Ejemplo n.º 1
** That function is called when all the projection are ready to be sent

 @param working_ctx_p: pointer to the root context associated with the top level write request

void rozofs_storcli_write_repair_req_processing(rozofs_storcli_ctx_t *working_ctx_p)

  storcli_read_arg_t *storcli_read_rq_p = (storcli_read_arg_t*)&working_ctx_p->storcli_read_arg;
  uint8_t layout = storcli_read_rq_p->layout;
  uint8_t   rozofs_forward;
  uint8_t   projection_id;
  int       error=0;
  int       ret;
  rozofs_storcli_projection_ctx_t *prj_cxt_p   = working_ctx_p->prj_ctx;   
  uint8_t  bsize  = storcli_read_rq_p->bsize;
  int prj_size_in_msg = rozofs_get_max_psize_in_msg(layout,bsize);
  sp_write_repair_arg_no_bins_t  *request; 
  sp_write_repair_arg_no_bins_t   repair_prj_args;
  sp_write_repair2_arg_no_bins_t *request2; 
  sp_write_repair2_arg_no_bins_t  repair2_prj_args;
  rozofs_forward = rozofs_get_rozofs_forward(layout);
  ** check if the buffer is still valid: we might face the situation where the rozofsmount
  ** time-out and re-allocate the write buffer located in shared memory for another
  ** transaction (either read or write:
  ** the control must take place only where here is the presence of a shared memory for the write
  error  = 0;
  if (working_ctx_p->shared_mem_p!= NULL)
      uint32_t *xid_p = (uint32_t*)working_ctx_p->shared_mem_p;
      if (*xid_p !=  working_ctx_p->src_transaction_id)
        ** the source has aborted the request
        error = EPROTO;
  ** send back the response of the read request towards rozofsmount
   ** allocate a sequence number for the working context:
   **   This is mandatory to avoid any confusion with a late response of the previous read request
   working_ctx_p->read_seqnum = rozofs_storcli_allocate_read_seqnum();
  ** check if it make sense to send the repaired blocks
  if (error)
    ** the requester has released the buffer and it could be possible that the
    ** rozofsmount uses it for another purpose, so the data that have been repaired
    ** might be wrong, so don't take the right to write wrong data for which we can can 
    ** a good crc !!
    goto fail;
  ** We have enough storage, so initiate the transaction towards the storage for each
  ** projection
  for (projection_id = 0; projection_id < rozofs_forward; projection_id++)
     void  *xmit_buf;  
     int ret;  
     ** skip the projections for which no error has been detected 
     if (storcli_storage_supports_repair2) {
	   if (ROZOFS_BITMAP64_TEST_ALL0(working_ctx_p->prj_ctx[projection_id].crc_err_bitmap)) continue;
	 else {
	   if (working_ctx_p->prj_ctx[projection_id].crc_err_bitmap[0] == 0)  continue;
     xmit_buf = prj_cxt_p[projection_id].prj_buf;
     if (xmit_buf == NULL)
       ** fatal error since the ressource control already took place
       error = EIO;
       goto fail;     
     ** fill partially the common header
	 if (storcli_storage_supports_repair2) {
       request2   = &repair2_prj_args;
       request2->cid = storcli_read_rq_p->cid;
       request2->sid = (uint8_t) rozofs_storcli_lbg_prj_get_sid(working_ctx_p->lbg_assoc_tb,prj_cxt_p[projection_id].stor_idx);
       request2->layout        = storcli_read_rq_p->layout;
       request2->bsize         = storcli_read_rq_p->bsize;
       ** the case of spare 1 must not occur because repair is done for th eoptimal distribution only
       if (prj_cxt_p[projection_id].stor_idx >= rozofs_forward) request2->spare = 1;
       else request2->spare = 0;
       memcpy(request2->dist_set, storcli_read_rq_p->dist_set, ROZOFS_SAFE_MAX_STORCLI*sizeof (uint8_t));
       memcpy(request2->fid, storcli_read_rq_p->fid, sizeof (sp_uuid_t));
  //CRCrequest->proj_id = projection_id;
       request2->proj_id = rozofs_storcli_get_mojette_proj_id(storcli_read_rq_p->dist_set,request2->sid,rozofs_forward);
       request2->bid     = storcli_read_rq_p->bid;
       request2->bitmap[0]  = working_ctx_p->prj_ctx[projection_id].crc_err_bitmap[0];     
       request2->bitmap[1]  = working_ctx_p->prj_ctx[projection_id].crc_err_bitmap[1];     
       request2->bitmap[2]  = working_ctx_p->prj_ctx[projection_id].crc_err_bitmap[2];     
       int nb_blocks       = ROZOFS_BITMAP64_NB_BIT1(request2->bitmap);
       request2->nb_proj    = nb_blocks;     

