Ejemplo n.º 1

	/* Adapted from unit_test.c */
	/* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 the Civetweb developers */
	/* Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Sergey Lyubka */
	struct {
		char before[20], after[20];
	} data[] = {
	    {"////a", "/a"},
	    {"/.....", "/."},
	    {"/......", "/"},
	    {"..", "."},
	    {"...", "."},
	    {"/...///", "/./"},
	    {"/a...///", "/a.../"},
	    {"/.x", "/.x"},
	    {"/\\", "/"},
	    {"/a\\", "/a\\"},
	    {"/a\\\\...", "/a\\."},
	size_t i;

	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(data); i++) {
		ck_assert_str_eq(data[i].before, data[i].after);
Ejemplo n.º 2

	struct {
		char before[20], after[20];
	} data[] = {
	    {"////a", "/a"},
	    {"/.....", "/."},
	    {"/......", "/"},
	    {"...", "..."},
	    {"/...///", "/./"},
	    {"/a...///", "/a.../"},
	    {"/.x", "/.x"},
	    {"/\\", "/"},
	    {"/a\\", "/a\\"},
	    {"/a\\\\...", "/a\\."},
	size_t i;

	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(data); i++) {
		ck_assert_str_eq(data[i].before, data[i].after);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// This is the heart of the Mongoose's logic.
// This function is called when the request is read, parsed and validated,
// and Mongoose must decide what action to take: serve a file, or
// a directory, or call embedded function, etcetera.
static void handle_request(struct mg_connection *conn) {
  struct mg_request_info *ri = &conn->request_info;
  int uri_len;

  if ((conn->request_info.query_string = strchr(ri->uri, '?')) != NULL) {
    * conn->request_info.query_string++ = '\0';
  uri_len = strlen(ri->uri);
  (void) url_decode(ri->uri, (size_t)uri_len, ri->uri, (size_t)(uri_len + 1), 0);

  DEBUG_TRACE(("%s", ri->uri));
  if (call_user(conn, MG_NEW_REQUEST) == NULL) {
    mg_send_http_error(conn, 404, "Not Found", "%s", "File not found");
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void test_remove_double_dots() {
  struct { char before[20], after[20]; } data[] = {
    {"////a", "/a"},
    {"/.....", "/."},
    {"/......", "/"},
    {"...", "..."},
    {"/...///", "/./"},
    {"/a...///", "/a.../"},
    {"/.x", "/.x"},
    {"/\\", "/"},
    {"/a\\", "/a\\"},
    {"/a\\\\...", "/a\\."},
  size_t i;

  for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(data); i++) {
    ASSERT(strcmp(data[i].before, data[i].after) == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void test_remove_double_dots() {
  struct { char before[20], after[20]; } data[] = {
    {"////a", "/a"},
    {"/.....", "/."},
    {"/......", "/"},
    {"...", "..."},
    {"/...///", "/./"},
    {"/a...///", "/a.../"},
    {"/.x", "/.x"},
#if defined(_WIN32)
    {"/\\", "/"},
    {"/\\", "/\\"},
    {"/a\\", "/a\\"},
  size_t i;

  for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(data); i++) {
    //printf("[%s] -> [%s]\n", data[i].before, data[i].after);
    ASSERT(strcmp(data[i].before, data[i].after) == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void handle_ssi_request(struct ezcfg_worker *worker)
	struct ezcfg *ezcfg;
	struct ezcfg_http *http;
	struct ezcfg_master *master;
	struct ezcfg_nvram *nvram;
	struct ezcfg_ssi *ssi = NULL;
	char buf[1024];
	char *request_uri;
	char *accept_language = NULL;
	size_t uri_len;
	char *msg = NULL;
	int msg_len;
	char *p;
	int len;
	time_t t;
	struct tm *tmp;

	ASSERT(worker != NULL);

	http = (struct ezcfg_http *)ezcfg_worker_get_proto_data(worker);
	ASSERT(http != NULL);

	ezcfg = ezcfg_worker_get_ezcfg(worker);
	master = ezcfg_worker_get_master(worker);
	nvram = ezcfg_master_get_nvram(master);

