Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(){

  char str_old[] = "Hello world it is great";
  int count_old = strlen(str_old);
  int count_new = count_old;
  for (int i = 0; i < count_old; ++i) // make sure have enough space
    if(str_old[i] == ' ')
      count_new += 2;

  char str_new[count_new];
  //	str_new[count_new] = 0;
  replace_space(str_old, str_new);
  printf("%d %d\n", count_old, count_new);
  printf("%s\n", str_new);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * The private data structures are written into a
 * binary blob. These contain module private data
 * information
int main(void)
	unsigned int i;
	FILE  *fd;
	char path[128];
	char new_path[128];
	struct snd_soc_tplg_private *priv = NULL;

	memset(path, 0, sizeof(path));
	memset(new_path, 0, sizeof(new_path));

	priv = calloc(1, sizeof(dfw_wrap) + sizeof(uint32_t));

	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(dfw_wrap); i++) {
		strcat(path, "../");
		strcat(path, dfw_wrap[i].name);
		strcat(path, ".bin");

		replace_space(path, new_path);

		priv->size = (uint32_t)sizeof(dfw_wrap[i].skl_dfw_mod);

		memcpy(priv->data, &dfw_wrap[i].skl_dfw_mod,

		fd = fopen(new_path, "wb");

		if (fd == NULL)
			return -ENOENT;

		if (fwrite(priv->data, priv->size, 1, fd) != 1) {
			return -1;

		memset(path, 0, sizeof(path));

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main( int argc , char ** argv )

    std::map<std::string,std::string> args;
    std::set<std::string> skip;

    args["ID"] = "ID";
    args["REF"] = "REF";
    args["ALT"] = "ALT";
    args["QUAL"] = "QUAL";
    args["FILTER"] = "FILTER";

    std::map<std::string,std::string> types;
    std::map<std::string,std::string> number;
    std::map<std::string,std::string> desc;

    for (int i=1; i<argc; i++)
        int t;
        char_tok tok( argv[i] , &t , '=' );

        if ( t == 2 )
            if ( strcmp( tok(0) , "SKIP" ) == 0
                    || strcmp( tok(0) , "skip" ) == 0 ) skip.insert(tok(1));
                args[ tok(0) ] = tok(1);
        else if ( t == 1 )
            int t2;
            char_tok tok2( argv[i] , &t2 , ':' );
            if ( t2 == 4 )
                number[ tok2(0) ] = tok2(1);
                types[ tok2(0) ] = tok2(2);
                desc[ tok2(0) ] = tok2(3);

    // take a file with HEADERs from STDIN;
    // write as a VCF to STDOUT

    // Get header LINE

    std::string hdr;
    std::getline( std::cin , hdr );
    if ( hdr == "" ) exit(1);

    // remove a leading '#'
    if ( hdr.substr(0,1) == "#" )
        hdr = hdr.substr(1);

    // get fields
    int n;
    char_tok tok( hdr , &n , '\t' );

    // find positional fields
    // either POS, or CHR and BP (or BP1 and BP2)

    int pos = -1 , chr = -1 , bp1 = -1 , bp2 = -1;

    // other special fields
    int qual = -1 , id = -1 , ref = -1 , alt = -1 , filter = -1;

    std::vector<std::string> field(n);
    std::vector<int> info;

    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)

        bool special_field = false;

        field[i] = tok(i);

        if       ( field[i] == "VAR" ) {
            special_field = true;
            pos = i;
        else if  ( field[i] == "LOC" ) {
            special_field = true;
            pos = i;

        else if ( field[i] == "CHR" ) {
            special_field = true;
            chr = i;
        else if ( field[i] == "CHROM" ) {
            special_field = true;
            chr = i;

        else if ( field[i] == "BP" ) {
            special_field = true;
            bp1 = i;
        else if ( field[i] == "BP1" ) {
            special_field = true;
            bp1 = i;
        else if ( field[i] == "BP2" ) {
            special_field = true;
            bp2 = i;