       ** set the length of the bins part: need to compute the number of blocks

       int bins_len = (prj_size_in_msg * nb_blocks);
       request2->len = bins_len; /**< bins length MUST be in bytes !!! */
       uint32_t  lbg_id = rozofs_storcli_lbg_prj_get_lbg(working_ctx_p->lbg_assoc_tb,prj_cxt_p[projection_id].stor_idx);
       ** caution we might have a direct reply if there is a direct error at load balancing group while
       ** ateempting to send the RPC message-> typically a disconnection of the TCP connection 
       ** As a consequence the response fct 'rozofs_storcli_write_repair_req_processing_cbk) can be called
       ** prior returning from rozofs_sorcli_send_rq_common')
       ** anticipate the status of the xmit state of the projection and lock the section to
       ** avoid a reply error before returning from rozofs_sorcli_send_rq_common() 
       ** --> need to take care because the write context is released after the reply error sent to rozofsmount
       working_ctx_p->write_ctx_lock = 1;
       prj_cxt_p[projection_id].prj_state = ROZOFS_PRJ_WR_IN_PRG;

                                           (xdrproc_t) xdr_sp_write_repair2_arg_no_bins_t, (caddr_t) request2,
                                        	(uint32_t) projection_id,
	 else {
       request   = &repair_prj_args;
       request->cid = storcli_read_rq_p->cid;
       request->sid = (uint8_t) rozofs_storcli_lbg_prj_get_sid(working_ctx_p->lbg_assoc_tb,prj_cxt_p[projection_id].stor_idx);
       request->layout        = storcli_read_rq_p->layout;
       request->bsize         = storcli_read_rq_p->bsize;
       ** the case of spare 1 must not occur because repair is done for th eoptimal distribution only
       if (prj_cxt_p[projection_id].stor_idx >= rozofs_forward) request->spare = 1;
       else request->spare = 0;
       memcpy(request->dist_set, storcli_read_rq_p->dist_set, ROZOFS_SAFE_MAX_STORCLI*sizeof (uint8_t));
       memcpy(request->fid, storcli_read_rq_p->fid, sizeof (sp_uuid_t));
  //CRCrequest->proj_id = projection_id;
       request->proj_id = rozofs_storcli_get_mojette_proj_id(storcli_read_rq_p->dist_set,request->sid,rozofs_forward);
       request->bid     = storcli_read_rq_p->bid;
       request->bitmap  = working_ctx_p->prj_ctx[projection_id].crc_err_bitmap[0];     
       int nb_blocks       = ROZOFS_BITMAP64_NB_BIT1_FUNC((uint8_t*)&request->bitmap,8);
       request->nb_proj    = nb_blocks;     

       ** set the length of the bins part: need to compute the number of blocks

       int bins_len = (prj_size_in_msg * nb_blocks);
       request->len = bins_len; /**< bins length MUST be in bytes !!! */
       uint32_t  lbg_id = rozofs_storcli_lbg_prj_get_lbg(working_ctx_p->lbg_assoc_tb,prj_cxt_p[projection_id].stor_idx);
       ** caution we might have a direct reply if there is a direct error at load balancing group while
       ** ateempting to send the RPC message-> typically a disconnection of the TCP connection 
       ** As a consequence the response fct 'rozofs_storcli_write_repair_req_processing_cbk) can be called
       ** prior returning from rozofs_sorcli_send_rq_common')
       ** anticipate the status of the xmit state of the projection and lock the section to
       ** avoid a reply error before returning from rozofs_sorcli_send_rq_common() 
       ** --> need to take care because the write context is released after the reply error sent to rozofsmount
       working_ctx_p->write_ctx_lock = 1;
       prj_cxt_p[projection_id].prj_state = ROZOFS_PRJ_WR_IN_PRG;

                                           (xdrproc_t) xdr_sp_write_repair_arg_no_bins_t, (caddr_t) request,
                                        	(uint32_t) projection_id,

     working_ctx_p->write_ctx_lock = 0;
     if (ret < 0)
	** there is no retry, just keep on with a potential other projection to repair
	prj_cxt_p[projection_id].prj_state = ROZOFS_PRJ_WR_ERROR;
       ** check if the state has not been changed: -> it might be possible to get a direct error
       if (prj_cxt_p[projection_id].prj_state == ROZOFS_PRJ_WR_ERROR)
	  ** it looks like that we cannot repair that preojection, check if there is some other

