Ejemplo n.º 1
void Mem::gbfree ( void *ptr , const char *note, size_t size , bool checksize ) {
	if(!s_lock.working) return;

	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "ptr=%p size=%zu note='%s'", ptr, size, note );

	if ((checksize && size == 0) || !ptr) {

	// . get how much it was from the mem table
	// . this is used for alloc/free wrappers for zlib because it does
	//   not give us a size to free when it calls our mfree(), so we use -1
	int32_t slot = g_mem.getMemSlot ( ptr );
	if ( slot < 0 ) {
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"mem: could not find slot (note=%s)",note);
		// do NOT abort here... Let it run, otherwise it dies during merges.  abort();
		// return for now so procog does not core all the time!

	bool isnew = s_isnew[slot];

	// if this returns false it was an unbalanced free
	if (!rmMem(ptr, size, note, checksize)) {

	if ( isnew ) sysfree ( (char *)ptr );
	else         sysfree ( (char *)ptr - UNDERPAD );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Mem::gbfree ( void *ptr , int size , const char *note ) {
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "ptr=%p size=%d note='%s'", ptr, size, note );

	// don't let electric fence zap us
	//if ( size == 0 && ptr==(void *)0x7fffffff) return;
	if ( size == 0 ) return;
	// huh?
	if ( ! ptr ) return;

	// . get how much it was from the mem table
	// . this is used for alloc/free wrappers for zlib because it does
	//   not give us a size to free when it calls our mfree(), so we use -1
	int32_t slot = g_mem.getMemSlot ( ptr );
	if ( slot < 0 ) {
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"mem: could not find slot (note=%s)",note);
//Do NOT abort here... Let it run, otherwise it dies during merges.  abort();
		//log(LOG_LOGIC,"mem: FIXME!!!");
		// return for now so procog does not core all the time!
		//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;

	bool isnew = s_isnew[slot];

	// if this returns false it was an unbalanced free
	if ( ! rmMem ( ptr , size , note ) ) return;

	g_inMemFunction = true;
	if ( isnew ) sysfree ( (char *)ptr );
	else         sysfree ( (char *)ptr - UNDERPAD );
	g_inMemFunction = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void *Mem::gbrealloc ( void *ptr , size_t oldSize , size_t newSize , const char *note ) {
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "ptr=%p oldSize=%zu newSize=%zu note='%s'", ptr, oldSize, newSize, note );

	// return dummy values since realloc() returns NULL if failed
	if ( oldSize == 0 && newSize == 0 ) return (void *)0x7fffffff;
	// do nothing if size is same
	if ( oldSize == newSize ) return ptr;

	// if newSize is 0...
	if ( newSize == 0 ) {
		gbfree(ptr, note, oldSize, true);
		return (void *)0x7fffffff;


	// hack so hostid #0 can use more mem
	size_t max = g_conf.m_maxMem;
	//if ( g_hostdb.m_hostId == 0 )  max += 2000000000;

	// don't go over max
	if ( g_mem.getUsedMem() + newSize - oldSize >= max ) {
		// try to free temp mem. returns true if it freed some.
		if ( freeCacheMem() ) goto retry;
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log( LOG_WARN, "mem: realloc(%zu,%zu): Out of memory.",oldSize,newSize);
		return NULL;
	// if oldSize is 0, use our malloc() instead
	if ( oldSize == 0 ) {
		return gbmalloc ( newSize , note );

	// assume it will be successful. we can't call rmMem() after
	// calling sysrealloc() because it will mess up our MAGICCHAR buf
	rmMem(ptr, oldSize, note, true);

	// . do the actual realloc
	// . CAUTION: don't pass in 0x7fffffff in as "ptr" 
	// . this was causing problems
	char *mem = (char *)sysrealloc ( (char *)ptr - UNDERPAD , newSize + UNDERPAD + OVERPAD );

	// remove old guy on sucess
	if ( mem ) {
		addMem ( (char *)mem + UNDERPAD , newSize , note , 0 );
		char *returnMem = mem + UNDERPAD;
		// set magic char bytes for mem
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < UNDERPAD ; i++ )
			returnMem[0-i-1] = MAGICCHAR;
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < OVERPAD ; i++ )
			returnMem[0+newSize+i] = MAGICCHAR;
		return returnMem;

	// ok, just try using malloc then!
	mem = (char *)mmalloc ( newSize , note );
	// bail on error
	if ( ! mem ) {
		// restore the original buf we tried to grow
		addMem ( ptr , oldSize , note , 0 );
		errno = g_errno = ENOMEM;
		return NULL;
	// log a note
	log(LOG_INFO,"mem: had to use malloc+memcpy instead of realloc.");

	// copy over to it
	memcpy ( mem, ptr, oldSize );
	// we already called rmMem() so don't double call
	sysfree ( (char *)ptr - UNDERPAD );	

	return mem;