Ejemplo n.º 1
gmx_repl_ex_t init_replica_exchange(FILE *fplog,
                                    const gmx_multisim_t *ms,
                                    const t_state *state,
                                    const t_inputrec *ir,
                                    int nst, int nex, int init_seed)
    real                temp, pres;
    int                 i, j, k;
    struct gmx_repl_ex *re;
    gmx_bool            bTemp;
    gmx_bool            bLambda = FALSE;

    fprintf(fplog, "\nInitializing Replica Exchange\n");

    if (ms == NULL || ms->nsim == 1)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Nothing to exchange with only one replica, maybe you forgot to set the -multi option of mdrun?");
    if (!EI_DYNAMICS(ir->eI))
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Replica exchange is only supported by dynamical simulations");
        /* Note that PAR(cr) is defined by cr->nnodes > 1, which is
         * distinct from MULTISIM(cr). A multi-simulation only runs
         * with real MPI parallelism, but this does not imply PAR(cr)
         * is true!
         * Since we are using a dynamical integrator, the only
         * decomposition is DD, so PAR(cr) and DOMAINDECOMP(cr) are
         * synonymous. The only way for cr->nnodes > 1 to be true is
         * if we are using DD. */

    snew(re, 1);

    re->repl     = ms->sim;
    re->nrepl    = ms->nsim;
    snew(re->q, ereENDSINGLE);

    fprintf(fplog, "Repl  There are %d replicas:\n", re->nrepl);

    check_multi_int(fplog, ms, state->natoms, "the number of atoms", FALSE);
    check_multi_int(fplog, ms, ir->eI, "the integrator", FALSE);
    check_multi_int64(fplog, ms, ir->init_step+ir->nsteps, "init_step+nsteps", FALSE);
    check_multi_int64(fplog, ms, (ir->init_step+nst-1)/nst,
                      "first exchange step: init_step/-replex", FALSE);
    check_multi_int(fplog, ms, ir->etc, "the temperature coupling", FALSE);
    check_multi_int(fplog, ms, ir->opts.ngtc,
                    "the number of temperature coupling groups", FALSE);
    check_multi_int(fplog, ms, ir->epc, "the pressure coupling", FALSE);
    check_multi_int(fplog, ms, ir->efep, "free energy", FALSE);
    check_multi_int(fplog, ms, ir->fepvals->n_lambda, "number of lambda states", FALSE);

    re->temp = ir->opts.ref_t[0];
    for (i = 1; (i < ir->opts.ngtc); i++)
        if (ir->opts.ref_t[i] != re->temp)
            fprintf(fplog, "\nWARNING: The temperatures of the different temperature coupling groups are not identical\n\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING: The temperatures of the different temperature coupling groups are not identical\n\n");

    re->type = -1;
    bTemp    = repl_quantity(ms, re, ereTEMP, re->temp);
    if (ir->efep != efepNO)
        bLambda = repl_quantity(ms, re, ereLAMBDA, (real)ir->fepvals->init_fep_state);
    if (re->type == -1)  /* nothing was assigned */
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "The properties of the %d systems are all the same, there is nothing to exchange", re->nrepl);
    if (bLambda && bTemp)
        re->type = ereTL;

    if (bTemp)
        please_cite(fplog, "Sugita1999a");
        if (ir->epc != epcNO)
            re->bNPT = TRUE;
            fprintf(fplog, "Repl  Using Constant Pressure REMD.\n");
            please_cite(fplog, "Okabe2001a");
        if (ir->etc == etcBERENDSEN)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "REMD with the %s thermostat does not produce correct potential energy distributions, consider using the %s thermostat instead",
                      ETCOUPLTYPE(ir->etc), ETCOUPLTYPE(etcVRESCALE));
    if (bLambda)
        if (ir->fepvals->delta_lambda != 0)   /* check this? */
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "delta_lambda is not zero");
    if (re->bNPT)
        snew(re->pres, re->nrepl);
        if (ir->epct == epctSURFACETENSION)
            pres = ir->ref_p[ZZ][ZZ];
            pres = 0;
            j    = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
                if (ir->compress[i][i] != 0)
                    pres += ir->ref_p[i][i];
            pres /= j;
        re->pres[re->repl] = pres;
        gmx_sum_sim(re->nrepl, re->pres, ms);

