int _asegment_fixed(char *seg_info, dsp_sample_t *signal, int n_samples, dsp_sample_t ***signal_segment, int **length) { int i, frame_length, frame_shift; int n_segments =0; int *_length; dsp_sample_t **_segments; if (sscanf(seg_info,"%d:%d",&frame_length,&frame_shift) != 2) { rs_error("Frame length and/or frame shift information in wrong format!"); return -1; } n_segments= (n_samples - frame_length) / frame_shift + 1; _segments = (dsp_sample_t **) rs_malloc(n_segments * sizeof(dsp_sample_t *),"Signal segments"); _length = (int *) rs_malloc(n_segments*sizeof(int),"Segment lengths"); for (i=0;i<n_segments;i++) { _segments[i] = (dsp_sample_t *) rs_malloc(frame_length * sizeof(dsp_sample_t),"signal segments"); _length[i]=frame_length; if (!memcpy(_segments[i],signal+i*frame_shift,frame_length*sizeof(dsp_sample_t))) { rs_warning("Signal was shorter than expected!"); return -1; } } *signal_segment=_segments; *length=_length; return n_segments; }
fextract_series_t *series_create(int max){ fextract_series_t *data_series= (fextract_series_t *) rs_malloc(sizeof(fextract_series_t),"data series"); data_series->maxSeries=max; data_series->nSeries=0; data_series->series= (mx_real_t *) rs_malloc(max*sizeof(mx_real_t),"data of series"); return data_series; }
fextract_t *fextract_pitch_energy_create(int frame_len, char *m_e_params) { fextract_t *fex; dsp_fextract_t *mfcc; fex = (fextract_t *) rs_malloc(sizeof(fextract_t),"emotion feature extraction data"); fex->n_features = V2_N_FEATURES; /* Abtastrate etc. ... */ fex->samplerate = SAMPLERATE; fex->frame_len = frame_len; /* global frame length (in frames) */ fex->pitch = pitch_create(AC_GAUSS); fex->frame_shift = fex->frame_len - ((fex->pitch->method == AC_GAUSS? 2 : 1 ) * fex->pitch->periodsPerWindow / fex->pitch->minimumPitch - fex->pitch->dt) * fex->samplerate ; /* global shift (in frames) */ fex->hnr = NULL; fex->vq = NULL; /* MFCCs ... */ mfcc = (dsp_fextract_t *) rs_malloc(sizeof(dsp_fextract_t), "feature extraction data"); mfcc->type = dsp_fextype_MFCC; mfcc->version = DSP_MK_VERSION(1, 4); if (!dsp_mfcc_create(mfcc, m_e_params)) { rs_free(mfcc); mfcc = NULL; rs_warning("Could not initialize MFCC configuration!"); } fex->mfcc=mfcc; return(fex); }
mx_real_t svm_class_prob(svm_classifier_t *svm, mx_real_t *instance, int class_ind) { int i, svm_type=svm_get_svm_type(svm->model); double *prob_estimates=NULL; struct svm_node *x; mx_real_t class_prob; if (svm_type!=C_SVC && svm_type != NU_SVC) rs_error("Cannot give class probability for 1-class or regression SVM!"); x = (struct svm_node *) rs_malloc((svm->feature_dim+1)*sizeof(struct svm_node),"Feature vector representation for svm"); for (i=0;i<svm->feature_dim;i++) { x[i].index=i+1; x[i].value=instance[i]; } x[i].index=-1; _scale_instance(&x,svm->feature_dim,svm->max,svm->min); prob_estimates = (double *) rs_malloc(svm->n_classes*sizeof(double),"SVM probability estimates"); svm_predict_probability(svm->model,x,prob_estimates); class_prob = prob_estimates[class_ind]; rs_free (x); rs_free (prob_estimates); return class_prob; }
SignatureEventData(const void *_data,int32_t _len,unsigned int _signlen, std::string _reason) { // We need a new memory chnk because there's no guarranty _sign nor _signlen are not in the stack sign = (unsigned char *)rs_malloc(_signlen) ; if(!sign) { signlen = NULL ; signature_result = SELF_SIGNATURE_RESULT_FAILED ; return ; } signlen = new unsigned int ; *signlen = _signlen ; signature_result = SELF_SIGNATURE_RESULT_PENDING ; data = rs_malloc(_len) ; if(!data) { len = 0 ; return ; } len = _len ; memcpy(data,_data,len) ; reason = _reason ; }
