Ejemplo n.º 1
ECRTData::ECRTData() {

	rt_mutex_create(&(this->mutex), NULL);
	rt_mutex_create(&(this->mutexBuffer), NULL);
	rt_cond_create(&(this->freeCond), NULL);

	rt_task_create(&(this->ecThread), NULL, 0, 99, T_JOINABLE);
	rt_task_create(&(this->frThread), NULL, 0, 99, T_JOINABLE);
	rt_task_create(&(this->statusThread), NULL, 0, 99, T_JOINABLE);
	rt_task_create(&(this->supervisorThread), NULL, 0, 99, T_JOINABLE);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Init Mutex, Semaphores and Condition variable
void TimerInit(void)
  	int ret = 0;
  	char taskname[32];

	// lock process in to RAM
  	//mlockall(MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE);

  	snprintf(taskname, sizeof(taskname), "S1-%d", current->pid);
	rt_sem_create(&CanFestival_mutex, taskname, 1, S_FIFO);

  	snprintf(taskname, sizeof(taskname), "S2-%d", current->pid);
  	rt_sem_create(&control_task, taskname, 0, S_FIFO);

  	snprintf(taskname, sizeof(taskname), "M1-%d", current->pid);
  	rt_mutex_create(&condition_mutex, taskname);

  	snprintf(taskname, sizeof(taskname), "C1-%d", current->pid);
  	rt_cond_create(&timer_set, taskname);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(void)
	unsigned long long before;
	RT_ALARM nalrm;
	RT_BUFFER nbuf;
	RT_COND ncond;
	RT_EVENT nevt;
	RT_HEAP nheap;
	RT_MUTEX nmtx;
	RT_PIPE npipe;
	RT_SEM nsem;
	RT_TASK ntsk;
	int failed = 0;



	rt_fprintf(stderr, "Checking for leaks in native skin services\n");
	before = get_used();
	check_native(rt_alarm_create(&nalrm, NULL));
	check_used("alarm", before, failed);

	before = get_used();
	check_native(rt_buffer_create(&nbuf, NULL, 16384, B_PRIO));
	check_used("buffer", before, failed);

	before = get_used();
	check_native(rt_cond_create(&ncond, NULL));
	check_used("cond", before, failed);

	before = get_used();
	check_native(rt_event_create(&nevt, NULL, 0, EV_PRIO));
	check_used("event", before, failed);

	before = get_used();
	check_native(rt_heap_create(&nheap, "heap", 16384, H_PRIO | H_SHARED));
	check_used("heap", before, failed);

	before = get_used();
	check_native(rt_mutex_create(&nmtx, NULL));
	check_used("mutex", before, failed);

	before = get_used();
	check_native(rt_pipe_create(&npipe, NULL, P_MINOR_AUTO, 0));
	check_used("pipe", before, failed);

	before = get_used();
	check_native(rt_queue_create(&nq, "queue", 16384, Q_UNLIMITED, Q_PRIO));
	check_used("queue", before, failed);

	before = get_used();
	check_native(rt_sem_create(&nsem, NULL, 0, S_PRIO));
	check_used("sem", before, failed);

	before = get_used();
	check_native(rt_task_spawn(&ntsk, NULL, 0, 1, T_JOINABLE, empty, NULL));
	sleep(1);		/* Leave some time for xnheap
				 * deferred free */
	check_used("task", before, failed);

	return failed ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int cond_wait_until(cond_t *cond, mutex_t *mutex, unsigned long long date)
	struct timespec ts = {
		.tv_sec = date / NS_PER_S,
		.tv_nsec = date % NS_PER_S,

	return -pthread_cond_timedwait(cond, mutex, &ts);
#define cond_destroy(cond) (-pthread_cond_destroy(cond))

int thread_msleep(unsigned ms)
	struct timespec ts = {
		.tv_sec = (ms * NS_PER_MS) / NS_PER_S,
		.tv_nsec = (ms * NS_PER_MS) % NS_PER_S,

	return -nanosleep(&ts, NULL);

