Ejemplo n.º 1
gdouble *
rsvg_css_parse_number_list (const char *in_str, guint * out_list_len)
    gchar **string_array;
    gdouble *output;
    guint len, i;

    if (out_list_len)
        *out_list_len = 0;

    string_array = rsvg_css_parse_list (in_str, &len);

    if (!(string_array && len))
        return NULL;

    output = g_new (gdouble, len);

    /* TODO: some error checking */
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
        output[i] = g_ascii_strtod (string_array[i], NULL);

    g_strfreev (string_array);

    if (out_list_len != NULL)
        *out_list_len = len;

    return output;
Ejemplo n.º 2
rsvg_css_parse_aspect_ratio (const char *str)
    char **elems;
    guint nb_elems;

    int ratio = RSVG_ASPECT_RATIO_NONE;

    elems = rsvg_css_parse_list (str, &nb_elems);

    if (elems && nb_elems) {
        guint i;

        for (i = 0; i < nb_elems; i++) {
            if (!strcmp (elems[i], "xMinYMin"))
                ratio = RSVG_ASPECT_RATIO_XMIN_YMIN;
            else if (!strcmp (elems[i], "xMidYMin"))
                ratio = RSVG_ASPECT_RATIO_XMID_YMIN;
            else if (!strcmp (elems[i], "xMaxYMin"))
                ratio = RSVG_ASPECT_RATIO_XMAX_YMIN;
            else if (!strcmp (elems[i], "xMinYMid"))
                ratio = RSVG_ASPECT_RATIO_XMIN_YMID;
            else if (!strcmp (elems[i], "xMidYMid"))
                ratio = RSVG_ASPECT_RATIO_XMID_YMID;
            else if (!strcmp (elems[i], "xMaxYMid"))
                ratio = RSVG_ASPECT_RATIO_XMAX_YMID;
            else if (!strcmp (elems[i], "xMinYMax"))
                ratio = RSVG_ASPECT_RATIO_XMIN_YMAX;
            else if (!strcmp (elems[i], "xMidYMax"))
                ratio = RSVG_ASPECT_RATIO_XMID_YMAX;
            else if (!strcmp (elems[i], "xMaxYMax"))
                ratio = RSVG_ASPECT_RATIO_XMAX_YMAX;
            else if (!strcmp (elems[i], "slice"))
                ratio |= RSVG_ASPECT_RATIO_SLICE;

        g_strfreev (elems);

    return ratio;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * rsvg_css_parse_color:
 * @str: string to parse
 * @inherit: whether to inherit
 * Parse a CSS2 color specifier, return RGB value
 * Returns: and RGB value
rsvg_css_parse_color (const char *str, gboolean * inherit)
    gint val = 0;


    if (str[0] == '#') {
        int i;
        for (i = 1; str[i]; i++) {
            int hexval;
            if (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9')
                hexval = str[i] - '0';
            else if (str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'F')
                hexval = str[i] - 'A' + 10;
            else if (str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'f')
                hexval = str[i] - 'a' + 10;
            val = (val << 4) + hexval;
        /* handle #rgb case */
        if (i == 4) {
            val = ((val & 0xf00) << 8) | ((val & 0x0f0) << 4) | (val & 0x00f);
            val |= val << 4;

        val |= 0xff000000; /* opaque */
    else if (g_str_has_prefix (str, "rgb")) {
        gint r, g, b, a;
        gboolean has_alpha;
        guint nb_toks;
        char **toks;

        r = g = b = 0;
        a = 255;

        if (str[3] == 'a') {
            /* "rgba" */
            has_alpha = TRUE;
            str += 4;
        else {
            /* "rgb" */
            has_alpha = FALSE;
            str += 3;

        str = strchr (str, '(');
        if (str == NULL)
          return val;

        toks = rsvg_css_parse_list (str + 1, &nb_toks);

        if (toks) {
            if (nb_toks == (has_alpha ? 4 : 3)) {
                r = rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (toks[0], 255.0);
                g = rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (toks[1], 255.0);
                b = rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (toks[2], 255.0);
                if (has_alpha)
                    a = rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (toks[3], 1.0);
                    a = 255;

            g_strfreev (toks);

        val = PACK_RGBA (r, g, b, a);
    } else if (!strcmp (str, "inherit"))
        UNSETINHERIT ();
    else {
        CRRgb rgb;

        if (cr_rgb_set_from_name (&rgb, (const guchar *) str) == CR_OK) {
            val = PACK_RGB (rgb.red, rgb.green, rgb.blue);
        } else {
            /* default to opaque black on failed lookup */
            UNSETINHERIT ();
            val = PACK_RGB (0, 0, 0);

    return val;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Parse a CSS2 color specifier, return RGB value
rsvg_css_parse_color (const char *str, gboolean * inherit)
    gint val = 0;


