Ejemplo n.º 1
// void rf_set_rf_channel(uint8_t channel)
// Description:
//  Sets the RF channel of the device (2400 MHz + (channel * 1 MHz))
// Parameters:
//  uint8_t channel - new RF channel
// Return value:
//  None
void rf_set_rf_channel(uint8_t channel)
	if(channel <= RF_RF_CH_MAX_CHAN_NUM)
		rf_write_register(RF_RF_CH, &channel, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// void rf_set_as_rx(bool rx_active_mode)
// Description:
//  Sets the device as an RX, giving the user the option to go into active or standby mode
// Parameters:
//  bool rx_active_mode - true to take to RX active mode (if RX), false otherwise
// Return value:
//  None
void rf_set_as_rx(bool rx_active_mode)
	unsigned char config;

	rf_read_register(RF_CONFIG, &config, 1); //Read the current CONFIG value

	//If the device is already configured as an RX, exit
	if((config & RF_CONFIG_PRIM_RX) != 0)

	//Set the PRIM_RX bit, then write the old value of CONFIG back to the device
	config |= RF_CONFIG_PRIM_RX;
	rf_write_register(RF_CONFIG, &config, 1);

	//Set the CE pin if active RX mode is requested, and clear it otherwise
	if(rx_active_mode != false)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// void rf_power_up_param(bool rx_active_mode, unsigned char config)
// Description:
//  Powers up the device, but allows the user to pass in the value sent to the CONFIG register, as well as whether or not to go to
//   RX active mode (if RX is desired)
// Parameters:
//  bool rx_active_mode - true to take to RX active mode (if RX), false otherwise
//  unsigned char config - value to be written to the CONFIG register (the PWR_UP bit will obviously be cleared)
// Return value:
//  None
void rf_power_up_param(bool rx_active_mode, unsigned char config)
	//Force the value of PWR_UP set in the passed in version of config, then write the value
	config |= RF_CONFIG_PWR_UP;
	rf_write_register(RF_CONFIG, &config, 1);

	delay_us(1); //Delay for power up

	//Operate CE based on whether RX standby/RX active/TX is requested
	if((config & RF_CONFIG_PRIM_RX) == 0)
		rf_clear_ce(); //Clear CE for TX mode
		//Set the CE pin if active RX mode is requested, and clear it otherwise
		if(rx_active_mode != false)
Ejemplo n.º 4
// void rf_set_as_tx()
// Description:
//  Sets the device as a TX
// Parameters:
//  None
// Return value:
//  None
void rf_set_as_tx()
	uint8_t config;
	uint8_t ce_status = rf_get_ce();

	rf_read_register(RF_CONFIG, &config, 1); //Read the current CONFIG value

	//If the device is already configured as a TX, exit
	if((config & RF_CONFIG_PRIM_RX) == 0)

	rf_clear_ce(); //Clear the CE pin to enter TX mode

	//Clear the PRIM_RX bit, then write the old value of CONFIG back to the device
	config &= (~RF_CONFIG_PRIM_RX);
	rf_write_register(RF_CONFIG, &config, 1);

	//Set the CE pin if it was set coming into this function
Ejemplo n.º 5
// void rf_set_rx_addr(unsigned char * address, unsigned int len, unsigned char rxpipenum)
// Description:
//  Sets the device's RX address on the specified pipe
// Parameters:
//  unsigned char * address - pointer to the address for the pipe
//  unsigned int len - number of bytes for the address
//  unsigned char rxpipenum - pipe number to which the address should be written
// Return value:
//  None
void rf_set_rx_addr(unsigned char * address, unsigned int len, unsigned char rxpipenum)
	//Do not allow writes to pipes that don't exist
	if(rxpipenum > 5)

	rf_write_register(RF_RX_ADDR_P0 + rxpipenum, address, len); //Write the requested address to the requested RX pipe
Ejemplo n.º 6
// void rf_set_data_rate(uint8_t data_rate)
// Description:
//  Sets the data transmission rate of the device (250kbps, 1Mbps, 2Mbps)
// Parameters:
//  uint8_t power - new power level RF_RF_SETUP_RF_DR_[250_KBPS|1_MBPS|2_MBPS]
// Return value:
//  None
void rf_set_data_rate(uint8_t data_rate)
  if ((data_rate == RF_RF_SETUP_RF_DR_250_KBPS) ||
      (data_rate == RF_RF_SETUP_RF_DR_1_MBPS) ||
      (data_rate == RF_RF_SETUP_RF_DR_2_MBPS)) {
    uint8_t rf_setup = rf_read_register_1_byte(RF_RF_SETUP) & ~RF_RF_SETUP_RF_DR;
    rf_setup = (rf_setup & ~RF_RF_SETUP_RF_PWR) | data_rate;
    rf_write_register(RF_RF_SETUP, &rf_setup, 1);