Ejemplo n.º 1
/* returns the maximum damage a defender can do to the attacker via
   a passive defense */
max_passive_dmg(const struct monst *mdef, const struct monst *magr)
    int i, n = 0, dmg = 0;
    uchar adtyp;

    for (i = 0; i < NATTK; i++) {
        if ((magr->data->mattk[i].aatyp == AT_NONE) ||
            (magr->data->mattk[i].aatyp == AT_BOOM))


    for (i = 0; i < NATTK; i++)
        if (mdef->data->mattk[i].aatyp == AT_NONE ||
            mdef->data->mattk[i].aatyp == AT_BOOM) {
            adtyp = mdef->data->mattk[i].adtyp;
            if ((adtyp == AD_ACID && !resists_acid(magr)) ||
                (adtyp == AD_COLD && !resists_cold(magr)) ||
                (adtyp == AD_FIRE && !resists_fire(magr)) ||
                (adtyp == AD_ELEC && !resists_elec(magr)) || adtyp == AD_PHYS) {
                dmg = mdef->data->mattk[i].damn;
                if (!dmg)
                    dmg = mdef->data->mlevel + 1;
                dmg *= mdef->data->mattk[i].damd;
            } else
                dmg = 0;

            return n * dmg;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* decide whether an artifact's special attacks apply against mtmp */
static int spec_applies(const struct artifact *weap, struct monst *mtmp)
	const struct permonst *ptr;
	boolean yours;

	if (!(weap->spfx & (SPFX_DBONUS | SPFX_ATTK)))
	    return weap->attk.adtyp == AD_PHYS;

	yours = (mtmp == &youmonst);
	ptr = mtmp->data;

	if (weap->spfx & SPFX_DMONS) {
	    return ptr == &mons[(int)weap->mtype];
	} else if (weap->spfx & SPFX_DCLAS) {
	    return weap->mtype == (unsigned long)ptr->mlet;
	} else if (weap->spfx & SPFX_DFLAG1) {
	    return (ptr->mflags1 & weap->mtype) != 0L;
	} else if (weap->spfx & SPFX_DFLAG2) {
	    return ((ptr->mflags2 & weap->mtype) || (yours &&
			((!Upolyd && (urace.selfmask & weap->mtype)) ||
			 ((weap->mtype & M2_WERE) && u.ulycn >= LOW_PM))));
	} else if (weap->spfx & SPFX_DALIGN) {
	    return yours ? (u.ualign.type != weap->alignment) :
			   (ptr->maligntyp == A_NONE ||
				sgn(ptr->maligntyp) != weap->alignment);
	} else if (weap->spfx & SPFX_ATTK) {
	    struct obj *defending_weapon = (yours ? uwep : MON_WEP(mtmp));

	    if (defending_weapon && defending_weapon->oartifact &&
		    defends((int)weap->attk.adtyp, defending_weapon))
		return FALSE;
	    switch(weap->attk.adtyp) {
		case AD_FIRE:
			return !(yours ? Fire_resistance : resists_fire(mtmp));
		case AD_COLD:
			return !(yours ? Cold_resistance : resists_cold(mtmp));
		case AD_ELEC:
			return !(yours ? Shock_resistance : resists_elec(mtmp));
		case AD_MAGM:
		case AD_STUN:
			return !(yours ? Antimagic : (rn2(100) < ptr->mr));
		case AD_DRST:
			return !(yours ? Poison_resistance : resists_poison(mtmp));
		case AD_DRLI:
			return !(yours ? Drain_resistance : resists_drli(mtmp));
		case AD_STON:
			return !(yours ? Stone_resistance : resists_ston(mtmp));
		default:	impossible("Weird weapon special attack.");
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Note: I had to choose one of three possible kinds of "type" when writing
 * this function: a wand type (like in zap.c), an adtyp, or an object type.
 * Wand types get complex because they must be converted to adtyps for
 * determining such things as fire resistance.  Adtyps get complex in that
 * they don't supply enough information--was it a player or a monster that
 * did it, and with a wand, spell, or breath weapon?  Object types share both
 * these disadvantages....
 * The descr argument should be used to describe the explosion. It should be
 * a string suitable for use with an().
 * raylevel is used for explosions caused by skilled wand usage (0=no wand)
explode(int x, int y, int type, /* the same as in zap.c */
        int dam, char olet, int expltype, const char *descr, int raylevel)
    int i, j, k, damu = dam;
    boolean visible, any_shield, resist_death;
    resist_death = FALSE;
    int uhurt = 0;      /* 0=unhurt, 1=items damaged, 2=you and items damaged */
    const char *str;
    const char *dispbuf = "";   /* lint suppression; I think the code's OK */
    boolean expl_needs_the = TRUE;
    int idamres, idamnonres;
    struct monst *mtmp;
    uchar adtyp;
    int explmask[3][3];

