/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoNofityContextAvailability -
HttpStatusCode mongoNotifyContextAvailability(NotifyContextAvailabilityRequest* requestP, NotifyContextAvailabilityResponse* responseP, const std::string& tenant) {

    reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "mongo ngsi9 notification");

    /* We ignore "subscriptionId" and "originator" in the request, as we don't have anything interesting
     * to do with them */

    /* Process each ContextRegistrationElement to create a "fake" RegisterContextRequest */
    RegisterContextRequest rcr;
    for (unsigned int ix= 0; ix < requestP->contextRegistrationResponseVector.size(); ++ix) {
        ContextRegistration* crP = &requestP->contextRegistrationResponseVector.get(ix)->contextRegistration;

    /* notifyContextAvailability doesn't include duration information, so we will use the defaulf */

    /* We use processRegisterContext() function. Note that in this case the response is not needed, so we will
     * only use it to conform to function signature. In addition, take into account that from a registerContext
     * point of view, notifyContextAvailability is considered as a new registration (as no registratinId is
     * received in the notification message) */
    RegisterContextResponse rcres;
    processRegisterContext(&rcr, &rcres, NULL, tenant);


    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "mongo ngsi9 notification");
    return SccOk;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* ****************************************************************************
* semToString - 
* The real test here would be to create a few threads and play with the semaphores ... 
* Here I only exercise the code (which is also valid and important)
* This is only a wrapper function for the real semaphore function and as we're only testing
* the wrapper functions, there is no reason to do any more ...
TEST(commonSem, unique)
   int s;

   s = semInit();
   EXPECT_EQ(0, s);

   s = reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "test");
   EXPECT_EQ(0, s);

   bool taken;
   s = reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "test", SemReadWriteOp, &taken);
   EXPECT_EQ(0, s);
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoUpdateContext - 
HttpStatusCode mongoUpdateContext
  UpdateContextRequest*                 requestP,
  UpdateContextResponse*                responseP,
  const std::string&                    tenant,
  const std::vector<std::string>&       servicePathV,
  std::map<std::string, std::string>&   uriParams,    // FIXME P7: we need this to implement "restriction-based" filters
  const std::string&                    xauthToken,
  const std::string&                    apiVersion,
  bool                                  checkEntityExistance
    bool reqSemTaken;

    reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 update request", SemWriteOp, &reqSemTaken);

    /* Check that the service path vector has only one element, returning error otherwise */
    if (servicePathV.size() > 1)
        LM_W(("Bad Input (service path length %d is greater than the one in update)", servicePathV.size()));
        responseP->errorCode.fill(SccBadRequest, "service path length greater than one in update");
        /* Process each ContextElement */
        for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < requestP->contextElementVector.size(); ++ix)

        /* Note that although individual processContextElements() invocations return ConnectionError, this
           error gets "encapsulated" in the StatusCode of the corresponding ContextElementResponse and we
           consider the overall mongoUpdateContext() as OK. */
    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 update request", reqSemTaken);
    return SccOk;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoNotifyContext -
HttpStatusCode mongoNotifyContext(NotifyContextRequest* requestP, NotifyContextResponse* responseP, const std::string& tenant) {

    reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 notification");

    /* We ignore "subscriptionId" and "originator" in the request, as we don't have anything interesting
     * to do with them */

    /* Process each ContextElement */
    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < requestP->contextElementResponseVector.size(); ++ix) {
        /* We use 'ucr' to conform processContextElement signature but we are not doing anything with that */
        UpdateContextResponse ucr;

        // FIXME P10: we need to pass an empty service path vector in order to fulfill the processContextElement signature(). To review,
        // once we implement service path also for subscriptions/notifications
        std::vector<std::string> servicePathV;        

        processContextElement(&requestP->contextElementResponseVector.get(ix)->contextElement, &ucr, "append", tenant, servicePathV);

    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 notification");

    return SccOk;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoEntityTypes -
HttpStatusCode mongoEntityTypes
  EntityTypesResponse*                  responseP,
  const std::string&                    tenant,
  const std::vector<std::string>&       servicePathV,
  std::map<std::string, std::string>&   uriParams
  unsigned int offset         = atoi(uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_OFFSET].c_str());
  unsigned int limit          = atoi(uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_LIMIT].c_str());
  std::string  detailsString  = uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_DETAILS];
  bool         details        = (strcasecmp("on", detailsString.c_str()) == 0)? true : false;
  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Query Entity Types"));
  LM_T(LmtPagination, ("Offset: %d, Limit: %d, Details: %s", offset, limit, (details == true)? "true" : "false"));

  reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "query types request");

  DBClientBase* connection = getMongoConnection();

  /* Compose query based on this aggregation command:
   * FIXME P9: taking into account that type is no longer used as part of the attribute "key", not sure if the
   * aggregation query below is fully correct
   * db.runCommand({aggregate: "entities",
   *                pipeline: [ {$match: { "_id.servicePath": /.../ } },
   *                            {$project: {_id: 1, "attrs.name": 1, "attrs.type": 1} },
   *                            {$project: { "attrs"
   *                                  {$cond: [ {$eq: [ "$attrs", [ ] ] }, [null], "$attrs"] }
   *                               }
   *                            },
   *                            {$unwind: "$attrs"},
   *                            {$group: {_id: "$_id.type", attrs: {$addToSet: "$attrs"}} },
   *                            {$sort: {_id: 1} }
   *                          ]
   *                })
   * The $cond part is hard... more information at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27510143/empty-array-prevents-document-to-appear-in-query
   * As a consequence, some "null" values may appear in the resulting attrs vector, which are prunned by the result processing logic.
   * FIXME P6: in the future, we can interpret the collapse parameter at this layer. If collapse=true so we don't need attributes, the
   * following command can be used:
   * db.runCommand({aggregate: "entities", pipeline: [ {$group: {_id: "$_id.type"} }]})

  BSONObj result;

  // Building the projection part of the query that includes types that have no attributes
  // See bug: https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-orion/issues/686
  BSONArrayBuilder emptyArrayBuilder;
  BSONArrayBuilder nulledArrayBuilder;

  // We are using the $cond: [ .. ] and not the $cond: { .. } one, as the former is the only one valid in MongoDB 2.4
  BSONObj projection = BSON(
    "$project" << BSON(
      "attrs" << BSON(
        "$cond" << BSON_ARRAY(
          BSON("$eq" << BSON_ARRAY(S_ATTRS << emptyArrayBuilder.arr()) ) <<
          nulledArrayBuilder.arr() <<

  BSONObj cmd = BSON("aggregate" << COL_ENTITIES <<
                     "pipeline" << BSON_ARRAY(
                                              BSON("$match" << BSON(C_ID_SERVICEPATH << fillQueryServicePath(servicePathV))) <<
                                              BSON("$project" << BSON("_id" << 1 << C_ATTR_NAME << 1 << C_ATTR_TYPE << 1)) <<
                                              projection <<
                                              BSON("$unwind" << S_ATTRS) <<
                                              BSON("$group" << BSON("_id" << CS_ID_ENTITY << "attrs" << BSON("$addToSet" << S_ATTRS))) <<
                                              BSON("$sort" << BSON("_id" << 1))

  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("runCommand() in '%s' database: '%s'", composeDatabaseName(tenant).c_str(), cmd.toString().c_str()));

  mongoSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "aggregation command");  

    connection->runCommand(composeDatabaseName(tenant).c_str(), cmd, result);
    mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "aggregation command");
    LM_I(("Database Operation Successful (%s)", cmd.toString().c_str()));
  catch (const DBException& e)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "aggregation command");
      std::string err = std::string("database: ") + composeDatabaseName(tenant).c_str() +
              " - command: " + cmd.toString() +
              " - exception: " + e.what();

      LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", err.c_str()));
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "query types request");
      return SccOk;
  catch (...)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "aggregation command");
      std::string err = std::string("database: ") + composeDatabaseName(tenant).c_str() +
              " - command: " + cmd.toString() +
              " - exception: " + "generic";

      LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", err.c_str()));
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "query types request");
      return SccOk;

  /* Processing result to build response */
  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("aggregation result: %s", result.toString().c_str()));

  std::vector<BSONElement> resultsArray = result.getField("result").Array();

  /* Another strategy to implement pagination is to use the $skip and $limit operators in the
   * aggregation framework. However, doing so, we don't know the total number of results, which can
   * be needed in the case of details=on (using that approach, we need to do two queries: one to get
   * the count and other to get the actual results with $skip and $limit, in the same "transaction" to
   * avoid incoherence between both if some entity type is created or deleted in the process).
   * However, considering that the number of types will be small compared with the number of entities,
   * the current approach seems to be ok
  for (unsigned int ix = offset; ix < MIN(resultsArray.size(), offset + limit); ++ix)
    BSONObj                  resultItem = resultsArray[ix].embeddedObject();
    TypeEntity*              type       = new TypeEntity(resultItem.getStringField("_id"));
    std::vector<BSONElement> attrsArray = resultItem.getField("attrs").Array();

    if (!attrsArray[0].isNull())
      for (unsigned int jx = 0; jx < attrsArray.size(); ++jx)
        /* This is the place in which null elements in the resulting attrs vector are prunned */
        if (attrsArray[jx].isNull())
        BSONObj jAttr = attrsArray[jx].embeddedObject();
        ContextAttribute* ca = new ContextAttribute(jAttr.getStringField(ENT_ATTRS_NAME), jAttr.getStringField(ENT_ATTRS_TYPE));


  char detailsMsg[256];
  if (responseP->typeEntityVector.size() > 0)
    if (details)
      snprintf(detailsMsg, sizeof(detailsMsg), "Count: %d", (int) resultsArray.size());
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccOk, detailsMsg);
    if (details)
      snprintf(detailsMsg, sizeof(detailsMsg), "Number of types: %d. Offset is %d", (int) resultsArray.size(), offset);
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccContextElementNotFound, detailsMsg);

  reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "query types request");

  return SccOk;

Ejemplo n.º 6
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoAttributesForEntityType -
HttpStatusCode mongoAttributesForEntityType
  std::string                           entityType,
  EntityTypeAttributesResponse*         responseP,
  const std::string&                    tenant,
  const std::vector<std::string>&       servicePathV,
  std::map<std::string, std::string>&   uriParams
  unsigned int offset         = atoi(uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_OFFSET].c_str());
  unsigned int limit          = atoi(uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_LIMIT].c_str());
  std::string  detailsString  = uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_DETAILS];
  bool         details        = (strcasecmp("on", detailsString.c_str()) == 0)? true : false;

  // Setting the name of the entity type for the response
  responseP->entityType.type = entityType;

  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Query Types Attribute for <%s>", entityType.c_str()));
  LM_T(LmtPagination, ("Offset: %d, Limit: %d, Details: %s", offset, limit, (details == true)? "true" : "false"));

  reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "query types attributes request");

  DBClientBase* connection = getMongoConnection();

  /* Compose query based on this aggregation command:
   * FIXME P9: taking into account that type is no longer used as part of the attribute "key", not sure if the
   * aggregation query below is fully correct
   * db.runCommand({aggregate: "entities",
   *                pipeline: [ {$match: { "_id.type": "TYPE" , "_id.servicePath": /.../ } },
   *                            {$project: {_id: 1, "attrs.name": 1, "attrs.type": 1} },
   *                            {$unwind: "$attrs"},
   *                            {$group: {_id: "$_id.type", attrs: {$addToSet: "$attrs"}} },
   *                            {$unwind: "$attrs"},
   *                            {$group: {_id: "$attrs" }},
   *                            {$sort: {_id.name: 1, _id.type: 1} }
   *                          ]
   *                })

  BSONObj result;
  BSONObj cmd = BSON("aggregate" << COL_ENTITIES <<
                     "pipeline" << BSON_ARRAY(
                                              BSON("$match" << BSON(C_ID_ENTITY << entityType << C_ID_SERVICEPATH << fillQueryServicePath(servicePathV))) <<
                                              BSON("$project" << BSON("_id" << 1 << C_ATTR_NAME << 1 << C_ATTR_TYPE << 1)) <<
                                              BSON("$unwind" << S_ATTRS) <<
                                              BSON("$group" << BSON("_id" << CS_ID_ENTITY << "attrs" << BSON("$addToSet" << S_ATTRS))) <<
                                              BSON("$unwind" << S_ATTRS) <<
                                              BSON("$group" << BSON("_id" << S_ATTRS)) <<
                                              BSON("$sort" << BSON(C_ID_NAME << 1 << C_ID_TYPE << 1))

  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("runCommand() in '%s' database: '%s'", composeDatabaseName(tenant).c_str(), cmd.toString().c_str()));

  mongoSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "aggregation command"); 

    connection->runCommand(composeDatabaseName(tenant).c_str(), cmd, result);
    mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "aggregation command");
    LM_I(("Database Operation Successful (%s)", cmd.toString().c_str()));
  catch (const DBException& e)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "aggregation command");
      std::string err = std::string("database: ") + composeDatabaseName(tenant).c_str() +
              " - command: " + cmd.toString() +
              " - exception: " + e.what();

      LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", err.c_str()));
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "query types request");
      return SccOk;
  catch (...)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "aggregation command");
      std::string err = std::string("database: ") + composeDatabaseName(tenant).c_str() +
              " - command: " + cmd.toString() +
              " - exception: " + "generic";

      LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", err.c_str()));
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "query types request");
      return SccOk;

  /* Processing result to build response*/
  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("aggregation result: %s", result.toString().c_str()));

  std::vector<BSONElement> resultsArray = result.getField("result").Array();

  /* See comment above in the other method regarding this strategy to implement pagination */
  for (unsigned int ix = offset; ix < MIN(resultsArray.size(), offset + limit); ++ix)
    BSONElement        idField    = resultsArray[ix].embeddedObject().getField("_id");

    // BSONElement::eoo returns true if 'not found', i.e. the field "_id" doesn't exist in 'sub'
    // Now, if 'resultsArray[ix].embeddedObject().getField("_id")' is not found, if we continue,
    // calling embeddedObject() on it, then we get an exception and the broker crashes.
    if (idField.eoo() == true)
      LM_E(("Database Error (error retrieving _id field in doc: %s)", resultsArray[ix].embeddedObject().toString().c_str()));

    BSONObj            resultItem = idField.embeddedObject();
    ContextAttribute*  ca         = new ContextAttribute(resultItem.getStringField(ENT_ATTRS_NAME), resultItem.getStringField(ENT_ATTRS_TYPE));

  char detailsMsg[256];
  if (responseP->entityType.contextAttributeVector.size() > 0)
    if (details)
      snprintf(detailsMsg, sizeof(detailsMsg), "Count: %d", (int) resultsArray.size());
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccOk, detailsMsg);
    if (details)
      snprintf(detailsMsg, sizeof(detailsMsg), "Number of attributes: %d. Offset is %d", (int) resultsArray.size(), offset);
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccContextElementNotFound, detailsMsg);

  reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "query types request");

  return SccOk;
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoUpdateContextSubscription - 
HttpStatusCode mongoUpdateContextSubscription(UpdateContextSubscriptionRequest* requestP, UpdateContextSubscriptionResponse* responseP, Format inFormat, const std::string& tenant)
  reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 update subscription request");

  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Update Context Subscription"));

  DBClientBase* connection = getMongoConnection();