/** Create a new dsp_csp_data_t struct. * * Use this function to create and initialize a new dsp_csp_data_t * structure. NULL will be returned when the parameters are not valid. * Valid parameters are: * - n_channels > 0 * - n_elements > 0 * * @param n_channels number of channel for the buffer. * @param n_elements number of max elements for each channel. * * @return pointer to the new created structure or NULL. */ dsp_csp_data_t* dsp_csp_data_create (int n_channels, int n_elements) { dsp_csp_data_t* data = NULL; int channel; /* first check parameters ... */ if ((n_channels < 1) || (n_elements < 1)) return (NULL); /* ... allocate memory for csp_data element ... */ data = rs_malloc (sizeof(dsp_csp_data_t), "csp-data element"); /* ... and initialize it */ (data->n_channels) = n_channels; (data->max_len) = n_elements; (data->n_len) = rs_malloc ((n_channels * sizeof(int)), "csp-data element"); (data->data) = rs_malloc ((n_channels * sizeof(mx_real_t*)), "csp-data element"); for (channel = 0; channel < n_channels; channel++) { (data->n_len)[channel] = 0; (data->data) [channel] = rs_malloc ((n_elements * sizeof(mx_real_t)), "csp-data element"); } return (data); }
lsFloat_t * lsFloat_ConsNil(float i) { lsFloat_t * il = rs_malloc(sizeof(lsFloat_t), "list"); il->list = rs_malloc((il->max_list=LIST_BUF) * sizeof(float), "list item"); il->list[0] = i; il->n_list = 1; return (il); }
list_t * ls_ConsNil(LIST_TYPE i) { list_t * il = rs_malloc(sizeof(list_t), "list"); il->list = rs_malloc((il->max_list=LIST_BUF) * sizeof(LIST_TYPE), "list item"); il->list[0] = i; il->n_list = 1; return (il); }
lsDouble_t * lsDouble_ConsNil(double i) { lsDouble_t * il = rs_malloc(sizeof(lsDouble_t), "list"); il->list = rs_malloc((il->max_list=LIST_BUF) * sizeof(double), "list item"); il->list[0] = i; il->n_list = 1; return (il); }
rs_IO *rs_fopen(char *name, char *mode) { FILE *fp; rs_IO *io; int mode_read, mode_mapped; void *buf; int buf_size; /* Lese-/Schreibmodus bestimmen ... */ if (strchr(mode, 'w') || strchr(mode, 'a')) mode_read = 0; else if (strchr(mode, 'r')) mode_read = 1; else rs_error("illegal mode '%s' for 'rs_fopen()'!", mode); /* ... ggf. ge-"mapped" (nur lesend) ... */ if (strchr(mode, 'm')) { if (mode_read) mode_mapped = 1; else { mode_mapped = 0; rs_warning("mapped file IO not supported for writing!"); } } else mode_mapped = 0; /* ... Spezialnamen '-' umsetzen ... */ if (strcmp(name, "-") == 0) { if (mode_mapped) rs_error("mapped file IO not supported for stdin/out!"); fp = (mode_read) ? stdin : stdout; } else fp = fopen(name, (mode_read) ? "r" : "w"); if (!fp) return(NULL); if (!mode_mapped) { io = rs_malloc(sizeof(rs_IO), "IO data"); io->type = rs_iotype_file; io->base_size = RS_BINIO_BASE_SIZE_DEFAULT; io->fp = fp; } else { fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); buf_size = ftell(fp); rewind(fp); buf = rs_malloc(buf_size, "mapped file buffer"); fread(buf, buf_size, 1, fp); io = rs_mopen(buf, buf_size, "r"); } return(io); }