int thread_spawn(thread_t *thread, int prio,
		 void *(*handler)(void *cookie), void *cookie)
	struct sched_param param;
	pthread_attr_t tattr;
	int err;

	pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&tattr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
	pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&tattr, SCHED_FIFO);
	param.sched_priority = prio;
	pthread_attr_setschedparam(&tattr, &param);
	pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&tattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
	pthread_attr_setstacksize(&tattr, xeno_stacksize(0));

	err = pthread_create(thread, &tattr, handler, cookie);


	return -err;
#define thread_yield() sched_yield()
#define thread_kill(thread, sig) (-__real_pthread_kill(thread, sig))
#define thread_self() pthread_self()
#define thread_join(thread) (-pthread_join(thread, NULL))

#else /* __NATIVE_SKIN__ */
typedef RT_MUTEX mutex_t;
typedef RT_TASK *thread_t;
typedef RT_COND cond_t;

#define timer_read() rt_timer_read()

int __mutex_init(mutex_t *mutex, const char *name, int type, int pi)
		return -EINVAL;

	return -rt_mutex_create(mutex, name);
#define mutex_init(mutex, type, pi) __mutex_init(mutex, #mutex, type, pi)
#define mutex_destroy(mutex) rt_mutex_delete(mutex)
#define mutex_lock(mutex) rt_mutex_acquire(mutex, TM_INFINITE)
#define mutex_unlock(mutex) rt_mutex_release(mutex)

int __cond_init(cond_t *cond, const char *name, int absolute)
	return rt_cond_create(cond, name);
#define cond_init(cond, absolute) __cond_init(cond, #cond, absolute)
#define cond_signal(cond) rt_cond_signal(cond)
#define cond_wait(cond, mutex, ns) rt_cond_wait(cond, mutex, (RTIME)ns)
#define cond_wait_until(cond, mutex, ns) \
	rt_cond_wait_until(cond, mutex, (RTIME)ns)
#define cond_destroy(cond) rt_cond_delete(cond)

#define thread_self() rt_task_self()
#define thread_msleep(ms) rt_task_sleep((RTIME)ms * NS_PER_MS)
thread_spawn_inner(thread_t *thread, const char *name,
		   int prio, void *(*handler)(void *), void *cookie)
	thread_t tcb;
	int err;

	tcb = malloc(sizeof(*tcb));
	if (!tcb)
		return -ENOSPC;

	err = rt_task_spawn(tcb, name, 0, prio, T_JOINABLE,
			    (void (*)(void *))handler, cookie);
	if (!err)
		*thread = tcb;

	return err;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void __po_hi_gqueue_init (__po_hi_task_id       id,
                          __po_hi_uint8_t       nb_ports,
                          __po_hi_port_t        queue[],
                          __po_hi_int8_t        sizes[],
                          __po_hi_uint8_t       first[],
                          __po_hi_uint8_t       offsets[],
                          __po_hi_uint8_t       woffsets[],
                          __po_hi_uint8_t       n_dest[],
                          __po_hi_port_t*       destinations[],
                          __po_hi_uint8_t       used_size[],
                          __po_hi_local_port_t  history[],
                          __po_hi_request_t     recent[],
                          __po_hi_uint8_t       empties[],
                          __po_hi_uint16_t      total_fifo_size)
   __po_hi_uint8_t      tmp;
   __po_hi_uint16_t     off;
   __po_hi_request_t*   request;
   int err;

#if defined (RTEMS_PURE)
   rtems_status_code    ret;
#elif defined (XENO_NATIVE)
   int                  ret;

   __po_hi_gqueues_global_history_woffset[id] = 0;
   __po_hi_gqueues_global_history_offset[id] = 0;

   __po_hi_gqueues_n_empty[id] = nb_ports;
   __po_hi_gqueues[id] = queue;
   __po_hi_gqueues_most_recent_values[id] = recent;
   __po_hi_gqueues_global_history[id] = history;
   __po_hi_gqueues_woffsets[id] = woffsets;

