Ejemplo n.º 1
static rt_raster fillRasterToPolygonize(int hasnodata, double nodataval) {
	rt_band band = NULL;
	rt_pixtype pixtype = PT_32BF;

	/* Create raster */
	uint16_t width = 9;
	uint16_t height = 9;

	rt_raster raster = rt_raster_new(width, height);
	rt_raster_set_scale(raster, 1, 1);

	band = cu_add_band(raster, pixtype, hasnodata, nodataval);
	CU_ASSERT(band != NULL);

		int x, y;
		for (x = 0; x < rt_band_get_width(band); ++x)
			for (y = 0; y < rt_band_get_height(band); ++y)
				rt_band_set_pixel(band, x, y, 0.0, NULL);

	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 3, 1, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 4, 1, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 5, 1, 2.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 2, 2, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 3, 2, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 4, 2, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 5, 2, 2.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 6, 2, 2.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 1, 3, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 2, 3, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 6, 3, 2.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 7, 3, 2.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 1, 4, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 2, 4, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 6, 4, 2.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 7, 4, 2.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 1, 5, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 2, 5, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 6, 5, 2.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 7, 5, 2.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 2, 6, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 3, 6, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 4, 6, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 5, 6, 2.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 6, 6, 2.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 3, 7, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 4, 7, 1.8, NULL);
	rt_band_set_pixel(band, 5, 7, 2.8, NULL);

	return raster;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Returns new band with values reclassified
 * @param srcband : the band who's values will be reclassified
 * @param pixtype : pixel type of the new band
 * @param hasnodata : indicates if the band has a nodata value
 * @param nodataval : nodata value for the new band
 * @param exprset : array of rt_reclassexpr structs
 * @param exprcount : number of elements in expr
 * @return a new rt_band or NULL on error
	rt_band srcband, rt_pixtype pixtype,
	uint32_t hasnodata, double nodataval,
	rt_reclassexpr *exprset, int exprcount
) {
	rt_band band = NULL;
	uint32_t width = 0;
	uint32_t height = 0;
	int numval = 0;
	int memsize = 0;
	void *mem = NULL;
	uint32_t src_hasnodata = 0;
	double src_nodataval = 0.0;
	int isnodata = 0;

	int rtn;
	uint32_t x;
	uint32_t y;
	int i;
	double or = 0;
	double ov = 0;
	double nr = 0;
	double nv = 0;
	int do_nv = 0;
	rt_reclassexpr expr = NULL;

	assert(NULL != srcband);
	assert(NULL != exprset && exprcount > 0);
	RASTER_DEBUGF(4, "exprcount = %d", exprcount);
	RASTER_DEBUGF(4, "exprset @ %p", exprset);

	/* source nodata */
	src_hasnodata = rt_band_get_hasnodata_flag(srcband);
	if (src_hasnodata)
		rt_band_get_nodata(srcband, &src_nodataval);

	/* size of memory block to allocate */
	width = rt_band_get_width(srcband);
	height = rt_band_get_height(srcband);
	numval = width * height;
	memsize = rt_pixtype_size(pixtype) * numval;
	mem = (int *) rtalloc(memsize);
	if (!mem) {
		rterror("rt_band_reclass: Could not allocate memory for band");
		return 0;

	/* initialize to zero */
	if (!hasnodata) {
		memset(mem, 0, memsize);
	/* initialize to nodataval */
	else {
		int32_t checkvalint = 0;
		uint32_t checkvaluint = 0;
		double checkvaldouble = 0;
		float checkvalfloat = 0;

		switch (pixtype) {
			case PT_1BB:
				uint8_t *ptr = mem;
				uint8_t clamped_initval = rt_util_clamp_to_1BB(nodataval);
				for (i = 0; i < numval; i++)
					ptr[i] = clamped_initval;
				checkvalint = ptr[0];
			case PT_2BUI:
				uint8_t *ptr = mem;
				uint8_t clamped_initval = rt_util_clamp_to_2BUI(nodataval);
				for (i = 0; i < numval; i++)
					ptr[i] = clamped_initval;
				checkvalint = ptr[0];
			case PT_4BUI:
				uint8_t *ptr = mem;
				uint8_t clamped_initval = rt_util_clamp_to_4BUI(nodataval);
				for (i = 0; i < numval; i++)
					ptr[i] = clamped_initval;
				checkvalint = ptr[0];
			case PT_8BSI:
				int8_t *ptr = mem;
				int8_t clamped_initval = rt_util_clamp_to_8BSI(nodataval);
				for (i = 0; i < numval; i++)
					ptr[i] = clamped_initval;
				checkvalint = ptr[0];
			case PT_8BUI:
				uint8_t *ptr = mem;
				uint8_t clamped_initval = rt_util_clamp_to_8BUI(nodataval);
				for (i = 0; i < numval; i++)
					ptr[i] = clamped_initval;
				checkvalint = ptr[0];
			case PT_16BSI:
				int16_t *ptr = mem;
				int16_t clamped_initval = rt_util_clamp_to_16BSI(nodataval);
				for (i = 0; i < numval; i++)
					ptr[i] = clamped_initval;
				checkvalint = ptr[0];
			case PT_16BUI:
				uint16_t *ptr = mem;
				uint16_t clamped_initval = rt_util_clamp_to_16BUI(nodataval);
				for (i = 0; i < numval; i++)
					ptr[i] = clamped_initval;
				checkvalint = ptr[0];
			case PT_32BSI:
				int32_t *ptr = mem;
				int32_t clamped_initval = rt_util_clamp_to_32BSI(nodataval);
				for (i = 0; i < numval; i++)
					ptr[i] = clamped_initval;
				checkvalint = ptr[0];
			case PT_32BUI:
				uint32_t *ptr = mem;
				uint32_t clamped_initval = rt_util_clamp_to_32BUI(nodataval);
				for (i = 0; i < numval; i++)
					ptr[i] = clamped_initval;
				checkvaluint = ptr[0];
			case PT_32BF:
				float *ptr = mem;
				float clamped_initval = rt_util_clamp_to_32F(nodataval);
				for (i = 0; i < numval; i++)
					ptr[i] = clamped_initval;
				checkvalfloat = ptr[0];
			case PT_64BF:
				double *ptr = mem;
				for (i = 0; i < numval; i++)
					ptr[i] = nodataval;
				checkvaldouble = ptr[0];
				rterror("rt_band_reclass: Unknown pixeltype %d", pixtype);
				return 0;