    /* 0=normal explosion, 1=do shieldeff, 2=do nothing */
    boolean shopdamage = FALSE;

#if 0
    /* Damage reduction from wand explosions */
    if (olet == WAND_CLASS)     /* retributive strike */
        switch (Role_switch) {
        case PM_PRIEST:
        case PM_MONK:
        case PM_WIZARD:
            damu /= 5;
        case PM_HEALER:
        case PM_KNIGHT:
            damu /= 2;
    if (olet == MON_EXPLODE) {
        str = descr;
        adtyp = AD_PHYS;
        if (Hallucination) {
            int name = rndmonidx();

            dispbuf = msgcat(s_suffix(monnam_for_index(name)), " explosion");
            expl_needs_the = !monnam_is_pname(name);
        } else {
            dispbuf = str;
    } else {
        int whattype = abs(type) % 10;

        adtyp = whattype + 1;
        boolean done = FALSE, hallu = Hallucination;

        if (hallu) {
            do {
                whattype = rn2(8);
            } while (whattype == 3);
        switch (whattype) {
        case 0:
            str = "magical blast";
        case 1:
            str =
                olet == BURNING_OIL ? "burning oil" : olet ==
                SCROLL_CLASS ? "tower of flame" : "fireball";
        case 2:
            str = "ball of cold";
        case 3:
            str = "sleeping gas";
        case 4:
            str = (olet == WAND_CLASS) ? "death field" : "disintegration field";
        case 5:
            str = "ball of lightning";
        case 6:
            str = "poison gas cloud";
        case 7:
            str = "splash of acid";
            impossible("explosion base type %d?", type);
        if (!done) {
            dispbuf = str;
            done = TRUE;
            if (hallu) {
                whattype = adtyp - 1;
                goto tryagain;

    any_shield = visible = FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            if (!isok(i + x - 1, j + y - 1)) {
                explmask[i][j] = 2;
            } else
                explmask[i][j] = 0;