        else if ( field[i] == "POS" ) {
            special_field = true;
            bp1 = i;
        else if ( field[i] == "POS1" ) {
            special_field = true;
            bp1 = i;
        else if ( field[i] == "POS2" ) {
            special_field = true;
            bp2 = i;

        std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator ii = args.begin();
        while ( ii != args.end() )

            if ( ii->second == field[i] )
                if ( ii->first == "QUAL" || ii->first == "qual" )
                    special_field = true;
                    qual = i;
                else if ( ii->first == "FILTER" || ii->first == "filter" )
                    special_field = true;
                    filter = i;
                else if ( ii->first == "ID" || ii->first == "id" )
                    special_field = true;
                    id = i;
                else if ( ii->first == "REF" || ii->first == "ref" )
                    special_field = true;
                    ref = i;
                else if ( ii->first == "ALT" || ii->first == "alt" )
                    special_field = true;
                    alt = i;


        // skip this field?

        if ( skip.find( field[i] ) != skip.end() )
            special_field = true;

        // normal INFO field?

        if ( ! special_field )

    } // next header entry

    // does this contain valid positional information?

    if ( pos == -1 && ( chr == -1 || bp1 == -1 ) ) exit(1);

    bool use_chr_bp = chr != -1 && bp1 != -1;
    bool use_bp2 = use_chr_bp && bp2 != -1;

    const int s = info.size();

    // write VCF header

    std::cout << "##fileformat=VCFv4.1\n"
              << "##source=tab2vcf\n";

    for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
        if ( types.find( field[ info[i] ] ) != types.end() )
            std::cout << "##INFO=<ID=" << field[info[i]] << ",Number=" << number[field[info[i]]]
                      << ",Type=" << types[field[info[i]]] << ",Description=\"" << desc[field[info[i]]]
                      << "\">\n";
            std::cout << "##INFO=<ID=" << field[info[i]] << ",Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"n/a\">\n";

    // also display any additional headers from the command line but not seen in the file (i.e.
    // to describe Flags in the body of the text that are not in the headers

    std::set<std::string> fset;
    for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
        fset.insert( field[info[i]] );

    std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator ii = types.begin();
    while ( ii != types.end() )
        if ( fset.find( ii->first ) == fset.end() )
            std::cout << "##INFO=<ID=" << ii->first << ",Number=" << number[ii->first]
                      << ",Type=" << types[ii->first] << ",Description=\"" << desc[ii->first]
                      << "\">\n";

    // second header
    std::cout << "#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\n";

    // information

    while ( ! std::cin.eof() )
        std::string l;
        int m;

        std::getline( std::cin , l );

        // replace spaces with ';' unless they are quoted

        char_tok tok( l , &m , '\t' );

        if ( l == "" ) continue;

        if ( m != n )
            std::cout << "unequal number of fields for line\n" << l
                      << "\n(expecting " << n << " found " << m << ")\n";

        if ( use_chr_bp )
            // chromosome
            std::cout << tok(chr) << "\t";

            // position
            std::cout << tok(bp1) ;
            if ( bp2 != -1 ) std::cout << ".." << tok(bp2);
            std::cout << "\t";

            std::string pstr = tok( pos );

            // expect 'chr:1234'
            // expect 'chr:1234..4596'
            // or     'chr:1234-5674'
            int k;
            char_tok stok( pstr , &k , ':' );
            if ( k == 0 ) std::cout << ".\t.\t";
            else if ( k == 1 ) std::cout << stok(0) << "\t.\t";
            else if ( k >= 2 )
                std::cout << stok(0) << "\t"
                          << stok(1) << "\t";

        // id

        if ( id == -1 ) std::cout << ".\t";
        else std::cout << tok(id) << "\t";

        // ref
        if ( ref == -1 ) std::cout << ".\t";
        else std::cout << tok(ref) << "\t";

        // alt
        if ( alt == -1 ) std::cout << ".\t";
        else std::cout << tok(alt) << "\t";

        // qual
        if ( qual == -1 ) std::cout << ".\t";
        else std::cout << tok(qual) << "\t";

        // filter
        if ( filter == -1 ) std::cout << ".\t";
        else std::cout << replace_space( tok(filter) , ';' ) << "\t";