   ** check if there some write repair request pending, in such a case we wait for the end of the repair
   ** (answer from the storage node
    ret = rozofs_storcli_all_prj_write_repair_check(storcli_read_rq_p->layout,
    if (ret == 0)
       ** there is some pending write
     ** release the root transaction context

Ejemplo n.º 2
void rozofs_storcli_truncate_projection_retry(rozofs_storcli_ctx_t *working_ctx_p,uint8_t projection_id,int same_storage_retry_acceptable)
    uint8_t   rozofs_safe;
    uint8_t   rozofs_forward;
    uint8_t   layout;
    storcli_truncate_arg_t *storcli_truncate_rq_p = (storcli_truncate_arg_t*)&working_ctx_p->storcli_truncate_arg;
    int error=0;
    int storage_idx;

    rozofs_storcli_projection_ctx_t *prj_cxt_p   = working_ctx_p->prj_ctx;   
    rozofs_storcli_lbg_prj_assoc_t  *lbg_assoc_p = working_ctx_p->lbg_assoc_tb;

    layout         = storcli_truncate_rq_p->layout;
    rozofs_safe    = rozofs_get_rozofs_safe(layout);
    rozofs_forward = rozofs_get_rozofs_forward(layout);
    ** Now update the state of each load balancing group since it might be possible
    ** that some experience a state change
    for (storage_idx = 0; storage_idx < rozofs_safe; storage_idx++) 
      ** Check the state of the load Balancing group
    * attempt to select a new storage
    if (rozofs_storcli_select_storage_idx_for_write (working_ctx_p,rozofs_forward,rozofs_safe,projection_id) < 0)
      ** Cannot select a new storage: OK so now double check if the retry on the same storage is
      ** acceptable.When it is the case, check if the max retry has not been yet reached
      ** Otherwise, we are in deep shit-> reject the read request
      if (same_storage_retry_acceptable == 0) 
        error = EIO;
        prj_cxt_p[projection_id].errcode = error;
        goto reject;      
      if (++prj_cxt_p[projection_id].retry_cpt >= ROZOFS_STORCLI_MAX_RETRY)
        error = EIO;
        prj_cxt_p[projection_id].errcode = error;
        goto reject;          
    ** we are lucky since either a get a new storage or the retry counter is not exhausted
     sp_truncate_arg_no_bins_t *request; 
     sp_truncate_arg_no_bins_t  truncate_prj_args;
     void  *xmit_buf;  
     int ret;  
     xmit_buf = prj_cxt_p[projection_id].prj_buf;
     if (xmit_buf == NULL)
       ** fatal error since the ressource control already took place
       error = EFAULT;
       prj_cxt_p[projection_id].errcode = error;
       goto fatal;     
     ** fill partially the common header
     request   = &truncate_prj_args;
     request->cid = storcli_truncate_rq_p->cid;
     request->sid = (uint8_t) rozofs_storcli_lbg_prj_get_sid(working_ctx_p->lbg_assoc_tb,prj_cxt_p[projection_id].stor_idx);
     request->layout        = layout;
     if (prj_cxt_p[projection_id].stor_idx >= rozofs_forward) request->spare = 1;
     else request->spare = 0;
     memcpy(request->dist_set, storcli_truncate_rq_p->dist_set, ROZOFS_SAFE_MAX*sizeof (uint8_t));
     memcpy(request->fid, storcli_truncate_rq_p->fid, sizeof (sp_uuid_t));
     request->proj_id        = projection_id;
     request->bid            = storcli_truncate_rq_p->bid;
     request->last_seg       = storcli_truncate_rq_p->last_seg;
     request->last_timestamp = working_ctx_p->timestamp;

