Ejemplo n.º 1
S exc(C c){
    static S psb; //string buffer
    static S pcbb; //codeblock buffer
    ST st=top(rst);O o;I d; //current stack,temp var for various computations,another temp var
    if(pl&&!ps&&!pcb&&!pc){C b[2]={c,0};pl=0;psh(st,newocb(b,1));}
    else if(v[c]&&(isalpha(c)?1:!icb)&&!pv&&!ps&&!pc&&!pcb){ //if variable && not defining variable && not parsing string/char
        o=v[c];if(o->t==TCB)excb(o); //if variable is code block and not in code block, run codeblock
        else psh(st,dup(o)); //push variable contents
    } //push/run variable if defined
    else if(pcb&&c&&!ps&&!pc){
        if(c=='{')cbi++;else if(c=='}')cbi--; //create indents if new block is made
        if(cbi<=0){pcbb[pcb-1]=0;psh(st,newocbk(pcbb,pcb-1));pcb=0;} //finish block if indent is 0
        else{pcbb=rlc(pcbb,pcb+1);pcbb[pcb-1]=c;++pcb;} //create code block
    else if(pc&&!ps){if(c=='\\'&&!pe)pe=1;else{psh(st,newosc(pe?pec(c):c));pc=pe=0;}}
    else if(ps&&c)
        if(c=='\''&&!pe){exc('"');exc('"');}else{ //string restarting
        if(c=='"'&&!pe){psb[ps-1]=0;psh(st,newosk(psb,ps-1));ps=0;}else if(c=='\\'&&!pe)pe=1;else{psb=rlc(psb,ps+1);psb[ps-1]=pe?pec(c):c;++ps;pe=0;}} //string parsing
    else if(pm&&c){ //math
        #define MO(c,f) case c:math(f,st);BK;
        #undef MO
        #define MO(c,f) case c:f(st);BK;
        #undef MO
        #define MO(c,v) case c:psh(st,newod(v));BK;
        #undef MO
    }} //math
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Compression::RLC()
   std::fstream rlc(path + std::string(".rlc"),std::ios::out);

   for(int x = 0;x < raw_width;x += block_size){
      for(int y = 0;y < raw_height;y += block_size){
	 unsigned int zero_count = 0;
	 for(int u = 0;u < block_size;++u){
	    for(int v = 0;v < block_size;++v){
	       if(dct[x + zigzag_x[u][v]][y + zigzag_y[u][v]]){
		  rlc << "(" << zero_count << "," << dct[x + zigzag_x[u][v]][y + zigzag_y[u][v]] << ")";
		  zero_count = 0;
	    rlc << "EOB";
	    rlc << std::endl;
	    rlc << std::endl;

Ejemplo n.º 3
S tos(O o){
    S r,t;L z,i;switch(o->t){
    case TD:r=alc(BZ)/*hope this is big enough!*/;sprintf(r,"%f",o->d);z=strlen(r)-1;while(r[z]=='0')r[z--]=0;if(r[z]=='.')r[z]=0;BK;
    case TS:r=alc(o->s.z+1);memcpy(r,o->s.s,o->s.z);r[o->s.z]=0;BK;
    case TA:r=alc(1);r[0]='[';z=1;for(i=0;i<len(o->a);++i){L l;if(i){r=rlc(r,z+1);r[z++]=',';}t=tos(o->a->st[i]);l=strlen(t);r=rlc(r,z+l);memcpy(r+z,t,l);z+=l;DL(t);}r=rlc(r,z+2);r[z]=']';r[z+1]=0;BK;
    case TCB:r=alc(o->s.z+3);r[0]='{';memcpy(r+1,o->s.s,o->s.z);memcpy(r+1+o->s.z,"}",2);BK;
    }R r;
} //tostring (copies)
Ejemplo n.º 4
void test_rlc(void)
    for(;;) {
        r.A = rand()%256; 
        printf("A = (%hhu) %s, Tc = %hhu\n", r.A, itoab8(r.A), F_CARRY(r.F) );
        rlc(); printf("rlc A\n");
        printf("A = (%hhu) %s, Tc = %hhu\n", r.A, itoab8(r.A), F_CARRY(r.F) );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Compression::AriVLD()
   ac_decoder acd;
   ac_model acm;
   ac_decoder_init (&acd,(path + std::string(".ari")).c_str());
   ac_model_init (&acm, NSYM1, NULL, ADAPT);
   std::fstream rlc(path + std::string(".rlc"),std::ios::out);
      char c = (char)ac_decode_symbol (&acd,&acm);
      if(c == 'B'){
	 rlc << c;
	 rlc << std::endl;
	 rlc << c;
   ac_decoder_done (&acd);
   ac_model_done (&acm);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void ReadFileTGA(CByteImage& img, const char* filename)
    // Open the file and read the header
    FILE *stream = fopen(filename, "rb");
    if (stream == 0)
        throw CError("ReadFileTGA: could not open %s", filename);
    CTargaHead h;
    if (fread(&h, sizeof(CTargaHead), 1, stream) != 1)
	    throw CError("ReadFileTGA(%s): file is too short", filename);