        // info
        for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
            if ( i ) std::cout << ";";
            std::cout << field[info[i]] << "=" << opt_quote( replace_space( tok(info[i]) , ',' ) );
        std::cout << "\n";


Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @brief
 *	parses path and prepares complete path name
 * @param[in]      path_in - the path name provided as input to be parsed
 * @param[out]     path_out - contains final parsed and prepared path, must
 *                            be at least MAXPATHLEN+1 bytes.
 * @return int
 * @retval  0 - success in parsing
 * @retval  nonzero - error encountered in parsing
prepare_path(char *path_in, char *path_out)
	char *c = NULL;
	int have_fqdn = 0;
	/* Initialization with {'\0'} populates entire array */
	char host_name[PBS_MAXSERVERNAME + 1] = {'\0'};	/* short host name */
	int h_pos = 0;
	char path_name[MAXPATHLEN + 1] = {'\0'};
	size_t path_len;
	int p_pos = 0;
	char *host_given = NULL;
	struct stat statbuf = {0};
	dev_t dev = 0;
	ino_t ino = 0;

	if (!path_out)
		return 1;
	*path_out = '\0';
	if (!path_in)
		return 1;

	/* Begin the parse */
	for (c = path_in; *c; c++) {
		if (isspace(*c) == 0)
	if (*c == '\0')
		return 1;

#ifdef WIN32
	/* Check for drive letter in Windows */
	if (!(isalpha(*c) && (*(c + 1) == ':')))
		/* Looking for a hostname */
		if ((host_given = strchr(c, ':')) != NULL) {
			/* Capture the hostname portion */
			for (h_pos = 0; (h_pos < sizeof(host_name)); h_pos++, c++) {
				if (isalnum(*c) || (*c == '.') || (*c == '-')
#ifdef WIN32
					/* Underscores are legal in Windows */
					|| (*c == '_')
					) {
					host_name[h_pos] = *c;
				} else {
			if (*c != ':')
				return 1;
			/* Advance past the colon */

	/* Looking for a posix path */
	for (p_pos = 0; p_pos < sizeof(path_name); p_pos++, c++) {
		if (!isprint(*c))
		path_name[p_pos] = *c;
	/* Should be at end of string */
	if (*c != '\0')
		return 1;

	path_len = strlen(path_name);
	if (path_len == 0 && strlen(host_name) == 0)
		return 1;

	/* appending a slash in the end to indicate that it is a directory */
	if ((path_name[path_len - 1] != '/') &&
	    (path_name[path_len - 1] != '\\') &&
	    (stat(path_name, &statbuf) == 0) &&
            S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
		if ((path_len + 1) < sizeof(path_name)) {
			strcat(path_name, "/");

#ifdef WIN32
	if (IS_UNCPATH(path_name)) {
		 * given path is UNC path
		 * so just skip hostname
		 * as UNC path dose not require it
		host_given = NULL;
		host_name[0] = '\0';
	} else
		/* get full host name */
		if (host_name[0] == '\0') {
			if (pbs_conf.pbs_output_host_name) {
				/* use the specified host for returning the file */
				snprintf(host_name, sizeof(host_name), "%s", pbs_conf.pbs_output_host_name);
				have_fqdn = 1;
			} else {
				if (gethostname(host_name, sizeof(host_name)) != 0)
					return 2;
				host_name[sizeof(host_name) - 1] = '\0';
		if (have_fqdn == 0) {
			char host_fqdn[PBS_MAXSERVERNAME + 1] = {'\0'};
			/* need to fully qualify the host name */
			if (get_fullhostname(host_name, host_fqdn, PBS_MAXSERVERNAME) != 0)
				return 2;
			strncpy(path_out, host_fqdn, MAXPATHLEN); /* FQ host name */
		} else {
			strncpy(path_out, host_name, MAXPATHLEN); /* "localhost" or pbs_output_host_name */
		path_out[MAXPATHLEN - 1] = '\0';

		/* finish preparing complete host name */
		if (strlen(path_out) < MAXPATHLEN)
			strcat(path_out, ":");