     ** Bins len has been saved in the working context
     request->len = working_ctx_p->truncate_bins_len;

     uint32_t  lbg_id = rozofs_storcli_lbg_prj_get_lbg(working_ctx_p->lbg_assoc_tb,prj_cxt_p[projection_id].stor_idx);
     **  increment the lock since it might be possible that this procedure is called after a synchronous transaction failu failure
     ** while the system is still in the initial procedure that triggers the writing of the projection. So it might be possible that
     ** the lock is already asserted
     ** as for the initial case, we need to anticipate the xmit state of the projection since the ERROR status might be set 
     ** on a synchronous transaction failure. If that state is set after a positive submission towards the lbg, we might
     ** overwrite the ERROR state with the IN_PRG state.
     prj_cxt_p[projection_id].prj_state = ROZOFS_PRJ_WR_IN_PRG;
                                         (xdrproc_t) xdr_sp_truncate_arg_no_bins_t, (caddr_t) request,
                                          (uint32_t) projection_id,
     if (ret < 0)
       ** the communication with the storage seems to be wrong (more than TCP connection temporary down
       ** attempt to select a new storage
       if (rozofs_storcli_select_storage_idx_for_write (working_ctx_p,rozofs_forward,rozofs_safe,projection_id) < 0)
         ** Out of storage !!-> too many storages are down
         goto fatal;
       ** retry for that projection with a new storage index: WARNING: we assume that xmit buffer has not been released !!!
       goto retry;
     ** OK, the buffer has been accepted by the load balancing group, check if there was a direct failure for
     ** that transaction
     if ( prj_cxt_p[projection_id].prj_state == ROZOFS_PRJ_WR_ERROR)
        error = prj_cxt_p[projection_id].errcode;
        goto fatal;     
    **  Exception cases
     if (working_ctx_p->write_ctx_lock != 0) return;
     ** we fall in that case when we run out of  storage
     ** release the root transaction context
     ** caution -> reply error is only generated if the ctx_lock is 0
     if (working_ctx_p->write_ctx_lock != 0) return;
     ** we fall in that case when we run out of  resource-> that case is a BUG !!
     ** release the root transaction context

Ejemplo n.º 3
  Apply the transform to a buffer starting at "data". That buffer MUST be ROZOFS_BSIZE
  The first_block_idx is the index of a ROZOFS_BSIZE array in the output buffer
  The number_of_blocks is the number of ROZOFS_BSIZE that must be transform
  Notice that the first_block_idx offset applies to the output transform buffer only
  not to the input buffer pointed by "data".
 * @param *working_ctx_p: storcli working context
 * @param number_of_blocks: number of blocks to write
 * @param *data: pointer to the source data that must be transformed
 * @return: the length written on success, -1 otherwise (errno is set)
 void rozofs_storcli_transform_forward_repair(rozofs_storcli_ctx_t *working_ctx_p,
                                	      uint8_t layout,
                                	      uint32_t number_of_blocks,
                                	      char *data) 
    projection_t rozofs_fwd_projections[ROZOFS_SAFE_MAX_STORCLI];
    projection_t *projections; // Table of projections used to transform data
    uint16_t projection_id = 0;
    uint32_t i = 0;    
    uint8_t rozofs_forward = rozofs_get_rozofs_forward(layout);
    uint8_t rozofs_safe    = rozofs_get_rozofs_forward(layout);
    uint8_t rozofs_inverse = rozofs_get_rozofs_inverse(layout);
    rozofs_storcli_projection_ctx_t *prj_ctx_p = &working_ctx_p->prj_ctx[0];
    int empty_block = 0;
    uint8_t sid;
    int moj_prj_id;
    int block_idx;
    int k;
    storcli_read_arg_t *storcli_read_rq_p = (storcli_read_arg_t*)&working_ctx_p->storcli_read_arg;
    uint8_t  bsize  = storcli_read_rq_p->bsize;
    uint32_t bbytes = ROZOFS_BSIZE_BYTES(bsize);
    int prj_size_in_msg = rozofs_get_max_psize_in_msg(layout,bsize);
    projections = rozofs_fwd_projections;

