Ejemplo n.º 1
SolutionUserObject::SolutionUserObject(const std::string & name, InputParameters parameters) :
    GeneralUserObject(name, parameters),
    _file_type(MooseEnum("xda=0, exodusII=1")),
    _nodal_vars(isParamValid("nodal_variables") ?
                getParam<std::vector<std::string> >("nodal_variables") : std::vector<std::string>()),
    _elem_vars(isParamValid("elemental_variables") ?
               getParam<std::vector<std::string> >("elemental_variables") : std::vector<std::string>()),
    _scale(getParam<std::vector<Real> >("scale")),
    _scale_multiplier(getParam<std::vector<Real> >("scale_multiplier")),
    _translation(getParam<std::vector<Real> >("translation")),
    _transformation_order(getParam<std::vector<MooseEnum> >("transformation_order"))
  _exec_flags = EXEC_INITIAL;

  if (!parameters.isParamValid("nodal_variables") && !parameters.isParamValid("elemental_variables"))
    mooseError("In SolutionUserObject " << _name << ", must supply nodal_variables or elemental_variables");

  if (parameters.isParamValid("coord_scale"))
    mooseWarning("Parameter name coord_scale is deprecated.  Please use scale instead.");
    _scale = getParam<std::vector<Real> >("coord_scale");
  if (parameters.isParamValid("coord_factor"))
    mooseWarning("Parameter name coord_factor is deprecated.  Please use translation instead.");
    _translation = getParam<std::vector<Real> >("coord_factor");

  // form rotation matrices with the specified angles
  Real halfPi = std::acos(0.0);
  Real a;
  Real b;

  a = std::cos(halfPi*_rotation0_angle/90);
  b = std::sin(halfPi*_rotation0_angle/90);
  // the following is an anticlockwise rotation about z
  RealTensorValue rot0_z(
  a, -b, 0,
  b, a, 0,
  0, 0, 1);
  // form the rotation matrix that will take rotation0_vector to the z axis
  RealTensorValue vec0_to_z = RotationMatrix::rotVecToZ(_rotation0_vector);
  // _r0 is then: rotate points so vec0 lies along z; then rotate about angle0; then rotate points back
  _r0 = vec0_to_z.transpose()*(rot0_z*vec0_to_z);

  a = std::cos(halfPi*_rotation1_angle/90);
  b = std::sin(halfPi*_rotation1_angle/90);
  // the following is an anticlockwise rotation about z
  RealTensorValue rot1_z(
  a, -b, 0,
  b, a, 0,
  0, 0, 1);
  // form the rotation matrix that will take rotation1_vector to the z axis
  RealTensorValue vec1_to_z = RotationMatrix::rotVecToZ(_rotation1_vector);
  // _r1 is then: rotate points so vec1 lies along z; then rotate about angle1; then rotate points back
  _r1 = vec1_to_z.transpose()*(rot1_z*vec1_to_z);
Ejemplo n.º 2
SolutionUserObject::SolutionUserObject(const std::string & deprecated_name, InputParameters parameters) :
    GeneralUserObject(deprecated_name, parameters),
    _file_type(MooseEnum("xda=0 exodusII=1 xdr=2")),
    _system_variables(getParam<std::vector<std::string> >("system_variables")),
    _scale(getParam<std::vector<Real> >("scale")),
    _scale_multiplier(getParam<std::vector<Real> >("scale_multiplier")),
    _translation(getParam<std::vector<Real> >("translation")),

  // form rotation matrices with the specified angles
  Real halfPi = std::acos(0.0);
  Real a;
  Real b;

  a = std::cos(halfPi*_rotation0_angle/90);
  b = std::sin(halfPi*_rotation0_angle/90);
  // the following is an anticlockwise rotation about z
  RealTensorValue rot0_z(
  a, -b, 0,
  b, a, 0,
  0, 0, 1);
  // form the rotation matrix that will take rotation0_vector to the z axis
  RealTensorValue vec0_to_z = RotationMatrix::rotVecToZ(_rotation0_vector);
  // _r0 is then: rotate points so vec0 lies along z; then rotate about angle0; then rotate points back
  _r0 = vec0_to_z.transpose()*(rot0_z*vec0_to_z);

  a = std::cos(halfPi*_rotation1_angle/90);
  b = std::sin(halfPi*_rotation1_angle/90);
  // the following is an anticlockwise rotation about z
  RealTensorValue rot1_z(
  a, -b, 0,
  b, a, 0,
  0, 0, 1);
  // form the rotation matrix that will take rotation1_vector to the z axis
  RealTensorValue vec1_to_z = RotationMatrix::rotVecToZ(_rotation1_vector);
  // _r1 is then: rotate points so vec1 lies along z; then rotate about angle1; then rotate points back
  _r1 = vec1_to_z.transpose()*(rot1_z*vec1_to_z);