    /* Make an index for increasing replica order */
    /* only makes sense if one or the other is varying, not both!
       if both are varying, we trust the order the person gave. */
    snew(re->ind, re->nrepl);
    for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
        re->ind[i] = i;

    if (re->type < ereENDSINGLE)

        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            for (j = i+1; j < re->nrepl; j++)
                if (re->q[re->type][re->ind[j]] < re->q[re->type][re->ind[i]])
                    k          = re->ind[i];
                    re->ind[i] = re->ind[j];
                    re->ind[j] = k;
                else if (re->q[re->type][re->ind[j]] == re->q[re->type][re->ind[i]])
                    gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Two replicas have identical %ss", erename[re->type]);

    /* keep track of all the swaps, starting with the initial placement. */
    snew(re->allswaps, re->nrepl);
    for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
        re->allswaps[i] = re->ind[i];

    switch (re->type)
        case ereTEMP:
            fprintf(fplog, "\nReplica exchange in temperature\n");
            for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
                fprintf(fplog, " %5.1f", re->q[re->type][re->ind[i]]);
            fprintf(fplog, "\n");
        case ereLAMBDA:
            fprintf(fplog, "\nReplica exchange in lambda\n");
            for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
                fprintf(fplog, " %3d", (int)re->q[re->type][re->ind[i]]);
            fprintf(fplog, "\n");
        case ereTL:
            fprintf(fplog, "\nReplica exchange in temperature and lambda state\n");
            for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
                fprintf(fplog, " %5.1f", re->q[ereTEMP][re->ind[i]]);
            fprintf(fplog, "\n");
            for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
                fprintf(fplog, " %5d", (int)re->q[ereLAMBDA][re->ind[i]]);
            fprintf(fplog, "\n");
            gmx_incons("Unknown replica exchange quantity");
    if (re->bNPT)
        fprintf(fplog, "\nRepl  p");
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            fprintf(fplog, " %5.2f", re->pres[re->ind[i]]);

        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            if ((i > 0) && (re->pres[re->ind[i]] < re->pres[re->ind[i-1]]))
                fprintf(fplog, "\nWARNING: The reference pressures decrease with increasing temperatures\n\n");
                fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING: The reference pressures decrease with increasing temperatures\n\n");
    re->nst = nst;
    if (init_seed == -1)
        if (MASTERSIM(ms))
            re->seed = (int)gmx_rng_make_seed();
            re->seed = 0;
        gmx_sumi_sim(1, &(re->seed), ms);
        re->seed = init_seed;
    fprintf(fplog, "\nReplica exchange interval: %d\n", re->nst);
    fprintf(fplog, "\nReplica random seed: %d\n", re->seed);
    re->rng = gmx_rng_init(re->seed);

    re->nattempt[0] = 0;
    re->nattempt[1] = 0;

    snew(re->prob_sum, re->nrepl);
    snew(re->nexchange, re->nrepl);
    snew(re->nmoves, re->nrepl);
    for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
        snew(re->nmoves[i], re->nrepl);
    fprintf(fplog, "Replica exchange information below: x=exchange, pr=probability\n");

    /* generate space for the helper functions so we don't have to snew each time */

    snew(re->destinations, re->nrepl);
    snew(re->incycle, re->nrepl);
    snew(re->tmpswap, re->nrepl);
    snew(re->cyclic, re->nrepl);
    snew(re->order, re->nrepl);
    for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
        snew(re->cyclic[i], re->nrepl);
        snew(re->order[i], re->nrepl);
    /* allocate space for the functions storing the data for the replicas */
    /* not all of these arrays needed in all cases, but they don't take
       up much space, since the max size is nrepl**2 */
    snew(re->prob, re->nrepl);
    snew(re->bEx, re->nrepl);
    snew(re->beta, re->nrepl);
    snew(re->Vol, re->nrepl);
    snew(re->Epot, re->nrepl);
    snew(re->de, re->nrepl);
    for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
        snew(re->de[i], re->nrepl);
    re->nex = nex;
    return re;
Ejemplo n.º 2
gmx_repl_ex_t init_replica_exchange(FILE *fplog,
                                    const gmx_multisim_t *ms,
                                    const t_state *state,
                                    const t_inputrec *ir,
                                    int nst,int init_seed)
    real temp,pres;
    int  i,j,k;
    struct gmx_repl_ex *re;

    fprintf(fplog,"\nInitializing Replica Exchange\n");

    if (ms == NULL || ms->nsim == 1)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Nothing to exchange with only one replica, maybe you forgot to set the -multi option of mdrun?");