  /* Look for document */
  BSONObj  sub;
      OID id = OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get());

      mongoSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextCollection");
      sub = connection->findOne(getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str(), BSON("_id" << id));
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextCollection");
      LM_I(("Database Operation Successful (findOne _id: %s)", id.toString().c_str()));
  catch (const AssertionException &e)
      /* This happens when OID format is wrong */
      // FIXME P4: this checking should be done at the parsing stage, without progressing to
      // mongoBackend. For the moment we can leave this here, but we should remove it in the future
      // (old issue #95)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextCollection (mongo assertion exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 update subscription request (mongo assertion exception)");

      LM_W(("Bad Input (invalid OID format)"));
      return SccOk;
  catch (const DBException &e)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextCollection (mongo db exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 update subscription request (mongo db exception)");

                                               std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                               " - findOne() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get() +
                                               " - exception: " + e.what());
      LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", responseP->subscribeError.errorCode.details.c_str()));
      return SccOk;
  catch (...)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextCollection (mongo generic exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 update subscription request (mongo generic exception)");

                                               std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                               " - findOne() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get() +
                                               " - exception: " + "generic");
      LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", responseP->subscribeError.errorCode.details.c_str()));
      return SccOk;

  if (sub.isEmpty()) {
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 update subscription request (no subscriptions found)");
      return SccOk;

  /* We start with an empty BSONObjBuilder and process requestP for all the fields that can
   * be updated. I don't like too much this strategy (I would have preferred to start with
   * a copy of the original document, then modify as neded, but this doesn't seem to be easy
   * using the API provide by the Mongo C++ driver)
   * FIXME: a better implementation strategy could be doing an findAndModify() query to do the
   * update, so detecting if the document was not found, instead of using findOne() + update()
   * with $set operation. One operations to MongoDb. vs two operations.
  BSONObjBuilder newSub;

  /* Entities, attribute list and reference are not updatable, so they are appended directly */
  newSub.appendArray(CSUB_ENTITIES, sub.getField(CSUB_ENTITIES).Obj());
  newSub.appendArray(CSUB_ATTRS, sub.getField(CSUB_ATTRS).Obj());

  /* Duration update */
  if (requestP->duration.isEmpty()) {      
      newSub.append(CSUB_EXPIRATION, sub.getField(CSUB_EXPIRATION).numberLong());
  else {
      long long expiration = getCurrentTime() + requestP->duration.parse();
      newSub.append(CSUB_EXPIRATION, expiration);
      LM_T(LmtMongo, ("New subscription expiration: %l", expiration));

  /* Restriction update */
  // FIXME: Restrictions not implemented yet

  /* Throttling update */
  if (!requestP->throttling.isEmpty()) {
      /* Throttling equal to 0 removes throttling */
      long long throttling = requestP->throttling.parse();
      if (throttling != 0) {
          newSub.append(CSUB_THROTTLING, throttling);
  else {
      /* The hasField check is needed due to Throttling could not be present in the original doc */
      if (sub.hasField(CSUB_THROTTLING)) {
          newSub.append(CSUB_THROTTLING, sub.getField(CSUB_THROTTLING).numberLong());

  /* Notify conditions */
  bool notificationDone = false;
  if (requestP->notifyConditionVector.size() == 0) {
      newSub.appendArray(CSUB_CONDITIONS, sub.getField(CSUB_CONDITIONS).embeddedObject());
  else {
      /* Destroy any previous ONTIMEINTERVAL thread */

      /* Build conditions array (including side-effect notifications and threads creation)
       * In order to do so, we have to create and EntityIdVector and AttributeList from sub
       * document, given the processConditionVector() signature */
       EntityIdVector enV = subToEntityIdVector(sub);
       AttributeList attrL = subToAttributeList(sub);

       BSONArray conds = processConditionVector(&requestP->notifyConditionVector,
                                                C_STR_FIELD(sub, CSUB_REFERENCE),
       newSub.appendArray(CSUB_CONDITIONS, conds);

       /* Remove EntityIdVector and AttributeList dynamic memory */

  int count = sub.hasField(CSUB_COUNT) ? sub.getIntField(CSUB_COUNT) : 0;

  /* Last notification */
  if (notificationDone) {
      newSub.append(CSUB_LASTNOTIFICATION, getCurrentTime());
      newSub.append(CSUB_COUNT, count + 1);
  else {
      /* The hasField check is needed due to lastNotification/count could not be present in the original doc */
      if (sub.hasField(CSUB_LASTNOTIFICATION)) {
          newSub.append(CSUB_LASTNOTIFICATION, sub.getIntField(CSUB_LASTNOTIFICATION));
      if (sub.hasField(CSUB_COUNT)) {
          newSub.append(CSUB_COUNT, count);

  /* Adding format to use in notifications */
  newSub.append(CSUB_FORMAT, std::string(formatToString(inFormat)));

  /* Update document in MongoDB */
  BSONObj update = newSub.obj();
      LM_T(LmtMongo, ("update() in '%s' collection _id '%s': %s}", getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str(),
      mongoSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "update in SubscribeContextCollection");
      connection->update(getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str(), BSON("_id" << OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get())), update);
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "update in SubscribeContextCollection");
      LM_I(("Database Operation Successful (update _id: %s, %s)", requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str(), update.toString().c_str()));
  catch (const DBException &e)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "update in SubscribeContextCollection (mongo db exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 update subscription request (mongo db exception)");
                                               std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                               " - update() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str() +
                                               " - update() doc: " + update.toString() +
                                               " - exception: " + e.what());

      LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", responseP->subscribeError.errorCode.details.c_str()));
      return SccOk;
  catch (...)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "update in SubscribeContextCollection (mongo generic exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 update subscription request (mongo generic exception)");
                                               std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                               " - update() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str() +
                                               " - update() doc: " + update.toString() +
                                               " - exception: " + "generic");

      LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", responseP->subscribeError.errorCode.details.c_str()));
      return SccOk;

  /* Duration and throttling are optional parameters, they are only added in the case they
   * was used for update */
  if (!requestP->duration.isEmpty()) {      
      responseP->subscribeResponse.duration = requestP->duration;
  if (!requestP->throttling.isEmpty()) {      
      responseP->subscribeResponse.throttling = requestP->throttling;
  responseP->subscribeResponse.subscriptionId = requestP->subscriptionId;

  reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 update subscription request");
  return SccOk;
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoUpdateContextAvailabilitySubscription - 
HttpStatusCode mongoUpdateContextAvailabilitySubscription(UpdateContextAvailabilitySubscriptionRequest* requestP, UpdateContextAvailabilitySubscriptionResponse* responseP, Format inFormat, const std::string& tenant)
  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Update Context Subscription"));
  reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request");

  DBClientConnection* connection = getMongoConnection();

  /* Look for document */
  BSONObj  sub;
  try {
      OID id = OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get());

      mongoSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "findOne from SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
      sub = connection->findOne(getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str(), BSON("_id" << id));
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne from SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
  catch( const AssertionException &e ) {
      /* This happens when OID format is wrong */
      // FIXME: this checking should be done at parsing stage, without progressing to
      // mongoBackend. By the moment we can live this here, but we should remove in the future
      // (old issue #95)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne from SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo assertion exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (mongo assertion exception)");

      return SccOk;
  catch( const DBException &e ) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne from SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo db exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (mongo db exception)");

                                std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                " - findOne() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get() +
                                " - exception: " + e.what());
      return SccOk;
  catch(...) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne from SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo generic exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (mongo generic exception)");

                                std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                " - findOne() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get() +
                                " - exception: " + "generic");
      return SccOk;

  if (sub.isEmpty()) {
     reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (no subscriptions found)");
     return SccOk;