   __po_hi_gqueues_port_is_empty[id] = empties;

   __po_hi_gqueues_nb_ports[id] = nb_ports;
   __po_hi_gqueues_sizes[id] = sizes;
   __po_hi_gqueues_first[id] = first;
   __po_hi_gqueues_used_size[id] = used_size;

   __po_hi_gqueues_offsets[id]            = offsets;
   __po_hi_gqueues_n_destinations[id]     = n_dest;
   __po_hi_gqueues_destinations[id]       = destinations;
   __po_hi_gqueues_total_fifo_size[id]    = total_fifo_size;

   __po_hi_gqueues_queue_is_empty[id] = 1;

#if defined (RTEMS_POSIX) || defined (POSIX) || defined (XENO_POSIX)
   err = pthread_mutexattr_init (&__po_hi_gqueues_mutexes_attr[id]);
   __DEBUGMSG("MUTEX_INIT %d %d\n", id, err);
   err = pthread_condattr_init (&__po_hi_gqueues_conds_attr[id]);
   __DEBUGMSG("MUTEX_INIT %d %d\n", id, err);
#if defined (POSIX) || defined (XENO_POSIX)
   // XXX disabled for OS X

#ifndef __MACH__ // OS X bugs on this attribute
   err = pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&__po_hi_gqueues_mutexes_attr[id],PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);
   __DEBUGMSG("MUTEX_INIT %d\n", err);
   err = pthread_mutex_init (&__po_hi_gqueues_mutexes[id], &__po_hi_gqueues_mutexes_attr[id]);
   __DEBUGMSG("MUTEX_INIT %d %d\n", id, err);
   err = pthread_cond_init (&__po_hi_gqueues_conds[id], &__po_hi_gqueues_conds_attr[id]);
   __DEBUGMSG("COND_INIT %d %d\n", id, err);

   __PO_HI_DEBUG_INFO ("[GQUEUE] Create semaphore for queue of task %d\n", id);
   ret = rtems_semaphore_create (rtems_build_name ('G', 'S', 'E' , 'A' + (char) id), 1, RTEMS_BINARY_SEMAPHORE, __PO_HI_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, &(__po_hi_gqueues_semaphores[id]));
   if (ret != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)
      __PO_HI_DEBUG_CRITICAL ("[GQUEUE] Cannot create semaphore, error code=%d\n", ret);

   __PO_HI_DEBUG_INFO ("[GQUEUE] Create barrier for queue of task %d\n", id);
   ret = rtems_barrier_create (rtems_build_name ('G', 'S', 'I' , 'A' + (char) id),RTEMS_BARRIER_AUTOMATIC_RELEASE , 10, &(__po_hi_gqueues_barriers[id]));
   if (ret != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)
      __PO_HI_DEBUG_CRITICAL ("[GQUEUE] Cannot create barrier, error code=%d\n", ret);

   ret = rt_mutex_create (&__po_hi_gqueues_mutexes[id], NULL);

   if (ret != 0)
      __PO_HI_DEBUG_CRITICAL ("[GQUEUE] Cannot create mutex code=%d\n", ret);

   ret = rt_cond_create (&__po_hi_gqueues_conds[id], NULL);

   if (ret != 0)
      __PO_HI_DEBUG_CRITICAL ("[GQUEUE] Cannot create cond code=%d\n", ret);

#ifdef _WIN32
   __po_hi_gqueues_events[id] = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);

   if (__po_hi_gqueues_events[id] == NULL)
      __PO_HI_DEBUG_CRITICAL ("CreateEvent failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());

  InitializeCriticalSection (&__po_hi_gqueues_cs[id]);

   off = 0;

   for (tmp=0;tmp<nb_ports;tmp++)
      __po_hi_gqueues_used_size[id][tmp] = 0;

      if ( (sizes[tmp] != __PO_HI_GQUEUE_FIFO_INDATA)
            && (sizes[tmp] != __PO_HI_GQUEUE_FIFO_OUT))
         off += __po_hi_gqueues_sizes[id][tmp];
         __po_hi_gqueues_offsets[id][tmp] = 0;
         __po_hi_gqueues_woffsets[id][tmp] = 0;
         __po_hi_gqueues_port_is_empty[id][tmp] = 1;