            if (i + x - 1 == u.ux && j + y - 1 == u.uy) {
                switch (adtyp) {
                case AD_PHYS:
                    explmask[i][j] = 0;
                case AD_MAGM:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!(raylevel >= P_EXPERT || Antimagic);
                case AD_FIRE:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!Fire_resistance;
                case AD_COLD:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!Cold_resistance;
                case AD_SLEE:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!Sleep_resistance;
                case AD_DISN:
                    if (raylevel == P_UNSKILLED && Drain_resistance)
                        resist_death = TRUE;
                    /* why MR doesn't resist general deathfields is beyond me, but... */
                    if (nonliving(youmonst.data) ||
                        resist_death = TRUE;
                    if (raylevel && Antimagic)
                        resist_death = TRUE;
                    if (raylevel >= P_EXPERT && !Drain_resistance)
                        resist_death = FALSE;
                    explmask[i][j] =
                        (olet == WAND_CLASS) ? !!resist_death :
                case AD_ELEC:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!Shock_resistance;
                case AD_DRST:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!Poison_resistance;
                case AD_ACID:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!Acid_resistance;
                    impossible("explosion type %d?", adtyp);
            /* can be both you and mtmp if you're swallowed */
            mtmp = m_at(level, i + x - 1, j + y - 1);
            if (!mtmp && i + x - 1 == u.ux && j + y - 1 == u.uy)
                mtmp = u.usteed;
            if (mtmp) {
                if (mtmp->mhp < 1)
                    explmask[i][j] = 2;
                    switch (adtyp) {
                    case AD_PHYS:
                    case AD_MAGM:
                        explmask[i][j] |= (raylevel >= 4 || resists_magm(mtmp));
                    case AD_FIRE:
                        explmask[i][j] |= resists_fire(mtmp);
                    case AD_COLD:
                        explmask[i][j] |= resists_cold(mtmp);
                    case AD_SLEE:
                        explmask[i][j] |= resists_sleep(mtmp);
                    case AD_DISN:
                        if (raylevel == P_UNSKILLED && resists_drli(mtmp))
                            resist_death = TRUE;
                        if (nonliving(mtmp->data) ||
                            resist_death = TRUE;
                        if (raylevel && resists_magm(mtmp))
                            resist_death = TRUE;
                        if (raylevel >= P_EXPERT && !resists_drli(mtmp))
                            resist_death = FALSE;
                        explmask[i][j] |=
                            (olet == WAND_CLASS) ? resist_death :
                    case AD_ELEC:
                        explmask[i][j] |= resists_elec(mtmp);
                    case AD_DRST:
                        explmask[i][j] |= resists_poison(mtmp);
                    case AD_ACID:
                        explmask[i][j] |= resists_acid(mtmp);
                        impossible("explosion type %d?", adtyp);
            reveal_monster_at(i + x - 1, j + y - 1, TRUE);

            if (cansee(i + x - 1, j + y - 1))
                visible = TRUE;
            if (explmask[i][j] == 1)
                any_shield = TRUE;

    if (visible) {
        struct tmp_sym *tsym = tmpsym_init(DISP_BEAM, 0);

        /* Start the explosion */
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                if (explmask[i][j] == 2)
                tmpsym_change(tsym, dbuf_explosion(expltype, explosion[i][j]));
                tmpsym_at(tsym, i + x - 1, j + y - 1);
        flush_screen(); /* will flush screen and output */

        if (any_shield && flags.sparkle) {      /* simulate shield effect */
            for (k = 0; k < SHIELD_COUNT; k++) {
                for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                        if (explmask[i][j] == 1)
                             * Bypass tmpsym_at() and send the shield glyphs
                             * directly to the buffered screen.  tmpsym_at()
                             * will clean up the location for us later.
                            dbuf_set_effect(i + x - 1, j + y - 1,
                flush_screen(); /* will flush screen and output */

            /* Cover last shield glyph with blast symbol. */
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                    if (explmask[i][j] == 1)
                        dbuf_set_effect(i + x - 1, j + y - 1,

        } else {        /* delay a little bit. */

        tmpsym_end(tsym);       /* clear the explosion */
    } else {
        if (olet == MON_EXPLODE) {
            str = "explosion";
        You_hear("a blast.");

    if (dam)
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                if (explmask[i][j] == 2)
                if (i + x - 1 == u.ux && j + y - 1 == u.uy)
                    uhurt = (explmask[i][j] == 1) ? 1 : 2;
                idamres = idamnonres = 0;
                if (type >= 0)
                    zap_over_floor((xchar) (i + x - 1), (xchar) (j + y - 1),
                                   type, &shopdamage);