  /* We start with an empty BSONObjBuilder and process requestP for all the fields that can
   * be updated. I don't like too much this strategy (I would have preferred to start with
   * a copy of the original document, then modify as neded, but this doesn't seem to be easy
   * using the API provide by the Mongo C++ driver)
   * FIXME: a better implementation strategy could be doing an findAndModify() query to do the
   * update, so detecting if the document was not found, instead of using findOne() + update()
   * with $set operation. One operations to MongoDb. vs two operations.
  BSONObjBuilder newSub;

  /* Entities (mandatory) */
  BSONArrayBuilder entities;
  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < requestP->entityIdVector.size(); ++ix) {
      EntityId* en = requestP->entityIdVector.get(ix);
      if (en->type == "") {
          entities.append(BSON(CASUB_ENTITY_ID << en->id <<
                               CASUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN << en->isPattern));
      else {
          entities.append(BSON(CASUB_ENTITY_ID << en->id <<
                               CASUB_ENTITY_TYPE << en->type <<
                               CASUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN << en->isPattern));

  newSub.append(CASUB_ENTITIES, entities.arr());

  /* Attributes (always taken into account) */
  BSONArrayBuilder attrs;
  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < requestP->attributeList.size(); ++ix) {
  newSub.append(CASUB_ATTRS, attrs.arr());

  /* Duration (optional) */
  if (requestP->duration.isEmpty()) {
      newSub.append(CASUB_EXPIRATION, sub.getField(CASUB_EXPIRATION).numberLong());
  else {
      long long expiration = getCurrentTime() + requestP->duration.parse();
      newSub.append(CASUB_EXPIRATION, expiration);
      LM_T(LmtMongo, ("New subscription expiration: %l", expiration));

  /* Reference is not updatable, so it is appended directly */

  int count = sub.hasField(CASUB_COUNT) ? sub.getIntField(CASUB_COUNT) : 0;

  /* The hasField check is needed due to lastNotification/count could not be present in the original doc */
  if (sub.hasField(CASUB_LASTNOTIFICATION)) {
  if (sub.hasField(CASUB_COUNT)) {
      newSub.append(CASUB_COUNT, count);

  /* Adding format to use in notifications */
  newSub.append(CASUB_FORMAT, std::string(formatToString(inFormat)));

  /* Update document in MongoDB */
  BSONObj update = newSub.obj();
  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("update() in '%s' collection _id '%s': %s}", getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str(),
  try {
      mongoSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "update in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
      connection->update(getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str(), BSON("_id" << OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get())), update);
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "update in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
  catch( const DBException &e ) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "update in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo db exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (mongo db exception)");

                                std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                " - update() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str() +
                                " - update() doc: " + update.toString() +
                                " - exception: " + e.what());

      return SccOk;
  catch(...) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "update in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo generic exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (mongo generic exception)");

                                std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                " - update() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str() +
                                " - update() doc: " + update.toString() +
                                " - exception: " + "generic");
      return SccOk;

  /* Send notifications for matching context registrations */
  processAvailabilitySubscription(requestP->entityIdVector, requestP->attributeList, requestP->subscriptionId.get(), STR_FIELD(sub, CASUB_REFERENCE), inFormat, tenant);

  /* Duration is an optional parameter, it is only added in the case they
   * was used for update */
  if (!requestP->duration.isEmpty()) {      
      responseP->duration = requestP->duration;

  responseP->subscriptionId = requestP->subscriptionId;

  reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request");

  return SccOk;
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoUnsubscribeContextAvailability - 
HttpStatusCode mongoUnsubscribeContextAvailability(UnsubscribeContextAvailabilityRequest* requestP, UnsubscribeContextAvailabilityResponse* responseP)
  reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request");

  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Unsubscribe Context Availability"));

  DBClientConnection* connection = getMongoConnection();

  /* No matter if success or failure, the subscriptionId in the response is always the one
   * in the request */
  responseP->subscriptionId = requestP->subscriptionId;

  /* Look for document */
  BSONObj sub;
  try {
      OID id = OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get());
      LM_T(LmtMongo, ("findOne() in '%s' collection _id '%s'}", getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(),

      mongoSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
      sub = connection->findOne(getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(), BSON("_id" << id));
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");

      if (sub.isEmpty()) {
          reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (no subscriptions)");
          return SccOk;
  catch( const AssertionException &e ) {
      /* This happens when OID format is wrong */
      // FIXME: this checking should be done at parsing stage, without progressing to
      // mongoBackend. By the moment we can live this here, but we should remove in the future
      // (odl issues #95)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo assertion exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (mongo assertion exception)");
      return SccOk;
  catch( const DBException &e ) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo db exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)");
                                 std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName() +
                                 " - findOne() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get() +
                                 " - exception: " + e.what());
      return SccOk;
  catch(...) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo generic exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (mongo generic exception)");
                                 std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName() +
                                 " - findOne() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get() +
                                 " - exception: " + "generic");
      return SccOk;

  /* Remove document in MongoDB */
  // FIXME: I would prefer to do the find and remove in a single operation. Is the some similar
  // to findAndModify for this?
  try {
      LM_T(LmtMongo, ("remove() in '%s' collection _id '%s'}", getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(),
      mongoSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "remove in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
      connection->remove(getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(), BSON("_id" << OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get())));
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "remove in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
  catch( const DBException &e ) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "remove in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo db exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)");
                                 std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName() +
                                 " - remove() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str() +
                                 " - exception: " + e.what());
      return SccOk;
  catch(...) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "remove in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo generic exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (mongo generic exception)");
                                 std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName() +
                                 " - remove() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str() +
                                 " - exception: " + "generic");
      return SccOk;

  reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request");
  return SccOk;
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoUpdateContextAvailabilitySubscription - 
HttpStatusCode mongoUpdateContextAvailabilitySubscription
  UpdateContextAvailabilitySubscriptionRequest*   requestP,
  UpdateContextAvailabilitySubscriptionResponse*  responseP,
  Format                                          notifyFormat,
  const std::string&                              tenant
  bool reqSemTaken;

  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Update Context Subscription, notifyFormat: '%s'", formatToString(notifyFormat)));
  reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request", SemWriteOp, &reqSemTaken);  

  /* Look for document */
  BSONObj     sub;
  std::string err;
  OID         id;

  if (!safeGetSubId(requestP->subscriptionId, &id, &(responseP->errorCode)))
    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (mongo assertion exception)", reqSemTaken);
    if (responseP->errorCode.code == SccContextElementNotFound)
      std::string details = std::string("invalid OID format: '") + requestP->subscriptionId.get() + "'"; 
      alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, details);
    else // SccReceiverInternalError
      LM_E(("Runtime Error (exception getting OID: %s)", responseP->errorCode.details.c_str()));
    return SccOk;

  if (!collectionFindOne(getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant), BSON("_id" << id), &sub, &err))
    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (mongo db exception)", reqSemTaken);
    responseP->errorCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
    return SccOk;

  if (sub.isEmpty())
     reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (no subscriptions found)", reqSemTaken);
     return SccOk;

  /* We start with an empty BSONObjBuilder and process requestP for all the fields that can
   * be updated. I don't like too much this strategy (I would have preferred to start with
   * a copy of the original document, then modify as neded, but this doesn't seem to be easy
   * using the API provide by the Mongo C++ driver)
   * FIXME: a better implementation strategy could be doing an findAndModify() query to do the
   * update, so detecting if the document was not found, instead of using findOne() + update()
   * with $set operation. One operations to MongoDb. vs two operations.
  BSONObjBuilder newSub;