    if (str[0] == '#') {
        int i;
        for (i = 1; str[i]; i++) {
            int hexval;
            if (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9')
                hexval = str[i] - '0';
            else if (str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'F')
                hexval = str[i] - 'A' + 10;
            else if (str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'f')
                hexval = str[i] - 'a' + 10;
            val = (val << 4) + hexval;
        /* handle #rgb case */
        if (i == 4) {
            val = ((val & 0xf00) << 8) | ((val & 0x0f0) << 4) | (val & 0x00f);
            val |= val << 4;
    /* i want to use g_str_has_prefix but it isn't in my gstrfuncs.h?? */
    else if (strstr (str, "rgb") != NULL) {
        gint r, g, b;
        r = g = b = 0;

        if (strstr (str, "%") != 0) {
            guint i, nb_toks;
            char **toks;

            /* assume rgb (9%, 100%, 23%) */
            for (i = 0; str[i] != '('; i++);


            toks = rsvg_css_parse_list (str + i, &nb_toks);

            if (toks) {
                if (nb_toks == 3) {
                    r = rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (g_ascii_strtod (toks[0], NULL));
                    g = rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (g_ascii_strtod (toks[1], NULL));
                    b = rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (g_ascii_strtod (toks[2], NULL));

                g_strfreev (toks);
        } else {
            /* assume "rgb (r, g, b)" */
            if (3 == sscanf (str, " rgb ( %d , %d , %d ) ", &r, &g, &b)) {
                r = rsvg_css_clip_rgb (r);
                g = rsvg_css_clip_rgb (g);
                b = rsvg_css_clip_rgb (b);
            } else
                r = g = b = 0;