    // For each projection
    for (projection_id = 0; projection_id < rozofs_forward; projection_id++) {
        projections[projection_id].angle.p =  rozofs_get_angles_p(layout,projection_id);
        projections[projection_id].angle.q =  rozofs_get_angles_q(layout,projection_id);
        projections[projection_id].size    =  rozofs_get_128bits_psizes(layout,bsize,projection_id);
    ** now go through all projection set to find out if there is something to regenerate
    for (k = 0; k < rozofs_safe; k++)
	block_idx = 0;
       if (ROZOFS_BITMAP64_TEST_ALL0(prj_ctx_p[k].crc_err_bitmap)) continue;
       **  Get the sid associated with the projection context
       sid = (uint8_t) rozofs_storcli_lbg_prj_get_sid(working_ctx_p->lbg_assoc_tb,
       ** Get the reference of the Mojette projection_id
       moj_prj_id = rozofs_storcli_get_mojette_proj_id(storcli_read_rq_p->dist_set,sid,rozofs_forward);
       if  (moj_prj_id < 0)
	  ** it is the reference of a spare sid, so go to the next projection context
       for (i = 0; i < number_of_blocks; i++) 
          if (ROZOFS_BITMAP64_TEST0(i,prj_ctx_p[k].crc_err_bitmap)) 
	    ** nothing to generate for that block
	  ** check for empty block
          empty_block = rozofs_data_block_check_empty(data + (i * bbytes), bbytes);
	  * regenerate the projection for the block for which a crc error has been detected
//CRC     projections[moj_prj_id].bins = prj_ctx_p[moj_prj_id].bins + 
          projections[moj_prj_id].bins = prj_ctx_p[k].bins + 
                                         (prj_size_in_msg/sizeof(bin_t)* (0+block_idx));
          rozofs_stor_bins_hdr_t *rozofs_bins_hdr_p = (rozofs_stor_bins_hdr_t*)projections[moj_prj_id].bins;
          ** check if the user data block is empty: if the data block is empty no need to transform
          if (empty_block)
            rozofs_bins_hdr_p->s.projection_id = 0;
            rozofs_bins_hdr_p->s.timestamp     = 0;          
            rozofs_bins_hdr_p->s.effective_length = 0;    
            rozofs_bins_hdr_p->s.filler = 0;    
            rozofs_bins_hdr_p->s.version = 0;
          ** fill the header of the projection
          rozofs_bins_hdr_p->s.projection_id     = moj_prj_id;
//CRC     rozofs_bins_hdr_p->s.timestamp         = working_ctx_p->block_ctx_table[block_idx].timestamp;       
          rozofs_bins_hdr_p->s.timestamp         = working_ctx_p->block_ctx_table[i].timestamp; 
//CRC     rozofs_bins_hdr_p->s.effective_length  = working_ctx_p->block_ctx_table[block_idx].effective_length;
          rozofs_bins_hdr_p->s.effective_length  = working_ctx_p->block_ctx_table[i].effective_length;
          rozofs_bins_hdr_p->s.filler = 0;    
          rozofs_bins_hdr_p->s.version = 0;    	 
          ** update the pointer to point out the first bins
          projections[moj_prj_id].bins += sizeof(rozofs_stor_bins_hdr_t)/sizeof(bin_t);
          ** do not apply transform for empty block
          if (empty_block == 0)
            ** Apply the erasure code transform for the block i
            transform128_forward_one_proj((pxl_t *) (data + (i * bbytes)),
                    bbytes / rozofs_inverse / sizeof (pxl_t),
                    moj_prj_id, projections);
	    ** add the footer at the end of the repaired projection
            rozofs_stor_bins_footer_t *rozofs_bins_foot_p;
            rozofs_bins_foot_p = (rozofs_stor_bins_footer_t*) (projections[moj_prj_id].bins
	                                                      + rozofs_get_psizes(layout,bsize,moj_prj_id));
//CRC       rozofs_bins_foot_p->timestamp      = working_ctx_p->block_ctx_table[block_idx].timestamp;
            rozofs_bins_foot_p->timestamp      = rozofs_bins_hdr_p->s.timestamp;	
Ejemplo n.º 4
** That function is called when all the projection are ready to be sent

 @param working_ctx_p: pointer to the root context associated with the top level write request
 @param data         : pointer to the data of the last block to truncate

void rozofs_storcli_truncate_req_processing_exec(rozofs_storcli_ctx_t *working_ctx_p, char * data)

  storcli_truncate_arg_t *storcli_truncate_rq_p = (storcli_truncate_arg_t*)&working_ctx_p->storcli_truncate_arg;
  uint8_t layout = storcli_truncate_rq_p->layout;
  uint8_t   rozofs_forward;
  uint8_t   rozofs_safe;
  uint8_t   projection_id;
  int       storage_idx;
  int       error=0;
  rozofs_storcli_lbg_prj_assoc_t  *lbg_assoc_p = working_ctx_p->lbg_assoc_tb;
  rozofs_storcli_projection_ctx_t *prj_cxt_p   = working_ctx_p->prj_ctx;   
  rozofs_forward = rozofs_get_rozofs_forward(layout);
  rozofs_safe    = rozofs_get_rozofs_safe(layout);

