)", device, thispct);
      if (!max || max<thispct)
         max = thispct;

   *total_size = *total_size / reported_units;
   *total_free = *total_free / reported_units;
   debug_msg("For all disks: %.3f GB total, %.3f GB free for users.", *total_size, *total_free);

   return max;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int scan_mounts(apr_pool_t *p) {
	FILE *mounts;
	char procline[256];
	char mount[128], device[128], type[32], mode[128];
	int rc;
	fs_info_t *fs;

	filesystems = apr_array_make(p, 2, sizeof(fs_info_t));
	metric_info = apr_array_make(p, 2, sizeof(Ganglia_25metric));

	mounts = fopen(MOUNTS, "r");
	if (!mounts) {
		debug_msg("Df Error: could not open mounts file %s. Are we on the right OS?\n", MOUNTS);
		return -1;
	while ( fgets(procline, sizeof(procline), mounts) ) {
		rc=sscanf(procline, "%s %s %s %s ", device, mount, type, mode);
		if (!rc) continue;
		//if (!strncmp(mode, "ro", 2)) continue;
		if (remote_mount(device, type)) continue;
		if (strncmp(device, "/dev/", 5) != 0 &&
				strncmp(device, "/dev2/", 6) != 0) continue;

		fs = apr_array_push(filesystems);
		bzero(fs, sizeof(fs_info_t));

		fs->device = apr_pstrdup(p, device);
		fs->mount_point = apr_pstrdup(p, mount);
		fs->fs_type = apr_pstrdup(p, type);
		set_ganglia_name(p, fs);

		create_metrics_for_device(p, metric_info, fs);

		//thispct = device_space(mount, device, total_size, total_free);
		debug_msg("Found device %s (%s)", device, type);


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  int readDiskCounters(HSP *sp, SFLHost_dsk_counters *dsk) {
    int gotData = NO;
    FILE *procFile;
    procFile= fopen("/proc/diskstats", "r");
    if(procFile) {
      // ASCII numbers in /proc/diskstats may be 64-bit (if not now
      // then someday), so it seems safer to read into
      // 64-bit ints with scanf first,  then copy them
      // into the host_dsk structure from there.
      uint32_t majorNo;
      uint32_t minorNo;
      uint64_t reads = 0;
      /* uint64_t reads_merged = 0;*/
      uint64_t sectors_read = 0;
      uint64_t read_time_ms = 0;
      uint64_t writes = 0;
      /* uint64_t writes_merged = 0;*/
      uint64_t sectors_written = 0;
      uint64_t write_time_ms = 0;

      // handle 64-bit counters specially
      uint64_t total_sectors_read = 0;
      uint64_t total_sectors_written = 0;

      // limit the number of chars we will read from each line
      // (there can be more than this - fgets will chop for us)
      char line[MAX_PROC_LINE_CHARS];
      char devName[MAX_PROC_LINE_CHARS];
      while(fgets(line, MAX_PROC_LINE_CHARS, procFile)) {
	if(sscanf(line, "%"SCNu32" %"SCNu32" %s %"SCNu64" %*u %"SCNu64" %"SCNu64" %"SCNu64" %*u %"SCNu64" %"SCNu64"",
		  &write_time_ms) == 9) {
	  gotData = YES;
	  // report the sum over all disks
	  dsk->reads += reads;
	  total_sectors_read += sectors_read;
	  dsk->read_time += read_time_ms;
	  dsk->writes += writes;
	  total_sectors_written += sectors_written;
	  dsk->write_time += write_time_ms;
      // accumulate the 64-bit counters (they may only be 32-bit counters in this OS)
      sp->diskIO.bytes_read += (total_sectors_read - sp->diskIO.last_sectors_read) * ASSUMED_DISK_SECTOR_BYTES;
      sp->diskIO.last_sectors_read = total_sectors_read;
      sp->diskIO.bytes_written += (total_sectors_written - sp->diskIO.last_sectors_written) * ASSUMED_DISK_SECTOR_BYTES;
      sp->diskIO.last_sectors_written = total_sectors_written;
      // and copy the accumulated total into the output
      dsk->bytes_read = sp->diskIO.bytes_read;
      dsk->bytes_written = sp->diskIO.bytes_written;

    // borrowed heavily from ganglia/linux/metrics.c for this part where
    // we read the mount points and then interrogate them to add up the
    // disk space on local disks.
    procFile = fopen("/proc/mounts", "r");
    if(procFile) {
      char line[MAX_PROC_LINE_CHARS];
      char device[MAX_PROC_LINE_CHARS];
      char mount[MAX_PROC_LINE_CHARS];
      char type[MAX_PROC_LINE_CHARS];
      char mode[MAX_PROC_LINE_CHARS];
      void *treeRoot = NULL;
      while(fgets(line, MAX_PROC_LINE_CHARS, procFile)) {
	if(sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s", device, mount, type, mode) == 4) {
	  // must start with /dev/ or /dev2/
	  if(strncmp(device, "/dev/", 5) == 0 ||
	     strncmp(device, "/dev2/", 6) == 0) {
	    // must be read-write
	    if(strncmp(mode, "ro", 2) != 0) {
	      // must be local
	      if(!remote_mount(device, type)) {
		// don't count it again if it was seen before
		if(tfind(device, &treeRoot, (comparison_fn_t)strcmp) == NULL) {
		  // not found, so remember it
		  tsearch(strdup(device), &treeRoot, (comparison_fn_t)strcmp);
		  // and get the numbers
		  struct statvfs svfs;
		  if(statvfs(mount, &svfs) == 0) {
		    if(svfs.f_blocks) {
		      uint64_t dtot64 = (uint64_t)svfs.f_blocks * (uint64_t)svfs.f_bsize;
		      uint64_t dfree64 = (uint64_t)svfs.f_bavail * (uint64_t)svfs.f_bsize;
		      dsk->disk_total += dtot64;
		      dsk->disk_free += dfree64;
		      // percent used (as % * 100)
		      uint32_t pc = (uint32_t)(((dtot64 - dfree64) * 10000) / dtot64);
		      if(pc > dsk->part_max_used) dsk->part_max_used = pc;
      tdestroy(treeRoot, free);
    return gotData;