fextract_series_t *getOnlyCoG(dsp_sample_t *signal, int nframes) { int n_samples, offset=0, frames=0, i; dsp_sample_t s[MAX_SAMPLES], last_s[MAX_SAMPLES]; dsp_sample_t *frame, *last_frame, *__tmp; mx_real_t *window; mx_complex_t *z; fextract_series_t *serie=NULL; serie=series_create(MAX_SERIES); frame = s; last_frame = last_s; window = (mx_real_t *) rs_malloc(sizeof(mx_real_t) * SP_FRAME_LEN, "w"); z = (mx_complex_t *) rs_malloc(sizeof(mx_complex_t) * SP_FRAME_LEN, "z"); n_samples = next_mfcc_frame(frame, NULL, SP_FRAME_LEN, SP_FRAME_RATE, signal,nframes); offset += SP_FRAME_LEN; while (n_samples > 0) { if (n_samples < SP_FRAME_LEN) break; frames++; // FFT: ev. mit prae-emphase und zero-padding /* ... Hamming-Fenstern ... */ dsp_window_hamming(window, frame, SP_FRAME_LEN); for (i = 0; i < SP_FRAME_LEN; i++) { mx_re(z[i]) = window[i]; mx_im(z[i]) = 0.0; } /* FFT */ dsp_xfft(z, SP_FRAME_LEN, 0); series_add(serie,get_CoG(z,SP_FRAME_LEN)); /* ... und naechsten Frame einlesen */ __tmp = last_frame; last_frame = frame; frame = __tmp; n_samples = next_mfcc_frame(frame, last_frame, SP_FRAME_LEN, SP_FRAME_RATE, signal+offset,nframes-offset); offset += SP_FRAME_RATE; } rs_free(window); rs_free(z); return serie; }
bool JPEGVideo::encodeData(const QImage& image,uint32_t /* size_hint */,RsVOIPDataChunk& voip_chunk) { // check if we make a diff image, or if we use the full frame. QImage encoded_frame ; bool differential_frame ; if (_encoded_ref_frame_count++ < _encoded_ref_frame_max_distance && image.size() == _encoded_reference_frame.size() && image.byteCount() == _encoded_reference_frame.byteCount()) { // compute difference with reference frame. encoded_frame = image ; for(int i=0;i<image.byteCount();++i) { // We cannot use basic modulo 256 arithmetic, because the decompressed JPeg frames do not follow the same rules (values are clamped) // and cause color blotches when perturbated by a differential frame. int diff = ( (int)image.bits()[i] - (int)_encoded_reference_frame.bits()[i]) + 128; encoded_frame.bits()[i] = (unsigned char)std::max(0,std::min(255,diff)) ; } differential_frame = true ; } else { _encoded_ref_frame_count = 0 ; _encoded_reference_frame = image.copy() ; encoded_frame = image ; differential_frame = false ; } QByteArray qb ; QBuffer buffer(&qb) ; ;,"JPEG") ; = rs_malloc(HEADER_SIZE + qb.size()); if(! return false ; // build header uint32_t flags = differential_frame ? JPEG_VIDEO_FLAGS_DIFFERENTIAL_FRAME : 0x0 ; ((unsigned char *)[0] = VideoProcessor::VIDEO_PROCESSOR_CODEC_ID_JPEG_VIDEO & 0xff ; ((unsigned char *)[1] = (VideoProcessor::VIDEO_PROCESSOR_CODEC_ID_JPEG_VIDEO >> 8) & 0xff ; ((unsigned char *)[2] = flags & 0xff ; ((unsigned char *)[3] = (flags >> 8) & 0xff ; memcpy(&((unsigned char*)[HEADER_SIZE],,qb.size()) ; voip_chunk.size = HEADER_SIZE + qb.size() ; voip_chunk.type = RsVOIPDataChunk::RS_VOIP_DATA_TYPE_VIDEO ; return true ; }
lsBuffer_t *lsBuffer_init(lsBuffer_t *b, lsBuffer_Copy_t *_copy, lsBuffer_Free_t *_free) { int err; if (!b) b = rs_malloc(sizeof(lsBuffer_t),"lsBuffer"); lsPt_nil(&b->new); lsPt_nil(&b->orig); lsPt_nil(&b->copy); lsInt_nil(&b->status); b->update = 1; if ((err = pthread_mutex_init(&b->mutexNew, NULL)) != 0) { rs_error("lsBuffer_init: error initializing mutex: %d.", err); } if ((err = pthread_mutex_init(&b->mutexOrig, NULL)) != 0) { rs_error("lsBuffer_init: error initializing mutex: %d.", err); } if ((err = pthread_mutex_init(&b->mutexCopy, NULL)) != 0) { rs_error("lsBuffer_init: error initializing mutex: %d.", err); } if (!_copy || !_free) rs_error("lsBuffer_init: no copy or free function specified."); b->_copy = _copy; b->_free = _free; return (b); }