                mtmp = m_at(level, i + x - 1, j + y - 1);
                if (!mtmp && i + x - 1 == u.ux && j + y - 1 == u.uy)
                    mtmp = u.usteed;
                if (!mtmp)
                if (Engulfed && mtmp == u.ustuck) {
                    if (is_animal(u.ustuck->data))
                        pline("%s gets %s!", Monnam(u.ustuck),
                              (adtyp == AD_FIRE) ? "heartburn" :
                              (adtyp == AD_COLD) ? "chilly" :
                              (adtyp == AD_DISN) ? ((olet == WAND_CLASS) ?
                                                    "irradiated by pure energy"
                                                    : "perforated") :
                              (adtyp == AD_ELEC) ? "shocked" :
                              (adtyp == AD_DRST) ? "poisoned" :
                              (adtyp == AD_ACID) ? "an upset stomach" :
                        pline("%s gets slightly %s!", Monnam(u.ustuck),
                              (adtyp == AD_FIRE) ? "toasted" :
                              (adtyp == AD_COLD) ? "chilly" :
                              (adtyp == AD_DISN) ? ((olet == WAND_CLASS) ?
                                                    "overwhelmed by pure energy"
                                                    : "perforated") :
                              (adtyp == AD_ELEC) ? "shocked" :
                              (adtyp == AD_DRST) ? "intoxicated" :
                              (adtyp == AD_ACID) ? "burned" : "fried");
                } else if (cansee(i + x - 1, j + y - 1)) {
                    if (mtmp->m_ap_type) seemimic(mtmp);
                    pline("%s is caught in %s%s!", Monnam(mtmp),
                          expl_needs_the ? "the " : "", dispbuf);

                idamres += destroy_mitem(mtmp, SCROLL_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
                idamres += destroy_mitem(mtmp, SPBOOK_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
                idamnonres += destroy_mitem(mtmp, POTION_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
                idamnonres += destroy_mitem(mtmp, WAND_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
                idamnonres += destroy_mitem(mtmp, RING_CLASS, (int)adtyp);

                if (explmask[i][j] == 1) {
                    golemeffects(mtmp, (int)adtyp, dam + idamres);
                    mtmp->mhp -= idamnonres;
                } else {
                    /* call resist with 0 and do damage manually so 1) we can
                       get out the message before doing the damage, and 2) we
                       can call mondied, not killed, if it's not your blast */
                    int mdam = dam;

                    if (resist(mtmp, olet, 0, FALSE)) {
                        if (cansee(i + x - 1, j + y - 1))
                            pline("%s resists %s%s!", Monnam(mtmp),
                                  expl_needs_the ? "the " : "", dispbuf);
                        mdam = dam / 2;
                    if (mtmp == u.ustuck)
                        mdam *= 2;
                    if (resists_cold(mtmp) && adtyp == AD_FIRE)
                        mdam *= 2;
                    else if (resists_fire(mtmp) && adtyp == AD_COLD)
                        mdam *= 2;
                    if (adtyp == AD_MAGM && raylevel >= P_EXPERT && resists_magm(mtmp))
                        mdam = (mdam + 1) / 2;
                    if (adtyp == AD_SLEE && raylevel) {
                        sleep_monst(mtmp, mdam, WAND_CLASS);
                        mdam = 0;
                    if (adtyp == AD_DISN && raylevel) {
                        if (nonliving(mtmp->data) ||
                                is_demon(mtmp->data) ||
                                resists_magm(mtmp) ||
                                raylevel == P_UNSKILLED) {
                            /* monster is deathresistant or raylevel==unskilled,
                               since monster apparently failed to resist earlier,
                               monster must be vulnerable to drli */
                            /* FIXME: make a generic losexp() for monsters */
                            mdam = dice(2, 6);
                            if (cansee(i + x - 1, j + y - 1))
                                pline("%s suddenly seems weaker!", Monnam(mtmp));
                            mtmp->mhpmax -= mdam;
                            if (mtmp->m_lev == 0)
                                mdam = mtmp->mhp;
                        } else
                            mdam = mtmp->mhp; /* instadeath */
                    mtmp->mhp -= mdam;
                    mtmp->mhp -= (idamres + idamnonres);
                if (mtmp->mhp <= 0) {
                    /* KMH -- Don't blame the player for pets killing gas
                       spores */
                    if (!flags.mon_moving)
                        monkilled(mtmp, "", (int)adtyp);
                } else if (!flags.mon_moving)

