Ejemplo n.º 1
struct rudp *rudpMustOpen()
/* Open up unbound rudp.  Warn and die if there is a problem. */
struct rudp *ru = rudpOpen();
if (ru == NULL)
return ru;
Ejemplo n.º 2
struct rudp *rudpOpenBound(struct sockaddr_in *sai)
/* Open up a rudp socket bound to a particular port and address.
 * Use this rather than rudpOpen if you want to wait for
 * messages at a specific address in a server or the like. */
struct rudp *ru = rudpOpen();
if (ru != NULL)
    if (bind(ru->socket, (struct sockaddr *)sai, sizeof(*sai)) < 0)
	warn("Couldn't bind rudp socket: %s", strerror(errno));
return ru;
void execProc(char *managingHost, char *jobIdString, char *reserved,
	char *user, char *dir, char *in, char *out, char *err, long long memLimit,
	char *exe, char **params)
/* This routine is the child process of doExec.
 * It spawns a grandchild that actually does the
 * work and waits on it.  It sends message to the
 * main message loop here when done. */
if ((grandChildId = forkOrDie()) == 0)
    char *homeDir = "";

    /* Change to given user (if root) */
    changeUid(user, &homeDir);

    /* create output files just after becoming user so that errors in the rest
     * of this proc will go to the err file and be available via para
     * problems */
    setupProcStdio(in, out, err);

    if (chdir(dir) < 0)
        errnoAbort("can't chdir to %s", dir);
    // setpgid(0,0);

    struct rlimit rlim;
    rlim.rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_max = memLimit;
    if(setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim) < 0)

    /* Update environment. */
	struct hash *hash = environToHash(environ);
	hashUpdate(hash, "JOB_ID", jobIdString);
	hashUpdate(hash, "USER", user);
	hashUpdate(hash, "HOME", homeDir);
	hashUpdate(hash, "HOST", hostName);
	hashUpdate(hash, "PARASOL", "7");
	updatePath(hash, userPath, homeDir, sysPath);
	environ = hashToEnviron(hash);

    randomSleep();	/* Sleep a random bit before executing this thing
                         * to help spread out i/o when a big batch of jobs
			 * hit idle cluster */
    execvp(exe, params);
    errnoAbort("execvp'ing %s", exe);
    /* Wait on executed job and send jobID and status back to 
     * main process. */
    int status = -1;
    int cid;
    struct paraMessage pm;
    struct rudp *ru = NULL;
    struct tms tms;
    unsigned long uTime = 0;
    unsigned long sTime = 0;

    if (grandChildId >= 0)
	signal(SIGTERM, termHandler);
	cid = waitpid(grandChildId, &status, 0);
        if (cid < 0)
            errnoAbort("wait on grandchild failed");
	uTime = ticksToHundreths*tms.tms_cutime;
	sTime = ticksToHundreths*tms.tms_cstime;
    ru = rudpOpen();
    if (ru != NULL)
	ru->maxRetries = 20;
	pmInit(&pm, localIp, paraNodePort);
	pmPrintf(&pm, "jobDone %s %s %d %lu %lu", managingHost, 
	    jobIdString, status, uTime, sTime);
	pmSend(&pm, ru);