svm_classifier_t *svm_update_classifier(svm_classifier_t *svm, int class_ind, mx_real_t *features) { int i, j, cur; struct svm_problem *prob = &(svm->problem); if (svm->finished) rs_warning("SVM classifier is being updated after training!"); cur=prob->l++; if (prob->l > svm->max_instances) { svm->max_instances += MAX_INSTANCES; prob->x = (struct svm_node **) rs_realloc(prob->x,sizeof(struct svm_node *)*svm->max_instances,"SVM list of instances"); prob->y = (double *) rs_realloc(prob->y,sizeof(double)*svm->max_instances,"SVM number of instances"); } prob->y[cur] = (mx_real_t) class_ind; prob->x[cur]= (struct svm_node *) rs_malloc(sizeof(struct svm_node)*(svm->feature_dim+1),"SVM instance"); for (i=0,j=0;i<svm->feature_dim;i++) { if (features[i]) { prob->x[cur][j].index=i+1; prob->x[cur][j++].value=features[i]; } } prob->x[cur][j].index=-1; return svm; }
char *rs_line_read(FILE *fp, char comment_char) { static char *line = NULL; char *cp; int len, i; /* evtl. Zeilenpuffer erzeugen ... */ if (line == NULL) line = rs_malloc(_line_len * sizeof(char), "line buffer"); /* ... und solange noch Zeilen gelesen werden koennen ... */ while (fgets(line, _line_len, fp) != NULL) { /* ... ggf. '\n' am Zeilenende loeschen ... */ while (line[(len = strlen(line)) - 1] != '\n') { /* ... bei Pufferueberlauf ggf. erweitern ... */ rs_warning("line longer than %d characters read - expanding!", _line_len); /* ... falls ueberlange TEXT-Zeile ... */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (!(isprint(line[i]) || isspace(line[i]))) rs_error("non-printable character '0x%02x' encountered in excess text line!", line[i]); _line_len += RS_LINE_LEN_DEFAULT; line = rs_realloc(line, _line_len * sizeof(char), "extended line buffer"); if (fgets(line + len, _line_len - len, fp) == NULL) { len++; break; } } line[len - 1] = '\0'; /* ... ggf. Kommentare ueberspringen ... */ if (comment_char && line[0] == comment_char) continue; /* ... und am Zeilenende loeschen falls nicht "escaped" ... */ if (comment_char) { cp = line + 1; while (cp = strrchr(cp, comment_char)) { if (cp[-1] != '\\') { *cp = '\0'; break; } } } /* ... und Zeilen mit Inhalt zurueckgeben */ for (cp = line; *cp; cp++) if (!isspace(*cp)) return(line); } /* ... sonst Dateiende signalisieren */ return(NULL); }
naive_bayes_classifier_t *nB_fscan(naive_bayes_classifier_t *nB, char *filename, fx_select_t *sel) { int class_ind, start, end, i; FILE *fp = NULL, *feature_fp = NULL; mx_real_t *features=NULL; char *line=NULL, *token; char *fname =NULL; char *class_name = (char *) rs_malloc(STRING_LENGTH*sizeof(char),"String"); int full_feature_dim=sel?sel->n_features:nB->feature_dim; if (!nB) rs_error("classifier could not be initialised!"); fp = fopen(filename,"r"); if (fp == NULL) { rs_error("Cannot open file %s!",filename); } else { features = (mx_real_t *) rs_calloc(full_feature_dim, sizeof(mx_real_t), "feature vector"); while ((line= (char *) rs_line_read(fp,';'))) { fname = (char *) strtok(line,"\t "); feature_fp = fopen(fname, "r"); if (feature_fp == NULL) { rs_warning("can't open '%s '!", fname); while (getchar() != '\n'); continue; } line+= strlen(fname)+1; if (feature_fp) { for (token = (char *) strtok(line," "); token != NULL; token = (char *) strtok(NULL, " ")) { if (sscanf(token,"%[^[]s",class_name) !