	/* HTTP header has been parsed */
	p = ezcfg_http_get_header_value(http, EZCFG_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE);
	if (p != NULL) {
		accept_language = strdup(p);
		if (accept_language == NULL)
			goto func_exit;

	ssi = ezcfg_ssi_new(ezcfg, nvram);
	if (ssi == NULL) {
		send_http_error(worker, 500,
		                "Internal Server Error",
		                "%s", "Not enough memory");
		goto func_exit;

	request_uri = ezcfg_http_get_request_uri(http);
	uri_len = strlen(request_uri);

	/* set default document root */
	if (ezcfg_ssi_set_document_root(ssi, "/etc/ezcfg_upnpd") == false) {
		send_http_error(worker, 500,
		                "Internal Server Error",
		                "%s", "Not enough memory");
		goto func_exit;

	/* set file path */
	uri_len = strlen(request_uri);
	if (uri_len+2 > sizeof(buf)) {
		send_http_error(worker, 505,
		                "Bad Request",
		                "%s", "File name is too large");
		goto func_exit;

	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", *request_uri == '/' ? "" : "/");
	url_decode(request_uri, uri_len, buf+strlen(buf), uri_len+1, 0);
	if (ezcfg_ssi_set_path(ssi, buf) == false) {
		send_http_error(worker, 500,
		                "Internal Server Error",
		                "%s", "Not enough memory");
		goto func_exit;

	if (ezcfg_ssi_open_file(ssi, "r") == NULL) {
		send_http_error(worker, 500,
		                "Internal Server Error",
		                "%s", "Cannot open file");
		goto func_exit;

	if (ezcfg_http_handle_ssi_request(http, nvram, ssi) < 0) {
		goto func_exit;
	else {
		/* process SSI file */
		msg_len = 0;
		msg = NULL;
		len = ezcfg_ssi_file_get_line(ssi, buf, sizeof(buf));
		while(len >= 0) {
			if (len > 0) {
				p = realloc(msg, msg_len+len);
				if (p == NULL) {
					goto func_exit;
				msg = p;
				p += msg_len;
				strncpy(p, buf, len);
				msg_len += len;
			len = ezcfg_ssi_file_get_line(ssi, buf, sizeof(buf));

		p = ezcfg_http_set_message_body(http, msg, msg_len);
		if (p == NULL) {
			goto func_exit;

		/* clean msg */
		msg = NULL;

		/* build HTTP response */
		/* HTTP header Content-Language */
		if (accept_language != NULL) {
			if (ezcfg_http_add_header(http, EZCFG_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, accept_language) == false) {
				err(ezcfg, "HTTP add header error.\n");
				goto func_exit;

		/* HTTP header Content-Length */
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", msg_len);
		if (ezcfg_http_add_header(http, EZCFG_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, buf) == false) {
			err(ezcfg, "HTTP add header error.\n");
			goto func_exit;

		/* HTTP header Content-Type */
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s; %s=%s", EZCFG_HTTP_MIME_TEXT_XML, EZCFG_HTTP_CHARSET_NAME, EZCFG_HTTP_CHARSET_UTF8);
		if (ezcfg_http_add_header(http, EZCFG_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, buf) == false) {
			err(ezcfg, "HTTP add header error.\n");
			goto func_exit;

		/* HTTP header Date */
		/* Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:45 GMT */
		t = time(NULL);
		tmp = localtime(&t);
		if (tmp == NULL) {
			err(ezcfg, "localtime error.\n");
			goto func_exit;

		if (strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT", tmp) == 0) {
			err(ezcfg, "strftime returned 0\n");
			goto func_exit;

		if (ezcfg_http_add_header(http, EZCFG_HTTP_HEADER_DATE, buf) == false) {
			err(ezcfg, "HTTP add header error.\n");
			goto func_exit;

		msg_len = ezcfg_http_get_message_length(http);
		if (msg_len < 0) {
			err(ezcfg, "ezcfg_http_get_message_length error.\n");
			goto func_exit;
		msg_len++; /* one more for '\0' */
		msg = (char *)malloc(msg_len);
		if (msg == NULL) {
			err(ezcfg, "malloc msg error.\n");
			goto func_exit;
		memset(msg, 0, msg_len);
		msg_len = ezcfg_http_write_message(http, msg, msg_len);
		ezcfg_worker_write(worker, msg, msg_len);

		goto func_exit;

	if (accept_language != NULL)

	if (msg != NULL)

	if (ssi != NULL)