    // Throw away the image descriptor
    if (h.idLength > 0)
        char* tmp = new char[h.idLength];
        int nread = fread(tmp, sizeof(uchar), h.idLength, stream);
        delete tmp;   // throw away this data
        if (nread != h.idLength)
	        throw CError("ReadFileTGA(%s): file is too short", filename);
    bool isRun = (h.imageType & 8) != 0;
    bool reverseRows = (h.descriptor & TargaScreenOrigin) != 0;
    int fileBytes = (h.pixelSize + 7) / 8;

    // Read the colormap
    uchar colormap[TargaCMapSize][TargaCMapBands];
    int cMapSize = 0;
    bool grayRamp = false;
    if (h.colorMapType == 1)
        cMapSize = (h.cMapLength[1] << 8) + h.cMapLength[0];
        if (h.cMapBits != 24)
            throw CError("ReadFileTGA(%s): only 24-bit colormap currently supported", filename);
	    int l = fileBytes * cMapSize;
        if (l > TargaCMapSize * TargaCMapBands)
	        throw CError("ReadFileTGA(%s): colormap is too large", filename);
	    if (fread(colormap, sizeof(uchar), l, stream) != l)
	        throw CError("ReadFileTGA(%s): could not read the colormap", filename);

        // Check if it's just a standard gray ramp
	int i;
        for (i = 0; i < cMapSize; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < TargaCMapBands; j++)
                if (colormap[i][j] != i)
        grayRamp = (i == cMapSize);    // didn't break out too soon
    bool isGray = 
        h.imageType == TargaRawBW || h.imageType == TargaRunBW ||
        grayRamp &&
        (h.imageType == TargaRawColormap || h.imageType == TargaRunColormap);
    bool isRaw = h.imageType == TargaRawBW || h.imageType == TargaRawRGB ||
        h.imageType == TargaRawRGB && isGray;

    // Determine the image shape
    CShape sh(h.width, h.height, (isGray) ? 1 : 4);
    // Allocate the image if necessary
    img.ReAllocate(sh, false);

    // Construct a run-length code reader
    CTargaRLC rlc(! isRaw);

    // Read in the rows
    for (int y = 0; y < sh.height; y++)
        int yr = reverseRows ? sh.height-1-y : y;
        uchar* ptr = (uchar *) img.PixelAddress(0, yr, 0);
        if (fileBytes == sh.nBands && isRaw)
            // Special case for raw image, same as destination
            int n = sh.width*sh.nBands;
    	    if (fread(ptr, sizeof(uchar), n, stream) != n)
    	        throw CError("ReadFileTGA(%s): file is too short", filename);
            // Read one pixel at a time
            for (int x = 0; x < sh.width; x++, ptr += sh.nBands)
                uchar* buf = rlc.getBytes(fileBytes, stream);
                if (fileBytes == 1 && sh.nBands == 1)
                    ptr[0] = buf[0];
                else if (fileBytes == 1 && sh.nBands == 4)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        ptr[i] = (isGray) ? buf[0] : colormap[buf[0]][i];
                    ptr[3] = 255;   // full alpha;
                else if ((fileBytes == 3 || fileBytes == 4) && sh.nBands == 4)
                    int i;
                    for (i = 0; i < fileBytes; i++)
                        ptr[i] = buf[i];
                    if (i == 3) // missing alpha channel
                        ptr[3] = 255;   // full alpha;
            	    throw CError("ReadFileTGA(%s): unhandled pixel depth or # of bands", filename);

    if (fclose(stream))
        throw CError("ReadFileTGA(%s): error closing file", filename);
Ejemplo n.º 7
O mods(O a,O b){
    L z;S s;C d[BZ];Reprog*p;Resub rs[10];O r,os=pop(top(rst));if(os->t!=TS)TE;s=os->s.s;p=regcomp(a->s.s);if(!p)ex("bad regex");memset(rs,0,sizeof(rs));
    if(s<os->s.s+os->s.z){z=os->s.s+os->s.z-s;r->s.s=rlc(r->s.s,r->s.z+z);memcpy(r->s.s+r->s.z,s,z);r->s.z+=z;}r->s.s=rlc(r->s.s,r->s.z+1);r->s.s[r->s.z]=0;dlo(os);DL(p);R r;