Ejemplo n.º 1
	BMessageRunner(BMessenger target, const BMessage *message,
				   bigtime_t interval, int32 count, BMessenger replyTo)
	@case 3			target is valid, message is valid, interval == 0, count > 0
	@results		R5: InitCheck() should return B_ERROR.
						GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE.
					OBOS: InitCheck() should return B_OK.
						  GetInfo() should return B_OK.
						  A minimal time interval is used (50000).
void TBMessageRunnerTester::BMessageRunnerB3()
	MessageRunnerTestApp app(kTesterSignature);
	MessageRunnerTestLooper *looper = app.TestLooper();
	BMessenger target(looper);
	BMessage message(MSG_RUNNER_MESSAGE);
	bigtime_t interval = 0;
	int32 count = 5;
	MessageRunnerTestHandler *handler = app.TestHandler();
	BMessenger replyTo(handler);
	BMessageRunner runner(target, &message, interval, count, replyTo);
#ifdef TEST_R5
	CHK(runner.InitCheck() == B_ERROR);
	check_message_runner_info(runner, B_BAD_VALUE);
	bigtime_t startTime = system_time();
	CHK(runner.InitCheck() == B_OK);
	interval = max(interval, kMinTimeInterval);
	check_message_runner_info(runner, B_OK, interval, count);
	snooze((count + 1) * interval + 10000);
	CHK(looper->CheckMessages(startTime, interval, count));
	CHK(app.CountReplies() == 0);
	CHK(handler->CountReplies() == count);
Ejemplo n.º 2
	status_t Broadcast(BMessage *message, BMessenger replyTo) const
	@case 1			NULL message
	@results		Should return B_BAD_VALUE.
void BroadcastTester::BroadcastTestB1()
// R5: crashes when passing a NULL message.
#ifndef TEST_R5
	BMessenger replyTo(dynamic_cast<RosterLaunchApp*>(be_app)->Handler());
	CHK(be_roster->Broadcast(NULL, replyTo) == B_BAD_VALUE);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int StreamMulticaster::onStreamPingI(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv,
                                     int argc, lo_message msg)
    // send pong reply:
    lowrappers::Address replyTo(lo_message_get_source(msg), false);
    replyTo.sendFrom(streamIn_, streamPath_ + "pong" , "i", argv[0]->i);
    return 1; // returning 1 ensures that the call will also be passed to forwardMessage
Ejemplo n.º 4
int StreamMulticaster::onUnknownConnectIn(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv,
                                          int argc, lo_message msg)
    // create a reply adress from msg:
    WonderOscSender replyTo(lo_message_get_source(msg), false);
    // send reply:
    const std::string pathStr(path);
    replyTo.sendReply(pathStr, 1, "Unknown command: " + pathStr);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
	BMessageRunner(BMessenger target, const BMessage *message,
				   bigtime_t interval, int32 count, BMessenger replyTo)
	@case 6			target is valid, message is valid, interval > 0, count == 0
	@results		InitCheck() should return B_ERROR.
					GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE.
void TBMessageRunnerTester::BMessageRunnerB6()
	MessageRunnerTestApp app(kTesterSignature);
	MessageRunnerTestLooper *looper = app.TestLooper();
	BMessenger target(looper);
	BMessage message(MSG_RUNNER_MESSAGE);
	bigtime_t interval = 100000;
	int32 count = 0;
	MessageRunnerTestHandler *handler = app.TestHandler();
	BMessenger replyTo(handler);
	BMessageRunner runner(target, &message, interval, count, replyTo);
	CHK(runner.InitCheck() == B_ERROR);
	check_message_runner_info(runner, B_BAD_VALUE);
Ejemplo n.º 6
	BMessageRunner(BMessenger target, const BMessage *message,
				   bigtime_t interval, int32 count, BMessenger replyTo)
	@case 2			target is valid, message is NULL, interval > 0, count > 0
	@results		InitCheck() should return B_BAD_VALUE.
					GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE.
void TBMessageRunnerTester::BMessageRunnerB2()
// R5: chrashes when passing a NULL message
#ifndef TEST_R5
	MessageRunnerTestApp app(kTesterSignature);
	MessageRunnerTestLooper *looper = app.TestLooper();
	BMessenger target(looper);
	bigtime_t interval = 100000;
	int32 count = 5;
	MessageRunnerTestHandler *handler = app.TestHandler();
	BMessenger replyTo(handler);
	BMessageRunner runner(target, NULL, interval, count, replyTo);
	CHK(runner.InitCheck() == B_BAD_VALUE);
	check_message_runner_info(runner, B_BAD_VALUE);
Ejemplo n.º 7
	BMessageRunner(BMessenger target, const BMessage *message,
				   bigtime_t interval, int32 count, BMessenger replyTo)
	@case 1			target is invalid, message is valid, interval > 0,
					count > 0
	@results		InitCheck() should return B_OK. The message runner turns
					to unusable as soon as the first message had to be sent.
					GetInfo() should return B_OK.
void TBMessageRunnerTester::BMessageRunnerB1()
	MessageRunnerTestApp app(kTesterSignature);
	BMessenger target;
	BMessage message(MSG_RUNNER_MESSAGE);
	bigtime_t interval = 100000;
	int32 count = 5;
	MessageRunnerTestHandler *handler = app.TestHandler();
	BMessenger replyTo(handler);
	BMessageRunner runner(target, &message, interval, count, replyTo);
	CHK(runner.InitCheck() == B_OK);
	check_message_runner_info(runner, B_OK, interval, count);
	snooze(interval + 10000);
	check_message_runner_info(runner, B_BAD_VALUE);
	CHK(app.CountReplies() == 0);
	CHK(handler->CountReplies() == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool ZeroMqConnection::routerReceive()
  zmq::message_t address;
  if (m_socket->recv(&address, ZMQ_NOBLOCK)) {
    int size = address.size();
    EndpointIdType replyTo(static_cast<char*>(address.data()), size);