      /* Set invalid all recent values */
      request = (__po_hi_request_t*)&__po_hi_gqueues_most_recent_values[id][tmp];
      request->port = __PO_HI_GQUEUE_INVALID_PORT;

#ifdef __PO_HI_DEBUG
   __DEBUGMSG("Initialize global queue for task-id %d ... ", id);
   for (tmp=0;tmp<nb_ports;tmp++)
      __DEBUGMSG("port %d (used_size=%d,first=%d) ",
   __DEBUGMSG(" ... done\n");
Ejemplo n.º 6
int __po_hi_initialize_early ()

#if defined (XENO_POSIX) || defined (XENO_NATIVE)
    * Once initialization has been done, we avoid ALL
    * potential paging operations that can introduce
    * some indeterministic timing behavior.

   #include <sys/mman.h>

#if defined (XENO_NATIVE)
   main_task_id = rt_task_self ();

    * If we are using the XENO_NATIVE skin, we need
    * to differentiate the main task (that is non real-time)
    * from the others since the main task cannot use
    * the services and operates on resources of real-time tasks.
    * In addition, we decrement the amount of tasks to
    * initialize since the main task does not wait
    * for the initialization of the other tasks.

#if defined (POSIX) || defined (RTEMS_POSIX) || defined (XENO_POSIX)
   pthread_mutexattr_t mutex_attr;
   if (pthread_mutexattr_init (&mutex_attr) != 0)
      __DEBUGMSG ("[MAIN] Unable to init mutex attributes\n");

   if (pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling (&mutex_attr, 50) != 0)
      __DEBUGMSG ("[MAIN] Unable to set priority ceiling on mutex\n");

   if (pthread_mutex_init (&mutex_init, &mutex_attr) != 0 )
      __DEBUGMSG ("[MAIN] Unable to init pthread_mutex\n");
      return (__PO_HI_ERROR_PTHREAD_MUTEX);

  __DEBUGMSG ("[MAIN] Have %d tasks to init\n", __po_hi_nb_tasks_to_init);

  if (pthread_cond_init (&cond_init, NULL) != 0)
     return (__PO_HI_ERROR_PTHREAD_COND);

#if defined (XENO_NATIVE)
   if (rt_cond_create (&cond_init, NULL))
      __DEBUGMSG ("[MAIN] Unable to init the initialization condition variable \n");
      return (__PO_HI_ERROR_PTHREAD_MUTEX);

  if (rt_mutex_create (&mutex_init, NULL) != 0)
      __DEBUGMSG ("[MAIN] Unable to init the initialization mutex variable \n");
     return (__PO_HI_ERROR_PTHREAD_COND);

#if defined (RTEMS_POSIX) || defined (__PO_HI_RTEMS_CLASSIC_API)
  rtems_status_code ret;
  rtems_time_of_day time;

  time.year   = 1988;
  time.month  = 12;
  time.day    = 31;
  time.hour   = 9;
  time.minute = 1;
  time.second = 10;
  time.ticks  = 0;

  ret = rtems_clock_set( &time );
  if (ret != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)
     __DEBUGMSG ("[MAIN] Cannot set the clock\n");
     return __PO_HI_ERROR_CLOCK;

  __DEBUGMSG ("[MAIN] Create a barrier that wait for %d tasks\n", __po_hi_nb_tasks_to_init);

  ret = rtems_barrier_create (rtems_build_name ('B', 'A', 'R', 'M'), RTEMS_BARRIER_AUTOMATIC_RELEASE, __po_hi_nb_tasks_to_init, &__po_hi_main_initialization_barrier);
  if (ret != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)
     __DEBUGMSG ("[MAIN] Cannot create the main barrier, return code=%d\n", ret);

#ifdef _WIN32
   __po_hi_main_initialization_event = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
   InitializeCriticalSection (&__po_hi_main_initialization_critical_section);

  __po_hi_initialize_tasking ();

  /* Initialize protected objects */

  __po_hi_monitor_init ();

   return (__PO_HI_SUCCESS);