  /* Entities (mandatory) */
  BSONArrayBuilder entities;
  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < requestP->entityIdVector.size(); ++ix) {
      EntityId* en = requestP->entityIdVector[ix];
      if (en->type == "") {
          entities.append(BSON(CASUB_ENTITY_ID << en->id <<
                               CASUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN << en->isPattern));
      else {
          entities.append(BSON(CASUB_ENTITY_ID << en->id <<
                               CASUB_ENTITY_TYPE << en->type <<
                               CASUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN << en->isPattern));

  newSub.append(CASUB_ENTITIES, entities.arr());

  /* Attributes (always taken into account) */
  BSONArrayBuilder attrs;
  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < requestP->attributeList.size(); ++ix) {
  newSub.append(CASUB_ATTRS, attrs.arr());

  /* Duration (optional) */
  if (requestP->duration.isEmpty())
    newSub.append(CASUB_EXPIRATION, getField(sub, CASUB_EXPIRATION).numberLong());
  else {
      long long expiration = getCurrentTime() + requestP->duration.parse();
      newSub.append(CASUB_EXPIRATION, expiration);
      LM_T(LmtMongo, ("New subscription expiration: %l", expiration));

  /* Reference is not updatable, so it is appended directly */
  newSub.append(CASUB_REFERENCE, getStringField(sub, CASUB_REFERENCE));

  int count = sub.hasField(CASUB_COUNT) ? getIntField(sub, CASUB_COUNT) : 0;

  /* The hasField check is needed due to lastNotification/count could not be present in the original doc */
  if (sub.hasField(CASUB_LASTNOTIFICATION)) {
  if (sub.hasField(CASUB_COUNT)) {
      newSub.append(CASUB_COUNT, count);

  /* Adding format to use in notifications */
  newSub.append(CASUB_FORMAT, std::string(formatToString(notifyFormat)));

  /* Update document in MongoDB */
  if (!collectionUpdate(getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant), BSON("_id" << OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get())), newSub.obj(), false, &err))
    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (mongo db exception)", reqSemTaken);
    responseP->errorCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
    return SccOk;

  /* Send notifications for matching context registrations */
  processAvailabilitySubscription(requestP->entityIdVector, requestP->attributeList, requestP->subscriptionId.get(), getStringField(sub, CASUB_REFERENCE), notifyFormat, tenant);

  /* Duration is an optional parameter, it is only added in the case they
   * was used for update */
  if (!requestP->duration.isEmpty())
      responseP->duration = requestP->duration;

  responseP->subscriptionId = requestP->subscriptionId;

  reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request", reqSemTaken);

  return SccOk;
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoSubscribeContext - 
HttpStatusCode mongoSubscribeContext
  SubscribeContextRequest*             requestP,
  SubscribeContextResponse*            responseP,
  const std::string&                   tenant,
  std::map<std::string, std::string>&  uriParam,
  const std::string&                   xauthToken,
  const std::vector<std::string>&      servicePathV
    const std::string  notifyFormatAsString  = uriParam[URI_PARAM_NOTIFY_FORMAT];
    Format             notifyFormat          = stringToFormat(notifyFormatAsString);
    std::string        servicePath           = (servicePathV.size() == 0)? "" : servicePathV[0];    
    bool               reqSemTaken           = false;

    LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Subscribe Context Request: notifications sent in '%s' format", notifyFormatAsString.c_str()));

    reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 subscribe request", SemWriteOp, &reqSemTaken);

    // Calculate expiration (using the current time and the duration field in the request).
    // If expiration is not present, use a default value
    long long expiration = -1;
    if (requestP->expires > 0)
      expiration = requestP->expires;
      if (requestP->duration.isEmpty())

      expiration = getCurrentTime() + requestP->duration.parse();
    LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Subscription expiration: %lu", expiration));

    /* Create the mongoDB subscription document */
    BSONObjBuilder  sub;
    OID             oid;


    sub.append("_id", oid);
    sub.append(CSUB_EXPIRATION, expiration);
    sub.append(CSUB_REFERENCE,  requestP->reference.get());

    /* Throttling */
    long long throttling = 0;
    if (requestP->throttling.seconds != -1)
      throttling = (long long) requestP->throttling.seconds;
      sub.append(CSUB_THROTTLING, throttling);
    else if (!requestP->throttling.isEmpty())
      throttling = (long long) requestP->throttling.parse();
      sub.append(CSUB_THROTTLING, throttling);

    if (servicePath != "")
      sub.append(CSUB_SERVICE_PATH, servicePath);

    /* Build entities array */
    BSONArrayBuilder entities;
    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < requestP->entityIdVector.size(); ++ix)
        EntityId* en = requestP->entityIdVector[ix];

        if (en->type == "")
          entities.append(BSON(CSUB_ENTITY_ID << en->id <<
                               CSUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN << en->isPattern));
          entities.append(BSON(CSUB_ENTITY_ID << en->id <<
                               CSUB_ENTITY_TYPE << en->type <<
                               CSUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN << en->isPattern));
    sub.append(CSUB_ENTITIES, entities.arr());

    /* Build attributes array */
    BSONArrayBuilder attrs;
    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < requestP->attributeList.size(); ++ix) {
    sub.append(CSUB_ATTRS, attrs.arr());

    /* Build conditions array (including side-effect notifications and threads creation) */
    bool notificationDone = false;
    BSONArray conds = processConditionVector(&requestP->notifyConditionVector,
                                             requestP->attributeList, oid.toString(),
    sub.append(CSUB_CONDITIONS, conds);

    /* Build expression */
    BSONObjBuilder expression;

    expression << CSUB_EXPR_Q << requestP->expression.q
               << CSUB_EXPR_GEOM << requestP->expression.geometry
               << CSUB_EXPR_COORDS << requestP->expression.coords
               << CSUB_EXPR_GEOREL << requestP->expression.georel;
    sub.append(CSUB_EXPR, expression.obj());

    /* Last notification */
    long long lastNotificationTime = 0;
    if (notificationDone)
      lastNotificationTime = (long long) getCurrentTime();

      sub.append(CSUB_LASTNOTIFICATION, lastNotificationTime);
      sub.append(CSUB_COUNT, 1);

    /* Adding format to use in notifications */
    sub.append(CSUB_FORMAT, notifyFormatAsString);

    /* Insert document in database */
    std::string err;
    if (!collectionInsert(getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant), sub.obj(), &err))
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 subscribe request (mongo db exception)", reqSemTaken);
      responseP->subscribeError.errorCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
      return SccOk;

    // 3. Create Subscription for the cache
    std::string oidString = oid.toString();

    LM_T(LmtSubCache, ("inserting a new sub in cache (%s)", oidString.c_str()));

    cacheSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "Inserting subscription in cache");

    cacheSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "Inserting subscription in cache");

    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 subscribe request", reqSemTaken);

    /* Fill int the response element */
    responseP->subscribeResponse.duration = requestP->duration;
    responseP->subscribeResponse.throttling = requestP->throttling;

    return SccOk;
Ejemplo n.º 12
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoAttributesForEntityType -
HttpStatusCode mongoAttributesForEntityType
  std::string                           entityType,
  EntityTypeResponse*         responseP,
  const std::string&                    tenant,
  const std::vector<std::string>&       servicePathV,
  std::map<std::string, std::string>&   uriParams
  unsigned int   offset         = atoi(uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_OFFSET].c_str());
  unsigned int   limit          = atoi(uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_LIMIT].c_str());
  std::string    detailsString  = uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_DETAILS];
  bool           details        = (strcasecmp("on", detailsString.c_str()) == 0)? true : false;
  bool           reqSemTaken    = false;

  // Setting the name of the entity type for the response
  responseP->entityType.type = entityType;

  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Query Types Attribute for <%s>", entityType.c_str()));
  LM_T(LmtPagination, ("Offset: %d, Limit: %d, Details: %s", offset, limit, (details == true)? "true" : "false"));

  reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "query types attributes request", SemReadOp, &reqSemTaken);