    // Now receive the message
    zmq::message_t message;
    if(!m_socket->recv(&message, ZMQ_NOBLOCK)) {
      qWarning() << "Error no message body received";
      return true;

    PacketType packet(static_cast<char*>(message.data()), message.size());

    emit packetReceived(packet, replyTo);

    return true;
  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
	BMessageRunner(BMessenger target, const BMessage *message,
				   bigtime_t interval, int32 count, BMessenger replyTo)
	@case 5			target is valid, message is valid,
					interval == LONGLONG_MAX, count > 0
	@results		InitCheck() should return B_OK.
					GetInfo() should return B_OK.
					No message should be delivered.
void TBMessageRunnerTester::BMessageRunnerB5()
// R5: doesn't behave very well. In worst case registrar time loop gets
// locked up and system wide message runners don't get messages anymore.
#ifndef TEST_R5
	MessageRunnerTestApp app(kTesterSignature);
	MessageRunnerTestLooper *looper = app.TestLooper();
	BMessenger target(looper);
	BMessage message(MSG_RUNNER_MESSAGE);
	bigtime_t interval = LONGLONG_MAX;
	int32 count = 5;
	MessageRunnerTestHandler *handler = app.TestHandler();
	BMessenger replyTo(handler);
	BMessageRunner runner(target, &message, interval, count, replyTo);
	bigtime_t startTime = system_time();
	CHK(runner.InitCheck() == B_OK);
	interval = max(interval, kMinTimeInterval);
	check_message_runner_info(runner, B_OK, interval, count);
	CHK(looper->CheckMessages(startTime, interval, 0));
	CHK(app.CountReplies() == 0);
	CHK(handler->CountReplies() == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 10
	status_t Broadcast(BMessage *message, BMessenger replyTo) const
	@case 2			valid message, several apps, one is B_ARGV_ONLY
	@results		Should return B_OK and send the message to all (including
					the B_ARGV_ONLY) apps. Replies go to the specified
void BroadcastTester::BroadcastTestB2()
	LaunchContext context;
	BRoster roster;
	// launch app 1
	entry_ref ref1(create_app(appFile1, appType1));
	SimpleAppLauncher caller1(ref1);
	team_id team1;
	CHK(context(caller1, appType1, &team1) == B_OK);
	// launch app 2
	entry_ref ref2(create_app(appFile2, appType2, false, true,
	SimpleAppLauncher caller2(ref2);
	team_id team2;
	CHK(context(caller2, appType2, &team2) == B_OK);
	// launch app 3
	entry_ref ref3(create_app(appFile3, appType3));
	SimpleAppLauncher caller3(ref3);
	team_id team3;
	CHK(context(caller3, appType3, &team3) == B_OK);
	// launch app 4
	entry_ref ref4(create_app(appFile4, appType4));
	SimpleAppLauncher caller4(ref4);
	team_id team4;
	CHK(context(caller4, appType4, &team4) == B_OK);
	// wait for the apps to run
	context.WaitForMessage(team1, MSG_READY_TO_RUN);
	context.WaitForMessage(team2, MSG_READY_TO_RUN);
	context.WaitForMessage(team3, MSG_READY_TO_RUN);
	context.WaitForMessage(team4, MSG_READY_TO_RUN);
	// broadcast a message
	BMessage message(MSG_1);
	BMessenger replyTo(dynamic_cast<RosterLaunchApp*>(be_app)->Handler());
	CHK(roster.Broadcast(&message, replyTo) == B_OK);
	// wait for the apps to report the receipt of the message
	context.WaitForMessage(team1, MSG_MESSAGE_RECEIVED);
	context.WaitForMessage(team2, MSG_MESSAGE_RECEIVED);
	context.WaitForMessage(team3, MSG_MESSAGE_RECEIVED);
	context.WaitForMessage(team4, MSG_MESSAGE_RECEIVED);
	// check the messages
	// app 1
	int32 cookie = 0;
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, MSG_STARTED));
	CHK(context.CheckMainArgsMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, &ref1, false));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, MSG_READY_TO_RUN));
	CHK(context.CheckMessageMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, &message));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, MSG_REPLY));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, MSG_QUIT_REQUESTED));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller1, team1, cookie, MSG_TERMINATED));
	// app 2
	cookie = 0;
