Ejemplo n.º 1
void conjugate_gradient
    (double **A, double *x, double *b, int n, double tol,
     int max_iterations, bool ortho1) {
    /* Solves Ax=b using Conjugate-Gradients method */
    /* 'x' and 'b' are orthogonalized against 1 if 'ortho1=true' */

    int i;

    double alpha, beta, r_r, r_r_new, p_Ap;
    double r[n];
    double p[n];
    double Ap[n];
    double Ax[n];
    double alphap[n];
    double orth_b[n];

    copy_vector(n, b, orth_b);
    if (ortho1) {
        orthog1(n, orth_b);
        orthog1(n, x);
    right_mult_with_vector_d(A, n, n, x, Ax);
    vectors_subtraction(n, orth_b, Ax, r);
    copy_vector(n, r, p);
    r_r = vectors_inner_product(n, r, r);

    for (i = 0; i < max_iterations && max_abs(n, r) > tol; i++) {
        right_mult_with_vector_d(A, n, n, p, Ap);
        p_Ap = vectors_inner_product(n, p, Ap);
        if (p_Ap == 0) break;
        alpha = r_r / p_Ap;

        /* derive new x: */
        vectors_scalar_mult(n, p, alpha, alphap);
        vectors_addition(n, x, alphap, x);

        /* compute values for next iteration: */
        if (i < max_iterations - 1) {	/* not last iteration */
            vectors_scalar_mult(n, Ap, alpha, Ap);
            vectors_subtraction(n, r, Ap, r);	/* fast computation of r, the residual */

            /* Alternaive accurate, but slow, computation of the residual - r */
            /* right_mult_with_vector(A, n, x, Ax); */
            /* vectors_subtraction(n,b,Ax,r); */

            r_r_new = vectors_inner_product(n, r, r);
            if (r_r == 0) exit(1);
            beta = r_r_new / r_r;
            r_r = r_r_new;
            vectors_scalar_mult(n, p, beta, p);
            vectors_addition(n, r, p, p);
Ejemplo n.º 2
power_iteration(double **square_mat, int n, int neigs, double **eigs,
		double *evals, bool initialize)
    /* compute the 'neigs' top eigenvectors of 'square_mat' using power iteration */

    int i, j;
    double *tmp_vec = N_GNEW(n, double);
    double *last_vec = N_GNEW(n, double);
    double *curr_vector;
    double len;
    double angle;
    double alpha;
    int iteration = 0;
    int largest_index;
    double largest_eval;
    int Max_iterations = 30 * n;

    double tol = 1 - p_iteration_threshold;

    if (neigs >= n) {
	neigs = n;

    for (i = 0; i < neigs; i++) {
	curr_vector = eigs[i];
	/* guess the i-th eigen vector */
	if (initialize)
	    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
		curr_vector[j] = rand() % 100;
	/* orthogonalize against higher eigenvectors */
	for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
	    alpha = -dot(eigs[j], 0, n - 1, curr_vector);
	    scadd(curr_vector, 0, n - 1, alpha, eigs[j]);
	len = norm(curr_vector, 0, n - 1);
	if (len < 1e-10) {
	    /* We have chosen a vector colinear with prvious ones */
	    goto choose;
	vecscale(curr_vector, 0, n - 1, 1.0 / len, curr_vector);
	iteration = 0;
	do {
	    cpvec(last_vec, 0, n - 1, curr_vector);

	    right_mult_with_vector_d(square_mat, n, n, curr_vector,
	    cpvec(curr_vector, 0, n - 1, tmp_vec);

	    /* orthogonalize against higher eigenvectors */
	    for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
		alpha = -dot(eigs[j], 0, n - 1, curr_vector);
		scadd(curr_vector, 0, n - 1, alpha, eigs[j]);
	    len = norm(curr_vector, 0, n - 1);
	    if (len < 1e-10 || iteration > Max_iterations) {
		/* We have reached the null space (e.vec. associated with e.val. 0) */
		goto exit;

	    vecscale(curr_vector, 0, n - 1, 1.0 / len, curr_vector);
	    angle = dot(curr_vector, 0, n - 1, last_vec);
	} while (fabs(angle) < tol);
	evals[i] = angle * len;	/* this is the Rayleigh quotient (up to errors due to orthogonalization):
				   u*(A*u)/||A*u||)*||A*u||, where u=last_vec, and ||u||=1
    for (; i < neigs; i++) {
	/* compute the smallest eigenvector, which are  */
	/* probably associated with eigenvalue 0 and for */
	/* which power-iteration is dangerous */
	curr_vector = eigs[i];
	/* guess the i-th eigen vector */
	for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
	    curr_vector[j] = rand() % 100;
	/* orthogonalize against higher eigenvectors */
	for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
	    alpha = -dot(eigs[j], 0, n - 1, curr_vector);
	    scadd(curr_vector, 0, n - 1, alpha, eigs[j]);
	len = norm(curr_vector, 0, n - 1);
	vecscale(curr_vector, 0, n - 1, 1.0 / len, curr_vector);
	evals[i] = 0;


    /* sort vectors by their evals, for overcoming possible mis-convergence: */
    for (i = 0; i < neigs - 1; i++) {
	largest_index = i;
	largest_eval = evals[largest_index];
	for (j = i + 1; j < neigs; j++) {
	    if (largest_eval < evals[j]) {
		largest_index = j;
		largest_eval = evals[largest_index];
	if (largest_index != i) {	/* exchange eigenvectors: */
	    cpvec(tmp_vec, 0, n - 1, eigs[i]);
	    cpvec(eigs[i], 0, n - 1, eigs[largest_index]);
	    cpvec(eigs[largest_index], 0, n - 1, tmp_vec);

	    evals[largest_index] = evals[i];
	    evals[i] = largest_eval;


    return (iteration <= Max_iterations);