        val = PACK_RGB (r, g, b);
    } else if (!strcmp (str, "inherit"))
        UNSETINHERIT ();
    else {
        static const ColorPair color_list[] = {
            {"aliceblue", PACK_RGB (240, 248, 255)},
            {"antiquewhite", PACK_RGB (250, 235, 215)},
            {"aqua", PACK_RGB (0, 255, 255)},
            {"aquamarine", PACK_RGB (127, 255, 212)},
            {"azure", PACK_RGB (240, 255, 255)},
            {"beige", PACK_RGB (245, 245, 220)},
            {"bisque", PACK_RGB (255, 228, 196)},
            {"black", PACK_RGB (0, 0, 0)},
            {"blanchedalmond", PACK_RGB (255, 235, 205)},
            {"blue", PACK_RGB (0, 0, 255)},
            {"blueviolet", PACK_RGB (138, 43, 226)},
            {"brown", PACK_RGB (165, 42, 42)},
            {"burlywood", PACK_RGB (222, 184, 135)},
            {"cadetblue", PACK_RGB (95, 158, 160)},
            {"chartreuse", PACK_RGB (127, 255, 0)},
            {"chocolate", PACK_RGB (210, 105, 30)},
            {"coral", PACK_RGB (255, 127, 80)},
            {"cornflowerblue", PACK_RGB (100, 149, 237)},
            {"cornsilk", PACK_RGB (255, 248, 220)},
            {"crimson", PACK_RGB (220, 20, 60)},
            {"cyan", PACK_RGB (0, 255, 255)},
            {"darkblue", PACK_RGB (0, 0, 139)},
            {"darkcyan", PACK_RGB (0, 139, 139)},
            {"darkgoldenrod", PACK_RGB (184, 132, 11)},
            {"darkgray", PACK_RGB (169, 169, 169)},
            {"darkgreen", PACK_RGB (0, 100, 0)},
            {"darkgrey", PACK_RGB (169, 169, 169)},
            {"darkkhaki", PACK_RGB (189, 183, 107)},
            {"darkmagenta", PACK_RGB (139, 0, 139)},
            {"darkolivegreen", PACK_RGB (85, 107, 47)},
            {"darkorange", PACK_RGB (255, 140, 0)},
            {"darkorchid", PACK_RGB (153, 50, 204)},
            {"darkred", PACK_RGB (139, 0, 0)},
            {"darksalmon", PACK_RGB (233, 150, 122)},
            {"darkseagreen", PACK_RGB (143, 188, 143)},
            {"darkslateblue", PACK_RGB (72, 61, 139)},
            {"darkslategray", PACK_RGB (47, 79, 79)},
            {"darkslategrey", PACK_RGB (47, 79, 79)},
            {"darkturquoise", PACK_RGB (0, 206, 209)},
            {"darkviolet", PACK_RGB (148, 0, 211)},
            {"deeppink", PACK_RGB (255, 20, 147)},
            {"deepskyblue", PACK_RGB (0, 191, 255)},
            {"dimgray", PACK_RGB (105, 105, 105)},
            {"dimgrey", PACK_RGB (105, 105, 105)},
            {"dodgerblue", PACK_RGB (30, 144, 255)},
            {"firebrick", PACK_RGB (178, 34, 34)},
            {"floralwhite", PACK_RGB (255, 255, 240)},
            {"forestgreen", PACK_RGB (34, 139, 34)},
            {"fuchsia", PACK_RGB (255, 0, 255)},
            {"gainsboro", PACK_RGB (220, 220, 220)},
            {"ghostwhite", PACK_RGB (248, 248, 255)},
            {"gold", PACK_RGB (255, 215, 0)},
            {"goldenrod", PACK_RGB (218, 165, 32)},
            {"gray", PACK_RGB (128, 128, 128)},
            {"green", PACK_RGB (0, 128, 0)},
            {"greenyellow", PACK_RGB (173, 255, 47)},
            {"grey", PACK_RGB (128, 128, 128)},
            {"honeydew", PACK_RGB (240, 255, 240)},
            {"hotpink", PACK_RGB (255, 105, 180)},
            {"indianred", PACK_RGB (205, 92, 92)},
            {"indigo", PACK_RGB (75, 0, 130)},
            {"ivory", PACK_RGB (255, 255, 240)},
            {"khaki", PACK_RGB (240, 230, 140)},
            {"lavender", PACK_RGB (230, 230, 250)},
            {"lavenderblush", PACK_RGB (255, 240, 245)},
            {"lawngreen", PACK_RGB (124, 252, 0)},
            {"lemonchiffon", PACK_RGB (255, 250, 205)},
            {"lightblue", PACK_RGB (173, 216, 230)},
            {"lightcoral", PACK_RGB (240, 128, 128)},
            {"lightcyan", PACK_RGB (224, 255, 255)},
            {"lightgoldenrodyellow", PACK_RGB (250, 250, 210)},
            {"lightgray", PACK_RGB (211, 211, 211)},
            {"lightgreen", PACK_RGB (144, 238, 144)},
            {"lightgrey", PACK_RGB (211, 211, 211)},
            {"lightpink", PACK_RGB (255, 182, 193)},
            {"lightsalmon", PACK_RGB (255, 160, 122)},
            {"lightseagreen", PACK_RGB (32, 178, 170)},
            {"lightskyblue", PACK_RGB (135, 206, 250)},
            {"lightslategray", PACK_RGB (119, 136, 153)},
            {"lightslategrey", PACK_RGB (119, 136, 153)},
            {"lightsteelblue", PACK_RGB (176, 196, 222)},
            {"lightyellow", PACK_RGB (255, 255, 224)},
            {"lime", PACK_RGB (0, 255, 0)},
            {"limegreen", PACK_RGB (50, 205, 50)},
            {"linen", PACK_RGB (250, 240, 230)},
            {"magenta", PACK_RGB (255, 0, 255)},
            {"maroon", PACK_RGB (128, 0, 0)},
            {"mediumaquamarine", PACK_RGB (102, 205, 170)},
            {"mediumblue", PACK_RGB (0, 0, 205)},
            {"mediumorchid", PACK_RGB (186, 85, 211)},
            {"mediumpurple", PACK_RGB (147, 112, 219)},
            {"mediumseagreen", PACK_RGB (60, 179, 113)},
            {"mediumslateblue", PACK_RGB (123, 104, 238)},
            {"mediumspringgreen", PACK_RGB (0, 250, 154)},
            {"mediumturquoise", PACK_RGB (72, 209, 204)},
            {"mediumvioletred", PACK_RGB (199, 21, 133)},
            {"midnightblue", PACK_RGB (25, 25, 112)},
            {"mintcream", PACK_RGB (245, 255, 250)},
            {"mistyrose", PACK_RGB (255, 228, 225)},
            {"moccasin", PACK_RGB (255, 228, 181)},
            {"navajowhite", PACK_RGB (255, 222, 173)},
            {"navy", PACK_RGB (0, 0, 128)},
            {"oldlace", PACK_RGB (253, 245, 230)},
            {"olive", PACK_RGB (128, 128, 0)},
            {"olivedrab", PACK_RGB (107, 142, 35)},
            {"orange", PACK_RGB (255, 165, 0)},
            {"orangered", PACK_RGB (255, 69, 0)},
            {"orchid", PACK_RGB (218, 112, 214)},
            {"palegoldenrod", PACK_RGB (238, 232, 170)},
            {"palegreen", PACK_RGB (152, 251, 152)},
            {"paleturquoise", PACK_RGB (175, 238, 238)},
            {"palevioletred", PACK_RGB (219, 112, 147)},
            {"papayawhip", PACK_RGB (255, 239, 213)},
            {"peachpuff", PACK_RGB (255, 218, 185)},
            {"peru", PACK_RGB (205, 133, 63)},
            {"pink", PACK_RGB (255, 192, 203)},
            {"plum", PACK_RGB (221, 160, 203)},
            {"powderblue", PACK_RGB (176, 224, 230)},
            {"purple", PACK_RGB (128, 0, 128)},
            {"red", PACK_RGB (255, 0, 0)},
            {"rosybrown", PACK_RGB (188, 143, 143)},
            {"royalblue", PACK_RGB (65, 105, 225)},
            {"saddlebrown", PACK_RGB (139, 69, 19)},
            {"salmon", PACK_RGB (250, 128, 114)},
            {"sandybrown", PACK_RGB (244, 164, 96)},
            {"seagreen", PACK_RGB (46, 139, 87)},
            {"seashell", PACK_RGB (255, 245, 238)},
            {"sienna", PACK_RGB (160, 82, 45)},
            {"silver", PACK_RGB (192, 192, 192)},
            {"skyblue", PACK_RGB (135, 206, 235)},
            {"slateblue", PACK_RGB (106, 90, 205)},
            {"slategray", PACK_RGB (119, 128, 144)},
            {"slategrey", PACK_RGB (119, 128, 144)},
            {"snow", PACK_RGB (255, 255, 250)},
            {"springgreen", PACK_RGB (0, 255, 127)},
            {"steelblue", PACK_RGB (70, 130, 180)},
            {"tan", PACK_RGB (210, 180, 140)},
            {"teal", PACK_RGB (0, 128, 128)},
            {"thistle", PACK_RGB (216, 191, 216)},
            {"tomato", PACK_RGB (255, 99, 71)},
            {"turquoise", PACK_RGB (64, 224, 208)},
            {"violet", PACK_RGB (238, 130, 238)},
            {"wheat", PACK_RGB (245, 222, 179)},
            {"white", PACK_RGB (255, 255, 255)},
            {"whitesmoke", PACK_RGB (245, 245, 245)},
            {"yellow", PACK_RGB (255, 255, 0)},
            {"yellowgreen", PACK_RGB (154, 205, 50)}