  /* Compose query based on this aggregation command:   
   * db.runCommand({aggregate: "entities",
   *                pipeline: [ {$match: { "_id.type": "TYPE" , "_id.servicePath": /.../ } },
   *                            {$project: {_id: 1, "attrNames": 1} },
   *                            {$unwind: "$attrNames"},
   *                            {$group: {_id: "$_id.type", attrs: {$addToSet: "$attrNames"}} },
   *                            {$unwind: "$attrs"},
   *                            {$group: {_id: "$attrs" }},
   *                            {$sort: {_id: 1}}
   *                          ]
   *                })

  BSONObj result;
  BSONObj cmd = BSON("aggregate" << COL_ENTITIES <<
                     "pipeline" << BSON_ARRAY(
                                              BSON("$match" << BSON(C_ID_ENTITY << entityType << C_ID_SERVICEPATH << fillQueryServicePath(servicePathV))) <<
                                              BSON("$project" << BSON("_id" << 1 << ENT_ATTRNAMES << 1)) <<
                                              BSON("$unwind" << S_ATTRNAMES) <<
                                              BSON("$group" << BSON("_id" << CS_ID_ENTITY << "attrs" << BSON("$addToSet" << S_ATTRNAMES))) <<
                                              BSON("$unwind" << "$attrs") <<
                                              BSON("$group" << BSON("_id" << "$attrs")) <<
                                              BSON("$sort" << BSON("_id" << 1))

  std::string err;
  if (!runCollectionCommand(composeDatabaseName(tenant), cmd, &result, &err))
    responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "query types request", reqSemTaken);
    return SccOk;

  /* Processing result to build response */
  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("aggregation result: %s", result.toString().c_str()));

  std::vector<BSONElement> resultsArray = getField(result, "result").Array();

  responseP->entityType.count = countEntities(tenant, servicePathV, entityType);

  if (resultsArray.size() == 0)
    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "query types request", reqSemTaken);
    return SccOk;

  /* See comment above in the other method regarding this strategy to implement pagination */
  for (unsigned int ix = offset; ix < MIN(resultsArray.size(), offset + limit); ++ix)
    BSONElement  idField    = resultsArray[ix].embeddedObject().getField("_id");

    // BSONElement::eoo returns true if 'not found', i.e. the field "_id" doesn't exist in 'sub'
    // Now, if 'resultsArray[ix].embeddedObject().getField("_id")' is not found, if we continue,
    // calling embeddedObject() on it, then we get an exception and the broker crashes.
    if (idField.eoo() == true)
      LM_E(("Database Error (error retrieving _id field in doc: %s)", resultsArray[ix].embeddedObject().toString().c_str()));

    /* Note that we need and extra query() to the database (inside attributeType() function) to get each attribute type.
     * This could be unefficient, specially if the number of attributes is large */
    std::string attrType = attributeType(tenant, servicePathV, entityType , idField.str());

    ContextAttribute*  ca = new ContextAttribute(idField.str(), attrType, "");

  char detailsMsg[256];
  if (responseP->entityType.contextAttributeVector.size() > 0)
    if (details)
      snprintf(detailsMsg, sizeof(detailsMsg), "Count: %d", (int) resultsArray.size());
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccOk, detailsMsg);
    if (details)
      snprintf(detailsMsg, sizeof(detailsMsg), "Number of attributes: %d. Offset is %d", (int) resultsArray.size(), offset);
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccContextElementNotFound, detailsMsg);

  reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "query types request", reqSemTaken);

  return SccOk;
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoUnsubscribeContext - 
HttpStatusCode mongoUnsubscribeContext(UnsubscribeContextRequest* requestP, UnsubscribeContextResponse* responseP, const std::string& tenant)
    bool         reqSemTaken;
    std::string  err;

    reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request", SemWriteOp, &reqSemTaken);

    LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Unsubscribe Context"));

    /* No matter if success or failure, the subscriptionId in the response is always the one
     * in the request */
    responseP->subscriptionId = requestP->subscriptionId;

    if (responseP->subscriptionId.get() == "")
        reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (no subscriptions found)", reqSemTaken);
        alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, "no subscriptionId");
        return SccOk;

    /* Look for document */
    BSONObj sub;
    OID     id;

    if (!safeGetSubId(requestP->subscriptionId, &id, &(responseP->statusCode)))
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (safeGetSubId fail)", reqSemTaken);
      if (responseP->statusCode.code == SccContextElementNotFound)
        // FIXME: Doubt - invalid OID format?  Or, just a subscription that was not found?
        std::string details = std::string("invalid OID format: '") + requestP->subscriptionId.get() + "'";
        alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, details);
      else // SccReceiverInternalError
        LM_E(("Runtime Error (exception getting OID: %s)", responseP->statusCode.details.c_str()));
      return SccOk;

    if (!collectionFindOne(getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant), BSON("_id" << id), &sub, &err))
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)", reqSemTaken);
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
      return SccOk;

    if (sub.isEmpty())
       reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (no subscriptions found)", reqSemTaken);
       responseP->statusCode.fill(SccContextElementNotFound, std::string("subscriptionId: /") + requestP->subscriptionId.get() + "/");
       return SccOk;

    /* Remove document in MongoDB */
    // FIXME: I would prefer to do the find and remove in a single operation. Is there something similar
    // to findAndModify for this?    
    if (!collectionRemove(getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant), BSON("_id" << OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get())), &err))
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)", reqSemTaken);
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
      return SccOk;

    /* Destroy any previous ONTIMEINTERVAL thread */

    // Removing subscription from mongo subscription cache
    LM_T(LmtSubCache, ("removing subscription '%s' (tenant '%s') from mongo subscription cache", requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str(), tenant.c_str()));

    cacheSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "Removing subscription from cache");

    CachedSubscription* cSubP = subCacheItemLookup(tenant.c_str(), requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str());

    if (cSubP != NULL)

    cacheSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "Removing subscription from cache");

    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request", reqSemTaken);

    return SccOk;
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoQueryContext - 
*   If the in/out-parameter countP is non-NULL then the number of matching entities
*   must be returned in *countP.
*   This replaces the 'uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_DETAILS]' way of passing this information.
*   The old method was one-way, using the new method 
HttpStatusCode mongoQueryContext
  QueryContextRequest*                 requestP,
  QueryContextResponse*                responseP,
  const std::string&                   tenant,
  const std::vector<std::string>&      servicePathV,
  std::map<std::string, std::string>&  uriParams,
  long long*                           countP
    int         offset         = atoi(uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_OFFSET].c_str());
    int         limit          = atoi(uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_LIMIT].c_str());
    std::string detailsString  = uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_DETAILS];
    bool        details        = (strcasecmp("on", detailsString.c_str()) == 0)? true : false;

    LM_T(LmtMongo, ("QueryContext Request"));    
    LM_T(LmtPagination, ("Offset: %d, Limit: %d, Details: %s", offset, limit, (details == true)? "true" : "false"));

    /* FIXME: restriction not supported for the moment */
    if (!requestP->restriction.attributeExpression.isEmpty())
      LM_W(("Bad Input (restriction found, but restrictions are not supported by mongo backend)"));

    std::string err;
    bool        ok;
    bool        limitReached = false;
    bool        reqSemTaken;

    ContextElementResponseVector rawCerV;    
    reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 query request", SemReadOp, &reqSemTaken);
    ok = entitiesQuery(requestP->entityIdVector,

    if (!ok)
        responseP->errorCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
        reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 query request", reqSemTaken);
        return SccOk;

    ContextRegistrationResponseVector crrV;