  ** set the current state of each load balancing group belonging to the rozofs_safe group
  for (storage_idx = 0; storage_idx < rozofs_safe; storage_idx++) 
    ** Check the state of the load Balancing group
  ** Now find out a selectable lbg_id for each projection
  for (projection_id = 0; projection_id < rozofs_forward; projection_id++)
    if (rozofs_storcli_select_storage_idx_for_write ( working_ctx_p,rozofs_forward, rozofs_safe,projection_id) < 0)
       ** there is no enough valid storage !!
       error = EIO;
       goto fail;
  ** Let's transform the data to write
  working_ctx_p->truncate_bins_len = 0;
  if (data != NULL) {

    working_ctx_p->truncate_bins_len = rozofs_get_max_psize(layout)*sizeof(bin_t) + sizeof(rozofs_stor_bins_hdr_t);
  ** We have enough storage, so initiate the transaction towards the storage for each
  ** projection
  for (projection_id = 0; projection_id < rozofs_forward; projection_id++)
     sp_truncate_arg_no_bins_t *request; 
     sp_truncate_arg_no_bins_t  truncate_prj_args;
     void  *xmit_buf;  
     int ret;  
     xmit_buf = prj_cxt_p[projection_id].prj_buf;
     if (xmit_buf == NULL)
       ** fatal error since the ressource control already took place
       error = EIO;
       goto fatal;     
     ** fill partially the common header
     request   = &truncate_prj_args;
     request->cid = storcli_truncate_rq_p->cid;
     request->sid = (uint8_t) rozofs_storcli_lbg_prj_get_sid(working_ctx_p->lbg_assoc_tb,prj_cxt_p[projection_id].stor_idx);
     request->layout        = layout;
     if (prj_cxt_p[projection_id].stor_idx >= rozofs_forward) request->spare = 1;
     else request->spare = 0;
     memcpy(request->dist_set, storcli_truncate_rq_p->dist_set, ROZOFS_SAFE_MAX*sizeof (uint8_t));
     memcpy(request->fid, storcli_truncate_rq_p->fid, sizeof (sp_uuid_t));
     request->proj_id        = projection_id;
     request->bid            = storcli_truncate_rq_p->bid;
     request->last_seg       = storcli_truncate_rq_p->last_seg;
     request->last_timestamp = working_ctx_p->timestamp;

     request->len = working_ctx_p->truncate_bins_len;

     uint32_t  lbg_id = rozofs_storcli_lbg_prj_get_lbg(working_ctx_p->lbg_assoc_tb,prj_cxt_p[projection_id].stor_idx);
     ** caution we might have a direct reply if there is a direct error at load balancing group while
     ** ateempting to send the RPC message-> typically a disconnection of the TCP connection 
     ** As a consequence the response fct 'rozofs_storcli_truncate_req_processing_cbk) can be called
     ** prior returning from rozofs_sorcli_send_rq_common')
     ** anticipate the status of the xmit state of the projection and lock the section to
     ** avoid a reply error before returning from rozofs_sorcli_send_rq_common() 
     ** --> need to take care because the write context is released after the reply error sent to rozofsmount
     working_ctx_p->write_ctx_lock = 1;
     prj_cxt_p[projection_id].prj_state = ROZOFS_PRJ_WR_IN_PRG;
                                         (xdrproc_t) xdr_sp_truncate_arg_no_bins_t, (caddr_t) request,
                                          (uint32_t) projection_id,
     working_ctx_p->write_ctx_lock = 0;
     if (ret < 0)
       ** the communication with the storage seems to be wrong (more than TCP connection temporary down
       ** attempt to select a new storage
       if (rozofs_storcli_select_storage_idx_for_write (working_ctx_p,rozofs_forward,rozofs_safe,projection_id) < 0)
         ** Out of storage !!-> too many storages are down
         goto fatal;
       ** retry for that projection with a new storage index: WARNING: we assume that xmit buffer has not been released !!!
//#warning: it is assumed that xmit buffer has not been release, need to double check!!        
       goto retry;
       ** check if the state has not been changed: -> it might be possible to get a direct error
       if (prj_cxt_p[projection_id].prj_state == ROZOFS_PRJ_WR_ERROR)
          error = prj_cxt_p[projection_id].errcode;
          goto fatal;       


     ** we fall in that case when we run out of  resource-> that case is a BUG !!
     ** release the root transaction context

     ** we fall in that case when we run out of  resource-> that case is a BUG !!
     ** release the root transaction context