    /* Do your injury last */
    if (uhurt) {
        if ((type >= 0 || adtyp == AD_PHYS) &&  /* gas spores */
                flags.verbose && olet != SCROLL_CLASS)
            pline("You are caught in %s%s!", expl_needs_the ? "the " : "",
        /* do property damage first, in case we end up leaving bones */
        if (adtyp == AD_FIRE)
        if (u.uinvulnerable) {
            damu = 0;
            pline("You are unharmed!");
        } else if (Half_physical_damage && adtyp == AD_PHYS)
            damu = (damu + 1) / 2;
        else if (raylevel) {
            if (adtyp == AD_MAGM && Antimagic)
                damu = (damu + 1) / 2;
            if (adtyp == AD_SLEE) {
                helpless(damu, hr_asleep, "sleeping", NULL);
                damu = 0;
            if (adtyp == AD_DISN) {
                if (nonliving(youmonst.data) ||
                        is_demon(youmonst.data) ||
                        Antimagic ||
                        raylevel == P_UNSKILLED) {
                    losexp("drained by a death field",FALSE);
                    damu = 0;
                } else {
                    done(DIED, "killed by a death field");
                    damu = 0; /* lifesaved */
        if (adtyp == AD_FIRE) {
        destroy_item(SCROLL_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
        destroy_item(SPBOOK_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
        destroy_item(POTION_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
        destroy_item(RING_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
        destroy_item(WAND_CLASS, (int)adtyp);

        ugolemeffects((int)adtyp, damu);
        if (uhurt == 2) {
            if (Upolyd)
                u.mh -= damu;
                u.uhp -= damu;

        if (u.uhp <= 0 || (Upolyd && u.mh <= 0)) {
            int death = adtyp == AD_FIRE ? BURNING : DIED;
            const char *killer;

            if (olet == MON_EXPLODE) {
                killer = killer_msg(death, an(str));
            } else if (type >= 0 && olet != SCROLL_CLASS) {
                /* check whether or not we were the source of the explosion */
                if (!flags.mon_moving)
                    killer = msgprintf("caught %sself in %s own %s", uhim(),
                                       uhis(), str);
                    killer = msgprintf("killed by a %s", str);
            } else if (!strcmp(str, "burning oil")) {
                /* This manual check hack really sucks */
                killer = killer_msg(death, str);
            } else {
                killer = killer_msg(death, an(str));
            /* Known BUG: BURNING suppresses corpse in bones data, but done
               does not handle killer reason correctly */
            if (Upolyd) {
                rehumanize(death, killer);
            } else {
                done(death, killer);
        exercise(A_STR, FALSE);

    if (shopdamage) {
        pay_for_damage(adtyp == AD_FIRE ? "burn away" : adtyp ==
                       AD_COLD ? "shatter" : adtyp ==
                       AD_DISN ? "disintegrate" : "destroy", FALSE);

    /* explosions are noisy */
    i = dam * dam;
    if (i < 50)
        i = 50; /* in case random damage is very small */
    wake_nearto(x, y, i);
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Returns an object slot mask giving all the reasons why the given
   player/monster might have the given property, limited by "reasons", an object
   slot mask (W_EQUIP, INTRINSIC, and ANY_PROPERTY are the most likely values
   here, but you can specify slots individually if you like). */
m_has_property(const struct monst *mon, enum youprop property,
               unsigned reasons, boolean even_if_blocked)
    unsigned rv = 0;
    struct obj *otmp;

    /* The general case for equipment */
    rv |= mworn_extrinsic(mon, property);

    if (mon == &youmonst) {
        /* Intrinsics */
        if (u.uintrinsic[property] & TIMEOUT)
            rv |= W_MASK(os_timeout);
        rv |= u.uintrinsic[property] & (INTRINSIC | I_SPECIAL);

        /* Birth options */
        if (property == BLINDED && flags.permablind)
            rv |= W_MASK(os_birthopt);
        if (property == HALLUC && flags.permahallu)
            rv |= W_MASK(os_birthopt);
        if (property == UNCHANGING && flags.polyinit_mnum != -1)
            rv |= W_MASK(os_birthopt);

    } else {
        /* Monster tempraries are boolean flags.