=1 ) rs_error("wrong length information for file %s!",fname); token += strlen(class_name); if (sscanf(token,"[%d..%d]",&start,&end) !=2) rs_error("wrong length information for file %s!",fname); for (i=start;i<=end;i++) { if (fread(features,sizeof(mx_real_t),full_feature_dim,feature_fp)!=full_feature_dim) rs_perror("fread stopped after %d elements in file %s -- %d", i, fname, errno); else { if (sel) if ( fx_select_apply(&features,sel,features)!= sel->n_features) rs_error("Feature selection did not succeed!"); class_ind = cl_name2number(&(nB->mapping),class_name,nB->n_classes); nB=nB_update_classifier(nB,class_ind,features); } } } fclose(feature_fp); } } nB_finish_classifier(nB); } fclose(fp); rs_free(class_name); rs_free(features); return nB; }
int pf_anchor_setup(struct pf_rule *r, const struct pf_ruleset *s, const char *name) { char *p, *path; struct pf_ruleset *ruleset; r->anchor = NULL; r->anchor_relative = 0; r->anchor_wildcard = 0; if (!name[0]) return (0); path = (char *)rs_malloc(MAXPATHLEN); if (path == NULL) return (1); if (name[0] == '/') strlcpy(path, name + 1, MAXPATHLEN); else { /* relative path */ r->anchor_relative = 1; if (s->anchor == NULL || !s->anchor->path[0]) path[0] = 0; else strlcpy(path, s->anchor->path, MAXPATHLEN); while (name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.' && name[2] == '/') { if (!path[0]) { DPFPRINTF(LOG_NOTICE, "pf_anchor_setup: .. beyond root"); rs_free(path); return (1); } if ((p = strrchr(path, '/')) != NULL) *p = 0; else path[0] = 0; r->anchor_relative++; name += 3; } if (path[0]) strlcat(path, "/", MAXPATHLEN); strlcat(path, name, MAXPATHLEN); } if ((p = strrchr(path, '/')) != NULL && !strcmp(p, "/*")) { r->anchor_wildcard = 1; *p = 0; } ruleset = pf_find_or_create_ruleset(path); rs_free(path); if (ruleset == NULL || ruleset->anchor == NULL) { DPFPRINTF(LOG_NOTICE, "pf_anchor_setup: ruleset"); return (1); } r->anchor = ruleset->anchor; r->anchor->refcnt++; return (0); }
lsFloat_t * lsFloat_nil(lsFloat_t *il) { if (!il) il = rs_malloc(sizeof(lsFloat_t), "list"); il->list = NULL; il->n_list = 0; il->max_list = 0; return (il); }
int emo_afile_segment(char *file, asegmentation_method_t *method, asegmentation_type_t type, dsp_sample_t ***signal_segment, int **segment_length) { int size=SEGMENT_LENGTH, n_samples=0, n_segments, samples_read; FILE *fp; dsp_sample_t *signal=NULL; dsp_vad_t *Vad; signal = (dsp_sample_t *) rs_malloc(sizeof(dsp_sample_t) * size, "Signal data"); if (!method) method = (asegmentation_method_t *) rs_malloc(sizeof(asegmentation_method_t),"Audio segmentation method"); if (strcmp(file,"-")==0) fp = stdin; else fp = fopen(file,"r"); if (!fp) { rs_warning("Cannot open file %s!",file); return -1; } while ((samples_read =fread(signal+n_samples,sizeof(dsp_sample_t),BLOCKSIZE,fp)) && samples_read >0) { n_samples+=samples_read; if (size <= n_samples) { size +=SEGMENT_LENGTH; signal = (dsp_sample_t *) rs_realloc(signal,sizeof(dsp_sample_t) * size, "Signal data"); } if (samples_read != BLOCKSIZE) break; } fclose(fp); if (type == vad && !method->vad) { Vad = dsp_vad_create(DSP_MK_VERSION(1,0),VAD_FRAME_LEN); method->vad = Vad; } n_segments = emo_asegment(method,type,signal,n_samples,signal_segment,segment_length); if (n_segments == -1) rs_error("Aborting during procession of file %s!",file); rs_free(signal); return n_segments; }