    re->repl     = ms->sim;
    re->nrepl    = ms->nsim;

    fprintf(fplog,"Repl  There are %d replicas:\n",re->nrepl);

    check_multi_int(fplog,ms,state->natoms,"the number of atoms");
    check_multi_int(fplog,ms,ir->eI,"the integrator");
                          "first exchange step: init_step/-replex");
    check_multi_int(fplog,ms,ir->etc,"the temperature coupling");
                    "the number of temperature coupling groups");
    check_multi_int(fplog,ms,ir->epc,"the pressure coupling");
    check_multi_int(fplog,ms,ir->efep,"free energy");

    re->temp = ir->opts.ref_t[0];
    for(i=1; (i<ir->opts.ngtc); i++)
        if (ir->opts.ref_t[i] != re->temp)
            fprintf(fplog,"\nWARNING: The temperatures of the different temperature coupling groups are not identical\n\n");
            fprintf(stderr,"\nWARNING: The temperatures of the different temperature coupling groups are not identical\n\n");

    re->type = -1;
    for(i=0; i<ereNR; i++)
        switch (i)
        case ereTEMP:
        case ereLAMBDA:
            if (ir->efep != efepNO)
            gmx_incons("Unknown replica exchange quantity");
    if (re->type == -1)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS,"The properties of the %d systems are all the same, there is nothing to exchange",re->nrepl);

    switch (re->type)
    case ereTEMP:
        if (ir->epc != epcNO)
            re->bNPT = TRUE;
            fprintf(fplog,"Repl  Using Constant Pressure REMD.\n");
        if (ir->etc == etcBERENDSEN)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS,"REMD with the %s thermostat does not produce correct potential energy distributions, consider using the %s thermostat instead",
    case ereLAMBDA:
        if (ir->delta_lambda != 0)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS,"delta_lambda is not zero");

    if (re->bNPT)
        if (ir->epct == epctSURFACETENSION)
            pres = ir->ref_p[ZZ][ZZ];
            pres = 0;
            j = 0;
            for(i=0; i<DIM; i++)
                if (ir->compress[i][i] != 0)
                    pres += ir->ref_p[i][i];
            pres /= j;
        re->pres[re->repl] = pres;

    /* Make an index for increasing temperature order */
    for(i=0; i<re->nrepl; i++)
        re->ind[i] = i;
    for(i=0; i<re->nrepl; i++)
        for(j=i+1; j<re->nrepl; j++)
            if (re->q[re->ind[j]] < re->q[re->ind[i]])
                k = re->ind[i];
                re->ind[i] = re->ind[j];
                re->ind[j] = k;
            else if (re->q[re->ind[j]] == re->q[re->ind[i]])
                gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Two replicas have identical %ss",erename[re->type]);
    fprintf(fplog,"Repl   ");
    for(i=0; i<re->nrepl; i++)
        fprintf(fplog," %3d  ",re->ind[i]);
    switch (re->type)
    case ereTEMP:
        fprintf(fplog,"\nRepl  T");
        for(i=0; i<re->nrepl; i++)
            fprintf(fplog," %5.1f",re->q[re->ind[i]]);
    case ereLAMBDA:
        fprintf(fplog,"\nRepl  l");
        for(i=0; i<re->nrepl; i++)
            fprintf(fplog," %5.3f",re->q[re->ind[i]]);
        gmx_incons("Unknown replica exchange quantity");
    if (re->bNPT)
        fprintf(fplog,"\nRepl  p");
        for(i=0; i<re->nrepl; i++)
            fprintf(fplog," %5.2f",re->pres[re->ind[i]]);

        for(i=0; i<re->nrepl; i++)
            if ((i > 0) && (re->pres[re->ind[i]] < re->pres[re->ind[i-1]]))
                gmx_fatal(FARGS,"The reference pressure decreases with increasing temperature");
    fprintf(fplog,"\nRepl  ");
    re->nst = nst;
    if (init_seed == -1)
        if (MASTERSIM(ms))
            re->seed = make_seed();
            re->seed = 0;
        re->seed = init_seed;
    fprintf(fplog,"\nRepl  exchange interval: %d\n",re->nst);
    fprintf(fplog,"\nRepl  random seed: %d\n",re->seed);

    re->nattempt[0] = 0;
    re->nattempt[1] = 0;

    fprintf(fplog,"Repl  below: x=exchange, pr=probability\n");

    return re;