           TODO: Monsters with no eyes are not considered blind. This doesn't
           make much sense. However, changing it would be a major balance
           change (due to Elbereth), and so it has been left alone for now. */
        if (property == BLINDED && (!mon->mcansee || mon->mblinded))
            rv |= W_MASK(os_timeout);
        if (property == FAST && mon->mspeed == MFAST)
            rv |= (mon->permspeed == FAST ?
                   W_MASK(os_polyform) : W_MASK(os_outside));
        if (property == INVIS && mon->perminvis && !pm_invisible(mon->data))
            rv |= W_MASK(os_outside);
        if (property == STUNNED && mon->mstun)
            rv |= W_MASK(os_timeout);
        if (property == CONFUSION && mon->mconf)
            rv |= W_MASK(os_timeout);

    /* Polyform / monster intrinsic */
    /* TODO: Change the monster data code into something that doesn't require a
       giant switch statement or ternary chain to get useful information from
       it. We use a ternary chain here because it cuts down on repetitive code
       and so is easier to read. */
    if (property == FIRE_RES     ? resists_fire(mon)                     :
        property == COLD_RES     ? resists_cold(mon)                     :
        property == SLEEP_RES    ? resists_sleep(mon)                    :
        property == DISINT_RES   ? resists_disint(mon)                   :
        property == SHOCK_RES    ? resists_elec(mon)                     :
        property == POISON_RES   ? resists_poison(mon)                   :
        property == DRAIN_RES    ? resists_drli(mon)                     :
        property == SICK_RES     ? mon->data->mlet == S_FUNGUS ||
                                   mon->data == &mons[PM_GHOUL]          :
        property == ANTIMAGIC    ? resists_magm(mon)                     :
        property == ACID_RES     ? resists_acid(mon)                     :
        property == STONE_RES    ? resists_ston(mon)                     :
        property == STUNNED      ? u.umonnum == PM_STALKER ||
                                   mon->data->mlet == S_BAT              :
        property == BLINDED      ? !haseyes(mon->data)                   :
        property == HALLUC       ? Upolyd && dmgtype(mon->data, AD_HALU) :
        property == SEE_INVIS    ? perceives(mon->data)                  :
        property == TELEPAT      ? telepathic(mon->data)                 :
        property == INFRAVISION  ? infravision(mon->data)                :
        /* Note: This one assumes that there's no way to permanently turn
           visible when you're in stalker form (i.e. mummy wrappings only). */
        property == INVIS        ? pm_invisible(mon->data)               :
        property == TELEPORT     ? can_teleport(mon->data)               :
        property == LEVITATION   ? is_floater(mon->data)                 :
        property == FLYING       ? is_flyer(mon->data)                   :
        property == SWIMMING     ? is_swimmer(mon->data)                 :
        property == PASSES_WALLS ? passes_walls(mon->data)               :
        property == REGENERATION ? regenerates(mon->data)                :
        property == REFLECTING   ? mon->data == &mons[PM_SILVER_DRAGON]  :
        property == TELEPORT_CONTROL  ? control_teleport(mon->data)      :
        property == MAGICAL_BREATHING ? amphibious(mon->data)            :
        rv |= W_MASK(os_polyform);

    if (mon == &youmonst) {
        /* External circumstances */
        if (property == BLINDED && u_helpless(hm_unconscious))
            rv |= W_MASK(os_circumstance);

        /* Riding */
        if (property == FLYING && u.usteed && is_flyer(u.usteed->data))
            rv |= W_MASK(os_saddle);
        if (property == SWIMMING && u.usteed && is_swimmer(u.usteed->data))
            rv |= W_MASK(os_saddle);

    /* Overrides */
    if (!even_if_blocked) {
        if (property == BLINDED) {
            for (otmp = m_minvent(mon); otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
                if (otmp->oartifact == ART_EYES_OF_THE_OVERWORLD &&
                    otmp->owornmask & W_MASK(os_tool))
                    rv &= (unsigned)(W_MASK(os_circumstance) |

        if (property == WWALKING && Is_waterlevel(m_mz(mon)))
            rv &= (unsigned)(W_MASK(os_birthopt));
        if (mworn_blocked(mon, property))
            rv &= (unsigned)(W_MASK(os_birthopt));

    return rv & reasons;