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, MSG_STARTED));
	CHK(context.CheckMainArgsMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, &ref2, false));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, MSG_READY_TO_RUN));
	CHK(context.CheckMessageMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, &message));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, MSG_REPLY));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, MSG_QUIT_REQUESTED));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller2, team2, cookie, MSG_TERMINATED));
	// app 3
	cookie = 0;
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, MSG_STARTED));
	CHK(context.CheckMainArgsMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, &ref3, false));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, MSG_READY_TO_RUN));
	CHK(context.CheckMessageMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, &message));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, MSG_REPLY));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, MSG_QUIT_REQUESTED));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller3, team3, cookie, MSG_TERMINATED));
	// app 4
	cookie = 0;
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, MSG_STARTED));
	CHK(context.CheckMainArgsMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, &ref4, false));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, MSG_READY_TO_RUN));
	CHK(context.CheckMessageMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, &message));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, MSG_REPLY));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, MSG_QUIT_REQUESTED));
	CHK(context.CheckNextMessage(caller4, team4, cookie, MSG_TERMINATED));
Ejemplo n.º 11
void NewsArticle::assemble()
    Headers::Base *h;
    QCString newHead = "";

    if((h = messageID(false)) != 0)
        newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    if((h = control(false)) != 0)
        newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    if((h = supersedes(false)) != 0)
        newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    h = from(); // "From" is mandatory
    newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    h = subject(); // "Subject" is mandatory
    newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    if((h = to(false)) != 0)
        newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    if((h = newsgroups(false)) != 0)
        newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    if((h = followUpTo(false)) != 0)
        newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    if((h = replyTo(false)) != 0)
        newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    if((h = mailCopiesTo(false)) != 0)
        newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    h = date(); // "Date" is mandatory
    newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    if((h = references(false)) != 0)
        newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    h = lines(); // "Lines" is mandatory
    newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    if((h = organization(false)) != 0)
        newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    if((h = userAgent(false)) != 0)
        newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    newHead += "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";

    newHead += contentType()->as7BitString() + "\n";

    newHead += contentTransferEncoding()->as7BitString() + "\n";

    int pos = h_ead.find("\nX-");
    if(pos > -1) //we already have some x-headers => "recycle" them
        newHead += h_ead.mid(pos + 1, h_ead.length() - pos);
    else if(h_eaders && !h_eaders->isEmpty())
        for(h = h_eaders->first(); h; h = h_eaders->next())
            if(h->isXHeader() && (strncasecmp(h->type(), "X-KNode", 7) != 0))
                newHead += h->as7BitString() + "\n";

    h_ead = newHead;