#ifdef WIN32
	if (path_name[0] != '/' && path_name[0] != '\\' &&
		host_given == NULL && strchr(path_name, ':') == NULL )
	if (path_name[0] != '/' && host_given == NULL)
		char cwd[MAXPATHLEN + 1] = {'\0'};

		c = getenv("PWD");		/* PWD carries a name that will cause */
		if (c != NULL) {		/* the NFS to mount */

			if (stat(c, &statbuf) < 0) {	/* can't stat PWD */
				c = NULL;
			} else {
				dev = statbuf.st_dev;
				ino = statbuf.st_ino;
				if (stat(".", &statbuf) < 0) {
					perror("prepare_path: cannot stat current directory:");
					*path_out = '\0';
					return (1);
			if (dev == statbuf.st_dev && ino == statbuf.st_ino) {
				snprintf(cwd, sizeof(cwd), "%s", c);
			} else {
				c = NULL;
		if (c == NULL) {
			c = getcwd(cwd, MAXPATHLEN);
			if (c == NULL) {
				perror("prepare_path: getcwd failed : ");
				*path_out = '\0';
				return (1);
#ifdef WIN32
		/* get UNC path (if available) if it is mapped drive */
		if (IS_UNCPATH(cwd)) {
			strcpy(path_out, cwd);
			if (cwd[strlen(cwd)-1] != '\\')
				strcat(path_out, "\\");
		} else
			strncat(path_out, cwd, (MAXPATHLEN + 1) - strlen(path_out));
			if (strlen(path_out) < MAXPATHLEN)
				strcat(path_out, "/");

#ifdef WIN32
	/* get UNC path (if available) if it is mapped drive */
	if (IS_UNCPATH(path_name))
		strcpy(path_out, path_name);
	else {
		 * check whether given <path_name> is relative path
		 * without drive on localhost and <cwd> is not UNC path?
		 * if yes then do not append drive into <path_out>
		 * otherwise append drive into <path_out>
		if (is_local_host(host_name) &&
			(strchr(path_name, ':') == NULL) &&
			(path_out[strlen(path_out) - 1] != '/') &&
			(!IS_UNCPATH(path_out))) {

			char drivestr[3] = {'\0'};
			char drivestr_unc[MAXPATHLEN + 1] = {'\0'};

			drivestr[0] = _getdrive() + 'A' - 1;
			drivestr[1] = ':';
			drivestr[2] = '\0';
			 * check whether <drivestr> is mapped drive?
			 * by calling get_uncpath()
			 * if yes then remove <hostname> part from <path_out>
			 * This is the case when user submit job
			 * from mapped drive with relative path without drive
			 * in path ex. localhost:err or localhost:out
			snprintf(drivestr_unc, sizeof(drivestr_unc), "%s\\", drivestr);
			if (IS_UNCPATH(drivestr_unc)) {
				strncpy(path_out, drivestr_unc, MAXPATHLEN);
			} else {
				strncat(path_out, drivestr, MAXPATHLEN - strlen(path_out));
		strncat(path_out, path_name, MAXPATHLEN - strlen(path_out));
	back2forward_slash(path_out);	/* "\" translate to "/" for path */
	strcpy(path_out, replace_space(path_out, "\\ "));
	path_out[MAXPATHLEN - 1] = '\0';
	strncat(path_out, path_name, (MAXPATHLEN + 1) - strlen(path_out));

	return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * @brief
 *  	register_scm - return 0 for success; non-zero for fail
 * @param[in]	svc_name	-	service name
 * @param[in]	svc_exec	-	service executable path
 * @param[in]	svc_account	-	service account
 * @param[in]	svc_password	-	service password
 * @return	int
 * @retval	0	: good to go!
 * @retval	1	: something bad happened.
register_scm(char *svc_name, char *svc_exec, char *svc_account, char *svc_password)
	SC_LOCK   sclLock = NULL;
	SC_HANDLE schService = NULL;
	SC_HANDLE schSCManager = NULL;
	int	ret = 1;

	schSCManager = OpenSCManager(0, 0, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);

	if (!schSCManager) {
		fprintf(stderr, "OpenSCManager failed - %d\n",
		goto register_scm_cleanup;