        ColorPair *result = bsearch (str, color_list,
                                     sizeof (color_list) / sizeof (color_list[0]),
                                     sizeof (ColorPair),

        /* default to black on failed lookup */
        if (result == NULL) {
            UNSETINHERIT ();
            val = 0;
        } else
            val = result->rgb;

    return val;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Parse a CSS2 color specifier, return RGB value
rsvg_css_parse_color (const char *str, gboolean * inherit)
    gint val = 0;


    if (str[0] == '#') {
        int i;
        for (i = 1; str[i]; i++) {
            int hexval;
            if (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9')
                hexval = str[i] - '0';
            else if (str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'F')
                hexval = str[i] - 'A' + 10;
            else if (str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'f')
                hexval = str[i] - 'a' + 10;
            val = (val << 4) + hexval;
        /* handle #rgb case */
        if (i == 4) {
            val = ((val & 0xf00) << 8) | ((val & 0x0f0) << 4) | (val & 0x00f);
            val |= val << 4;
    /* i want to use g_str_has_prefix but it isn't in my gstrfuncs.h?? */
    else if (strstr (str, "rgb") != NULL) {
        gint r, g, b;
        r = g = b = 0;

        if (strstr (str, "%") != 0) {
            guint i, nb_toks;
            char **toks;

            /* assume rgb (9%, 100%, 23%) */
            for (i = 0; str[i] != '('; i++);


            toks = rsvg_css_parse_list (str + i, &nb_toks);

            if (toks) {
                if (nb_toks == 3) {
                    r = rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (g_ascii_strtod (toks[0], NULL));
                    g = rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (g_ascii_strtod (toks[1], NULL));
                    b = rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (g_ascii_strtod (toks[2], NULL));

                g_strfreev (toks);
        } else {
            /* assume "rgb (r, g, b)" */
            if (3 == sscanf (str, " rgb ( %d , %d , %d ) ", &r, &g, &b)) {
                r = rsvg_css_clip_rgb (r);
                g = rsvg_css_clip_rgb (g);
                b = rsvg_css_clip_rgb (b);
            } else
                r = g = b = 0;

        val = PACK_RGB (r, g, b);
    } else if (!strcmp (str, "inherit"))
        UNSETINHERIT ();
    else {
        CRRgb rgb;

        if (cr_rgb_set_from_name (&rgb, (const guchar *) str) == CR_OK) {
            val = PACK_RGB (rgb.red, rgb.green, rgb.blue);
        } else {
            /* default to black on failed lookup */
            UNSETINHERIT ();
            val = 0;

    return val;