		/* Overflow checking */
			checkvalint, checkvaluint,
			checkvalfloat, checkvaldouble,
	RASTER_DEBUGF(3, "rt_band_reclass: width = %d height = %d", width, height);

	band = rt_band_new_inline(width, height, pixtype, hasnodata, nodataval, mem);
	if (!band) {
		rterror("rt_band_reclass: Could not create new band");
		return 0;
	rt_band_set_ownsdata_flag(band, 1); /* we DO own this data!!! */
	RASTER_DEBUGF(3, "rt_band_reclass: new band @ %p", band);

	for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
		for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
			rtn = rt_band_get_pixel(srcband, x, y, &ov, &isnodata);

			/* error getting value, skip */
			if (rtn != ES_NONE) {
				RASTER_DEBUGF(3, "Cannot get value at %d, %d", x, y);
			RASTER_DEBUGF(4, "(x, y, ov, isnodata) = (%d, %d, %f, %d)", x, y, ov, isnodata);

			do {
				do_nv = 0;

				/* no data*/
				if (hasnodata && isnodata) {
					do_nv = 1;

				for (i = 0; i < exprcount; i++) {
					expr = exprset[i];

					/* ov matches min and max*/
					if (
						FLT_EQ(expr->src.min, ov) &&
						FLT_EQ(expr->src.max, ov)
					) {
						do_nv = 1;

					/* process min */
					if ((
						expr->src.exc_min && (
							expr->src.min > ov ||
							FLT_EQ(expr->src.min, ov)
						)) || (
						expr->src.inc_min && (
							expr->src.min < ov ||
							FLT_EQ(expr->src.min, ov)
						)) || (
						expr->src.min < ov
					)) {
						/* process max */
						if ((
							expr->src.exc_max && (
								ov > expr->src.max ||
								FLT_EQ(expr->src.max, ov)
							)) || (
								expr->src.inc_max && (
								ov < expr->src.max ||
								FLT_EQ(expr->src.max, ov)
							)) || (
							ov < expr->src.max
						)) {
							do_nv = 1;
			while (0);

			/* no expression matched, do not continue */
			if (!do_nv) continue;
			RASTER_DEBUGF(3, "Using exprset[%d] unless NODATA", i);

			/* converting a value from one range to another range
			OldRange = (OldMax - OldMin)
			NewRange = (NewMax - NewMin)
			NewValue = (((OldValue - OldMin) * NewRange) / OldRange) + NewMin

			/* NODATA */
			if (hasnodata && isnodata) {
				nv = nodataval;
				"src" min and max is the same, prevent division by zero
				set nv to "dst" min, which should be the same as "dst" max
			else if (FLT_EQ(expr->src.max, expr->src.min)) {
				nv = expr->dst.min;
			else {
				or = expr->src.max - expr->src.min;
				nr = expr->dst.max - expr->dst.min;
				nv = (((ov - expr->src.min) * nr) / or) + expr->dst.min;

				/* if dst range is from high to low */
				if (expr->dst.min > expr->dst.max) {
					if (nv > expr->dst.min)
						nv = expr->dst.min;
					else if (nv < expr->dst.max)
						nv = expr->dst.max;
				/* if dst range is from low to high */
				else {
					if (nv < expr->dst.min)
						nv = expr->dst.min;
					else if (nv > expr->dst.max)
						nv = expr->dst.max;

			/* round the value for integers */
			switch (pixtype) {
				case PT_1BB:
				case PT_2BUI:
				case PT_4BUI:
				case PT_8BSI:
				case PT_8BUI:
				case PT_16BSI:
				case PT_16BUI:
				case PT_32BSI:
				case PT_32BUI:
					nv = round(nv);

			RASTER_DEBUGF(4, "(%d, %d) ov: %f or: %f - %f nr: %f - %f nv: %f"
				, x
				, y
				, ov
				, (NULL != expr) ? expr->src.min : 0
				, (NULL != expr) ? expr->src.max : 0
				, (NULL != expr) ? expr->dst.min : 0
				, (NULL != expr) ? expr->dst.max : 0
				, nv
			if (rt_band_set_pixel(band, x, y, nv, NULL) != ES_NONE) {
				rterror("rt_band_reclass: Could not assign value to new band");
				return 0;

			expr = NULL;

	return band;