Ejemplo n.º 1
// Try running a script on the initiator
bool try_reset_script(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, int initiator_type,
		      const char *locale) {
  PyObject *pyme = NULL;
  PyObject *dict = NULL;
  if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_ROOM)
    pyme = roomGetPyFormBorrowed(initiator);
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_THEN_OBJ)
    pyme = objGetPyFormBorrowed(initiator);
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_THEN_MOB)
    pyme = charGetPyFormBorrowed(initiator);
    return FALSE;

  // build our dictionary and add ourself to it as 'me'
  dict = restricted_script_dict();
  PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "me", pyme);

  // run the script
  run_script(dict, resetGetArg(reset), locale);

  // check to see if we had an error
    log_pyerr("Reset script in locale %s terminated with an error:\r\n%s",
	      locale, resetGetArg(reset));

  // garbage collection and return our outcome
  return last_script_ok();
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Send a message with Python statements potentially embedded in it. For 
PyObject *PySocket_send(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
  static char *kwlist[ ] = { "mssg", "dict", "newline", NULL };
  char      *text = NULL;
  PyObject  *dict = NULL;
  bool    newline = TRUE;

  if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "s|Ob", kwlist, 
				  &text, &dict, &newline)) {
    PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Invalid arguments supplied to Mudsock.send");
    return NULL;

  // is dict None? set it to NULL for expand_to_char
  if(dict == Py_None)
    dict = NULL;

  // make sure the dictionary is a dictionary
  if(!(dict == NULL || PyDict_Check(dict))) {
    PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Mudsock.send expects second argument to be a dict object.");
    return NULL;
  // make sure we exist
  if( (me = PySocket_AsSocket(self)) == NULL) {
    PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Tried to send nonexistent socket.");
    return NULL;

  if(dict != NULL)
    PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "me", self);

  // build our script environment
  BUFFER   *buf = newBuffer(1);
  bufferCat(buf, text);

  // expand out our dynamic descriptions if we have a dictionary supplied
  if(dict != NULL) {
    PyObject *env = restricted_script_dict();
    PyDict_Update(env, dict);

    // do the expansion
    expand_dynamic_descs_dict(buf, env, get_script_locale());

  if(newline == TRUE)
    bufferCat(buf, "\r\n");
  text_to_buffer(me, bufferString(buf));

  // garbage collection
  return Py_BuildValue("");
Ejemplo n.º 3
void expand_dynamic_descs(BUFFER *desc, PyObject *me, CHAR_DATA *ch, 
			  const char *locale) {
  // set up our dictionary
  PyObject *dict = restricted_script_dict();
  PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "me", me);
  PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "ch", charGetPyFormBorrowed(ch));

  // expand the dynamic description
  expand_dynamic_descs_dict(desc, dict, locale);

  // garbage collection
Ejemplo n.º 4
void expand_to_char(CHAR_DATA *ch, const char *mssg, PyObject *dict, 
		    const char *locale, bool newline) {
  BUFFER *buf = newBuffer(1);
  bufferCat(buf, mssg);
  if(dict != NULL) {
    // build the script dictionary
    PyObject *script_dict = restricted_script_dict();
    PyDict_Update(script_dict, dict);

    // do the expansion
    expand_dynamic_descs_dict(buf, script_dict, locale);

    // garbage collection and end

  if(newline == TRUE)
    bufferCat(buf, "\r\n");
  text_to_char(ch, bufferString(buf));

  // garbage collection
Ejemplo n.º 5
// generalized function for setting up a dictionary and running a trigger. The
// common types of variables can be supplied in the function. Additional ones
// can be added in the optional list, which must be deleted after use
void gen_do_trig(TRIGGER_DATA *trig, 
		 void *me, int me_type, CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj,
		 ROOM_DATA *room, EXIT_DATA *exit, const char *command,
		 const char *arg, LIST *optional) {
  // make our basic dictionary, and fill it up with these new variables
  PyObject *dict = restricted_script_dict();
  LIST *varnames = newList(); 
  // now, import all of our variables
  if(command) {
    PyObject *pycmd = PyString_FromString(command);
    PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "cmd", pycmd);
    listPut(varnames, strdup("cmd"));
  if(arg) {
    PyObject *pyarg = PyString_FromString(arg);
    PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "arg", pyarg);
    listPut(varnames, strdup("arg"));
  if(ch) {
    PyObject *pych = charGetPyForm(ch);
    PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "ch", pych);
    listPut(varnames, strdup("ch"));
  if(room) {
    PyObject *pyroom = roomGetPyForm(room);
    PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "room", pyroom);
    listPut(varnames, strdup("room"));
  if(obj) {
    PyObject *pyobj = objGetPyForm(obj);
    PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "obj", pyobj);
    listPut(varnames, strdup("obj"));
  if(exit) {
    PyObject *pyexit = newPyExit(exit);
    PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "ex", pyexit);
    listPut(varnames, strdup("ex"));

  // add the thing the trigger is attached to
  if(me) {
    PyObject *pyme = NULL;
    switch(me_type) {
    case TRIGVAR_CHAR:  pyme = charGetPyForm(me); break;
    case TRIGVAR_OBJ:   pyme = objGetPyForm(me);  break;
    case TRIGVAR_ROOM:  pyme = roomGetPyForm(me); break;
    PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "me", pyme);
    listPut(varnames, strdup("me"));

  // now, add any optional variables
  if(optional) {
    LIST_ITERATOR *opt_i = newListIterator(optional);
    OPT_VAR         *opt = NULL;
    PyObject      *pyopt = NULL;
    ITERATE_LIST(opt, opt_i) {
      pyopt = NULL;
      switch(opt->type) {
      case TRIGVAR_CHAR:  pyopt = charGetPyForm(opt->data); break;
      case TRIGVAR_OBJ:   pyopt = objGetPyForm(opt->data);  break;
      case TRIGVAR_ROOM:  pyopt = roomGetPyForm(opt->data); break;
      PyDict_SetItemString(dict, opt->name, pyopt);
      listPut(varnames, strdup(opt->name));
    } deleteListIterator(opt_i);