    /* In the case of empty response, if only generic processing is needed */
    if (rawCerV.size() == 0)
      if (registrationsQuery(requestP->entityIdVector, requestP->attributeList, &crrV, &err, tenant, servicePathV, 0, 0, false))
        if (crrV.size() > 0)
          processGenericEntities(requestP->entityIdVector, rawCerV, crrV, limitReached);
        /* Different from errors in DB at entitiesQuery(), DB fails at registrationsQuery() are not considered "critical" */
        LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", err.c_str()));

    /* First CPr lookup (in the case some CER is not found): looking in E-A registrations */
    if (someContextElementNotFound(rawCerV))
      if (registrationsQuery(requestP->entityIdVector, requestP->attributeList, &crrV, &err, tenant, servicePathV, 0, 0, false))
        if (crrV.size() > 0)
          fillContextProviders(rawCerV, crrV);
          processGenericEntities(requestP->entityIdVector, rawCerV, crrV, limitReached);
        /* Different from errors in DB at entitiesQuery(), DB fails at registrationsQuery() are not considered "critical" */
        LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", err.c_str()));

    /* Second CPr lookup (in the case some element stills not being found): looking in E-<null> registrations */
    AttributeList attrNullList;
    if (someContextElementNotFound(rawCerV))
      if (registrationsQuery(requestP->entityIdVector, attrNullList, &crrV, &err, tenant, servicePathV, 0, 0, false))
        if (crrV.size() > 0)
          fillContextProviders(rawCerV, crrV);
        /* Different from errors in DB at entitiesQuery(), DB fails at registrationsQuery() are not considered "critical" */
        LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", err.c_str()));

    /* Special case: request with <null> attributes. In that case, entitiesQuery() may have captured some local attribute, but
     * the list need to be completed. Note that in the case of having this request someContextElementNotFound() is always false
     * so we efficient not invoking registrationQuery() too much times */
    if (requestP->attributeList.size() == 0)
      if (registrationsQuery(requestP->entityIdVector, requestP->attributeList, &crrV, &err, tenant, servicePathV, 0, 0, false))
        if (crrV.size() > 0)
          addContextProviders(rawCerV, crrV, limitReached);
        /* Different from fails in DB at entitiesQuery(), DB fails at registrationsQuery() are not considered "critical" */
        LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", err.c_str()));

    /* Prune "not found" CERs */
    pruneContextElements(rawCerV, &responseP->contextElementResponseVector);

    /* Pagination stuff */
    if (responseP->contextElementResponseVector.size() == 0)

      // If the query has an empty response, we have to fill in the status code part in the response.
      // However, if the response was empty due to a too high pagination offset,
      // and if the user has asked for 'details' (as URI parameter, then the response should include information about
      // the number of hits without pagination.

      if ((countP != NULL) && (*countP > 0) && (offset >= *countP))
        char details[256];

        snprintf(details, sizeof(details), "Number of matching entities: %lld. Offset is %d", *countP, offset);
        responseP->errorCode.fill(SccContextElementNotFound, details);
    else if (countP != NULL)
      // If all was OK, but the details URI param was set to 'on', then the responses error code details
      // 'must' contain the total count of hits.

      char details[64];

      snprintf(details, sizeof(details), "Count: %lld", *countP);
      responseP->errorCode.fill(SccOk, details);

    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 query request", reqSemTaken);
    return SccOk;
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoUnsubscribeContextAvailability - 
HttpStatusCode mongoUnsubscribeContextAvailability
  UnsubscribeContextAvailabilityRequest*   requestP,
  UnsubscribeContextAvailabilityResponse*  responseP,
  const std::string&                       tenant
  bool        reqSemTaken;
  std::string err;

  reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request", SemWriteOp, &reqSemTaken);

  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Unsubscribe Context Availability"));

  /* No matter if success or failure, the subscriptionId in the response is always the one
   * in the request */
  responseP->subscriptionId = requestP->subscriptionId;

  /* Look for document */
  BSONObj sub;
  OID     id;

  if (!safeGetSubId(requestP->subscriptionId, &id, &(responseP->statusCode)))
    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (safeGetSubId fail)", reqSemTaken);
    if (responseP->statusCode.code == SccContextElementNotFound)
      // FIXME: doubt: invalid OID format? Or, subscription not found?
      std::string details = std::string("invalid OID format: '") + requestP->subscriptionId.get() + "'";
      alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, details);
    else // SccReceiverInternalError
      LM_E(("Runtime Error (exception getting OID: %s)", responseP->statusCode.details.c_str()));
    return SccOk;

  if (!collectionFindOne(getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant), BSON("_id" << id), &sub, &err))
    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)", reqSemTaken);
    responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
    return SccOk;

  if (sub.isEmpty())
    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (no subscriptions)", reqSemTaken);
    return SccOk;

  /* Remove document in MongoDB */
  // FIXME: I would prefer to do the find and remove in a single operation. Is the some similar
  // to findAndModify for this?  
  if (!collectionRemove(getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant), BSON("_id" << OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get())), &err))
    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)", reqSemTaken);
    responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
    return SccOk;

  reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request", reqSemTaken);
  return SccOk;
Ejemplo n.º 16
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoEntityTypes -
HttpStatusCode mongoEntityTypes
  EntityTypesResponse*                  responseP,
  const std::string&                    tenant,
  const std::vector<std::string>&       servicePathV,
  std::map<std::string, std::string>&   uriParams
  unsigned int offset         = atoi(uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_OFFSET].c_str());
  unsigned int limit          = atoi(uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_LIMIT].c_str());
  std::string  detailsString  = uriParams[URI_PARAM_PAGINATION_DETAILS];
  bool         details        = (strcasecmp("on", detailsString.c_str()) == 0)? true : false;

  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Query Entity Types"));
  LM_T(LmtPagination, ("Offset: %d, Limit: %d, Details: %s", offset, limit, (details == true)? "true" : "false"));

  reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "query types request");

  DBClientBase* connection = getMongoConnection();

  /* Compose query based on this aggregation command:
   * FIXME P9: taking into account that type is no longer used as part of the attribute "key", not sure if the
   * aggregation query below is fully correct
   * db.runCommand({aggregate: "entities",
   *                pipeline: [ {$project: {_id: 1, "attrs.name": 1, "attrs.type": 1} },
   *                            {$unwind: "$attrs"},
   *                            {$group: {_id: "$_id.type", attrs: {$addToSet: "$attrs"}} },
   *                            {$sort: {_id: 1} }
   *                          ]
   *                })
   * FIXME P6: in the future, we can interpret the collapse parameter at this layer. If collapse=true so we don't need attributes, the
   * following command can be used:
   * db.runCommand({aggregate: "entities", pipeline: [ {$group: {_id: "$_id.type"} }]})

  BSONObj result;
  BSONObj cmd = BSON("aggregate" << COL_ENTITIES <<
                     "pipeline" << BSON_ARRAY(
                                              BSON("$project" << BSON("_id" << 1 << C_ATTR_NAME << 1 << C_ATTR_TYPE << 1)) <<
                                              BSON("$unwind" << S_ATTRS) <<
                                              BSON("$group" << BSON("_id" << CS_ID_ENTITY << "attrs" << BSON("$addToSet" << S_ATTRS))) <<
                                              BSON("$sort" << BSON("_id" << 1))

  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("runCommand() in '%s' database: '%s'", composeDatabaseName(tenant).c_str(), cmd.toString().c_str()));

  mongoSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "aggregation command");  

    connection->runCommand(composeDatabaseName(tenant).c_str(), cmd, result);
    mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "aggregation command");
    LM_I(("Database Operation Successful (%s)", cmd.toString().c_str()));
  catch (const DBException& e)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "aggregation command");
      std::string err = std::string("database: ") + composeDatabaseName(tenant).c_str() +
              " - command: " + cmd.toString() +
              " - exception: " + e.what();

      LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", err.c_str()));
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "query types request");
      return SccOk;
  catch (...)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "aggregation command");
      std::string err = std::string("database: ") + composeDatabaseName(tenant).c_str() +
              " - command: " + cmd.toString() +
              " - exception: " + "generic";

      LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", err.c_str()));
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "query types request");
      return SccOk;

  /* Processing result to build response*/
  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("aggregation result: %s", result.toString().c_str()));

  std::vector<BSONElement> resultsArray = result.getField("result").Array();

  /* Another strategy to implement pagination is to use the $skip and $limit operators in the
   * aggregation framework. However, doing so, we don't know the total number of results, which can
   * be needed in the case of details=on (using that approach, we need to do two queries: one to get
   * the count and other to get the actual results with $skip and $limit, in the same "transaction" to
   * avoid incoherence between both if some entity type is created or deleted in the process).
   * However, considering that the number of types will be small compared with the number of entities,
   * the current approach seems to be ok
  for (unsigned int ix = offset; ix < MIN(resultsArray.size(), offset + limit); ++ix)

    BSONObj                  resultItem = resultsArray[ix].embeddedObject();
    TypeEntity*              type       = new TypeEntity(resultItem.getStringField("_id"));
    std::vector<BSONElement> attrsArray = resultItem.getField("attrs").Array();

    for (unsigned int jx = 0; jx < attrsArray.size(); ++jx)
      BSONObj jAttr = attrsArray[jx].embeddedObject();
      ContextAttribute* ca = new ContextAttribute(jAttr.getStringField(ENT_ATTRS_NAME), jAttr.getStringField(ENT_ATTRS_TYPE));



  char detailsMsg[256];
  if (responseP->typeEntityVector.size() > 0)
    if (details)
      snprintf(detailsMsg, sizeof(detailsMsg), "Count: %d", (int) resultsArray.size());
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccOk, detailsMsg);
    if (details)
      snprintf(detailsMsg, sizeof(detailsMsg), "Number of types: %d. Offset is %d", (int) resultsArray.size(), offset);
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccContextElementNotFound, detailsMsg);

  reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "query types request");

  return SccOk;

Ejemplo n.º 17
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoUnsubscribeContext - 
HttpStatusCode mongoUnsubscribeContext(UnsubscribeContextRequest* requestP, UnsubscribeContextResponse* responseP, const std::string& tenant)
    bool           reqSemTaken;
    BSONObj        sub;
    DBClientBase*  connection = NULL;

    reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request", SemWriteOp, &reqSemTaken);

    LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Unsubscribe Context"));

    /* No matter if success or failure, the subscriptionId in the response is always the one
     * in the request */
    responseP->subscriptionId = requestP->subscriptionId;

    if (responseP->subscriptionId.get() == "")
        LM_W(("Bad Input (no subscriptionId)"));
        return SccOk;

    LM_T(LmtMongo, ("findOne() in '%s' collection _id '%s'}", getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str(),

    /* Look for document */
    connection = getMongoConnection();
        OID id = OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get());
        sub = connection->findOne(getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str(), BSON("_id" << id));
        LM_I(("Database Operation Successful (findOne _id: %s)", id.toString().c_str()));
    catch (const AssertionException &e)
        reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (mongo assertion exception)", reqSemTaken);

        // This happens when OID format is wrong
        // FIXME: this checking should be done at parsing stage, without progressing to
        // mongoBackend. By the moment we can live this here, but we should remove in the future
        // (old issue #95)
        LM_W(("Bad Input (invalid OID format)"));
        return SccOk;
    catch (const DBException &e)
        reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)", reqSemTaken);

                                   std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                   " - findOne() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get() +
                                   " - exception: " + e.what());
        LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", responseP->statusCode.details.c_str()));

        return SccOk;
    catch (...)
        reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (mongo generic exception)", reqSemTaken);

                                   std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                   " - findOne() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get() +
                                   " - exception: " + "generic");
        LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", responseP->statusCode.details.c_str()));

        return SccOk;

    if (sub.isEmpty())
       reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (no subscriptions found)", reqSemTaken);

       responseP->statusCode.fill(SccContextElementNotFound, std::string("subscriptionId: /") + requestP->subscriptionId.get() + "/");
       return SccOk;

    /* Remove document in MongoDB */
    // FIXME: I will prefer to do the find and remove in a single operation. Is the some similar
    // to findAndModify for this?
    LM_T(LmtMongo, ("remove() in '%s' collection _id '%s'}", getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str(),

    connection = getMongoConnection();    
        connection->remove(getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str(), BSON("_id" << OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get())));
        LM_I(("Database Operation Successful (remove _id: %s)", requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str()));
    catch (const DBException &e)
        reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)", reqSemTaken);

                                   std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                   " - remove() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str() +
                                   " - exception: " + e.what());
        LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", responseP->statusCode.details.c_str()));
        return SccOk;
    catch (...)
        reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (mongo generic exception)", reqSemTaken);

                                   std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                   " - remove() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str() +
                                   " - exception: " + "generic");

        LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", responseP->statusCode.details.c_str()));
        return SccOk;

    /* Destroy any previous ONTIMEINTERVAL thread */

    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request", reqSemTaken);

    // Removing subscription from cache
    subCache->remove(tenant, "", requestP->subscriptionId.get());

    return SccOk;
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoUnsubscribeContext - 
HttpStatusCode mongoUnsubscribeContext(UnsubscribeContextRequest* requestP, UnsubscribeContextResponse* responseP, const std::string& tenant)
    bool         reqSemTaken;
    std::string  err;

    reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request", SemWriteOp, &reqSemTaken);

    LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Unsubscribe Context"));

    /* No matter if success or failure, the subscriptionId in the response is always the one
     * in the request */
    responseP->subscriptionId = requestP->subscriptionId;

    if (responseP->subscriptionId.get() == "")
        LM_W(("Bad Input (no subscriptionId)"));
        return SccOk;

    /* Look for document */
    BSONObj sub;
    OID     id;
      id = OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get());
    catch (const AssertionException &e)
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (mongo assertion exception)", reqSemTaken);
      // This happens when OID format is wrong
      // FIXME: this checking should be done at parsing stage, without progressing to
      // mongoBackend. For the moment we can live this here, but we should remove in the future
      // (old issue #95)
      LM_W(("Bad Input (invalid OID format)"));
      return SccOk;

    if (!collectionFindOne(getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant), BSON("_id" << id), &sub, &err))
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)", reqSemTaken);
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
      return SccOk;

    if (sub.isEmpty())
       reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (no subscriptions found)", reqSemTaken);

       responseP->statusCode.fill(SccContextElementNotFound, std::string("subscriptionId: /") + requestP->subscriptionId.get() + "/");
       return SccOk;

    /* Remove document in MongoDB */
    // FIXME: I would prefer to do the find and remove in a single operation. Is there something similar
    // to findAndModify for this?    
    if (!collectionRemove(getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant), BSON("_id" << OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get())), &err))
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)", reqSemTaken);
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
      return SccOk;

    /* Destroy any previous ONTIMEINTERVAL thread */

    // FIXME P7: mongoSubCache stuff could be avoided if subscription is not patterned

    // Removing subscription from mongo subscription cache
    LM_T(LmtMongoSubCache, ("removing subscription '%s' (tenant '%s') from mongo subscription cache", requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str(), tenant.c_str()));

    cacheSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "Removing subscription from cache");

    CachedSubscription* cSubP = mongoSubCacheItemLookup(tenant.c_str(), requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str());

    if (cSubP != NULL)  // Will only enter here if wildcard subscription

    cacheSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "Removing subscription from cache");

    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request", reqSemTaken);

    return SccOk;