svm_classifier_t *svm_finish_classifier(svm_classifier_t *svm) { int i, j, nr_fold=5, total_correct, best_correct=0, best_c=svm->param.C, best_g=svm->param.gamma; const char *error_msg; double *result = (double *) rs_malloc(sizeof(double)*svm->problem.l,"cross validation result"); rs_msg("Building SVM classifier..."); if (svm->finished) rs_warning("SVM classifier is already trained!"); error_msg = svm_check_parameter(&(svm->problem),&(svm->param)); if(error_msg) rs_error("%s",error_msg); /* Skalierung */ _create_scaling(svm->problem,svm->feature_dim,&(svm->max),&(svm->min)); for (i=0;i<svm->problem.l;i++) _scale_instance(&(svm->problem.x[i]),svm->feature_dim,svm->max,svm->min); /* Cross-Validation, um C und G zu bestimmen bei RBF-Kernel */ if (svm->param.kernel_type == RBF) { svm->param.probability = 0; for (i=0;i<C_G_ITER;i++) { total_correct=0; svm->param.C=pow(2,C[i]); svm->param.gamma=pow(2,G[i]); svm_cross_validation(&(svm->problem),&(svm->param),nr_fold,result); for(j=0;j<svm->problem.l;j++) { if(result[j] == svm->problem.y[j]) ++total_correct; } if (total_correct > best_correct) { best_correct=total_correct; best_c=C[i]; best_g=G[i]; } rs_msg("C-G-Selektion-Iteration # %d: tried c=%g and g=%g => CV rate is %g; current best c=%g and g=%g with CV rate %g",i+1,pow(2,C[i]),pow(2,G[i]),total_correct*100.0/svm->problem.l,pow(2,best_c),pow(2,best_g),best_correct*100.0/svm->problem.l); } /* Training */ svm->param.C=pow(2,best_c); svm->param.gamma=pow(2,best_g); svm->param.probability = 1; } svm->model=svm_train(&(svm->problem),&(svm->param)); svm->finished=1; // @begin_add_johannes rs_free (result); // @end_add_johannes return svm; }
dsp_vad_t *dsp_vad_create(int version, int frame_len) { dsp_vad_t *vad; /* Parameter pruefen ... */ if (frame_len <= 0) return(NULL); /* ... speziellen Datenbereich erzeugen ... */ vad = rs_malloc(sizeof(dsp_vad_t), "VAD configuration data"); /* ... und gemaess Version fuellen ... */ vad->version = version; vad->frame_len = frame_len; vad->state = dsp_vad_no_decision; vad->n_no_va_frames = 0; vad->signal = rs_malloc(sizeof(dsp_sample_t) * vad->frame_len, "VAD frame buffer"); /* optionale Eintraege - noch nicht verfuegbar! */ vad->sigbuf = NULL; vad->ehist = NULL; switch(vad->version) { case DSP_MK_VERSION(1, 0): /* ... Signalpuffer hinzufuegen ... */ vad->sigbuf = dsp_delay_create(V1_0_BUFFER_LEN, sizeof(dsp_sample_t), vad->frame_len); /* ... und begrenztes Energiehistogramm erzeugen */ vad->ehist = mx_histogram_create( V1_0_EHIST_MIN, V1_0_EHIST_MAX, V1_0_EHIST_RES); mx_histogram_limit_set(vad->ehist, V1_0_EHIST_LEN); vad->last_idx = -1; break; default: dsp_vad_destroy(vad); return(NULL); } return(vad); }
btree_t *btree_nil(btree_t *t) { if (!t) { t = (btree_t *) rs_malloc(sizeof(btree_t)); } ls_nil(&t->list); lsPairInt_nil(&t->children); lsInt_nil(&t->parent); return (t); }
/* for numerically stable scalar sum ... */ mx_ssum_t *mx_ssum_create(void) { mx_ssum_t *ssum; /* create emtpy container ... */ ssum = rs_malloc(sizeof(mx_ssum_t), "numerically stable vector sum"); mx_ssum_zero(ssum); return(ssum); }
