Ejemplo n.º 1
 * This function will initialize a thread, normally it's used to initialize a
 * static thread object.
 * @param thread the static thread object
 * @param name the name of thread, which shall be unique
 * @param entry the entry function of thread
 * @param parameter the parameter of thread enter function
 * @param stack_start the start address of thread stack
 * @param stack_size the size of thread stack
 * @param priority the priority of thread
 * @param tick the time slice if there are same priority thread
 * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on OK, -RT_ERROR on error
rt_err_t rt_thread_init(struct rt_thread *thread,
                        const char       *name,
                        void (*entry)(void *parameter),
                        void             *parameter,
                        void             *stack_start,
                        rt_uint32_t       stack_size,
                        rt_uint8_t        priority,
                        rt_uint32_t       tick)
    /* thread check */
    RT_ASSERT(thread != RT_NULL);
    RT_ASSERT(stack_start != RT_NULL);

    /* init thread object */
    rt_object_init((rt_object_t)thread, RT_Object_Class_Thread, name);

    return _rt_thread_init(thread,
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * This function will initialize a timer, normally this function is used to initialize
 * a static timer object.
 * @param timer the static timer object
 * @param name the name of timer
 * @param timeout the timeout function
 * @param parameter the parameter of timeout function
 * @param time the tick of timer
 * @param flag the flag of timer
void rt_timer_init(rt_timer_t timer,
				   const char *name,
				   void (*timeout)(void *parameter), void *parameter,
				   rt_tick_t time, rt_uint8_t flag)
	/* timer check */
	RT_ASSERT(timer != RT_NULL);

	/* timer object initialization */
	rt_object_init((rt_object_t)timer, RT_Object_Class_Timer, name);

	_rt_timer_init(timer, timeout, parameter, time, flag);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * This function registers a device driver with specified name.
 * @param dev the pointer of device driver structure
 * @param name the device driver's name
 * @param flags the flag of device
 * @return the error code, RT_EOK on initialization successfully.
rt_err_t rt_device_register(rt_device_t dev,
                            const char *name,
                            rt_uint16_t flags)
    if (dev == RT_NULL)
        return -RT_ERROR;

    if (rt_device_find(name) != RT_NULL)
        return -RT_ERROR;

    rt_object_init(&(dev->parent), RT_Object_Class_Device, name);
    dev->flag = flags;
    dev->ref_count = 0;
    dev->open_flag = 0;

    return RT_EOK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * This function will initialize a memory pool object, normally which is used
 * for static object.
 * @param mp the memory pool object
 * @param name the name of memory pool
 * @param start the star address of memory pool
 * @param size the total size of memory pool
 * @param block_size the size for each block
 * @return RT_EOK
rt_err_t rt_mp_init(struct rt_mempool *mp,
                    const char        *name,
                    void              *start,
                    rt_size_t          size,
                    rt_size_t          block_size)
    rt_uint8_t *block_ptr;
    register rt_base_t offset;

    /* parameter check */
    RT_ASSERT(mp != RT_NULL);

    /* initialize object */
    rt_object_init(&(mp->parent), RT_Object_Class_MemPool, name);

    /* initialize memory pool */
    mp->start_address = start;
    mp->size = RT_ALIGN_DOWN(size, RT_ALIGN_SIZE);

    /* align the block size */
    block_size = RT_ALIGN(block_size, RT_ALIGN_SIZE);
    mp->block_size = block_size;

    /* align to align size byte */
    mp->block_total_count = mp->size / (mp->block_size + sizeof(rt_uint8_t *));
    mp->block_free_count  = mp->block_total_count;

    /* initialize suspended thread list */
    mp->suspend_thread_count = 0;

    /* initialize free block list */
    block_ptr = (rt_uint8_t *)mp->start_address;
    for (offset = 0; offset < mp->block_total_count; offset ++)
        *(rt_uint8_t **)(block_ptr + offset * (block_size + sizeof(rt_uint8_t *))) =
            (rt_uint8_t *)(block_ptr + (offset + 1) * (block_size + sizeof(rt_uint8_t *)));