	/* Get the SCM database lock before changing the password. */
	sclLock = LockServiceDatabase(schSCManager);
	if (sclLock == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "LockServiceDatabase failed - %d\n",
		goto register_scm_cleanup;
	/* Set the account and password that the service uses at */
	/* startup. */

	schService = CreateService(schSCManager, svc_name, __TEXT(svc_name),
		replace_space(svc_exec, ""), 0, 0, 0,

	if (!schService) {
			"CreateService(%s, path=%s, account=%s) failed - %d\n",
			svc_name, svc_exec, svc_account, GetLastError());
		goto register_scm_cleanup;
	printf("\nCreated service %s with path=%s and account=%s\n",
		svc_name, svc_exec, svc_account);

	if (strcmpi(svc_name, "PBS_SCHED") == 0) {

		SC_ACTION               sca[1];

		sca[0].Type = SC_ACTION_RESTART;
		sca[0].Delay = 60*1000;
		sfa.dwResetPeriod = INFINITE;
		sfa.lpRebootMsg = NULL;
		sfa.lpCommand = NULL;
		sfa.cActions = 1;
		sfa.lpsaActions = sca;

		printf("\nConfigured %s to restart on failure\n", svc_name);
	ret = 0;

	if (sclLock)

	if (schService)

	if (schSCManager)

	return (ret);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * @brief
 *		main - the initialization and main loop of pbs_comm
 * @param[in]	argc	- argument count.
 * @param[in]	argv	- argument values.
 * @return	int
 * @retval	0	- success
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	SC_HANDLE schManager;
	SC_HANDLE schSelf;
	int reg = 0;
	int unreg = 0;
	TCHAR	  szFileName[MAX_PATH];

	/*the real deal or just pbs_version and exit*/

	execution_mode(argc, argv);

	if (argc > 1) {
		if (strcmp(argv[1], "-R") == 0)
			reg = 1;
		else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-U") == 0)
			unreg = 1;
		else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-N") == 0)
			stalone = 1;

	if (reg || unreg) {
		schManager = OpenSCManager(0, 0, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);
		if (schManager == 0) {

		if (reg) {
			GetModuleFileName(0, szFileName, sizeof(szFileName)/sizeof(*szFileName));
			printf("Installing service %s\n", g_PbsCommName);
			schSelf =
				CreateService(schManager, g_PbsCommName, __TEXT("PBS COMM"),
				replace_space(szFileName, ""), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

			if (schSelf) {
				printf("Service %s installed succesfully!\n", g_PbsCommName);
			} else {

			if (schSelf != 0)
		} else if (unreg) {
			schSelf = OpenService(schManager, g_PbsCommName, DELETE);

			if (schSelf) {
				if (DeleteService(schSelf)) {
					printf("Service %s uninstalled successfully!\n", g_PbsCommName);
				} else {
			} else {
				ErrorMessage("OpenService failed");
			if (schSelf != 0)

		if (schManager != 0)
	} else if (stalone) {
		struct arg_param *pap;
		int	i, j;

		pap = create_arg_param();
		if (pap == NULL)

		pap->argc = argc-1;	/* don't pass the second argument */
		for (i=j=0; i < argc; i++) {
			if (i == 1)
			pap->argv[j] = strdup(argv[i]);
		main_thread((void *)pap);

	} else {	/* running as a service */
		SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY rgste[] = { {(TCHAR*)g_PbsCommName, PbsCommMain },
			{ 0, 0 } };

		if (getenv("PBS_CONF_FILE") == NULL) {
			char conf_path[80];
			char *p;
			char psave;
			struct stat sbuf;

			if (p = strstr(argv[0], "exec")) {
				psave = *p;
				*p = '\0';
				_snprintf(conf_path, 79, "%spbs.conf", argv[0]);
				*p = psave;
				if (stat(conf_path, &sbuf) == 0) {
					setenv("PBS_CONF_FILE", conf_path, 1);
		if (!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(rgste)) {
	return (0);