/* compute mean, maximum, minimum, difference between min & max, variance, median, 1st quartile, 3rd quartile, interquartile range of a list of real values */ int getStatistics(mx_real_t* features, mx_real_t* list,int count) { int i; mx_real_t *_list; mx_real_t mean=0, max=-MX_REAL_MAX, min=MX_REAL_MAX, variance=0; mx_real_t median, quartile_1, quartile_3; if (count==0) { for (i=0;i<STATS;i++) features[i]=0.0; return STATS; } if (count==1) { features[0]=features[1]=features[2]=features[5]=features[6]=features[7]=list[0]; features[3]=features[4]=features[8]=0.0; return STATS; } _list= (mx_real_t *) rs_malloc(count*sizeof(mx_real_t),"statistics list"); for (i=0;i<count;i++) { _list[i]=list[i]; mean+=_list[i]; variance+=mx_sqr(_list[i]); if (_list[i] <min) min=_list[i]; if (_list[i] >max) max=_list[i]; } mean /= count; variance = variance/count - mx_sqr(mean); qsort(_list,count,sizeof(mx_real_t),_cmp_mx_real); median = _list[count/2]; quartile_1 = _list[count/4]; quartile_3 = _list[3*count/4]; features[0] = mean; features[1] = max; features[2] = min; features[3] = max - min; features[4] = variance; features[5] = median; features[6] = quartile_1; features[7] = quartile_3; features[8] = fabs(quartile_3 - quartile_1); rs_free(_list); return STATS; }
lsDouble_t * lsDouble_setConsNil(lsDouble_t * il, double i) { if (!il) return lsDouble_ConsNil(i); if (!il->list) il->list = rs_malloc((il->max_list=LIST_BUF) * sizeof(double), "list item"); il->list[0] = i; il->n_list = 1; return (il); }
lsFloat_t * lsFloat_setConsNil(lsFloat_t * il, float i) { if (!il) return lsFloat_ConsNil(i); if (!il->list) il->list = rs_malloc((il->max_list=LIST_BUF) * sizeof(float), "list item"); il->list[0] = i; il->n_list = 1; return (il); }
/* for numerically stable vector sums ... */ mx_vsum_t *mx_vsum_create(int dim) { mx_vsum_t *vsum; /* create emtpy container ... */ vsum = rs_malloc(sizeof(mx_vsum_t), "numerically stable vector sum"); vsum->dim = dim; vsum->sum = mx_vector_create(vsum->dim); vsum->err = mx_vector_create(vsum->dim); return(vsum); }
struct pf_anchor * pf_find_anchor(const char *path) { struct pf_anchor *key, *found; key = (struct pf_anchor *)rs_malloc(sizeof(*key)); memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key)); strlcpy(key->path, path, sizeof(key->path)); found = RB_FIND(pf_anchor_global, &pf_anchors, key); rs_free(key); return (found); }
list_t * ls_setConsNil(list_t * il, LIST_TYPE i) { if (!il) return ls_ConsNil(i); if (!il->list) il->list = rs_malloc((il->max_list=LIST_BUF) * sizeof(LIST_TYPE), "list item"); il->list[0] = i; il->n_list = 1; return (il); }
svm_classifier_t* svm_new_classifier(int classes, int feature_dim, char *param) { int i; svm_classifier_t *svm_cl = (svm_classifier_t*) rs_malloc(sizeof(svm_classifier_t),"Naive Bayes classifier"); svm_cl->type = svm; svm_cl->n_classes = classes; svm_cl->feature_dim = feature_dim; svm_cl->finished = 0; svm_cl->mapping = (char**) rs_malloc(classes*sizeof(char*),"class name to number mapping"); for (i=0;i<classes;i++) svm_cl->mapping[i] = NULL; svm_cl->max_instances=MAX_INSTANCES; svm_cl->max= (double *) rs_malloc(sizeof(double)*feature_dim,"SVM array of maxima"); svm_cl->min= (double *) rs_malloc(sizeof(double)*feature_dim,"SVM array of minima"); svm_cl->problem.y = (double *) rs_malloc(sizeof(double)*svm_cl->max_instances,"SVM number of instances"); svm_cl->problem.x = (struct svm_node **) rs_malloc(sizeof(struct svm_node*)*svm_cl->max_instances,"SVM list of instances"); svm_cl->problem.l=0; _set_parameters(&(svm_cl->param),param); if (!svm_cl->param.gamma) svm_cl->param.gamma=1.0/svm_cl->feature_dim; return svm_cl; }