    *(rt_uint8_t **)(block_ptr + (offset - 1) * (block_size + sizeof(rt_uint8_t *))) =

    mp->block_list = block_ptr;

    return RT_EOK;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * This function will initialize a semaphore and put it under control of resource
 * management.
 * @param sem the semaphore object
 * @param name the name of semaphore
 * @param value the init value of semaphore
 * @param flag the flag of semaphore
 * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on successful
rt_err_t rt_sem_init (rt_sem_t sem, const char* name, rt_uint32_t value, rt_uint8_t flag)

	/* init object */
	rt_object_init(&(sem->parent.parent), RT_Object_Class_Semaphore, name);

	/* init ipc object */

	/* set init value */
	sem->value	= value;

	/* set parent */
	sem->parent.parent.flag = flag;

	return RT_EOK;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * This function will initialize a mutex and put it under control of resource
 * management.
 * @param mutex the mutex object
 * @param name the name of mutex
 * @param flag the flag of mutex
 * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on successful
rt_err_t rt_mutex_init (rt_mutex_t mutex, const char* name, rt_uint8_t flag)
	RT_ASSERT(mutex != RT_NULL);

	/* init object */
	rt_object_init(&(mutex->parent.parent), RT_Object_Class_Mutex, name);

	/* init ipc object */

	mutex->value = 1;
	mutex->owner = RT_NULL;
	mutex->original_priority = 0xFF;
	mutex->hold  = 0;

	/* set flag */
	mutex->parent.parent.flag = flag;

	return RT_EOK;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void rt_create(void)




Ejemplo n.º 8
 * The initialized memory pool will be:
 * +-----------------------------------+--------------------------+
 * | whole freed memory block          | Used Memory Block Tailer |
 * +-----------------------------------+--------------------------+
 * block_list --> whole freed memory block
 * The length of Used Memory Block Tailer is 0,
 * which is prevents block merging across list
rt_err_t rt_memheap_init(struct rt_memheap *memheap,
                         const char        *name,
                         void              *start_addr,
                         rt_uint32_t        size)
    struct rt_memheap_item *item;

    RT_ASSERT(memheap != RT_NULL);

    /* initialize pool object */
    rt_object_init(&(memheap->parent), RT_Object_Class_MemHeap, name);

    memheap->start_addr     = start_addr;
    memheap->pool_size      = RT_ALIGN_DOWN(size, RT_ALIGN_SIZE);
    memheap->available_size = memheap->pool_size - (2 * RT_MEMHEAP_SIZE);
    memheap->max_used_size  = memheap->pool_size - memheap->available_size;

    /* initialize the free list header */
    item            = &(memheap->free_header);
    item->magic     = RT_MEMHEAP_MAGIC;
    item->pool_ptr  = memheap;
    item->next      = RT_NULL;
    item->prev      = RT_NULL;
    item->next_free = item;
    item->prev_free = item;

    /* set the free list to free list header */
    memheap->free_list = item;

    /* initialize the first big memory block */
    item            = (struct rt_memheap_item *)start_addr;
    item->magic     = RT_MEMHEAP_MAGIC;
    item->pool_ptr  = memheap;
    item->next      = RT_NULL;
    item->prev      = RT_NULL;
    item->next_free = item;
    item->prev_free = item;

    item->next = (struct rt_memheap_item *)
        ((rt_uint8_t *)item + memheap->available_size + RT_MEMHEAP_SIZE);
    item->prev = item->next;

    /* block list header */
    memheap->block_list = item;

    /* place the big memory block to free list */
    item->next_free = memheap->free_list->next_free;
    item->prev_free = memheap->free_list;
    memheap->free_list->next_free->prev_free = item;
    memheap->free_list->next_free            = item;

    /* move to the end of memory pool to build a small tailer block,
     * which prevents block merging
    item = item->next;
    /* it's a used memory block */
    item->magic     = RT_MEMHEAP_MAGIC | RT_MEMHEAP_USED;
    item->pool_ptr  = memheap;
    item->next      = (struct rt_memheap_item *)start_addr;
    item->prev      = (struct rt_memheap_item *)start_addr;
    /* not in free list */
    item->next_free = item->prev_free = RT_NULL;

    /* initialize semaphore lock */
    rt_sem_init(&(memheap->lock), name, 1, RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO);

                 ("memory heap: start addr 0x%08x, size %d, free list header 0x%08x\n",
                  start_addr, size, &(memheap->free_header)));

    return RT_EOK;